TUT OlllLILoOltWJ1 HILLSBORO, OREGON, NOVEMBER 23, 1911. NO. 37 Will Ui MR HILLSBORO HIGHSCHOOL BIS SECOND LINCOLN WORKING FOR BETTER Hi 1! CONDITIONS . . i Put un a rineUame local i-"-'" - , ro, Srt to l lnlHh Washington Co. Cow Testing Associa tion in uiv own couiliiiiriitv Several yeais a'J Mr. Thoo. Williams had one of the best herein in our neigh liorhood. Thi ne lie sold to another mtm lier ol this association at a good price, retaining only a foundation. Today he has another K'd working herd, headed - , - .. by ariKltered hull, ami Air. Williams Washington County Cow Testing ms lately purchased a portion of an ad- Association Meets in hillsboro H1 '" llU cow' mu8t ' keep- Ulg U1I1I Will PUY NliXT AT TILl-AMIM, Nt!W OITICF.RS IHXTHO SATLKDAV ... nut Hie Portland With (UralcMt I'Jcvcb, I l 0, when li id J D. Mkklc. PrcKidenl, and A. T. Bux ton, kc-tlcttcd Secretary AiMMit 0:4.1 .Saturday evening a masked man entered tin saloon of Seheidcreiter Ai Kettelt. o Beaverton, ami commanded tin Imrtender to throw up his hands. Two men sitting by the wall were also told to get up their prayer instruments, hut the twain and the bartender appeared to think it wan a hoax. A more deter mined demand, however, made them realize thai the robber meant business, particularly. when lie re-inforced his dernani with two shots into the wall, be tween where the two men were .: .- li.... i . a i i .... t ...... ni.rt. Si-hoo even L.i.;i.. .i,.. i i..-; 1...1.1 lhe Washington County Cow r....... I the Second tjfcroin High t,M,k $21 from the till, making lesting Association met in Hills ' I team of I'pVUuml. in a his escape through the rear door, lniro last Saturday to hear the in ,u,,u, at the I'ifrk. last Ah lel'tthe-lmilding he tripped year's re.K.rt. K. Kllerson, the Thursday allcrnoon, uy u r mask. His face-blind was a . , ' . . , im ,f li; to , the lH-alrt playing u womun.8 l)a,k Ht(H.kin withut Kven tests to various herds, em- iu.,.Ilt gmne from start to holes for the eyes, nose or mouth, bracing practically 7;7 cows, and I At on' time it looked as and with a head-piece that fitted that the majority of them had . , ... ...1.1 n down over the skull. The rob- i,4H.n tested five times. This thouK" 7 V r ber overlooked $150. There is they were within a few I eel 01 n() CIU. to tht, pt.nK.trator-and , ti... ;,.. limit now. :. : e I....,:.,..,.., tht) lllie. in" i' Ill inn mi iv mu-nn niai Kiininvnn , , , 1 ... ii...... knr linn it was m..n u iil lw.ri.sifi.r l.itnk their Btand, and gives them the chance BEAVERTQN S FOUR FIRST PRIZES li. Leis, the Orchardist, Keeps Washington County on Map I The Quality Drug Store Every Single Box Exhibit Entered by Him Was a Winner Mr Cli. ttnMitV.nl another neiotior and member, has one of the most profit- SURPRISES THE HOOD RIVER GROWERS able herds we know of, and as a sample of the kind of cows he keeps, he gave me figures on oue that in eight months or 34 1 days has given 10049 lbs. of milk, average tent 5. 13, or $1$ lbs lat or 601. 42 est butter, and has carried a calf somewhat over b monuis winie maiing ..... , . , . ,. u,i n,i within i milts of where Washington County was kept on I liv are A lulx-rrulous tested herds, all I ll.. .nr. n f tl.n PnrH-lonrt firinlo luaded by registered sires and all mem- irs of this aviation. show by a Eeaverton grower. My iriends, 1 ask you dots it pay? whenever anyone bets on B. What is the conviction in each and . everv dairy mind here today? Do we Lei3 as a bonehead he 13 miSS- wish to go on and extend and increase :no. !,: ueS3 and missing it this wcrk or are we going 10 reironia'; until you and 1 are keeping the onecowf Other counties ard stales are waking up r snui in i" " "... m v, ........ ' ., . iui n.tnrm.il inoiiev earlv in Heaverton. Sher- to eliminate their poor producers, resu auei. - - .;..i;.. ua i;uiiuiiis uj vn I ill Hancock and Deoutv AHPle- irate went to I'tmverUm on the 11 1' to the metroiKilis. I he pamr , Sfr IAZ of invliKalo. but couhl Bill) un iv .. - - . i,-mm Lincoln had Hnu huskv lads and their weight was, little more than thug. Day will e if anything, a the locals. . Cm Alexander olhciated as referee; Kerrell. l'ortland, um pire; W. K. Barrett, licit' judge; Goodwin, linesman; timekeeja-rs, Ronald Vaught. Hillnlioro, and Case. Portland. The lineup: Uuf'ln 11 Piwilioii R.llls.lr-11 1. IlrltlllKi-r U WiwUurth J Finke Sthilli-r Miiiidi k r l'rsuy K K Gruuian il Ui ' Mumfonl .. ...... H II ll.niuicr..., V W llilhlxiro Wilkes . , . , I.aisun , Nrliunt C....Iilll"ie"Ilaniirll R Hultliis-MNglll Ik- Ismnii . . Sig'et .Srhrnrilri Tompkins I 'I'M .l.Vllr I. O. 0. V. ItUSTLINO find no trace of tht Thank OlTering observed in Craee united I'.van gelical Church, Hillslioro, on Sun day, Nov. 215, morning, afternoon and evening, at 11:K), 2::50 and 1:'M) o'clock, bv the Woman's Home and I-'oreign Missionary Society, the Addie Curry Mim- ford Young People s Missionary Society and the Martha Ellen Munford Mission liand. Excel lent programs, consisting of se lections by the choir, solos, ducts, quartets, exercises, recitations, addresses, tiicture story, and splendid dialogues are being pre pared to interest all who will at tend. Free Will Oljerings for missions will be received. For Sale: U2 acres of the best . 1 .10 :t. and it is up to us to prepare to hold our own. . . , ... , . , til Following us is coming anoinet Kcuci- test. for butter fat, has enabled Hlion f .Utrvmen. and are they going to owners to know how their herds find ub to have been robbers of virgin soil, wno lei our oji.unuutv.t vancemeiit go by? Or shall their de cision lie, that we builded the best we knew, and they should be thankful lor the foundations we laid for them. Just as you and I should lie thankful for tho e who had the foresight to lay the foundation for the Jersey, Guernsey, llolsteinand Ayershiie cow. resulting in dairy herds. J. 1). Mickle, of Hillside, was re-elected president and Thos. Carmichael, of Gaston, was elect ed vice president. Austin Hnx ton, of Forest Grove, was elect ed secretary, succeeding himself. The Association embraces fifty members, and Wm. Schulmerich and M. S. Shrock were appointed to take up the matter ot increas ing the membership and making two test districts in the county, instead of one. Resolutions were passed en dorsing the present internal tax tin colored oleomargarine, and ooDosing the State Wm. Robb. of Centerville, was a city visitor Saturday. Emmotts have a fresh lot of Krinklecorn Hakes, 3 for 25 cents. Mfs. Paulina Mauss, of near Banks, was in the city Monday. Tennis Pyl, of South Tualatin, was transacting business in the city Monday. .1 II F.llerson. of Beaverton. was in the city Saturday, attend- Woman's wff the dairy convention. ing his guess ana missing badly. At the show held last week Mr. Leis, whose orchard is located a mile east of Beaverton, was the only representative of Washington County horticulture and he was there with the bells. Mr. Leis won four first prizes in Rincle box exhibits, against the Hood River product, and was second in a 3-box exhibit oi Northern Sdvs. He won firsts on the following: Jonathan. Ben Davis, King and Northern Snv. This grower has been one or the pioneers of this county for nroner care of orchards, and he has snraving and Druning down to a scienae. In winning these prizes his product is the more to be commended because he was forced against Hood River, sup. posed to be a world beater in nrofluction of oiDDins. Leis sim- nlv shows that with Drooer care Washington County can turn out as hne aDDles as any section oi I..I. .,ebir,rT f a ri.HlU'tlfin U' W Will! fn nf V'UJH, in iirmiitji, w v v . v. v . - . . . . yV Williams ti I n hiic ajJjJica o uwuvh A