The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 28, 1911, Image 1

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    ir n
NO. 29
ltllnf I" I'-rty w- w,,h
r.NVilh HoHcmcnl Preparation
farmer hIhuiLI Li,,.,.,
I - -
jiihI exactly what he is doin in
me way oi protit and loss, uikI
he can tell where the leak is. if
111. 1 ... i i
uuTM im h ii'hk, ana whether or
not he is the avenue of financial
leakage. The (). A. C. gives a
corresohdenre course in book
keeping, and W. V. Kirkland,
if- Hillslioro. in a letter to Dean
mexeii, w. A. i;., Havs: After
completing mv course in farm
Thinki be my M,lt ,h Bttl,11"11 Thrtt Umall ranch near Hillsboro. 1 From Vamhill to Hillsboro, Rath
Slurlca Mlh ' llow hnd how valuable my cor-
. resjtondence course is to me. It
seems to nie that without
l ows Hi Money at Yamhill, Just
IWfore leaving
cr Than Borrow Money
John Koch, of beyond Bloom
injf, was in town Friday.
I. F. Kmmott was a Salem
visitor Saturday.
Alvin Hoffman departed for
San Franeinco, Sunday.
Frank Weisenbeck, of Iteed
ville, was in town Saturday.
W. H. Black and wife, of be-
01.D vond North Plains, were city
visitors Saturday.
A. L. and Chas. Holcomb, of Said to Have Told DrauRhtHman She
Mhany, were in the city batur- yVag x00 Young to Wed
Was Enamoured of Fourteen Year
Old iletz Maid
I The Quality Drug Store
,urdavuften.M.nthe,m.r: , " , "1 ,V,y John Berri. oldtime locomotive
.wrre closed for the purchase without tools. 1 d not see why e"Kiru'l'r- for y('ar9 a rL;S1'
f the Kudolph Crandull itncK, all tanners do not take more ad- 'lent oi this section, dropped in-
Second Street, laurel M. Iloyt vantage of their Agricultural to town from Yamhill, last Thurs-
the purchaser. The north at "T Z "if"? '"T
w8 has Urn torn down and wrUinf , M rather than borrow money, lh.s
.1 . :.. ;. .:.,;., i,ith II I i i. i i r i i. won il lie nn irri'at fint. fnr a
Mr. I'0'1 J""""'4 now iiiuiii k'xhi uiu ianii dook- " n " mou.uainuai
Kwhcr in Pry wau lnut w'" keepiinr course has done me and young man but Mr. Herri is 82 day.
permit of a basement when the how I appreciate it." years of age, and will reach his ienry Ke
uTr-nrhire shall l" remodelled. The droncr & Itowell Co. have Mrd birlhday October 30. Mr. was in town
Birunu" ....... .. ....I. .. .!..: :i.. t- n r i .1 - j ., lUn A-,,,,
vin, the draughtsman, wno mys
teriously Uisappeaieu a wcciv oru
I I. Soehren. of above Banks g d do t think that the
in the city Monday, and ' .
day aftern(wn
C. L. Brown, of between Those who know Bernard Mar-
lianks and uuxton, was in me
city Monday.
C. II.
. . . ' was
HOIiluv unluinir t hi tintim fhutnripr) I n j al a iv..
onv. 1 Hm ..( ...ii t 'I'L'.I a. ih.f ha trAarna rrt him
1 .1 ... iiaLiitTi liiuii ki iiw iiiiiiirrv. 11 n ... 11 t . p 1 imv ---
wnun uus tosimpiy tell yon .. : " , ; ; , vv. iwucsein, 01 auuve c, ,ia tVl
I linur mncK iriyul tin farm tu-.i. would be no irreat feat for a MrtimtninflnU. was in town Mon- sen. otarui 01 rus ptipera uic
: -".""" , - , , . , , tu
I last 01 trie weeiv reveaicu tiic
rnmn -.f M nnm nor I 1 aK. L Vlist mainii navt .wvitv-vj
1 town Saturday, and called letter from a jfirl explaining the
... . .i.ii . .In It..... ul.u,L ixf ,1,. I., til.. I If....: :.. I ti.. A :,. Lnn thn A rima ndipp I fapf that she WS)( hilt fourteen
U'l -n Meell SUllirutty, Iir. Iioyil" k- naiu iuc, mmi i:ui ma uunutT, uiiu isnevcii"" ""' ,..
