1 :U4BDH0 A ROUSi SOVEMUB 19 I : 1 ;r I 3 1 ! J t i ".4 1 Si V. 8 BIG OPPORTUNITY Now is the TIME to get a BARGAIN -on a 1912 METZ "Twenty-Two" (2 or 3 passenger) The Machine for the Farmer and Rural Mail Carrier "imi.iwmi,(H!1i Rl.i naixvr. iunt Official I'jipcr -.ibvntuni: r Annum. The Metz 1912 runabout is constructed alone; scientific lines. The keynote of construction is simplicity. That it is more economical on gasoliue and lubricating oil than any ear iu or near the same class, that its light weight makes it easier on tires, and insures a tire mile age of approximately 10,000 miles, ate facts that i!l be seriously considered by all buyers of- motor cars in the future. While some can afford the enormous upkeep expense of a cumbersome touring car, the great majority of people will, from now on, buy the high-power, low-priced run about. This car affords the best means of locomotion for the ousiness man. who retardl;; nf trA finrlc if r.- sary to be transported quickly and economically from one For the physician it is the ideal ear. To the doctor who is depending on horses or heavy automobiles as a means of transportation this car is a revelation. The high power coupled with the light weight and ample tire capacity, permits practically all grades to be negotiated on the high speed. The price of the car includes full equipment High tension magneto, top, slip cover,, gas lamps and generator, dash lamps, tail light, horn, set of tools, and tire pump with complete tire outfit, at the advertised price of $550, without additional charge for any of this extra equipment, at Hillsboro. C. RHOADES, Agent, Hillsboro, Oregon. h,rr, Thnri.iL, -HY- lOMi MiKINNRT ine city administration K-ic done well this season-even if another stroke of labor shall not rx made in 1911. A sewer sys tem has been installed, and nine blocks of imeme-nt l.-ii,l ThL- s a g.val reord from July 1 to November 1. and all should be satisfied, with but two blocks ui paved. A week's tnvd weather : will complete the paying, but there is no necessity of knock in ir it it shall no over until Spring. the contractors, however, wish t lay the remaining two blocks this month, if good weather pre : vail. Better Baking with 'Crescent A Better Baking Powder A. C. Stitito, 1'icsiilrnt 11. v. r.nii', vii-.- rti i.'int a. Mi-r.ii', C. lurk. Jr , C.ihicr V. V. Hi K n. Ait lush. TI10 American National Hunk AN l ASStK'l ATK TI10 Sliule Savings Hunk Successor to J. W. Shutc, Hanker, ALLEN S 17 Is the Place to Trade When You Are In HILLSBORO, ORE 'ti 1 " Ill Nearly AH Our Ladies' Suits and Coats are now on Sale If you are in need of anything in this line, come in at once while the the line is full. Prices are all cut to the