irUaBORO AROOt KOVtlfDIR to 10 1 6 ! P1 pi hi ft 4 II ;5 r;j 2 a 3.9 ?r POULTRY SHOW WAS (no. A SPLENDID SUCCESS Mr. Farmer Build up your Country. Buy some Stumping I'owilt r. Clean out the Stumps. We can supply your nerds in i lie Munip jupr powder Hue, as we mnv buy in un load lots; Therefore t an fill your ordeis at the ritht price. So call around and sec us. Yours for a Q dral Rowell Bros. & Co. SCHOLLS. OREGON Phone Priv. Kx. No. 2 Closed at lorest Urove Last Sat urday livening; liiK Attendance i m m m m m m m m m. a a m m m . K. N. STAEHR The Bazaar, rsi Grve Ofe,on Wm '! Bl: Hill) IICKI- NOT VHAK K. II. (irctr (ids SweipslakeK Prize for HikI mill I arexl fxhibil I In' VVasliiiiKton County Poultry .ji jSlimv cIosmI at Forest Grovt last' iti-Sal unlay nikdit, and it was voted1 -jijllii' best, exhibit ever held in the .'.1 ; county. The will be held 5jin Hillslioni next year. New of Iji I fieei-H elected were: It. II. Greer. Ilillshoro, president; J. E. I'ogue, Finest drove, viee president; G. M. I.ittlehales, Forest Grove, secretary; Walter Uoswurm. For est drove, treasurer; J. Murrow, Win. I Man, Hillslioro. and J. F. Saunders, Bethany, executive committee. The prizes were twanled as follows: i . ' A, I ' ' Capital, Surplus, Profit $44,000 Do a General Danhing' busi ness. Loans, Money on Reul Estate, Buys unci Sells Mort gages. Pays 4 Interest per Annum on Savings Deposits 3 Times a Year. OmCKIW AND PIRKCTORS Edward Schulmorirh, Pres., John W. Connell, Viee Pres.; Willis Ireland Cashier. I)irectors-E. I!. Tongue, W. N. Barrett, Geo. Kirk wood, W. 0. Dont'lson. Ilillsboro Commercial Bank a m m m m a a a a a a a a a a awanieii as loiiows: if Hi' 'Mil l.inlmiii. isl Ck, j-il Cki; n, W ni'l ("I Inn, iil jfii H II C.u-iT. i-l m m mill 2inl C'kl. Vntl Bin) V'l ien.-Jje 1 Hiinidi n, II O Hayx Kc Son pullrt. ,' I Wluif l,(li 'iin Ht Ck, oil and 201I g CLI, lit mill liul hi'ti, 1 si, 11 iM nil mtSmm Get Ready for Ducks 1 111 nv-Tttrsmxsssn ee our Our Line of Sporting Goods is not beaten in the city. Call ou us for Ammunition and Hunting Supplies. line of the Famous The Recycle" new Bicycles OUR MACHINES ARE WORTH WHILE Standard Haseball Supplies We can out sell them all when it comes to Baseball Supplies. R. LEE SEARS, HILLSBOR Garage, Third Street near new Hotel. W, II. WKHBDNii, Dr. S. T. MNKMTKH. lVl K I KATI.t, PW.k-nt. Viw t' UMimt. The Hillsboro National Bank With Savings Department Both under Government Supervision. $60,000 Capital Our entire capitalization consists of Government Bonds, deposited with the United States Treasurer The Largest Capitalized Bank in the County We Solicit a Share of Your Patronage pii lit. 1 si MT-I II Curr. Jnil Ck, 3rd li.'ii, .'ii'l ),i-ii lvl Ahlrcrn. 3rd Ckl uml .511I rn- ft liiinsm .re. W In it- itiiiiUKifiii- jikI nml 3rd Ck el, 2nd and 3rd Ckl, 1 st mid and hen, 11 ;d 11: d jd 1 iillit, isl and Jnd teti -1 1 ,M I.i lltlin pa, isl Ck and 3rd heu I K I'l.m'. Hull 1 )i piiu'limi jiul Ckl, 1st. and iml jid 1111I1I, 1st iK-ii-J Mnriow. 1st C Is 1 mid ,sl In n, V II I'li-m h I'.irii d 1'. H tit k istCk, 1st and 2nd iiillil,lst n-J Mnrtfiw. 2nd Ck Mild did Ckl, 1' V Hmiiidrrn. Jul pullet Bi)d lid inn. Mmy Uiillily. 