The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 25, 1912, Image 1

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    1 1
w" illHIl lg rill I ni H I ill .Ml VII" I
llii jf lirtjon, uti American, time-
' " L ... I 1 ..... , II..
IhtHuw Kuyt.i rvit k. an Aus
Irain. ha itiir an alius of Mike
Miller, filtered a car on the l II
.. .. Uutator l.nlrrt lrl-
mart. TkW
Ikii'iMT. ami two Austrian, lie
I pulled a long revolver ami told
I them to hold ui their hands.
Iteing a li'tle slow to obey he
111 . I... - I '..4 tl...
iWTim ,DC i"-' :rmpK of the oiu. of tin- Auh-
tnans, causing a scalp wound.
I'Iih uther Aunt ruin trratiiiled
ith the roliUr, ami tin' thre
foil out of the car. during th
I nlortunatc Man Taken U Aty
luin tjikt Sunday livening
SkMl Ma Ytar
Sherman Rhodes, of Ueedville,
wan in the city r rvlay evening.
J 1 liarnirrover. of beyond
Varley, was in the city Saturday.
Ji Zimmerman, of Itoseland
Farm, was in town Saturday af
ternoon. J II. Hanse. of .South Tualatin.
was in town Friday, and called
on the Argus.
I . f . 1 4 ....... . ..- . . . r
Ump lrjlc." by Name ol Wli.morc, ly-inM wuun. iwa.. U.,. oi mai taoc. Miaroay etc-
. i -.-.Five Dava lor Stm Trial
' -
; ' '
Mrs. Jancy McE. Ualbreath Found
Quilty as Indicted
The Quality Drag Store
nt riu'L'li I lit ri-ifil vi-r lu-ihir
it IV llarne. uierintendent f charged. The robber ran. hut
" . . i 1 1 .... i . i .. i. .. i... i ..
V'lll IOll.i.t uuviviivi " '
II n ... . H,.
I .11111. VtiK. UWUIIlJf ocow vi..-, l .. . ... .,
U M. Whitmore, aged 52 years. Saturday attemoon. uilty 83 cnargea was tne er
' . . . .... , J. ,i. f.mmler of the iUaverton lie- i .i ,i i. .!.-. f J. diet in Mate vs. airs. uaiDream
tlitUIafirU imiMlv P mi'i wp iiHi mi inrur t mvi- --------- . uj iu, iiiorc ii. -' I t . , . , .
i .t v I ty.rtir unn ml iiiilL't-d insani thel ....' fkniataa iip nntViinir. I r naay and aaturuay in circuit
h- fr many ......... AM.I.irat.'. who ilafl I f,rut ,f th vn--k. and )r. VY. I). I (let them at The Delta. court were consumed in the fa-
that ttion. hw kim jn ln, rtninly jail. Ai-ple- W(M)(, a,lvis,l(1 that he sent to Martin Iiernarda. of Vcrboort. mous Tualatin case of the State
tmf..ri.ommatUn in I re r " Uate t..k fnm. hm --r,n a huyv , , s , Whitmore was in the city, calling on friends of Oregon versus Mrs. Janev
lican Ionian lor we wm wUvrr. rr.m iaM-n on .i'H v.. YrW nml I and transactinir business, Friday. McEL Galbreath. chanred with
. I ........ ....I.. i.. I. .1.1 I . u.s. .n It u.nn liiunil llin? Iu l II 1 '- o imuit .-i ' " I I - -
The place where you are always sure of
drugs of absolute purity and Highest
Quality, prepared by competent pharma
cists who take pride in the accuracy of
their work
411 i I. . L'.l...l
Hi la.N-rt wrre iii-i iu rui
mominir. and it U nticitrd
that he will make aienuui rarr
in the county.
