The niLLseaK vol, x vn I HILLSBORO, OREGON, AUGUST 31,1911. NO. 25 CLERK BAILEY H FINALS ON ROADWORK Mile MiKd Col Din Irk I Jut $2,654. J5 Clll O'lSr CIWSTKUCTHW VI1T MAUI: ,H yd Hull J Hall Mile on To ThuruughUrc Cunt v Clerk Bailey measured prospective rou.l work, und tin niucadam already laid. Sunday. a,u mi Monilay inude his f (iiitati'ins to mi' just how much more macadam rotul could Ik laiil with the funds on hand, lie decided t " l'K' roa'l leading north when th- liirlwuy wum macadamized to I lit culvert in front of tin R- H. Collins' place, beyond tin' Frost corner, which sill measure slightly over iiiin' tenths of a mile; ami when tin- roa.l leading to U-iny vilU wus macadamized to midway twtiii tin til's t bridue und the '(mII-.v bridge, northwest of the city; and a half mile was laid on tin' ii ad leading by the 1'ivston Juiknon northeast, to lli' Calif place. l!y this time the fund will lx exbauti-tl. and then4 will l no more work until next year. Clerk l'.aih'y says his figures show that the total cost of iiar ry, freight, excuses of laying, ami all incidental expenditures, mich as hauling, etc., uinount to $J,lLril :ri for each mile of road, a record that eclipses any ma I'udain road yet built around the coiiiitv seat. The Collins' road laying is un billed, and l. C. Slokcsbiiry started midweek on the l,eisy- ville mud. He moves to the northeast as soon us that strip of highway is completed. It Mlil.l; OVCKUKADI; I he droner & Unwell Co. have law stock of drain t from to 1 1 inch: alio huilil and brick. It will i.nv v.n i lace your orders with us. :w we burn our tile to u better color lan our competitors, as our wikhI only costs us a trille. W.. also have a t'ood stock of rom-h md dressed lumber, which we invite the public to humect l.e- 'ore purchasing elsewhere. Our oormg is made from red fir timber ami will wear much bet ter than lloorinur made from the soft yellow lir timber. ,rtf Ceo. W. (.' I .1 I r . iiuiiiiencii. oi i,rcH- I'ni'imi., n..i i ..: r , li , . I ... , '""uiiuil UJUdMIJ, U MULIVU ui n mi iHimiuv ui hi m i v .1. i... . ... ' rtwe. in- in, nil ii is ll esx hit 211 Is III le came up to participate iii build lug urrangmeiits on the promised new Sihulinerich block. Ceo ays that deer are plenty down in the hills back of the Creswell ranches, and that venison has een one of the urincinal diets own there for several weeks. 'he oldtimer says that ranching ful luUrcr. Coroner K. C. Brown of the week. ats city hie every tune. Archbishop Christie journeyed from Portland to Forest drove. Sunday, and dedicated St. An-1 inoiiy h y napei, roresi iirove s lirst Catholic church. Many em inent Catholics were present I roin Mt. Angel and Portland. he new church is of concrete, aim cost aixiui iks.imhi. Services were conducted by Uev. Puck, at 10 o clock in the morning, and the ladies of the church served inner at one o'clock. Chris. Roche, at onetime land- ird of the Commercial, writes son. uceeaseu was avinir in the Argus from Lincoln Neb., for aUmt 12 feet of water, and about mornine. a truest of P. another year ol the Argus, ami six feet from the raft on which son and family stales I rial he had expected to be was working. The foreman said Ostrand never drank to ex cess, and was always ready to work, lucre was no question in his mind, he said, but what death was accidental. Lust Thursday a team driven by a son of Hon. Judson Weed, form er county clerk of Columbia coun ty, went over a grade at Cape Horn, the upset being caused by one of the horses stumbling. The other horse and wugon, and fvvo of the thrv in the wagon went oyer the incline, which was very steep. One of the young ladies jumped from the vclueh into the road before the tumble tiHik place. The young man was not much injured, but the httl seven year old sister Unstained a broken leg und other injuries. Dr. Munford, of Hanks, was called bv telephone, and attend ed the little one at the home of (leu. Holt, where the child had been carried on an stretcher. lir. .1. 