311I Ckl, Nifl llios .'lid In n, WnlU t Kosiirui. 311I 1 1 11, A 1 Ituxli 11 While 1'. km'kH 1st Ck, mt mid 2nd Ckl, lt iiud Jnd lien, 1st, 2nd and 3rd -lit 'el, I st lien, V II I'dliill. ,sni);le t!iuiili I'.luek Miimri 1st Ck hi Ct.l, 1st mid 3 d lien, 1st pen, R II (I 111 2nd Ck, 1 J.i 11 I'itrie. 3rd Ck, did In n mid 2ml i. 11, M K Mnrkhaui. J id mid Jul Ckl, 2nd Htd 3rd pullet, K M I. IIIIH V Inlc l;nced P.!itek Hpaoish antj Ck, did and Jidl.kl,2nil mid 3rd hen, 2nd nut Jul imdi-l, Hint 1st lien, ft J HnlToid I'littndjje Wvii: il iUd Ht Ck, 2nd mid ;td Ckl, 2nd hen, it pullet, mid 1st and iid pen, Mm I) C Cimk, ft Ckl, and lit 11, j ii I in n, S K .1 ukHiui Si r l.iieid Wyaildnlts Ot Ck, at did mid Jid C kl, 1st, 2i,d Hud 311) pullet, l-,t pen, Prank Tliutetier. 2nd and 3rd In n, Mis R C, Al esou, 2nd fen, J H r I '.1 1 II VCia'iiU.tts 2nd Ckl, 2nd and 311I pill. el. ! t'.idl C11 iiuih'ii W vaiidotts 2nd Ck, 1st attl 2nd In 11, l: II li e S her Sp.niKied llnnil'iiri! 1st, 2nd ind 3rd Ckl. 1, 2nd and 311I ben, t,l, 2nd and ud pullet, 1st pen, Walter Kiiswiii 111. I'll i .aine 2nd Ckl, Guy Stocliman. While Wyi.nd.itts 1st and 2nd Ckl, i t mid 3int pullet, 1st pen, J ft Fugue jnl Ckl, 3rd pullet, Wm Dixon. 2nd pi n, I h is Hiiliumn. 311I pen, Mrs Doro thy Seymour. U C. K. I Reiln 1st and 2nd Ckl, 1st, 2nd mid pd pulM, 1st pen, F T Sills. SmKle C R. I. ReiU-and Ck, C L SI law. I'd, 2nd and 311I Ckl, 1st, 2nd mid Jul pullet, 1st peii, Annabelle and Helen Miekle. 2nd and 3rd lieu, 2nd pi n, Wayne SllMck. Hull Coeliin IirtMams 2nd Ckl, 1st ind 2nd hen. Harold Watroua. Indian Runner Purks Fawn-ist drake, isl a d -Mid duck, O S Ililby. Whi:i -ni diake, 1st mid 2nd duck, G M l.ilt 1 h 1'eL l'i kin Diit ks 1st old drake, and old din k, hi niiiK du-k and best trio, Wtn Srhu nierirli. 2nd old drake, 3rd old :111k, C A Gialeim 3rd old utake, A lliutuii. i t o d duck and young drake, Mis R G Allesr n. Unitize Tuikevsnt RoMer, lit hen, Win Scliu'ineiicli. 2nd gobler, and hen, Mis lloaee. Special lor Highest Scoring Ilirds of lidVi'ient Vaiietits Meat pnrti co.ored bird wtijjlit variety, S ft J.icksotl But .inlid color bird Wt. variety, J R Pouue. li st p uti C'dnred bin! noii-Wt. variety, W Jttisuintii. Hest 1-011,1 roior mm non Wl. variety, U II Gner Hest display of i.miltrv bv lady. Mrs W 11 Dolan. Bent dis;)lav of Aiiierican Class, Mrs W H IM.llll, IWSl tUSJllHy 111 C.IIKI1MI V1IIW, G M l.itllehalca. Best in Mt diteranean rlass, R II Greer. Best display in Asi alii' Class, W U Gner. Beit trio o( White I.i't li iins, lul Alilgrven. niualeur. lU-si ilisnlitv id Haired Recks, J Minrow. li. II. Greer, of this city, was Kiven the $U5 cash prize for the I lest and largest display in the potiltt'v show. The Largest and the most complete I'ook, Mu-sic and Stationery Store in the county. Musicul instru uents of all kinds, from liijjh-rade Pianos to five-cent Jew's harps. School Books and School Supplies of all Kinds Other books in endless va riety from 10 cent paper-back novels to fancy bound gift books. Edison Phonographs sold on easy payments. Full cat alogue of records always in stock. Siuger and other leading sewing machines of the latest improved styles sold on pay ments of $5.00 down and $3 00 per mouth. 