1 KXV"1 HHXSBORO, ORKCON, JANUARY 11, 1912 NO44 0ST OFFICE OCCUPIES LS Master Cornelius Moved Sup plies. Ilrst of Week WST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTY tbby is I re and Well Llxhlcd, and Heal is l uilorm Post Master R 1 Cornelius and Vides moved the post olliee sup- ies into the now quarters n he Odd Fellows' HuiMinjf the first of the week, and Uncle Sam Js doiiiK business as though noth- ill . 1M. lnff nail nappeni'u. iiw iivw jmarters are the finest npiwinted n the county, and the Odd fel lows have certainly "done them Wives uroud." as one member ut it. The furniture and fix ures are all from quartered oak, ind there is a very neat little in JivMual otliee for the iost of icial. Every convenience lias een installed according to pov srnment specifications, and the tfice is now equipped to accord acilifo to a town of ten thou sand neonl-?. As a matter of fact the Hillsboro olliee supplies, snd has for several years sup plied, several thousand people kith mail, over and above the Sity patrons. Five big routes un to all points of the compass, nd the carriers part of the of- ce business is no small concern. he rural mail men have nicely minced desks, and every em- iloyee of the olliee will have a ice little wardrobe all his or her wn, made by L. W. House, in luartered oak. Post Master Cornelius has had suite a little task to got the box es rearranged. Many could not se their old numbers, because ihe boxes to correspond would be Jtoo large or too small. 1 his con jdition prevailed in a minority of teases however. WANTS TO KNOW Salem firm writes Recorder iPerkins as follows: "Dear Sir: Will you kindly jnve us information regarding khe laws on filing land claims in wour county, also what kind of ion, wnac is me sou oest auapt- id for, does it need irrigating, nd what are the weather condi ions throughout the year, how uch rainfall is there and what re the nrosnwts in crenera . jPlease state what is on the land St the presentjtime." the letter was turned over to she town philosopher, and here is his answer: 'There are no public lands for Ntry in the countv. except oer- lhaps an isolated 1C0 that no one has yet discovered fUie soil is the oest in the NorthwestTrmapxed ior raising anvthincr excerjt mire ly tropical products: does not need irrigating, but some land will produce better if irrigated; rainrall the same as at Salem; prospects in general are very line-always a good bumper crop, and never a crop failure. Land generally is now under snow, out croos of vecetah ea. crams. fruits, hay, and everything that can be successfully raised in the fwth temperate zone-and Wash ington County raises more onoions per acres; more potatoes per acre more hay per acre, and more of everything produced, per acre, than any other ding-batted coun ty in the Pacific Northwest, or anywhere else." ELECT OFFICERS The German Mutual Fire Ins Ass' Oregon, held a meeting in the c'iy nan, Monday. . and elected pfficers as follows: Samuel Graf, President; Erwin Ritter, secre tary; Wm. Haase, director. Hen ry Kamna, auditor. There were about fifty in attendance, and ed there was no assessment made !n the last two years. That looks something like business. FOR SALE Rhnnto 1 -e ll v"uw aim pigs, 01 ail l AM.m. ...Ml II .1 ages: 2 vwa, win sen or traae a Dram new Swenson stump puller; wil also Beh or trade a boar. Ad brand "ress, uosedale Farm, Beaverton R. V n O A1-K Ml anA Hf-n V K rMnl-ifvaa visited Mr. Crabtree's parents at "" urove, Sunday. Andreas Bendler. of Nort Plains, was in the city the first the week. Bendler is raising HANDSOME QUARTERS I S B. Huston, formorly of