The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 09, 1911, Image 1

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ifii' is GIVEN
NO. 35
W.rr.l ",r Co,",,y l hMrwH,ch'
fare Uivoit to New here
omen or
SUii'rilT Hancock went tn Hunt.
ington, the last or tin' wH'k, re
turning Sunday, with W. K.
Butts, charged with larceny of
alK.ut $3)0. Mr. and Mrs. Cal
kins, worked for Batts down
near Beaverton, and hiHt week
Baits Hliiic(i his Htock Kast,
getting an far as Huntington le
fore he was hold hv the authori-
Mrs. Alice Calkins, com-
State Hoard Aski That Horsemen
(Jet Busy at Once
f""K Dr. Lowe, Friday, at the
J 46m ff i i nf L! ......
noun wasningion.
Jas. Flippen, of above Buxton,
was in the city Friday afternoon.
I). L. Houston, of Portland,
was in the city Saturday after
noon. fVmntv .ludffi Stevenson went
to Salem, Tuesday, to confer with
Pretender Goes Home to Mother,
but Denies he is Her Son
tics. Mrs. Alice calkins, com- llucmiUft ftut:o T. DI, , lrrklCi:f r.Au w.t
.1 . . i I U lillJL lU tJlir. IHIl 111 UL LILI. l.ll.U vjivra 11 viw
plainant, alleges itiai Halts had , , , , ,. ,1P .
talked and drew her money for . Mr." and Mrs. Julius Weisen-
i i hrirv fund U (iiven Sum i.l her. in accordance with her ProvUloa ol Statute, However, Qualifies beck .of Keedville, were in the
Hm" " ' w h ih. find that, hefori. hn went ,. c.. r. .. city oaiuruay.
.. . ... Il.ini red llOlinrft I ...... . inn ill MiiK vini
o i" liiivnv hi went to the Keftvprtin
Oscar Thayer and daughter, of
- hank and drew out her coin with- ..... ... ... above Gaston, were callers in the
il,., County IhwrJ last week or- 0llt my-m a worj to hl.r &MVlt Attention ot the owners ot stal- cjty Monday forenoon.
. i iirit u warrant in the huiii it. When hIh found out that he hons and jacks is called to the .
,t.iT(i ui.ii i, ...I uinriixi l-'.ivit witti r.iu utfw-lc nuu, 00iiin lou, u,h:,.h u(rt intr Daniel Story, wile and son,
.i u..nii i ii ant. lor nn- "" '""i "" "lo
of ,,m 1 ". t. ,v 'i ir,i she sued out a warrant of arrest.
provi'iiM-i.t ol the MX. iij.ani )(.,)1ly A)),(lKat), fouri(1 that he
n)iiA W drawn m favor or Joiin waH jn the Huntington yards and
vMiiti' rotiniy nim""' leiegra uii'ii aneau to noiu mm.
ifLiii'm in liii irur mm nuiiniu
complain that Batts has misap-
new stallion law which went into
effect on May 20, 1911. A num
ber of horsemen have not yet
complied with the provisions of
this law. It is necessary that
all stallions and jacks used for
propriated their funds. HIh public service muBt be licensed
nvesiocK were auoweu to go on
Kastward to their destination.
(laston held a mass meeting
I Saturday night, to name candi
dates for the election. Decemlwr
5. when the town will vote on
incorporation and elect city of
ficers. Dr. 0. K. Hawke pre-
of Portland, were visitors at the
home of Mrs. Lave, Sunday
Mr. and Mrs: J. H. Ellerson,
of Beaverton, were in the city
last week, attending circuit court
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Elwell, of
tl,,. same to le piu'i "
thrnminiit tee in charge can use
tu. name in conjunction with the
subscript!"" raised.
' Tlu'iiiliceof fruitlinsjMHtor for
the county was declared vacant.
Onl. ml that the county treas
,vr turn over special tax. road
district No 2U. to J A Johnson.
