The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 30, 1911, Image 4

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a .
Ladies' Suits
and Coats
For ten days following Thanksgiving we
will oner the
to the people of Washington county in
above lines.
hand bills
will be on sale in
Hillsboro, Ore.
"xhey say, among otner things, that
you tied your wives up In Backs and
threw 'em Into the Bospborus."
'Tied 'em up In sacks, eh?" snarled
the ex-sultan. "All I did was to get
'em some hobble skirts. They Insisted
on 'em." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Xn viewing- baseball games at times we
note with great dislike
A man who labors not at all, yet goes out
on a strike,
i Dallas News.
"I hope your novel ends happily r
"Indeed, It does. It ends in the njar
riage of the heroine and hero; does not
go Into their married life at all."
Houston Post.
Wigwag You are drinking too much,
old man. I should think you would
consent to be treated for It
Guzzler Thanks, old chap. Don't
care if I do. I'll have a cocktail.
Philadelphia Record.
About Its name I had no doubt
When I arrived in Terra Haute.
But soon I met a gay galoot.
Who said the town was Terra Hoot
I might have had plain sailing, but
Another called it Terra Hut.
And others, I was pained to note,
Were pleased to call it Terra Hote.
And then I gave it up, you know,
And moved away to Kokomo.
Washington Herald.
"The schoolmistress Is interested In
you, dad."
"How's that?"
"Why, today after she'd told me six
times to sit down and behave myself
she said she wondered what kind of a
father I had." Judge.
"After all, success is a disgusting
"Why do you say that?"
"It always involves such a lot of
hard work."-Chicago Record-Herald.
1 Rev. Francis E. Clark. D. D., LL. D.,
founder of the Young People's Society
of Christian Endeavor, recently cele
brated the sixtieth anniversary of bis
birthday at his birthplace, Aylmer,
For the first time In her history Lon
don has a physician for lord mayor.
His name Is Sir Thomas Boor Crosby,
and be is eighty-one years old. It Is
believed that he Is the oldest man to
till the office.
Ollie Merle James, Democratic mem
ber of the house committee on ways
and means, began his political career
, as a page boy in the Kentucky legis
lature. He made bis first stump speech
when he was eighteen years old.
Vladlmar Kikolaievich Kokovtsoff,
the new prime minister of Russia, has
for years been one of the most promi
nent members of the Russian govern
ment. He Is sixty years of age, but
looks fifteen years younger, and is pos
sessed of great vigor.
Dr. Leland O. Howard, who coined
the term "typhoid fly" and aroused
. universal Interest In the crusade
against these dangerous pests, Is the
only American on the international ag
ricultural committee. He Is an expert
on Insects In the department of agri
culture, and It is largely due to bis
scientific Investigations that the world
became acquainted with the boll wee
vil and the gypsy moth.
Household Hints.
' Keep a few pieces of camphor gum
in your linen closet. It will aid in
keeping the linen white.
The deposit which forms In the bot
toms of teakettles can readily be re
moved by boiling vinegar in them.
Put a small cork in the oil can be
longing to the sewing machine. This
will prevent spilling the oil in the
drawer and soiling anything there.
LA tape loop on the apron band to a'
greatest bargains ever given
see our window displays,
and posters
departments of our Store
Always come in when you
are in town whether you
want anything or not.
Allen & Wright"
Pioneer Harness Shop
A. M. CARLILE, Proa.
former location to next door to
the Wiley & Dennis barn. Second
f th jur to kT joor txth ant ud plaU u4
brl4(work don ud hra li tb plara to (it tha
kut palsleu wwk puwlbl. Cmpart turtricu.
Wt dnlih !. u
bri(ln work (or oat.
of -town natron, la
on Aim It deatrwE
Plnla oxtnctlaa
brids work 1. ord.r .
t.multilion fr.
Mtlar Cmni S5.
Ool Fillinfi 1.00
Enunl Fillinr 1.00
s;w Fiiiinn .50
Qood Rubbw -h.i..
B.ttRedBukkw- .
Plata .DU
ia.W..Mni,rwnnTHiMtuai Palnbn Exti'tlw .60
rj tum urutmii rtriua best mbtmoos
All work fully ruarantmd for flftMB'au,
Wise Dental Co.,m.
Painless Dentists
fatnni Rulldlif. Thirl and Withlniton. PORTLAN0, 0U,
OfOc.Oar Iaart,ltal
Notice ol Final Settlement
Notice is linrebv pivon tlmt I. t.lin nnrlur.
signed Administratrijt of tiie estate, of
Edward C. Hanks, deceased, have filed in
the County Oourt oft he Slate of Oregon,
lor Washington county, iny tinal account
as such administratrix and that said
Court has lUed Monday, Docember II.
