The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 16, 1911, Image 1

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VV. H. Halts, formerly of (Vdar
Mill, was helil under $1,000 Im.ikI
to answer to circuit court, at
the clow of his hearing, Friday,
lieforcJudueW. D. Smith. ltulU
in the nartv who was eanturi'd
Inl 1 I n n t i ntrt ,n ri fnu il:ivl Iliril
..... ... .. ft'"" " " '-"J - -r.".
-j-t 0 IUIW " - ' " UMW IV II, f Hif.T lit,
itridire Tax In January answer the charge of larceny of
way ""' over $200. the complaining wit-
.. ,-,n iiniiun 111 Demit bum. inr i,uiiwii,
... .... i u Thuunand Par Ilcllcrlnjt
llinhwayn In County
County JuuVo
Mr. and Mrs. Calkins worked for
llatts clown at (Velar Mill, and
accord i nit to their story, they
allowed him to hank their mon
ey in his name, drawing it out for
them as thev reuticKted. Halts
secretly arranged to no Hast in a
freight car with his stock, and
w I rif have agreed to vote ten the Calkins allege that lie fore he
NJ" . i i i ..: I.- - ili.n'irioil In. ilri'w out Ihcir earn-
nii tax Tor roan anu -
at the January wnH.on of
county icH.rt - uml thin means an
(Jf roadbuilding m wanning-
The jury list is drawn, and
published in another column.
T I ISI wa3 in the city Saturday after
v. J. naggeriy, 01 owoi .
Thirty-One Citizens Called l:rom Route 2, wa3 in the city Satur- Advertising Man on Oregonian,
c. K...i.. ..i... r,...n day. Weds While Machine is Stuck
I TT Mf T" ,. I . AnnklA ftf ftia
III. W. ixjiger, caaiu-i Wi I t
Boaverton bank, was in the city ROMANCE CULMINATES IN STREET
Iw4nr tool- I
Twenty-Five Out ol the 31 Are DcniR
naicd as Fanncrit
Friday last.
J R. McNew. of be ow Keed- p.hv
ville, visited last weeK witn nis
son, J; K., above Banks.
Had Minister With Them and
Wasted no Time, Sunday Eve
I row out their earn-
savinif a word to
W. S. Atchmson, recently ar- w
Clerk J. W. Jailey and blicnll mveiwirom r . ? " fmnt nt nn thin and a wed
r. it,. L iat of the ing a cottage m East Hillsboro. front of all th ngs and a wed-
..v. . din tamng place m an aul0,
week drew the jury iwt tor the A. U Wauson oi ro es .
November term ot circuit court, was uuw . u.c v.t, rr;i. . , ,
ivimk u "n. i" . ..... , onrnntn hnmp irnm a roruiii u. l
his employees. They succeeded which will convene in llilisuoro, - f romance GeorKe S
in iio'ttinjja warrant. an Deputy Monday morning', Nov. 27. the ma. Woodford, advertising man with
ira 'J roauuu""'" - ,-iniiii ..n.ui.v-, - imi compiemem, in tiui m , . i.:,.i0 ofo co tio Orptrnninn Pnh lmh nir Com
ro,mtv. such an no other Huntington marshal by wire Itr on fh v,nirt! aml thi3 will hrhr,0
i" , . ., . ,,. , , uioiii-il ilia 1 ritt Hancock . . , iuj we ncn nuw R pany, look uuc a ucenoc wcu
county lues taken up m ' 1 1 ck r,h(!,TK Kive the usual 24 trial jurors and Company. 3-tf f ore Clerk J. W. Bailey, Nov
ofOmtnn. Hve mw . nnm showed a willingness to de- seven for the grand jury, twenty Wolf, who has been at 9, and on Sunday afternoon,
used ior orioK " "u "" p
ii in i i - - i -
ed for iwrmanent road work, and sociati.m will be held in I cjrtlancl, unj thlir j,rt.cinct3 follow:
tho inoiieV collected Will Of speni iR'cemiHT c unci o, onu luv ..- ,
in the road districts in which roads will grant one ana one
it is raised This will mean, third fare to visitors. Call for a
with a full collection, Boinething receipt from your home agent,
like $').r (MM) for macadam roads, when you buy your ticket. Ans
Witl iiili delinquencies, there will tin T.;Huxton, ol Forest Grove.
