lnllLLSeeiR HILLSBORO, OREGON, OCTOBER 19, 1911. voi- XVIII NO. 32 J J BRIGADE U I. R. K. P. OWED Mil The (Inincr & Unwell Co. have a large stock of drain til', from 3 to It inch; nl.w building blwksi ami brick. It will pay you to Itliii'c your orders with us, as wo hum our tilt' to a better color I l , !, . . mun our lompeuiors, an our Stale liil N ,llv ln,orm Knnk wood only costs us a trifle. We c nick-m Numerical Support also have a good Htock of rough ami dri'Hsi'il lumliiT which w IMSBANIHO r,nviU U'!' ,!ll,lic,to inHIHft. U- Rev. STATl; WMKW. I I Ac Salem. l'Mcnc nd Alorl Will" were Nol IncricllC OrcKon tinlay i without a brigade of the Uniform Kank, KnirhtM of I'vthiiw. Tliin is duo to the fact that cities like Salem. Eugene, Mctfurl. Ashlanl ami Astoria were imliuVrcnt to tin military rank of the order-the only or ganization thai congressional ,w.tti.iwletlu:emeiit at Washing- fore purchasing elsewhere. Our Mooring is made from red fir timber and will wear much bet ter thnn tlooring made from the soft yellow fir timber. litf There is a deaf mute on the paving contract that is a wizard to work, and the way he eats up lalnir stunts is worth while. He can move around faster than a I'Vcnclunan. and he is not afraid of exercising his muscle. He holds the rock snreader. and is just fitted for the work, as he can't swear at the team, or team ster, whereas, were he able to . .. i -mid nrd.-n came last induk'e in lamruaire there would ,. '...n;,.., il... Hill!. Com-h'rtuinly be some sulphuric Kn- wren, n ! ,,.nv that hereafter the com pany, with all other companies in the state, were under llie tCictiinirliin Brigade. Seattle n.i Tacoina. together with Shi- bihi i - , . House, aioniiay morning, kane. have given this rank a big AUorm.y (;,.oiyt. 1 i5akr(., sup.x.rt. while 1 ortland with a ,,( (f ,.jn(, wlU.h u .1 ..I rl li trtotl I llltltl . ..... numercial strength greater than any one of the trio, tins tieen slow to give the rank any ; I HiMiitlinir thousands of dollars Mnirailier-lieiicral .." :.. i.;. ..,....- ,i;,.i. glish Miured out every minute or so. The last chanter of the finan cial operalionsof Lafe l'encewas closed in front of the court house. Monday morning, when y bit onir- etl to mo inn Hume management. years airo. when Pence was iiiiir:iLri'lllcnt. . .1 i iiuiiiim in u iim nan until w I. M. Ih.yt. f this city, did all t,( U(.(1a pura t() iortiUIUi. ho citultl b interest the larger .'jtmnc.iai tlitlii-ulticH M-Ht lVnc. cities in Oregon to recruit their U()i ,u, waH f(im(1 t() lhp wa!i tmnpanies. but I ortlaiul. the . pioplo. It'UUlI If I I ovwi. , I III If luiuu til 'Vi't hllSV This threw the burden of keep ing up the rank to the smaller towns, one of which was llills- Itoro. The llillslmro company Sam 15. Stoy. for years in the insurance business, handling the I union & bmcashire, for which Vnnderwal is local airent. has been appointed to the San Fran I,..- I , mimlored n man v I Cisco assisiani aKeucy. iir. awy i i.n.i i.u l.ii.li ua is well known all over Washing yearn, iimi n.