U I 1 T It ' I 1 . ' I H" MM '
n trimitiil XlK.ri II'llMl I ui.Lwl niwf l ( :rnvir uuu
-.mnlvroail fund, for roud (list 15. ,.wted secretary. What was law went into effect and licensed on investment. -b
i...i.....l that 10 cents per known n the '"Citizens T cket" durinur the first season wi be Ii- laurel, ure
I The Quality Drag Store
But Also Aver That he Was Rather
Queer in Mentality
Is Bernard Marvin, expert
draughtsman and 'civil engineer,
who worked for T. S. Wilkes &
Son, all Summer, a fake, or i3 he
really affected with a dual! mind
That is a question that is being
discussed on street corners in
Hillsboro. Marvin left Hillsboro
some weeks ago, dropping out
of sight between darkness and
daylight. He went away owing
a boardbill and several other
small debts. He later appeared
over in the Siletz, where he was
making love to a girl about 14
niMta in re cniwren in mihkh
n'i, I,.. turned over to library
fiinil, fr the various school dis
tricts. This amounts to over $700.
Onieri'd that the town of (las
ton be authorized to hold election
to iiicorK.rate.
Following claims were allowed:
E ii s.tM"iv:," irn V'1
J W HuiUy, cli ik. fil f
Wm liipix-r, Ii )mir.. 00
Idll-lH.m I'lmimnry. C ll & jail I 5"
C..o Mi;'i-. niHVfVi'r'd tilliw,,. ji 4"
W ll.iilrv, -U-fk'illuK tip 47 3H
J J A'IViii. f'K k ciiiKlirr rp IJJ 50
CIaw X I'miUn'MiHir, ""' u,ll '"P "5
Iltn. hull jirllflriit. irilllill A il 9 ""
Mil.lillrn it liill 37 in
J, V ,Mir. irlli f , M
Id J
Portland, were out the Dast
by the State Stallion Uegistra- week, visiting at the U. G. Card
tion Board at Corvallis, and that ner home,
they must be inspected by an Sam Paisley, of Buxton, pass
official inspector appointed by ed through town Saturday morn-
this Board. Attention is also f .route home from a 1 ort--I...J
.l. 4u... ...... land trip.
uuueu lu tiiv loci, iiiai, auiuiuuiK ...... i i I Vr l .l
.1..-.. i n: ..,k:..u ..,,.. Tfmmp nni of. at Banks for vpars of acre. Her brother, no
iu mm ww, buiiiiuiis vv 1111:11 nciu , , - . . .
1. n...i.i..f iu iin.o..,Un iu s i. Is navinir a irood interest tin er the disanpearance m tne
II UIOBHWHV UIC U.liu niK-i. ..v rp i. ir:il, fkf
1. 1 uniei, papers, wrote mi. imism uul
33-5 M arvin was over there, and that
censed even though unsound, al- Geow Meacham and wife, of Je was passing unde lJe nam
i, ii. uawM', nuii-i iiivii, 1. . iiiuuKii Du1.11 uiiouuiiuiicKi, aix)ve Mountamuaie, acic m , , , .ii.j fu. famii
Wescott. II. F. Krahmer. J. H. present, will be stated in the li- city 0Ver Sunday, guests at the KjS
White, C. A. IU,rris.Wm.Spence cense. All horses, however home of A. P. Luther and wife. Jft
anil i. i. liarsen; recorucr, rreuiwmcii ure nm umru iui munu j j j 11 ua
W. P rter; treasurer. Chas Wes- service and licensed during the Wanted: A ew good grade gene, and asked for work He
' , , . I .. ... . ... 1 I- A.nm nnols of nnna Must, hp I uraa iinohnvpn nnn When reCOZ-
j.uiges. A. J. namncK, n. or puuuc service " ;T-; ,brC " 35.7 r' IiPwis. a ioeeer. and that
Mosher, Maurice uwnes; cierKS. me proper veterinary u wptxuun. .i,.. - - -,.-,. fnrw0:k. tkat he
11 a u ...! It U IW It ia vri mrmrtflnt :. therefore. U7lt Ck. f Vnront firnve. ne was lOOKing lor WOrK, mat, ne
II. w. iiiuni.T niiu . .. 1 v . 1 , ,. ' naiwci kJt"i vi . T., ,' hart a nnr,f momnrv nnfl rPITlPin-
iu kamn whn nn. He in. u ..,,iw,f,,i Ur.f Waah. nad a poor memory, ana remem
ThKlmonica Mercantile ?C "f vZ bered back but a few months.