bottom. Come and see for yourself. The commissioners' court has decided that the way to build roads in Washington County is to inula roads. To this end they : nave agreed to levy a tax suffi ;cient to make some mileage of I permanent roads in every pre- icinct. As the macadam road j making now stands a few pre- jemctsare levying special taxes, while adjoining precints got the i benefit and at the sa ne time re fuse to make appropriation for rock highways. Either there should be an entire cessation of special levies, or a system inaug urated that will mean that all shall be treated alike. The method adopted by the county ooard is equitable, and will ac complish results. There will be an era of roadmaking in Wash ington County that will mean wealth and comfort, and the up- inukiing ot the commonwealth. and once farmers travel over a macadam all opposition, if indeed there be any now. will ceasp We have the most productive county in the state, and our need is roads. It now appears that we shall have them. Would You erect that house now. if von r-nnU get the lumber at the price you are figuring on? Are von wait. ing for a drop in the market? Not a Drop will there be, except the one we are ottering specially to our cus tomers. Our lumber is alwavs reliable. FKtNTZEL & McFARLAXE BROS We are now in our new quarters. Call and see us, CORNER 3RD AND MAIN Hillsboro, Oregon kVRlMr.tlo,, .f I n.,,) ,,c In lh. dir.,!! ,'imn r,,r , nitic.ni fr lh,. r.,Ml. ... ' ' ''"'of " mh-rt.l Om.,.i .,, .N.-l..rt (.. t..iHi..r 11, nu;, , ,! '"' "' ll UK I'l'i- hull 1 in 1 ' '"km,. .... r ..I II... Iv ; u ' .'.' ."" .W'" " I 1 W t.11 l. I., f a, N,()l i,'.?v.i 11-0111 v 1.. . k. r... ""in., 1.. p. 1.. t. r 1 s ,. MiT . Inniil Im uii.i,,, ' kll,,'l UN ll,r N. K " K" U iu .... ...1 1... t .1 . ... . '.' ' .1 "in . Ill, ,,,, " ' " 1 '" I'l ll,t, t llli-;) IIiiiiii Nnrtli .i'l ,, . .. "' 1 iiiici. H Noiiili i,;i, ,t,.u .. . ', ' iii . 'i, Hi :in, i,v, w,,. , lifi ; lllri,,.. 11 lll.IT HILLSBORO OYSTER HOUSE 25 per cent Discount On Ladies Trimmpd ir we have not got what you want, we will trim you one and charge you nothing for the trimming. Suits Overcoats Raincoats Shoes Tor Men, Ladies, and Children. New Lot of MEN's HATS, to arrive Satur day. Don't fail to See Them. ALLEN & WRIGHT Hillsboro, Oregon J. A. Moore Jr., of Roy, was in urn 11 yesierciay. Born, to C. E. Landisand wife, iov. 10, rju, a son. T. W. Sain, of Gaston, was uown to tne city Tuesday. Adam Soies. of was in the city Tuesday morning'. Born, to f.lpn Sniiloron,! :( of Kinton, November 12. 