The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 14, 1911, Image 1

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r voi, xviii
NO. 40
1 I
Kepfresh People Make Tine Dem
onHtratlon l t VrMay l-vcnlnjc
Daily Nccdn $10,000
Messrs. Kirk ar.d associates were
in the city Friday evening, ami
nisdo a demonstration of the
"Ktrpfrcsh" product, at the
city hall, in the presence of alxnit
seventy -five people. Products of
fruit and vegetable, from over
100 varieties, were served to the
attendance, and all pronounced
them first-class in every regard.
The Keep fresh is a system by
itself and carries letters patent.
The plant takes out the water
from the product, and leaves it
in a soft, dry and pliable condi
tion, with no crust like the ordi
nary evHMrated product.
The promoters want $10,000
for the installation of u factory
in Hillsboro, and subscriptions
are now being taken. Nearly
every member of the IlillslMiro
Development league is taking
as hitch as $1,000 worth.
The promoters and owners of
the patents hope to make this
their model factory, owing to our
proximity to Portland, and it lie-
in handy as a "show" place to
those who wish to invest in
home factories all over the
J. T. Orooni exhibited a niece
of tusk and two small fragments
of a large sized wine, found in a
well on his place, the other day.
he tusk was well preserved.
and was found at a depth of 21)
feet by the well digger. The
ones were found .'12 feet down
the earth. That they came
from a mammoth is almost a cer
tainty another proof that the
magniheent animal roamed the
plains of Washington county.ami
were here thousands uiion thou
sands of years ago. The speci
mens were found near Cedar
As I am going to sell out mv
stock, for a short time 1 will sell
at greatly reduced rates. Two
year old roses, 5 for $1 ; yearlings.
tor 51. House plants, shrubs,
tulbs, ami numerous other plants
and shrubs, will be sold cheaper
than ever In fore. Now is the
time to buy. and get them plant-
1. l'.eautify your yards, and at
it tie expense. Seventh &. Firs
nd. Tel. West 151.- Mrs. Agnos
lampbell. 2Ktf
Dr. Itobb Tuesday amputated
the third and fourth toes for (J.
laldermann. who had his foot
njured at Helvetia, a few days
ago, while working on a well for
). Tschabold. The wines were
too badly splintered to properly
See our dishes for our custom
rs. When you expend $100
with us you get a line dining
room set of dishes. Call for
ards and have the amount of
your purchases punched each time
you buy. When you buy that
amount you get the dishes, or
you have a dandy game and fish
set.-- Fmmott Bros
Miss Aileen Morrison, who has
Cheapest Even Though Costing
Slightly More. Improvement
League Endorses it Because it is
Most Durable and Cheapest in
Ixmg Hun
The Rose City Park Improvement
League, representing one of Port
land's largest and best residence
sections, took a broad-gauge stand
on the proposed paving of the
Sandy Itoad at its meeting last
Wednesday evening and adoptee
a motion requesting the Counci
to let the contract ' to the lowest
bidder for a bitulithic pavement
in accordance with the original
petition tiled by the property
owners last June." This action
was taken on the motion of Frank
Schlegcl, seconded by J. W.
Travers. A. B. Slauson, U K.
Carter and others.
Mr. Schlegel stated that he
considered bitulithic the best
pavement and the original pro
ceedings for paving the road had
been based upon a petition by
the property owners for bitulith
ic. In seconding the motion,
Mr. Travers said: "I signed the
original petition for bitulithic as
the owner of 276 feet frontage
on the Sandy Koad. and 1 am
just as strongly in favor of
now as then, tor I consider it far
more durable and cheaper in the
long run than any other materi
A. B. Slauson was enthusiastic
in praise of bitulithic and stated
that as representative of 1WK)
feet frontaire on the Sandv Road
he was willing to pay more for
bitulithic than for any other kind.
