The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 18, 1912, Image 1

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NO. 45 ;. j
sdh scotcra
015 HI JfflBUt
Will kmrnnl"
(lf w 11 w ,x ,l,n ,l,iNI
tWf ia IVM
Allen, of Keedville. ed
Ust Thursday evening.
lrfin itini-w of seural month.
An w l'rn
.J Ohio, in 1H and
i'i .nath Swan. Iee. U.
iai In IniJ. he and hi '
the nkiin to California.
.Kr he engaged in mining un
nhen thev came to On-
settling iar R'ille,
Hboucht a trait of land from
Sunuel Jvuile. ho "oM t un
Washington County suffered
nit wry little with the storm
ami silver thaw, an rotminred
with many of the sevtiott4 of
Oregon. Thre i but slight
damage to the fruit trtvs, here
am! Inert1, ami the snow r.tme in
turn to nave any injury to the
hall sown gram. After all. liv-
intr n th mountain enclosed
basin of the Tualatin hat it
.H'lwftt. Multnomah Countv's
Ioks is estimated at a uuarter of
a million, or more.
Somclhliu Traitor and PupiW
Should Head With Inlrrot
Willapa Valley. Wash. Mr. Allen
Wm involve.! in litigation over
th title of hi. purchase, ami the
ml ws in the courts for years
Wow he finally s-oured a clear
dd to the proM-rty. which ih
now vcrv vjluatile. Me was a
money maker, ami H'nt money
freely. B'itnr succeHsful in the
noil of his venture he leaves
uUte variously e-ttimited at
letween PMKOaml llo.mN).
Eiirht chili ren were urn to
the union, four of whom survive:
hue A. Allen. California; J as.
Scott Allen, north of Reetlville;
Mrs. Km ma I'.. Dant. wife of r.u-
fM Uant, an.l Mrs. AmU'rsine
weisenbach. wife of J. J. m-l-
jenbach. of ll.-elville. A tei
dauirhter. Mrs. Anna A. Gibson,
llso sunives. Mrs. Allen died
m years ai'o.
In oM davs. A en was well
known all over the county, and
hcenjoyeil a xreat reputation as
I rifle Khut winnim tnanv of
the matches which were a fea
ture of iiiimi t r life lie was the
wlof integrity in his business
oeiiinioi, ami his faith in human
nature was never shaken. Rl-
though it was many times severe
ly tried.
The funcr:il ti.l iil.-ice Satur
day, at 'J:.'M. from the Reedville
church, and interment was in thf
West L' nion cemetery.
Jackstm ltottom. on the Tub!
tin, was a fairly c""! sired lake
by Sunday, the snows from the
mountains, w ith the warm I hin
ook rain and wind, of the last of
the week, having sent the
stn'ams Nminr. Timely w arn-
niL' to votintTiters who Imd it
iiMtrt to row aUtut the etv:ms
is now in nler. Ir the iace is
trvocherHis. and hardly a year
tasses but it claims some one,
Why ay ten dollars for a map
whit-h merelv shows Washington
County, when you can Ketone on
a larger scale, showtnir every
thintf from the illamette Kiver
west, to the west boundary of
the eountv. size !M7 inches
for 7..V. or a ucket sie. 'lX
; inches, for f'i (T IJct it f your
bmikseller. or address X, S.
Wilki-s Si Son. HiItsUn, On'on.
The Oreiron Klectrk track de-
luirtment is very much out of i
tience to note that some t iu
finely linislietl ronl U-d, near the
station in this citv. is beimr more
or less disturbed, where thesew-
er runs underneath, and has
sunk. The cement finish and
brick stick up like a tforc thumb.
and much of it w ill have toaumn
Im laid.
S4e our dishes for our custom
ers. When you exiteiui im
with us vou k.'1-t a line dinintf
- . ......
room set of dishes, i ail ior
card and have the amount of
vour tnirchases punched each turn
i .... i
you buy. When you iuy uiai
amiMint you k'ct the dishes, or
you have a dandy rame and fish
set. Kmmott llroa
W. K. Arnold, of the Warren
Construction Co., was in town
the last of the week. His com-
imnv will start work on the re-
! rpl ul Cmmii Silhtol t tri
lata Udlr)
iU-iK Ihin-ty. of (Ilencoe, was
in town Friday.