1911, a uaugnrer. Moretz Schmidt, of Helvetia was in town Tuesday. He has a notice in another column that win oe ot interest to Helvetia residents. Cement layers commenced put- uiik uown concrete walks in iron tot the vvi koa Ri-nc 'cw-n on the Dr. Link ntr T.ir,r,0f and in front of the Linklater nome, yesterday. Ihe G. Stewart house, a mile or so below Orenco, on the Can yon road, was burned one rlnv last week. There was no insur ance. 1 he place is located below the Wm. Nelson farm. Herman G. Luck, of above ftiountainr a e. was in fvQ u Tuesday. His son, Wm., aged 14 years, is earrvinor a UUn arm in a sling these days, the ! result of falling from a tree ! while picking grapes. He also dislocated one of his shoulders. ! The lad is getting along nicely, i howeyer, and will soon be able to I get around as lively as eyer. I Clara A. Stewart suesChas. L. Stewart fordivorce. Shealleges that the defendant shir marl kn out of the Alberta country to her parents in Portland, in 1910 together with the children, and that at that time he abandoned her. She alleges he wis c,mA money, and wants $150 suit money, ana $jtj per month ali mony to take care of the little ones. Sets Splendid'y in the Bach and the same w.av m H. - ---- 111,111. mats what vou will have to aamit when you try on the suit that - . --,-.-w V ,..,V. H VMI iui - inanKsgiving. it will be classy one so far as materials ant stvie firoes: Better stop in and leave vour mt'asure. CHRIST WUEST The Tailor Big and Little Turkeys lor bur and littln fo;!,. r, j Cllll I , It though our birrs m. vnr-n size, their flavor, tenderness anr l,ln.. . l!, I . iul-kmjs iuauties 00 not. They aiu an seiectea with the Greatest care irom corn-ted, carefully un ; 1 r 1. . J idi&uu iowis, grown especially iur uur traue. lour least wil not be a success without a goor turKey. uet one now, and will be the best you ever ate. EMMOTT BROS. Main Street it snniiivs. IN PROBATE fsari3! Mrs. Wm. Bagley Sr. and daughter, Mrs. Ira Hoard, of Leisyville, departed Wednesday for a month's visit with the Showermans, at Walla Walla. R CHartrampf is installing a ;edDmDllpaxtr wehouse, on the P U& N, Main Street, and will be ready to grind in a few days. ICslatc John h Smith, deceased, admrn lstral.ir mithorized to sell personal pic p ertv at private sale. list .te of if S Gibson, deceased, order of final distribution made. nutate ot fcujjene Friday, e'.oseil of record . Sa!erenl estate Iiertj. F Smi h, confirmed. : M Olsen, Jas. Nicholas and I Wheal- I non appraisers estate M p Chaiislt-r. feeble in mind. I Kstate Hannah Purser, deceased, nd immstrator authorized to sell personal properly not mentioned in will. Final account estate Mary Mayer set for Dec. 26. Final settlement estate J P Ritter ap proved ar.d closed of record. rveal itrown an, ,.....!.