The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 07, 1911, Image 1

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W55 Siies.
NO. 39
properly Attached by Portland
fld llillsburo l:lrm
Hue U luJi-r Attachment and In Hand
ul Sheriff llanciak
r. Lindgren, one of tho
gal.H.n men of TimU'r, hits been
sue! ly ,),iro1 ,11S tm,,w,rB
..'.mount involving a total of
$776 SlierrilT Hancock has at-
tacheJ the phu t? una wmu i n-u
will bo oW to satisfy tho claims
unrti Lindgren gets busy and
titles. II-nry Fli-ckenstein &
Co. sue fr for liquors fur-
ninhed. J,,,n (,,,,Jlit'h Hllt'8 for
jjil.75, money debited in Au
gust; $HX l"nwl Sept. 1; aml
$S.7.r fr labor performed and
unpaid, his attorneys being
SchnaU'l & LaKoche.
Emmott Pros, sue for 12128.11.
for merchandise furnished. K.
U Tongue 'iliiitf tht Hu't-
Kotlmcliild Pros., cigar and to
Ucco dealers, of Portland. Hue
for a balance duo of $2Hi. t,
Kagley & Hare tiling the papers.
While Timber is a thriving
little place, with plenty of a pay
roll, it appears that the saloon
bwwasU not very remunera
tive. Lindgren opened the first sa
loon in the new town. There is
another there, conducted by A.
W. Bryant.
The undersigned will sell at puli
lic auction at the Williams' Liv
ery barn at North Yamhill, le
ginning at ten a. m. on
Bay mare, 7 yrs old, 1250; gray
mare, H yrs old, 1250; bay mare.
12 years old; with foal by Bel
gian registered sta!lin; bay
mare, I I years old, l.tHK) all of
these horses are good true work
animals; Pur bred Jersey cow, (5
years, fresh; cow, 3 years old, in
milk; Jersey heifer, 2 yrs, fresh
in April; heifer calf, new top
buggy, single harness, 3 sets
work harness, 14-inch plow, plat
form scales, farm implements
and machinery, log chains, crow
bar, peavies, axes, 3 dozen chick
ens, farm wagon and racks,
household furniture and numer
ous other articles.
Terms of sale Under $10
cash; over, one year's approved
bankable note, s per cent, i per
cent, olf cash over $10.
Nancy Bacon, Owner.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
The closed season for crawfish
came Dec, 1, although very few
know anything about the statute
-for it is a new one. Chief of
Police Blaser arrested a Portland
man Sunday, who was openly
nsruiitf lor thesueculentdelicacy.
He Huid he knew nothing about
the new law, and was catching
the crutsaceana in siirht of all
passers. He was allowed to go
without line, under the circum
stances, and hiked back to Port
land in his auto to tell how he
was "pinched" for catching
something that would pinch.
Don't' MitoV nnu mAi prnuvdtth
this Winter, unless you want to
mix with the State of Oregon,
dec! Did you ever think how
good they are about this time of
the year?.
Notice to Apple Tree Planers
We have for sale for 1911 Fall
llliintimr f ho IVlliiMmr,
'-ipn VII V l I w 1 I IS
Newtowns, Spitzenburgs, Ar
kansas Blacks, Winter Bananas,
Johnathana, Golden Ortley, and
oilier choice varitiea -3 to 4 ft,
8c each; from 4 to 6 ft, 121c
each. For largo orders write
for special prices. 1. C. Nca
JeiKh, Sherwood, Ore., 11 4; J. T.
Nealeigh, Hood River, Ore.',
Nursery at Scholia, Ore.
The cool spell has made prime
furs for the animals, and as soon
as the waters raise a little there
will be many a mink and rat
caught along the waters of Dairy
anu tne Tualatin. Ohaa. uames,
who catches more than any other
individual, is patiently awaiting
the usual Fall raise in order to
get busy with his traps.
Myrtle Crabtree, of Portland,
has sued George N. Crabtree for
uivorce. They were wedded in
Albany, August 2G, 1903, and
there ia one child born to the
union a girl, aged 2 years.