A. L lloleimik of lUthany.
was in tow n Saturday.
V. Itr I tliw tttttirian
Cwill tie in ll.llsl-oro. KeU 2.
v t: UhtMltH and Tonv Cassner
were up from Ueedvilte. Monday.
M . INI Bill! f.l. . .
aUve Mountaindale. were in the m rillM1' UST
citv Saturday. Vii-Lrv .,f PhilliiML wa I W"r Setiift Fr Famcr.
in the city Monday, and caiuni TkU Vkiaiiy
on the Annis.
To the Teacher of Oregon:
Knowing that you are willing
to coocrate in educational work
I ask you to cooitorate this year
ly encouraging all your iutils in
the growing of crops, domestic
si lence and poultry raising. Chil
dren like to do things and wil
nsponl to your encouragement
Your county may hold a fair nt
which your pupils will Im osUih
to exhibit what they raise or
make. The Itewt of these ex
hi I "its will U brought to the
state fair where liln-ral prizes
w ill ho awanUsl.
Ask your tumil how many
them wouhl like to have a Shet
land tMttt y . a thorough drel Jer
sev calf worth SlIKK a imru-hrci
pig that would take the priio at
any stock Hhow, a pure oriHl hihv
with wool s thick that they
would have to feel around to tiiu
its eves, or a goat with tbmsv
hair that reaches to the groum
or secure a line Scotch Collie
puppic, or win a money prize
that will buy just what they
w ant. AH these prizes and many
more are to lie given at the stall1
fair next Kali.
Ak if they know how to grow
potatoes, pumpkins, corn, squash
es. et cetera. Ask how many o
them like water melons or musk
melons, lhe reason so many
bovs and girls in Oregon do not
grow water melons is U-caust
they are afraid the other Nys
will steal them. If they alt grow
water melons there will U no
one to steal.
Ask them if they know how to
feed chickens. If they buy three
of above I A It Wirk and It W Kintr nsit-
was in town the! -;.,., ...,.h thn World
iasi oi me wee.
..n t. n.r u.o inw-ks or nav ing nettimrs oi eggs mm one neiun
contract Washington U-tween lor. and three hens trum another
I in ttitrh Hilt t hi twt) tOlt'th
Off. I I MI 11 1 111 I ! 1 1 I - - - ; -
Utween Washington and llase- ,.r they will probahly raise mme
t he weather nrie. winners for the fair. The
him-. v.. i ...i.i..
...itU t.. U ....!, a rhi iirell OI liregoii run inmun-
thiregg prtsiuciion in mrev yeum.
llant U IWinc InstallcJ at Tenth
& Wattling ton Streets
I The Quality Prog Store
W. W. Williams.
of Mow
visitor the
Co.. last Saturday cloned a deal
for the KhoadcM warehouse prop
erty on Tenth and Washington
Streets, and the architect has
been here thia week, arranging
for the jointure of the tw o build
ings, which will be converted in
to a factory for the turning out
of the Keepfresh products
i ..r 1-.1..W v.rm. lhe stock lot the new concern
ington, was a county seat visitor has nearly all been nutmcribei
the first of the week. by llillsboro people, and the fac
R. A. Caplewuf Aloha, was in lory marks a new epoch in in
. ... M hi.ipniHf Allan aft hliKtrv nt the muntv hvuL
K.nd for that place's new post- The two buildings on the quar-
Guy Weisenback.
teedville. was a city
last of the week.
Martin I'almateer. of Reetlville,
transacted business in the city
riday afternoon.
lWt half do It. make It Lig
gett' Chocolate or nothing.
Get them at The Delta.
The place where you are always sure of
drug. of aUsolutc purity and Highest
Ottality, prepared by competent pharma
cists who take pride in the accuracy of
their work
Candies and
Frank Jackson, of Glcncoe.
was in the citv Saturday after
noon, accompanied by his mother
ami sister.
ter block will im connected, and
the furnace rooms will lie in the
center. The site has a iwitch
running in from the Oregon
Klectric, thus giving tine shipping Tim nunt will lie
w. . - . ... -
Mwm ll.don Gntes denarted eomnleted at once, and will be
Friday evening for an extended! ready for oHration as soon as
visit w ith Mrs. Herman Siegrist. the 11)12 crop can supply the pro-
at loiGninde. duct.