Iflll, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. ol said
day as the time, and the cotnify court
room at Hillslioro. Oregon, as the place
lor hearintr ohieclions to said no.niinf
and the final SHltlement of said estate.
Dated this Noveniher4, 11)11.
Nancy I. Itanks,
Administratrix of the Estato of Edward
C. Hanks
W. N. Barrett, attorney fi.r adminis
convenience nnd will save the nprnn
from being torn If hung on n hook.
Rw the loop on the wrong side of the
Fill lamps on blottiug pnper and
whatever oil overflows will be absorb
ed, thus saving the table. Oet heavy
blotting paper and keep a Bliet-t beside
the oil can.
Current Comment.
These Beem to be the dogs of war
days. Detroit Times.
It will be noticed that the women of
California hud the last word. Chicago
Dr. Wiley says that the greatest na
tion is the one that treats its women,
soap and sugar right. But why drag
in the soap and sugar? New York
America is the most discontented
nation on the globe, says n foreign edi
tor. That's it; that's It. The divine
discontent Is wbnt keeps us ahead of
the smug uiid satisfied nations and
they can't see It. Cleveland I'luln
Dealer. .
a v, Vw -J
for prices.
illsboro, Ore.
A Thanhsgivinef
Day Drive
bhould not be marred by the
ijuoaiuuii VI ail UllIUCIl l XUI
prevent one come and get a set
C J 1 - 1 I I
vi uur ut'uenuao e narness.
now nandsome it is you can
see at a glance. How good
and substantial it is you will
learn in hard and long service.
We don't handle the kind
whose beauty is all on the out
... . -
We have mnvprl from , thp
the Commercial hotel, opposite
Clara A. Stewart. Plaintiff,
tiff, 1
dinrlna T. SOpwnit Tlnfatt.l
To Charles L. Stewart, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
are neroh
, . . J
.mpiaTedffu thS
pnlitiprl onurl oti1 nun nn .
the Co
above entitled courl and cause, on or be-
lore the 2!tli dav of I m ti..r mil onM
date behiB alter the exuirution of Nix u
weekB from the lirat publication of tlim
HUimnoiiH. If vou lail tn nurxwr mul
aiiHwer, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in the com
plaint, to-wit: For a decree of divorce
lorever dissolving the bonds of matrimo
ny now Kxiwing oeiween planum and
(icimicKim on me grounds ot cruel and
lllhlllllHil trp.'it limn t. a nil alast en t rin
grounds of desertion; for the custody of
grouiMiaof .leaertion; for LheciiNtody of
)i ( UPt4li(lnt: And Or al n-noira rua
This summons is published once s week
the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of
uie awe entitled court, dated the Kith
day of November, Ml, directing publica-
Tsd'iv16; i, Jlr'"
ion. '
Anu t he last publication the jsth day of
nmim ti v till I
Schnahel A t.aRnr.ho
Attorneys for t'laintiit
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon tor Washington County
Wm. H. Royle, Plaintiff
Hazel E. Royle. Defendant.
To Hazel K. I'ovle. the above namml
defendant: fn the name of the State of
Oregon: i on are hereby required to an
Dear and answer ihn foimtiHinl. fil,l
against you in the above entitled suit on
or iK-iore mo win (lay ol iincemliei', mil,
Which is HIT WAnku uflfir N,tvMihnr
lilll. I.IH lllltH Of thp (ifuf rnl. fu(i.... ..f I
this summons, and if you fail to appear
or answer, for want tha nlnim.itt'
will apply to the Court for a decree (lis-
soivinir the liomis of matrimonv existinir
between plaintiff and defendant and for
such oiiior aim niriner roller as the ourt
may deem meetand just. This summons
.,e.i ov orner oi ne Hon. k. o
Hteveiison, Judge ol tho County Court of
Washington County, Oregon, dated tins
''llil dav of Mfivalnhwt. 1(111
' A. Walter Wolf
Attorney for Plaintiff,
uaioor nrst puDlicatiou, Nov. 2, 1!U1.
Dateot last publication, Dec. 14, lilll
fore call for a Schiller or a Grand
Marca, when you want to see the
bine wreath curl. 12tf
vember oyster shell. 75c per
hundred lbs, at Greer's. 35-8
A good, strong, serviceable
top-buggy for sale. J. M. Wal
Emmotts have a fresh lot of
Krinkle cornflakes, 3 for 25 cents.