The mother wanta the custody
of the daughter.
Washington County has been
signally free from murders dur
ing 1910 and 1911 but one hav
ing been committed. That was
the Cornelius box car killing,
wherein lomaso Debenedetto
killed Ktalto Manzarro. in a (mar-
re! over a card game. The slay
er, it will he remembered, plead
ed guilty, claiming that he was
oeing over-powered by his vie
um. manzarro s money was
found in Hie cur. und hi-t mnr.
derer was later caught at Spo
kane. Upon his agreeing to
olead miiltv the chare-e u:m re
dueed to manslaughter, and he
was sentenced to 15 years in the
ooiiite ntiarv. kosehiir w:m hunir.
ed in September. 1'JlO, but this
was nearly 10 months after he
killed his wife.
See our dishes for our custom
ers. When you expend $100
with us you get a line dining
room set of dishes, ('all for
cards and have the amount of
vour nurchases hunched each time
you buy. When you buy that
amount you get the dishes, or
you have a dandy game and fish
set.- hmmott Bros
(5. Halderman is nursing two
broken toes, sustained a few-
days ago while working at a well
at the I). IschaMd place, in
Helvetia. They were lifting an
SO foot pipe, attached to a pump
out a well, when the rope slip
lied, letting the pump down,
breaking the Ixme in the great
too. as well as one in the third
Dr. J (). Uobb attendee! the in
jury, and Halderman is getting
along nicely, although he will en
iov the household fires lor a
Begin now. A savings ac
count with the Jlillsboro Nation
al Bank, a government instilu
lion, earns you Jour per cent, in
terest. You will be surprised
how your money will earn you
money - and it is always safe
Detective Lillis, Portland, who
has charge of the detective force
of the Oregon Klectric Railway.
was in town Friday, and called
on the Argus. It is not genera
y known that all railroad com
panies have special detectives
who follow up clues after depre
dations are committed. As a
ruin I he com nan les select the
best men they can find for these
important positions.
lA.iint-iin nen found.--A fine
fountain oen was found on the
utreit Monilav. bv J. H. Morton.
,f ifi.Krntrclit. Wash. The finder
left it at this office and the loser
can have same by proving prop
lerty and paying for advertise
The Wienicko home, on Green
Mmminin. was a scene of a
Ttiunluitiuinir luirtv. Nov. 30. in
tiu .iv..iiinL'. Dancing, cards
and games were the features of
tlm rn'i.ninir. The IKU't.V dis-
iii.iuiul nt one in the morning.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
(). Boylin. Peter and M. Pehl, ()..
: ifnv nnd R Fair. Mrs. B.
it White Miss 1. Fair,
c(..r nni Lizzie Wienieke and
that, the Hillsboro
National Savings Bank is under
,M,iM.rnmont sniiervision. which
insuesyou the best 01 protection.
Ho nr onens an account,
4 per cent, paid on savings
lf,w Latham, employed by the
Ai-.vnu vnura niro. in the compos
ing rooms, was in town Satur
,!..., Me is now running the
electric light plant at Sheridan.
,.ia tnlfinirsi trill to Port-
i.,.i "Tluno-s nrn ooking fine
IUIIU. ........ ... - -
: li;ilnUmv nnd l m IT 111 10 me
III llllinuuiu, - " S , .-
old town is shaking oil the relics
of old davs." Kov remat-Keu w
the Argus. rant, with
Vlirtui 'tT."r . '
i..,i.,i,1(T Vinime in connection, lor
,.f ot a bargain. Ho noi
want to sell.-lnquirc of Kuratli
Geo. Paeon, of Yamhill, was
i t ti u mrn over sunaay.
Goo. has already sold the new y
.,KnanH ffirm above Yamliill,
UU tliuovu ... i.
with a good prom, on mo u. vi
olent, and is to nave a puimt,
sale at Yamhill, Tuesday, Decem
ber 12. He has some good horses
to sell, and his sale notice will be
well worth reading by those in
the market.