- iiiii -- f-Hitv enlisted men at a time, ton ( ounty. and has sent many a Mi'MinnvillealsoK'ave the rank a good HiipiMtt-t but the larger places slept, ami as a result, Ore Kn on lunger has a brigade. ITIII.IC SAt.l: check here in payment of lire losses. e was also interested with Vanderwal in a ranch near Hlmonica station. The curbinir on Second Street, n Mam ami Washingttm. CALIFORNIA Vallandlicham Starts I'ctnluma, Next Week lor 11. K. Simpson, of Portland, was in town Monday. Chris. Johnson, of Mason Hill, was in town Monday morning. FrfH Mansev and familv left Tuesday for the old home in Illi nois. J. S. Mvers. of Corneliu8. was an Argus caller the last of the ONf OF CITY'S POPULAR MINISTERS week. IV S Snrairiip wi th thft Wash- Leaven a Must of Friend Here, Charmed ington-0-egon Corporation, was I ! A . L . 1 L At I. . ... in iown me nrsi 01 me ween hv Prrminalitv I . , i . t,nirineer A. vvagner ana ev. William Vallandigham, rxrn ,i, finf fK ,ocf nf tu I II Will LIIW lIIV Vliv- IU"b Vliv ......i..- ..t 1 1... rn.:. u....,.u I I'linux ui inu iniiuu viiui vu, i week eaves next week for l'eta uma. tl t iL -u:,.: ' 1 I III I rilHI I'i"" 111 I. Ill 1 i K L1H. I (!al., and when he leaves Hills- Chun-h have hired Rev. Walker oro the city will lose a Christian as pastor oi the organization ior gentleman. Mr. Vallandigham a year. ias madi a hov.t frinds in this Herman Claske. who lives near vicinity, who regret to see him West Union, was in the city the eave for anew field of labors, f 1 A01 in,i WULK' anu uaacu ii.. :.. ii.. i utcniKuo. in: in a lai'auii: uuouivnn man, i and may not enter the ministry l7'an TTf fnrfnifht rf I nrit fnu u.'iThin thpTintir tnrrnttyhT in California. flP Kf, nnil Nature hns hepn vprv ... . i ' . . . . nie retiring pasior came nere avish with her co onne from Southern Oregon, and by A ha3 moved into L . . . & 1 . ; 41 L. . . I " . ins eurnesi worK in uie cnumi. u nnu hnm n th TrnitniP Arl GASTON DOCTOR SUED FOR TEN THOUSAND Earl Thurber Swears Dr. Jas. j Baker was Negligent CASE GREW OUT OF BROKEN ARM! The duality Drag Store I Yamhill County Lad, 19 Years Old, Asks for Damages on Crooked Arm '"" - V..-.V... nlil new nome m tne longue aa ias built up the membership dition- west of the iacific Rail nwav bevnnti exoectations and p. i..: : t .1. ... ... way Oi. iav iKtiiiuii iiaciv. Ihi trnnnral uvoriiiro nf incrcawe Hu hda mm 11 fi-ionita in pvuru hrnnif aips cr who reeenT. v t . I If.O lllllll. II IV MUM .1. V. 1 J - - , ...... walk in life by his genial good returned from a trip up to the n 11 turn hSu u'hnln.hftnrtfiinpss Canadian line, was in the citv and his ever sympathetic charac- Monday, and called on the Argus. ... t a I eristics wiu'reyer ne goes mr. I(erry Al)bott in the motor v uiianuiKiiani wm in niuu cycle business in 1 ortland, was pia in wanes, anu auua nico ever have a large contingent of jn cjty t'e 0f tjje weeii amounts to his ten thousand dol friends who will wish for him u ,t v.a noranti Mr lar suit. success, anil who will feel a gen-L a v 1 Akvff ' ' .lav Kowerman. erstwhile . . . ui . n. il n LiiniLL. 