r t The LLSBR vol, xvin UILLSBORO, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 14, 1911. NO. 27 rr IISS1BELCMNT DIES M GPS rAbS NN8, Will Kn'- HUli.horo l UlccnVrart aic UVt I1IKF. INJARI.Y NINTHS igviiiiA""'he,,'Wfckh She h"d AlmlnUlcrr(i Many Time Mis MaU-l CroiHant. known in ltiUro in the oarly nineties. (,... nt Grants last Tuesday. white under the influence of Hht was in a dental chair liuvmg dfiital work in the ofliee of Dr. C. II. Dixon, tor four years, Miss Croisant had U-eti olliee an- sistant for Drs. lughbriiUrc and Finil-y and wuh considered an ..viwiii noed aide in administer inir anaesthetic during surgical oK-iationrt. On Tuesduy, she made un npiMiintnu-nt for a Hen ttitm in the dental parlors, and she requested Dr. 1nighbridge to administer the Hoemnoform i hi- dentist. Dr. Dixon. started to work. She felt very U'fore entering the chair, hut the anaesthetic was administered in the usual man m.r inn few minutes the phys ician noticed that her pulse was very low and he gave her re storatives. Both doctors worked hard to resuscitate MissCroisant, hut to no avail. She died with in few minutes. Dr. lough hridne stated to the jury that a wt-uk heart probably causeil death or that it might have uen from the nervous shock. He stated that Miss Croisant. as nflii i' assistant, had nerhaps ad ministered this same anaesthetic a thousand times, and always uitli Miieee-.S. Miss Croisant was US years of awe. Her father, Stephen Lrois imt u im a man of some means. and came to Hillsboro with a view of invtsting. He arrived during the hard times, and con cluded that HillslMirowas not the place for him, and moved to Southern Oregon. It will be re m. 'inhered Unit the Arirus. away hack in the early nineties, had a story altout men digging for tht "Crnund Hoir Duvis" treasure. and Mr. Croisant was one of the numlier w ho turned over some of the sod on Davis' Hill. Hcsides the father. Miss Crois ant leaves a twin brother. Henry. well known here by those w ho were Imivs when the Croisants were here, and a brother in the Hast. Her father was a cousin of the late Philip Hassler, who lived here throughout the nine- tics. pum.ic sai l Workmen digging laterals for Dr. I.inklater. at the residence, the last of the week dug out the cahce of a hi Mx-ki't gopher, ami the irenlleinan hud h half inisliel of carrots, parsnip:! and eeis siureti away in one of his underground warehouses. He hud irli flh((l hltf HlHitttv fmm Hit garden of the Hotel Tualatin, anil carried his harvest at least fifty feet. Mr. Gopher has his ntoi rru o cm up into enirt is aru'inir from two to fourinehM and the pile was large enough to supiKtrt the old man's family through the Winter, besides flirnistiini' TliiuikmMvinir unH Christmas dinner for all the rel atives. W hen one thinks of the hundreds of lalxirious trips made hv the old harvester it makes the town "loafer" look much smaller than Mr. Gopher even if we do despise the little "cuss." The Groner & Kowell Co. have large stock of rain ti e. from 3 to I I inch; also building Mocks and brick. It will pay you to iilace viuir orders with us ns we hum our tile to a belter color than our competitors, as our wood only costs us a tritle. We also have a good stock of rough Hnd dressed lumber, which we invite the public to inspect, le fore purchasing elsew here. Our flooring is made from red fir timlM-r and will wear much let ter than Mooring made from the soft yellow fir timber. titf '. M. La Hue, of Forest Grove, and August Tews and Jacob Michel, of this citv. returned Sunday from a two weeks trip over toOarilmldiand other beach iKtints. Michel was cook for the Irio. and Tews savs that he is a celebrated "chef." Laltue