The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 21, 1911, Image 1

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NO. 28
Animal11 IWlongeJ to the lilmure
linlate, Alorl
Struck tin Might l Way, Ntr Ccmrlrry,
tity Nlfhl
A bcluti'd Oregon Klectric cur
struck u mare ami colt, on tin
right of way near the cemetery,
late Saturday evening, killing
both animals. A mare belonging
to Kniinott Bros., in running
from the car, Itatlly cut herself
in the wire fence encltming the
road. The animals killed were
no ordinary home. The mare
was a blooded animal, her Mire
being i.-It. Jones. Her half
sister. Lady Jones, wan the only
racer that overheat liar water,
the grout racing stallion. The
colt, which wan thrown last
April, was a splendid youngster,
and he wan aired by Cope de'Oro.
the great racing aecr. 1 :5'J, tak
ing one of the four great pacers
that ever went under two min
utes us stallions.
The youngster cost the owners
$100 us service money, and he
was the only colt from the gicat
pacer in the Pacific Northwest,
lie was finely formed, and those
who have seen him amble in the
pasture say that he could pace
like an old racer.
E. H. Tongue, attorney for the
Elmore estate, and who has had
the animals up here for some
time, will attempt to Ret the
railway to settle without suit.
The twain were struck while the
car was on a tangent, and under
ordinary circumstances should
have been seen by the motorman.
I'Linuc sai.i:
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at his farm, mile
north of Brooks store. Scholia,
and 2j miles east of Laurel, near
old Dan Kmrick place, at 10
23 head of goats, 3 hogs, 3 stands
of bees, 2 dozen full blooded
Orpington chickens, and other
chickens; cow, giving milk; 10
bushels wheat, altout 12 tons hay,
part clover and part oat hay;
spring-tooth harrow, Oliver 14
inch plow, 12-inch steel plow;
double Hhovel plow; Planet Jr.
garden drill; 2 5-gal milk cans;
White sewing machine; bedroom
set; 2 heaters; cook stove; lot of
fruit jars; Stevens double-barrel
shot gun; sin irk-barrel shot irun:
set of double work harness; 2
washing machines; 1-gal ice
Cream freezer. 1 Uwra mimii
bicycle, phonograph and lot of
records; and other article too
numerous to mention.
Lunch at noon
Terms of Sale- $10 and under,
Cash: OVer ten f mrmlh'u timu
bankable note, at 8 per cent. 2
cent oil for cash on sums
over $10.
Wm. Hanson, Owner
J- C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
H. G. Vincent, of Beaverton
was in town Monday. Mr. Vin
cent, eleven years ago, bough1
about IK) acres of the Thos. Tuck
er place for $58 per acre. H
later sold it for $150 Der acre
and this Fall a great portion of
ine place sold for $450 tier nere
Ihis is one little indication of
wnat land is doing in Washing
ton County, eh?
The undersigned will sell at pul
lie auction at his farm i mi
Irom new R..ho n
N. of Hillsboro, at 10 a.m., on
mare, iaoo; 6 Hue, inspected dairy
J frenh at bhIc dale, mid 3 freHU
...v. lowa cream separator; abou
'op l)HK'e, one as good aa new, 3 inch
ni waou, McCormick mower. McCor-
7i 1 u?' hay raik' 4 inch plows,
u-inch plow, lever harrow, dlao, culti
vator, net dbl work harnefl,, hack
- u,KKy imrnesiiea, a hay fork,
i '1 . d'lekeiu, )ine full blood
beam ' lickeU(,i griiiilatone, aoo pound
" uann B'ener, lot romI Uar-
,,; I0KI milk cans, a cupboards, S
imiilitf chain - ' .!,.... ..1. ..
rnn.i. 1 ' '""la, uiuik muic,
, r. ?11'!! ll,.ulP. neta. Koyal
kitri t K ' 101 01 HoiwelioM and
.. u,,ure 8I1" owrarticlea to
uuinvroua to mentinn I it 11 r It at nnnn
Terms of SoiQiin
, ipj.u anu uiiuci,
ha Jiv,er one year approved
auie ote, at 8 per cent int
George Hess, Owner.
Henry Kuratli. Auctioneer.