For sale or trade: Twelve
c oi miloa southeast or llills-
borojalsoa house and 2 acres
at McMinnville. win sen
bargain, or trade tor Hillsboro
residence property, close in. -U
F. Bunsen, Hillsboro, Ore.
Aunt Mary Bird, the oldest
ni;m ninnnor. was in
from North Tualatin Plains,
Monday. Mrs. liira was oom ...
the ."Oregon country" in 1839
and has lived here ever since.
.The street cleaning apparatus
was tried out last Wednesday
evening, and worked satisfactorily.
1-ouil I.ds Were Too Many for
the Classy Visitors
Jacob Schmidt, of Laurel, was
in the city the last of the week.
jTS Dr. Liowe will be in Hills
Ij?' boro, on December 22.
Geo. Carter, of near Oak Park,
was in town Friday.
Born, to W. E. Siltz and wife,
Hillsboro, Ore.. Nov. 27, 1911, a
Earl Towne. of Oak Park, was HEART FA1LE0 OF THANKSGIVING
over to the citv Saturday, and
Game was Attended by Pair Sized Crowd called On the Argus. Came lo Oregon With Parents, 1852,
Was Native of Indiana, Teacher
and Physician by Profession
I The Quality Drug Store I
No KuwdylKm in Play
David Harper, of near Beaver-
ton, was a county seat visitor
L Saturday.
Settled at Portland
Dr Mnrifin H Parlfor nf Croon.
A. O. Johnson, of South Tuala-
villf flipfl WpHnosrtav ovonimr
tin. was in town Saturday, and Mmr 1Q11 " .;,, f '
Nov. 29, 1911, at his home, from
an attack of heart failure. He
called on the Argus
H. II. Walker, of noar Heaver- . , .... , ....
ton. wa In the citv Mondav. mu ucc" "uuul da usudl Ulal ud
iuui, an eyenniK tame uu lie cum
It t 1 1 11
ti. t: i ,.,B P.ii.u ui leeuiiK uauiy. auoui
1, Ulll 1VVV Vfi. M. w
The hearts of the Hillsboro High
School Eleven were warmed by
victory on Thanksgiving Day,
when they defeated the Second
Hill Military Academv team, of
- wn, wan in in
Portland, by a score of 16 to 0. greeting friends
rut iitr") u tiiit iiti Tirwi ifuiinnu i r. .
...v, ..-v...., ,,.. i. rank ifiee ni rort ana. was . "
and although their opponents Lnt over ThanWaoivlng. visiting Uen o clock he had a severe at-
were clever, and the eleven had his son, in North Hillsboro. tack of heart trouble, and in a
one first Hill man in the team, n0 fatalities in Oregon on
there was nothing to it but Hills- Thanksgiving either from foot-
- . . Lll A 1 .
iMiro from start to finish. One pan or turney.
of Hill's best men was injured in nenry Haase, of South Tuala
the first quarter in a collision tin, was in Friday. He raised
with Long, and was taken from some mighty fine spuds this sea-
. i i .
me game. son.
After the game the boys were
given a bannuet bv Dr. Elmer
Smith, at his home in North
Hillsboro. Manv of the boys
had been fasting for the day
and as the dinner was in the
J. F. Carstens and wife, of
Banks, returned home Monday
morning, after spending Sunday
in Forest Grove, with relatives.
The undersigned wants a gen-
I t . : , 1U Clnnn nrA
evening they did justice to tne era. learnm juu. owau,
festal Ixiard. Those playing in reliable. Otto, Hillsboro, ur
the Hillskiro line-up were: It &. Bx IbA. near town, w
Lytle. ling, Daneel, Sigler. Nel- a. E. Peat, former owner of
son, Uelsman, bchroeuer, ii- the Varley orchard at Varley,
ins. Magill, Thompson, Larsen, was out from Portland. Friday.