-.... -. -i'i k"""""! vvru W Davenport, n r, bond at $500, vice ,,unmu, resigneii. : I HIC CIltClJIT COl'UT OK TUB HIATK OP OKEOON POli WASHINGTON f'OKNTV Oliarlns 8. Undsay, Phiinlill'. 1 vs. I Eli.alK'tli Li:i,lSay, Oelondant. ( JO I. IZil III h l.ftwl.n, II..T.....I , . the iiaimi of Mm Slate of Wvton yoii are ,,',itr,,v rHrmirmi i.i a,.... the CUIIM, lull, I , 1 ... I :.. ., nl.. .. . t -" ' yni 111 mi niiiiurii ami wiiihp hix wwiIcm lr nil vim i.ay 01 1110 hrst jiiibliealion f notici,, to w ii : And if v,, iii u Hwer. fur lemil. Ihril' ,1.. . -. .till 1111, ,11, III W II olilaui a (lni:roH aLainst v ,iic...ii.... II. a K.....I.. t " .',,i,,r ..... .,.ii,,n , iiiHiriuioiiy now exiHtim; ,P. tweHii htm ami yourself. This MiiiiiiiKiii.s is served upon you hv publication tli..rwif ir six RoiiNnciilive weokn i th, HillHboro Arirus by onlorof Hon. K. O. Htoviison, Jnilfiof iheCoun ty Court ol IhoHtaloor Orniron. for the ( oinity of Wasliiiittou, whieli order iH ilatml the Ifil.h ilnv of Novmnlmr I'll 1 publication NuvhiiiIht' P!. Mate of lirnl. 1!H1. Date of hint Hill. publication Decern bor 2m, tlutfiies A McDonald, Attorneys for plainiitl'. Proposals for Schools Bonds Sealed proposal forthepiirctiasooffi ij'iij in boiiilj) to b iMMue 1 by Hchool District ij-i, ui whhiiiiikuiii (Joiintv, Mri ifon will be receiveil hy the undersigne,) up to tbe hiubost roHiiotisible biil.lnr tlierefo No bid boiow par will be uoiiHiden-il hh ibiKiH contrary to statute, liiildnrs are reriuesttil to accompany prupiwals with a check lor 10 per cent ot the amount of the bonds . n .KppiiiKUiii, .. Coiiuiy Treasurer. HillKlmro, Ore., Nov. 11, lull. A. H. HALStY Proprietor Done To A Turn will be the Turkey which we serve to ntirnistoiiitTson Nov. Turkey brown; crisp, juicy, tender jtnd lucimis. mince and pumpkin pies, "like mother tised to make;" fhoice wines. Iiiiurs and cigars, and every thing that will make (he palate of the epicure sing with a song of Thanksgiving delight. SECOND STKFXT Mmmt door to Don ot Swooti St,.utti I'l .1.... it . Nnii .'.;.).. w..i..,-,, i,s ,',;' l .limine eoiiliiiiihiir I ,., " v,'"u . iv. m rn.it., a m . ..... ... Ii( IMltlfll t. i All WIuiiii It Mav (,.,, ,iU n.itiir, ibt "'tol. A l . ivtl, , '" "'"v of llltll liV Mil . I, ,1,1, K...I.... . .""". 1- U-...I . " 111 ' 'K "ii V i.linl x j .,....... . ,,,, ,. ,,, ,h ... .I. V.IU ,! ,o ut,. , ,,., ,r In title- lilt- Ji.lli .., v... 1 11 en,,, Mil, mill i-how i nut win ii,, 11 Kimii 1 hi i. Ki.inii, 1 Ik- luVrn in 1 i,n,.,,r, Mli ( -. 'K 1 pi., ;,lli ntli.n nil, I nu , ( 1 , ! I.it In ill ilipiiitnt; Mit- iwiii,, , J. W. l;,,,!, Mv ImU, C. I , ,. , m. w-i,. a,.,..,.-...;-; 7,rr. SIMMONS IN TIIK CIHCI IT Ciii ut K T SIATI' UK tir.ti Inn , W AMll I Nti I N ro' 1 y (., I ..lh.