this! pnlTV Dniinn IIITTPl" iWudCr,,.. itnM...d Wiy i rw I nnim III 1 " - " S. H. Huston, formerly of I hi ity, now practicing law in Port. and. is one of a half dozen who are promoting the "Roundup" attraction, with a capital stock of 50,000. The big frontier show will be assembled and make its first show at Los AniroW. rom there, if the attraction is winner, it will be taken to the ig hasten) cities. As a matter f fact with Buffalo Vernon. el Plancett and wife, and about SO of the Oregon vacoueros. the Wild West show of Buffalo Bill ould fade into insignificance as compared with the proposed at traction. Hriee Wilson, former- y of Timber, is also one of the stock-holders of the company. Rev. Swackhammer. who had an exciting experience out in the aurel section a few years ago, is working" the Weston. Uma tilla county people, out in the rural districts. The Weston ieader says that "Swacky" tells his country school house audi- nces that he is a converted can- ibal from the Isle of Skin 'Em and Eat 'Km Alive, and that he is out saving souls for his bed and board. As a matter of fact 'Swacky" told his auditors here the outside districts that he was a Jamaica "nigger." Why pay ten dollars for a map which merely tihows Washington County, when you can get one on larger scale, showing every thing from the Willamette River west, to the west boundary of the county, ' size 50x07 inches, or $7. GO. or a pocket size, 2 1x33 inches, for $2 00? (Jet it of your Mxtkseller, or address 1. S. Wilkes & Son, Hillsboro, Oregon. Four inches of snow fell Thurs- ay alternoon and rrulay, but efore the day had passed a gen tle rain Bet in and soon had the beautiful" going up in vapors. Friday night there was a heavy rain, and the tew sleds that had een brought out to furnish amusement were soon set back in the shed for the chickens to roost on until another Hurry came. If you want remedies that are standard, and always make good, try the Watkins the best poul try and stock tonic made. Kvery K)ttle or package is a prize in itself, as users will testify. -Z M. LaRue, the Watkins' Remedy man. Letters win reacn mm ai 'orest Grove, and his team is al ways on the road. 44-0 Dr. C. E. Hines. of Forest Grove, succeeds W. B. Haines as post master at forest Grove. he retiring ofhcial recently re signed as he goes to McMinnville, where he owns some stock in the United States National Bank. W. B. has made a good official, and his successor will continue the good administration of af airs. See our dishes for our custom ers. When you expena ?iw with us vou get a fine dining room set of dishes. Call for cards and have the amount of your purchases punched each time you buy. When you buy that amount you get the dishes, or you have a dandy game and nan set. ttmmott Bros T. C. Wadsworth. of Huber, has returned to Portland with his family. He has a responsi ble position with the uregon Transfer Co. T. C. still owns his Huber tract, and will hang on to it until it makes him a piece of money in increased values. I saw cordwood, poles up to 12 inches in diameter, fence rails, and boards of all kinds, into stovewood lengths. Will go into the ennntrv. Write, phone or call on me. Carl Skow, Tualatin Hotel, Hillsboro, Oregon. Henrv Tober. of below New ton. was in town Friday. Henry has a small hoovard. and is feel ing fine over the price of the product these days. If she don't think enough of you, try your luck by feeding her SOme 01 UIKKCLt O uciinirao v.v olates. Big boxes and little ones, The Delta Drug Store. T W. Sain, of above Gaston una mimtv scat visitor Friday afternoon, returning home from a trip to the