TO HE JnliLLSBIRa vol.. xviii HILLSHORO, OREGON, SKPTEMBER 7, 1911. NO. 26 JNO. HAZELWOOD KILLED ELECTRIC Struck by Snlcni Limited a 9:55 and Instantly Killed DIAINISS CAUSI! OI-- FATALITY DmJ Man waa Rcaltlent ul Damaaiua, Clatkaina County John I lael wood, of Damascus. Clackamas County, was struck by un Oregon Klectric truin at Mulloy Siation, in the HouthcuHt ..n,l (,t the county, last Thursday in one of the best statisticians in . . . I a 1 .. a a . . O a at y:Wi. and Instantly "e ruaie, was in town naturaay, Ironer & Unwell Co. have law KttH'k of drain tile, from to I I inch; also building blocks and brick. It will pay you to place your orders with us, as we hum our tile to a hetter color than our eonitetitors, as our wood oidy costs us a trifle. We also have, a good Htock of rough and dressed lumlter, which we invite the public to inspect. Ite fore purchasing elsewhere. Our Mooring is made from red fir timber and will wear much het ter than Mooring made from the soft yellow fir ti miter. 5tf Hundreds of people are now picking hops, and enjoying an outing at the same time. The chief stockholder in the Star Brewery, of l'ortland. and who morning, at :., killed. There were three wit nesses to the tragedy. J. I. Tliornhrue and son, Harry, were on a load of wood not over 1K) feet from the place, and saw the tar strike Hazel wood. They stated to the coroner's jury that the car must have lteen running fifty miles an hour, and that the iiintonnan repeatedly sounded the whistle, llazclwood threw up his hands when the car was within ten feet of him. and was then unable, to get oif the truck. The dead man was extremely deaf, according to the evidence of some of his children. The train which struck Hazel wood was the Salem limited, which makes hut three or four stops between l'ortland and the capitol. and was Salem-lMiund. (). T. Teaney, the ticket agent at Mulloy, says that the train gave ample warning to Hazel- wood WASHINGTON CO. AI THE BIG STATE FAIR Several Husbandmen Will Stock on Inhibition Have HORSES, SHCEP AND Win. Chalinera A(ain to Rcprenent With ShurlhornK and stated to the Argus rejtorter that at least eight millions of dollars would lie paid for Oregon riops, mis season, mis is one crop where, aside from sacks and sulphur, the money all re mains at home. See our dishes for our custom ers. When you expend $100 with us you get a fine dining room set of dishes. Call for cards and have the amount of your purchases punched each time you buy. When you buy that amount you get the dishes, or you have a dandy game and fish set. - Km molt Bros Ceorge Annentrout, of Forest drove, one of the oldtime deer slayers of the county and who rarely misses killing a buck an nually, was in town Saturday. Geo. says he hasn't leenout this year, but that he is filing his eye sight down to a sunbeam, and will make tracks for the hills af ter the first good. rain - and Geo, The big state fair will begin next Monday morning, and many Washington County people will visit this annual display of the "!)est in the state," and besides the visiting contingent there will be a number who will have stock on exhibition. Up to last Mon- II. C. Carstens, of Roy, was in the county seat Saturday. John Kamna, of Farmington, was in town Monday. John Seifert, of Centerville, was in town Monday, and called on the Argus. W. A. Verboort, of Verboort, was an Argus caller the last of CATTLE the week. Jasper KefFer, of east of North Plains, was a county seat visitor Monday. Mrs. L. A. Whitcomb, of Port land, was out Sunday, guest of relatives. Sol. Keller, well known for many years out in the Glencoe district, was in the city Monday G. A. Larsen, of near Hood Pridge, was in the county seat Monday. Fred Rood, of below Newton, dav morning, aside from the was in the city Saturday, getting poultry display of KM) birds, to ready for hop harvest. Coroner K. C. Brown went to will bring one in, even if he has Mulloy and impanelled the fol lowing jury: Win. Heckstead, A. B. Mulloy, John Kolterts, A. Ilartman. and Clarence and Jas. McConnell. A. H., Mulloy was made foreman, and they brought in the following verdict: We, the jury in the above entitled cuse, after hearing the testimony of the