Mr narnmU a irraduate o a
Normal back In Nebraska
1 . . - a a. v
t.i,i,.n PatSn f Aatnria wu oomtinK a nreani. on auitusi a,
.... . I !. il. ,.,,.,.1, Uonnirl.t mart ontkprvitnr I has I antPfl I
uu4 a iirsi ruins iiriniiT. ouiioul me loni. vi nic i
has an aTid-nt Mlicy. and that owit , to nirt al)it 0f con( the (Jalbreath case, from Tuala- amj seVeral workmen who were
he jrive his ucrufation us a bar- . . , , linil;t;lin has lin- removintt-or attempting to re-1
t,Mul.-r. with an address at it .N. I , ', . i..h Freti nureer. of Lnvo-. fence in front of the
-d Mreet, I oriiun.i. ...IMhanv. were in town Satur- riv.K Aa In
years, ana mis prouamy na.i , . t . rk.g of.
I it i a iiim rn r t i nninTiM m p i
memU r of the Steamlat Men's came to Otck'on eisht years ao.
il'nion of California, and that he jje W4LH tt first cass printer, but
i ... :.. it.. .......... ii
nan an on un iu m, ani mui
he irive his occupation us a bar-
Candies and
t t . : I .i . 7 il...
ii. Normal Itaca in ihuiw. j, j. rannn, nrenmeni i inr . , .... . i luujr,
" . N" :L v...n, that Confederated Onion Cruwcr. of much todo with h.s mental weak- fi '
ami iiunnic i , ... c....,u . -,..ri VI,iim.,r ha Uen mar- ..
bad control oi inr wrvKn "n i -
i h JS l tratily bitt up the a. and found that the ned and has a son somewhere
il and ;tandinir r th- onion market was ".tromt" over Some months aw he founded
ibiwand luJay there is no that way. with but few .hip- the lU-averfm Ke,K,rtor but
rurrir I.JMI , 3. -u ;uw . j . , , w h not make a success of the
ci uaior in ;". i 1 !,.., ; ,,... i.n.i linallv aiWIM-ndwl DUO-
l-it.-r rvnutalion as an in- ii.ian ui umiu . ' ' -
Mr lUrne has his home in
.l!. ...... ...l hi wife, a dauch-
i.., ..f ihi. late K. It. Usrren.
U a graduate of I'auilk Univer-
dv. ..
the Yakima district. According
lv the asMcMiatiott otlicers met
and plael the market at $2 t
sack. The crop in this county
was excellent in yield and qual
ities are not up to the usual
standard. Two dollars jht sack,
however, is a pretty & price.
little villaee of Tualatin. Mrs.
mi iri'it i ii ii aia cici Liru a i aiii
in not rorgei w a. th8C0Unty claimed vasa
Schiller when you want a Rood but w on m
CrToT; "V ty. Casteel, as supervisor, was
in the Schiller. i11 I j j ..l. .i..
Henry Iloltz. ex-police officer Sheriff Hancock went to Tuala-
and there an pnwtt tsof higher down fwm Salem Sunday even
" ... . I .... I .....I t L .i tin ftt it
valui inside on 30 days.
Why ay ten dollars for a map
Dutf licms due the city of IWU
i . I iti vr lUl'i. bl now
j..- k.,.1 imvalJe. either to the Uhu h men ly shows Washington
und. rsikcn.Hl, or to the City Ue- (mnty, when you can ketone on
.,r Una le naitl by Feb. U hirwer scale, showmu every
15 or dnO wi'l " unonoeu.
' C. Itlaser. Chief of Police.
IlillnUmH lre.. Jan. ', It'll.
Ue KniithU f I'ythias and
I'ythian Sisters held Jnt public
thinit from the Willamette Kiver
west, to the w-st Utundary of
ih.. iiinnlv. ie ;lli( Htclies.
for IT.rii. or a K ket size. Zlx.
inches, for ft!""? " t ll(,r )oU.r
UiokSt'ller. or address i.