metropolis. Attention of readers is called to the display advertisement pt the commercial pan, m ww Plains, fiv Rnbiilmerich went to CreS' well on business connected with the ranch, the last ot the ween Ligget's Chocolates, the high est quality confectionery manu factured. Delta Drug owre. Clell Carstens, of Banks, was a county seat visitor tne lasi the week. ahvaH Kernards. of Verboor was in the county seat Friday i imiv ninv iimiTicmir inii. in !.... I niinn i u ri i'T hvn 1 mi nran uav . uni i ni ilii iu i m evening. COUNTY BOARD MEETS N IMPORTANT nst Week Used In Hearing Road Reports and Paying Hills CIRCUIT COURT CLAIMS PAID Big Grist of Claims Presented lo Coun ty at Session he county commissioner's court. udge Stevenson and Commis sioners McClaran and Nyberg. ere in session last week, hear- ng road supervisor reports and auditing claims against the county. Circuit court expenses. as well as the usual grist of aims and there were many- were audited and ordered paid. Saturday the board adjourned ntil Monday of this week. hen they took up other and im portant county affairs. The list bills audited follows: The Tillamook line was again out of commission the first of the week, through a big slide ovcring the track just this side f lillamook. Iillamook s Sat urday morning train had to be abandoned, Saturday, and return to the port city. A snow plow is working in the mountains, and steam shovel was sent over to clean "up the slide. No trains were started Monday, on account f the affair. Division engineer Jurkholder. who was here Sat urday, states that the company expects considerable trouble this Winter, owing to settling of the walls of the big cuts, but he says the S. P. will spend every ollar necessary to keep tralfic moving, me miamooK road is not the only line that is tied up n the storm, as nearly all lines ading into Portland, except the West Side S. P. have been in trouble. C II Piy. justice fees $17 45 M K Knuiiunn, constable lee 4 00 A J rlionifts, I'd prisoners II 90 Killmm Klittiomry Co 35 4 Max Crnndnll, assessor's salary. ..mo 00 IClnionica Merc Co, relief 12 4 lliirroii((li Adding Machine, sup.. 2 ro I'ac Tel & Tel Co, c h iihones 2j 99 WbhIi CoTcl Co, c h .nones - 13 25 J W Bailey, eo clerk, clerk's of. . ..314 fio Marexret (looditi, asurssor's office 38 00 rrcl SieKtist. W"'" roll. 21 00 Iny Trite", auil poor fiirm supt.., 75 00 , W Sieijiist, woik on tux roll lS 00 lurry P Huinjihieys, woik on t r Ji cio '.co (1 Hancock, sheriff's salnry...;2r) 00 ico (1 Hancock, sheriff's olliee 94 25 OoW Hancock, bd prisoners ifiH 2.s llbo I.iverv Co. cue ct, aranil Jury 5 00 111m) I.iverv Co. J II Jack sell supv 10 50 Chas Ijiinkin, worit on tux roil... , 21 00 Uiva llros, tellrf 15 5 1'asliion Htables. comr's court .... 2 00 K I) Hite, bridges 8 0$ (Mnis () Koe A Co 14 5 Olats & Prudlmnmie Co, supplies 3 17 Hbo Independent, sup & print I2ir 05 V I Wood, relief 19 5 W 1) Wood, insane 15 oc W 1) Wood, co lieslth odiccr 106 70 M C Case, sell supervisor sal & ex.189 85 Jhb II Jack, sch supv exp & sal ...117 25 Wm nipper, c n jsniu-r ou mi K L Perkins, co rec sal & exp 241 85 Glass & I'rudliomuie, slat fit sup... 37 00 T II Tongue, dist atty's ol:xc 20 00 Wash Co News, comrs court II 40 The Argus, comrs court & sup ao 10 K I) Sappiugton, co treas salary... 