.mnv. at Flmonica. on the Ore- ? s ' ' "Tn 1 7r When she protested, that she
gon Klectric. will hold a big re-
The place where you are always sure of
drugs of absolute purity and Highest
Quality, prepared by competent pharma
cists who take pride in the accuracy of
their work
n II Remedies
HOYS II Candies and
was nominated: For mayor, Dr,
C. 10. Hawke: aldermen. J. H
iiuciion saie ai ineir bwic,
iK-srinning Oct. 30, and ending
November 9.
k 1 .11
iiuceu on an
1... I iMf ro ixiiit (mm
M.Hiii iwli lii v. fo iHHir furin... H iki
i- 11 rimmiiniuiii c, ui ! froiti 3 jj merchandise, and the
G G Ham hH, Mirr mi ihi . ..jij w
in uieir .nirton barber snoD irom Den r- . v.
applications at once. Stallion Luey, and will hereafter conduct ;fL?nrt.h s
'r.- TLjrt u,e name was Marvin, the young
CtMVeu iiuciibco iui ..v. n0 UUQffai. ann w fe Of T ofai- ho waa
. . 1 f a. 1 :i 1 iui 1 v kj. nuiii.1 mum " ""i 1 iiiiii isni nwa.v. jic& uv l iiv mu
will comer a lavor upon '-Mr - ohj haye been . , Wendling. bucking
neignuors . oy cauing vne.r guest8 at the c. Blaser home for lumbei. at a sawmill. He is now
UOn 10 iniH iaCl. I J.M Thow nviwct tn Id- ...Ul. u;n o sho la ttiinlr.
llA,,.m,n O OnilPdimlhl fU. " JC" ""J 'v-J Willi UIS UIUUICI OIIUUHVia v.......
Horsemen are also urgently re- .,;ntrtnn nnuntv. t mn0innr a hmin snee a -
A jury in Judge Smith's court 1st.
Prices will be re-1
lines of general
,1 tUn kllltllA ia
ii I 1:!. ii!! ; ....! ..i .r,. or8 are aisouwnuy re- - in Washington County.
fiiiiu ,k! r.l..f " V a : : iAm aB;rt..'rliirrr. j.i 00 nai..v . ,,,, L p. iror J8CKS uniil slier tucj juij. ... u "'"- -7- T, r frnrT1 Pinrene savs
you money, a. r. i vviui i y. j,, inStKcted by one 01 our nast 1 nursaay ueciueu uiai, 1. rrj Y"Aa cot. ca
i-..i:...i. iii. thoi"" . j 1 Dim t- ,:if nf K. the mother hods that ne
1.. nuiiscu, 1-jiiiiwiuv.a, v.. 8tate inspectors ana nave re- inompson was uui --, , .
Oregon Klectric. their state license, for structing migratory fish by a was assaulted by two men at
, lvr , . V, .1 k: ,lnn r,aoy noatnn Hi lSDOrO. IhlS IS OUI Ol Hie
('Km. Henard. 0 I'ortianu, otnerwise ii may prove uiai. auu uam uu u.o .av.v, v... -- ,a kf aOPOOW1 twn
- -. :. -,. , . I m nmiu nn. . . . .. WUUIC VIUHl uuvv.iv.iv--. ---
sues Frank u wnaru lor ui- auiuuw o. j - Al. Wagner and Chester Alex- nr three men here who wouldn't
The Delta Drug Store
President Vice-President . Cwhier
H. E. Ferrin, Ass't Cashier
Forest Grove
Srntpmpnt of Condition on Fridav. SeDtember 1. 1911.