-r, I'l 1 11 " ' I111111 1,1 1111I1.1I A li "I'l'li'.. miir in ' 1 't H i:l 'M l , t II,. I' red I'uIImt, I iiil.iiil I O. A. C. Short Courses Bein Jan. 3 Continue Four WeeKa You Are Invited Kvery citizen of Oregon is cordially invited to attend th i short coiirses of the Oreirnn Airricultural College, beginning Jan ; IMeyen distinctive courses will be ollVred in Agriculture. Mechanic Arts, Domestic Science and Art. Commerce, Forestry and music, hvcry course is designed to HKLP the student in his daily work. Make this a Pleasant and. profitable winter outing No tu.t.on I easonablo acct.n.moda , s.' I t r! vful lllurau' ''H'tin. adtlres.; II. M. llNNAVT Ifoirwl f.. ii- , - " . v oi van s. i ire. In Kr..l i'i,Im., Di.1,1,,1,,1,1 111 Oit. in. i Mm si (,- i ,,,,.,, nr., ben l,y i,..,ii...l ,,,. ,, , nlnvf t,iililil ,-,,11,1 , K liiriitli.il ..I k r ,, ' iliilni.t 111., lirii ,,l, , ,,,'' '"i"'. I- nit: rrl.,v. u, Ml, I'.,, in, I, ..r, l'.l;.,. y., ,,, ,,, r l-U-t.l.il I-. nl !,..,, I't 11,'Mlll.l V , ' , " '!. i. u ., ,,' : ,..i,ii.,i; l- t.,. iin.i ii,.. i ! ,11,1,11 n l r..ru, b.illier ,.,.! ,,, , ',' lbt.ei.iirl liiiiy ., ,, , ,ln,, , . ., (unv.il l,.r In .i ,..,i.l,,,i. 'I ftliliilnuhn u ul.lnl,,.,j ,v ,,r,l ( lb. Hi..,.. M,U. i;.u Slm ,,,; j ,, ; lb.. I i iuilv I oiitt ..I M, ,, ,. Inr Hi., C,.,,,,,,' ,,f VV.ih,i,u.,, im,1 , 'i unlit- m.t i.... ,,,,,1 ,,: , ,l.lV.,HM.,...r. I'll,. l. ..,, f 1 J v u ' ' -hii..- , in, I lilt. b if II,., I,r .1 . . r,l,tv. H i, i.ii, ,1., tlm ,l,ii, ,, ., Mill,. Mill... I ! .... i the Jib .l iv ... i.,.,.,.. r, il ctnlt. l;i, ini.u,,,, .Mlorni.v fur I'l ilniiil ,is i i.. . Jj an, I Hit. .Iui.. ,if ii, j lH HI, III, ,,',,, ;, H I I,,, tin il r, lull, nn, I , III, h, Mil, ,11 ,, ,, ,, t'liiiiiiit.ri'.. III, h;., I'l.riniuii, m, Nona- or m: t.m i: s in I AW 1 1 1 ION i:"n. SALE In tl ti f ir. nil Court of Hi- Mul.. ,,f Knii fur VIiIi,kI,iii Cuiintv I'Unititl, State of I,,...,...,, Countv: I'KTITKJX l MQtOlt Ll(i:sl: of Mr and Mrs .T R Sfo..,0f r ooutn lualatin, were in town yesterday. In tho County Court of Hie- St.-iU' oii'L'oo for Uii'liin..!,... ',.,. i.. , In the mailer ,r ,k. ...... n ... - ...V- l.J,l. , 1 1 1 I' red Wem-li, for a lieenHi! to pell enirituous, Vinoun anil malt li(uor In less quantities than one gallon, In East Cedar Prpplt.i in .. ... iiniiiiiiuu . County. jTo the Honorable County Court of the lour uii.l. r.-iKii,.,! .iii,,M,.rs i,....,, v..l.'1-s Kast .',.,1.,,. 'r,.(.ilH.ti u..,,h. iiiKt.m County. (ireKn. an, I tK,..r "''n-illtutiiiK a majority r ,h(. , voter of said Creeliii'l ,,.i i.-.i Illlll re.lilent of ,,l.l' .r....l i luviritr a.