0. Robb und J. P. Wilkes happened ulong at the time and Hr. Uobb ussisled Dr. Munfor in reducing the fracture. At last rcMrts little Miss Weed was getting along nicely. PUW.IC SAI.I; I will sell thoroughbred Duroc Jersey hoirs. at niv farm. 1-2 mile west of Peaverton, on the main county road, at 1:00 a. m., on TUKSDAY. SKIT. 5 us follows: yearling sow, bm to farrow in October; 10 gelds T) months old- 1M voiinir boars. ( months old all in line, thrifty condition. Pedigrees will furnished to buyers. Terms of sale, cash. S. H. Davis. Owner. H. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. CURRY- BULL be Arlie Currv and Miss Sallic K. Pull, of HilLsboro. were united in marriage at Toledo. Ore.. Rev Kveietts ofliciating. The cere niony was performed in the pres ence of Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Cur ry. and a few invited friends, at the Commercial Hotel, of that d'ty. The groom is well known "ere, and the bride is from Oren co. They departed today f Clinton, Okla., where they wi reside. FRUIT (JROWLRS The Washington County Fruit 'rowers union will meet at Hie City Hall. Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, September 9, to take up the matter of marketing the 1911 crop. All fruit growers irrespective of whether or not they belong to the organization are requested to be in attendance A. E. Peat, Secretary. Fred Cornelius and wife de parted for Tillamook, Saturday making the trip by team over me Wilson luver road. EMANUEL 0D Pond Man Tails I let ween Lors and 1 Taken out Dead Dr. C. W. Lowe was in the city Friday. deo. duyton, of near Blooming, was in the city Saturday. William Uobb, of Centerville, was in the city Saturday. C. Viohl, of beyond Oak Park, was in the city Saturday. W. N. Hathorn, of Laurel, wa3 l ATAI.ITV OCCl'RKCD LAST THl'KSDAV a city visitor Monday morning. John Trachsel, of below Qua- No One Haw Worker Disappear Had tama, was up to the city Satur day. C. A. Hanley, of near Leisy- ville, was in town Saturday afternoon. BULLET RECALLED AN Thirty-night Calibre Missile Held Is Relic In Dr.'s Office IMenly ol Money Two Men Met East ol Glencoe One Kill' ed, Slayer Escaped len, was drowned at the Ne- halem Lumber Co.'s mill, last Thursday afternoon, between three and four o'clock. He was .employed as pond-man, and was lirst missed about 3:30 o'clock. He had worked for the comnanv S. A. Curry and family return ed from N ewport, the last of the week. O. H. Marrs. of Scholls, was up to the city Saturday after noon. Mrs. J. C. Kuratli and family several months, and was a faith- returned from Newport, the last went up rnday and held the in- Lewis F. Powers and wife, of quest. Leisyville, were in the city bat- Fred McDonald, the company urday fornoon. foreman, Bwore that he knew the dead man well, and that he talked lair hnglish. Ho last saw Ostrand about 3.30, and about o clock asked Johnson, who was working on the Klip, where Os- iranu was working, lie was told that he had not been seen for some time. He thought he last saw him alxiut 4 o clock. After a search of a half hour his lody was found by Oscar Carl- W. L. Patchelder, of east of dlencoe, was over to the county seat Saturday afternoon. I). M. Whitcsell, of South Tualatin, was in the city Satur day, and called on the Argus. For Sale Tent and fly. Tent is izxiz, good as new. will sen reasonable. Inquire of Kuratli Pros. C. P. Taylor, of near Banks. was down to the city Monday M. Jack sell out his hotel business back there and pay his subscription in person, ere tins, inn that he is till conducting his business, and concluded