It t U'$MH for this class will on Dec. H tell of the year's
"f work, and this will build HO work in the Washington County
miles of gocnl suhsianimi roans, i csung ashoci.iuoh, mu m .
With one year of a campaign of Newell will on same date tall j on
this kind there will be rock roads. "Advanced Registration, thus,
i A. Hundley, of w.ll
t, A v:....t.iii t iwihttul via ,l,.liv..r n talk on Dairy Ueminis-
Fo-est drove, llillslxm. and censes." Wm. Schulmerich gives Mill, or via Ueavertou, a prize of a W registered Jer
ai l anolhor rock road from sey bull calf to the party having
Ncwberg to Portland, through the highest scoring dairy butter.
S o Uex-Tigard county. Dairy butter, to enter, must be
Judge Stevenson and the com- nt loss than four injumls. in
misnioners aver that the cost of plain wrappers M.S. k
cutting down the road will not Banks, is secretary of the; State
exceed $3. WX) per mile, and where Association, and through Ins el
there are quarries accessible forts there is a line program ar
without freight charges, the cost ranged for the two days I he
will U' reduced under that ligure. meeting will be held in tht Y.
With thii metluKl carried out 0. W. Hall, 11th and Alder.
f,,r !L&r7 For Sale: Four tons Imp-wire,
The Quality Drug Store
Uregon. r.v - Inan Khowed a willingness to de- seven ior me granu jury, iwc.t, j Wolf, who has been at 9, and on Sunday afternoon,
d for bridges and the general Jj0sit mont.y if .rn,i tu-l to go live of the list are farmers, and TimDt;r, for some months, has re- brought his prospective bride. E.
ii work of the county, mich as j,;aHt wjln his shipment. I'.atts lh(irc are mvt merchants. A turned for the Winter, and will Ada Uyan out from the metropo-
ental repairs, etc. The re- case will go to the grand jury. K!irci(ru.ri a capitalist and an ex- improve his place beyond Oak & h c&r Arme(J
.(...,. i.iilU u ill lie CXlil'Ild- Tin. frmrnn I hiirvmcn's As- ..uemnn ll tht wall Thp iu mm Park. ...hl j.ui: ..l . ,.ll,J
IIIIUK i""' l vi.n-" ' . i m- i I Willi tiic iiceiioe mcj caucu
. i i, ...,.! I :.. :n I... v,.,l,l i Pnft !iiifi 1 ., . i. ii I i ii, fivn. 1 n m t hfi i li
and tneir precincts ionow: j. r. wanner, wiw mc uev. w. j. weoer, anu oesousui.
iieoimn Kainn. l'aimtr.... N Hiiiioro ponian, was in the city the first him t0 accompany them to the
v tun- mmii s Porekt Grove of thfi week, rustling for the hnusfl of a friend, where he was
ltii.ioiiii iiiiiusiker, I'mmer K Butie publication. to perform the ceremony making
Good paving restaurant, wun wem one. 111.....
lodging house in connection, for down street, and when they
rent at a bargain. Do not rounded the turn at Bir the
want to sell-Inquire of Kuratli trouble commenced. Just below
. the Baptist Church the auto
..... . , nounuereu, luunuercu, auu tum-
Will Wohlschlegel, who has menced look pained in its eyeg.