W. Wilkes, Uobt. Imbrie. and called on the Argus.
The Ikivs are feeling nretty ... ' . ,
good over the outcome, as they I -.
have Iscored 40 points in all " it"cAv- 1 u "T : r r7-. . . ..
their games, their opponents in f bu ? 'T. lew minutes had breathed his
. i i ir r m. nn hv iui 12111111V. 1 , ,
all games scoring J4. -
Elf Schieitelm and wire, oi
I . a. mi 1 f :
Notice of Road District Meeting yenu;rvme, weie m tuwu m-
aav. acniene in is running one
::Ji-, JJ
The place where you are always sure of
drugs of absolute purity and Highest
Quality, prepared by competent pharma
cists who take pride in the accuracy of
their work
RfiXfl II Candfe'sand
IIUAU II Stationery
j The Delta Drug Store I
Dr. Parker was a son of Dr.
Patterson C. Parker, and was
aay. acnieneun is ru.muiK unc
of the progressive dairies of his born in Indiana, March 26. 1846.
aoftinn I" 1852, the family crossed the
. .i nv . plains to uregon, lanumg ai mu
C. A. Pbeth. of Ticardville. ,i,Q oi,,, pfiri tkof
was in the city baturday. attend- Falu The next year the famiiy
lnir a meeunir oi me cuuiny euu- mnvPfi n fv,p
illlll-T. " Mill..',, ...-..---
iiirailinK Im Iiiti'Ii.v rnllml, U Iw lit'lil t tn
Hill Sr.hiMil Muo in H'hkI liimrict inii.
21. WHHliiiiKlnii ('"inity. Or(K"li, on t!if
mi I, , uv ii.,in mr. i in. hi i mi o -ciim-k I .,,na in thaoitu Ngfnrnav
. I., . i..i..r i ihn pxtimt of im M rau. ine next year me iamny
I,, in., t.. iiiiinriiiinc tun (""mi oi m mPAf ncr nf t.he pnuntv edu- j t rf
ptovi'iiicnl in im iiikiih on iiy iiranij 'n .......r. i muvfu iu tue unijjquti Yaucj,
r,.,, M.rtioiithj.iunMW cational Board. where the bov was educated in
It'fruv t lief nmreoi, noi nmtnni i Li, 1. miller, Ul ououiia, woaiuic juuii- m.usuia. n imw, nv
in tho n Snnfinv Hp renorti! en istea in U). A. first ureffon the Schnlls Literarv Society Cavalry Volunteers. After the
had a great program Saturday close of the war he was mustered
evening. out at Vancouver, and then re-
Moil aarvxna urna inatn Pfl nn 1 , .. . - S-U
1.1U1I UVI ,IVV .. ' '
111 ...i U .... I l,i, ilnllur nil nil H1HI HPT
niiinil tuxal'lii )ni'irlv In mh.hI ruiul 1ih
HhKhI thiit-.'Tlliilftyor MivemlK-r, mi.
.1. A IliilVnmn,
tfniiprvlNor of Roiiil llislricl No. 21,
WHliiii:toii I'oinily. Un-KOli.
(1 M Oriinin, II 1 v kikit. j j v ninmii".
i l i... i'l,u. Unit M 1 ('rimican. W
K Noi'll,'(MI Cnrimlmii. Jhiiiph liiK'tw.
l. Hill, J W I'riU'.liaril, L L Vaget.
J,. . he was encrae-ed in teachinor and
;, Monday morning, imsi . n.. s . . . . n- j;
,, ,i ..I KZX U v ct iiuuni nui(v, tunuis, t mvui
wu , n finiiora for man will . give tne coast county Close , , ., t-hin Fin.
'." r"u.:. r " touch with the world
vvnicn merely snuwa Yaniiiiinnni
President Vice-President - . , Cwhier
II. E. Ferrin, Ass't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement, of" fVmrlitirm nn Tfrirlaw Sanfamkai 1 1Q11
Capital and Surplus $50000
r .....
Loans - $269,529.20
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bonds 67,160.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 122,521.90
Undivided Profits
Hoaervo 3 4 Ior Oexxta
Miss Emma Starr, of Corvalhs,
Four children were born to the
union. The widow and children.
Lillian L., Viola Vivian, Gertrude
Grace and Grace Gertrude, sur
Dr. Parker was an Odd Fellow
"".T,"".".."" mv. trraduatne in 1872.