Capital and Surplus $5O0OO
. i rtrp rrs
CicMTiit Chriuiml Co, C h .V jil.. 9 00
I'nnlmni .Sinlilm. cotonrr olM'c. in (
K I, IVrkiiK, ire mil & di e..,JJ jo
M (' I . wlmol ii(l Imv rip jo 3J
Ik-Iu Iihik SIoip, iflirf J 5
1' 11 I'uimiiinlmiii Cu, trc it ro
Srltiwl Kit iillae S i
T. I .V IVt Co, C b lhunf 16 95
Wli im-Coip, wA 1 C h ft lll ... 37 10
Hi(llK ItiiHi, irllcf IJ
Tvnna . $2fi9.K29.20 Carjital
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00 Surplus
Other Bonds 67,160. UU
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 122,521.90
Undivided Profits
vorce. aHeging "LW him-just for a iir vi p. w i k ii i .i,.. i m in. m vv. ... - - . - - - - - , ine inianiooR. line, wee... very lew minuics.
1I..KK, I'.icmi. .ri.,f..,.. is j minor child. She says the hus- this state, or it may bt ouna gund Aiexander is Rarvin) while working here,
LVH.,u:',,,,rNc,r,1 ; band is a street contractor, and that their PZf to be transferred to Tillamook was sore because the Siletz girl
v . W hVi. ooo is making Hi0 per monm, m u anu iuu h.j - y" -th s week or next. bf 14 years, refused to marry
va oVw,r?,, 3s thatshewantsj) topror 8 We clear land: blow stumps, him. When he came here Sheriff
i,w,-ii,Kimvo,.i..piir .... . - 3 s the suit, ana u jn-r mui.u. ...otrou u .., " i " f 'ian- omoii Hancock gave him a piece oi
mony for herselt and suppori ? ?en. u r.. :?,; address money, and attempted to, and
the child. HenarUissupiKiseaw is, is uie - ---r- , s.. did. secure him work. That he
cond Street. Portland, Ore. is faking the game, for reasons
Home phone 41291; Pacific, Main best known to himself, is the
ox)K 34-6 opinion of those who met him
. . rtnilv. while he was in Hillsboro.
A. C. Shute, C. L. Koontz and Stni no one but a crazy man
Thos. Williams returnedMonday H perform such antics. But
morning from their wild goose for & man tQ get 50 miles up the
$502,21?.10 i
Hosorvo 3 4 Por Ooxit.
Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailor J. W. luqu.
Wilber W. McEldownex A. Thomburrf
Mrit riilllllitll. Mil IMWIl'l ClIUTIIM 00
Tin II Toi'K'H', linl Ally's lfir m no
GIhsk it Piuilliiiiiiliit-, iillilis.... t 15
Not tit I'Ibih Si'tillm'l, printing
hi iiH' ullire m "O
Ailnlli Hu'Kiinl, shrrilT't oldre..,. 7H
V, li lli.mwk, slief olticp r xp 94 K'
I'. II lliiii.l, supplies c h it jml S V
lllio rmlriliikiiiK Co, r II Nelson. 17 5"
8 N l'wili', nssrssor s oMirr......
Miuini (itKKliii, mw oflicc... 5
Wilk. Almtrnot Co. limp clerk oil 9 00
ilH& I'laillioiiiiiie, school siipt.
Hrtlmlil-IUri( Co, surveyor olliif
Ci'iuU Court Jurors W V Wiley f V
V Vnnilvke A in. li llsviil A Kil. V, A
Rmtfi 4 90, J !. Ilnrnirrover j 40, Wal
ler Tlioinpsin 7. I I' Henry 7 jo, C M
Slites 7 Hn. 1' II Sitiiison 3.
Seliiml n.Mtril C (! Nelson,
li W llHii.lley, John K Ihritf. H T Hun
tm, W P llrooks, Henry llKi "' '"y
Cop, Wm Kemper, A lieveriimli, Irii K
1'mi'Imi, 1, C lloelVel, IVter lossy, W W
11, .loll 11 ale
be in Southern Oregon at present
Dr. Everest, of Cornelius, has
sold his drug business, and will
retire. Dr. Everest practiced in
Beaverton many, many years ago,
i Board.