sworn witnesses, examin ing the surroundings, and in specting the Ukly, do find that John llazclwood came to his death at Mulloy, Washington County, Oregon, on this Ulst day of August, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m.,and find the cause of deat h to have been accidental struck by the Oregon Klcctric limited, going south to Salem, while go ing past Mulloy station." PUBLIC SAM2 The undersigned will sell at pub lic auction at his farm J mile from new Bethany, and 7 miles N. K.of Hillsboro, at 10 a. m., on FRIDAY. SKPTKMBKK 22 passed his with tnrlli anniversary For sale, reasonable A half block in North Hillsboro, on rock macadam street. Will sell all or anv part, with six room house, in giKMl repair. Fruit trees, ber ries; chicken house. -John Boe ker, Ore. l()tf Hon. W. K. Newell, of above Dilley, was in town Saturday. Mr. Newell is a state authority on fruit, and also is raising some tine blooded dairy stock. He says that there are many farmers in his section who would put in electric motors for power if they could get the juice -and this is promised in the not distant fu hire by the Washington-Oregon Corporation. Monev to loan on farm or oth er property, on approved securi ty. We also sell real estate. Kuratli Brothers. Main Street, between First and Second. 20tf Sam Tunstall. of Phillips, was a county seat caller, Saturday. He states that Contractor Loucks, be taken to Salem by the Wash ington County Poultry and Pet Stock Association, the following have been made entries with the fair management: H. C. Campbell, represented y lister Campbell, of Scholls, three head of Belgian horses, led by famous young stallion. W. 11. trench, of rorest Grove, flooded jack, jeunet and foal. Miss A. M. Paget, Gaston, Shetland pony. Wm. Chalmers, of Centerville, seven head of blooded Shorthorn cattle. J. M. Schaefer. Forest Grove, 11 head of Polled Angus. L. L Paget, Gaston, 10 head of Berkshire hogs. L. L. Paget, Gaston, bhorp- shire sheep. C. C. Beers, Cornelius, 9 head Hampshires. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dulsman, of l'ortland, were in the city Sun day, guests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. Baldra are up from Orenco, and are occupying their home on Baseline Street. E. W. Dant. the Reedville thresher, was in town Monday He says he still has about two weeks of run to finish the season Geo. D. Martin and Mrs. Har- GW01H FEKGE Sm I The Quality Drng Store a- a- T a Enclosure Torn Down at Tualatin Erected During Night HUSBAND AND WIFE UNDER BONDS County Will Claim Roadway by Right of Adverse Possession The end is not yet in the famous Galbreath fence episode at Tua latin. It will be remembered that the fence built by Mrs. Janie McE. Galbreath in front of her place near Tualatin, and which is claimed to be in the es tablished county road, was torn down one day last week by supervisor Lasted, alter a charge of shot had been fired out of the upstairs window of the residence, and after Samuel Galbreath had been arrested and given bail to keep the peace, The obstruction was taken down while Galbreath was enroute to the county seat, and during the absence of Mrs. Galbreath. La ter in the week the fence was again built. Mrs. Galbreath came to Hills- The place where you are always sure of drugs of absolute purity and Highest Quality, prepared by competent pharma cists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Remedies Candies and Stationery Rexall ris Sr., of Shady Brook, were boro Friday, and was placed un- HAVE YOU A LOT? If so, we will design and build you a home to suit you, and you pay us $20 per month, bearing 6 Iter cent. Or for $100 down, we will furnish lot and build for you on same terms. Bkaux Art Building Co., Inc. See Mr. Jacobs, Washington united in marriage last Sunday, at Shady Brook. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Crandall, of Portland, w ere in the city Sun day, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Baldra. C W. Loudon, formerly of be yond Glencoe, now has a govern ment position at Wineville, Cal., in the big wine district. Geo. Zimmerman Sr., of be yond Glencoe, was in the city Monday, the guest of his daugh ter, Mrs. Lena Roundey. Wanted: Place for girl to work for board while she attends schools. References exchanged. Telephone 515 Simpson Divison, Ind. Tel. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Siegrist, and little son, are here from La- der $2,500 bonds, and returned to Tualatin determined to main tain the fence if there is any law that will sustain her. The authorities as yet have nothing but circumstantial evi dence to fasten the shooting on Mrs. balbreath. inasmuch as no one was struck by any shot no great damage was inflicted. except the throwing of a big scare into the workmen who were tearing down the fence. Mrs. Galbreath is under bond to appear before the next session of the grand jury. The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. J. A. THORNBURGH J. K. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNEY President Vice-President Cashier A. L. Thomai, As't Cashier II. E. Ferrin, Teller Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Statement of Condition on Wednesday, June 7, 1911. Capital and Surplus $5O0OO NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given that the last half of the taxes, where half payment has been made on the 1010 I ota Ana vrA iril1 ha County Land Co., Hotel Wash-Kra.m ? ior .a. fortniRht s visit delinauent on the 'first Monday ington Bldg., Hillsboro. Or. -r V, u 'o" m October, 1911. to-wit:-Mon- ailU t. W. Oieuusu Motr iWnhor 9 1Q11 onH a SOREN JEPPESON Soren Jeppeson, of Bacona, died at the Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, Aug. 27, and the fun eral was held at Mountaindale. Mr. Jeppeson was born in Den mark, 56 years ago the 8th of June. He was married to Johan na Juhl. 25 years ago. 1 he wi dow and the following six chil dren survive: Jeppe Jeppeson, Portland; Anders M., Mogens, John. Finer and Ernest v., of i . i i. -ii i i liny mure, m o; 6 fittf. innrx-elf d dairy ot l'ortland, tninKS ne Will navr ' .uws, j irci, t ,ie dme, and 3 ircHi, Uu, Phillips' new sch(K)l house D a" 1 , succumbed to whiii Ntlpr; own rrratu M-wiHlir; ahum ,,.im,1i...l hv Oft 1and twi Mr' ,JtPPtson ,,,, U , .vi tna r Koai ly. i wntf.1 harka, a iroiUted by Uct. "a " stomach trouble. The funeral t d i.wiL'U-i. om- hh i,md UN urw. x imh be u great improv ement on me tiv,i, t.i,ira unnHnv nr ins wpek. old structure. Wanted: Pupils for music fin in wkkuii, McCormlt'k mowrr, Mi-Cor inn k rake, liny rack, a 14 inch lilowa, ii,,,. 1. ..1...., 1..... ,,...,. .1,-,. ....hi. vntor, at-t did woik harnra. hack hur- clUSS. Heglliners a specially. wt, 1 IniKHy iiarm-imfi, a hay forkt, (Wan Diiitils accepted. Write I ni I II in 1 11 It-r mi pinr, a 1 loiiilnu ihickriia, urindNlonr, ano uinnd lirniii acalt-a, hand a eder, lot kihmI ...U . .1 ...III. - ..I A in, n infill mil IHIII-, M I UlNM-niun, VI , diniiiK cltaira, a rockeia, dining table, erson, of KeedVllle, have DOUgni tiimh, lutiiuiiiK lump, carpels, Royni acres of land over near Win K1v.1l steel rau(e( lot of household and I, . Ltwis CountV. and have km lien tiirnitiiie mid other articlca too ' iu mnnlut tiuv Lunch at noon, again pm nun uic ...c. ing been otterea a goou auvance For sale: One acre of land, with good huse, outbuildings, good well; at Centerville. Price, $-100. Address John Seifert, Cornelius, Or., Koute 1. 2b-8 Sabin Brothers are getting along nicely with their big wood contract for County Clerk J. W. Bailey, and will continue cutting all Winter, when the weather will permit. Everything in groceries, crock ery, granite, tin and silverware at Greer's. Our stock of dishes and silverware is the largest in Hillsboro. 2G-9 J ton, charge of 10 per cent, penalty and interest at one per cent, per month will be charged on all taxes which shall become delin quent on said date as above set forth, as per law prescribed. Geo. G. Hancock, Sheriff and Tax Collector for Washington County, Ore. Dated at Hillsboro, Ore., this 5th day of September, 1911. Loans - $255,144.21 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,(XK).0O Other Bonds 38,185.