I the pacjtic KaW-n. For eighteen years thereafter
nut iiHi.wrr i li ibuuiu anu x i uu i i .
mook, Monday morning.
eal course while teaehiner. Fin
ishintj- at Willamette University
n ,..lmn vnn fon nt onp nn W R Peterson, who has the he went hark to the Cnllee-e of
VAHIIit.), "lit" j - r-v-..- ... - ' -- , . i'-- , , , " n.
a larger Stale, shuwhik cvcij- uisuntuuu ui uioihbiub v- i i ujoiuaua anu uuijcuiio,
. i . j.. l7tllr. w.ff n l?i imi. I vct nrtroil in the pnnntv WSl?llTM,io an1 nri-Qnotcirl (Vnm tViaf
inillg irOIIl Hie ll inallKlli. unn CSI iivitj.ciu i. vuv vwuhvji nuuio, ttiiv. auucivu iiviii vi.ww
. . . L ...,.4- l-i. . n An ff I i... C Witih T4nol Tl'Mflav nf. I !oHti,tirn in 1QQO PotniTimnr
WeSL LO tllC VVIM, LlUUllUttlJ V I UU 1IUIII T,Il, . I I1JO VI IrUblUII 111 1WU, i,i,i.uiij,(,
tlm f-niintv. size 50x67 inches, ternoon. to Oregon he settled at Green
(,11V v' ii-,jj " . I... . -
for $7.50, or a pocket size, 24xdt p d CorneliUS) who was in- ville where tor many years he
;.,..iw,a fnr- no? (let it. of vour j . ..l- n n 4. conducted a store and Dracticed
iiiuiio, mi m o jurea in uie. ouimeu oi,uic, ia - . - ; ....
u..b-.,iiaf nr nrldress T. S. J .... 1.--1. : i.Li i medicine. In 1894 his buildines
, n again duck m me nanicso, icci- - --- - , ., - ,
WiiUo Son. Hi sboro. Oregon. :r u v DQva thorn , were burned, but he rebuilt and
" .... - w , I I I I li llllC. A', iJ (JJIO V"VlV I 11. 1 M 1 1
. u: uin q ya harA continued ousiness until aeatn
1 11 t!in ou tnrmer nnncma iiuioinK "" . ,
o. 11, uuiiuv;, .v. .... r......r- . 11 r. raiKer was marneu tu
of the Hillsboro Mign acnooi, ana ":uu.
now principal at the Highland Strayed: Dark Jersey cow,
School, Portland, was out rn- white tail; few white marns;
day. looking over the town. He about to freshen. Reward for
was more than surprised to see information sent to i. u. uoan,
the progress since he last visited Beaverton, Ore., R. 2. 39-1
. 1 lLl U fulltrl
l 111 sboro, ana says mat ue iuuj n fl . nor,noA nt nf,. .hir.
believes we will doub;Gfi0"rP ped over the Tillamook line was and a member of the Grand Army
laiiun vviuiiu v.iw ..v. rf hwino-hf n the midd e ot the OI tne neDUDiic.
i.-,iti; Umthora have moved ...nnb- nnri tol-on thrnntrh to the He was well known in Hillsbo
their of licers into the Hillsboro portiand stock yards. Profitable ro, having taught the public
M.,i;nni Pont Unilitincr. liooms K.iainQDD schools here in the eighties.
iawuiii uuiin ..-...p,, i uumiiiiM. i --- " . .