J- Kuratli, Clerk.
from tli.' H;itr-i,..i,.,
stable, driven bv (Uina A;
went into the sunitary sewer, at
uurwi uak, late Saturday
veiling. One horse fell to th
ottom of the sewer, and laid on
us buck for over an hour Tku
animal fell a distance of l
Vet and broke two of the pines
in the descent. The tl.r 1
- ioi
was partially in the ditch, but
was soon taken out. It romiim.1
the strength of lift
ubU-r-lift thehorsat the lot.
torn, and struma' to huv. uutxi.1..
of a little BtilTnetw the
was not badly injured, and ap-M-ars
all right except that hi
egs were burned bv the
that brought him to the top. The
team had lost the driver before
it went into the excavation ami
the danger lights were in place,
SO that the COhtnirtirn uru im.
mune from damage. The buggy
was not at all injured, and the
only damaire was to the harness.
The Kroner & Itowell Co. have
large Block of drain tile, from
t to 14 inch; also buildinir blocks
and brick. It will lmv von in
place your orders with us, as
we burn our tile to a better color
than our competitors, as our
wood only costs us a trifle. We
also have a good stock of rough
and dressed lumber, which we
invite the public to inspect, be-
ore purehasimr elsewhere Our
flooring is made from red fir
timlier and will wear much bet
ter than flooring made from the
soft yellow fir timber. 5tf
Constable McQuillan, of Hills
M)ro, went to liuxton. the last of
the week, and brought Reuben
leecher to the county seat.
where he is in jail, awaiting ex
tradition to be returned to
tochester, Minn., where he is
wanted on a statutory charge.
Young Ueecher is about 20 years
of ago, is of good family, and
was found at the home of E.
I'ease, a relative.
I am here to do business, and
would like to have all your trade,
Kit will lie contented if I just
mvo your colfee trade. I now
have on hand one grade of cotlee
fur 25c lb. that can not be beat
en, two grades fur joc lb., two
grades for 35c lb., three grades
for 4k" and 4.rK, that are better
than anything that has ever been
in llillsboro. A beautiful dish
given away free with every 3 lb.
order of oiTee. See my w indow
display. Norman Greer. 2C-9
Attorney ('has, J. Schnabel, of
Portland, was out to the city
Monday, attending to legal busi
ness. He departed from town
by a circuitous route, but would
not say where he was going. It
ia barely ossihle that he was out
to have a conference with Kruse,
the Portland hotel man, who so
mysteriously disappeared from
the Rose City a few weeks ago.
See our dishes for our custom
ers. When you expend iou
1 i a rt
with us you get a tine dining
room set of dishes. Call for
cards and have the amount of
your purchases punched each time
you buy. When you buy that
amount vou get the dishes, or
you have a dandy game and fish
set. Kmmott Hroa
Sheriff Hancock came back
from the Pendleton Roundup,
Sundav. much pleased with the
big show- but disappointed be
cause he failed to inveigle Sher
iff Till Taylor, of Umatilla Coun
tv. into giving him a tine pup
coyote, which graces the court
vard of the Pendleton court
house. G. G. wanted the young
sters to watch his chicken yard.
The Oregon Electric will sel
round trip tourist tickets to
Eastern destinations on Septem
her 15 and 25 and October 2, 6,
17. 18 and 19. First four dates
with return limit 29 days from
date of sale; last three days final
return limit November 15, 1911
O. H. Jacobs, of Portland, was
out to the city Monday, looning
over the city. Mr. Jacobs free
ly predicts that Washington
County will have several thou
sand more people than at present
within two or three years.
Var sale, reasonable A half
block in North Hillsboro, on rock
macadam street. Will sell all or
nnv nnrt. with six room house
in o-ond renair. Eruit trees, ber
ries: chicken house. John Boe
ker, Hillsboro. Ore. lOtf
C. E. Hurst, who has been on
the B. P. Cornelius ranch, De
vond Glencoe, for many years,
was in town Monday. He says
that the ground is now sufhcient
ly moist lor Fall plowing.
Wnntpd: Puois for music
Heirinners a specialty
firo-an miDils accepted. Write
or phone Mrs. R. Fruit-Rennison
Forest Grove, Oregon, leiepnon
Mrs D. L. Houston is visiting
with her daughter in Portland.