" ' ..... Mt in t 1 ini'li' hiii tinililinir hliwkiil . .r .l1 n i .i 1 imoni nf orro- anrl thnf shp pnn.
uai...l that t WHS Ills intention , y :", ,. : n wiinout a nine 01 vne mere iiiai ureer sis uie piace to wauc, n hv, . ... -
ultinuitely to transform th ru-k m.
trick. It will pay you
your orders with us,
make life the easier, but just you are looking for a good sani- sidered a mamage ill-advised.
ami the third llr will ar
ranged for a Itnlge hall.
The Itx-ation is a very good
one, and in ull the years since
huihlmi was erected it has
VHV " r. --
rarely lacked for a tenant.
A II llalsev conducts a res
taurant in one part of the block,
and H. T. KoeU-r is teniKranly
occunying the other Hrtion with
his confectionery.
G. A. Patterson at present
holds a lease on the proKTtv,
and when this expires the new
purchaser exteeU to commence
building operations.
ii in ic s i i:
The undersigned will Hell at pub
he auction east of the John Con
n nee voiir orders with us hh . j ...
n o a th ee-story affair, with el- w, bur ur lile lo a,r color when he was getting ready U, - J .. ... bhe urtnj er btk ea.
and alt ni.Hlern conveni- lhan our con, ,mU tors, as our make a trip to Hillsboro, some H. V. Meade and wife and she idid ot think she was willing
i'ut'i. " . , . i m u,,,i unti,.,., d a Knnua nt Ma ,i,.i,ia nf fironr-n werp to marrv into his iami y on me
,ces. The second . oor ne ,- W(1m niy costs us a tr.l e. we- ' d" that his De0Die were
tends to um war, o n roo, s u,so have a sU.k o rough I - - "011. " cultured, while she Was not It
ia pvidpnt. that the crirl has a
great deal of "hoss sense," some
thing that young Marvin appears
to lack.
It is reported that Marvin's
mother, who is married to a Doc
tor, is fairly well-to-do, and that
The place where you are always sure of
drugs of absolute purity and Highest
Quality, prepared by competent pharma
cists who take pride in the accuracy of
their work
Candies and
Wm. Hostetler, who has finish-
hi,.h ... or ininy-one dollars, jonn nou
invite the nublic to insnect. U- "ed the authorities, and then
fore purchasing elsewhere. Our started for his old home, lie is I the hop harvest at his lleed
ll.xiring is made from red fir a "V"1"- ",J. a i"-"y"". ville yard, was in Saturday, ac-timU-r
and will wear much bet- nd his credit is always go)d so C()mpanie(i by his wife,
terthan ll.mring made from the ha.t he could have taken the To rent an imoroved
soft yellow lir timr. &tf ra,n' but he isn't that way tJyf
u,.n i' V Turner nf TiirHni. L ,i w ,i;Dtnrt K row n Knrtst Grove. Oregon. Marvin, a few davs aero. received
.' - n . ' ruwru iiiuury. anu uic ui.Ti,tiiv,v; . ; v.
-. . in a... ii . -sii i 4- Aiv-ki-icrit' tki y i
a--- Ctrl II IUJa ui ucLaii. iui ipuvu
Bath and wife spent f his share of some property the
f:nerunfi. miestS Ot lanuiy uwncu i i uiu mcA.w.
1 I . I UVJiiMMJ v - i c I rf-V IL X- i . I Ii n n n
property, lie was named a ex-m engines in Washington and irvinir Bath and wife, returning ."n.l"e suriaw 11 wjuk ,
ecutor. The instrument leaves Yamhill counties for a number of MnHa though warvin is simpiy remain-
of Dilley, a V(.HPa un he can still handle the ... ... . . ing out of sight as a matter of
. ,i,,k. ; '. .. K N Amev. ot Mountamoaie. r;0v,,Qrit - fUa hit a Misa
big steam machines as wen as a - ; --Q-.,. H.tata ' 7. 7 " "ZZ
sin wnuuuvuiuu,., wno seems lu nave juukuicmi,
The Delta Drug Store
mm. r. jiku'u, ui hkoiu, roW(.(i money, and me distance rucneio, -uic
wa.s in town Monday, filing the itween the two towns, he says, Uoute 2.
will or the late Chas. Burnham. wa9 not 80 mK, I w Uat
who leaves alKiut $2. IXK) worth of jjr errj has been running Sunday at Gc
property. He was named an ex- miii engines in Washington and iruincr Unth .
