it' TT H1LLS8GR6 X)L XVIII HILLSBORO, OREGON, OCTOBER 26, 1911. NO. 33 TheT KrgSSl TIMBER GETS AMOTHER II SALOON LICENSE Cntalned One Hundred and I urty Sinner NO R;M0NSrKANCK HLKD IN COURT (let ApplUallun Throuh A V. Hrvant, of Timber, was laiit Saturday granted a lieense trt soli li'l""r for 11 H'riml t,f 0,H' year at Timber, the new anu Li('t'rlu.nU'rtownon tho l'aci. lie Railway & Navigation Co.'s line nt the heud waters of the Nehuli-m. Mr. Bryant had a wtition in In-fore U September term of court but llev. Duniel Svcr was present with a re ami his Attorney, Mr, (Jrahntn, of Forest Grove, suttwl.d in killing the applica tion by a remonstrance that out numlKTwl the Mtition. This time, however, Mr. Hry ant secured 140 signatures to his petition ami wan very careful to know tlu.t every burner wax a voter. There wan no opjtosition to the jH'tition, and Mr. Slaver was not in court to make the fitfht. Attorneys Hagley & Hare I fur Hvrnnt. The drainage district, from the Verboort section, running up to Lmisignont Lake. came up for con sideration, ami owing to the fact that a ileal is on to enlarge the territory to lie drained under the la, was postjioned until late in October, when it will come up for final hearing. The court will not meet attain until in regular session, the first Wednesday in November. I'UHLIC SAl.l'. The undersigned will Hell at pub lic auction at bin place 6 miles N. K. or Hillsboro. and H miles west of Itethany, at ten a. M. .on SATURDAY, OCTOHKK 28 Soiirl h um". II ym, Ui , 3 yrt, 1550; one it the Illicit roll In the cuuniy. Imke t woik ; suckling roll, s ijKinihii old. ly But-hot, fUm t-:ix likh Shire; red cow, 4 yrs, fimlt In No vtmUi; Murk cow, 5 yrn, In milk. K'hmI now; ml row, H V. in "; n,,', ,b Bin.. Ursh In SinttiK, lirlfrr calf, 10 lirad K. Aitrlanre lilmler; 7 ft cut; live ft ml MrConim-k mown, 1 1 cutulilli'ii, fi MiOrmtck take, koI rtmdtlwi; Krk itlm.d iliac $ ft, IH tm li; mi.l ioiiRiirU-n uui-V iIim-. umr l limit lirw. witll 3- lioif Kfri 6o-loth Irvrr rt iliK rwirow, ici-ba Kuiir K'"1" K(km1 rou. Iihnii; liny ruck, bated liny r.ick. U-imh nt rl bruin J. t Cr iliw, al most nrw; 3 bu ll I'luli Bn. whrimi wild 4- imli liir; lno-rKK Mandy I,re tnruUtm ami firrlrM brooder; wveml 1I1W" tliormililirrl Biuret! Kink and liiwn I.ckIkx 11 rliii krn,iiiinr tine Hiiirrd lliirk ruekrirU, iitr bred, for ItiredlitK put' i(jr, S tfrriw, lot guilt Mik. and miuirriiuH ntlirr urtU'lt-n. 1.HNCH AT NOON Terms of Sale-Under $10. cash; ami over, bankable, note, one year, at 8 per cent. C. K. Holcomb, Owner. B, 1'. Cornelius, Auctioneer. II. A. Kuratli, Clerk. CARD OF THANKS Will Purely, (r beyond Clen m, was in Saturday, brintciiiK in a wildcat that measured seven feet and Heven inches from tip to lip. Darety cautrht the cat ui near the Ceo, Zimmerman iiiace, und treed the '"Varmint." He Hhot hiscatshin In-hinil the ear, mid laid him low. Clerk Bailey drew Darety a ten dollar warrant for the bitf fellow, and Will will have him mounted or sell him to some one who wants a mount. The kill would be a nasty creature to meet in the mountains alone, after nitdit, ir me qiiuurupca happened to be hungry. The Hlmonica Mercantile Com pany, at Klmoniea. on the Ore Kon Klectric, will hold a bit; re duction sale at their store, betfinnintr Oct. IJO, and ending November 9, Prices will lie re duced on all lines of ireneral merchandise, and the public is cordially invited. We Rive you a guarantee that this sale will save you money. A. F. Keehn & W. 0. Kulisch, Klmoniea, on the Oregon Klectric, J. W. Reynard and wife, or between Scholls and L-iuroI, were in the city Saturday. Mr. Rey nard is school clerk or District No. 105, and says that the new btniKulow school building will be ready for (HTiipancy by Dec. 1. The architectural design is out of the ordinary, and has a nice Hpw arance. lhe woodshed is to the rear, and yet not visible, the structure lieing 2jx!!LI. Watkins' remedies are the very best always. Just remem ber that this is the time to get your stock and jMiultry tonic. U'ave orders with agent, Z. M. LaKue, Forest drove, or Aug. Tews, Tailor, Schulmcrieh Block, HillHboro. 