x acres of fine yielding potatoes, eneine stooned-and the
The place where you are always sure of
drugs of absolute purity and Highest
Quality, prepared by competent pharma
cists who take pride in the accuracy ol
their work
Candies and
C O Hi, Mffctimit . S 1'orcHt Grove
ClmiH-r Ktlirll. I'mmi-r... Rccdvillc
Auj-iist KHlnll, I'Hinit-r H Butte
I'rniiklin lnly, Gitnlencr N Hillslxno
Jnnrnh MiCoimick. I'amitr.. S Tualatin
Waller Ilea. 1'armcr K Cellar
ImiirtT VomiK, Cupitlisl...S Ilillsbom
N 0 Lilly. Mtrclmiit ,0nles Creek
William II IKUU-r, l'rmer Dilley ana IS waiuiix . bridai party was
h rank Milkr. l;atiner S l'orent drove
Henry Ilrotk. I'ariner S Tuiilatin
John M Overholizer, l nrmer . . . . K Butte
Wrillinm Jackson, l-'iirtner Columliia
Uamli-r Ct.owniiiK, Kiirnier D'Uey
John T Croeni, I'atun-r IlcHverilaiii
J K Recvt i, I-aiiner Corne'.iim
w H I .ila. farmer Hanki
Clv.le L I, I'arnier...- R Hutte Summer
J W Cline, KxprrMiiiinn...S l'orest Grove
it..v n.;fll l'Hriiii r Ga ton
The Delta Drug Store
William II tlelsler, I'Hriner iinev i IV L CoC- u"u' V1 naa Mu""u'"
j,ima w Ma.ii. Farmer .Comeiiai er to unearth them, was in bat- Right her6i with rare presence
of mind, the groomsman, amend
Wanted: A few good grade of the couple, said, Well, what s
Angora goats, at once. Must be to hinder a marriage right here."
a oarKiO'i. tiiv ijm iiiim ""- - "
Forest Grove, Ore., Indepenaent Kev. Weber haa soon saia tne
Telephone, 185. 35-7 words that made them man and
t a wife. And so "Married, in the
KranK wunger wno puv nnrlnrs of a taurine car. on fir.
immer back in Nebraska and r T. - H onnHav evening No-
South Dakoto. says that after all b 12 R w j Weber. of
he has seen no country that nas Hilsboro M g Church, of-
ne nas set-u nuiuuuwj ,W,"V the H11 sboro M. ti. unurcn, 01-
ZTCoic, Fanner Ceour anywtiere near appiuucu w- nciatinp.( Mr George b. . Wood-
n.,i,. Mrrrarkan. Farmer N l'orest Grove coil tor production. fnPJ anf) M1SS E. Ada Kvan.
ii j Ayrc, Farmer -Galea Creek We clear land; blow stumps, The Oregonian employees are
von." hiihh I - ,1 .1 1 i.mi'i - 1 ismw ...
riK-k roads has been made mam- Arthur L. rope, agoci 10 years, . Married while the gale was wowing
f Hhe manv hh:W tax lev- 7 m ths and l'J days, son of . Stewart Vaughn, formerly ' wi..o:Sn.. iMm
. ; , , " 1 ,1 .,, , il.,, 1 ) m I'nlM' (10(1 WHO lias opened a iuhkoi the Uedar UreeK COUiarv, uuw weuaen woen me wncti iuiu ii""6i
1 oT The hialesman-giving five valu- LXfat Yamhill, was down to stalled was the biE machine 1
wnviMto lVvv a tax 0 f in r v h held at the 1'ortland able premiums to the first live the oldtime county seat batur- We(lde(1 when the reiu fftlling-
1 1 i" 'i,1 . , ,' ST 1 un , , 5l siiuril'tv at two men, sending in the largest dy greeting his Washington Bm we were so snug inside, . .
With the WOrk, and the all V 1 ,ron Uo.U ,nl 1. Satunl. . I mi c day, K J While the parson wa, saying the ringing
i him, 11m nviii'imii cii un? in run 11 lci i i i a i uv
oil,.'., ":" . ' ,, ,. iw inwii now and ren. 1. as
roadM. As it now is many an nmil Wiw wc - - - - . . f the
J. A
Vice-President Cashier
H. E. Ferrin, Ass't Cashier
Forest Grove
nf r.nndition on Friday. SeDtember 1. 1911.
UVUbVltlVlIV ------ f r
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - $269,529.20
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bonds 67,160.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 122,521.90
Undivided Profits
Reserve 3 4 Por Cent.
Thos. G. Todd John E. B.iley J. W. Tuqu.