-lually resbl, ,! Mier..ln ti.i ....... nu oifiiiaieiy (ireeeiliiiK th i ins iionuon. an, I ... ,h.i ..r thereof, would rei.,.ir,.ii, and ask that n M,..,.,... ,, , i io "en hiii r- IIIUMIS. VIIIOII-! !,ll ,, 'i o,uorM( in 'liiamiti.H t n ,,,. ..n.... ,.. K"t Cedar P,,.,.I,., ' ,,.'...',.". ! oiinly, Mretfon. be manied ,.,i iu to I''red Weneh. a renl.lent of ' 'said ! i' cine . mr n ,. . .. ' "Ml "I nut' j J'ated this day of lirlober, A. I)., fi. Sasert. I). T Stlu.rmi.n u... brent h, II. Klinirer. .lai.o.u w,.',... serdi I'eel, Charlm (!..n ' ''"Its, Albert Ille, A. ,;. Uinii; (.' ' l''iiienha(?en, H, C. H..S,, t,,i,,,,. ' trom. 10. I,, c r w f .." 'ii.,enhaKen. ra ' su-ComwU, 'if,.n lay, Frank Mater. II n : ... . ill;, 'r''- h ... . " ' '"'' J'-iiiKHen, nn Ueseh. W K,.,iinL. i.. .. . . ' Kir.l Hroek. John Veax.'r, II. y MJ h r. c. Miller. J. r. vim... ... . " bin?, l-rank Tov,...iu r. ' " ..' .. int. cimino t ,, ';.: :. r T .'.vii". ml. l.Vwl i.' m. ....... . ..' . II rvillrnn. C. n i..,.i,i. , ..' .lanieiMon. .taeoi, ti . , ,, .1 OS, 'I, ml. .'red Iim-u,. .. . f.albrelllh. A l'..ru I.' r, . . rr , I,- i, , , iienak, r.e K. !,, an, i!,,, r n. , ' ..ii hoi l ea Her, I. I . lll sell. I,. I.,, 1...1 . ... . . . , , iioimtiw Jt u "'". ' A. Comder. ler..,n Ki H, A HLTiist Hlanl,. H, S. C.flder, IVverslrek. J. U Andrews, W ' , S "i.ianbaeh, . c. KraiiK... .loiii, a" Allen. O. lions,,,,,,, Jonas X.v,,,, k . .Morris, John 1'ioit. jl, ,, . W heat, in. r ii i,.,., , ,., .. . . a i- , .. . ' "i.n i news ni-KliT, n. Kl-,1,1, ....... i.i , iv '"ews, C. II. Moore Ii v i. ' . . - . . .,.,i,K, it. jeorire W i... , I, .it . . ... " " iieiiner, I), Ihompson. Henry .Saffro,,, .!, A ,,, -'oalh, W. A. Clear. J. r. M l" I;ee llaekabey, Z. T. rX H VouriR, August Krause, W r ., 're.r(je Jurffens, (.'rank WaiKrave '' f;"!!";:""1" " I-wIh" r., ' . It. Ciiiiii iil'Ioii nu,. i,. ....... ... ' Oblin,, Henry Hoorth, Joh,! X worth, Henry Kroi.os,., n ),,.,',, . ..... . . rosier, ,Ii,l, KeMter f'odestn, II, l.-oMlken r,- t .., . CereBblno. A. Andeilln' c' Pfill.,,. i. t. -' j. .... i y, .-. .siH.ff, T Il.-li.rleh, Robert lie, V. Knius, ni'w, .i;iHlM'l' Hnu A T n. Mphh, ,1. Hiinfonl. H Mm.r i i m i iv, i;. ,i i ii a i." r. i . day of lieeember. A- M. of said dai K'diiK "us, vimious ,,,, 1911. at M) YI,., . iiresi'tti it... e I i 1 1 ,, , i f,. n,.,,,, , (i(ir; "''r l'v. In. I. WasbbiKt,.,, Mciftili In i , " " .linili K- ,1 lllllh Mll-o I I,-.,.-, at i uinl v. i ml mall elnet, Wasblnct, 'IH.I lit It i.js I),,,,, toll CniillM, 1,1 .1 . ., ' '" uiee Hill asL ,,.,, . neelise he lssin.,1 i,, ,, . ., , l, . . 1 ' ""' b rslKlied M'I'lleallt to M. II sell- 'hlno ., , lllllolis mi'ioi s, In l.'.iHt i -...I... ..... 