1 j 1 candidate for governor, is one of Thurber s attorneys, and the case will come before the Novem ber term of circuit court Earl Thurber, aged 19 years, has sued Dr. James A. Baker, of Gaston, for $10,000 damages for crooked arm. J. M. Thurber, the boy's father, sues as guard ian tor the young man. It i3 al leged that on May 3, 1910, young Thurber sustained a fracture of the radius and ulna of the right arm. and that Dr. Baker was employed to reduce the break. Thurber claims the bones did not properly unite and that failure was caused by the negligent manner in which the physician performed the work. His arm is crooked as a result. After the result of the Gaston physi cian's reduction was unsatisfac tory, Thurber went to Portland snrceons and had the old facture broken and again reduced. He nniH thpm $325: alleges he lost $105 in wages, and adds these The place where you are always sure of drugs of absolute purity and Highest Quality, prepared by competent pharma cists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Remedies Candies and Stationery Rexall The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. . anu mm uine regret that he nasconciuaeu to leave Washington County. E. L Abbott. Mrs. Rachel Cornelius. Mrs. Sarah VanHorn. Miss Tillie Cor nelius, Mrs. Upton and Harry Cornelius, of Portland, were Hillsboro visitors, bunday. PUBLIC SALE Pfnf fQf n QVionnnn nf Pnriicf I Hillsboro thirty years ago, aieu ai ' 'Tfi, Newberg. the last of the week, Grove, has been navigating with The undersjgned will sell at pub- nterment being in the Laurel ".""' " n " a- a c sale at his home z imies cemetery ast Sunday. He was "aa a"!t " " northeast of Hillsboro, at ten a. 1 .I...... ft nnA w.nc them the latter part of the week. UKeu hihiuv 1 1 1 kjr jcau, nnu in" 1 hi. uii a native of Iowa. He was mar- Wm. Schmidt, of West Union, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24 ried to Eva Collins, at Portland, was in the city the last of the pprrheron stallion, n vrs. uoo. Kood years ago, and the widow and week. Mr. Schmidt has seven worker, good breeder, ami eligible to mivoivil r-hililron anrvivp. Mrs. anmc in intntrfa this vear. and reeistrv: ipan black geldings, 4 and 5 1:1). WILLIAMS Eil. Wi hams, we known in ilillslwro thirty years ago, died at J. A. THORNBURGH J. E. BAILEY W. W President Vice-President II. E. Ferrin, Ass't Cashier MCELDOWNEY Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Friday. SeDtember 1. 1911. Capital and Surplus $5O0OO I Iwt u t' . a I was a f.K.t out of the way ai me yv-u. ....,.... ...... ?L,ia '." 17 f -"''Thrown fiUv a yy. 8ired by t I ...Ml ....II I. I mini Ii ,.t, of t 10 eilStmOSt CUM). WHIiams WIW M uauK. ' 13 UllAiuusijf vvouiub ....- . . n..mmA. ba- broo1 mare. I200. i ni uniirn iinfi n nr ni nur - . a h f,.n; nt i un.tAH i . , lii mu't inn It his i.hiee i miles lue to a mistake on setting a wm a. m. m3 m T.: "f .; ot". n,l u ,iw nin. AUmt a half bloek of the utiisw)ro. . , .. .. . . ii . I.. Im, in Im i:ikiti no nntl re west oi lit uiany, ai lena. ni. , on ' 1 V ti ' ' m AiT,..Pinii.r . ,m,LM, oo set at the ex.K'iise of the en- Notice to Apple Tree Planters OAIUUHAI, wiwnr.n , ,...,.