"There is a difference of about
$10,000 in the totals of the two
"ids, but that should cut no fig
ure with us when we consider
that bitulithic is far superior,'
said Mr. Slauson. L. E. Carter,
and the entire League by its ac
tion, endorsed Mr. Slauson's re
marks. Portland East Side Sun
Notice of Road District Meeting
Notice la hornbv iilvan that a district mm
iijHfltliiK In liei-nby aallml, to l hll nt the
"ii einhool House In Road lllHtrltit No,
WHHllllifftnil li.iinitu nrmroii. nil thr
18th ly ofllaoemhor, Hill, at !i:00 o'olock
!' m., to determine the extont or liu
proveniHiit to be mucin oil Kiiy county
road, or roads, nr nnrtlnn llinrtnf In saltl
road diHtrlot, and to levy t Hpental lax to
""y ineexpi'iiBotliereol, not wexueeu
'UniiilMon the dollar, on allrnnl and nor
"oiiiil taxable property In said road din
Hated thin 27th day of Novemlier, 1011.
., J. A Hoffman,
RiiperviHor of itoad District No. 24,
WaMbington County, ()ro(rou.
O M (Irimin, U H Walkr, O J arHtwm,
' Kopilin,l!hM Holt, M J Criminal), W
KNnwoll, OU Carnaban, Jainea liiiles,
A L Hill, J W Prltohard, L L )?agrt.
OHicers-Lilctl for New City Con
firmed by the Hoard
Rock Crusher ExpcnKC al OHwego Ap
pointed lo Dinlritls
C. J. Cowianiah. of near Hel
vetia, was in town Saturday af
John Reichen, of near West
Union, was in town the last of
the week.
A, 13, Schoonover. of Corne
lius, was down to the city Satur
day afternoon.
Mrs. J. J. Johnson, of South
Witch Hazel, suffered a stroke of
partial paralysis, the last of the
week, and for several days was
in a precarious condition.
Wm. Tiedemann, one of Hills-
Was Struck by Train, Switching
In Yards, Thursday Night
Woman Sometimes Known as Pauline
Col burn Inquest Friday
The county commissioners' court dale's dairymen, was in the city
ast week confirmed the incor-Paturdav
oration of the new city of Gas
ton and also approved the elec
Mrs. May Morette, known to
Timber people as Pauline Col-
tor Sale: Limited number of burn, was struck bv a train in
drake ducks. Pure Indian Run- th var(u nt TimW ehnrtiv af
e k t. i.. ' " v"
Hon. Clerk Bailey has sent out "a7w rl rCSii ter five 'clock. last Thursday
the official notice, and Gaston is jjil'lsboro Ore Route 1 Box 2J! evemnK- The woman and
now on the map as a municipals Pacific States Telephone, Glen- companion, a Miss Ray Deane,
coe, 259.
M'en a member of the composing expense.
Fred Wesch, of Tualatin, was
granted saloon license for the
period of one year, his petition
wing regular.
The road petitions of Jacob
Barrett et als; J A Leiler et als,
and h 1 Into et als were refer
red fn tho Diutrir-r Atrnrnnv
v..- .... , v.. , ti..i. o
l.w.,1 frnm Wuuh ncttnn f'nnnfv US, wr IWUie c,
v v ti 4ii'iii ii ui'iinia. WWII vwuu vj I r it
lnv(.lm.nt C'n tr Marrawil C,.n(r. OOrO-CCnOllS line,
gin ordered recorded tree ot
The sum of $.'103.30, Oswego
crusher expenses Oct 29. 1911, to
Nov 8, 1911, was apportioned as
to costs, as follows:
North Hillslioro Dist $29 13
Forest Grove, Dist 13 145 G6
Road Dist 32
On account of other considera
tions, however, Dist 32 is order
ed to apply me $iuu aireaay al
lowed as full payment of said
had been over to the town of
Timber, and were returning
home. It is said that Mrs,
Morette was watching a donkey
engine work, and did not see the
A few Rhode Island car backing toward her. Miss
Mrs. II. L. Flint, of Scholls,
and Miss Luce, of Forest Grove,
were in the city Monday afternoon.
For sale:
i ii i i J.I
imivcicio, vmuuuKiiuicu, meane. nowever. was not in-
marked, and of purest inred. The train was in chare-e
strains. A. O. Johnson, Cornell
Ind. Tel. Hills
Born, to W. N. Harris and
wife, North Hillsboro, Dec. 9,
1911, a daughter. Mr. Harris is
in the employ of the city water
and light plant.
of Conductor Worthington, and
no blame is attached to the crew,
Coroner Brown went to Timber
Friday and held an inquest. The
jury found a verdict of accidental
death. The jury: Harry Neu
son, Frank Rodgers, Elmer Yar-
nell, J. C. Westinghouse, J. S.