J. H. Garrett, who has been part
owner and manager of the C. C.
Store, on Mam btreet, ior v- , Ar,ineton
ernl vears. has purchased tne . .r 00 flino- verw
r . , 1 1 11 111 1.1 tt- v cm 11 nit j
nrii!nM T Tiimrd wVinlantiro atirlc. and Will hCFCftttGr I . . . Ann U., if onAiifTn
Wlllium iiiiiu, v. .n-v., ....- V,.....--.----. --- , : nigu uiese uajo, uui, cve...
- ueaverum nuinj, mj
ii" ami is counted as one of the old-
900 timers. Prior to going w w
s 5" neliits he was located at uaston.
4 5"
was shot some time ago by the conduct the place as sole propn- to make tne trip pleasant, bag
Boavcrton constable, was operat- etor By lose attention o the fif birdSi ,
nnW J sale, Jwelve
,le is getting along as well as ran s oi n.i.s. cck "and York, as to the young
could be expected. h. " lL,e0a Lr. MeMinnville. Will sell at a man's surroundings, and says
For sale; Fine driving and wian """ a "'" bargain, or trade for Hillsboro that while the son's mind ap
irM)d mare, well bred andgenue,
Mk'enzie river, where his moth
er whn ia a doctor, resides, is
quite a stunt for a man who has
a dual mind, yueer, isn i it:
Mrs n. E. Lieberg arrived
hpre Mondav morning, and con
sulted with Messrs. Wilkes, Han-
1 . 1 . . , .1... fit..iu.
.iainint win iipirijiMKu( ,101111 mnn, uhbai .m m -
in t u. i. .J t Atfrilli UtA mm h nnd and drive
(luirher, r ii mils, s K uison. a w As() 2-Heated surrey, practically
iu.-, c c neers, c l' c.rsi.'.e. h W lion - ... uarne9g Goes reason-, Mux HehliiiR, I'hilip She, T C " W. Wli LI Iiunit
.i.,i,.,.. n r.,,1,1 i n c.iiUiii.. w c. ab e. Address or can, oo iiay
(.iMi.iinrn, Dn ik'nviile, w M Heisier, Street, l'ortland, Ore
1 1 I , . . ...... . , I l I . . . .
:j v,nnvf.r nlncn n C. norc Vie nhsnlllT.e V C ear. lie
BONE OF MAMMOTH p Bunsenj Hillsboro, Ore. denies being her son, or ever
I ..... . , . . Via vino- seen her. She was given
l A v,,iK Hnal- hiiw he nno-inrr to . : . . -.i .-x
r-.i. i?-i,i ..rh n wnrkmen .". . .. .."niiu some or nis worn, anu mum.
uasi riiuaj fhe hearse, wasjost uy. tne nms- r- -- . , . .n -annn.
were digging a well tor tne water r - Y nomnanv. week, nopes w u....m -
, vK, nn the finrden Tracts. ,' rr: r" "''v., w;na tion 01 naving Deen in imit.uuiu,
;.Mi,i.n,. i) Denviiie, w ii ueuer slro(.r, roruanu, vie. supply, on tne uarueu sorT1PWhere between thS Wilkes ! V" oifhrVno-h he ad-
iiieim,ui, Koiieri Tbompwn. k j Shot- ,Uv nt the Good Samaritan or mammoth. ine,Mn w stable. Partially nickel plated. Bueiz-
.,n ui i.i i ii ,....i ;... i uri-iii.. f1-"' .. , , L 4-,Qnf n.,r ciouen feet, under tne sur-
ttell. Mfc 1.1m 1 Ksvmom . Win .1 Lreiji!,
M 1' Miii, A W Wilson mid J I' Tsin-, I'Htfi, fa.
lniliiesl John A llonser V, C Drown,
roronri'slees. in Henrv llemliirk-
son, CliHtls NelHoii,' ) H llilMx'ry, J C
Appli'uiileld O Himcock, jurors,
Norworol kiisll, Wnlter Nelson,
N'-rviee, AKilrew llenillickson,
llillsliery, wilnesses, ench I 5.