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburg
there without a penny
pense of them.
in i u.w yvv.. - , trade: Twelve TUat gave you io me, a urmc:
Crove and Hillsboro, wnere nu in u.h w ,v - southeast of Hills- , fl. .... ,iie hiP car started.
i . i . . . i i riiirnitv '. r u n ui in v f c i . i u cvu -j r
ol ex- had resided tor several yu s. i - (r,1(.imr -wards boro: also a house and 2. i acres having the oidoountj seat-,
He was a .traight-lorwtiru. man- ru J j - fc McMinnville. Will Sell at a We dealt old Romance a solar plexus
ly young fellow, and his jjaror s as fo ow fo the oyej.nj McM.nn Hillsboro m a car, ,n the storm, on the street,
have the aympatlty of all tnur uirKtsi am residence property, close in. -C. .
llilUihoro friends. guoon. -"-- ... . uillshnro. Ore.
f,..m or oth- how ana reD. t.i w. , .j
money u : - - -. seVen- ewel Elein watcn, uyear
i.iu.nnrtlf (in IlIIDKIVl-VJ mmi' ., - ........ 0iC. rvnrl 1 '- ,. .
v , iTnii ease, vaiue on,, . f-m hptkI pton. ne .,..,.
11 it-nun iiu nuiii" v . ... n;,, o,i un n i UHUiu:. . i i i c vtiiinK iiw n annner. 10 lowinu
tK,n,Band for a band concor a g. Main Street, E ,m to says there were four .nches ot New Spitzenburgs, Ar
me oresceni. smnu mm: m... -- ,,. , (.,.0nii. zuu m""-" """", ' , ' snow in uraawun wuiuj ..nv...
Tlicni in n move on foot by the
fr' nl nilmirxrtt of theilills-
Mitchell arrived rnday Wo . . sale f 1911 Fal
n -rtw, l,..n,t ns oriran- "eiwi-in n.. 81 ver cake oasKei, vmuu,
.. . ,.i . Hvinir tnst at in rn 1 i.UJtinn will crive a
izci has an ensemoie 01 a cnas. vvimiii.-., ..00. m "'
and the organization is one of the Yamhill County lines, above beautiful salad dish to every one
whirl ! the city is proud. The (;aston. lost his barn by lire, who j,av8 me $5 in cash for goods,
i ,,L,L.1i,lnf time to b,i..,v mornina The structure u0St,Ufully.-C. S. Aydelott,
"n :B"r.'T:" oi ni h,.. I f t hhnc8t outbuildings LwSf r.rove. Ore. Box 197
III ill'l ll'l. Ullll LHW 011W..1.. - nunvuv... " . m, t .Av..-
L 1 ii-.. p,.,.,n,.i,il Bimiiort. i,nt si'ction. About cu tons
Irotn every stanrtpoini. ot nay mm uiv.' fjmma wicKer, wu - harness
A stranger who visited 11. Is- Lore consumed by the names J jn the Brugger tract, wants hew. with nesa
11 . ii ...... thtlt 'l'l. 1 UJilU !l Saveil. lilt :
ooroiasi opnng m .
he had made towns all over the losa runs over frhK
Lnncoc Rloolrc Wintpr Rnnanas.
he left-but that only means JohnathanSi Golden Ortley, and
twenty dollar pieces to the wheat . . varities3 t0 4 ft,
farmers. U. pach: from 4 to 6 ft, 124c
Gv,,. oqIo- Pinfi driviner and each. For lare:e orders write
1 1 ...nil KqiI onH o-pntlP! I fnv ononiQl nripps I. (j. riea-
1 200; ladies can handle and drive, heigh, Sherwood, Ore., K4;J. i.
a un '.sfintprt surrev. Dracucauj Nea eicn. noou ixivci, u.,
- - . - 11. r
ith harness, uoes reason- Nursery ai ocnous, vie
uita in k ' " r - . , iuirt AH.iiiABQ nr pn . .1Z..1 Vjiiiv i .
the circuit court to decree sner 5.. 0re. August Krause. of near Sher-
owner 01 uw &umc "r . .