to wait no longer. Mr. Roche is anxious to dispose f his Lincoln property and lo- ae in Hillslxiro. Thos. II. Todd was dow n from oivst drove, Saturday, prepur ing to leave for Canaseragu, Al- irhanv Co.. N. l. to visit a brother. T. d. has been absent from his old lioyhood home for Vt years, and starts Monday to isit for two months in the lm Hire Male, lie came uown io the county seat to tell hisoldtime friends good-bye. lake keero rail II yersell, llios. HillsUiro is getting to be quite . I. i . . .i . . . ...i a lovers lane ior inose w no ;ue on marriage ueni. mruanu con tributes quite a number, and there is scarcely a week that one or more couples irom me uose Citv do not come to this city and get into the blind god s automo- . e seem to have ancou- er iroinir n l ie race ior iiim favors in this line. See our dishes for our custom rs. When you expend $100 with us vou get a tine dining nuim Kol of dishes. Call for Mrs. G. J. Palmateer departed the last of the week for a visit with friends at Sycamore, Ore., and Kalama, Wash. W. J. Gregg, of Leisyville, On bin UkIv was found R8 r,n was in baturday. lie says the . . V. i .. i..i.:.. e, .i :i. in cash: a gold ring: a silver "'! aMr i"m"k --. u watch, a check for $20.7 from w' he P001 this year, the lumber company; and receipt The Misses Marv Heidel and slips for money orders drawn Maud Griffith departed the last out oi uie roruanu imihi oince, ftf the week for a visit at the payable at Uppland. Sweden, for Heidel ranch. Summit, in Kenton Ki and $HH) respectively. County Wlielher mis money was sent to a wife or to members of his immediate family no one knew. The dead man was presumed to be from .50 to Jo years old, and was of a quiet disposition. The coroner's jury, consisting of R. W. Joy, Pert Patlon, T. Oberg, F. Swanson, (lust Laven and R. F. C. Orth, inspector for the Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Co., was in town Monday, start ing on his weekly rounds of the county dairies. John Dodge, of Newberg, re cent purchaser of the Varley orchard, moved over to Varley, J. Furbeck, found the following the last of the week, to make this verdict "We, the Coroner's jury im 1111 I 1 4 I 1 ! panelled y t.. u Drown, i.oro ner for Washington County, Ore gon, to examine into the cause of the death of one Lmanuel Os trand. after examining the re mains and inquiring into the cir do section his permanent home. The Cawrse hopyard, of near Centerville, will begin picking on on Monday. September 4. Al pickers requested to he on hand learn will be in Hillsboro on bun day. J. M. Parrish, who has been BULLET THAT KILLED WM. JOHNSON 1 The Quality Drug Store I cumstances ot his death, hereby unanimously agree that visiting here and in Lincoln i .i i i M..ilr .. : t,,i., v, iieam was cutiseu uy ucl-iulmilui i v.uuniy mmcc etuiy in uui, mc. drowninvf." guest of Hon. W. N. Parrettand The body was turned over to a other relatives, returned to Wil - -I. . . .. n ill III i I i c ll . . cards and have the amount ol hospital association ior lnieriueni,. our, wasn., uie iasi ui me wan, your purchases punched each tune - ,7, Mrs. Sylvia Tucker, of Clark- vou buy. When you nuy umi . ston. Wash., returned the last oi amount you get the dishes, or hne from Newport, and you have a dandy game and fish Lpie unJersined will sell at pub- spent Sunday with her mother, Among the many relics in the office of Dr. F. A. Bailey is a battered 38-calibre revolver bullet which ended the life of William Johnson, a well known resident of Glencoe, who was shot by Tang" Smith, son of pioneer Anderson Smith, in 1885. The two men were brothers-in-law, and there had been some trouble over the settling of an estate. The two men met on the bottom, between Glencoe and the J. W. Jackson farm. Jan. 2G, 1885. Each was on