Washington County Did Well
State Horticultural Show
Lcis Writes of the Portland Apple
Show Closed a Ftw Days Ago
Editor Argus: Last week's Ar
gus stated that I was awarded
four first premiums at the Ore
gon Apple Show. This needs
little addition to state all facts,
and to give Washington Countv
the credit that it should have.
Here are the facts in a nutshell:
I received first on the Jonathan
apple; first on Northern Spy;
first on Ben Davis; first on King
all box exhibits. On plate ex
hibits. first on Ked Cheek Pip
pins: second on Ben Davis: three
box lots second on Northern
Spy: and last but not least, first
premium on Italian prunes, mak
ing a tOta 01 Six first mvmnim
and two second premiums. It
appears that we should con
sider that Washintrton Cm intv
really got the best of Hood
hiver, and that our county is
forcinff ahead with lnno- strips
the Portland naners nrorilitH
us with two first premiums and
Hood Kiver second, but I knnw
there were second premiums
marked on their boxes which for
some reason were not nub hahpd
in the list.
Now I have always contended
that we can raisp inst na tmml
apples as Hood Kiver, but now
we nave pone them one better,
and have shown that it is not
blarney but facts, and facts
speaK louder than words. 1
have before me a letter from H
C. Atwell. nrpsidpnt of thn
State Horticultural Society, con
gratulating me on the many
prizes won and in unhnldinrr thp
reputation ot our valley apples,
wnicn 1 treasure very highly.
I have not tripH so vpru rinrrl
and what I have done anyone
can do. as 1 assure vnn it. is not
so great a trick to raise perfect
fruit if you use care and intplli-
pence. Without care your pota-
VV-'J " nvv ftiwn IV ltci l UUI I,
The same is true of fruit. If
I t r n 1 1 U .UUi I . " J r
"; ic iikih miiu ui surav.
and surav. at the ncht t.imo I
will guarantee von will rnisp ai
good as any state in the union
L,et us ail try to make old Wash
lnerton Countv the hpst arm u
, . .... , " rr'"-
district in the state and I know
we can do it if we try. I know
l4 Mr 0(3 rlmnAIIHniMnn 1. ...... 4.1
lib VV CLO U 1 QLUUl dH I Hl 1.1 W H V I I1M
i j"i..j i- '
Bliuvv was cunuutuHj last year,
and no doubt many still feel sore
about it. Personally I had 82
who e dav and nicht nt. it ami
then had to pay all chartres af
ter it was agreed that transpor
tation should be paid but I got
it in the neck, likp thp root
But it takes more than that, tn
discourage Yours Truly. B. Leis.
Olympia and Eastern Oysters
11 bulk, at the Den of Sweets,
I "H-' xvciici, Ui vr cot UIIIUII,
was in the Tuesday morning.
I -r - . . .
John Boge and wife, of Farm-
ington. were in the ci'tv Tups.
Mrs. M. Sturm Sr.. and snn of
Devond Koominc wprn in thp
city luesday afternoon.
Martin (Jnemnns nnrl Thna
T .. . r t i . .
Mecuwaen, UI verDOOrt, were in
I i . . . . .
cuu court Qn naturai,zatjon Dug,.
I John M. Scott, in charge of
the advprtisintr hiirpjin of tha
q u ti ,t?UreU "f tne
?nd. Traveling Passenger Agent
Jenxins, were in the city Tues-
may, and called on the Artrus
I -a m . .
Mr. Scott was very much taken
with the county seat.
A Christmas nrrwram nnd
I ' n ' " ' . "'IM
Christmas trop will hp (Avon of
the Christmas Church at Farm
inffton. lenernhpr v'A A nnr.
dial invitation and hearty Christ
mas greetings are extended to
the public Christmas Commit
Ladies cominc ' in frnm tha
countrv are cnrrliallv in vi tori
make themselves at home in the
Kest Koom, on Second Street
1 .. ... .
"e a00r. n0rtn 01 tne kreenhOUSe,
where thev fan rpmnvp t.ho stnina
0f travel and nrenaro fnr tVioi'r
vt Irvei ana prepare xor tneir
Shopping expedition
tt m t i ii
Mayor H. 1 . Bagley and Coun-
cnmen liartramf. Smith and Bos-
. . ,, ', , . " .
cow went to Portland the last of
fliA l rilr onil r,i,t.siVi nrt,1 o nf.inl
the week and purchased a street
cleaning outfit, and it will be in
operation in a few days. The
purchase consists of a sweeping
mnrhinp rnllor nottorn a oniinlr
on gears, and trip like the rock
WtlK m, uy vk com
Kf" J, L l&
Iiiic v.ii,y oiau gcu) a nuic lining
machine, an extra core for the
sweeper, and extra fibre, to re-
place when the old sweeper
wears out. A flusher was not
purchased because of the lack of
force in the water supply. The
apparatus will be ready for work
in a few days.