Havden and John Westinghouse.
For sale: Full-blood Berkshire While it was not brought out in
sow. z years old: 4 Bnoats, o
91 rn months; 4 small pigs, 7 weeks
old. a snap.- J. J. iveuy,
Hare's siding, on S. P., east of
Newton. 39-1
room stall, on the Independent,
las resigned her iKisition, and
will leave for Southern Oregon,
the last of the week.
Begin now. A savings ac
count with the Hillsliora Nation
al Bank, a government institu
tion, earns you four per cent, in
terest. You will be surprised
iow your money will earn you
money- and it is always safe.
It. Baldra. of Baseline, has
Ken very ill for some weeks.
His wife, and daughter, Mrs.
Clark, of Portland, have been his
constant attendants for over a
Fountain pen found. A fine
fountain lion was found on the
street Monday, by J. II. Morton,
of Ridgegeld, Wash. Ihe finder
eft it at this office and the loser
can have same oy proving prop
erty and paying for advertise
The sale advertised by Geo.
Claims allowed:
J W llilfv, cuunty cl rk. tefuml
on turnover. $25 00
J W llnilry, clerk, h1 A (lep it 0x313 30
Clay Trite, mint poor laim tnUry 75 00
A llignnnil, utiile cases, Interpreter 10 00
l!l)0 1'urnituie & IMw Co, up... 16 45
H B Snppi"K1011. co trfi" ! & ex 75 60
A W SifKrist, nlii'MlTs office 34 50
J W Lnwver, c li yatil mork 9 75
Js 11 Jack, school sup wil & eip..m 60
Wash Co Newn-Tiinei, cotnr pro 7 50
J 11 Mntthews l'ost OAK burial
John Hauser 45 OU
McNamer A Wirtj;, comr court 00
R O Stevenson, jiuIkc, sal & exp..n5 65
John McClnran, comr per ciiem ac
Clarence Hoyt, of Ridgefield,
Wash., is over for a few days
visit with his brother, L. M.
the evidence it is stated that
Mrs. Morette had taken two or
three drinks
J. Morette, the husband, has
declared that he will sue the
Harriman system for damages
The body of the unfortunate
woman was brought down Sun
Li, alt u. J Dnflnn4 a.
Hoyt, the jeweler, and is helping
. lL. -i. il U U kuntr I H"-lVlim
tn Hie store hiitjukii hic uuojr
For sale, reasonable A half
Gaston is showing the county
sale, reasonable A half what it can do in the way of
block in North Hillsboro, on rock standing as a unit for permanent
macadam street Will sell all or road lmrirovement both districts
any part with six room house, having made petition for a spec
The duality Drag Store I
The place where you are always sure of
drugs of absolute purity and Highest
Quality, prepared by competent pharma
cists who take pride in the accuracy of
their work
RfiXa II CandSand
IIUAU II Stationery
I The Delta Drug Store
in good repair. Fruit trees, ber
ries; chicken house. John Boe
ker, Hillsboro, Ore. lOtf
A trip to Forest Grove last
Friday brought to the vision one
linleniif - 3 M nf tho rlpnnocr lirrlp pitips in rhp
jno Nylx-rK.sA.neasnhove..... 35 50 Lfnt. Tho Ntropfai were nicelv
i) i) Bump, (U-p asseaaor 97 60 cleaned and everything looked
spitrv anu oiyaii,
ial levy for taxes. Gaston has
been the leader in this class of
public improvement, and they
are taking no chances. They
are bound to have roads, being
well aware that there is no bet
ter investment in the world. B.
Fleischauer, one of the supervis
liriK iouhcu , Mnndav. nostintr
as oiabiwouia , j(.;;;" fV,
111a iiulh-c anu auicuioiue kiic
meeting for Dec. 29, at the Com
mercial Club rooms, Gaston.