Mn. Marv lUiyd.
ilium hter il (HI. and to a daugh
ter, Billie McFarland, the residue vouni,er man
of the estate. The widow has
the use of the cow. horse, and
buggy, during her life, and also
U'cts the household lurniture.
i t.iu ill rwieri ti Mm. McFar- Tim undersiirned will sell at liub-
nett ranch, on the old lloffineisto an,j u,Hm the death of Mrs. lie auction on the McGill plate,
place. 4J miles northeast of Uurnham. The old gentleman north of the Shute School house,
provided in his will that in case 31 mile3 N. fc. ot liiiisooro, at ten
any relative should take steps to a. m., on
break the terms he or she snouia MONDAY, OCTOBER 2
get one dollar.
was in town Saturday. He is to L,v,n opPma to have iuderment
have a sale at Meacham's Cross- tnat he;eg ner age she lives
ing, Monday next. over in the Siletz. Under the
W. W. Williams, of above circumstances the girl is better
n..Lt;',i.,i .oQ ;n tna-n Snt. off than she would have been had
itlUUMUlMlljaH-, nog III vv..... . ----- .
urday. Warren's ranch is one she accepted .the morbid young
nf the fnrtilp ones of his Section. tellOW.
President Vice-PresMent Cashier
II. E. Ferrin, Ass't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Friday. September 1. 1911.
Capital and Surplus $5O0O0
Hillsboro. at ten a. m., on
nu,ir hniv K vi. lii i: wiv huiM, u
yrt, 141M). lion ((ty hmr, 0 l'V;
cow kivIhk ' Klluiin milk, 4 via;
Kuii. J', Hi wMe Utr. Willi K'rl
bcil; 11. 1 u Kn, J'j lu . with K''" ,mj'
Br.ilr ncw;utw flulii(n ruhlx-r luc
top buuy, .Irrl I'rc rt t)UK(y, I'mwu
mo, uritly lir, l -hrrl M in iliw.
Misa Dnnzer. of below New
ton, called on the Argus, Satur
day, and renewed her subscrip
I tion for the 18th time.
Tht nnrlpiMiVned will sell at DUD-
from2to5yrs. . . lie auction at his farm, one-half
l ..m here to do business, and n i milw fresh Nov Land 2 John Bitter, of Helvetia, was mile north 0f Meacham's Cross-
would like to have all your trade, fre8h kh. 5. and 10th; Jersey in town Saturday. His section jngt aDove Mountaindale, at 10
... a. 1 .r unit I .
but wi Uf conienieu u
Loans $269,529.20
.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00
Other Bonds 67.160.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 122,521.90
Undivided Profits
I j ust I Vaamrwl anu with 7 niifs. Victorians now given a nice communica
. ulwu V i i rAu!.. ...:.U Ilflnn niumiT tn thl
1 I1UW
HUW Willi I I'lKa, ' n-'--- - ----- ,
.i- . . i. I I . r i ...;tK lWt hnil nwintr Tn
-,,'... ..V.,i i.. lircl iM in .Iiw. nve your coiu-c na..v. . 80W, VO inier miun, u .........
r.w r.,i..v.tor, )umll..h .1..11, ii have on hand one grade ot mee to 200; U. S. cream separator, united service
. ... 1 ...u. lu. I e .. it- . It. n iw,l lu luflr-I iaa, L. : n.n.t,ina A.lvrkttlpl ,v :
Dori , i-wi'iina uiiuifiv.wi i i ir in. null, inn ii"v " - I lHHl WHSmilK uiaciiun;, -v.w.v.
iinmy w, f .., .. tlir ie d.. two n.kwk m k tester, oarre
..r 11 .1.... .vwn4..ul . i
Iik.iIi .Irrl Irvn ll.Mliw. Ilrillv nrw
nrw J liif Imht, l in Mrrl Im-miii I'W
a. m., on
Final sorrel brood tnare. isoo lbs; bay
Everything in groceries, Crock- mare, lioo; 2-yr filley, uoo; spring filly, I
Hosorvo 34 Por Oont.