Do not forget to ask for a
in tho Si-hiller. Uli . ,i..,aA,r..atUin
John Sinclair, of West Union, (,r tMriMhuble nriMluct. and has
was in the citv Saturday. John L-lven a sufficient tiroof of its
Is running the Salzgeber hop- Worth.
yard as lessee. The Hillslsiro iK'velopment
I I.. I Cl n.l ..t C.ntk IIj'nL'iie took the initiative in
u I'll ii l. . .. i .
Tualatin, was in thia city promoting me concern, ana wem
n,,,l ,1.1 nn the re. Blier ll wmi a in'K"11
t'lllUIUHI " -- - -
The Delta Drug Store
luL'tie momU-rs were sent to
the demonstration plant at Sa
lem, and returned with a satis
factory resrt The HillsWiro
iilnnt i to Im the chief demon
stration point of the company for
igious vviM'kly.
Howard Rnird departed for a
vacation at Ridgefietd. Wash.,
last Friday, and will "rough it"
for a while, with Clarence Hoy l.
11 It Willem and wife, of Oak the present.
Park, were Argus callers Satur- -
dav. Mr. Willers has been a I ItllUC SAt.l;
reader of the Argus for over
seventeen consecutive years. Th ,in,i,.ri.,ned will sell at Puli-
Wm Mohr. who nuit shoe- lie sale at the Farmers' Feed
miiWinir to ranch in the Oak Stab es. on Main htreet, Ililis
ir vim u'ani ri'im-tin-a liuiv in i .... .1 1. .1.... iiuiinniK w ...... , ----
standard, and alwaysmake ,4 , I T: 1" town Satur- l.n, near Fourth Stn.t, at l:t
. 1 1
year as an Argun reanor. SATuKDAY. JAN. W
j. A
I'ir.l.lriit Vlc I'rrtlcUnt Cashier
II V.. Kcrrln. Am'I Cuhicr
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Tuesday. December 5. 1911.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Iritis $2Vt.rtU.07
U.S. Ilonds (at par) 2.r.(HK).(H)
Other Honda CT.KsMK)
Hanking House 18,500.00
CilsIi and due from
Hanks and U. S.
Treasurer 102,025.23
Undivided Profits
Hoaorvo a 4 Par Oont
Thot. C Told John t. Bailey J. W. Fwqua
Wllbrr W McEUowney ). A. TKorburg
tn iret the nwessary puiH-rs to Salem. Ore.
icense him to "whang away m
some ol them.
1 saw cordwood, hIch up to 12
I : liinnu rtlllM
nches in oiameier, ........
. . i. I ll LI. wlj into
anil iMinrus oi un
stovewood lengths. Will ito into
the country. Write. none r
call on me. Carl Skow, lualatin
luted. Hillslioro, Oregon.
Wff rtixtira In rinl.tiolti iiviirimdnllf fhnr.La f,.i ll,. LinilniU
of the people of Ilill.slifiro during
our recent bereavement, the
aths of the late Mrs. A. J.
Thomas and son, Howard, am:
e return especial thanks to G
G. Brown, and Mrs. Faehv, who
ministered to Mrs. Thomas and
conveyed her to the hospital.
wnere she passed away.
A, .1. Thomas.
Husband and Father.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ko)Ht, o
Vancouver. Wash., i'arents o
Mrs. Thomas.
Hillsboro, Ore.. Ian. 12. 1912
Rv. Father Mark Lapen, of St.
Matthews Catholic Church, has
"ouced l,v. West to vat IIlllH
wo, in Febriuirv. for the mir-
POSeof a lecture on thf Htate's
prison policy. The talk will lie
Enforced by slides, showing old
new conditions at the state
p'"wn, and the net proceeds of
l entertainment will m to the
porch improvement fund. The
lecture will have a big audience,
the Governor is an entertain
"SI lecturer.
are lieilnlll WIIH VAU, n uu umnvn ii ir i mmuv uinv i j
the most alive children in the to nil me couiuy puirunn, k"" miinem ui n -
i i .. rr. my! A.i tMMi i rtr iiuii unnther was in mwn inemi oi norseu - uuy mun-, u
WOllllPV .l,iHHlvui imi "i l t iiui. I ....
