RE niLLSBGRG it 34 vi.. lor HuhlbUon. nnd Cilors " Mat Patent on Invention IOBT.CKWDAI.L SOON STARTS I AST uapc llmloitrsphcr I nnd- Mtm Moll, oncol l lie olilumers oi the iiuslon section, now a resident of Portland, was in the city Monday, on business. He I is a brother of the late Ualfigh Stott, the attorney, and has a wide acquaintance with Wash ington County early pioneers. Mr. Stott was Iwirn near Beaver ton, in lHof), and when he was two years of age his parents moved up to the Waiiato hake country, where Stott Sr. was iHMtmaster. and where young Stott hail an optiortuiiity to meet and pass judgment on all such I .... c .. i, y,,.,.. If 11,1 " "liM .H mill til, l ll' Hubert (Vandall, H Hon of Mr. ((,r (;rover and many other hig I Mrs U Cramlall. of Hills- men in Oregon history of the 8Jm.hH patented a l.nH-ess that sixties. Hises anything yet iliscovered The Hlmonica Mercantile Com- L he natural coloring of bird's pai.v. tit Khnonica ,,n th Ore- I I,,,,,!,.,.,,,, ohoto- K" l'.lectnc, will holdahigre t,ve views and lands, ape photo .rraiihy. i""1 lu wl11 Hoon v . heginning Oct. :). anl ending .i,.. Northwest for the taking oi November 1. Prices will be ri ., .....i then will exhibit them diu-ed n all lines of general . lv'.'. ...... dte- (Vandall was merchandise, and the public is in ft'tai' " . invili'd Vv iri ve vou a ..I UfHl pn.e t.'v , . ,iliuu..., u,:i U.-iv. r- - . A. K. Keehn & W. tu.i Ijiii h Wor t! H rair, unti i Kn arh. I momra. on the hI) trained the sumo distinction Oregon Klectnc. at the Seattle Fair. With nearly three miles of rock p.,t.t (Vandall learneil his pro- roads finished in North llillshoro fusion' in IlillsUiro. waH " the work for the year was com ..i, in attractive hoto- plete.l the last of the week, am L'rat'hv I'Yom here he went biuis Klines conveyed the lug ... .. Mi..t.iirn nnd later to steam roller to the Thatcher Dill IV V" ii n i ; i I I' i ihiltith. Minn., where he gained road work. alove 1-orest t.rove Hii.uml nromineiice ly Ins clever Next year North Ilillsooro ui i. ... Rtn vwiru lu hits I tn.l iii imiilher three mi CS or U-enin California, ami for two more, judging from the spirit of years he hart N-eii president oi mose w no iravei over me man... the Camera l.luu oi mw nngi;n-s. am. He has many mngniliceni views t)f California, taken m colors. wli(.n ni(.r).y 810WS Washington Whim In comes to Oregon - tion fin iri't one on which will be in a few days he ( ,.1r(,r 8t.a)( shcwir every- cxHcts to cover Portland and Ul(, Willamette River the Columbia Uiver, and lie will wt,8l tn t1(, Wlist tundary of then he in a is)sition to deal with .. ' liniv. 50x07 inches. tho KhsI ami show them Oregon t7 r,, ,, ,uu.,t ui,,. '2.ivti:i uml Washington as they are. inches, for $2 00? (Jet it of your Uu,lu.'ll..r' or address 1. S. ' m KB WWW mm w W W w W M y. 5. ft. FOR W, ). Ilockcn, Returned Crom Cnland, (Had to Kct Home SAVS IIII.LSBOKO IS (iKniNfi BUSY Thinkx County Scat I i);hl Had Sume IliiiiU lo do With Improvement Why pay ten dollars for a mai Will Hold Session at Yeon Build ing, Nov.M5-l6-17 PRES. H. C. ATWELL ARRANGES MEET Peter Jossv. of West Union. was a county seat visitor rnday Miss Anna Kllnrson. of Port land, was out to Hillboro, Monday. Otto Wohler, the Oak Park onion grower, was in tne my I Monday morning. Albert Friday and wife, of the Banks section, were in the city Monday. Ceo. Vanderzanden, of near I'.anks. was in town Saturday. and called on the Argus for about the 15th annual visit. 