I niiieHt Alice Pyiiuite H C Biown,
coroner's ffes, H 6o
TrnnserintH Stnte Cses Klnte vs Joint
hospital, wnere sne u-- T ,7 i9 usually .T W Sweenev. the P. R. &
an operation, ane ittLc, a. hflf " ' -tap --ho bui,t the
proved in health. c,lwil.;,:1 the sneket JZ" nf the line be-
Four tons hop-wire, f th , 3 of the . . d Tillamook, was
ucai.uK "f " .i.V u v- -r - . ,
Notice to Apple Tree Planers
... h or aa e nn w,a ""r "- i i.i, ,,n nun or tne etrs oi ine tween nere
i, ewii i; I No. 10. in.POod 8hape, per ima, No other bones in town the first of the week, ' Newf0'wnSi Spitzenburgs, Ar-
Koner ton. uuiuiic u. .... were found, aitnougn searcn w tne guest oi
''H onmy place, near West Union, Thfl ba,. wag perfect in piaCe the b
We haye for sale for 1911 Fal
planting, the following:
7 i 0.i.,AknH(
1 T f1 Uoir rv iirhriOA I . t . n
i. iiuiuiic were louno, aitnougn sum en vvao ine Kuesi, ui o. u. uic, """ kansas Blacks, winter cananaa,
my place, near West union Thfl baU wag perfect in p,ace the blfif contracting outfit Johnathans, Golden Ortley, and
miles north of Orenco.-Kaipn although it must have j8 being Wintered. other choice Varities-3 to 4 ft,
ibrie. Kofn mvered with earth thou- , . fi OQv,. frnm 4 to 6 ft. 12k
r. .!.... f UnMlsnn I" j. . ironln(ri9hl WOU d yyny pay ICll ummis im a ""F"- , ,n WT.:tp
Trnnseripts stnte Cses-8i..k-vs joiin uougias iwy, "'"r'; "i 7 iTiifflVt riiM which mere y shows Washington eacn. rot w - -
I'ni'.Ki Ricimni Koe, w r Smith, jusiiee now connected with the Portland compute the time at perhaps ,a when you can get one on for special pnces.-I. C. Nea-
fee., s9; w, McQ..iii?D, " f wa3 out to the city minion years. This is proof posi- aniy3ey leigh, Sherwood. Ore.. R 4; J. T.
f.e, 23v, istevs jc l.rson,w l) I business. Douglas tivethafat some time in the a r scale, Jt eg J Nealeigh, Hood River, Ore.,
fsV'i SSiiS W "i SSl&odout in theSLeisyvUto dark ages the mastodon roamed thing from Willatteaver 0re.
Sieoheiis. I'hil M..Hters. John Parsons, a(.Hnn. over the plains OI tne iua tttiu . . ,
The Don
Kugs, Linoleum,
, Matting,
Furniture of all
We Lead, the Rest Follow
Chas. 0. Roe & Co.
Pioneer Furniture
If" ' 901 Wepte" 1 Money to loan on farm or oth- Va tejr.
llriilKes I) H Uensoner W 95, Chss
Hitchcock as 50, llrooks Itios 8 45, Jus
Cliuieliill 23.
Roml stni hlyhwnv Wolfe HrosliSi.-
S", lliill'iilo Sifimi Roller Co 3 50, John
lleib se je, J w M-lers45 QS, Council
e lootts imc ---- n 94yoq
tv. We a so sell real estate.- "Str""v "boneheads" bookseller, or address T. S. vina Kaste
Kuratli lathers Main Street, ocffwih- Wilkes & Son, Hillsboro, Oregon. geov
Mi Co 33 90, I )n pout 1'owiler Co 1 73, R
i'. riiyne s, l'ttil Liirsnmn 73 IN, itenii
(- MS 79, Schrmnel & Dsvies Urns I94--04.