Friday and Saturday
December 1st and 2nd
goes to the Church.
Third Street
ie have oncned a
New Bakery one
door south of the
Hotel Washington and
have employed a first-
class baker. All kinds
of Bread and Pastrv.
We ask a trial aud are
sure we will hold your
Both Phones.
We deliver to any pirt of city
is the result of many years'
experience and skill in flour
making. Its name guarantees
its quality and its quality ex
plains its reputation. Snow
white and fine as velvet.
Beaver State Flour invariably
ly assures good bread and
light delicious pies and cakes.
Your Grocer has it.
IClimaxMilliny Co.
r 1
A Mystery In
A Freight Qr
Cojiyrlght by American I'rcaa Aaao-
ClllIlciH, I'Jll.
I am a brnkenian on n freight train
One day during the winter season,
when we had come to ii atop, waa
walking alongside the train and saw
a thin smoke coming out from under
one of the cars. Thinking It to come
from n hot box, I stooped to examlno
tho truck, but tho running gear waa
as cool as a encumber. Then, looking
up, I noticed a smnll tin pipe protrud
ing from the bottom of the cur,
through which smoke wus coming In
little puffs.
"Well, I'll bo Jlnged!" I said to my
self. "Here's a freight car, sealed with
lead, that hasn't been opened since It
started threo days ago, and a steam
engine In It. Am I In my right mind,
or have I tumbled off the brake wheel,
where I was Bitting n spell ago."
I stooped a trifle lower and craned
my neck In a Ilttlo further In order
to get n better view. There was the
pipe, evidently n part of n leader from
a gutter belonging to the roof of a
house. It extended n few Inches
downward, then turned with nn elbow,
tho second part extending about a
foot rearward. As I looked the puffs
continued as regular as thoso coming
from a locomotive making a steady
What to do 1 didn't know. 1 was
afraid to notify tho conductor for fear
I'd nnd out that I d had n stroke nnd
saw things that didn't exist. Some
thing occurred Just tl. that inado
me think I'd surely gone daft. I heard
a girl's giggle.
There wasn't any connection between
a steam engine and a girl shut up in a
boi car, especially a sealed box car.
but there was a good deal to excite
curiosity. 1 Htopped worrying about
myself and begun to wonder what
here was Inside that car. 1 stood off,
looked at It and walked ull around it
A freight train Is umdo up of differ
ent kinds of cars, and this car was es
peclally different from the others. It
looked as though It might have been a
caboose turned Into a box. The thlnir
most noticeable about tt WflH ft llwia.
- u III
one end. Why 1 had
before I don't know unless It was be
cause the end was only about two feet
from the end of another cur
I saw that there was or had been a
lock on the door. There wasn't any
knob, but a nail had hn ,
climbed up on the pom.ii., ...,
to turn the nal. to open tho door. I
dldnt succeed. I listened, but every
thing was still. Dut 1 didn't forge that
tTlggle, and nrettv i . "
fn. Tbe,nM,1,Jn'0nr'1 With.
in. lhcn oil of a midden the door was
pulled opra, and llwrwrtoua,.
g lit "j to4
"ew of ...
cur. j nere
r,.t lt -
On r.,r..
won for winir; In one
mnttrwia with bot.-i.t 1.1 . .
tor waa a pin tuhle. ail,i'at
w.. . cook .tov.. And 1 , "?
ih mrtv run dow
up or horlioi.tni p , "l
hoi.. In Wir floor." ""wirt,
TImm d.i,Jl give us ,.,
the elrl. going for uia . '
blu f ves not man ....i.i . . pllr t
..v .it . T """" rrai
You'd Wllrr Ivt in. con,.',,.,,
-rd. "if the coii.ln.1... 1
the train hand !..,.,!. . r "T t
n hnndt Rlu.m.i 1
thw'd lie no utx-d of i-lf i. ,kllC
1 w,ut lusld. ...d mt n:.-,,;
ma Tli.ii I ........ 1UOr fttr
. ... ., , J()li .
enough to toll mo what thl, ineIUV
! MW'r a bride an.l ......... "
I Tounif follr whn inl.i.i.... '. " lb
w.wu i :
onr errntin yearn old.