girths 1 inches to the good since his re turn, and the two Hillsboruitea look as though they had enough clams and tish to last them until next season. They say there was not so much rain on the west slope as there w as on this side. t J. ILL SAYS IS VERY BIN Well Educated and Speaks Eng lish fluently, With no Accent WILL SUItE BE I.LF.CTED PRESIDENT Say. That Ninety Percent, ul People are Fur Him E""",I)r. Lowe, Friday, Septem rCberffl, 1911. D. H. Willers, of beyond Oak I'ark, was in town Saturday. E. A. Eddy, of Tualatin, was up to the city Monday. Peter Jossev. of West Union, was in the citv the last of the week. John Rciehen. of West Union. was over to the county seat Sat urday. Rom. to Hen Marsh and wife. of Centerville, a daughter, Sept. 7, 1911. Clav Trites. of Gale3 Creek, was in town Saturday, greeting friends. Greer's is the place to trade, if you are looking for a good sani tary place. Try me. 26-9 f nrl Pfahl. of bevond Bloom ing, was in town Saturday, com- YIELD IS mm Production is Only 80 Per Cent. of Last Year Yield HAVE MORE ACREAGE IN, HOWEVER Herman Collier Says Harvest is Now Under Way in County The Quality Drag Store W. J. Wall a brother of John M. Wall, returned from Santa Bar bara, Cat., the last of the week, and is visiting with relatives here and in Portland. He expects to remain in Oregon for some time. and may permanently locate here. His familv is still at Santa Bar bara. Mr. Wall for several years ing in to attend the Trump sale has In'en located at m Mochis, Wright, of Forest Grove, (inul.,u Ptv-.lrirwm Mi.vir in tVlolUnc Linn in iY mtv thifl WPpW. uiuanm A iui iiilv. mvAi.u, an v.. i lieu uvcil III nn- n.j , , I ..it . iU- . il. i t: U merchandise business, and says grading out me uasemeni 01 mc 01 me usuai uig crup, nu mc t I.Rt hp h bad pnoncrh of revolu- Schulmerich Block. shortage was occasioned by the .. . i.. I.V,-7 vnaclinir in(r5" fnnr Innor Hrmiorhtv ?npll dllrinCT the lion w iasv mm ior tunnv nine. i-i ,vu.....h ..B-,.--- .-..o 0-s -i " Mr. Wall was in sympathy with f9,"?80"" Summer. However, he thinks .1x1 i i , laure , lioute 1, on Chenalem v,p enuntv nroduction will be as the Madero crowd, and says that ....,' 9JS-7 r couniy prouutuon wm uc MOUniain. ej-t no loot unvr Koqiico nf thp the successful general and candi- v,n,iuu oJ Prp Van- inJ. in u4. Washintrton date for president is a talented d()r'ber" of near Centerville, county puts in the largest share man, and can speak English tluen- ,lrj ctnr,lav. and Lf thp nninn acreaee of the tly. His people have a large ,, , th A Northwest and markets more Herman Collier, of Scholls, was in the city Monday, and states that the onion crop of Washing ton county is nearly all pulled, but that so far very few yards have been warehoused. A few days of good weather will rapid ly dry them out, and they will then be put in the dry. He thinks that this year s yield is only about 80 per cent. Northwest, and markets more than the rest of Oregon and all of Washington State. The bulbs are not as large this spason as usual, and this has something to do with the loss of twenty per cent, to growers AUCTION SALE the undersigned will sell at pub lie unction at hi farm 1 mile from new Bethany, and 7 miles IN. E.of Uillsboro. ut 10 a. m., on FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 22 liny tiiair, on;6 Cine, innx-ilc(l tUiiy town, fifuli Mt mile iliitr, mill 3 Ircwli Minn uflcr: Iuwm t'rrmn u-IMtriilor: hIiCMII to tuna nf luuul Itnv. 1 1 NMtlil lllirkfi. 