31-3 !. L. Majtes, of Chehalem Mountain, was in town Saturday. He sold his hop1. Friday, at 40 cents, and let go or his prune crop at HJ cents. Une need not Ih' surprised, if tins thing keeps up, to see Mapes coming into the county seat with an auto one of these days, For sale or trade: Twelve acres, 21 miles southeast of Ilills tioro; also a house and 2 .acres at McMinnvill.'. Will sell at a bargain, or tr.tde for Hillsboro residence property, close in. - C. F. Hansen, Ilillslxiro, Ore. WSEIS JR., KILLS COMPANION ACCIDENTAL Mistakes John llonsvr for a Deer and Shoots In Neck FATALITY TOOK PLACE SUNDAY Two Were Hunting Near the Wilcox Mill, In Mountains AT USE OF TIE-CHAIN The undersigned desire to thank those who bo kindly assisted them, and tendered sympathy during their bereavement, the death and obsequies of their mother, the late Mrs. &usan Brown. Her Children. Hillsboro, Ore., Oct. 21, 1911. PUBLIC SALR ' The undersigned will Belli at pub lic sale at Scholls, near Howell Bros' Store, at 10, a. m., on FRIDAY, NOV. 3, Match team mules. 7 & 8 yrs, 2000; mule, 8 yrs, 1100; mare 9 yrs, ll(K); bay mare, 2 yrs, 950; Jersey cow, 4 yrs, fresh in May, test 6; 31 Studebaker wagon; 3 sets work harness, btiggv har ness, G pigs, 2 doz chickens, range, sideboard, 2 dressers, leather couch; organ, kitchen treasure,' cupboard, extension ta ble, 4 iron beds, 150 quarts fruit anu many other articles. Lunch at noon $10 and under, cash; over $10, one year bankable note at 8 per cent interest 2 per cent off, cash over $10. G. Moomey, Owner, B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer, Frank Howell, Clerk. Dr. Lowe, Nov. 10. K. E. Yarnell and A. W. Bry- lint rf rPifrviKrkM uiAia Saturday, Mr. Bryant appearing before the court with a petition asking for a license to sell liquor at Timber. F. F. Knight, who spent years in the Dakotas, was in the city from Dilley. Saturday, enroute to Portland. Mr. Knight was thnrnuirhlv eniovintr the Indian Summer, which has been a great deal like the old Dakota plains weather. For sale; Fine driving and brood mare, well bred and gentle; 1.200; ladies can handle and drive. Also 2-seated surrev, practically new, with harness. Goes reason able. Address or call, 525 Clay Street. Portland, Ore. County Treasurer E. B. Sap ninirton has resiirned as superin tendent of Forest Grove's water system, and P. W. WatKins, former chief or police, has been appointed to fill the vacancy. R. P. Wirtz, the city recorder, has been appointed water collector. Pigs for Sale: Eighteen full blood Poland-China pigs, wccks old.-M. Sturm Sr., Cornelius, Route 2, 14 miles above Bloom ing, lnd. Tel., Hillsboro central, 555, Line 21. 2"4 i.,.i,t i?ico well known in North Washington County, was in town from Ostrander, the first of the week, the guest ot his sisier, Mrs. K. P. Cornelius. Bob has been falling timber in the Kelso district, and is over for a short vacation. Stock carrots, in ground, or will deliver; cabbage in any ...,;t Alo tomatoes. D. 1 . Corrieri. Hillsboro. Pacific States Tel. 59. P. O. box 495. 31-3 G W. Guyton, of the foothills near Iowa Hill, was in Saturday, and says that the frost left his section untoucnea, nisi wi-i-, and that his potatoos, green beans, and vegetables are al nourishing like me provt-.u.a. green bay tree. W. P. Bellrood, of Portland, formerly a resident of Cedar Mill, and who still owns property above Buxton, was in the city Saturday, and caneu on me ligious weekly. F. M. Crabtree, of Laurel, has purchased a new iviz C. Rhoades, the local agent, and is now using gasoline instead of horse Dower. :a r.nffM Club has arranged a cook book which will be placed on sale in a few weeks. It contains several hundred splen did recipes. f The county commissioners court held a session Saturday. John Bonser was shot and killed by Herman Claussenius Jr., near the Nelson Wilcox Mill, last Sun day forenoon, Claussenius mis taking Honser for a deer. Sher iff Hancock and Deputy Apple gate accompanied Coroner Brown to the scene of the fatality Sun day evening, and an inquest was held. Claussenius, who is a Port land plumber, told the Btory of the accidental killing as follows: We knew each other's methods well and there was no excuse for it. I went down alone