( The"" it n 1 : 1 1 i JnllLLSB voi, xviii I IILLSBORO, OREGON, DECEMBER 28. 1911. Pi J. I.1E11E SUES FOR $1,500 DAMAGES piltd Suit In Circuit Court Friday Mornlne N. RAILWAY IS 01.1 ENDANT Alkiei Thai Rtllwny Company Oromly Negligent wa p.,.1 J. Moretto, husband of the Ute Mary Morette, aliaa Pauline oi..n-n. has sued the Pacific Rilwav & Navigation Company, the line between this ritv and Tillamook, for $7,500, Hamiiirt'H alleged to have been sustained because of the death of Mrs. Morette, at limber, ueccm 7 1911. shortly after five d'durk in the evening. A 1'. II 4 N. train, backing up with flat utriwk Mm. . Morette, and Wl two of the flat cars ran over her, u vii'tim dvintr a few minutes thai-onfter. xwtte alleires that he lathe dtialifled and actinar adtnin Utrator of the estate of the dead rt,,n and that the company was negligent in backing up the tmin rinurinir no bell, nor blow- whistle, and that the peo- i if Timber and vicinity m Unin the habit of using the rif wav aa a thoroughfare, md that therefore they should t,..o nu.ul th neeessarv weCAlf - ..r - tion to alarm people who travel ed over the track. The complaint sett forth that there War no light visible so that pedestrians would know that the train was u.Li.ur and that the company i therefore liable. W. N. Iter- rett and II. T. Barley appear as attorneys for Morette. . r in WH.SON-NICODGMUS Jumea H. Wilson and Mian Beu Ish Nicndemus were united Millsboro. at the -its in the Weh nnir Hlor 1911. Judge W. I). SriK nft lh mom has U nieni IlillHhoro for a years and the bride is k T Mr. and Mrs. Jed Nw E-M-P AND rLANDHRS K MOBILES MADR IN HILtSIW Portland ministers are almost a unit that the Gvnsv Smith meetings were not productive of memliership to any choree. Very few or the many who siurned cards to In-come church members can Im found, and nianv Biirncd rom out of town-HillHlK)ro, For st Grove and Reaverton. The ministers rejKirt that hundreds gave fictitious addresses on the ards, some being directed to va cant buildings, Chinese laundries, etc. Ur. Dyott, a prominent di me, says that he considers the expense not to be considered if ut one or two souls were saved, ut he thinks practical church work is always to bo preferred to emotional revivals. Smith ias gone to ban rrancisco to open a revival after the Holidays, ihe liquor dealers this year sent out some very unique de signs in the way of Holiday sou venirs. W. V. Wiley's offering was a bound book, apparently. mt when you pressed a spring. the book ojM'ns, disclosing a neat ittle package of thirst balm. McCourt & Lyons sent out small imitations of life preservers, fill ed, of course, with that which is supposed to preserve life; while J. Krebs, of the Lion, present ed his patrons with a mountain a m. i'ii. J ...fiL il-i ...l;t- iroui, iiueo wuri uiai wnicn cures in case of a rattlesnake bite, while you are out Ashing, The designs were all unique, and add to the gaiety of the Yuletide. The section house ai Dilley, on tho S. P.. was entered by some robber, last Thursday night, and two oil coats stolen: , The house of Row. on North Tualatin Plains. was also entered and fobbed of some old coins, and a man by name of Miller, near Holbrook, lost; two wjftches tone night the last; of thovweelc The sheriff has me tioscriDUon - ot an tne property and is looking wit for the culprits. More than . likely the - thefts were made, by some party passing through the coun try. as the three places robbed arem line of the Holhrook-DiHey locations. " "int. " - - Why pay ten dollars for a map which merely Bhows Washington County, when you can get one on a arirer scale, showing every thing from the Willamette Uiver west to the west boundary the countv. me 50x07 inches, for $7.!0. or a pocket size, 24x33 inches, for $2 00? Get It of your bookseller, or address 1. , Wilkes & Son, Hillsboro, Oregon. BUILDING BOOMS HERE N THE YEAR OF 1911 Seventy Home Uuilt in The Coun ty Seat Since January 1st MANY CHANGES IN BUSINESS DISTRICT SatUfactury Results In Making Hillsboro Bigger and Better lillsboro has had a satisfactory year from the building stand point, and the beauty of results is that there has been a change or the better in both the busi ness and residential districts. n the business section there has been a great change.. The Hotel Washington was completed just after the first of the year; U. G. Gardner completed his entire rontage on Third Street with cement buildings; and