'h Con, i, ( ... ...1, , i.ii,i ..r .... fur ' miii. i.;, r ri-,... i. !' Of MM-, 11,-,.,,, 1 1 HUM .1 Ml. ,1 - Mill. ' l'"KKI U Kscii, A,,ll, a, it. Tllu.MAs II. Tn.V.n'K m Allorney rr A p, Meant, ' " tin dal, I la I, . I. ii l,,l r Nolice of Sheriff, Sale t"'i'"nitcir,.,f m,sllll(.of WKMnnK,,,,,,.,,,,,,' M. A,la, ,.,, vs, mTI::- his . . , ... ...,- ,, Wllllnm ri. biilinrrleb. llnrnmii Srliiiluii rlrh nn, l. i u, m. lliellrll. hut W1, .:,, S,, ,lh l"it'. no.l tieorii N,l,.t , , ''Ut" N h"1 rieli, hli M ,, 1 1, .,, ,u, N.itl.f H h.-rebv irivi.ii. Ihl ll, p ,,,,,1 IIM'., lb.' duly M,, iltltwl, .,11.1,(1,1 ,( i.ii.B i.. . r. t. in t, , ,, , ,,., ,u by Mrtoe., a Meer... ii,,, r N, mude, r.-ri.li.ri. mi l toiler., I ,,, ti,i,i,n f iilllliNl Court iiii.l Cm,,,.. ,;irf ,t, of III.- .'Ir.l tly f ,,. ,,1(,r , , M-MiiUy. M.t. '.7lb -lay .,1 Km , . m , t ... i , A. . imi, ut ii, i,, ,,,r , U1. i (Mlr ' "i llillsllr.,. tireu-on n il. ,r "I llHIH..', . k A. M.l.lH.11,1 .1,1. , Wh,i imlill,' iiieii , ,il:, ,,.r i'"ll III Imod, MIM,,I ,. d;r,, liii.,f Mil, Ih-eiff, nil the ,i,t, ,,..n, re t.Klii. I v 1 1 . . bt,,,K. , .,,,,. , WiisliinK,,. Cuiilv, lir.-Koii, ,l i. imril.nhirly il.wei l., Ht l,,lo lv.it I niiilu. neloij tl. N,,rtli4 oroer if l.'i k No 7 of mid i, ,U1 UM "I Hil,..,r, WiiMilnt'loi, Cuiilv. r. t'nu, ., riinnlii,. it,,., v,, i,,,,- He Nortl, I,,,,, ,,! u,,, ; w. lrH. Ilieliei, So, ill. To r,i. ii ..... . ..... """ "-'ii'ilb Jl Im.f; .m... K.inl :.ij fii hi II"' l-.iu,! Imr.,,! .,,,,! t, , ; , . Virlli ui,,,,,. th .:., ,. , B,, j k ; ,, lei-l to I be ,la, e n l.eflliillm- Hull viild nle will . ,.,. ,, , , LV" " '' Ihe Cli.-int Cur la, Miili ol (ireioa ,,r W,ibiniI,m Canity. im i' "lW ''"y "' "' ' r' A- " Wlllln Ireland. Keferet. In , ,v finiilid suit. ' I'. TohU.,. , 1, Hi , ;-,,,,,. Jr., Ali..riiev f,,r I'biii.nil. John wife; in Sl.utf, hH wifJ.(' Ily . ileciee '"lille.l cause tV. , ' r "tl V Ul' "'ve "f tiu".bi 7,,f !"" '"! -mi the i6h lv ".. 11 " led , ,1,,,,,, j'lK'iie.,t ren.le,,, , ',!'' "m" 111 favor o Mr It,.,. Ci a i l"U'r' "i. "Kniimt Job I lr ' A,,""", Pl'iiiniir Shiite ,ul i.,,,,.' "mey, J,,l, f"'"l".ls. f',r the sip,. ' "s .1, interest hi th,. ' "f $'3ih.7owi,, '"'in from ii. ",u l'" 'eni i.rHii- '"' tl'i'fii.thers , Ti ,i" J trest at.h,.rHl, , ' 7".oowh in. , .. ,.-r,u nilini I. I'IMtll fei'H. mul Writ M 'Z ''"V'-fOetobe ...n.,,,ie,entu .... i .. the eo., ... . 1 ""otney'H costs of ,.. ., KBIIt.,' A W...t , ,0n"l 2 North .1 I " "V.,. Wl, ..... ,1 .. mini sit ntttl in n, '"""'en,. mfl, tn. .Stale r , "-""'"y ol W,., r.."