. i i iLn exhibiting nt the county Saturday. yoarn, 1500; gray mare. 1400; bay
r-iifM iinu .hfih ut uiv nian i t a. Mifirtt nn itiiiiimn iiiiin-i .
fair. ULst year ii.tum cnmiren
in Iowa had exhibits at
Forest Grove, and his team is al
ways on the road. 4 l b
Wm. Geiger Jr. ol South
of Cornelius, and still resniini:
. L... nn a.illl.ul llV niS
lin I ill 111) luili', r v . - j in i inu ii.i.i
.i . il - in.. in tlm I'itvii .....!..... I !... I u it lii nnii I.i i . : -.. t . 1.. I L
lamer in ine 'io m -" mi uh nm . i launuay grevunK irienun. y. n.
Monday. Duck shooung is now Yours very iruiy. u iv. moei- WJW mucn 8urt)risel to witness
getting ripe ami iieiger w.i m man, nupi. rumic inniruvwiwn, mh, f,ne growth musooro nas en
the state K ,,ick!l nn oldtime Hills- 2 yearn. 13W. lerma-one
children Tlui J 1
Icnimt for cash at sale.
j. Cruikshank. Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Card of Thank
ANUl'S Mcl.l.Ol)
Cut Kemnfcr has returninl
fnm a trip to California, going
as tar fcouin as ixmg inmn. :: . .
. .k ..! . a i il i t f nil wiifi nsNiNiiMi hl liiu iiuni:-
Angus McIkI. well Known Uufl says the country aown uie e - - ,
the Vinelanil sis-lion, oieu juhu- mS coming 10 mnraiv, - r e.innn
nry 12, 1912, from an attack oi better than ever salisnea wun
i.neumonia. lie was win oiu vm-gun
20. 1H61. and at death .was aged . trade. Two(vo
m ,x .. . wl f 1 1 II V M lit'
Hotel. Hillslioro, Oregon. w yi.ttrs and 21 dayH. acrt-8. 24 miles southeast of Hills-
Mrs A. J. Uwry. or Salem, funeral took place from 1 leasant ,8oa hoUHe and 21 acres
was in 5 e city the first of the view Church, and n Bt McMinnville. Will sell at a
wJek toe guest of Mrs. F. M. in the V incland metery. hun- , or trado for lmbiiro
Heidel It is six years since day. McLeod had lived nor h .of rt,8i:,once prorty. cUise in. - C. ttemi
iitiiii i. iiiiiuim for manv vears. and had ,. . n n,iim n. ville.
MM. lwry viiu- "',". ' I- ihnt ww-tinn. f' """"- - "
We desire to express our thanks
C. Keenon.
Sarah Hlum,
F. M. McLeod,
J. H. McLeod.
Vuvlsteke. of near Green-
umih united in marriage to
MUa Mnttie Con. at St terdi
Regular trains Uitween rr nanrf's Church. Roy. January 10,
PHnce Kdward Island. Dominion land and Tillamook started the 19i2 ,tfiVi Knthor Ja9. j Con-
. . ' i .... r k f Hinnnu in Lit fit HOCtion
i m rtnir rimiiit'iiL in nv i nitin v iu "u
. ;, was very much Angus McI,eod waa, torn
uiFuiikj. - - ,. i,M.rti iu nnii. iiominiouiiuiiu iinu i uu.n. ........ --iiaiz. liev. rauier iu. v
pleased to note ine many " nd came to Wash- first of the week, the schedule Wav celebrating the nuptials.
provements. y , t 30 years calling for a stop at Main btreet,
Private ad vires from the 1'en- f ,. , jn the Al- on the coast-tound train, ine , . .... f Orenco.
dleUm and Wa la wana sect"- . )iH molher ,,,, ln train camesoui agoou jiot.u,. WJHJ -n the COunty 8oat Saturday
state that there was '''"'' Washington County. lesiuea every u. . evening,
un that way B wee
1 fn,inlu
.. VYimillliU"'" -- - I I ....