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 131,893.12 Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 25,000.00 2,777.14 25,000.00 390,445.19 $408,222.33 Rosorvo 3 4 Xor Cent, $468,222.33 DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailey J. W. Fuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornbura; . AUCTION SALE The undersigned will sell at pub lic auction, at the Lucy Hum phrey's place, on Seventh street, Q. Johnson, of below New- between Washington and Base- was in the city Monday line, the following personal prop- John Hen ry, farming near the taking a lay off on account of the erty, beginning at 2 o'clock p. m. West Union, was in the city showers. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, M n,i , I ,) it I r t i n f . l i I ci 1 1 r tti Cl ... .,.. n,,.i i..:iVv. r,,,iH., "7 '..' i u !.,:.,., ftirs. donn miner anu suns, oawimii, o.wu n capacity , saw- h. la ii r.u.i cylinder Greer' s is the place to trade, if Fred and Earl, and daughter, mill 20,000 ft capacity; a 10x20 d.w. chlckrna, dome full hioo. r trim ui uvc, i Vou are looking for a good sani- Miss Allie, were Hillboro visitors side-crank engine; 20-horse-pow- tarV Ulace irv me. SO-y uver ouituay, Kucsi'0 l-"c "ure er uimici , uA,u jjianci, iimtLiici J ' ' I p ( (1 T . 1 . I J I 1 A. 1 or mrs. ciusan crown anu outer anu motuer; top ougKy. goou aa new; 2-seated hack; set buggy harness; set of plow harness; i i. ; l. 1 f Mianlnv nf pniTw nkn the hpnnti- ureecmiig vvurn Harness, sci, ur Dr. J. R. Marshall and wife W.0! : lLS Kinjr's tap and dies; Hercules I J t U aim f" at r1! I uiuiivu . . nave rcLunieu iiuiu iiih w 81 x. - Wm. Hostetlerand Willis And- minu-rouB to mention. Terms of Sale cash; over $10, one year approved bankable note, at 8 per cent int, George Hess, Owner. Henry Kuratli, Auctioneer. J. J. Kuratli, Clerk. If II...--. i .-, 1 nnKnl Iieitrv UUKC, Ul ncai unuin, i !:., wn muntv seat visitor Satur- Iciat,vtrB- Aav See Norman Greer's window J I i i i ir . i - - 1.1 1 i.! I given away iree witn lb. order of coffee, or Sound points. J. W. Connell. Geo. Alexan- $10 and under. LP M 1,: "IZ'L'&'Z every 3 . i Wmno n r t nuwu i ;ivm i nun uvri Kfinun i .11 ii m m hi. mi r uutl . i . ... ill . r iV " " every li lb. oraer ot tea mere win uuuuie -, Miss Mary E. Wilcox, specialist tap and dies; hve-barrel gal vanized tank; lot of i 1, 2 and 3 inch pipe; cross-cut saw; 2 cut off saws; axes, sledges, wedges, Card of Thanks in manicuring and shampooing, the brickwork on the Schulmer- der. W. E McCourt and E B. pvies log chains and lot of ca rs taking her vacation and will ich Block, was in the county seat Tongue and wife returned Fn- WtaBjJ boxings line shafts, again be in Hillsboro Friday, Monday. day evening from a trip to Cres- fcfcjyad her articles a. oo 26 , . , well, where they were guests of too Wfc.frS tlSton. The undersigned desire to ex press their thanks for aid and sympathy tendered them by neKnihnra nnH tYipnrla rinrintr Sept. LL Herman Pranger, who is farm A. W. Pike, of Beaverton, was ing the G. H. Pranger place, at in the citv Saturday, and called Leisyville, is feeling very good nn the Artrus. Since 1894, Mr. over his wheat yield, like has been a reader ot tne weighed out 50 busnei3 to tne Argus, and he says his family acre. His Spring oats averaged Geo. Schulmerich and wife. TermsStr f,ncash; er $10, 6 montfc!.C t;-v They all returned in the Connell ovt ble note, at 8 per cent; Mrs. S. G. Trump, uwner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. Soren Jenneson. of Bacona. Mrs. Soren Jeppeson and Children. Bacona, Ore., Sept. 1. 1911. Cotswold Bucks Fine full-blooded Cotswold bucks, from registered antecedents, for sale by Jos. Cawrse, Cornelius, R. 1; 5 miles northwest of Hills boro. 24-31 Notice has been given Agent Cooper of the Electric that ex tremely low colonist rates will be in effect Sept. 15th to Oct. 15th. These rates we understand are auto, and made the trip down in a day. I am here to do business, and n r-"i " ... - t .onKij imiTn n it iiamm -vr r their recent bereavement, the can't keep house without it. 40 bushels. r 1 just death and obsequies of the late For sale: 7 yearling hogs; four Funny how a story will become p vonr 'coffee trade. I now shoats, 9 weeks old. - Henry Otto, current, even though there is have on hand one grade of coffee Laurel, Route 1, on Chehalem nothing to it. lhei last