-, rtr'iVAri uLtaW citv isn.asupjKised topa nnd We have for sale for 1911 Fal I Lnikc 10 woik;wkiinK coii. 5 diM-s nut pay, for mistakesof this planting, the following: Newtowns. Snitze i burgs. Ar- i. si,.,.; r,;,i cm, 4 yii f.rh in No .,1,...rnm..nt kansas Blacks. Winter Bananas. vi . mini ii, i. rvWT , , vtmliri; lil ink row, 5 yr, in milk. gHl lluw; inl row, s'J yiii, In milk; lieifrr tf mil., Iirvlt in S 1 1 1 1 K . Iifllt r rnlf, In liril HK. Ailtimii r innilri; 7 fl cut, live II cut .tlcCuriiiii'k ihiiwi r, ! t roiiiliilt ii, lo ft Mi'l'iirimrk mkr, noml cniiililou; Knrk iIriI iliir s fl. H luch; mid lohunrlni. Iturk ill--, Mine nuc, iilnnmt nrw. Willi j-hiiiMf (rr; 6-(ihIi levrf net dmy iiniKiw, 10-line S11 t-r tor griili! dull KikkI ciiinlili.111; Imyim k, luili-d luty r.it k. 1 4 - nit h utrrl ImiiiiiJ.I Cniir plow, ill molt nrw; j Inch l lh lln wagini will) 4-itirh lur; loo rKK Mandy I-e mriiluiloi nil liii'lrM Inoodrr; nrveral dufii lluiroiiKliliiril Uiitrrd Kmk and Hiown I.c liot 11 i liii krim, Munr line llnirrd Kin k OH'ki'ii'U, mr' brrd, for lironlliiK jmi imt, 18 K'ew, lot grain narks, anil numriiiuH other arllclni. 1,1 NCI1 AT NOON Terms of Sale -Under $10. cash; and over, bankabl (ine year, at 8 per cent hreil- hmwn marc nun.. ; vrs: bav driv ,1 l ine horse, I loo, 7 yrs, well bred, not .1. a. vancienev. wno nas Deen -.i r .,... .,i I-- t IT T i mm l UI HUH0, 0M wv. . . .b , IIClltlllK Hit: Ul II, liaillHISWii muu BIIU IIWUiR'n; r., m nnr, r.minvi,n fn on.?-1 i.tpit unfa oelilniff. x vrs. i2oo;2 vear iiaiiu, iicai iiiic, iui lav. -i 1 p w - . . ' . iL. o . Ii na fi Im isred bv Chabrol: suckine era years, nas laKen me spring - 7 months, cow. fresh in Spring; 2 Hill larm, near iJUley, and win cow9 fre,hi with caives at side; yearling hnnrl p it tor the next season. limit row. o vears. fresh in December; , . 1 - ' v . 1 . - lv-n. A vrn fresh in Mav: i wr cows, in Tka miuliiia nwifoacinn rammn .7.' ' ' . X-'.t.. vnrnnient kansas B acks. Winter iiananas. ..-.. iy milk a-yr neuer, yeaning ueucr, .U-U.U emmeni . .i fnrairpniiinerimiinir-UD-the-back heifer .lersev but. 6 months:? brood . . t i...i,.n.i uonnainans. uoiuen ui uv, aim - . .T"v,. . v,. o.... j... :u,..i,..r.i,(. tieiiiiise, wasoiu uum i ui m...... .,.. :.. a ft at the u nnstian tnurcn. ounaay, sows, 5 iai nuiuu,.i.rT, l' counter-1 l'l"cl A ;,vl Uv a visirimr minister. The ears " 1 w.aS" ;3' V Loans - - $269,529.20 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bonds 67,160.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 122,521.90 Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 25,000.00 4,004.55 25,000.00 423,206.55 $502,211.10 Roeorvo 3 4 For Oonti $502,211.10 DIRECTORS Thoa. C. Todd John E. Bailer J- W. Tuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburg o..... i ,.. ll,....iinnler. Oilier Choice vanues o iu r"":Z:i-. tu J. 80 lb each: Mitchell wagon. wide V , ;u d hst w Of 8c each; from 4 to ? 12c y V-a,g 1 . .. . t . nui'h ror inriye oruers wnic ui - .12 top oukkics. muwucc -n the5S ten-tlllar txigus coins but n. r or art inn-ra burned if there is anything m iieeritiE mower, Osborne rake, 12 hose threeurenot toln! fount), these or ntio. v""- telepathy. s-inGundlach drill, good as new, lever leiK". oiu-i vYinm, vn., . it . .Idrae harrow, Ultver cnui piow 14-in, ' LaFrance Circle, Women 01 WOod beam steel plow 14-in, potato plow. Woodcraft, will give a Harvest rolling cutter, 3 log land roller, gravel . ,1 nr r wr rr-n I Hnmn hd hav rack. 2 set WCTk harness. uance, ai me w. u. vv. fn, r---. f Hood Hivcr, Ore.,! . . . . , . are resunn . u, ' Nealeiirh. irEttHt Nursery at Scholls, Ore. lint one miLrht . T limi t Vir a needle in a I MRS. ALICE PLYMATB ii.. 1 1 ii " luivsitiifk. .'