resolution was also passed, de- above Mountaindale, were Hills- Oregon and it is admitted that boro visitors Saturday afternoon. no section of the world can beat The Odd Fellows commenced work the last of the week to get their building in readinesH for the post oHiee tenancy by the first of the year. A new cement floor wilt be laid, a new plate irlass front will ta installed, and the room, which extends sixty feel back from the front, will be put Into fine shape for conven ience for the office, Four hundred Ikixcs will be in stalled, and they will be shipped from Indianapolis, Dec. 1. There will be :500 small lioxes; 80 med ium lock Inixes, antl 20 law draw or lock boxes. The furniture will be in quar tered oak, and will present a very handsome appearance. The Odd Fellows will have .50 ploring the decision of Judge Morrow, o . North a decree inai penniia, cuuuaiy ' " jnnt i i' i a.i.,. i h m'nr i ,rnui. was iin aLLCiiuauv html in Wash. Co.. locate,! 3 miles J tw lal at The dairy meeting, Saturday. M W. of Forest Grove, there arc tuy . 1 ...f' ' n't . , it mi 'Hi niti.u in vetch and oats t Wegon creamery uui- tor repairs oi sewing nm- i i 11 li mit in wUs ter." President Mickle's report chine8i bicycles, guns, etc., go iinlf !K USrl0.l,l1 'l,AnJ i follows: to the Wilkes Auto and Garage m .nnif. o acn- . . . ?.- m,.n:SoIliewimt over a year (VmIiav. 3-tf r, ,u.inu ol iirin IN ) 1111(1 flUK Ll I II I " . . . ' i i j - ln.r On this nlace there is aUmt I a .......... ,,f l!,,.n...r-..ini Isind tlllice 1 I. ... a 1 u.,,rlt in this eotintv.Mr. M. S. IViHIinill !- I v...... vi.uv... ... j. is ditched and cross ditched, surocn oemg iue lu-pu.y s .intuitu u u w Afu.f hne wver,i Weeks Price, $1(5 per acre, o ytars a i ' Mr. shrockdecid- time on part at ( per cent. Also ia tllH, tilis WHS , KOOd field for future liiivi. new (5 room bungalow and W(lr, and stated his belief that a good The place where you are always sure of drugs of absolute purity and Highest Quality, prepared by competent pharma cists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR n II Remedies Kfixall a iiwiiMii Stationery I The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. old Oregon. AUCTION SALE The undersigned will sell at pub lic sale at his place, at Glencoe, Ore., at one p. m., on SATURDAY, NOV. 25 RlnnW horse. 10 vrs. 1.000. works ha trv'i ' I '" ' . . - nP rinnh e: one-horse wag a rortiana r-. -A , r a. Ull, lUllUUlll, ftwu mo i.,., . v sn-tooth harrow, good: lz-inch J. E. McNamara and wife, John Deere plow, coil spring road A P Luther has bought an other team to replace the grays he recently sold to dairyman. Hint will sell cheap. particulars write to Leon T. Sills, Forest Grove, Or. l'hone nx. The voters of Timber want better voting facilities. They are in Gales Creek precinct, and have too far to go. 1 hey either want a new urecinel iormeu, $rbi Hillsbor visitors le.r Sun" cart' 12-tooth Planet Jr. cultiva- for sen supporting vow ... j... t X? ic n.ir n-nvlfino- fin U. Plor.nl- Ir (rariien spprlpr. i i... rruriiiiil nud maintained in this county. So a call was made and in the citv of Forest Gtove the first Cow Testing Association in Oregon was or iani.ed M-arlv one year ago. . . . . 1 :. Ili-re I wish to sav tnai we ns uairy i rpnt or a nargain. JJU nui, , . ,. J1 I t better ourselves and as " . T tf nf Kiimtli spring and mattress, gasoline . .. .1 1., WUIIl IU DCII. lliuuiiv v. fc I 7 lino n.w. .... ..... , -j mcnihem of indebted to Mr. Shrock for his fore work want a new n rinlhis matter and for the with voting btMiths at limDer. or fecling mir orKRnwitioii else wish to be cut off into liux- ,iere ,0lll t0 tevie ton the nrecinct, so polls on the thev can go to P. li. & N. As feet left at the rear, which they Timber now represents a big per- will remodel tor rental purposes, contage oi me vu c, mw. - - nfl.. i