., emu acres. lining 3 ...V,w '"''fore, bv viH,..r """', Jii'lL'iuei,! : , W'exe- I.. A. I). V. He, T. H. J. Flsh- IV oe, H,. f'. C. Mher. T'fiiny, J maim, David Cnlhhen man, John Orirfln, VV Kaufmann, Fred Hess. in wnoin It May Concern: Notice 1 hf.reby iv undersigned resident of p.,!. Creek District, Washlt, i " Co'un Oregon, will on Wednesday, the 6th flhil COItltlfjind r.C SItirl "'"'piiHiue win, SUMMONS unit In nu c.mrtoi n,,, Hl(ll , 0re. Kon lor WitMhliiKion Couniy. n Iheinallert.l tho Aiill.Mti.m of A J. i.oy r..r the r.'i;srii,, , ,, ,,. , olhiu,K d,.s..,i l(,l4 tuopeily Ivlia.', hein,r and nIIu , u, (,, , -, ,,. 'U.'t'in.,in,l Siataoftireu,,,, (ll .,rlieu. hi, ly desi ril,i,,l llM ri.ll.twH.- ''"'"? l-art f in, ek III, el I hi , """"'l:N '"''lilion hi the (,,,, ,, lulls born. Wm, , ..... ,.(.. i iiiuiiiy. iiri'i;",!, 1,," Herllied as I, eel, ,,,l ii... v..oi.,t 'riinr of ni.i.i in....? ... i II,,.. ', ill, ,1(111 I', III, li, K " ",.' NO Itl, ID ,,,,, ,.e ,irs. ."I III tluinorlh I,,,,. f 1,1,,, , m ''Hi tinmen north III feel to the nerlli ''e id said block; the.,, ,, ,.s : is i-.l b llie ,.lHi'e b,,,;. I he I liei,M , r, M , ,,,,,1 rt olhers whom it ion , . , . lalii'Nutite , ,,,,, Vtl daval N'- l:"." ' M a l.' I .. HKs bl. V A. J. I.oy i , ni,.,, , r, f,H hi at i., Mr,,..,,,,, ,-, WMshiniilon ('nanly, or lie inillal reuisl r illon of Hie Idle l btial ahoy., described. now itniHH VoM .))(,ir ,, r ,-1W I bursduy ,, .,lMl (My (( r. i 1 ,N,,W hy Hiieh a,'la" -n "hall not l,e uranteil, the Nii,ieHI ' llu,n ,iMCot,feMN,, , decree will . h" i-eilaee,)r,l,,(it the l,ra rolli.e i' . rani, Hl,( v,m H(j , r,)rv-.r iiiiirii.l 'mi illsmtinK MiMsiMii.i. Herk ol .i i Cireull, t!o,',M 'of I Imhiale "f I u i ' (" "'"" V Kley ,V. 11,1,-e, iitiorneyii for ii,,liciiiit- Notice ol Final Eellh nu nt l- O f the , k A r" an ti,. o .' . 1 fotisc fnl'Uc miction hu ll ii : , . "'e ninl l. "ts oreiil.rr . "'"mal d.f,,,,. ... , ,,., . terest which . ....Her .,, , , ''"V N,ve,,,ber 2 2 "!' iWh 1,1 "'I'l ll, tin. 1 ""'I Iblle loot tlon, i,, , ... 1U "ntisly said ev...... . . " r,".. ,,i. trroer 1 --.,,!- .cosis,,,,,, tccr'Z '-wi this the Km .""WW- ' " Uctuher '"t kmc, October ,9l IQ iue, November 9I61,9;q'I,I i'c, int,.r. N TIIR (toiTNTV OuUKT Oh' HTATK OH' (HtHdON, lull WA.Nll I NtJToN CdUN TV III K MTLt,he,'.,iH.,!,'"','rV K'v" I. thniin.lel- K.K , ,1 c !','" i,H'r,l!ri't "I '" ",,,,,,f I he I ',,! " '""liMi 'l""il',l, have Hl. il m for w!;: ,:;:::::!'" 'V: as ,,..,. . . '""".v. mv una. ma iia , Con.- I ,UK1 n"''lN"ui, umi ,uit wii'l lllll lit 1 1 I'ee. nil.er II. Iiivasi ',""r 'tf I" o'eloek ofsiu.l lor e,?,L 11 M r' V.' Ul'". ii" Hi" I''""' and II... " ,""i'" -.'oiih Ki Hani iiceii.i.u llaitill i i n"' tleiiitml. of H ,l esliil... niilod tins Novninb(,r4, lull. A,ln,iii,ui,. , NHiiey I. Hanks, I. Mi.V, k " r' ,r tl'" Ks,,lt "'' ,,,Hm , W. N. Hrrrtt trulrlx. iillorney lor mln.inis- Argua and Journal, $2.25. Hi