5c, or a H a a a a a P p p a 9 a m 9 3iC THE STORE OF QUALITY I Second St. Hillsboro, Ore. Both Phones J A m lm T 1mA m M SV 11 lr f 01 ocvYiny iTia-Liiinu nueui-us, 25c per doz. mwmrmm mmmm m mm mm mmmrmm m wm mm Grafted Walnut Trees As I have made a careful study of the Walnut In dustry in California, Oregon and Washington for the last six years and have great confidence in the future of the industry, especially in the Willam ette Valley, we are planting 250 acres of our own. As we are growing and grafting the trees for this tract to insure reliability and uniformity we decided to graft some for sale of the same quality. In offering these trees to the public we believe we are offering the very best that can be produced at any price Vrooman Franquettes grafted on Royal Hybrids and California Black Root. Washington County has a bigger area of land suitable for walnut culture than most any other county in the valley, yet very few first-class trees of the late-blooming varieties that are adapted to our climatic conditions are being planted. Order early, as our supply has never been equal to the demaud. Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the best timber in Washington county. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber always on hand. Estimates on Buildings, Flooring, Rustic, Ceil ingsall kinds of finished lumber for house material. We deliver. Phone: Pac. States, Glencoe Central, 37 PETER HOFFMAN, Bacona, Oregon 11 11 4 E W HAINES, Pres. L J CORL, Vice Pres. CHARTER NO. 8036 a R leabo, cashier Fercl Groner. HILLSBORO, ORE., R. 2 An Individual Dinner Set Free To everyone who trad s at our store, we are going to give a Genuine Vienna Seven-Piece Imported Dinner S.jt. You don't care how we spend our money to ad vertise, so we are going to spend something in this way and give you the benefit. The First National Bank of forest grove, oregon, j Capital and Surplus $60,000. 4 per cent paid on Savings Deposits. $ i .oo will open an account. Directors: Geo. G. Hancock, John Templeton, T. W. Sain, H. J. Goff, E. W. Haines, George Mizner, Levi Smith, W. H. Hollis, W. K. Newell,-H. T. Buxton, and L. J Corl. We appreciate your patronage and hope for a continuance of same. Make oir Bank your Bank. 4pmr omnt M;.t mM wl Tlmm . .! Oopomltm A Modern Bankiug House with Fire Proof Vaults and Burglar Proof Safe Every Courtesy Extended to Our Customers DIRECTOHS:-J. C. Hare, E I.'Kumtli, M. C. WhrunKl H T. Bagley, J. 0. Knratll, G. A. Wehrung. Second and Main. Hillsboro, Oregon Proposals lor Schools Bonds Bealml proposal fortliHpurcriiweol $3,000 in hondH to li issued by Behind Instrict No. 1IKI, of Washington County, Oregon, will ho mini veil by Mm iitidersiirnnd up to Nov. '27, lllll, and awarilH thmi Hindu to Uehi(!uoHt responsible blddw theretor. No bid helow pur will ba cnnalderml iih thlsiH contrary to stiiluto. I''ll are rwiiicHl.eit to aeiiompiuiy prupoaala wit. h a oho k for 10 per cunt ol' the. amount ot the bonds. , H.NiippitiKt'Oii, County I reiisurnr. illllalioro, Ore,, Nov. l1"1- Argus and Oregonian, $2.25, "Now is the time to spray for mtlii-.u'iinste." said J. T. Morri