a fi-unt I'll ('i 11 1.H . .. n vr InmrOrS WOfklllg 111 tllC Cl I III llllllllIK li'"1 '-."f llioitl -.f'w . . . i Third. Nehalem district, their wisii s very likely to attract tavoraoie liTHHL IH)K'riA DHNISON consideration. F. M. J. Murphy, the carpen Sr. we meet here today to review the work of the past year and to tuke what ever action may be for our future neneht. It seems entirely fitting that we meet cupancy IN0V. in this place today (In tins nan oi Justice) for, from within these walls have gone forth many decree nmun ria .T V. is now working on tnr Planet Jr. garden seeder, i the Portland Uaily wews. set single hacK narness, set tug- . i. -i ...:t-u I cru harness. 2i tons timothy hay. . Wm;Z"W treasure, bu- lodging house in conoeei u ., "T 1nn hpf1stpan bed stove, grindstone, and numerous other articles. Terms of sale Under $10, cash; 10 and over, one year hanWnhle note, at 8 Der cent, in terest Two per cent, otf, cash over $10. Joseph Mingle, Owner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. Elmer Mays, Clerk. J. A. THORNBURGH President J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNEV Vice-President Cashier H. E. Ferrin, Ass't Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Friday. September 1, 1911. Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans - $269,529.20 Capital U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00 Surplus Other Bonds 67,160.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 122,521.90 tJUl (ZtUiJ Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 25,000.00 4,004.55 25,000.00 423,206.55 $502,211.10 $502,211.10 Rosorvo 3 4 ror Ooiit. DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailey J- W. Fuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburtf Si I ! i i t i - - , : t ,f. ,1 I I Pioneer Furniture H J FOREST GROVE, ORE. B t m - -. t;r. t 'r . SSSSSSaliaiisVHaHalBaMaT I Bros I W Rfivnsi rd. of nearScholls wns n the citv saturaay. ne states the new school house m niatriet. 105 wi be ready tor oc- WnnroH- A fpw crood grade i i vi i wvu - t1 - to nt nnce. Must be liave gone lorin many ":-" """"" nnnio ..-. ing what wns right between man and a bargain. Edward L. Naylor, man; and this basis of right or justice is porest Grove, Ore., Independent what we wish to establi.-h between man J fa 35.7 and cow. ' ... We are glad that it is our privilege as yy Q AickenS, departed Mon- K. M. J. Murphy, tne carpen- We are glad that it is our privilege as w. C. Aickens, departed ivion- Ethel Portia Long Denison was ter, well known all over the Bea- y0Ur oir.cera, to u-jkhi to you today up- day evening for a two months' We t Krn.tffi;wSll Wi-.. IK. Jenlam and Overton sections visit with two of his sons, in the plft i:j. 18S1, and was wetl.led to writes the Argus that he is lad ;;t h(lllll North of Nevada, where they Ne Notice to Apple Tree Planers Fall t 1 . i n iimnrniin 1 - . . 1 .. a i.Aa till at liinnton, Willi u nina.-.!..-" Although some uiings nave nui wt f(Ht. and that ne is u icsuu c jU(,tasweniigii. w... " l .t A "l n vf f i .tatinna ai 1 ir rt II 111 nui. wr unti. vuv ... it..iit t im r r s. ua t HHHIH..B i . Wlliumi i."- ...e.--- , .... ,., , , 1,1. Trt 111 UIUI I Ll k " " have taken up homesteads E. J. Ward, of Gaston, was ami I wish to con- .1 in fVif testinff meeting. gratulate and thank Sec. Buxton for his R . , ue jg gtilj carrying untiting and lailhful labor lor u e sue- unnflap-es owing to cess and upbuilding of the Association, his arm in bandaea . W ing Toon him biho uks tautn nu me wunv ui uuciucut owtvew . -c G. N. Hale and son, Attorney iniLlVI 111 tllia VI l-J II v. J - n i and has Home acquaintance hero. mi. . I. ..l Hr..l....u ine iunerai iook piace imui d:iv and th rmnin8 were de- '""HlV III uv he shipped to spring. "v- If & VUiJt ' V. I I V' a down to the city Monday. II l!OU III". " - , , the past year and I am sure you will jotu have for sale for 1911 ing. the following: Npwtowns. SDitzenburgs, Ar- Rlncks. Winter Bananas, .lohnathans. Golden Ortley, and rifhor choice varities 3 to 4 ft. Sc. each: from 4 to 6 ft, - 124c pnph For large orders write fn oriofinl nnces. I. L. INea' leigh, Sherwood, Ore., R 4; J. T. WpPPh. Hood Kiver. ure, Hi.ni. II Denisnn. Nov. 25. 