W'ilk-s & Son. Oregon.
li. ation. to bo Uiken uo later by of the Tortland force, now iivinK tin. Auir. 29, to see that the
Chin. Krv. Whitmoro faik-d in near Oak Park, was over io me peace was kept while the ot
Bobt Robinson, of Farminrton. He went into the galbreath home
was in town Saturday. Robt. to see that no untoward demon
has one of the rich bottom land stration was made while the
ranches of his section. workmen were busy reducing
the fence to a vacuum. While
nt nnrpl. I U tnllrlnn u-UVi Mm Hoi.
Thursday, to accept 12 or 13 breath, according to his testimo
acresof grubbing, just completed ny ghe excused herself and left
by Jack Robinson and brother, the room. Hearing a shot a
. . toWp short time later the official ran
For sale or raJe Jwe ve
acres. 2J miles southeast of Hills- . . . , . .
h...-iltli ami was at tne
lior farm alsmt five days before
a complaint was sworn against
him. He has lost his jtowurs of
I liHixnotion.
tluanl Harrington came
The Delta Drug Store
ink', and conveywi me unioriu-
nate man to the asylum.
Whitmore was a good work
nun, and was at one time on the
Oregon Journal, and also worked
a few' days on the Oregonian.
He said that he was in the habit
of drinking from one pint to one
loro: also a house and 24 acres
nt MrMinnville. Will Sell at a
nnville. Will sell ai a . m .(Mr,-
r. largain. or trade for Hillsboro 1"" "i7k
ing her if she had shot he swears
uri of whiskv u'r day for "a1"' or irauf IU ni,,8UW found the gun, with one car-
' ean-S-nTe h5 the fnTObOr tridge empt?. Mrs. Galbreath
money to buy. He was possess- r. Uunsen. iiiiisDoro. ure. WM over t0 the grand
e. of a fair education, and claim- Architect Gauntt hassubmitted jury, which indicted her in De-
Uh'ii in
The Oreiron F.liH'trie is exten.l-
EX U. n .1 IVhV iuiU't ing its track up the street from
. V. . ..-..k.wir ;i i.r....nt . enot site, at forest
1,1 .. ..i iL...loi.n C. C.mve. and it is stated
I'arker. and F. J. Sewell and new de.t w.l U-
wife. furnisUMl the music, and the business JwtrieU
ua.iimr v..r und hWtril Will Kin
Dllicers ior . " ,' -. - ,. , 4,r....t es BJ4 follOWS: IV. Olieacii, U . , . . I e.lVI iniu- ...,-.-,---.--. . ...
P fV' I I chancellor cepl that the .Southern had to LJ,,,,,,, ttith education in the Ven,ence
. . ... - .... 1 .14 f . 1 4 44. . I .
i : . . : . n..nt ihnii. i. . r tha nmnneMi romher I sieei. Asa itiacK.
in. lH'iore ins vuiiiioimiv "MarouK" v'"r" iry-' " ,,, W j
he had tuU rculosis. and nan mirt house improvement, lie wm. luy, wa ier mompson aim
Arizona for his health, proposes building to the rear, in pam uamreain were wunesses
.l. f Kuilnnir a at I IntmiiiieMl DV me Slate, liai-
.lie Biii)c ui a in-""1" . ---- - -- -
and west, and so construct it breath is the defendant s hu3-
that when the county wishes it band, but knew nothing of the
. 1 l U. el.-l.ta Aitanlarml (isba
Can IIUSC III HW) oiucai ui siu.jiv Wv, ... ...
on.i oi in hftvn ths buildinir mod- After the verdict of guilty was
iX'Vrinv ... i ' i- ul i ii r?i,nff thinWaHava n uhirh tn anneal for anew
iff I . VJO.ll l . w . MX t. ...... r r
1 . a i A. -1 : -
that a There are distinct uis-
cliser to Jh t.IUS, of the eye. No oth
The S. 1. t.r 0Plran of the human Isxly has
n...v . u, j many. ii, iav
1 IV. T. Heme , cnanceuor ce y mv - - umi.i.. ; .c- j.iii. k trial TV inrv trv nor the case
John lioeker. ireiaie-.AUK"M "".' . ... -tnua . fm w nnn to K15.0UU. of an hour or two. ine men
W mast of workiJ.C. A-MannL diseases. ii m.. . 1 -- - - . uu tried the case were: JT
Hegaie. kwr of reoonls and Se.r dishes for foreman; Chas. Schom
Sewell. master in ers. wnen ) . . ' ' " .i. ... nl. District, n, oeiow rarnu ik-. hure . Lcander unowning. Jaspei
Viee-PrnMcat Caahitr
E. Ferrin, Aaal Caahitr
Forest Grove
ct..mnni nt CnnHiHnn on Tupsdiv. December 5. 1911.