You and your children are safe
if you wear Dr. Lowe's superior
glasses. They cost you no more
Tho 11 Tongue, dint atty oflice... to oo
max vraiKIHIl, assessor ai exp.iui 50 1 ggy
MnriTiirwl l.fiiuttn nsHeQflfir'H office 5o 00 I
Geo G Hancock, sheriff salary ... .225 00 For Sale Uuarter DlOCK in
o o iianwk, shcr exp state casesiSt 30 Tillamook City, 8-room house: 10
(,eo Me. exp su.veyor s oe.. 3 room rooming house: feed barn,
I.M. IVrk no porrrnri it. sa . c 1hii2,io o uunt one ycai oku, 111 kwu wn-
wm TutMx-r u.iu.r c h.'. 60 00 dition. Will exchange for farm X: iLi"Z J
MCU,.u,.ti& trvexP. .,88 i. property in the Willamette Val- u"l'f t tl
cu& i'ru,ihomme,SuPtreasof. 30 75 fev -.Tohn F. Benton. Tillamook. have .he benht of his skill and
j c waRtier, wit state cases 3 20 - , . more man iu years experience,
Hbo ludependent, print Astat ... 67 50 viu x Ws nnt trn frnm hnnse to
Hacnn at Yamhill, has boon call- h '!VT:::r- L P. T l,ill!mird. of near Laurel, house. Consult him at the Hotel
ed off, as he hassold his personal L M'r;,ieil work one h vara!."." 6 oo has sued for possession of 1.37 Washington. One day only, Fri-
property to the party that bought r a l'ayuc, sheriff's oihce a 50 acres and $300 damages, the de- day, December, forest urove,
: . . . . 1 I a 1 it - t.,i i.i.. . 1. ..,... i-v -t -i j r
1,1 ' 1 v'1""- , "7 fendants in the suit ti ed Deing uec. zi. ocores 01 reierences.
Murlin Vamk-hev. co noor farm.... I 7a I . . . I
vr wuimey. tax refund 3 S K- L- Kownson ana wile, ine Ai c Wirt, 0f above Moun-
ws Haines, c n supp les, maps... 45 o compiaim; aneges p,nai uiiugaru taindale, was in town Monday,
r.imcr 11 cimm, iuuimi , ls owner 01 llie IHIIU, anu tliai, laA m aH nn o nnmhor nf his
I 1 . 1 I . m I ... . I ailU VU11VU WU M ' Vlii KJl i. Vi u
iicnn v"'t!"- 1 i.'rtWtnoAM Hiict nni tarncaa Tn
, ... .- I liUUIllQUIl ttllU IViWOViS W
ilCIHUII H1W J u,1
President Vice-President Cashier
H. E. Ferrin, Aas't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Tuesday, December 5, 1911.
Capital and Surplus $50000
give possession.
For sale: White Orpington
Fashion vStahlea, comrs court i oo
.ino vaiHicrwm, t " ihbuibukc a " tfnmf Hr-nthoro hove mftuwl in rn. v:.j J
IMw L Niivlor. elections 4 oo , . . . ,, , -- eggs, lo iui ij..ju, pci iiuuuicu,
LS? l it 5 their officers into the Hillsboro fj'nhatnr lnts Rin-will t.akfi
Thos iimtt, state cases, constable f ao 75 National Bank Building, Rooms orders for chicks, one day old, at
hinncK t.orwin, co pooriarm.. j 4 n ana z, upstairs, wnere mey eon Der hundred. A so have a
C 'L Crocker, co poo, farm 6 00 m be ,eased to extend every fn ., p--h.H.
(iiassT rru.ihonn.ic, Bt''t & print s 00 courtesy to their patrons, and jeibmann, North Hillsboro, on
vv 11 Taylor & Sons, co poor lamias 7 welcome meir inenus. jniranue Roeker place, Uarabaldi Ave,
Conuell &Co, poor tarn 103 5 On Main. dOOr east Ot tne HlllS- anA rilcnnnp rnnH 40-2
Ilbo Livery Co, livery lor Jas H Mofinol Rank
jack, school supervisor ai 00 jonn Herdlein. of Blooming.
iA-Roy Cuius, co poor farm 7 00 M Rajriey reports that the was in town Friday, and took out
1 nt'. r T ft 11.. 1 . - - . 1 - ' .