1 f nf The Oreiron State Horticultural vertonite, was in town Thursday Arlington, Wash:, were over the Society has arranged to hold its C..t ,.t U, A, ntfi-intin(T Q 1 : Tl n 1 XT iiisl ui liic auniiunift " annual session in roruaou, io- session of circuit court. vember 15, 16, and 17, at the G. 0. Hathorn. of Laurel, was Yeon Building, Portland. Presi- ....... ll . ' . . I1.!, no nnrl . ovr 1.0 Lnu eitv r uay, anu The Quality Drag Store j States Horticultural Society Prepares Interesting Program dent H. C. Atwell, of Forest started in a campaign as an Ar- hag ei g fine irnu ruant'T 1 ' c gus reader, Harold Halvorsen, of Farming- gram for the three days. W. K. ti,.. i. ,f .I'll I iliiiibtliss lu i uk muni... r.... iMMiKSeiier, or iuihu'm i. u reitiested to show what he has wik(.H g, &irii HillslH)ro, Oregon accomplished in before .... w he leaves for the hast. I'l lil.lC SAI.I5 The undersigned will Belli at pub- lie sale at Sfholls, near Kowcii Uros' Store, at 10, a. m., on F1UDAY, NOV. 3. Match team mules, 7 & 8 yrs. 'JUIKI; mule, 8 yrs. 1100; mare S) yrs, U00; bay mare, 2 yrs, 'M; j..rN..v enw 4 vrs. fresh in May. W W(kk and vm. Schulinerich returned the last of the week from their Creswell trip. Dr. Wood shot a fine buck on his trip, but Schulmerich twill i 1 'i eiit the mustard. He savs the darned things look too much like roistered JcrseyH, anyway, torn iV enjoyable hunting. :.. ii-il. . m- tmde: twelve les southeast of Hills- lwif.1- also a house and acres evemng.'and he iSihigh in his praises of Oregon. "I was all over hngland. lately, said Mr. Hocken, "And 1 want to say to you that we Oregonians do not uiiiTui..iif 1 v umii'i.'Hit. (IrfMron ,,r,v,.v u. am i Ha ranninir- . . w v....-!. tv. r.n,.ut f.imtri in tVi.L.. v:a.. u JNewell, ot baston, win tell tne ..... v v..v. ..... ..w v....v. j -lion, was in me. cuy ruuajr. uc . world, and we oroduce every- has been hauling wood to the growers now to mareei ineir I . I J t thintr that an v country can oro- Morton greenhouse. crops, ana now organization is .luce outside of the tropics - and F. M. Crabtree, the Laurel hop the key to the best successes in .x.lw. .I.,,,,!,! lit... in th '9rm 7nnP and orune grower, has started disposing ot truit. nnvu.'.iv? w l:.v.0 th.. nnd construction of a handsome new As yet there has been no con climate, and raise all things need- hme ," th1, , ufifl' certed move for Washington ..v..,.,.t q r,.u, f h i,,vri,. chased from H. Baldra and wile. rnntv to T)llt un an armle fixhibj -4 V AV. jH t IV " ' HIV liirtuiivu, I I- , 1 In Kngland conditions are de- Postmaster McCoy, ot worm it. bast year wasmngton ooun- UU tki hi..;nu Kou filH Hia hnnrl with tv ranturfid the Howard Elliott. ' I (tl'K t IW V l 11 J C4 I " IHI Vi- I i lUtllO, 11113 MIVVjl jiu ' 1 ' ' - I " ' " U.S.A. The best men of the the government, and is now prize of $250, besides getting the younger generation in Bntian are ready to open up Uncle bam s banner tor the most attractive eaving jor me coioniui possus- mail. ' l'l..l l..!.l .:.n.UnI 1 rPV.rt nn,iU n trr in Vlc!.n .. . i I i uc aim i: t.i.ii. ill ll in nirt .1.11111 Pumpkin pies are now in onier . r.-. - , , . -and it's pretty hard to beat fheryh loml 'verv S5e the ones turned through the the nave " "Je culinary department where the gths m various parts of the Argus reporter takes his meals. TOVy'Atw(lU una Un n wrv "1 1 TT,.l 1-. rP rl U o r r I Tiizin f mKaciManf cm1 f c rwrrn n . mill UlvM LIltlS. IIOICUIUU, Ul UCUIOUJ, tinvivu u voivivw w uti wuv vi 1 1 . . 1 . 1 1 1 1 a 1 . a 1 ..i.ii,. 1. .1 1a im-i- iiiAtir iiririT-inn nnn m 1 1 n a n on nn.inr cmna gon as my nome. in me miuuie reports a goou saie ihsl cra, imuuu huuhmioi ..ucij dihic L-entra states 1 had a good time, and in a short time he expects to his name nas oeen at tne neaa oi I . . ,1 ... 