er barrel ... 1 A 11 vCru,arP sired by Bachot; 7 milk cows. 6 of them
" I T m w Vu, w.Kn.i U'-ades for :if,o lb. three grades churnf 1)eerinK blnder. cut r t . a Greer's. Our stock of dishes b; soon 'a tvr,. brood
Midjhiw, 10 " (, w-w 3 p, 1 , . hrttlftr U yiwm irfr fUil . mower, cut- , un nct n .... ' . i
nnn s vnrwa re ia i ic laikvi. " i sow. ononis, new iuu uukkti ui- u,vn
Thoa. G. Todd John . Bailey J- w. uqu
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburg .;
wlir, art hravy, Ml moliuui,
tail mi liui'K imnirt; 7 ll
inches, nrmlv new: (tihllr am
liirm hnr.n tiUnkrl Vl.UOll CailVaD. Si
i 11 riiti'ki Kir 'en anu , nint ..v.-.-. ju inc., "s- 1 . . . and suve
m than anything that has ever been uug bo. . 3 ,dj 'Uillsboro.
:.iVrur H'lllMr0- A V111 od Ih WeT o ve- rhiiled ' plow. 5 sect-on
nl lirl.llr. 3 f..,,, h pverv 3 b. . . V. . 1 r....liu,li ilrill. vi st Chas. S
n: lot velrh wrd. imir one lull waifi'ii
ptioji, Niii(ia rl rp, nrw, Maple
heater. hmtM-liold KmM,ll ""1 mroJit
oiber aitirlef . l.i'-ich at tnm.
Terms of Sale $10 and under,
cash; over ten, 6 month's time,
bankable note, at 8 er cent. 2
ner cent otf for cash on sums
over $10.
Henry Freitag, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
nnrl ailvora-nrp IS t he largest in Lu 1 shouts new ton hnpev. new mow-
V i-VI pr. pnod Kscine was on. set new wors
I tiamr.a npw sinole buffv harness, hay-
" , ;l q h if'Ki". '",vc' , , Yi . iu Ph'is Shomburff 01 Mountain- rack, 11 inch plow, new naytoric wua oj
given away free with every 3 1b. Ilrrl hHrl0W ouudiach drill. 3aw f ' wheVi borrow, smay pump,!
order of coffee. See my window ploWl ew windrow t;J "f- dale recently f uf sitett scalding pan. No.J5rianet
. .1... m. wor "li-y tiuck Miiiiiiia whiiuu. -I"--. triD 10 aneuaru ommnm, "" 1, v SnBrnles cream seDarator,
Uisp.ay. . tooth harrows, ap.ketooth harrow, a . Unrt . - went for his rheumatism. U8ed 6 month; 3 Io-gal milk cans. 35 I
lenniSiyi, 01 wi. -.... , tolleia. 10 men my p.uw. "-J'"-;- f himself much mproved. tons roo1 hay, 1 acres of potatoes,
I,,, j ..vlnl.ition ttt the Kuratli half-truck j. in. w.kous. 3et W;w tie IinUS nimstU muLiiiiiipiu hmu.n tnrkev.. Rnlish collie.
IIU.-I I ,ll.,..r I I . . . r" -- y - . .
Some nne corn harne'. Rnii.iwuur, " Cf. wnrman Greer S Window household kooiIs, inclumng pnonograpu
UatllRfii aifi '
e ... ..-.! IO in.hoa
...Htl Id ltL Mill! 1U II.V ,.vw l,,,,,. ...
1U-II1 llii ! - . . , 1 uwii K"
hiirh II 11.1 the ears are well tinea. 0ns othi
th.. of the Cob. and Lunch at umin.
1 i U nrrler of tea. 26-9
l MAI l" " . . .1 . - r, , . (Klrt 4 ,nfi-i. I 1 J ' ----- - , , -
fully matured. The cabtiage is Terms 01 saie anu u .uu, . cash; $10 and over 1 yr bankaoie
Hiujf . ,) I . tn .ma. hnnk- ittAi-nnu Allpn. 01 Allen & I 'v , . . n . :
, ........ ..111..,
real esiaic uim-. nw,.. ... . - ,
1UU cabbage. A sample ot n.s r" -
hayfrnk. iron brdale..!, heater. oee iw.i 1 'u "Tt ' with 18 dbl diac records." farm tools,
KanK. chairs, be Istead.. hm- display of coffee, also the beautl- Xle Island Red cockerel and 3 hens,
;o.xls aome chickens, and numer- fu ujshes given away free With priiets, and numerous other articles,
irr adicles. Q IK nr.ler of COlTee. Or i.nnrh at noon.
ih at noon. f. 1 1 iu nKlu nf tsa T0ma
I lli.V HMIt!