.li.l.th Wood has sued Da- Mrs. Alice Plymate died near nr... i e .1:... ...i olhurimr U.mverton. October 11. lull. near Cedar Mill, Saturday night, Oct. 21. Good supper, good mu sic and trood management. Lv- jerybody cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bettis ar rived from near Creswell. South ern Oretron. the first of the ('. K. Ilolcomh. Owner. H. T. tlornelius, Auctioneer. 11. A. Kuratli, Clerk. V 1(1 YOtHI Itn uivwiiv, ........r. . , - 1 . drunkenness as the chief cause. She was aged 70 years and ten The complaint alleges they were months, and was a native of In- ..Mifi.i I in f'lin-iilil n I'M)! and diana. one nau oeeu a wiuun tin - seed, lot tare seea, set single ubtiic: married n tanatia, in "" o, . t wtp, an. W1 make their homeUo,,imW furniture and other articles. lT that the habitol intoxication n. or u y'T v moro. Mr. Bettis traded lunch at noon nitttin u.-ih i8-ft tiioe. new Aniericus ci der mill, grindstone, tool chest 80 rods onnd woven wire. 2 soools barbed wire, 2 10 1-5 gal milk cans, tent 10x12, 400 grain sacks, portable pig house, 500 feet lumber 1112x14, about 800 shakes, 3 doz chickens, 90 bu wheat, 125 bo white cats, haled timothv hav. lot cheat seed, lot tare seed, set single harness, Terms of sale Under $10 cash; and $15 per month alimony. ' remedies are the .1 i' .;, r in fh.a .;tw y-Mn,, tm,AntT iiiu wnru iwiat jiiwjws. Just remom- okltime friends. her that this is the time to get ii,,. n , your stock and poultry tonic. ..John Gerber, ot near Cedar !mna wlth airent M. Mi .was in town Friday, and " ; ,,. t Grove. or , caiieti on the Argus. i oif.m 1-Wst Grove, or Aug. hw. Tailor. Schulmerich Block. J. A. Johnson, the big road Hillsboro. 31-3 supervisor of below Beaverton, .,, Thnver has sued Oscar was up to the city Friday. Th.'iver and wife for possession of v, . , . 4. J? :Urt( rttr I t ill . I I I . l i I HJ ah IM. IV I M I 1 1 I I I I I II X I I II H III I IT I illl Kiim rnr. n lr fT f f.imilv She asks for the eusto- Aside irom a nenua unu tin """"'V uver, one years uauivauic ni, tanilly. nut HK ii , ... t u t Imoul tmnho Up & Co. Store. I i- Q O nor nont nff i . i- ii... mninr ni nrpn i riistiinai luutu ui '-' 1 i au o mci win. . t"-1 vv.... , (iy t" i Ll. o tiorl hnnn crottintr m.l.'iL.-j: tU Us L.k t1A tllC YYWIIIMll ' - , I iULW ItliatailUIII HH.IV UIW VlWUViv. along very nicely for one of her been n0 heavy frost the leaves E. E. Lyons, Owner and Ad- o.m Snndav evening she ate a I rn tVin manias in frnnt". of t.hft I ministmtor. heartv dinner. court vard are turning yellow B. P. Cornelius. Auctioneer. As death was sudden Coroner and have been falling for a week. H. C. Brown went to the scene As a ruie wnen the frosts hold and held an investigation, but otr foliage remains green un called no jury, as it was a plain t a9 iate a3 November 1. case. gue and wife are now residing in their handsome new residence in John Vanderwal, Clerk. AUCTION SALE Thayer and wiie ior iMiHsesmni oi the Tongue Addition, v 4 Nels Larson, of below Rood 14K acres of land above Gaston, uncersiKried, having rented Main Street station of Bridge, was in Friday. He is alleging that she has title, and ou. the bejow farm wii sell at mook line. Their be supervisor of his road district, that they withhold it from her. . ljc auctjon at the Col. Come- one of the neatest in ...... ci. .,io ilint alio he iriven llldg- r. i i-m miioa .