Capital and Surplus 0500O0
.... -m M AAA An
f l s!.....ll mn-ter of II- When votl CXImmui annmoiy .i v ri t
Bt'lll . I . J . VHa"""'-" " " ' I - " l t il arnr riiUUI. aai.viw - w ' '
i. vv 11 WmhI. master iik us vou iret a line dining glasses wnen iney ' V. ' I in town Saturday. His
" "V. V.. "i. -.. ...-. r."" .,f ii-..- Cull for ml as is often done, n your eye --7;- K uftllB
ni aveinuii hp' p. n . niiHiiv. iiim 1 n Mil 11 1. i -
Urut arms: I.. W. House, insi.le cnnM an
guard; F.. U IVrkins, witsule yourintrv
burg, Lcander Chowning, Jasper
Tn - $263,631.07
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bonds 67,160.00
Banking House 18,500.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 102,025.23
Undivided Profits
neaervs a
r OeaaS.
tk. n Tadd Joha E. BUr J-
Wilb.r W. Mctiaown.y J. A. Thormbr
guard; J. M. Wall, trustee.
Ceo. Schulmerich acted as in
stalling olbcer for the Knights.
The I'ythian Sister otneera
Klinor W ilkin. 1'. C: Mrs. K. L
M,M,re. M. K. C..: Mrs. L Kush.
K. S.; Mrs. John lUx-ker. LJ.;
Mrs. Win. Nelson. M.; Kmma
Mi Kinney. M. of It I Susie
Morgan. M. of Mm. Max
('riniiiuii ivmiiTtor: Mrs. Jas,
Milt..tilu.r.r..r ironni. Mrs. W.
you k'v ui.- . ..... .f. KKv.v.7 . ifvolirve was in town oaiuruay. ma Keeves, J i croeni, t ranxun
,.t of dishes. Cull for ed. as w often d one. f .our eye trict ha3 a new 8choi1 house, and goSy, Robt McCracken. Jos
ml have the amount of trouble is not amci ab w opu j and modern appar. fo'JgJJJJU Milton Cole. J E
chases punched each time cu) treatmen he w 11 tell so. p m g y Kamnaand W H
y. When you buy that Keim-mU'r, physic A not phjsics. & Waterbury heater and the L d
amount you gii - -..V l" ' " VtU 2. Forest waCKOoara 8ervic ..u u.c
you have a dandy imme am. ... mn , nj. - wssh- P5V "A?..,? S "J PUBLIC SALE
et. f.mmou in v.. ... - all tne out-y.uK , u""- e
A. A. Mead, of "any old place. "".. . J.",1? n." 5?r ru. m .11 at nub- &
. . n:n..i.-. than anv- V. W. liosteiier, ui uson ana J. 1. icoiu. au iUcuiw. rfi'i
X "X Vc bin;,! it w,H'k who' with his. wife and . fn. y. clerk is Geo. Jack. He sale aV tne reeu
f.n a trip down to the Sacra- are in t he t asUUMt 1 rr. ..- rf of. atao.e o,. 1 - "TSb
" . . " . . a 1 e ii.i in. . 1. . riKT 1 11 1 1 it- v v. n. ivi 1 " - . . . iaii.ii am, a n:ui - 1 .