1 and 2. upstairs, where they VnrSaU. T,imitPfl number of He eaves an estate variously
..,:ii ninnaoH t.n extend everv . v T ,.. v; estimated at irom o.uuu 10
oi rtesv to their patrons, and e, "",ui"1 " $40,000
- . . j- T? Iiera IIUUI UCSl Olli Lie. i L laj-
welcome their friends Entrance Addresg chag Cowgill(
on Main, door east of the Hills- HisWn 0r Route i Box 25.
boro National Bank. p Stntps Telenhone. Glen-
B. W. Robinson and wite, oi coe. 259. 38-40
tfnii Po k County, visited ,ir r, o
--.-". . . ti n Mrs. win. Dame.v or.
over Thanksgiving witn n y. , Mrs. Ira Hoard, of
Schmelteer and wile Mr kod- gund frQm
inson worked lor ftir. otnmeiwc . . . .. ... th .
few years back, and enjoyed Q, Wnlla Woll!1 Wnsi.
himselt greeting his oldtime " " " .
f-inds For Sale Quarter block in
i i.noonnahlo A half iuiamooK Wty, o-ruum UUUSB, 1U-
For sale, reasonable A hail nvimimr Viniioo feerl hnm
WockJn NHilr.K vear in odnl
macauuiii uu " dition. Will exchange tor tarm was
any part, w th six foomhouse. t in the Willamette Val- ning
in tmorl renai r. F ruit trees, ber- r A. n rt rr:n u
in f,-- .---- : - , t, sv. .iuiui r. ueniuii. iiiaiiiuui, i ai
r.l!!SCi E nTrr idtf Ore. 39-1 Plains, was a county seat caller,
t, . . tu ...n William Hanson, formerly of Monday.
t nSn Z of St Matthews Scholls, now in business at Sweet Carl Pfahlf of beyond Bloora
S it wLwafsucceS Home. Linn Co.. was ,nf town ingwas one 0f the city visitors
;"w lather Laooan. is now in e .nrst 5ne7 "e !T: Monday afternoon
Twiind. stotming at the Chris- auc"n e-u uusu,csa 1,1 luo Chas. Walters, the North
tinn toothers' College. He writes new Plains blacksmith, was in the
that his leg still bothers him For sale: Full-blood Berkshire city the first of the week.
very much, and keeps mm con- sow, c Peter Hebeisen. of Helvetia.
fined to his room a grea a a !XKellyr.t w in town Monday, and will
For sale: A tew unooe isianu - , ... - Qn p e&-1 of read the Argus lor a year.
Red cockerels .Jnou; Newton. 39-1 A Vancouver young fellow of
hneiy mareeu. ..u . v , w . TSomnnlr 76 years challenges all comers
v .ii i tt:hu- under his aire for a fistic en-
ana we Known lumany nuisuu- TI - , . . . .
ro people," died at the Good Sa- counter. He may be all right in
l ..ZZi vnA Oot h a c ass. but if the announce-
".i . -i-- ' u ment is an advertisement for
ii uav oibcii uuui xxv i i .
o. O. lodd John t. Dailcy , V. fuou
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thomburtf
Five room, furnished cottaare. to
j responsible party, without chil
and , rn o i.kwirt qoo
areii. i. iv. iiiiuiic. w-v
P. J. Sonnen, of Cornelius
was down to the city Monday
P, Rorenson. of Reedville. was
in town Monday, on legal busi
Victor Nord, of below Newton,
dition. Will exchange for farm was a city visitor Monday eve
Alec Gordon, of beyond North
Rugs, Linoleum,
Furniture of all
We Lead, the Rest Follow
Chas. 0. Roe & Co.
Pioneer Furniture
strains. A. U. Johnson, Corneli
us, Or., Route 2. Ind. Tel. Hills-boro-Scholls
line. 39-1
W. F. Haase, one of the Argus'
patrons for years, was in town native of Wisconsin, and had
Friday, ana caueu uu iuc lemsi- ijved at Tillamook tor over zy
ous weekly. years. Hadley was a big whole-
L W House was a Portland souled fellow, and was generally
visitor Friday. successful in business affaira.
For Her Chrstmas Gift
A Diamond Ring
There is no question of quality when the dia
mond ring is purchased at this store. My
prices are not high, but I do not sell "cheap"
My selection of diamond rings affords a
choice of many styles of settings with differ
ent sized stones ranging from $7.50 up.
My diamond rings at $20.00 to $35.00 are
exceptionally fine. See Them.
r.lark Countv's climate it isn't
worth while. . There are a lot of
snrv old fellows here in the 80-
class who think the Vancouver
man is altogether too callow.
h -