owner oiu - ,. aTu0 hanA wood, has appealed iromtneae-
Northwest, as we as tne mwi. was but nw ,nn,,"'V ViuLiVr,.., decree that one junn imooica ision of tne C0Unty court order-
and he had never visited any by John Vanderwal, of H.l shot o. named a9 a m0rtgage in the sum some .bungalow -ot Ernest Keehn Stablishient of the
Place with our population that M . j (;l(af.on a former of $i,500. She also asks that Wlj be completed I in ,a w J j. Cole et als road. Jos.
had ho fine a band organization. X of Washington County, dceda made by her to Louis and M. B. Gilbert o Eastern Ore- ga y awarde(J
and which played so fine areper- Yhomeatead in the hills Hattie Salomon be cancelled ROn visited with J. G. Schmitt mes and Krause was given
toire. The band, under the man- fa J.ncUeBt WM killed by a She alleges tha she : agreed to us; tweel. :.-M f J" Mj8 g. Galbreath waived his award,
agement and direction of 0. S. J J ,t in Portland, one day seu the place to Salomon for building a fine two-story house. ause mQn hag been
Parker, made great strides, and gj. He was born in Conn- $0500, with a Pment of j. C. . beeks i making : some payment. He has not
a little encouragement would '0, Ireland, in 1814. and at $1,500 down and a mortgage of fine impr0vements at Rosedale. ry wantg the matter
again put them in fine fettle. t(ie a,re 0f six years, crossed the n,000. She and h.a"a a telegram was received Sun- reviewed by the circuit court.
The boys are to start .their prac J ; J t M ion CoUTlty. Ihey went to Salomon s office m . 1 oit- anncing the death of His petition does not say what
tice again, and. in a .few weeks Jf ,l there unlil 1871. when ,and, according to her fomplaint. day anjo s . Qf larger dam 1S
they will again hit their old stride. ' ,d to Portland. I he and signed papers. No montv t Ronan Montana, thought to be the animus ot the
C. M. miei
lana, is nis auuiney
Sam Johnson, of Shady Brook,
and Chester Bridges, Oak 1 ark,
were Portland visitors, Monday.
J. C. Bechen, of West Union,
was over to the city Monday.
1) P Tlortilunn returned ffOtTl
the Hood Hiver apple fair the
first of the week.
of Greenville,
was down to the city last Thurs
day, and called on the Argus.
1 Wniifor of below Bea
verton," was up to the city Mon-
d'AV tha miPSt. Ot niS moLiii-i,
Mr3. Lucy Walker.
MnfQ tin mnnv real estate
transfers in Washington County
Multnomah it v.
doubtful if there is a county in
the state whete real estate
moving so freely.
Chicken thieves have been
;uv...:wy owinnrl the surburban
places, and some one entered tne
('., l,;.Unn 1kUIUI IK'lOW tllC
city park, the other evening, and
stole the nest eggs, as well as
some fancy chickens.
ill. cb avv.j "vv,n"
d ten children survive. waa ;Pa,Q oown "ThT;; Mrs. Denison was a sister ot appea .
viii v"'ii w " . - . , i. 1 1 i-Urt, v.i lAunnir v nn uuiot :
r.l.mson was a very u v" ""V 01 o.. . - . . Mr
and took an active interest $500. and on tne ouuwii
Kugs, Linoleum,
Furniture of all
We Lead, the Rest Follow
Chas. 0. Roe & Co.
Pioneer Furniture
I '" " v,pr $1 000. w th a L,ong, oi uie 1 have several tons 01 cow
. : d.aL.ale rrt J hSSce. La- sons visited here throughout the Dumokins for sale. Will- deliver
Ceo. Miller, of Cooper Moun- nior r- found out Summer of 1J0 , bne leavea kt $6 per ton.S. M. Chapman,
?in. was in the city , monua,. r -
From live acres 01 $1 Rnn and that her mortgage
of Cooper Moun- mortf X she found out Summer of 1906. She leav
St WalsfS fnioSe t husband and two little girls.
haijust harvesica 1 w - r d She sweara that which merely shows Washington
over 1,000 ".'"Xct Walsh bad unwittingly loaned County, when you can get one on Fred Masseyi
jure for Burbanks. jne prouuw, thinking it was a L arpr scale, showing every- Lon nf
was large, and he has airtau i atrai ht deal) and that she is not thing from the Willamette River whose agility and industry was a
sold 300 sacks at i per, in sati9fied with the second mort- west t0 the west boundary of surDrise t0 many who had two
Geo. starts 101 but want3 the whole trans- fhe county. size 50x67 inches, arms. is now located back at
" t-r t- ----- . . m 1
Hillsboro. Koute 4, ind. xei.