"On our wedding trlli
added. 'A bride and groom on
"MI t.-l you all abom if ..u ,k
boy. -W.T..OI oulyo,, ourwlL!
trip, but w.'r. a runaw,, c.miPio
"Are you sure you're not
Ptr of
acaiHHt lunatics?"
The girl luKh1; the f,.w !(wk .
kind of ()uw and talked on
"We were engaged, but iivltUr k
dnd nor mine would l.t ua ot mlr
rl..d till we wr-re 0ld.-r. I ,n, , fl(rk
ship In n railroad freight hoUw j
I matiiigiMl to git bold of this car tZ
oni. night when you men were raaJ
up this train I give the enwr
Ignal to book up aealimt n .. ,l
r nvit time be backed up tKnm , rtp
uin n in mo irain. rj jilt
door nud put In the bridal fiirnlttuv
'Tlie bridal furnlturer I .aid, jl
Ing around. "So till. 1. a bridal
b.-r. U Itr'
"Well. It's all we got." be n.wr4
"What have you had to tatr I
'lircad. bacon, egga and a few otto
things. There'! our atove. w pt
a goinl euough draft when Ui. tnij',
"And when It Un't moving you tn
the flroT
"Just so."
Hearing tome one coming. I put tor
finger to my Mpa, and when the toan4
tad passed I went out and ihut the
door. That was the moat ortglnat
wedding trip I ever saw or heard of.
and I wouldn't have given the chll
drvn away for a farm. I ctmldnl
make up my mind whether they mm
mally on a honeymoon Jouraej or
playing they were married, at call
dre n do.
When we got to the end of the ma
they disappeared, and I net or fom4
out wtint bad become of them.
Laundry Unei.
Irona ahould not be allowed to l
come red hot, at they will nerar n
tain the heat properly after nurd
Hang aklrta and drcusea on tb
clothesline on tho atralght of tha foodi
when drying, and you won't ban in
uneven nklrt when It U laundered.
The color of almost any wlilu tu
terlal may be act by aonklug It In
ter to which a spoouful of at gall Im
boen ndded to each gallon of water.
To keep blue clot hea from fading try
adding bluing to the starch. Tbf
will rolnln their color better than It
put In the bluing water and ttxa
Political Pointer!.
This la tha time wheu a preeldentlal
boom can step up to alinost any itafc
man's office aud walk lu without
knocking. Washington Star.
It milur lu. m illunntukliittiient tA DAO
pie with enlarged Ideas of the remedial
power or laws to discover ttial It
ronla a lot if ninnii tn cntilnra Dollt
l al nomlnatlons.-Hprlngtleld Itepub-
It dm not require the aerrlcri of i
clairvoyant to predict trouble ahead
for the native born American citlaeo
over thirty-five years old who dlacov
era that he has a presidential hfa 11
Ilia headgear. -St. Paul I'loneer Preti
German Gleanings.
Hop gardens flourished In GermaV
in 81U
The pniportlon of young men town"
suitable for army service In Gefuunf
is about 68 per cent of those living la
the country aud 61 per cent of tboee
llvlmr In fllloa
Collnpalblo water towers adopted M
!, ... A ... .... in hilt OV
v. .ftiiiiii uiv uemriuiciii -
foet long when closed, yet can Im
t!r into a window on tho eighth dr
of a building.
Recent Inventions.
Ingenious tacklo has been devised
make a tree that Is being felled P"J
fis own stump from the grouud w"11
Two small curved ribs within the
pout of a new antl-splashlng tow
prevents the water spattering " u'
sues, no matter what the pressure.
A Mlssourlan has Invented cUPj
hold a lead pencil upon a finger
that It will not have to be laid down
If a writer desires to use his for
some other purpose momentarily.
The Woods of Main.
The wooda of Maine, the wooda of Mai"
tney are not lone ana drear,
for thay aro filled with wounded men
Who've boon shut down for
-Oenver Itepubllcas
Raady to Wait.
"And yon say you love me?"
"With tho cost of living na W
inai .
"ludeod, I do, nnd when the
llvlllit Is loiia r will nrova m? Ifve
niaklng you my wlfe."-riouBton Pot
Carlyle and Paint. M
When Carlyle went to sit to Sir
Mlll..l ... ui. In Mllll"
rtiuuu now House ne iuiu
Btulrwny to nsk, "Has paint done '
tills, Mlllnls?" and, getting a '"
" 'i iii niri n in nun" "'
"Ah, well, It shows what n niinilr
fools thuro aro In the world."