horseback, and no word was passed. Smith pulled his gun and fired, just as they were passing each other, and the ball entered the hip and pene trated upward. Johnson fell from the saddle and received other injuries in the descent. On Jan. 30 Drs. Bailey and Link later probed for and found the bullet, and Johnson survived un til February 3. Johnson told Dr. Lmklater that as the two men met he (John son) reached to his hip pocket to get a chew of tobacco, and that Smith there-upon pulled his re volver and hred. It is thought by many that Smith thought Johnson was pulling a revolver, and that he drew to protect him self. This is purely a matter of conjecture, however. Smith escaped, and never was seen by anyone in this section, nor else where, so far as known to the authorities. There was an offer of several hundred dollars re ward, and that Spring B. P. Cor nelius, then sheriff, went to Miles City, Montana, where a man was held on suspicion as being the slayer. Cornelius had known Tang Smith all his life, and he found the man who was held was an entire stranger. It is said by many, however. that Smith remained under cover in the hills beyond Glencoe, until Johnson died, then made his es cape. He was a great woodsman and could easily evade anyone for months. Both men were absolutely fear less, and Smith was a man who had a violent temper when aroused, he bullet was held by Dr Bailey in case it should be needed at a trail. Johnson s deposition was taken before he died, and Smith was indicted by the Grand ury, in March, 1885. The place where you are always sure of drugs of absolute purity and Highest Quality, prepared by competent pharma cists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Remedies Candies and Stationery Rexall I The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. . K. P.AILEY Vice-President W , W. MCELDOWNEY Cashier II. E. Ferrin, Teller J. A. THORN'BURGH J President A. L. Thoni.n, Afi't Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Wednesday, June 7, 1911. Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans - $255,144.21 Capital $25,000.00 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00 . Surplus 25,000.00 Other Bonds 38,185.00 Undivided Profits "2,777.14 Banking House 18,000.00 Circulation 25,000.00 Cash and due from Deposits 390,445.19 Banks and U. S. Treasurer 131,893.12 $468,222.33 Roeorvo 34 Por Oont. $468,222.33 DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailey J. W. Fuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornbur act. - Kminot t Bros 7. M LaRtie. of Forest Grove. I, Midit'11 and Amr. Tews, of HillsUiro. started Sunday morn ing for a two weeks stay over iilonir the Tillamook heac.lies ami the Wilson Kiver, ami tney ex- lie auction at her place first house Mrs. M. A. Powell, who returned south of Ed Cook's, Cook switch from the Nye Creek beach, Pri on S. P. K. K., Beaverton cut-off, day. at ten a. m., on Mrs Hm.nham and children. SATURDAY, SL1 1. 2 of Vancouver, Wash., were in Bay mare, 9 years, gray colt, thn nu ,u0 inal. nf tup WPPw 5 years; hay colt, 4 years; 3 two L,uests of Miss Carrie Spot wood pect to have one of the greatest year old heifers to be fresh in-and Mrs, ilknap. Miss Spot : ,.i i,iU u li!ii Ll.-miinrv. 