The t I niLLSBORG vol.. xvm I IILLSI50RO, OREGON, OCTOBER 5, 1911. NO. 30 USE THE ROAO DRAG NOW, SAYS AUTHORITY lliuhwny l:.HTt Aycr, of O. A. C. Sl'llJii out Itiillclln IS SI'IINIHD All) TO DKAINAIil: Willi Liberal ut ul Road !)rx, or Splil I of, Have Hnc Komi I'M'. I). I''. Ayers, or tin' 0. A. (I, Highway l'lxju'rt. encourages llt use of tin1 mail drag, or split Kf devise, ut this particular time. As Washington County lum more dirt roads than any ihiiiL' else, with a soil that means I1U if not properly attend od, his advice is well worth read- "These heavy rains, thoroughly wt'ttiiur down tin' mads, have made ideal comlitions for the use nf the draif before the lu-avy Winti-r weather Iwtfins. All lint llllleM. mm -hoes ami other invi'iilaritii'S can U leveled ami When Italy declared war atrainst Turkey, last Friday, the 1 1 i : .. i . iiimarin woik 111 on Hie sewers ami I'raditur were keveil nn in many expressions of patriot ism. F.very "Man Ciovani" was cock sure that Italy would wipe the earth with the Turks, ami all ex pressed a willingness to home if his services were at all neces sary. They all acclaim that Italy m a new Italy, and that it is vet to le one o the huropean pow ers. As one tersely nut it: Wt hava da heevj country so far as da people are concerned, hut we neeila da more land. Ktalia isa da decl'ervnt coiintra than ett was 2." years au. We hava'da meelioii men alia da Kod train ed soldier an' we shall make da Turkey looka lika da what da American say, 'Mo :'.() cent." One enthusiastic Italian went so far in his ellVrvesence as to spit in the pictured face of the Sultan which stared out id' the columns of an evening daily. Wm. Chalmers and family, of near Centerville, intend leaving for the Alherla country, this week, Mr. Chalmers expecting to eturage in farming and stock raising on a hig scale in that sec tion. I' or many years he has rt WILL START BUILDING IN THE EARLY SPRING County Hoard (letting Ready for Court House Addition TO HI: FINISHED BY AUTUMN Will suieii in Washington louniy, anu the surface of the roads put into ho and his estimable family hav tirst-class condition by using the a host of friends in Washington i rag two or three times In-fore County who regret to see them the roads get '.tx soft. leave, and yet wish fur it- use of tin urag, more- every success in their n . i . . . r : I i i 'i' i. .. over, al mis nine mr crow iim eiiosen noiiie. mo nrgo ilui roads will hid drainage and go to the Strathcona, A DouhllcKit Make Rear Like the Front ul Structure keep in gixxl condition many mails which were very ioor last war. he expense of using a mail drag is slight, and a much wider use of it throughout tin state would he very favorable. There is no hotter way to keep a dirt mad in good condition than dragging it frequently. AUCTION SAIJJ Tilt1 undersigned will sell at pub lii! auction on the (). l Madison iikicc. 2 miles S. W. of Ueedville, ut 1:110 p. in., on TUKSDAY. OCTOHKU U Dark gray mare, 4 years, U(X. hlark mare. :i years, 1050 both broke, gentle, and true: black mare, 1200, good work animal; inn hi 1 1: y iiru in, m j "i i i-i "1 , imiiK.ttt rmiililirl Jrrwry hull, A )rM, of hip lull .allot) country, to tell them win doing" down where so lone have made their home. The (ironer & Kowcll Co li large stock 01 main mo, 1 to 1 1 inch; also building and brick. It will pay y place your orders with i we burn our tile to a In-Hot than our competitors, a wood only cost us a trifle also have a good stock of and dressed lumlx-r. whit invite the public to iti!--ei fore purchasing elsewhere. flooring is made from r limber and will wear mud tor than llooring made fr soil vcilow ii r umner. Assessor Max Crandall I Oct. lb as the dale for lin ing session of the County lue boai 1'he county commissioners' court of Washington County will dur ing the Winter have architects prepare plans for the new court house addition, and have every thing in readiness for building operations as soon as the weath er settles this coming Spring. So far as known it is intended to have the rear of the building ar ranged like the front of the present structure and this will give a great deal of room. There is already a sum of something over $15,000 in the treasury for the purposes, and another very small tax this com ing levy will give a like amount With this as a nucleus, the board will start to build, even if a few It the jadly, Ve the rs to t. pub- ' Feed near i. m. S. II. Davis, of I'eaverton, was in town Saturday, Fred Wesch, of Tualatin, was up to the county seat, Monday. August Wedekingwas up from Scholls. the last of the week, greeting friends. Oregon strawberry plants fort sale. A. G. Watson, Forest! Grove, Ore. 30-2 j Hon. J. W. Goodin and wife, of Glencoe, were in the city Fri day afternoon. 