1 I : I. ... I a Tl . I .. 1 ...UMr. V,n ...ill I f ha Affroniofinn lull mey nave Homing imc vie- move io loriianu, wucic nc nu.iw.c uismuiowvu. gon. later on engage in the auto ga- Bv the wav. I notice the City mire business. AUCIION bALh i it'll I ' n! I oi niiisiHiro is geiung a ''-ut move on itself, lake it lrom me that the tight by 'old Man Hock- , f w Schmidt, lie auction at his place in Sher- en" and a tew Others mignt ; Q aai. Woot Union Kvonrl nt 10-SO n m on have had something to do with of 0renc0.Raiph SATURDAY. NOV. 4 ill sooro Lreiunir uusy-uiat qa.r . , ,, ... ,..... .... . ..iintti cunt nirhf I tniian I I ' . . ... n .... T wuni.jr uvu ..f,..v, , ..-, one woric learn wnico are wen orea in Anvwav. I'm glad to get hacK, iera uroner anu wue aic . . , IT 'HI in Hl0 liriiril I III IM It I 1 1 I Ll . i L.I 111! III V yri, V. I rtriJIIC LCr. IIIC OlIC Jl VI Hit!"- triad to see Hillsboro getting into fine time. They expect to visit colts, bay with black points. 16 hands the front ranks, and glad o meet the Dig ranaraa u Vrehe lie sired by a lot of mv county seat friends - construction, and visit every MaI1. .... ..v.... if wo did irive VOU some noint Of interest On the Isthmus. McClausky Wainwright, son of the . ' Thev Wl I eat IhanKSglVing Uin- great McMnney, 2:11 A, ne The place where you are always sure of drugs of absolute purity and Highest Quality, prepared by competent pharma cists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Remedies Candies and Stationery Rexall sum, while the Irish get into the army and navy. The agricultur al pursuits there are handled by theo dtimers and the early yout h, and this was impressed upon me with a irreat deal ot importance. (Jive me the U. S. A. and Ore- LThe Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. J LV- Colo Prmr fnna Vion-WITP. No. 10. in good shape, $30 per The undersigned will sell at pub- election worry, Heine sire of ner on the works, and then start f " i t- sire of Sweet Mane. a:oa, in., "ii 1,111. . . . l,rpilin more extreme soeea than anv for the gOOd Old U. O. A. i,nrP In world, e of his coltsto be nu ...iii J t, -f UoWatthis sale are all entered in the , inv uw. ... - iUre(!on uraiernuv, oniy one in iraming Wasiungion wmniy isn i " tne late ousan j. oiuwu, uuiw- at present. KILI.S SIX POINT IJUCK tri'imiin. ciniboiird. extension ta hie. 1 iron beds, 150 quarts fruit ami many other articles. lAineh at noon Hp hMfl wnrkpd to davit and I . U.' I I IllhH". V"i'-J IWUV .M .... . u. - J f.,. r..1 ..... Vinvn nrinlnAr Uo Uaan (aA in neonate has shown a 5!JO pait for a K mile. Ullt'l a turn n- iiuvv u..v.v... ru iiao utiu i.ivv. ... , ...-.-..-- ;,. l in t- ........ mi i.l ' . . i . .r n I AIia Ti.aonfl MPIiiiiaVv Wmnwriurnl will be both offered for sale, and also a fancy drivitiK team. Also a .'all blooded male Berkshire hog and some sow pigs. m . -v I 1 . 1. 1 i oi iai.uiia, oan ".h t irviiincjr I lerms: une year uariKauie Ceo. T. Ledford is carrying his buck down on the creek bottom grandchildren, and verne mc- not6i at g per cent ! .1 fill) I I h.l hi llflr I1I1V HI 1 LlKm I1UI lua" K nnPV HUrtilL UiailULllHU. ouv i ...... i ... n u i r I f 1 1 'Hi till. n. niv i niv. ....v . v. -- .......v,., . ,., . .11111 I" niii'is - . . I. .. 1 f (I,,, Jll- nnnh Mart .-..suit of chopping wool and too Dana s nne uown huih nrave one uunai ... r, f mlhn vwithanax. He horns on the wall and went after Brown, a daughter, is to have Close l.imiuaniy !