-.a ;a o ...-ariif tn t J. J. Kuratli, of Phillips, was a Hillsboro visitor Monday morn ing Georee Tompkins, of above XTM.fVi Plains was in the Clt.V Hivii ........ - " l.Ulbll llllO " .. the Tongue Addition, west oi tne Monday morning. bonealow is Walter Jackson and wife of Dongaiow is . , , ft,n TV an. tho citv rutuauu, cic m wv vn.r D. Woods of Smith Tualatin. was iii the city Monday. He is thinking of moving into the city. Stock carrots, in ground, or win tie iver: cahbniro in anv ...it. ....i nn At tha i'a i 'nmp. Ann At run ripariier in Tnp i-irv.i-.- . . .. ' " - " . , i in 1 1 1 1 u iiiiri.iiin at liic wi, -wi i.. 1 1. 1 1 v.. ii viiv uvwvw ... ' v , i j ..::4-;. M, nHit-- She asks that she be given udg- - B erdam Farm, two miles and is a credit to the county V151UI'B -"-""- . I I1TU1- . .. .1 I 1.1 II ..-L.'.a.r lllllllUlU b. S. E. of Cornelius, on north side seat. a. poos, oi rurwa uiuvc, Tualatin River, taking hrst open p Sheriff Henrv R Ford nere mia"".-- l nnnnnnrc inr inn imihii ith w . for $5(H) and f tlio riremises i'untnn,w luaiai n luver, tar....--...o. v.-..,. Former shentt Henry rora ' :::.":; " Tv,o VaVw;; For sale or trade: Twelve road, a. ot uorneuus, on oase-. out from port Monday lies southeast oi inns- line, at ten a. m., on morning. Mr. Ford was the peter Christensen. of SAT.. OCTOBEK Zl SPECIAL PRICES -ON- Rugs, Linoleum, Matting, Dressers, Furniture of all kinds We Lead, the Rest Follow Chas. 0. Roe & Co. Pioneer furniture Dealers FOREST GROVE, ORE. Tel Mi Kingsley, and daughter. Miss Ma morning. Mr. ford was tne peter Christensen, of above sheriff of this county for four nienene. was in the citv Monday. . U .. ..1 . : Ik. n.'nnllnn 1 ,, I i I . 1 T 1-1 11 ine saie in me rente Eighteen full nsno 91 mill any iuw, - .! OI ,.v.a Priori HiffsKro lSc S'ates at McMinnville Will sell at ; a g 1450; bay horse years, away back in the nineties, attending i ii 1 1, Illlisnoro. iat.lIILD.auai. . tmde for Hi SbOTO f. . , mnaa OAIVV I4 V antra ha a n pnsrtfl to Sep a MJ. 1'. 0. box 495. 31-3 'k-. " - n uuu tea u, . .. r -rr- ri I yopci tjr . resuionce propei i.i"nC .... . n,y fercneron; nuing niusooro coming u me num., D. - , rs. C. k T.vto and son. K. tunsen. llilisooro, wre. - nfip. POw. 4 vears. tresn and that it is leaaing an ine r..- o 1, Marsh, of Centerville. ?n; two-year o d he, er; tne sraie m - g c vioa 9 " Koute 2, li miles aDOve cioom- uulovoi " li'nt-pat mvA IS nOKintr nne in TH Tol M armrni-pntra . -IliiK. inu, iv.,,........-...