mento Valley. 1: ainormu. ... ,o ,v - thov ' are fieiai8 were sworn in last Fnday -nn i
uiiii ihinks that Oregon oiiem rargo, a., ..-. - 1 fJ s A en a3 r 1V TiVT i.4
... ik.4 fnrnier. the SlH.TUI.l- VISIUIIK wiay. v ""-. , 1
more i i". - , .- f ..i .,. . ... . o lanintrt. i a .. ana mayor
ue k wi" 1 i i.,
vy W W
Mr. Farmer
I . . .k.4 rnrnuip the SIHHUI.I" I VISlUM. IIHIIIV. J v . ' I in L Kuan Ol OftlWlwn.l ...... rr
more. V V... f : uJ baiking for U ill beat San Jacinto, Cal., ana mayor r. - 'dairy cows, four of &
& . as 1 I . tan - .1. a I. h rt.ia flk T avail 1111 VK. I I rSIUVII fj v ' ' - . . fc. fAn H I .r
N. HarretL assisliHl iy wrs. j. ,h,; place." than any omer rrom nm 'V ",;. vears He was born h Craw- them just ires... mree
W.CsHlinandMrs. Gea SchuL l ht, 0r any coast they Murn to o dlvnMe. W. ears f as dotj about f s all heavy &
merich. were the installing corps. Xl.j. W. writes that, his sectwn of a-. f tears milkers and have good test; three O
Miss Ueth Crandall wMaldtw t n w r .au.s that nr0 Ohio has U;en giving them 30 fJXr officials for the year head of horses-bay mare 5 A
of Mowers, and flower bearers m I vh make Mow zero temperature for some ine erpu,r,t j M years, 1500; gray mare. 1400; bay m
ii nSes Hare. Helen Con- ft" weeks, and he wants to hit for are. W. F. JJ J,lt 2 years 1200. Terms-one W
Ml. Marmt Ung and Marjo- try V' mic made. Aery the warmer climate. n "councilmen; Marian Mark- year's t me bankab e note, at 8 M
rie Anderson. . Lfttle or packaito is a "prize" in K. K. Yarnell. the Timber ho- order, and Kobt Wirtz. per cent Two per cent dis- W
After the ceremonies a sphm- jdtj juwk t0Btify.-j. J man, WM in town Monday The city contemplates count fbi jcash at sale ffl
did cafeteria luncheon was 'ts J' ' .i e Catkins Hemwly p.orning, enroute home from a more paving this Summer. , n Cru'r s r"e ' k
,,,, , e.ri on. "JSifi.W - EUtrin to Portland. I U ' tells J. Kuratl,,
l&Mlfklil I
MISS jaw s Kii.i.ri)
rtH more paving this Summer.
Forest Gwve. and his team is al
ways on the road. Umm as stwn as - ,h7 'rol its ball of
i ;i viimiifiv i ii rs. luioin ...... j---- ... ....... loaf
From in irsuay . fn,, nn extended visit witn ner mstory. r uy yea" k 0f0.i rwh Stal
l otiuaa .14.1,1.1 evil --., . ... i
,i loom hinn winanr. Finely built and
wmaim- w iv -- (olt. G-ntle tract.
-ill . vr . i fViorA im.wciu miuvm, r,,. ti,.,t n
mi 11 .i.AMir nun vt'i. lhviv
From Tlnirsday. until Sunday .jarn history. "Fifty 'year
evening this section of Oregon fron J1 week people skated
enjoyed beautiful weather, there rtiau Willamette River,
fflni more sunshine . hanj dark c i, - ta.tjt d
Build up your Country.
Buy some Stumping Powder.
Clean ouMhe Stumps.
We can supply your needs in the stamp
ing powder line, as we now buy in car
load lots; Therefore can fill your orders
at the right price. So call around and
see us.
Yours for a deal
Ro well Bros. & Co.
Phone Priv. Ex. No. 2
. " I I.....L m i he dun and .i;clr ,.ta which have lugnways
Thmuandsof head of cattle able. Will sell for cash and
Miss Mary James, aged 71, was
struck by an Oregon Klectriccar.