Jml.r.. Ciim.du.ll nut Mondav ..m.rt Solarire have they grown
morning, and heard several mo- that the shell leaves from one
tions. and re-set Home cases. He u.Hd intermingle with the stieu
also changed the date of the re- t.aVes of the adjoining row, ana
turn of the iurv to October 24. it is hard to tell to which row
He disposed of the following: the leaves belong,
12 inches across tne neau, - casn; oyer - ; ,,,, "7 ", mit Mon- approved note, at per cent. ...
mith the outside eaves, covers a ab e note, at o pei vcm, u..-.. mucjr, iw'i terest.
diame ter o f 37 inches Mr. Pyl 2 per cent off cash over $10 day on probate business, relative p N Am 0wner
13. Y. Cornelius, Auctioneer
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
T " I . Cabbage, and j. Henry & K. K. Schmeltzer. to the Amanda Hillman estate,
T " m,l three feet .1. C. Kuratli. Auctioneer.
me roo -
Decrees of divorce - Kmerson
. . i.i. i nil i
I'.inin ui involve uii.v. ...... .luJ. satli reasonauie n itisnotnei
vs Kmerson (Kmerson once con- , . . jn Nrth Hillslwro, on rock buy yxgs
ducted a restaurant at Buxton;) nl...llllin 8treet. Will sell all or th late au
Uertrude Cioodell. decree ironi . wjth 8ix nxm house, i
John Goodell; Walter E. Spencer, -' . r.liuur. Fruit trees, ber-
L. E. ShutenClerk.
r, .... f Ctotfl Un VV. 01
aecreiaij "i un.- : ,
cott. of Salem, has decided that beyond
it is not necessary ior iarmers w in
Notice to the Public
in to he within
automobile statute. In
of Sherwood.
The county court is figuring
on getting a platform at the citv
park, and having rock unloaded
for hauling to the county road . . . , . that my
for macadamizing on the roaa , , f . . , h d
the Preston Jackson .... . , np nrnvn,a.
tion. and that all persons are
decree from Nellie Lucile; Grace (.h:t,ken house. John Boe
Mead from Wm. Hugh Mead; u i Ore. lOtf
.luru.iri line rue and R ' f ...
urolme Anderson, decree anu . pur.
1U monthly al mony from or- inewm "-Awhile cover-
man Anderson; Sadie Kesterman, ser, mcu 'pM nro-
divorced from Wm. Kesterman. ing a multitude of legatees, p,o
Erora McFern. decree from An- v.des HO"ietl,.ng for the
drew McFern; Lorsung vs l-or- reiauyea - h
sung, ordered that plaintiff pay JeC U a Sl
over $75 suit money to defend- that $1"?.
ant- deal 01 8UUl u.,r honwests
Ahlstrom vs Hancock, dismiss- fitness of th.ngs
ed upon motion of plaintilfs at- are published in another coram
tomey. For sale-Cabbage tn any
II. 0. Jones vsW.E. Potter ,,uantity. for Winter. Apply at
ot j. i I -t liuuiii,. j, anuthwest 01
w am-uecree unu juuguieut. rancn. oj ui"-' , of
ii. .A . . iJ, u. l?... unvp orders at
unci ami vs i unit ei oia mv imisuoro, ui , w
murrer sustained, and set for Kuratli Brothers, Hillsboro, ure.,
trial Oct. 30. -Tennis Pyl. zy"1
Mai-fill .in Unnnn iLimllfWr .. ... 1 IWII.
over-ruled and defendant given - M E church, was in
to Nov. 1 to answer. Sndav. He is now
v a t rti ah nut; vivj
." h .vt--f
A W Walker, of South luala- warned not to extend her credit
tin, accompanied by his wife, upon my account as I will not be
was in town Saturday. Mr. responsible for bills she may con-
WalL-er donated the nuarrv from trnpr
which the rock was taken to Aaron Kirtland.
macadamize the road between Metzger, September 27,
the Burkhalter place and L,aurei
. ii . flpnn ?rnmint. 01 ijaurcu wra
Page Patton, who was injured He still holds the
near Gas on, while loading tele- 'n at hop picker over
graph poles or pi ing, for Leon- haPving whed in as
ard Tompkins, ne was lane., w
Chas. 0. Roe & Co.