in the auto mobile Friday, and Saturday morning Bonser and I left their home, a mile below Rocky Point, for the Mullen place, eight miles away. We arrived there about 7 o'clock Saturday morning and hunted all day. This morning we arose early and hail breakfast at 4 o'clock. Alsiut 5:30 we started out and hunted on a big clearing. Then we returned and hunted on an other section. We came to a hill and Bonser said he was going around the fiKit or the ridge, and for me to go over the top. That was the way we beat out game. I start ed over the ton. He told mo he was going over to the right, en tirely opposite from where he cii-tnnllv went. Pretty soon I heard a deer jump up between him ana my self. The deer ran quartering to the left, down the hill. I ran to one side to the lane through the trees, so I could see it. Runner hnd been wearing a cap, but he had either lost it or thrown it aside. I saw some thing bob up, which I thought was the tail of the deer, so I fired. 1 found out afterward it was his head. Wh.n I wit down there I found him lying on the ground. Two buckshot had entered his head. I sat him up against a stump, and told him I would get help from Wilcox mill, a mile farther out. . 4 It took me four or five minutes to get to the camp. I wasn't gone more than 20 minutes. We looked for him, but couldn't find him, and thought he had gotten up and had wandered away. But through long-distance, uuk mir with Wilcox' mill. I find he was in the same place where I left him. He was found by Norwart Nash, his nephew. When I went up to Wilcox mill I got Mr. Hendrickson. We snent two hours and a half beat- nir i no nn an. iookiiiu iui uuh- ser. Then we decided we must do something more and do it quick. So he went to get neip from Glencoe. I took the ma chine down the Scappoose road litipk nn with me his cousin. Paul Bonser and Norwart Nash. , When we arrived we found seven or eight men there, help that Hendncksen had touno. we formed a long line and systemat ically beat the brush, but even then could not find him. I to d Paul Bonser then that I would go at once and get more help. So 1 went to Homesteaa anu gut Bob Bonser, and we were going up but I found Deputy Sheriff Bulger had received a message c.r.m Wi cny mi mai mey au found the body and were waiting for the Coroner. So there was nothing else we could do. Coroner Brown organized a Jury, and after hearing an me .:jnno whieh consisted of Claussenius' open statement ot the killing Claussenius was not present a verdict was reiunieu to the effect that deceased came to his death from a gunshot ...,a indintfid bv Herman Claussenius Jr. The following served as a jury: Henry Hend ricksen, Chas. Nelspn, D.p E. Hillsberry, J. C. Applegate, Geo. G. Hancock and Andrew liena-ricksen. Mim Frank Grapir and chil dren, of Cornelius, were in the city Saturday. Wm. Hailev Sr.. of Iisvville. commenced haulini? in his hon crop, the last of the week. A r Af:., ,4oiirltar I lead v for Dae Ijist Saturday l , v j . n ii td aiiu wtA i i , ... . , i j Mrs. Burt Wilkes, were down Morning, Had Good Patronage frnm Mnrintninrlnlo MnnHnv. I I 1 VI I I tUVllll VMI 1 V) W J I Demit v Clerk E. C. Luce was CONVENIENCE MISSED MANY MONTHS continea to nis room several aays the last Of the week. Another Will be lntllrd on Main N. J. C. Chnstensen, of Lau- ci,-.4.i-- I .1 ... A i Cll I . " rei, was in ine county seat aai- ., ' ,., ., . , Farmers visiting the city last ti. i. turner, the Laurel mer- .,.., . , , . chant, was over to Hillsboro Paiuraayaa,n .naa recourse w Thursday evening. ine use oi tne ue-cnams on &ec- l.j n a. j it.