Wm. Nel son completed his big store and warerooms to the south of the Gardner property; the American National and bhute bavings Banks completed a handsome structure, now occupied by the mnking houses, corner Mam and Third; the Odd fellows have re modelled - their structure just across the street. Mam and Third: The Grange Building has been remodelled; the.Wehrung Block. Main and Second, under went a complete remodelling, and is now occupied by the Hills boro National, Bank; the bchul- bnck is now in the hands or the contractors, and over J20.000 is bewjr spent in the work; H. 1, Koeber has a new two-story building, a3 a part of the struc ture; Jos. Downs built a one-story brick, occupied by Vaught and by the Den of Sweets, becond btreet. north of the Pythian brick, J M. Greear completed a two-story structure on becond, Just adjoin- !...- ,L. .L., Lll. 1W C T rig me uau, - Linklater built an auto-garage and addition on Second, north of the Arcrus ollice. and. besides this, there were several ' other minor improvements, i A. C. Shute has started to remodel the block on the north side of Main, corner of Second, and has opened a front on Second Street He will make radical changes in the structure In the near futuw Dr. J. P. T The Arjrus wishes its 2,100 subscribers a Happy New Year. Frank Lichty. of Cedar Mill, was in town the last of the week. Geo. Zetzman, of North Tuala tin Plains, was in town I nday. L C. Brown, of Iowa Hill sec tion, was in town Friday. H. M. Basford, of near Farm- ington, was in town Friday. Peter Grossen, of near Phillips, was In the city Friday morning. John Loftisand family, of near North Plains, were shopping in town Friday. Peter Zurcher, of Phillips, was in town Friday, and will receive the Argus for a year. L. J. Francis, of Tualatin, was up to the city Friday, and spent the day greeting his friends. H. C. Pearson, of Iowa Hill, was over to the city the last of the week. D. B. Burkhalter and wife were in the city Friday, takine out Christmas supplies. J. H. Ellerson and J. J. Mc iale. of below Beaverton. were in town baturday. . A. E. McCumsey. the Moun- taindale sawmill man, was in the city Fnday. ,';. Clem Shaner and wife were in Friday, doing their Christmas shopping. . ; P. J. Sonnen, : of Cornelius, was in the city Saiuii'v after noon. - vv ' Peter Gottleib.' of north bt town, was a city' visitor Friday evening. " , Halvor Hafvorsen and brother, John, were up from Farmington, rnday. 1:,f. ..r : Fred Hamel, of West Union, was in' Saturday, getting Xraas supplies. " ' ( .- , Plain sewing, -r-Mrs. B. J. Lar son, worth ihird and jeneraon Streets. 40-2 John Boge, of ! Farmington, was up to the city Saturday, greeting friends. y ;- White Mountain dr- flour, $1.35 per sack, barrel, at Eramdttf "' in town Si taCIauT THE CHIEF OF POLICE GOES AFTER VIOLATOr I i Leaves Warm Bed to Make A rest and Finds Something Fun WALKS QUARTER MILE FOR NOT If Returns Home and Telli Wife That EKsped From Him The Pacific Railway & Naviga tion Co. has a new engine at the yards, and is of the gasoline family. It has an exhaust like a machine gun, and when it first starts out it would mane a Gat ling blush for shame so far as noise is concerned. Owing to the many engines now bein used the gasoline pump is ated at nighV'mucbtn ety of nations'" tK added. About f one night Jast" chief of Pol ip''" ..i bed dream ing going to grow a hi to Santa Claus, he wa. ..rtSned -by several loud repons like a gunshot He said to his wife, "Well, I'll have to get up.. fiornp geeks from Dilley are" probably; little . the worse for hopjflice, and theyare, shoot ing in the- streets I'll, go and nfih tTietn and run them in. Udt it 111 vim aM-w y aiinament and started out ' darss. " . Every two" he would hear they and he wjuld . hu . er. He, soor ' yards; and he the recalcitrant. the shot would Blaser would f caught: a fe' ing around' said. ."' showr ing v it :- r .. -iaeir worjc p. xistsr-w IT . r 1 , rtexall t The.F iCUSlVE AGENTS TOD ' ' s . - ..'-,: -. - Remedies , Candies ot" Stationp- The Wilkes Auto & Garage Co. provided the public of Hillsboro with one of the most interesting as well as instructive entertain ments ever seen in this city when thpu tiroiipntAil the famous Sttlde- baker Corporation motion picture. films at the Crescent ineatre i the largest audience ever, ' semWed in this popular . house. The films showed tbrt tion of E-M-M from the pfr finished platfo cl4 si th h-1" 0 r One