Uraml .Miry wunesacs r u Appiui t rfirnfu for thp RftWflf honrl hllV- linonaa tr, tvcH fnr his Hnncrhtpr
John pangherty 7 4". A Ml V,olro gnnmvoi tVio icano R T ;n: PV,QD SV,l,Vt
$27 80, John
11.' 1 n U A Ho o t-arh 1 l C CIS liavc aiJkJlUYCU wic loauc,
Wagner and K Meyers each 3 o, Frauk B. llunyon, a SOn of C. E. Run
Hayek ami joe ciiamoin eacn o, . r yon, court recoraer, was given
Casteel, Walter Thompson, Albert Os- ! w0-k of transcribing the city n- xt v f , 7
home, w m Rav and a Mack each 8, w ine.w?r? f. ra"f l""!f.. , r'v night. New Year's Masquerade
. irfirnrns in ine ureuarauoiis leau- . tru-i ti-h oi..
jamerson, jas Anurews, wunc ocn.1, yy ; - . uance at tlllisooro nan, oaiur-
11 Hunter
K Knimons
Rock Crushi
bnnm $24 30, W J
, u g Kelly, chas Beiistine, m ing up to the bond sale, and the , evenintr Dec 30 Toelle's
,saa William Smith each 4. attorney, in writing of the work Ic0r?hes?ra. Always the
ruRhinx at Oswego-j Quattie- said It was one ot the finest t::T
Do not forget to ask for a
Schiller when you want a good
10 cent smoke no "cough dust"
m the Schiller. 12tf
W. E. Arnold, with the War
ren Bros.' Construction Co., was
in the city the first of the week,
greeting friends.
. E. E. Yarnell, the Timber ho
tel man. was down to the city
is Yamhill ranch.
Remember that the Hillsboro
National Savings Bank is under
irnvornment supervision, which
risuos you the best ot protection,
One dollar opens an account,
4 per cent, paid on savings.
E. W. Pant, of Reedville, was
i :
in town Monuav nioniinu. up
states that Isaac Allen, the pio
neer, aged 80 years, is rapidly
passing, and will never again
leave his bed.
For sale or trade: Twelve
acres. 2J miles southeast of Hills
boro: also a house and 2i acres
at McMinnville. Will sell at a
harcrain. or trade for Hillsboro
residence property, close in. C,
F. Bunsen, Hillsboro, ure.
Telenhonic communication from
Wfst Union savs that there is
stock running at large, contrary
tr Inw. in the district to the
north of the church.
The Grand Marca is the
tmn. bv E. Schiller. When you
indulge in a good smoKe ouy a
Grand Marca.
Tanur- Ennes and family, who
have been over on the Sound for
HAVpral months, have returnea,
cmH will doubt ess remain nere
frf tho Wintpr.
AW, WV I ,, Or T,.U.. 1 V 1. .A
r.nnd tiavinor restaurant, With ,r' ,,n rn-r r b Hchmeltzer ia.-
tnHnrimr hnnsfl in connection, for ,e Wm Deal 4 so, Chas Casteel 78 S, C
. tA- ,,i t. Will k'.olnr M I W Ilnr.
rant. nt. ft oarirain. u iiul 1 nniuiiiu 33,
t frt aa 1 nrmir-P nt KUrai wiwn -a,
wain w oii. 1 "
J. C. Buchanan and family, of U, W J yens 4 JChBrehiiii 7s.
near Cornelius, have moved wTiveVmore ,,V 4.
Forest Grove, lor tne winier. d ,nilNonnan Greer of room in the present structure
White Mountain or Olympic I ft 70,0 c store 4 o, wasnure corp ja pamfully evident.
flour, $1.35 per sack, or $5.00 per i 7. cy Yco
6 is, J C Umkln 2 5. Carl Skow a 50,
Relief Delta Drug Store fia 65, C C
Hancock 48, BrigRi Bros 16 50, Rlmoni
ca Merc Co 8 90, Mary U Watts 3.
county seat friends.