SpieriiiR : Sohler 57 35. H n K,'rr
10, Win Wilkes a, K S Mny 46 oa, Mc
I'srlmic llros 105 18, 0 R Hloyil ja so,
le Vcrinilyca '4, I) ,1 Stewart a, J R
'PI. J .. ..... o T l.f
1 noiiipum 4 ho. 11 fieiRiinuer n 351 .1 vv
Hughes 5, C (1 ltflter 3 ao, R W Orr 40,
A li Toihl 5l Ceo McOee 2o 60, Golf Bros
3 50. J L Hvrom 4 60, Hec Vault &
Metiil Works 9S 40, J IJ Johnson 46 5.
A Kofitnr 143 60, John 1 teuton 185 56, J
I Koch 48 75.
District Attorney E. B. Tongue
was down the Columbia, the first
of the week, and bagged the
limit of wild ducks. Monday
morning a consignment of the
delicacies was received by his
friends in the city.
I twVn Second. 20tf who constantly
oe' , , . ington county.
Mattie Griffin, a young lady of
f E STf S Si. D Utey.of South Tualatin.
,.:;f unih friends in Oregon City.
. sheen noon as he could pick one up another
jrrwat the Hillsboro Wm. Jo-e and Uhnst , n out.-Li tie bit ot a
Argus and Oiegonian,$2.00
Schmidt and Miss Al-
Kaster were united in mar-
r ate. NOV. Z. at trie nume
av, v fVin oti-not in two lYlin- of John Raster, Rev. Koppel-
QCCU UU WIV mivv. ... v..- ...... . --
ntea- Man carrv nff home pack- mann omciaung.
The town Tihilosonher says:
"Well, we have paved streets in
the business section, and a sewer
system, anyway, as the result of
the Summer's work. If old Dad
Hill would come back in his spirit
he would think that Hillsboro is
a great town.
George A. Odell, of Sandy, and
. ... nf the Hi ShnrOI Wni. iiuonc a.." .,'IWOUIU ivu "uv. xj.vv.v u. "j. .
took Pr at the H"ro werfi in the city manf?y town dog, old, and with
street fair for, some years, was oi wr .. New
in the city the last ox tne w . ; Laurel, foundlande. One woman asking
The first migration of m Id f-0nt y seat caller Monday another if the court house wag
n-noae over Washington ouuty facinc university. 1 wu , .."r's'E-r u "i ui
Vn;r nlace Sunday morning."1""" oh discussing the mammoth bone in miss aucb "uwac11u,"'f ".C
Slthfnf wrong up North. ' Robt. Caples, of Wheeler, was ;heDelta8Dl.ugstore. Oneswore marriage Nov. 3 1911, at the
Something wrong uP Mondayt Qn gchool d,g. tneue.t k hQme Qf r d Mrs. Alfred
RamKunz. of Orenco, was in ff . "-iin-Li it mnnt. he the Stohler. of north of Hillsboro.
tu ' if Mnndav. He will open u " T'1"',, " "a tu mmm is a well known busi-
raster! f. the
A. . I mnamlUil 1. I I'llllim. 1 Vivu. , . - rt I Al . I . rt n (i '1 1 1 1 r M 1 HI 111 V IN. HIAIIllCli
J H Cash of Helvetia, was to the Wilkes Auto and Garage ljust emerged irom a aentat , ;t
in town the first of the week. ' Company.
All Standard Watches at a discount of 10 per
cent. My stock of watches ' includes only de
sirable makes, and my 2i years experience to
gather with buying for cash enables me to offer
you the very best to be had at the lowest pos
sible price.
For a ladies 20'year, gold-filled case, hand-engraved,
fitted with Waltham or Elgin movement
For a gentlemen's 20-year, gold-filled, hand-engraved
case, fitted with Waltham, Elgin, or any
standard make movement.
If you contemplate purchasing a watch see
Laurel M.Hoyt
Jeweler and Optician
Hillsboro, Ore.
,. 1 m