- :ii. Jfibn VanDvke. of Verhoort. Pnu alreel' ana lney were I The duality Drug Store juini vaiu'jrn:, ui tciuuuii, was in fhn itu Mmwlav. on lecal ily pleased to have the conveni business. " ence which has been denied them for several months ever since Tiiiiaiii uya'i anu laiunji w Reedville, have moved to Hills- the sewer operations commenced early in July. boro to reside. J. C. Miller, of the Arcade district, was in the city Monday, on probate business. House and lot at Banks for sale. on Laurel. Ore. 33-5 Frank Francis, of Oak Park, Supt. Church finished the street for use Friday noon, and by the next morning the entire pave j.. i.i j v... . Is paying a good interest ei2ht O,clock Saturday m0riiing investment. L. T. Turner, tpjim WPP hintr hitched to the rack . Another place for the accom- was in the city Saturday, driving modation of vehicles coming to .i . iUl. .;a :,i u.. L i : l i over a sect on oi ine uaveu ine c iv wm ue esuiuuaiieu on strofifq Main, hetwepn Second and First. W. A. Sahnow. of Centerville, the court house PrPerty has sold his general merchandise p" store, and requests all indebtea to him to call and settle at once. C. A. Hanley and wife, of Leisyville, were visitors at the Grange Fair, at Scholls, Saturday; Mrs. Johanna Kettenhoffen, of SOME ANCIENT HISTORY (From The Orpirnnian. flrtnher If. t86i1 The gteatner Pacific sailed yesterday. Colonel Netmith, Senator for Oregon, with his family, were passengers. Cap tain U. W. Staples, long and favorably known here as commander of ocean ManitOWOC, Wis., is the guest Of steamers, was about to make his last her brother, Contractor John Engeldinger, of Fir Street. She will remain until next June. Contractor Wells, of Wheeler, was in the city Monday on busi ness. He is about to commence the construction of a six thousand dollar bungalow at Wheeler. Money to loan on farm or oth- published October 11, er nronertv. on aDDroved securi- the Oregonian, says: ty. We also sell real estate. Kuratli Brothers, Main Street, between First and Second. 20tf Leo Schwander, of above Mountaindale, was in town Mon day, greeting his county seat friends. He has been building houses and buildings at North Plains, practically all Summer. J. N. McKinney, of Mohler, Wash., arrived Sunday for a Winter's visit in the Willamette Valley, and will be the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Frances Glas- coe. Hugh Moore, Sam Moon, W. I. Raymond and Ben Marsh were all in from the verboort.oenter The place where you are always sure of drugs of absolute purity and Highest Quality, prepared by competent pharma cists who take pride in the accuracy of their work I EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Remedies Candies and Stationery Rexall The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. trip to San Francisco as commander of the Pacific, having received the commis sion of Commander In the United States Navy. A National salule of 13 guns was Kr1 in romnllnifnt in Spnntnr Npsmlth . .. . - - and a Commodore's salute of seven guns in compliment 10 uipiain ciapies. Kenvon Crandall. a2ed 8 years, in speaking of the above recent reprint of a news item, 1861, in "I was personally acquainted with Cap tain G. W. Staples. I met him first at Genoa, Italy, in 1848, in January, at the time of the Kos suth war. He was first mate of the vessel, The Hollowell, en gaged in freighting, carrying emons and fruit, nuts, etc., be tween Europe and America. I sailed with him as a sailor from January to June 1, leaving the vessel at Fval. one of the Azore Islands, where I was taken to the hosrjital. owinor to an iniurv of my hands. Before reaching Fayal we touched at Palermo, on the Is e of Scicilv. and 1 distinct lv remember that Palermo was full of soldiers. I next saw Capt A. THORNBURGH President H. J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNEV Vice-President Cashier E. Ferrin, Ass't Cashier . Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Fridav. SeDtember 1. 1911. Capital and Surplus $50000 Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Loans - ' $269,529.20 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bonds 67,160.