Aicrt That It was Oreatet Show
In the World lleyond Doubt
WlUoa Brotk, Well Know. Here, a Fac-
lor ia Ibe Qreit Exhibition
Several Washington County peo-
le visited the Round-Up at Pen
leton. last week, and all the
isitors, many of whom have
been in the West for years, as
sert that it was the prearest
libitum of horsemanship, agility,
courage, and broncho "busting"
tat the world has ever witness
ed. Pendleton did herHelf irrnnd.
in the care of the thousands
who visited the big demonstra
tion, and there is not one person
who came away with a bad taste
in the mouth.
Wilson Brock, formerly in the
drug business here, was one of
the liound-Up committee, and it
was through his efforts, in part,
that the great meeting of cow
men and horsemen, was so great
Among those from this countv
who visited the spectacular event.
in which hundreds of horsemen
participated, were: R. B. Col-
ins and wife. Fred Beach and
wife, Hillsboro; J. A. Brown and
wife, O. G. Thatcher and wife.
orest Grove: Harry Wescott.
Gaston; Col. I). L. Houston, Jos.
Williams, A. C. Donelson, R.
Ae bears. Ferd Hartramof. O.
Wilkes, G. G. Hancock. L. A.
x)ng, Klineman Bros.. Hillsboro:
Benj. Scholfield and wife. C. C.
Hancock, Cornelius, and 0. E.
Shepard, of Elmonica.
R. B. Collins says: "It was
the greatest thing I have ever
seen. 1 he world never witness
ed greater and more courageous
exhibitions of horsemanship.
Buffalo Vernon, who leaped from
his galloping horse, caught a
steer by his horns, brought him
to a dead stop, lurched under the
body of the beef, caught it by
the nose, and in 45 seconds from
the time he left his mount, had
the steer thrown and held power-
ess by the nose, using his teeth
and one hand as a leverage, was
the grandest exhibition of agili
ty, strength and generalship that
can be imagined. It was a great
show and, am 1 going next year 1
Well, 1 guess yes!
he undersigned will sell at his
place 2 miles north of Hillsboro,
on the Jolly road, beyond the
Klineman brickyard, at ten a,
m., on '
Gray mare. 7 yrs, bred to Bachot
wght, 1270; gray mare 6 yrs.
370, also bred to Bachot; geld
ing, a yrs, lziu; all well broke,
work single or dbl; 3-months filly
sired by Bachot, good 31 inch
Old Hickory wagon, with hay
rack, 2-seat one-horse hack, John
Deere buggy, used 3 yrs; Tiger
disc drill, good as new; 12-ft
2-horse rsjie, new, with neckyoke
and dbl trees; spring tooth har
row, 17-inctt; turf-and-stubble
plow, 14-inch Oliver chill plow,
12-inch steel plow, cultivator,
Osborne mower, good sled,
cows, six of them in milk, one
fresh soon; 3 dozen hens, a good,
heater, stove, some pipe, house
hold furniture, blocks and tackle,
lot rope, cutting box, and good
disc, and numerous other articles,
Lunch at noon. '
Terms of sale $10 and under,
cash; Over, one year bankable
note, at 8 per cent.
J. E. Price, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
The Southern Pacific has again
changed its. schedule. The Cor
vallis overland leaves Portland
in the morning at 7:20 and ar
rives at 8:24, returning from
Corvallis, reaching here at 5:24,
arriving in Portland at b:35,
The Sheridan train now arrives
in the morning at 8:42 instead of
8:33 as formerly. The Winter
season coming on is responsible
for the change of time.
Have Dr. Lowe relieve your
head and eye ache with a
nair of his correct fitting glasses.
They cost no more than cheaper
trades, and vou have the benefit
of his skill and more than 20
vears experience. Score of Hills
boro references. Consult about
your eyes and glasses Friday
Sept. 29, at Hotel Washmgto
Parlor. Remember. '
Paul Landauer, of West Union,
was a county seat visitor Satur
T. A. McCourt returned Sun
day from the week at the State
U. G. Gardner and wife visited
the State Fair the last of the
W. A.
Griffith, of Laurel, was
city Monday, greeting
Dr. Lowe all day Friday, Sept.