75 00 Delta Drug Store, relief IS 90 Rnada snd bliihwavS Roy Sprout tiA if,. David Wetiuer S3 so, Hchramel & Davies llros 54 14. V U Uotsford Co i so. C O Keiter 7 40. Ceo McGee 23 20, A Kostur 4. ChBrley l'ollette 2 60, O I) Uav 1 So, A B Mint 5, f w i.iverniore . -T . . . . . . t, ll..t 24 6d, Uluirley uison 2, m o wwtninn C VnnKlrek 2. .1 W HllL'llCS 6 6o. J II S-well 5, Kd King 16 05, Dnpont Pow der Co 9 40, Vic Bayley7 5", J P McGill 7 25. C h Hinmail 15 7", T w '7 50, Knncs I.br Co 10 79, S II Omduff 10. S ate Cases W 1 DeFSingcr 9 , m K Kmtnons IJ 20, joe a morale io, ivi v Buck 15 65. Court house and jail Kmrick & Cor w 11 10 70. A v; uoneiwiii i", . . Store 1 70, J O Robb 8, Wash Ore Corp Co 33 "5, Owl iviecuic 1.0 27 35, rmiiitv nnor farm Connell 01 Co 147 4, (1 W He m 60. Iliio Ur co 14 73, Marllii VaiKieney 5, jvuiriLn. iv.uiwiii 13 95. rirruit Court Jurors Herman Kamna $1960, John K Bailey 15 6o, C O Roe 4 JO, Will 11 Ileum-' 13, J J T.m M Dverholtzer Q. John Croeui 2S 20 1 H Rieves 20 40, Hen uooiey 5. ine following received fi8 each: Kudolpb iriiuziker. AUEUt ReUaff, I'rnnklin Doughty, Joseph McCorn'ick, James T Young, wmjacicson, tninuti vhuwuiiiK n7 h l.vda. Civile 1. Leedy. Si T Cole kulh .uk.v-i " ' Hchanmberg, l'rauk Miller. ruonU Court Witnesses Dr S M Rea' gan, Dr F A Bailey, r nusn, w u Jacobs, C Blaser, Titos Gheen, Mark Ilutler, J each; W Carr, Mr Ufore, Thos Culemim, Gaitano l,asssnt:lll, Frank Nolan, G Franckesclilnt, juo lurco, oj Mrs David Keguitto, uavm negnmo, t,. Pir,ide. Vincent Mazzei. 41 Johnlt Mnriei, Letiala Rossi, lloa Merlo, Ivan u,..,.i,i 1 kn: .Toe Calisia. II Pslermini, Mike Cioccia, K O Jendik, 8; Hans, D and Peter Scherner, 4 4! H Churchley 3, Chas Smith 14 4. August nossi 3 20 Jno Corrieri 1 8o, Ira Hoard 3 80. Circuit Court Grand Jurors Casper iriii ite. Walter Hess 41, N 0 Lilly 3 60, Joshua W Msrsh 35 80, J W Cllne J ' i. . . .a i I f Dili. 35 40, K J Ayrea 30 uu, j v j . Inquests B C Drown, coroner, (Thos Ljell, in 85, Frank Hlosick, W F Greer, 1 so: T E Hills, Geo Peterson, J M But ler, h Blosick, A L Blosick, M E Huf faker, 1 ; Dr R Hetlesater, physiciafl, o; E C Brown, corcner (Mra May Morette) ai 35. Ilrnuforil Crrps, wltm-Mnml body wnh-li, C T I)olU, 3 50; m-Mii Kay, wil, A W llrymit, II K Smith, It T IUrlow. J Paul Morel te, I so; I V mil (1 K West liifclimiv, Harry Nrifion.l'iaiik KoilgrtR, It K Yarnrll, Jeff Haydou, i; Clits Doo ley, body watch, I 50. Argus and Oregonian, $2.25 Wm. Bagley Sr. was in from leisyville, Monday. J. A. Croeni, of near Bethany, was in the city Monday. J. C. Beach, of near North 'lains, was in the county seat 'Yiday. Don't half do it. make it Lig- gt'tt's Chocolates or nothing. Get them at The Delta. S. K. Graf, of near Bethany, was in th city Monday morning, and called on the Argus olliee. Monmouth Butter at Emmott Iros. Try it it is the real thing. J. C. Bechen. of West Union, was a city visitor the first of the week. Dan Burkhalter, of Farming- ton, was mixing with the throng n town, Monday afternoon. D. Tschabold, of upper Helve tia, was in the city Monday af ternoon. Henry Hogrefe, of Blooming, was over to the city Monday. U. Pubols, of West Union, was city visitor Monday afternoon. Z. M. LaUuo. of Forest Grove, was in town Saturday, greeting friends. Fred J. Sewell attended the funeral of the late Samuel Jolly, in Portland, Sunday. Jos. Donovan, of near Flmoni- ca, was up to the city the first of the week. Uobt. Simpson, of Buxton, was down to the city the last of the week. Uobt. was fire warden the past year, and gave the mat ter a great deal of his time. Do not forget to ask for a Schiller when you want a good 0 cent smokeno cough dust in the Schiller. 12tf Erwin Ritter, of Bothany. was in town Monday. Mr. Bitter is the secretary of the German in surance association, and was re elected at the Monday's session. Loren Jackson was in from his ranch, a mile east of town, Mon- ay, with about the nLftiest pair Ot lobs seen since the snow camo. For sale: A gasoline engine, fairbanks-Morsc, 11 horse pow er, in lino running condition, working every day. Keason for selling putting in an electric motor. Inquire at Argus office. 