Christmas Dance, at Hillsboro
Hall, Dec. 23, 1911 Saturday
Pratt 28 30, 0 uui- transcripts of records it has ever
schiea 37 15. B McAnn 24 60, L W Pnl- , , f . nn9Pt
most ley 13 85, G Gheeu 36 90, H Pratt 33 15, Deen our ,0t t0 lnsPect-
Loans - $263,631.07
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bonds 67,160.00
Banking House 18,500.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 102,025.23
Undivided Profits
Reserve 3 4, Per Cent.
Thos. G. Todd
Wilber W
John E. Bailer J. W. fuqua
McEldowney J. A. Thomburg
Herman Prahl, who has made
f i t. r c
Kr-.W- kwt.dl;.r, SW7r
noke on market made in Ore- Pul,ey 46 O0i j j Adkins 72, Mrs which merely shows Washington Monday.
For sale, at a bargain: Jersey
j j Aakins 88 50. County, when you can get one on
tla.1m T T tt it ma to Hi all 11 n TtrAo 1 n nMrvaD cna a a K Atirinrr moiu
Hifi .Inhn Nvberar 10 65. Geo McGee II Uu5. f cow. tresh; gentle: good lamny
west, to the west boundary of miiKer -xvirs. o upt n ni.ta
f KOvft? irnhaa boro. Oregon, R. 2, Box 100. On
for $7.50, or a pocket size, 24x33 OJ ""'co .DUT
nho9 fnv $9 HOY flet it nt vrair nuiouuiu, uu ronmunwu
bookseller, or address T. S,
Wilkes & Son, Hillsboro, Oregon
Rugs, Linoleum,
Furniture of all
We Lead, the Rest Follow
Chas. 0. Roe &Co.,2Sr,I
6n. A Ik- inrohr 24. Haines rortaDle haw
mill Co 47 24, j s r.tiytou o, wi King
12. R Weiistrom 17 60, Uhnstenson &
Larkin 28, Thos Connell 5 90, J H Sew
ell . C G Reitcr 3 bo, bpierrine non-
let 30 Ho, Uroner itoweu 75 90, .m
mott Bros 10 25, Dnpont Powder Co 6..
The grand jury has been occu
pying the chambers of the coun
ty court since its tormation
and the probate work 13 being
barrel, at Emmotts.
Wm. Musgrove, purchaser of
the Borwick farm, near Beedville,
was in the city Saturday, and
called on the Argus.
re J. Mm,, ail voi hrnnphM
3 sets on r. K. & JN. uwner riveruuni, luiuiou , v iu...e,
call at Argus, prove property, responsuiie
o o,iw nnrl o-fit. the same. 1 dren. 1. R. Imbne. 39-0 day
river road. 40-2
Fred Heidel was a Portland
visitor this week, attending the
wedding of Frederick Vrooman,
of this city.
Thos. Tucker, of Woodstock,
done anvwhere in the building came out the first of the week
wherever the court and Detition- for a few days visit with his
era can get together. The lack daughter, Mrs. U. G. Gardner,
Plain sewing. Mrs. B. J. Lar
son, JNortn ihira ana Jenerson
X Call at the Hotel Washing- Streets. 40-2
wn, rnuay, uw. tt, anu Mamaere icense nas oeen
have Dr.1 Lowe show you the new panted Harry P. Giles and Josie
glasses wun wmcn you can see nyi. Lewis,
all uiOLOiitca. unco ui scaiua ,l7 i i, i? J
ThS .ke Vou feeC 1 Jnch fir wood. -C. K. Hodgdon,
r TG6 I
demonstration. Remember the John Olson, of Cedar Mill, was
a county seat caller Friday
Is the stock that fills my cases and shelves.
As the stockings that hang along the chim
ney place are of all sizes and shapes; so my
Christmas stock includes such an assortment,
and variety that I can supply a gift for any
stocking big or little.
If you don't want to waste time in hunting
around for something that will just suit you,
something nice enough to give and not too
costly to get, come to my store FIRST. It
will save you time and worry, as well as mon
ey, so begin with me.
Remember my up-to-date stock is in close
touch with the times and anticipates your
every want in
Watches, ClocKs, Jewelery, Silverware,
Novelties, Etc., and many charming and appro
priate gifts that cannot be here enumerated.
All are invited. A hearty welcome no matter
whether you come to look or buy.
the week.