Sunday, at noon, on Second
Z ...r.u un,vris i-'r- have a year, oaca ." . p " nml bu.Tiry can pensneu i w r. " ; un Roee. Hillsboro. Or..
wunui .ui minutes. wiin ""vimistw oast, vnai wi Jui,." iwnere r . iwn in and many an opuieni sw ""
hh h. fmm church "" I;- v....r " "humn" right along. . Oown in " Drediction Route 5. Residence near Farm-
ami king deaf, did not hear the ,,R ' , . t0 12 Andy cckman;.rinSeads of a hard Winter for 1912 seems ington.
i t .iw. . 4i, lie was I I saw cordwooi . ihi"h . i.-hnoon's district, the roaas ... t f kpd with
;i ' "Vm to inches in diameter, vm : ' ' ' j i OPctty fair for even lstweek. t,, Mollis was down from
""IH lib B UTOI VI - 1" . . , r ll KinilS. llll- ' I WHIIII) DU..t..."J J - - - viiuAv .--
oiifht miles an hour, and although and Umrds oi an . hauling. and frosts hardly sufficient to Forest Grove, Monday.
he put on the air and brakes the stovewwKiKng.. i Vj ,. ton Grange No. 313, form jce. j o. Miller, of the Arcade
car could not be toM. .lS9;,oeTtos. The Williams Jubilee Singers District, was in the city Mon
after Mww James was struck, call on Oregon. Lent little sum at the recent bas- ine rtUf,.Mt last dav afternoon.
H"""', kaa (intprtninins say tnaw no w"-" aav witn ner f ?
Phone Priv. Ex. No. 2 T
;ivo irrances of the coun- Friday evening, aim o. Miss Maua namei peni, ou..-
isiye grants wi" .. . nponle ever visited ...uu Uar nnrpntj. Mr. and
' . 1" I . ..mill nn IMlLCILttl IIUKIMJ w " " " ( I UHJ i . . .
whor., ' rriZViVlc nlaceis """"in the city Saturday. 1 ty 8!ul 8 ' the city in the capacity oi en-1 Mrg pred namel, at West union.
cause of death. The crossinK and Herman ltam nSv
....m in me viiy vv:." x i - . . . - :u "" ,w"
but a liiiH-k distant from the de- aememhersof theWasn- 80. tertainersano . . ,ohn Cawr8e. of North
not Miuu Koan.Hi.led n rrr,.untv Horsemen ..-1 nrry "rr." , . a-wpek. tnem in town
I 'i iiia wnuiva viana
' roHt drove for about
Mann, of Cornelius, was
Ha pitv Fridav evening.
attending the rythian instaua
viiuvo lur nuini. j
She hus a brother, James, re
Biding at Laidlaw, Oregon.
feeii Chopping Notice
E Ora. Hillro. Ore., uox if yon wrg.. Con. e given round after - "
th first Saturday in liftCe miles north of Nrth eye "fe Jfef Washington, nd of applause. One youn ft
b will run chopper Plain8. ?r?av Feb. 2. Remember day fcUow who come in ten miles to of the bhe
every Saturday gchulmerich and wife vis- JJ&e hear them, said: H was mud the city M
hVKrn.rv commenc- . G. "r. ,!.h Mr. and Mrs. and date. n .h wav. but we cenUinly re- the Argus
Beginning with
'eiiruury, we
Bnrl ..n-
i oner CYcrjr w-j
throiiRhout February, commenc
nnn of the oldtimers
Jt W."W -- - ,
Sherwood section, was m
Monday, and called on
by eyestrain, and there, is nothing in whicb.
delay is so dangerous as EYE TROUBLE .
When you consider that you can get along
fairly well without any sense except sight,
you will readily understand how important it
is to take no chances with it.
My business is to tell you when yon wed
glasses, and I have the proper means ol find
ing out. I correct all defects of sigtttts
cause headache.
"'K promptly
. W. H. Connell,
UUld. WM nut In
at Monday afternoon.