Porch and Lawn
Call and Get Prices
Seeing Is Believing
Pfiruar. Grove hosnital for treat
ment. Patton gave one of his
ankles a crushing, but is getting
along as well as could be expect
ed I F. Rorkmann. was in the city
the first of the week. He has
sold all his wheeler property ex
cepting 8 acres. He and Mrs.
Hnckmann will leave for his old
home in Denmark, in time to
toUo nnrt in the Christmas fes-
tivities, and then return by the
timp Snriner oDens. It has been
4fl vears since Mr. Bockmann
"yv. i to answer. n i . -tv Sunaay. ne w t tL , .. .
oet tor tr a Shaver vs oon- - . nden and came to giving out ic.urv 7p"ru yeaia 0,",vr ; yx.
densed Milk Co.. Oct. 25; Sears ocated at (to i. an m g opini f thia office left the Fatherland, and he antic
vs Mnnlnnk Hnt 9A- Cnpl.hnr vs I uregou W-
Bole, Nov. 1.
We will sell our household furni-
111 13 lire , licit ll.V i mv..v ......
.1.-1. tU infant of thlS laW WaS irotaa a finA time.
e ,., Uiob
jeieiivv. , ,n ,lg nruvioiuuo
... , CnKpiirer returns wiv"-j.y- .-.fA nnwpr I For sa e: iwo oroou
tMfe S the w k from a vehicles . driven dj motor . 0,d. Qne ha3 ,itt r
"c wui sen our nousenoiu iuim- i, n. iviuxwcu, v "j .' mM jn iin aoout a mon w una
ture at a bargain. Apply at the yard near Mountaindale, was power. . d wagons, a full blood Poland-China. Will
house from now until October 25. iui ritv Monday afternoon. And so horse-drawn w w i . hfi . AlsQ a fljH.
Nice lot from which to select. , of West Union, and tne 'ow'y Poland-China boar, regis
Includes nrann Alan fine lot Wm-. J.!. ' "dav need not carry lanterns buyer. -
L..... uina in lOWI. iuunw-F" . I ...Iwita ,rVf . i:J
uuuse n nta t'nmo ear v ior - . .j m.u wi"v-
.i..... '....a . linttf. OI 1
Elections. k. Bockmann. soum
county road.
on main
Argus and Oregonian, $2.00.
George Meacham, Mountaindale,
143 " . :il
Frank Lichty, , ot kM , rT . , -fA nf above four and one-half miles above,
was in town tne iaav j. n. . iv -" -."- tV,0 nn Racona road. Pacific States
Dr. Lowe, Friday.
J.H-.UKS i: ':7k; Baconaroad. Paaillc States
that way, having weighed in as
tno roan t of x hours ot mcKing.
450 pounds of hops, in the yard
of Fred Schmidt, nis Drotner.
The next nearest to him was a
picker who landed 415 pounds.
T J Wallan. an oldtime Hills-
hnrA and Scholls resident, now
owning a ranch about three miles
tVnm Tillamook, was over tne
last of the week, visiting rela
tives and friends here. He says
that Tillamook is moving right
along these days.
Herman Collier was up from
Scholls, Saturday. He already
has 1500 sacks of onions housed,
and will have 1200 more sacks to
put under roof in a few days.
Ren Thurnher. bevond Bloom-
incr was in Saturday. He says
that nnt.ftt.oea are looking fine on
the hills, and that if frosts do
not come for a short time there
will be a fine crop.
.inhn Rocre. of Farmington.
wan nn to the citv Saturday,
watching the street operations.
Henry Hart, the oldtime hop
buyer, was in iriaay.
Chas. 0. Roe & Co.
Pioneer Furniture
, V . . ' '. ' i i i ii i i ' 1 1 1 1 1 i . . (,,:
MliBBmiHaiaiBBBBBBatai . .
You Can Always Depend Upon The
diamonds mm
You Buy From Me
When you buy diamonds here you enjoy that satisfied
feeling that can only come to a customer who had im
plicit confidence in his dealer.
Every diamond I offer you at all times is precisely
what I claim it to be 15 years of square dealing is
I our guarantee.
TWdpc rPl itv. T nffer vou variety the equal
Iv-o.v.v J , J
of which you cannot find in this city.
II Easy terms to reliable parties.
Laurel M.Hoyt
Jeweler and Optician
Hillsboro, Ore.
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