9 ... n j .i top liunii-i, (im- iia ijikmI hh lie, tmll I h i in wnpoii, Met or ill lik liumrr, WcLur tiink rake, liny rack, a I4 li'l plow I'll,,. I. . I... 1 . I .11... ,.l!l b ill. l JUW( ICVCr IIIIIU.) Kin, ...... ' V h I i r . irl illii wink liurnrua. liurk liar iitrn, i linuuv liKrnraHm. a hv firkt, cm t it-rfi, roie nml pullfyi cuniplflf, tl.l. r mill, ii II l illil rvllmlrr l'UU ru yw, t U. rhlikeiiH, mine full Mooil ltdllllull i'lllaillMm. .. rl.i.l.il...M ftllllllll K. .....n.v.,,. , .. , lii'iiiii miiK's, hum) B filer, lot mv br lelh, 4 io gul uiilk can, a ciipliimtil", 6 niiiiiiK eiuirs, a loekeis, inning mine, I'lllll'h I... .... i.... I. ...... Murnulu W.lVul , I ""F"IH liiill, Kli'il ul.tul !.. M.t I.....U..I..-.I.I mill ...L.. .n.ic, iui ul ..MT.v a..'... --' Vhi lien fiiruitme ami oilier artieka loo iiiiini ruuH tn uieution. Lunch at noun. Terms nf Knlo- K1CI nmt miller. - au a. ' kl Vr If s i I va ' - - - cash; over $10, one year approved uaiiKauie note, at o per cent mi tJeorge Hess. Owner. Henry Kuratli, Auctioneer. J. J. Kuratli, Clerk. Wtwn ..nf 7 1011 in TlinS ..... .1, uvjv. I, tll, n a Williams and wife, of Uillsboro, a daughter. Findley McLeod, of ahove Gas ton U7au in tt nihr Mnmlnv " I " ill tito viivjr fvii-ij He m one of the oldtimera of that section. leni, Saturday, to attend to his shipment of exhibit cattle, sent up last week. .Not a few of the hopyards picKed Sunday, owing to tne rains of last week throwing the narvest behind. .'"ii .Till Ul UO. , U I Ul Cdl VJ I " I ...v. imvc 11113 UUllLlill-l, IUI V"" hrickwork 'of the Schulmerich Rlnclf Ura ncitninn 4-Vinnra tAOfin- ish, and they started teams to grauing the basement, f nuay rilfV Cviunt in Katra fho pvnnVfl tion made, the brickwork all laid within three or four weeks. 1 am here to do business, and would like to Dave au your iraue, but will be contented if I just have your colTee trade. I now have on hand one grade of coffee for irk- lb. that can not be beat en, two grades for iiOe lb., two grades for .Vic lb., three grades for 4()e and 4:c. that are better than anything that has ever been in llilk mm. A bi'UUtUUI dlSU given awav free with every 3 lb. order of colfee. See my window display. Norman Greer. 2(-9 FredOlsen, carrier on Route 4, returned from Ins Waldport trip, the last of the week, and brought back a line tifteen-M.iund silver side salmon, that he caught with a hook und line, while there. Fred says he enjoyed his vaca tion, and left Chas. t.ames ai WaldMrt, having the time of his life. The latter will not re turn for several weeks. See our dishes for our custom . . 1 M IU ers. When you expenu fjw with us you get a hne dining room set of dishes. Lall ior cards and nave me amount, i your purchases punched each time you buy. When you ouy umi amount' you get the dishes, or you have a dandy game and fish 9et.-Em.m0tt Bros The Oregon Electric will sell a . A i aV!..I.Ar r round trip tourisi ncijeia iu Eastern destinations on Septem ber 15 and 25 and October z, o, 17, 18 and 19. First four dates with return limit cj uays uou date of sale; last three days final return limit November 15, 1911. aula rpninn able A half block in North Uillsboro, on rock macadam street. Will sell all or any part, with six room nouse. III goon refill. r.M.v ries; chicken house.-John Boe- ker, Uillsboro. Ore. 10tf w..in,i- Piinils for music If Ullivvi, "I - , . class. Beginners a specialty. Organ pupils accepted. Write or phone Mrs. tt. Fruit-Rennison, Forest Grove, Oregon. Telephone 81x. Mnnnu tn liinn on farm or oth er property, on approved securi ty. We also sell real estate.- Kuratli Hrotners, mam ".?t between First and Second. 