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 122,521.90 Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 25,000.00 4,004.55 25,000.00 423,206.55 $502,211.10 Rosorvo 34 I3 or Ooxxt. $502,211.10 DIRECTORS Thoa. G. Todd John E. bailey J. W. Tuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. ThornbursJ in trom tne v erooort . ,er r- San Francisco in 1852. tho proposed dramage d,stnct. thehuBc, garner py ,to Herman Collier and wife, of ma staples came aboard the Scholls, were up to the city Sat- (j;nas. C. Devins, the sailing ves- urdav afternoon, uoiuer says sei on which I came to Oregon. that the onion grower who hasn't ,n that year. Staples was shot his crop under cover, with all tne jn Portland, in the early sixties, irood weather, is in hard luck. hv Ferd Patterson, a Southerner. W W. Hostetler and wife de- in the Coolly saloon, the two hay- Sa f., f - a mn tn Npw xs an altercation over the strife rhpv between the North and the will visit in Tuscawaras County. and than make an excursion over into Holmes County, where he has other relatives. They expect to be absent for four months, Fred Altman. the 13-year old son of J. A. Altman, a recent ar rival from Klamath Falls, fell at the skating rink, Saturday eve ning, and broke an arm aoove the wrist, fracturing both bones. The member had been broken while the lad was in Southern Oregon, and the new fractures followed the lines of the old break. Dr. J. O. Robb attended the young man. Contractor T. A. Sweeney has Smith. Staples was a man that feared nnthinf. hut was a fine sailor. and was cood to his men who tried to make good, but a terror tn those who shirked. He was without nuestion one of the best navigators that ever sailed the Pacific, and was a strong partisan in all in which he naa iaitn. StaDles was well known, person allv. bv the late Harvey W. Scott, of the Oregonian. After the above was out m tvne. the Orecronian of Oct. 21. -vf- . " ' ... , 1861, had the following, showing how clearly Mr. Crandall remem bers the incidents of 50 years ago: The court met yesterday morning and . . r .1 : .i. SPECIAL PRICES -ON- Rugs, Linoleum, Matting, Dressers, Furniture of all kinds We Lead, the Rest Follow Chas. 0. Roe & Co. Pioneer Furniture Dealers FOREST GROVE, ORE. Vjuiinotvi -"v.twj i in. j j - , -o finished the CUrb for the paved heard arguments of counsel in the case district, and has laid a cement walk for District Attorney Tongue, this week. He will also put in a lot of pavement for Dr. S. Linklater, between the prop erty line and the curb, on Sec ond, between Main and Lincoln. The last of the week he finished a nio wak for W. V. Wl ev. around the Wiley & Dennis prop erty, owned by Wiley. Forest Grove foot ball game furnishes the first fatality for the Oregon 1912 season. Ralph Dimick. lawyer ana athlete, of State vs. F. Patterson, who is accused nfthe murder of Caotain Staples. Messrs Mitchell and Pace appeared for the tot. onrl Mr. T.ncmn for the defendant. The pmtrt decided to admit the prisoner to bail in the sum of f 15,000, in default of which he was remanded to jiii to await his trial at the next Circuit Conrt. Notice to Apple Tree Planer s SURE RELIEF Fal Kay Emmott returned Satur day from Arizona, and reports l: t. v as ffettimr along Ilia um-ii . 0 , ..1 1 . ci., anA wpII n eased with his altitude of 1,300 feet above sea level "It's some warm, down there," said Ray, Saturday, "and iari tnsiiv that in all the 1 III KIUU vv. - , country I've seen there has been no place like old Oregon.' We have for sale for 1911 nlnntinc the followinc: Newtowns, Spitzenburgs, Ar kansas Rlacks. Winter Bananas. Johnathans, Golden Ortley, and -1.1 U: ..oUInt. 9 A ff LyiUJlin, t 7 ' OUlcI vliuitc vauueo u w t av, Dlaved with the alumni against p- pach: from 4 to 6 ft. 124c the University team a few weeks eacj1 por iarge orders write ago, and in making a down sus- for STjecial prices. I. C. Nea- tained injuries that caused pneu- leigh gherwood, Ore., R 4; J. T. monia. urazeu . wiui uciuium, . Nea eieh. tlood Kiver. ure Saturday night, Dimick jumped Nursery at Scholls, Ore. from the Second story at St. Vin- cent's Hospital, where he was Dan Leisy, of South Tualatin, receiving treatment, ran mm was ,n Saturday. t,0b- nnmiQfiniia H( Hied Mrs. Lottie ThomDson. recent ...:u: ivr, mJnntoa l"imifk I lv from Okla.. has leased the had a notable career as a football Home Style Restaurant, on Mam, nlnvpr 1 Deiween miru uuu ruurw. 1 - Briug your eye troubles to me. If you liave defective visiou, if you have eye troubles of any kind, come to me. I will test your eyes and advise you as to their proper care whether you need glasses or not. Everytime you are in doubt you should see me. Laurel M. Hoyt Jeweler and Optician Hillsboro, Ore. 1 1 t " ,1 1 1 ?! 1 it 1 S'i it ' r 1 'ff! n ma 1 ,,1 ST' ' I;:" in-