-""" , , , !,,. ... t,a ootntp dur. tf 5; :U Studebaker wagon; 3 .tiJlinnville Wi.l sell at a ' fleHhot tha? -..d Jn R Brown a J sels work, harness buggy har- limyuin) (ir (r;1 f(),. llillslKiro ,(, rtsmen ait up and Uike acts as executor without bonds. nes. (. pigH. 2 doz chickens, n.Hi(t.nc0 property, close in.-1. u Mr3 Dank1 H(K)ne ltoe To j M McKinney, H. E. Mc- mfl range, sidelHiard. 2 dressers. v Hillsboro. Ore. f Hacona aaw a big six-point Kinney and Susie McKinney, leather couch; organ, kitchen nm.: m i.nck down on the creek bottom .mindchildren. and Verne Mc- J. A. THORNBURGH President J- E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNKY Vice-President Cashier H. E. Ferrin, Ass't Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Friday. September 1. 1911. Capital and Surplus $50000 Iians - $269,529.20 CaD tal U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00 Surplus Other Bonds bl.lbUUU Undivided fronts Bankinsr House 18.000.00 Circulation Cash and due from Deposits Banks and U. S. Treasurer 122,521.90 $25,000.00 25,000.00 4,004.55 25,000.00 423,206.55 $502,211.10 Rosorvo a 4 Por Oout. $502,211.10 Thos. G. Todd Wilber W DIRECTORS JoWn E. Bailey J- W. Tuqu. McEldowney J. A. Thornburg year M. F. Johnston. n'ii v.-.- - - , . , n hii- nnrrv s e mmmo imn inn csiaLe uut- 1 . .. .. . . .. $10 and under, cash; over $10, and Kenyon uan.ian are,. av , - - - h . less are glad that tne Daseoau one year bankable note at 8 per consolation the lat r Uk k ' t 8n- " down "S nrobablv $1,200 season has closed, for .they have cent interest 2 uer cent off. cash having severely cui m " : ' f I ,,m Shn !i' S ii ,? rKr. ,Wh of had a siege ot answering queries ' I . j over $10, (I. Moomev. Owner, It. 1'. Cornelius, Auctioneer, Frank Howell, Clerk. 0 prouauiy oi.uu r r v ; ' - . n few davs back, while cut- very tine on t he big leuow. doc or $i,5UU, wn at tne uea u ox - . - d " . nt tho i.prv nrsr.snoi.Miua Kmiurn ne niviueu snare ------ ---- ---- , . . ting wood. "I., w h ntrron T.i, i wwmh her four Along about five o'clock in tne i..- ..... A InomiK Hin itiuu --. .... ffQn.n o Snmmor thP hat- .v un ine nnvniK unu 1.2(H); ladiescan handle and drive - ""..,... 1.2(H); ladiescan naiuue .i..uu,. . home Mrs. Koe naa tne Vini-KAN HACK I ROM 1 KIP A)so 2-seated surrev, practically buck drosSl,d and a line steak on new. with harness. Goes reason- lroilinJf for his supper. This is M. C. Lincoln, well known here able. Adtlress or call, D- Liay tno sm)n(i buck Mrs. Roe has and at North l'lains. returned Street. I'ortland. Ore. ki,jej since she resided up in the i f a... l.i :.. ... i iUMt- i .mi.- HF.W1ERT-RUSSIE Monday from an extended trip n..A Knios returned the first hills '..isl (lurinir which time he at- frnin a two months ........ 111! till, " v . " stay over at VV aid port, anil as '.. .... tl,r r-iinu Ktnrt will be- soon un mv i - ... . Chas. says tiiat ,ai urt nnd Caroline 1 -..J i,rht- T L'U VJ. vi,v.i- Udy . '.. t"X?A Russie were united in marriage ti n irir-M iiiiiiirii i - UVMI ?v.- nnd on his return trin stopped .u., fisherman lor quite a while at Inverness, norjta. Montana, where he visited wiin , . LVhteen full Clyde Lincoln and C. l Berry I , J : ffij 'ffi f :i:.... Il 1...1..,.. hum ikhi i "i""" u " f : tended the National G. A. H. en I'liniiimimt ut If.ifhdvttfir. N. Y He was a week each at Chicago, jn trapping. Cha Niagara, Cleveland, and Kansas waldport, one da City, four weeks at Sandusky, s:x fj,ollsand sal mo iween ner iour , . county women, are not poor other children: Mrs. a.ic markBwomen. by the time