29. Hillsboro, at Hotel Washing
ton. Remember.
J. B. Stewart and wife, of
South Tualatin, were in the city
Sam Johnson and wife, of
Shady Brook, were Hillsboro vis
itors Friday.
C. Viohl and wife, of beyond
Oak Park, were in the city Mon
day morning.
Herman Rehse, of Farmington,
has finished hop harvest on the
C. Uehse ranch.
Jos. Connell and daughter, of
Connell. on the United, were in
the city Monday.
Greer's is the place to trade, if
you are looking for a good sani
tary place. T ry me. 26-9
Many youngsters returned
from the hopyards Saturday eve
ning, to begin school Monday
Lost: In or about the Gregg
opyard, a lady's gold watch.
Black guard. Reward, and no
questions asked. Leave at Ar
gus office. 28
The Firemen had a big craw
fish supper at the hall, last
hursday evening, and Mayor
Bagley and a number of the
council were present.
Everything in groceries, crock
ery, granite, tin and silverware
at Greer's. Our stock of dishes
and silverware is the largest in
Hillsboro. 2G-9
I). W. Bath, of the North
lains Sentinel, was over to the
city the first of the week, still
singing the glories of the new
town on the United.
For sale: One acre of land,
with good house, outbuildings,
good well; at Centerville. Price,
$400. Address John Seifert,
Cornelius, Or., Route 1. 26-8
Donald Long, who has been
with a government surveying
party, at Cle Llum, Wash., for
two months, returned Saturday
evening, to attend the opening
of High School.
See Norman Greer's window
display of coffee, also the beauti
ful dishes given away free with
every a lb. order 01 cotlee, or
every 1J lb. order of tea. 26-9
E. Borwick has sold the
Orenco Mercantile Store to his
father, Jas. Borwick. J. E. will
move to lieedville, and hereafter
give his entire attention to the
lieedville store.
Have Dr. Lowe show you the
new seamless glasses with which
you can see all distances. They
make you feel young without
making you look old. Free dem
onstrations all day at Hote!
Washington, Friday, Sept. 29.
Commissioner John McClaran.
of Gales Creek, was down to the
city Monday, and went on out in
tne country to look over some
county work, in company with
the county judge.
J. H. Dance, the drayman.
was one of the unfortunate ones
to get stuck on Second Street,
this week. He had a load that
was relieved of its loads a car
go of empty beer barrels.
Thursday, Sept. 28, Dr. Lowe.
the eye specialist, will be in For
est Grove; Friday, at Hillsboro,
Don't, fail to consult him about
your eyes and glasses. Scores
of Washington County refer-
If it
ences. more man zu years ex
perience. Remember.
If you have ever prayed for
good weather, and are not just
exactly satished as to the effi
cacy of supplication, just get
down on your marrow bones and
send up your offerings and an
peal for the best of weather for
about tbU days so we can get
those streets graded and paved
ana me sewerage an laid and
For sale: Two brood sows.
and 3 years old. One has litter
at side, 3 weeks old. eight in
number, and the other will litter
in about a month this last one
a full blood Poland-China. Will
also sell the pigs. Also a full
blood Poland-China boar, regis
tered, papers to go to buyer.
George Meacham, Mountaindale,
four and one-half miles above,
on Bacona road. Facific States
Phone, 133, Glencoe.
Asks That Resignation Take Ef
fect Immediately
States That he has Sold, and Fuluie
Location is Undecided
David L. Houston, councilman,
sent in his resignation to the
Mayor and Council, last Thurs
day evening, and asks that it
shall take effect immediately.
Mr. Houston was elected last
December, and has been at every
session of the council since his
election. The city officials do
not meet until the first Tuesday
in October, and they will then
act upon the instrument, and ap
point a successor. The resigna
tion follows:
Having disposed of my proper
ty in Hillsboro, and being there
fore no longer eligible to hold the
office of councilman under our
city charter, and being uncertain
a3 to my future location, I beg
to respectfully submit to you my
resignation as a member of the
council of said city, the same to
take effect immediately. In so
doing, I desire to thank you col
lectively and individually for
your courteous treatment while a
member of your body, and to ex
press the hope that your relations
with my successor, whom you
shall name, shall be as courteous
and satisfactory.