of the for 25c lb. that can not be beat- Mountain, week it was wnisperea anu en tw Tade3 for 30c lb( two ... , . t, halloaed all over town tnattnere irrniW fnr A I . I f : nil..? H.1Y- ill 11 Ml VI' I ia. i. , . i 1 . I ... J I r ' ftincu uuuuu, v. hd heen aiscovereu two ueau in the new city well in in hnrn a npnmiT in ntsn I. a u j j mark ng that the water tastea . .. wuu pvprv tu r " Dr. C. L. Large, O. .Miner bad; the nex man saia it tastea order o coffee gee my window v,, 3i i tir:n uiiiAnfAi- rr Hnvpm i , a nnati rnintr iivpii in i.n i i- i - xt . op n i v ... r . . j ana w' ' fW' 111, 'L" au,Piay-norn,an ureer' step into the depot sometime Urove, were 1.1 u.c . u, ,.... , . whm vftn havo a littlfl time no 1 i, ;.,! nvpp trtfi couiilv hail nparn inaL mere was aotiie- 1 ik iiuuaiiu n uuie onuw iu - . . . : . luuninr, ' "" , . . ,1 11. -i iL... l. l.ij "j xt.. ie TrT Hnnht ho wi hA crnrl tnpvri ain th nir fitinrt in me we n. inert oe item 111 r uruai u. inuv. xu-ii. a - Chas. 0. Roc & Co. NEW, LINE OF Porch and Lawn FURNITURE LATEST CREATIONS IN WALL PAPER AN EXCELLENT LINE OF ART SQUARES Call and Get Prices Seeing Is Believing Chas. 0. Roe & Co. Pioneer Furniture Dealers FOREST GROVE, ORE. was in tne city oaiuruay, ouu his celebrated Swiss cheese : in -mvAiirmrir itiii i i . . . 1 1 w v. 1 unvbvui I rouht in a fine consignment of ' ' J na""s Cooper, insists it is a good time . . ' 1 x.j n...: u,.c 1 i.i" --- grades lor Ate id., tnree graaes and thirtv davs st0nover will be Ikn fUn- n f T A M I . " 4 ' " ui wcHi u -m.,!, ! Mrmitted. The agent, Mr, 11 mi) Limt uuocvci utrt.ii Hillsboro. A beautiful dish day, seat DANCE, SATURDAY NIGHT li .. 1 ...:iL tu j : :., .,fri uf v. Wncii the nlan to vou. n ci 1 mt on flw Tpnt 10 OWea WHIl U caiuill W me MimiuscAncu wai ure iimii- r lti-ir Sue Tent ana tiy. ieni , . , f f nt LVnit nmara r. r: j W Ul sen ;, " ' T 1 .1 " : kj H:: ...:n u woVi Do not fail to attend the dance at Hillsboro Hall, .Saturday eve ning, September 9. Toelle's or chestraand the first big Har vest Dance of the season. is 12x12, good as new. vv 1 1 1 ff t ;h t dead canine had Union will see to it that Wash -inquire or ivun. , . . A. W. Mills, of Banks, was in the county seat Friday. Abraham Reichen, of near Beaverton, was in town Friday, and called on the Argus. Geo. Biersdorf, of North Tua- lofin Plains wna in MrmHnv 1 1 . U lllOT I CUCI.. " " " I - "... I ll.tlii & ' ' ... , reasonaDie.-iniiutie w """"" been founc in the water supply, ington has a good exhibit. Both waiting for the weather to clear Bros. onj hpn came the final erowth. the" Northern Pacific and the Sn he cnnld commence harvest in I UVB ' I . . I " ' - F. M. Crabtree was in irpm that two dead ones had been Great Northern have put up 50 his hopyard m r . 1 - n I 1 1 1 . L . . I . a-. HmtMiflf- rtlll I Laure , saturaay. nc ' tound ana mere was panic uy prizes tur u.c 10 u,m u- , ,. . , , f p.cK ng mo"u,, ...u - water uSeia n : WZZL 7C"t:;.;'''"r''r' latin, was in town Monday, tak near y tnree ween.a iu s ... cause some soua nau uwhui m nnswu ij aa oaiuCU n . , ... Lni;jflV wpnnil(,p nf the crop ready for the market. the filter. Nothing larger than Howard Elliott N. P. prize last liday because of the , j rj k'iro o o-nor pnuki pet into tne water vear. ana aiso was awarueu itte r H. TODer. 01 near ivuuu uiiunt., e.""-- ... - : iL 4. j: tu t Oi. i o..i.u Onfnov He has 9UDD1V DUt It IS remarKaoiy IU- prize lor tne must at usut; uib- uunn dcu oicwai ui ouuiu 7h . Humke vard 1 and has none dicrous how things grow when play. Can we do it again? You Tualatin, was 111 the city Mon tne numKe yaiu. au Uu nf cfotaH Ihet! I dav. creetintr friends. of his product unaer contracu wtcj v In Jewelry '4 There's satisfaction and real pride to persbflt. distinctive taste, in having ,'and wearing things .5 different from the ordinary. Graceful and unusual jewelry in every different article that goes to make up my stock may be had here in Rings, Pins, Brooches, LocKets, Bracelets, Chains, Watches, Fobs, Etc. Visits from those who only want to look are appreciated whether a sale results or not. Jeweler and Optician Hillsboro, Ore. Laurel M. Hoyt i 1 5- , s. 1 1 1 if w 't )' 1: 1 '" li" L