ivoe ler, Portland; Mrs. cus.e morga. . -;;n":r m tf)dav?., home Mrs. Koe had . tne Hillsboro; Ur. U.K. Brown, rort- I, Jp k on hand, and John M. Brown, ot this . . r" -r:- wvj" soutn tne past weens u wouiu AsChildren more than all oth- keep one operator busy for about 'liters need the services of a an hour, giving out the desired sight specialist of long expen- lniormauon to yano... lence To correctly fit a child's central operators were very court- eyes to glasses, the specialist eous aoout giving mc oco. should be able to measure and c n t Hotel Washington, Fri- ....i- V.n afafif urirhnnr. nrar. . .. i i i-i t ir nm nurnt. - . conetv mkuuvi.. ........ Hnv Nnv. ii . ana nave ur. Liowe were landed Russie were united in marriage tically any help from the child. the new glasses with for the can- at the Blooming Lutheran church. This can only be accomplished by Xyou can see aU distances. St. Peter's, Oct. 25, 1911. long experience. Guesswork with N ht,v hnes or seams to am lamiues. ne nei.-u " ,, ,,n.m Kr.. Cornelius, thresh, and says the boys had . . al)()ve Bloom. good crops. . nuioi,, a child's eyes may result in per- tch dirt and strain the eyes. ti M M-Inn s. of West stay- mnnpnt miurv. L)r. Lowe, wno riu.. ,iaii foal vminor with- ton ."formerly of Hazeldale, below js to beat the Hotel Washing- lt ym&kng y0u look old. Free Keedville, was in town oaiuruay. ton, Friday, imov. xo, aa. demonstrations. in Forest Urove, mm . .1 . . i .. i i it 1 l3 in i iiu i' i 1 1 r i i v--v -v r rnnn u vh;ii "s fAi r ri i.c emus .. .1 f .r 4 ",u,r w , n..7.7 i x UNOV. . He tells the Argus that IVt in. c..,uaw...:r wife. were 11 . , . ...Li...,, toi 1,1111 1. uiovtAii on I.T1K r.. 111 11101 uin pni mi-en a eves, 1 hva j 1 -j .. , ni'Tv riniiiii k Micks 11 1 uh.. muj vv..., .... r...... . - T-i- i- Fnm Mnrt nnrt fiunnav. fn,m'm:,:k i 7, tantini on now M. M. 11llr. CW: Coimty. 14 m. ? lWr J. rrikto bin5C wen lor anv od country, nun- am nasenuc, .v . ,- nnm . A. q0 T4;ua. for severa vears. and is now iu- ports having a good time while her home on North Second, He says tnat an u -u.- 8aie tnau - &d In Portland. He was out at the encampment, but says, phased the Koamow u eas pany P - w u ... 'r?:. . , ... looking over the interior of the ?.UT a"'im're ,ano VK ""T1, " ZLn neat in his neighborhood, and urcgon. Notice to Apple Tree Planers Fal -or will take care of it, when S"S'9wSSU ton eo7 a iK. one of the . acpted bjiIr. IS Paying a good inierci oH;nrnn the maD. prignt ieuows un uic ni v . , stumDSi . - rp fi',,rtl, liipiuij tvwuitif r- M o iiTrtH nnonnQP na- " i i,utmur Pi. i . in iici, " i TiHver actvo a vywiu .- i fin v intuiviiv. - i ,-' bright fellows on the works F,U,J " . - .. . never says a wora-oecause - . or smal urel, Ore. E. L. and C. W. James, ot uak ture was not overly fina contracts Call on or address , i f PnrHmd was Park, last week received the in- depriving him of both speech and contr ata 4 . N g L 11 W v llS tSence of the death of a hearing -but he is there with the Butts & Eldr edg4 j w. gec town Wionuay. ut ". r4.uw i; .lames, at Cuba holla He has a srood eye, and V",,u v"cc,2 SPECIAL PRICES -ON- Rugs, Linoleum, Matting, Dressers, Furniture of all kinds We Lead, the Rest Follow U11UU. V. 11UU U VV.r0RESTGR0VE,0RE. .xt t . i i i'i Kiun inline., " , . . , ,M,ii, b w - . .i tu.. Wm.t-H TM.mQn .it rnp i . . tnLroi. oaro will start the erection of a neat and in h s newhMood, and d- d tment and in charge Lf the biff sanitary sewer deposit ...n.. I..,.. .itir rnar. a uu m ocuiiij, Al c uxob. fnv tho mi mhon Ittiu Miuif,i"" rt-j .... fhat 