20tt Civil Engineer Abry, with the P R. & N.i was out to uie crj Ma savs he sees much improvement every time he visits Uillsboro. ciuiivp nf near Colum- bia Acadamy, was in town Mon day, and stated that all pickers were busy in me whi Sunday. yM o,i Mr P.reen Hale, who i,.,'.u...n snpnding the Summer at their Oak Park place, haw ( re turned to their home in Portland. Millar, of Reedville, was i 1 1 1 1 - - . caneu on me Argua ianu noiuingon ineoiiKmiiK,'"t , , , . . given the famous Cortez. and all Henry Duyck, of Mountain rmiiu am immpnaolu dale, on the Tavlor Hill ranch, IIIG laillllj Mil- niiuiviii,v.ij . f, 1 . . . w,.aHihyi was in town Saturday, getting Mr. Wall says that 90 percent, out sale bills for Sept. 27. of the Mexican people are for rj. H. Freer, of West Union, Madero, and that he will be elect- wa3 jn town Saturday, anxiously ed almost unanimously, and that watching the clouds, as he had a he thinks he will give them a ot 0f Krajn out in the shock. goou auminisirauon. ne uu ikm, . L, A ... nt nnu however that the new adminis- Civeryimng in gruceuea, u- me uhucisikh m v ' .i. i r ii. i. .r-mita !n onrl cil vorwarp lip aiiftinn at thp Hpnrv HarrillC- tralion will oemore iavoraoie w eij, sii'i , "V',: r 1 , -r , V, local capital than to American at Greer's. Our stock of dishes ton place, one mile north of Cen- cauital and that Mexico, right and silverware is the largest in terviue, at ten a. m., on r 1 . . , ii:ni OR O. I imvini v imtw otr nriiv a not th hest n aee ior an nuisooru. w muinuai. oriri, w Andrew Heckmann, of Beth- Bay no.se. ym, 1475; ; gy none, ,5 any. was in town the last ot the ' J B ' b . week, conferring with the coun- Isoo; 8teei g,ay njBre, 3 yts, 1340; ail ty Court on road matters OUt in true and gentle; black filly, a years; buy hia dint ript horse. 5 yrn, good work horse, aingle or lis uiHintL daible; 6 head of graded Holstein cews, Wanted: Grubbing Contract all in milk, some fiesh soon; 6 head a yr work. We are fully equipped to ' do this class of work. Address ri'.T;. ; w.' American to invest. In the long run however, he thinks that the change will be beneficial to Mexi co, because the powers will en courage the application of local capital in big projects. Many of imp iipnns and cheat) aoorers 01 Mexico fought valiantly in the The place where you are always sure of drugs of absolute purity and Highest Quality, prepared by competent pharma cists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR n II Remedies l6Xa a?dies and Stationery I The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. rebellion because they were told jo this class of work. Addmis bin(ler with douWe trucks .repair, liu viinnnripn that if successful Montgomery & Smith, 66A t OUrth 2 McCormick mowers, n it hayrake, 12- ,t 'fonh ' be Sn and grants Street, Portland, Oregon. hose disc drill, , horse pe? harrow 7 of 100 acres, and that the new Mrs. Caroline Anderson, of aod i steel plow, Mitchell wagon, government would give them Reedville, has sued worman An- 3 Bain wagon, witn extra m iron r" r I . ..i: i.: nnl U.I1....I1. i-ft Und roller, i-seat Mitchell call e to start lannmg. aerson ioruivorce, usmhk iui ipiw ,"., ur, Mr. Wall sold out at Sinaloa monthly alimony and the custo- WtM and left for the United States at dy of a minor child. 3 sets dbi harness, heavy plow harness, the heighth of the rebellion. AUCTION SALE The undersigned will sell at pub lic miction at the H. Tavlor Hill ranch, one mile west of Moun taindale, and 3 miles east of Banks, at ten a. m. on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27 Brown horse, 1250; bay mare, For sale: One acre of land, with good house, outbuildings, good well; at Centerville. Price, $400. Address John Seifert, Cornelius. Or.. Route 1. 26-8 Fred Hamel was in from West Union, Saturday. He and Louie have 110 acres of grain yet to thresh -and it was all in tne shock when the rains descended. 