While a member of your body
I have taken a keen interest in
the growth and development of
our city, and it is with a feeling
of regret that it is now necessary
ior me to sever my relations with
you at a time when the city is so
greatly in need of service. But
have confidence that vou will
select as my successor a man
who will guard the interests of
our city and prove an efficient
worker in its behalf.
I desire to express mv confi
dence in the future growth and
prosperity of Hillsboro under
your administration.
Respectfully Submitted,
D. L. Houston.
The undersigned will sell at pub
ic auction at tne Henry Harring
ton place, one mile north of Cen
terville, at ten a. m., on
nay norse, n yrs, 1475; gray Horse, 15
jrs, 1250; gray mare, colt at side, moo:
Drown uire, 4 yrs, 1500; uay ware, 7 yrs,
1500; aieel gray mare, 3 yrs, 1340; all
true and gentle; black 611y. 7 years; bay
horse. 5 yr, good work horse, single or
d uble; 6 head of graded Holslein cows,
all in milk, some fresh soon; 6 head a-yr
old heifers, some fresh this Fall; 5 year-
ti 1 r r r- ,-. .. T .
img neners, 1 o-mo neiiers, s-rt ueering
binder, with double trucks, good repair,
1 iucioruiiclt mowers, u-lt bavrake. 12-
hose disc drill, 3 horse peg harrow, 17-
toolh spnngtooth harrow, 3 Oliver chill
and 1 stee! plow, 354 Mitchell waeon.
3-4 nam wagon, wim extra set iron
wheels, 7-ft land roller, a-seat Mitchell
surrey, new top buggy, pole and shafts,
dbl disc plow, i6-disc harrow, road cart,
3 sets dbl harness, heavy plow harness,
2 sets single harness, half-sprine bueev.
garden cultivator, 2 baled hay racks, hay
rack, nay loric, ropes ana pulleys com
plete, Fairbanks scales, grindstone, to-
gal kettle, lot portable fencing, baled
clover nay, 9 neatl liogs. x small Dies.
Meier's pump and piping, water trough,
milk cooling vat, 8 10-gal milk cans, v
gal milk can, 30 sacks cheat seed, and
other articles too numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale $10 and under.
cash; over $10, one year bank
able note, at 8 per cent interest.
2 per cent off cash over $10.
J. A. Vandehey, Owner.
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
G. F. Naylor, Clerk.
The Gates plant, south of the
Hillsboro Lumber Mill, is putting
in a power plant, to be operated
by steam. Generators and mo
tors will be installed, and 350
horse-power will be generated.
They expect to have the plant
ready tor operation in a month,
and will supply their own place,
the Climax Mill and the sawmill
with power. O. B. Gates says
that if the Dairy Creek water
supply is taken up the plant will
also turn out cement pipe to con
vey water to various Washington
county towns. The plant is now
making boiler pipe for several of
the plants owned by the Gates
M. N. Bonham was up from
near Farmington, Monday, and
brought the Argus composing
rooms a fine supply of apples
irom nis leasehold.
Perry Arant, of Forest Grove,
was down to the citv Tuesday.
interested in organizing a class
tt'ii i
in music in ruusooro.
The Quality
The place where you are always sure of
drugs of absolute purity and Highest
Quality, prepared by competent pharma
cists vho take pride in the accuracy of
their work
The Delta
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Friday, September 1, 1911.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - $209,529.20
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bonds 67,160.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 122,521.90
Hosorvo 3
Thos. C. Todd
Wilber W
Chas. 0.
Porch and Lawn
Call and
Seeing' Is
Chas. 0. Roe &
Bad Eyes
Do Not Need Glasses
Some eye troubles are beyond the help of
lenses as, for instance, if there is organic
disease of the eye.
I'll be honest with you if you consult me.
You can't buy spectacles from me if specta
cles will not help you.
Some opticians are not so particular.
Laurel M. Hoyt
Drug Store
Candies and
Drug Store
Ass't Cashier
Undivided Profits
4 Per Cent,
John E. Bailey J. W. Fuqua
McEldowney J. A. Thornburg
Roe & Co.
Get Prices
Pioneer Furniture
Jeweler and Optician
Hillsboro, Ore.
f i
i .!