0. Phelps, of the Crescent, stopped running the "movies" for a few nights during the bad weather. He says that people did not like to come out during the storm, and that it did not pay to put on the films. So he cancelled the orders from the ortland house, For sale or trade: Twelve acres, 21 miles southeast of Hills boro: also a nouse and 21 acres at McMinnville. Will sell at bargain, or trade for Hillsboro residence property, close in. C. Bunsen, Hillsboro, Ure. Scores of patrons were busy yesterday afternoon learning the combination of their boxes from the post office force. The lobby was thronged all afternoon, and there was nnite a class of na trons, reminding one of a bunday school lesson. Many numbers were changed, owing to the fact that the sizes in the two sets of fixtures varied. The room seems well heated, and even in the cold, was comfortable, C. C. Nelson, of Bacona, came in Sunday, from the mountains, bringing in with him a little four year old boy, Martin Ray, who fell at the Kay home, bunday morning, and oroke an arm The lad was taken to the St Vincent's Hospital for treatment, Mr. Nelson brought the lad out of the hills through 16 inches o snow, intending to send him on the United from North Plains Finding no train service, there, however, he came on through to the county seat with him. ' 'East Lynne, "tomorrow night, at the Crescent a play that al ways thrills because of its pa thetic side, and the final justice prevails. Many of us recall that East Lynne and Hazel Kirke were the first plays that we ever heard, and the memory of the situations stay with us unto the end. The National Stock Co. is putting on East Lynne, and this is sufficient guaranty that Mana ger Phelps is giving the pub! something good. There wi.ll, be a change of bill Saturday night, Bargain prices have been estab lished. Read the display in an other place in this issue. ALLEY LOCKED IN OF Car Service Blocked bv Silver Thaw In Portland NO TRAINS FOR 24 HOURS ON ELECTRIC Snowstorm Turns to Sleet and Ice anil Temperature Falls his section of the state has been in the grip of Winter since ast Friday. Following Thurs day b snowstorm there was a thaw, and consequent sleet. ilectric wires were clogged and broken in Portland, and car ser vice was stopped. The last car out of Hillsboro was toward Port- and, at 11:30 Friday morning, and the car was stalled at Bea verton all day. No trains ran on the electric, either here or on the Salem line until Sunday about noon. The Southern Pacific did a big business carrying marooned pas sengers out or rortland, and fiere was but small delay in their service. Hillsboro's streets were coated with sleet and ice and horses had hard traveling. he cold was not extreme, how ever, at any time, and there were but few bursted water pipes, and these only where there was much exposure. Mercury hovered around freezing and up to 35. i here was considerable dam age done to young fruit trees but tho extent will not be known until later. Many large trees ost their limbs, being so heavily coated with ice. Portland's streets were strewn with electric, telegraph and telo- hone wires, and some horses ere killed. PUBLIC SALE he undersigned will sell at pub- ic sale at the farmers reed Stables, on Main Street, Hills boro, near Fourth Street, at 1:00 m on SATURDAY, JAN. 27 Seven good Idairy cows, four of them just fresh, three fresh about time of sale; all heavy milkers and have good test; three head of horses bay mare, 5 years, 1500; gray mare, 1400; bay colt, 2 years, 1200. Terms one year's time, bankable note, at 8 per cent. Iwo per cent, dis count for cash at sale. J. Cruikshank, Owner. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. SAMUEL S. JOLLY Samuel S. Jolly, a former resi dent of Washington County, died at his home, 1073 East 18th Street, Portland, Thursday, Jan. 1912, the funeral taking place Sunday morning. He was born near Hillsboro, Ohio, in 1843, and enlisted in Co. K, Ohio's Twelfth regiment, in June 1861, and served until July, 1864, when he was mustered out. A little ater he came to Oregon, and settled in Washington County. le first lived on a ranch near Mountaindale, and later lived near the Scotch Church, on North Tualatin Plains. As a soldier in the Civil War, he was engaged in the battles of Bull Run, South Mountain and Antietam. De ceased was a cousin of W. B, Jolly, well known here, and was a member of Uen. Ransom Post, of Hillsboro. His widow, and one brother, Robert L., of Ohio, survive him. Mr. Jolly came to Washington County shortly after the war closed, and left this section in 1872. He made a number of trips back here to visit with mends and comrades, but has always made his residence in the Rose City since his departure. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Leaves for Portland Forest Grove Local 6:41 a. 111. Euters 011 Fourth St. Sheridan Fiver 8:43 a, m. Kilters Union Depot viaOswego Forest Grove Local 3:0a p. m. Euters on Fourth St. Corvallls Overland 5:24 p. m. Enters on Fourth St. Leaves Portland for Hillsboro Corvallls Overland 7:10 a, m. Leaves on Fourth Bt. Forest Grove Local 11:00 a. m Leaves on Fourth St- Sheridan Flyer 4:00 p.m. Leaves Union Depot, via Wlllsburg Forest Grove Local 5:40 p. m Leaves on Fourth St. John Kassebaum, of Shady Brook, was in town Monday, at tending the fire insurance meeting. I The Quality The place where you are always sure of drugs of absolute purity and Highest Quality, prepared by competent pharma cists who take pride iu the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE Rexall LThe Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. J. A THORNHURGH President II. E J- Ferrin, Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Statement of Condition on Tuesday, December 5, 1911. Capital and Surplus $50000 Iioana - $2G3,G31.07 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00 Other Bonds 67,160.00 Banking House 18,500.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 102,025.23 $476,316.30 riosorro a 4 DIRECTORS Thos. C. Todd John . BaiUr J. W. Tuqua Wilber W, McEldowney j. A. Thornburrf SPECIAL - ON Kugs, Linoleum, Dressers, Furniture of all kinds We Lead, the Rest Follow Chas 0 Roe & r J RUNNING RLOX The spelling is unusual but so are the Clocks. These clock novelties are absolutely unique in "cuteness"; you will be puzzled to make a choice of beauty, and the price won't stagger you. A style and a price for everyone. LAUREL M. IIOYT: Ear Drug Store I AGENTS FOR Remedies Candies and Stationery E. BAILRY W. W. MCELDOWNBV Vice-I'resldent Cashier Ass't Cashier Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation $25,000.00 25,000.00 2,035.99 25,000.00 399,280.31 Deposits Por Ooxxt. $476,316.30 PRICES - (V Co fmmm JEWELER AND OPTICIAN us 1 ii 1 1 r t a is III :ln III aim Our .: b l 1, nr n s Ste4 itlet tails an 1U1 t 1 Xh t 1. Am 0 K 0 In een 0.0S t snr ,f, i & ; iz is the i !i g- i- 1 . tlie , Su- fit (, 'In, i lie JI- in. , ne 5 To ,P his ' na iv T i" 8- , in 1 tt .1 l- J 4 wwe nne registered Holsteins