3 sets dbl harness, heavy plow harness, 1 o..1q ninolp harness, na 1-snrinff Dutruv. garden cultivator, 2 baled hay racks, hay rack, nay loric, ropes nu puueya coui nlt Rairliaiilis scales, crrindstone. n- gal ketlle, lot portable fencing, baled clover hay, 8 head hogs, 3 small pigs, Mir'a numn and nininp. water troueh. milk cooling vat, 8 10-gal milk cans, 5 gal milk can, 30 sacks cheat seed, and other articles too numerous to mention LUXCH AT NOON J. A. THORNBURGH President J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNEY Vice-l'resident Caahier H. E. Ferrin, A9s't Cashier , Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Friday, September 1, 1911. Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans - $269,529.20 Capital $25,000.00 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00 Surplus 25,000.00 Other Bonds 67,160.00 Undivided Profits 4,004.55 Banking House 18,000.00 Circulation 25,000.00 Cash and due from Deposits 423,206.55 Banks and U. S. Treasurer 122,521.90 $502,211.10 $502,211.10 Ilosorvo 34 Per Oout, DIRECTORS TKos. G. Todd John E. Bailey J. W. Tuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburg Terms of Sale $10 and under. push- nver $10. one vear bank- See Norman Greer's window able note, at ;8 per cent interest. Brown norse, i . y Soe Norman Greer's window able note at a per cem. mw 1300; gray mare 1600-al good . f co)re a,g0 the beautj. 2 per cent off cash over $10 work animals; 2 binders in fa r fulPd4hes Kiven away free with t J. A. Vandehey Owi repair, 2 mowers, nayraKe 14- 3 lb ordor of colTee( or men siee oeani p.uw?, um ,b d f t 26.9 plow, 1 inch wide tire wagon, eveiy California wagon bed, lever spike- Mrs. T." C. Wadsworth, of rrwith harrow. 8-ft. suDerior disc Huhpr. below Reedville. was in drill, as good as new, top buggy, town Friday, the guest of the .. . 1 . I. ,1,.,. ,!..' il 1 1 U I 4 1 ! - . . . Ol, . 1 , .. . . . . . 1. 1 tlirttiMiniv. 3 SeiS WOrK Iliuncna, uiov. iuw- AUK1I1S. OIIC UlUUKiii uicjuuiin- way, haybuck, 5 10-gallo:i milk est child up for medical treat cans, 4 stands bees, patent hives: ment. 7 shoats, brood sow; also some . w fi .. ountv cerk re. household furniture and . num- M'XiTATtn erous farm tools, and other arti- d vacation on the coast, cles too numerous to mention. . c, . Baileyg first vaca. Lunch at noon. he was elected to the rerms oi oaic uuci J. A. Vandehev. Owner. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. G. F. Naylor, Clerk. F. M. Wadsworth, of beyond Glencoe. was in the city Satur day. He says his school district ia tr have a new school building. and that there is a general de- veloDment in all lines over his way. AUCTION SALE cash; and over, bankable, ap proved note, one year, at 8 per Henry Duyck, Owner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. SUSPECT PICKED UP The undersigned will sell at pub lic sale at tne J. i. xoung rancn, on the Baseline road, H miles oflice A1 lVf fiPiimomi lVfmintflin X&l. ill VVU!1I. J , Wll ..... I "I" v..w , . dale sawmill man, was oyer to west of Uillsboro, at ten a. m., . . TV I the county seat, Saturday, tie on na l4illal-,,M.-.,a ariota inar nnvv TUTlPCnAV HfTflPPR K . i ir a I. I are nearly as gOOU as INOrm Bay horse, 9 years, 1150; brown horse, 8 rlains . yrs, 1100; J mares, 2200; au gooa true .. , . . . work anhimls; 5 head cows, all in milk, Miss Amelia Dick. OI West U Oiphi fresh in Ortoher. 