--, i, v,.UJ,,,, ..,0 : tiiuin Mnnnav aiiuniuuu, uuwiu --. , Liiese uaya in ci new unoo m i-ine o&-t eastern points. Tlu Lad l Mrs, V If i!ed Sunday evening J: ,an in Oregon 58 ling heifers 40 pigs, . u exumueu visa wmi iiti- -,,, airo the com ng Christmas, weeKs; uisc un i - Forest urove is looicing nne rm ind. T atives.n Pennsylvania and other LL wn Monday afternoon, bottom gang plow, disc harrow thege dayg in her new dregg of ,,nTl cnlled on the religious week- 2 14-inch waiKing piows, -pavement. Business men of that rtl . . - n ,. , . v Mr Marsh is now in his 71st tooth harraw, 2 five-shovel cul .- ,ace that their only wonder Chief of Police Bluer has re--M1j ,t II (ret around vators, new Clipper fan mill, ow j that they were so long ceived word, that the cause of t i if qI f nwi. , nf. L . ' harness and numerous other ar- -thout hard surface streets. A the brother's deatn, dusk in ." ..".'"f UKe a yuuuKow-i. T.nnch nt. Nnnn. ' ;"Yl Lii.n oni., fn,,J flWn. ment on of Which was icrnoon at z-ini n nlnck for tne ... j ni0' , ,A visil 10 i ueuiuvcuamiuaj j.uuuu purpose of For sale; Fine dnving and Terms 0f Bale-Under $ 0, th city in R00d sprits, made last week was due to fall- work fair hi Sn nndir club brood mare, well bred and gentle; ca3h 0ver, one year bankable and Us businessmen all enjoying mg out of a chestnut tree. o,i.,... .. V. i i t oiv. imiioucun hand e ana anve. nto 8 tier cent. THE HOWARD WATCH auspices, in December. Ur. I). B. GrilRn, of Portland, V;W in luuf F iVtt ittnaXr Qiin- vuv- I U1 i Ul itllU 1 uv t tweed to pay a fine of $200 and to serve 30 days on the rockpile, ior issuing are-fill proscription calling for morphia to F. Lyons, f Hillsboro. Onte of the physi cians at the hearing said that the prescription could have procured enough of the dope to kill 35 men. 1 200: ladies can handle and drive. te 8 per cent. l.tMU, imilCBvau ...... v.. Also 2-seated surrev, practically new. with harness. able. . Address or call, 525 Clay Street, Portland, Ore. r M. Sturm Sr., ot above Bioom a good patronage. j j May3 an(j wfe. 0f North The attention of Argus readers Plains, departed last Thursday : noiiorl tr. tha miblic snip nf V. fnv Hnlmpa Cnnntv. Ohio, where a taiivu w viiv i . w . . . v. . . ' : , E. Lyons, of northeast of town, they will visit with relatives of . ,. -j. n : 4- Thia ia a hnr sft f. ana some oi Mrs. Mavs. Mr. ana mrs. wm. in the cify MonK of ?eedville- was in tne Cliy monuay. " U-n..,. l VanA tV,a I f ,aay fn tho anmo HPct nn .1. C. Buchanan, Owner. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. Frank Sholes, Clerk. ,.,, nr. Awns caller Mon- was in me "V r - U-ft. . nna day Mr. Sturm is engaged in ltobiW.; rB Stand Bee if there is not some- to be absent several weeks. This drying his prune crop just now acreag ig HostetlerS first trip East and savs the product is going to and that so is i still De ng Thebd'te of the sale. October 24. since he came to Oregon. be high this year. heads the list in Watch excellence. Its price is justified by its performance, It will give per fect satisfaction through your life. I pin my faith to it in selling it, as you may in buying it. In addition to carrying a full line of the Howard watches, I have a very complete stock of all of the standard American Watches, which I will be pleased to show you. Jeweler and Optician Hillsboro, Ore. Laurel M. Hoyt over for Fall-sown grain. , i ' ii f c I 'V i ii.. l:. -i, , JSr-it. I fj I . 'i ' h h tr