1902. She'diedat Konan, Montana, Nov. T Sli liivts n hushand ,..,'.i t i:ii,. I ....... .li.ia in come out turn twti iilliu uMuuuu'iii. iiiiiMin." v . , i l l.. Mrs. Dennison was a sister of r() ns soon as he can noooit L. A. Long and Mrs. Leah Hon- around enough to navigate with- land, now of Hillslioro. one 0ut crutcnes. visited in this city live years ago, Q, W. Guy ton, of beyond South uie 'i tending to hi... our i.e.ty -V "J ""l T out from Port- Nursery at Scholls, Ore. 'I'liolutin brought in a liuroanK uuatias. . .., " vrVA :j . " ii: rfvl v........., . , , . ., i i ui.... an. rottnnv iu sec nunc mi.. orin ai.ur uav. uuiiiuu uu wuuwj i . . ..ntntn Mondav. that weigneu ., ,"..nni tfution of better r ,. .j. u n ia nmir RKiAntinc mateh at Farmmg- ;;.b.: f nnnnds. ThS ZTClte rank and Seat ..menus. . ru L , M 97 Trnnnnd .. .,, .. , ... live uiiu IMIV.-II1". -- ,, i nieinwia i - -. i nti,nnir ow in forr ana. witti to 1. muiiuaj, iuv . posited ma vault at MiHsouia, w . .. l)otato," and wouiu fileof competiUrm. mci our ruo RniWinif. . rifle. Everybody invited. 36-7 T V .... , nilVr I . n ' li-l .J . w. , I . .. . laalltlB "IIIRI IIIC lllllll miv I llllll tn 111 Lll vv" aJMii...n. - ew ioir nv , nrettv tair noiei unmn no .o.Kc. .--,,,, . .... di I " - i I nranllPPQ nnVHIlCC llicuo m K"'"ft I ml T I-.. LVAnimi 111 1 1 m Ufl I UirtT ,1 HI WC L LUlUltiailU, for an excursion crowa. hutthey My beta ow doing bet- w"" T.UCT rT"-o7 Oo , to witness the big . u u iniklmm a program at viu .o w , r - n in r... . ,n Kememoer . uiat . "- u . nl.l savine (''and you know rWeh. on Sunday evening, tOOtDail game ueuweexi vjlvu u. vv. uusseii, o. uontux. .. uj.,.. ..... Savings UanK is unuei ".,.-.,, ..aV8 m SOweih rrr. .i .im Ail oroinvitPd. nd Wash ntrton " - ...l. I WUC K I i . , I 1 N 1 1 V . A 1. dL U.UU a AJs.ii mi-. . v. . CrOVCrnmOnL MIm;i vmiun, "V aoahall neaiso reap ni wcij oj I See US Illlllllllltlii mi - Some dairymen have come to realize the foolishness of ptonilfcuous and hap hazard sowing ami may nieir m.uiucr mV!lil,!.y-. ..,.. ,l,. ,rh bull and Janks, were in town T "mi .wimlom ,a. M urday. L. J . came down to nave r cow and HkewlK! . ; . t his hand dressed, having ; tea a depletel, pocketbook Portland Dronerty. and is looking ii 1 govt -l linn i" .... j--- ------- . Jos. Connell.of near Connell insuo3 y0u the best of protection ... il. ii:.l iqu m n j.iinM matia on nccount station, on the United, was in town Monday. Mrs. AI. Latham, of Portland, was a guest at the Barr and Ab bott homes, Sunday J. F. Carstens. of Banks. turned Saturday visit with th Maryhill, Wash , C. Heitmeyer and family de parted Monday for Louisville, Illinois, where they will locate on their old farm home. They re eontlu anlrl their nl ace near Leisy- villfl which thev bought last , , .. nn rb. ar onens an account. 4 tier cent, paid on savings. r i nA A W Crens. of above Banks, were in town Sat- The nrotrram is well numbered pnr eip nn VP,.V easv terms and will be very attractive. L mr,flprn spven room house. C. Wm. Bender and wife, of Port- Rhoades, Ninth & Washington, land, were out to the city the Hillsboro, Ore. Q , last of the weeic, guests oi DadCollens, who wasatOrenco SPECIAL PRICES -ON Eugs, Linoleum, Matting, Dressers, Furniture of all kinds We Lead, the Rest Follow Chas. 0. Roe & Co. K r S i f ......j. uuj. inl. . fori j, reap i- m tilts iiitictico. ii ;ens,of Banks re- his hanc f 'a Sfchopper TSt fact that the st, Portland property, day