1 fresh Dec. T T . . ; V. . Mnf,,nA.4 f A sllrtY3 of I r A I. L.f.,ra i .1 r fnell lfrT JriV. T ' IUI1HH1, IlilB 1CIU11ICU WIICG HI I' """ - . .. Willn Wnlla after a short vaca- 3 months calf; new Mitchell wagon, 3X; Daniel Franklin Best, or Franklin Waa 'ter a8 vascha0 mmter w.Ron, old wagon, nearly new honiol Rst he Savs he doesn t . r tTu Mitchell top bngsy, open ouggy, top Daniel Beet . ne says ne uwmii t ij,, remmn there throughout the hack, Champion mower, hayrake. disc knOW WniCtl IS ngni Was ar- u,. . h,,m, cn.ntli harrow l n lnph nlows. rested on Main Street by Chief 14-inch plow, garden drill, nearly new, of Police Blaser as a suspect in J. o. watson, recenny owner 2 8et8 double work harness, 2 sets single ... 1 - . o .... I nt lUn nlnu cirA f n Mr ITaimflirvr hartiovi i tnn haled clover and oat hav . the wenrman.ocauixHJse.uiuiuci, ui mc tiai.ct5uiu ...... ".i.uv,v., .. , . -w ineYYciiiiuoiw . theWoollev bridge north- sacks wheat, 50 sacks onions, 3 tons down near the Cloninger ranch, near tne w 001 ley Driake, norui carrots lot taloes , s hoEs, 6 doz chick Saturday, and the Columbia west of town, is now located at cnS) I0 ducSi a geesCi chHmpion miik County sheriff came up Saturday Hurd. N. D., and sends to the separator. 10 gal milk can, 3 s gaimiik evening to take a look at him. Argus for another year of Wash- cans, 30 gal good vinegar, barrels, some nil ' " iQ th nnp spen near inffton CountV news reports. f tools, some household furniture, Hie uwu " - Scappoose. but - he is thougnt to . a NealeiKh of SchollSi was be innocent oiine k ui .g oi u.c . . Saturdav He states Chas. 0. Roc & Co. NEW LINE OF Porch and Lawn FURNITURE a LATEST CREATIONS IN WALL PAPER AN EXCELLENT LINE OF ART SQUARES Call and Get Prices Seeing Is Believing Chas. 0. Roe & Co. Pioneer Furniture Dealers FOREST GROVE, ORE. and numerous other articles. LUNCH AT NOON mother and child. Bes ;w a per- the Potter Brothers, Hood cash; over, one year bankable! vert, and when told he would be . ant)lemen- have moved to Lnte at. 8 ner cent searched threw up nis nanus s ) 1 . . bought 30 Frank Miller. Owner. P. Cornelius. Auctioneer. readily. When old that he act- . T Nealeib.u which ed as though he Had peen searcn- , , . f jt ed before he quickly replied, ' "VM I've been around some." For sale: Two brood sows, 2 He says he came from California, and 3 years old. One has litter Slue, o weeRa uiu, ciui 111 R. John Vanderwal, Clerk. HAVE YOU A LOT? J. lUllltti, - , nver to the county seat Saturday. George Lennen, of Vinelands, was in the city Monday. nA man Innkinir for work down P.nhlo Rainier and ScaD- ucai vt ,1.,.. l poose-but in all probability he was not looking for labor, as he is the typical tramp. Wm. Schulmerich, Dan Burk halter, of Farmington, and Er vine Burkhalter and wife, of be tween here and Laurel, were in town Saturday. tit DlUVf. J VY W io UIU, VlfllV ! I IIUIllUCI, UtIU IUO VWIVJ 111 UWVVI 1. uw, " Mvuifjii miim in nhnnt. a month this last one vou a home to suit you. and you a full blood Poland-China. Will pay us $20 per month, bearing 6 also sell tne pips. Also a iuu- per ceni. wr ior uown, we blood Poland-China boar, regis- will furnish lot and build for you tered, papers to go to buyer. on same terms. George Meacham, Mountaindale, Beaux Art Building Co., Inc. four and one-half miles above, See Mr. Jacobs, Washington on Racona road. Pacific States County Land Co.. Hotel Wash- Phone. 133. Glencoe. 'ington Bldg., Hillsboro, Or. -27 r- A small price is not money saved when buying a watch. The 1 eal economy of honest wear and correct timekeep ing is the true test of value. I have built up a reputation for reliable watches, and I intend to keep it by selling only the dependable kind. My stock comprises all the reliable makes. What ever may be the price paid, you are absolutely certain of a reliable timekeeper. Laurel M. Hoy t Jeweler and Optician Hillsboro, Ore. p. t t .. ? I ' r i - it r v I i . !" 4' i. h 1 IT 1 9, i ? ' 1 - i J 1 I 1 s ll't;