- . I . l u:i, mn he eaves me ioi- a i Thnmna the nnrnnra oil . - ,
, , iiircu tin, . M, -, . n, u. . . --, . vvnann nnii iiniiirnier. oi
L'll u,.,n irain IS nOW flnnUii'oiT . . i..,.U-a nnii RIHtCrS a. '.... a llntil whn nat I .
",.r . ' wii,.rmos- iowiiik "'"V",,-" i:. r:v . rAi! " . Vu- I Hethany, were in me county
olBgootiYieo " i tho Mrs. Itttnenno rwm. -his wne ana nine wjh iu ho - . M .
,.ro ia what a needed up I.i the " ., ...: r v ngston. Ne-Liui fire of lust week, arrived in 8eal MonuBV'
in i ..nil Kmtiire. L u'o ctv Neb.: A. H. Mc- thaoitv Kridnv. to arrange the! tiVnnk Weisenback and wife.
Ijuminte. of lloii: ion, tf)) i Allieria, v,anw, dose Ot his Dusiness uuuiru ncic 0I wiicn iiazei, were in uic vujr
lugs, Linoleum,
Furniture of all
We Lead, the Rest Follow
I IjiiKiinte, of lloii: ion, tj Alberta, wnu, i ""v close ot nis Dusiness uuuiru nuic. oi Wiicn iiazei, wui
T,.' hi in the citv. the Kuet t of M McliOod, Gaston, Ore. ; Jennie He wa9 acc0mpanied by his fath- Monday morninjr.
John KnKehlinger, whom he McU.od, Coos Itay; J. 1 1. McLeod, F. A. Koppe, of Van- f
knew in the good old day" Heaverton, and Mrs. Surah Hlum, COUver, Wash. waa ln to'wn Mondn
.. ' k i i i :,, ,...uin lie IS l(M)k-lr'utnn
nsr orounu ine ' - rirHI.NT ccattpks
JLu, of Ineatine. HAD HLIiMliNT SCATTLKS
TIV" w -
For sale
49. T
ahoaU and pigH, of all ages; 2
cows; will sell or trade a brand
nw SwctiHon Htumu nuller: will
of Portland.
wna in tnwn Mondav. defending
For sale or exchange: will I a client in circuit court.
. a
sell house ana one acre, wuu- . . f .
shed, rruit, smaii orcnaru, ci..- - - - , , Mnn(,ftV.
en corial, city water, on county r
4iV. .. F R K ncaae, ho d-ups ami Biiwif u. w ay a um..., """i
tyrtiiU started, and the Lrade for house and one lot, John H. Dorland and Virgil
i'fm north of North chief of iK)iice rounded up aii ine nearcr t0 buB,ness center, .pay- Uavl9( o beyond North Plains.
'. 1'""- 45-8 vagrants, ana scauereu nR 0r receiving cwm uiuci- were ln th0 cUy jyionaav, ana
a,n9, . , the strength of putting them all LnceWm. Wolf. City. 45-7 called on the Argus.
Xt V.J3? Sa into HiUsboTol HomerEmmotR P. andF. Davia Uwm, who has a
ma ' nnfn w th -a-- , , .uimiIW I nrnt 11 lift, ana ine ArKUS re- ah Hpv farm hp nw KPPdVlllO.
! ... Mhba ri rim uu tv n i ir n r nriii iiict nviv . . Vi . ... uuuivi j -w.w..
il-Tatnf Inland's chBuffeure, c tizens. porter were at Ulencoe. aaiur- wa8 ln the city Monday after-
KrcSSS ll Cadillac ma- U ty nin? mftking noon. and called on the Argus.
chine." .. r. JchiefBlaser. and they hik p M Kn,Khten, of Fore8t
Forrent; Two furnishea Dea- f mn w - in the county. Of- Grove, v
Or would like a better one than you have,
the variety and beauty of the timekeep
ers iu my display and their attractive
prices ought to induce you to at least
co ne and see them. I will be glad to
show them to you and explain the differ
ence in grades and qualities whether you
intend to buy or not.
v h
it h
!'J r-
1 -
3 sell or trade a boar.-Ad-
y,08e(JaleFarm. Beaverton,
u. z. 43-5