evening after a portion ot t into a i we a P 8SS(lcinliou sUow Umt a for a location, the Hartleys, at several weeks ago. J Bctniany of our members are much n o t tsh. Walter and Frank Ztiercher I f omen or r. jjcuuci mm "" or manv monuis, aim wuu au in the nineties. He has sold his suffered from a lame leg for many years, is dead. See ourr dishes for our oi'f:si ers. When you expend' '$100 with us you get aune dining apt nf dishes. Call for cards and have the amount of your purchases punched each time trnn hnu Whpn von huv that r . : l.i. i. i TT:ilr.Urt Hma I J . a iL . J- 1 . ii.... 'I'ltc fiinn. lEiiowuiu ma i h Knnupi n 1 1 imihil u. o c. I nmniint lmn crctT T n u iiiwriis ill I ply was. one. x..-- ,- - ix. . i""v.., - amuuiu v.. v...., i fomi np nth- ; ' i i..,i niipat toned farther, ami I . . ,, j ... 1 j a., nnJ fiab Money to wan m - ; nu u- ... " -r--ioilhe ..nmvc Wlniam Emnck. ot woooiana, you nave u"" - er property, on a pp"""" f (,n t,,e stable, b,.t .t takes the Wash., was over the past ween, geu-ammuw muS trade: Twelve advance of the average ureKo., a.ry ..e ---- . . ami we deem it vatuaoie luumra oura, s -- tnnw the earnings of each individual boro; also a house and 2i acres MniMinviilii Will set at a lv returned from a trip to Weiser, w;,)eard a storV the other day as L trade for Hillsboro Idaho, and other intermountam , f , it?1 ffinie property, close in.-C. . "Ml. " T of below Klmonica, were m Walter recent- CHV l" i i'u"J' . , ,ir points. Mav p. .t chnchnl Oo-leshv Young ty. We also sell reai.e8- milkof lbe whole bunch to feed nine r meeting his boyhood, friends. M- and Mrs. j. c. Miller, of ""rrJ' v w Mnlkev. Kuratli Brothers, man them, so I have towep o,ne "oe - heen -n Hillsboro tor , ..... werein town kiiu UA-aciittvui a. " , t Li:Df onrl NPCOnu. .SOU r.,itl,.men 1 nropneny w yuu iu.. --- , i,, a. " ,,, , nut rn r.ne ueiwccu ..... -i ....r.rMir rniMi.u niniiz.1 vears. anu uoiuij ",v sutnmav. ivir. lviiner ufuukiu ti pnnow of near farmers in this fix, and should onr next place. He is a cousin of Ihos. down some nne samples of the Herman IvannOW, oi n a"". . n Anicrrt.t jome one ii bo ..j n n Rmr- fk "...j.t v,; Ho . . ,,, nr tfi tfip CltV rresiueiii . - i..r... oim l. aj. rv - DrOUUtt ui 111a tl UUY "v iS nP ha9 one 'S Wu. X 0. G. Wilkes was at Creswell States that . Washirflton (Jrajje Muctive ranches of his the last of "to ek.'and says has t .omtd merlnowwe have had a change jnat d 'o "g December 2. Open Grange will ofSet?n""h.r of the ...an who while getting down bff a box car be held all day and the general is making-1 failure in the cow business, in theb Creswell yards; Schul- pub lie is cordially invited to at- saioon. butitismoiepie.iHa .1 . i''"""'"-mer ch was badly lnjufeocjsmq ienu me uciuo. Hh Mf 7h0eniasUffhTwe5our0 heart was 'severely HjUdi I of the busy granges of the county "UU UA'UVIIUVUI , 1 I I a. of Portland, were all out to the between session of circuit court, monuay morning. There were also a number of other Portland attor neys on hand. Begin now. A savings ac count with the Hillsboro Nation al Bank, a government institu tion, earns you four per cent, in terest. You will be surprised how your money will earn you money and it is always safe. New Ideas In i Rings Ringe are still the most popular gifts. Naturally so, for they can be worn always and where all can see them. I have just opened a large new stock of the newest ideas in rings spct.inn an cvrnto has installed a basement under the Koontz saloon Plain Band Rings Chased Band Rings Cameo Kings Intaglio Rings Diamond Rings Pearl Rings Turqouis Rings Opal Rings Amethyst Rings Ruby Rings Emerald Rings Topaz Rings Garnet Rings And Rings with combination Settings of PMSX your selections early for Christmas and 1 will be pleased to lay it aside for you. ; T A TTTJ17"T TVT 1TOYT 'jeweler and cjoah '1$ '