0. Westcott, of near North Plains, was over to the city Fri day, anu caueu on me Argus. Onion growers with late crops are praying for a big spell of dry weather. 1 hey will need several weeks for the best results. i A. (. Watson, of Forest Grove, was down to the city i-nday, ooking over the old county seat. I see you are going some, said . G. J. F. Carstens, the Banks base- mil fan, was in the city Friday, greeting friends and talking over the chance of the Ik-avers win ning the pennant. Mrs. S. H. Davis, of Beaver- ton, and sister-in-law, Miss Laura DOUBLE TIE TIE-GH1 CAPACITY. HERETOFORE City and County Will See That Farmers Have Place to Hitch of the f herd Cows, The im 4 mrter is time jir for i ner. ml a i-ty line itulmil; liriKKl ftnwx, ilh pit! Hi mill-, nunc I'lyni'Milli Rmk flm'kuis, (in I urn fowl, 1 4 ittctt uti-rl li-nill .lmv, (ii,il wt ll-W, with lllirr lurrs, 14 in. brum plow, to-ill. mimiiI lirma plow, frnl cutu-r, n nrw, tnivic oix-ti IiukkVi " '" tity, "ut" vclih mill t'lovrr, lmlrl; WMIir nnl.'iw citriot, ruliiluiKHK, Nrw lliiltrtlly rn iini M-Mtiiinr, 5' lln. nn himr ciiptt'liv, H"1"' mnrw; VMI ll V l"k. ctHjwmHl ruck, Mill muu.'finK ullirt Hillcli . hold for one week, and c all i ssessments coming their notice as too high, to or wlere then- are omi lie states thai the asses will readi eighteen millioni year, aside from the railroa which is fixed by the state' IRON POSTS FOR MAIN STREET Matter of Hitching Chains Definitely Settled for all Time L The duality Drug Store llillsboro s court house square will hsve hitching chains galore for the farmers who come to the city, and who, with their trade, make the city. This, of course, will be gall and wormwood for hose who think the beauty of the square will be sacrificed, but the farmers of the surrounding country who come to town for a half hour or so, and who want to come minus the hired man as a master of ceremony to hold the team, will be pleased to know that eventually he can tie his Mazeppas to the chain and that wii, anu bidlci -in-iavv, linos Liauia : ., - . , , , ... i , ' o ' fi they will be safe while he buys a passed through the city Satur-1 V of overalls or a piece of day, for a visit with II. H. Mai or and family, of near Banks. The place where you are always sure of drugs of absolute purity and Highest Quality, prepared by competent pharma cists who take pride in the accuracy of their work ! meat from the butcher, Mayor Bagley and County .ludcw Stevenson have agreed David Lebeau and sister, Miss that tie-chains shall be placed on Mora, were up from below Main Street from First Street Scholls. r riday, and called on the I west to the jog in the paving. Argus, i he Leneau hopyara naa an(i the chain already established 8, 000 pounds under contract thisi0n Second Street will be allowed year, and sold the Daiance at current prices. For sale, reasonable The Hoover tt Connell has boon leased to I.unow, has farmed near North l'lains for several years. 1 he ranch lias odd acres of plow land, and is one of the most fertile in the olains .list rid. It has boon un der lease to Wm. Chalmers, who . I . . A O. .... Media, of Hanrdof .:qua.intion , " - "f Terms of Sale $10 and under, cash; over $10, one year bank alilc note, at 8 per cent interest. L per cent oil cash over $10. it. L (iraybill. Owner H. I'. Cornelius, Auctioneer ranches up in the Dominion coun try. L F. Kmmott. away on a trip fm- i s health, writes that lie stood the sea trip to San Francisco oood shape, and ate Ihrei in meals daily. Los Angeles To T.uiiyrr of WnnliinPm Ciiiniy, I'ltK"": Not ler h luTfliy nlvrn til tt llli- IiOiimI uf -iimli ilieii of WiihIiIiikI'oi Ciitinly nircl (in MoiiiIhv, (kt. i'i, 1411. rtt Ihcruiirl hoiiK- in 1 1 illnhiiro, in WmIi ' I' until y, Unit hrlng lite thiol Mmi.liy in Oi IiiImt, nml the lime nnil pUrr pmviili'il by liiw, to puliln ly en- Hltllllf tll.4 Mu. .. uu. ...... I ...llu U..I.1 n-r n-,v(,ii!,,., iw.i'l..'.... I . . ty ami dirrrrl nil rrromin viilimtiou nml lv!lV and tlH'y W 'I'Hiiiptido or (UHiuitirii of Intiil, lots or (Jroear and family uiiirr prnprrty, nml i( In the ilntv ol nil IH-isnnii iMtt-rmtrd to nrHr ut t lie titm: ml place npnointril, nml if it almll up- pnir to niiiil U ntil of rutmliittioii llmt llictc lire nny Intnl. lot or olhrr ptopi-r ty hwssciI twirc or In the nntneuf n ikt m r iH-rwinR not the owner of the "mie, nr nhHt'seil under or lieyuml It value, or nny lots, IhihI or other proper ly inn assessed, an it I Iiohiii ol itinlln nun Mmll niiike the proH-r correelioii. MAX CRANDAIJ., Assesmir of WaHlilngtiiu Comity, l)iejoit. Tlu-v are now at he and his nephew meet J. M. ; at my board, are 'credit , not be responsible for bills she may con tract. Aaron Kirtland. Metzger. September 27. 