01 me Bureaum i iuvr, ii ..". at Banks for says ft " "7: street paving, is one of the real la mvinir a irood in W.. for 1011 Fair' rmnt.. K. T. Tl lllantinir Iho fnllnwinur! Ir -"Tit "iiv wn "-n' . Uin V h Nowtowns. Spitzen burgs, Ar- , , kansas Blacks. Winter Bananas. . J; P travels all telligence of the death ?t a hearing -but he is mere wim me -z Portland. Ore, Johnathana, Golden Ortley, ana ' vriC"thWet and watches brother, Jos. u. james, at i,uu Delia, ne nas u uu Home phone 41291; Pacific, Main other choice varities-3 to 4 ft, over the Notthv,c&x. jna thatlcity; Wis., at theage of 55yeara. I knows how to get. work out of me pnon ti , . . n j-t iou lmnrnvemeiltS, UIIU in, oajo w " i U t mkaH anH , fkmif ohnaimr them in u6W. flc eacn: trom 4 to o ii. . i... ..n fmuna of its ne was injuiuu u. u....., nn;U wn,uuui. ...b - . . i i s inro nas an . nf or: a ,,,iHnu7 Ho tnkpa an active Knhr Kice. wno nas ueen visii,- eacn. I'or arire orders wiw . -nn mih ic maasea away anj iuu. ..v. ....., ... for snecial urices.-I. C. Nea- class ueau-.. . Qne gon mom.n his i0ss. interest in all that is going on, mg his sister, sun. n. , r. .wn leigh, Sherwood. Ore.. R 4; J. T. bettermeni. Thi , th second brother who and the men apparently ime nis pms, leit Monaay xor 4leign4Ulver. Ore.,1 Fred Myers, who has many away In 1911. foremanship, for whU Nursery at Scholia. Ore. friends out on e "-n; c d also a oromei ui ne sun - - . i hna iu(n iiuicu in xj. --- iva i.nriiit;. aw ui o"-'(w. " . v..... ... I . A.:..... I. 113 TY1...T1V I I It'llUO i.r ... .... k -iu..i nnmn ihiiu. i'"3 ""j W. W. MUlltt, OI ijneiiaicin - -- , is on the mend. were united in marriage, un. , 1911. at the home of the ofliciat- John Parsons, one of the p o ing minister, Rev. J. G. Shires, necra in the nop uuim - it-, i law Wl v..,B-" i IU A7 Qmith nut . , T . ... . u u r,.f he Chaney Beneliei, oi aooye : . nrmn5t ou... mmw w k""1 - i n fn tho ooin iicinua un "" "-"---- aoprinn naa eomn eieo uie iiuuu JraWIOrO, was ... v.., .v . h j Qff &t tne 1 nnrth of town. last ot the weeic. r;viu., j ti,a Arcma would ""r, f. .: 1 ...n Mrs. 7, t , f p Henri th5Khs- and the Argus would ind Mn and Mrs Boeker will Sol. Jack, ot i ortiana, wasrer a year s subscription tnat it. this week or next. g minister, Rev. J. u necrj ,n jne ,hte waB out to the city Saturday, on he would be handn g a gangot ... .g . . finigh. Monev to loan on farm or oth- r "" hta ,.W. proDate ousmeaa. men in some n... : -- 7.a nf vu0 nnn. -.j - ------ . I mill 11 I III. I, IkllJ " v.v ... , , ,, , I i r Ti. I, n nhn fI rVll T M I HI I III Ml III IT 1. 1 U 1 1 VF Vliv er property, on approved secun- ranch. Iluntcr3 must remember that ou can t - ' V t They were at Chas. Bloom's ty. We also sell real estate- n to the close season ior Killing uuc uuw... - , , Mnnfla below Newton. iv-.ivoti: T),.f i, Main street, man ana iiire&nc. .' wav. v " Keen Firand SeSnd. Stf " the city Monday morning, SPKCIAL this WEEK A watch does more work for less money than auy other servant of mankind, so when buying a watch why not buy one that you can depend upon? When you buy a watch at Hoyt's you get his personal guarantee that it will give entire satisfaction, whether it is a high or low grade watch. As a Special Inducement for one week I will offer the following your choice of Waltham, Elgin, Hampden, or Rockford 18 size, 17 jewel, finely ad justed, fitted in gold-filled case, guaran teed for 20 years. I have the largest stock of watches in the city for you to select from, Laurel llHoyt Jeweler and Optician Hillsboro, Ore: ' is now on. J ?