Why pay ten dollars for a map James line, 251. Two miles west
the one-armed
North Hillsboro,
resident of
v , 1 1 1 ' rfrr : 1 ..11 1 a.
ind. ueo. aw''"' na hnf-wants tne wnoie ti ano- fi,o onnntv. size ouxoc inciies, 0n-.a a rnw ooatert DaCK ai
Catawba County, N. U tms ev -e- h . cancelled except that she for $7-50i 0r a pocket size, 24x33 Rov. 'ill. He sold his team to J.
ing. for a tJ JT" hB wiuing to keep the p,50U ana inche3i for $2 00? Get it of your D. McHargue before leaving
.ifh bovhood scenes and peopie. 1 h d the paper 1 , address T. S- Liav nnnld haul as much
Ponnv Judge Stevenson has The land is worth perhaps $4,000. Wilkes & Son, Hillsboro, Oregon. wood or with hi
v irtOl
received two Japan we attr 10. R t wilkeS) who has been up McKenzie. aged 89
L.V. ...A tUlVk. fin UaiCB UlCVKi , ., ,. .. nnnntrV Illl Slim- -. , nr- ! lU. :4-
as much
wnnrl nr rnok. with his bie sorrel
team, as the next man, and he
was always at work. His tatner
hicr tarm back, in tne
' gj
c,uul" '1 ..;f.,ilu mnrkfiil nmiit, w i .L.i a J Mr. lvicrvensie icauo F.... . mnkn thincrs num " m tne
hS a : large white Hillsboro ne without gjassess . and is as ac- ,and of m Lorimer
Cli.-tti.ui'-" i,irl,ro otnt-pq SnOW lliiu juon ov". A tlVe 83 Ulc aveiBKC man ui T, . .
more sprignuy man ity uhkiusm
r . - .. I A. I Xun4- a 4lns ttmnV 1TV
He is a native town tne ursi ui me
creatures, nav..w " - snow had just starteu as tive as the average man
snot on their cars. Judge s tares . the Eastern Oregon nd more snrkhtl
ii.f fhoap marks wouiu ub " -" r f WM muCh sur. j cn u ; ot;,,a
tutu, ovnupU to country, uuiv t many men oi uu. nc 10 "' - - . . u.
f v,,,ntamfn. He expects to .,'. tVio imnrovements A 1 rkv, ia of no- nunr the sewer work, rie
voian ft herd ot tne aciopw-u r ,i;,i0un-n rim? his absence, r "x. o;;rr ot nnmplina
oi Argenturyi, . r , , the $40.
xiinsuuiu uui"n nresent resiuuiK at wiircuuo, "r" J . . . T w
i i i . . i -ii. vwuui cauraii oiir,orviainn mi. i.iis v e-
iows, n fr(.qh lot of where he resides witn a son ui wv
i-oMtpr. of Farming- Emmotts have a tresn ,101 01 w"roQra f a(T. eas. Nevada.
ton, was in town Saturday.
Fmmotts have a iresn cot m. wmuc .
KrinkteSU8for25centfclfifty years of age.
r is a great satisfaction to
carry a watch that always
gives correct time. That is why
there are over seventeen million
Waltham Watches
in use. The owner of a Waltham can
always rely upon his watch to get him
there on time.
"it's time you owned a Waltham"
We carry a complete stock of Waltham
movements. Coino in ami talk wita ua
muui a Waltluiu
aurel AL 3(otjt
Jeweler and Optician
Hillsboro, Ore.
1 '& .
I ?
(1 '
1 1 e
I ,