1911. II. Taylor Hill, of above Moun taiiulale, was down 'to the coun ty scat, Friday, making the trip in his car. Mayor J. A. Thornburgh. of Forest drove, was down to the J'lty Saturday, looking over the improvements. Virgil Massey, of Cornelius, editor of the Tribune and one of the ollicials of that bailiwick. was down to the city Monday HlilerSturdevant, of Cornelius, wiw in the city Saturday. Mr. tiinlovant is pastor of the Hills horn Advent Christian Church of this city. J. C. I'arsons, of Dilley, was ""light to the city Sunday, am gave a bond to answer t he charge 'f striking S. H. Vermilyea with a knife, Sept. HO. Vermilyea is ton village Vulcan, and Parsons n one of the oldtimers of the I'llk'V section Whuthnr thoir disimte hinged on religion, the ,L"u Italian-Turkey war, the tar I'l. or ditl'erence of opinion as to which club wt win the nennant, w to he made known at the hear "iK before Judge Smith. Con 8tuhle McUuillan served the pa .lohn IVuirh and lamily leave the l:it of the week for Crab- tree, Linn county, where they will permanently locate. uill be associated with lionney. who goes Irom llillsiioro to operate a sawmill eleven miles out of Albany. Sam Ualfety, who has lived at Moimtaiiulale since IS), his lirth year, was down to the city Saturday. Sam rememoers. when the schoollioys oi nis sec tion ran wild with the young leer of Dairy Creek. For sale or trade: Twelve n M ... I nf I I ill-J- ftCI'eS, Zi niliessoimioani, v.i i...... boro: also a house and acies . : ... 1 1 i i r 1 1 11 .i I n at McMinnviue. win ni largain, or trade tor liiiisooro residence property,- close in.- C F. lUmsen, llillshoro, ure. t drove expects to have the paving finished within a few The contractors intended VI.., ... - . ,. winding up t he worK ny inm; lay, but the rains oi the week stopped smashed plans. II. Greer and family will i . i" . nl (Im flinch ill spend ine wmn-i m,i.i i lli s hoi'o Acres, iv. n. lew lioon busy for a week, get- . . . ...... fU.A i i inn: in o s inne oui in i-"-- llliu minf," suburbs. ti Kiitmimrton. of Forest Grove, now working ior uiuci . U horo visitor duiuhuij K. H. has been paving insfiector in the work in the college city, itnn lfjismusen. of near Farm inffton. was in town the last ot When the llillsboro bunch re turned from the Pendleton Round up, there were many who were skeptical about the statements of the vast crowds that daily at tended the great wild west show at the Umatilla County capitol. If you will just step around to the Jos. Williams pool rooms, and look in the window, thev will lind the ollicial photograph r the e-randstand and bleachers, and this will give them an idea f the creat attendance. The iiictures are very line, and R. B. i,iiina had to be dragged away from the pictures or he would hivo remained there until the lights were out. Conductor John H. Dobbins, of the Southern Pacific, was in the citv Monday, bringing in a train load of asphalt and cement for the paving contractors. .1 onn n, I ll!'n nniti "vn CI was raised in musuoiu sennimio, nd at one time knew every cow- dh and meadow trail between icre ana lviouniaiiiiuue. onuc was up to the city last he finds many improvements. i.Yod Zillv and wife returned Portland this week, atter a nejition with llillsboro relatives. .''red says he helped chop two meeds of sauer kraut wniie nere nnd he nronoses to "come back' this Winter when it gets w 'work nor" lust anout yu per . . i i t And vet vou wouiu not wlieve Fred was a ueutscner, lock in North Hillslxtro, on rock macadam street. Will sell all or any part, with six room house, in good repair. Fruit trees, ber ries; chicken house. John Boe ker, llillsboro. Ore. lOtf Geo. Ilathorn, of Laurel, now has a position with the city of Salem, having left the employ of the state. Geo. has a well paid billet, and says that working for the State isn t what it is cracked up. For some months he was at the asylum, as a guard, and he says he wants no more of it. If persistent rolling with the big steam machine can give a good solid base for the paving, there should be no question about the work being done to reduce the street to grade. Where the laterals were dug the big roller goes down several inches, and it requires a great deal of filling and rolling until it is hard, Grant Hughes, one of the pio- nters in home telephone systems in Washington County, was down from Forest Grove last Saturday. Hughes was told that the Inde pendent telephone business was a frost when he put in a system at Forest Grove. He has lived to see over 2,000 telephones in the independent class scattered over Washington County. to stand. This will give double the room we have had the past half i year and. as one farmer said, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Remedies Candies and Stationery Rexall I The. Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. the other day: What nicer sight can one see than a lot of s eek. well-fed horses, such as we generally have in Washing ton County? Me for the tie chains every time. Besides, when I'm busy in the Summer, and my wife or daughter drives to the city, 1 want to know that she has a place where she can tie old "Dobbin" while she hies in to the rest room and pnmps a little before she does her trad ing." TILBURY OLSTROM For sale: Two brood sows, 2 and 3 years old. One has litter side, 3 weeks old, eight in number, and the other will litter in about a month this last one a full blood roland-China. Will also sell the pigs. Also a full- blood Poland-China boar, regis tered, papers to go to buyer. George Meacham, Mountaindale, four and one-half miles above, on Bacona road. Pacific States Phone, 133, Glencoe. A nuptial of interest was solem nized when Lloyd E. Tilbury and Miss Helen L. Olstrom were united in marriage Wednesday evening, Sept 27, at the Sunny side Congregational Church, Port land, Ore., by Rev. J. J, Straub D. U. officiating. About 200 friends of the contracting parties were Dresent. Mr. lilburv is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Tilbury, of this citv. and is well and favor ably known. Miss Ulstrom was formerly a teacher in the tL,ast side school and a prominent member of the Congregational Church. Little Miss Virginia Ol strom acted as flower distributor. The happy couple were the re cipients of many pretty and use ful presents. Mr. Tilbury is en gaged in the real estate business having o hces at uza lienry Build ing, and they will make their home in Portland. McMinnville News Reporter. The groom was at one time a well known resident oi Hulsuoro. A. THORNBURGH President J. E. BAILEY W. W. Vice-President E. Ferriu, Ass't Cashier MCELDOWNEY Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Friday, September 1, 1911. Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans - $209,529.20 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bonds 67,160.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 122,521.90 Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 25,000.00 4,004.55 25,000.00 423,206.55 $502,211.10 H.osorvo 3 4 For Oont. $502,211.10 Thos. G. Todd Wilber W DIRECTORS John . Bailey J. W. Fuqua McEldowney J. A. Thornburg Wanted: To rent an improved farm, furnished. Direct to J. L. Kregelo, Forest Grove, Oregon, Route 2. awi COFFEE CLUB PURCHASE to the first of laving and Mrs. Black well and family de- nnrtnd Saturday tor &aiem, I " . . . :n .,v.f i .iihnro tnev wi i remain uuu l.w Mack well is located at Ju- . . i i.- neau. Alaska, where ne goes ui take charge oi me m. n. puw ate. Mica Hazel Koontz, of Port I.,,,, wna a miest of her brother,, , ... I i. C 10. Koontz, ana iamny, iasi week, returning Saturday. Mrs. Dora J. Elliott, of Kiona, ,na Jn the citv Monday, and re turns to the upper Columbia sec tion in a tew days. Argus and Journal, $2.25. Chas. 0. Roe & Co. WM !PmV ?!iy P i I! I 11141111 NEW LINE OF Porch and Lawn FURNITURE LATEST CREATIONS WALL PAPER AN EXCELLENT LINE OF ART SQUARES Call and Get Prices Seeing Is Believing Chas. 0. Roe & Co. Pioneer Furniture Dealers FOREST GROVE, ORE. The above is a half-tone of the Rest Room, purchased by the Hills boro Coffee Club, for the benefit and convenience of people who come to Hillsboro to trade, or who pass through the city. The hnildincr is situated on Second Street, between Lincoln and Jack- orm nnd is hut a short distance from the northeast corner of the Miurt house square. As the tie-chains on Second will be close to 'the rest room, the distance to travel will be reduced to a minimum. You Can Always Depend Upon The it DIAMONDS m pii You Buy From Me When you buy diamonds here you enjoy that satisfied feeling that can only come to a customer who had im plicit confidence iu his dealer. Every diamond I offer you at all times is precisely what I claim it to be 15 years of square dealing is our guarantee. Besides reliability, I offer you variety the equal of which you cannot find in this city. Easy terms to reliable parties. Laurel M. Hoyt Jeweler and Optician Hillsboro, Ore. fi t 1. s t 1 Ji ll. , I - t f: ! t l 5 1 I! l li ;., t.. 'f P. l(a".' r 1 1l. 1 1 . , - t.i i I I V vers on t'arsonB. the week. W.;i