son, of Fartnhm'ton, Monday, j It' fruitgrowers of Washington! County will get in and take care; of their trees we can beat the : world on apples and pears. All ; that fruit needs in this section is care, and nature will do the rest. After ninteen years in. a splendid fruit district in Southern Oregon, .,n,l tu-n ne three vears here. I have come to the conclusion that we have them all beaten." Win. Schulmericfv Edward Huge and J. A. Zimmerman, of near Farmington, are getting e,,..rUr tn t iike ft trin over to the Tillamook coast on a fishing and j clam digging expedition. Iney will start as soon as they think t he sign is right. J. II. Smith, who has been o- the ruivintr nlantat the depot, noticed two fellows prowl-! ing around the premises the 6th-1 er night, and tired a snot in me an'. The report had the desired effect, and they made their get away in mighty quick time. Next year will be the great one for rock crushers in Wash-! ington County. Granges are en dorsing the contemplated road work, and opposition so far has been very small. . I George S. Robinson, of Farm ' ington, was in the city Monday. BppM"Wgggg?' 1 BJaww''IBa Tnere Is a Reason Why you Should Trade at Our Store We have what you want Quality is the best Prices are always right. -Then why not trade with us? We try to show our appreciation of your business by making it possible for you to collect coupons and secure enough of our beautiful imported china to set your table. We give vou the opportunity will you take advantage of this exceptional offer? Will be pleased to have you call, at Which time we will explain full particulars. FREE WITH $25 IN TRADE T B. PERKINS General Merchandise and Shoes HILLSBORO, ORE. r f For sale: A gasoline engine, Fairbanks-Morse, li horse pow er, in .fine running condition, working every day. " Reason for selling putting in an electric motor. Inquire at Argus office. For repairs, of sewing ma chines, bicycles, guns, etc., go to the Wilkes Auto and Garage Company. 3-tf Call for Warrants County warrants drawn on the County Uoad "Fund, and endorsed "not payable for wa-it of funds," from Aug. 2, 1911. to Aim. 22, 1911, inclusive, are now called and navablo at the oflice of the under signed. Interest will cease after this ilnte. Hillsboro, Ore.. Nov. W, 1911. K B. Sappington, County Treasurer. General Merchandise Try our Cutter O. Stillson shoes for men also a fine line of ladies' shoes. Our stock of ladies dry goods, dress goods, wet weather goods, and g'roceries is well se lected and we can sell you cheap er than any other dealer Why? Because we are running' on lig'ht expense. Try us. A CAR OF MILL FEED We have just received a carload. ' of mill feed, bran and sh. rts. We handle oat chop and all kiuds of dairy supplies, hay, etc. Stumping Powder Just Received A carload of 15, 20 and 40 stumping powder. L' t us sell you your explosives. We can save you money on large or small quantities. 1 j 3 Montgomery Turner BANKS, OREGON. l a l ' i t .1 -- , V . y. 7 Monmouth Butter at Emmott Bros. Try it it is the real thing. . Imperial Hard Wheat Flour,. . i L. 4 i t'. I , VI TU'P Ullf'U- III. 1 ,flltrii-MI iV, I itl.'r v " i v- r - 1 Every sack -guaranteed. 6(tx i