2 vear hnc heiters. I a un,., u. lllllln I W I l IIJ".l Mi w..w. . ... . y, trim, .mo. ii(.iniiuj wnw Laliue will do without pies hasn't hogs, 3 and 1-4 narrow tire wag- children wil leave next Monday . . . i Inn 9-snnt hsiplc. huirtrv and har-lr... .u..: 1 1 i : ri.ii TUALATIN'S SCHOOL ' ' .. , 1 I iui tutu v i vj iiwinv- in vuiMiiumui nt'ss. mower, rake. 2 ulows. feed cutter, cultivator, some chickens, D. B. and Ray Reasoner think household furniture and numer- they have about the finest pump nns other articles. kin patch in the country -and Terms of Sale- $10 and under, for numbers they certainly have CaSti; VJVei J.V.', U lliuuma uiuc, uit tuuny ucaicu xiicn ucoici li.'inknhle note, at 8 per cent, in- dam near Uak Park is about as terest. thrifty a showingol vegetable as Mrs. E. B. McKay, Uwner. can be tound anywhere l-k 1 Al1niAnnM 1 11. r. Cornelius, nuaiuum. TMl !n iU Wo 1 I u v v i i o ki vivt imi v. needed a guide to pilot them through the streets for several davs. owinir to the fact that so The Tualatin school district nas many intersections have been i lust completed a sonu cement blockaded. Teams went around basement under the scnooi ouua- the b ock in circ es. and sti inir. and installed a modern heat- found no outlet and there were i i i i,; tm.iwil from nitf Plant, put down cement side- anathemas galore by the uneven v:.. ni 'L ufi hsivinir walks, and made other improve- temnered. iNjnrin i i ill i in. uuu . i ,omuleted a tin roof for the new menta. and M w ver Ericksen, the inebraite held in i,nk building. "Jim" came prouo ui iiw , ..-'" the countv iail on a chartre of in terne with a much nicer tan than The school wit,, was allowed to goat NewnortorTillamooKcouiuposHi- u, h'' r liberty, Saturday, after getting bh. l ave given him. asjonn iW'K. the effects of drink out of his been dctcrininci M. White, of Chehaleni Mountain, Laurel, was in Minn lay. Mr. WhiU1 has a colt -a son of the Boge Belgian that ai four months and ten days weign- i uuv ..I.. If n nun find Jl iii I hR Illlllllim. 11 1 1 i.Lii hum colt that will match her Mr. White will not hesitate paying a good round price for it i'ii!itini:lhle A half lil.wL- in North Hillsboro. on rock mm-udam street. Will sell all or I , u.ri. with six. room nouse, in tnutil I'I'llilir. Fruit trees, ber . ii-Lpn lOUSe. JOIIII nw ries; ker, Hillsboro. Ore. lOtf Ceo. Galbreath, with C. Gei- berirer. as clerk, i'rot. 11. 1. system. He started for Eugene, teiK. iiui. ii. i. ,r0.lnml n.fonf unH nlnnu and Evaiis. one of the able educators r'-'";: v rt t'ma ... i T i,..Mrw Unrkhii ter and u. i from South h n,i bifl no urhbors have built a . ..jnui anii n district where tney nave notning " " v. i ..;., f mnd across the "" ' B,r V. W Z .nma but acqua pura as a beverage bottom near nis piacc the Hiu-h School department. The district will admit outside Contractor Shannon has about Money to loan on farm or oth- pupils to the course ot study up- completed the E. B. Tongue resi er property, on approved securi- 0n a small tuition payment. dence, west of the P. R. & N ty We also sell real estate. i.'.-oiii Rmthpra. Main Street, iw,f...aun h irst and aeconu. UCHYV.. II' I 1 a. n I j ota..ra..f rphimed Fr - F nefu -b OOded UOlSWOia DUCKS, nis new uunaiow vn me uuiuen Andrew Stewait returned rn r"lcl"''.u. . tQjQnfQ f Liwtaahniit oomnlptpH nrl f!nn. llTvZt w i : a by Jos. Cawrse, Cornelius, tractor Marks and Dr. Sears also sections Whe;e he fed separatorR. 1; 5 miles northwest oMWla- their bmldmgs about hn during tne Dig naivcow AUCTION SALE he undersigned will sell at pub ic auction, at the Adam Luch- singer place, one-half mile east Bethany, and three miles northwest of Cedar Mill, on the ortland-Glencoe road, the fol- owing personal property, begin ning at 10 o'clock a. m., on TUESDAY. AUGUST 29, One buy horse, 6 years old, weight 1700; one bay Morse, 5 years old, weight 1600; one brown niare, 8 years old, weight 1550; one black horse, 5 years old, weight 1600; one bay driving mare, 5 years old, weight 1050; one black I ol stein cow, iresh; one short horn, Iresh soon; 3' Studebaker wagon; Racine tu bular axle wagon, good as new; a seated Haciue hack; open buggy; rubber tire top buggy, good a9 new; McCorniick 6- foot-cut binder; McCornuck 4-foot-uiower; McCoiuiick hayrake; 2 hayracks; 3-horsesliBfts;i2 hoseGunlacti drill, good as new; 12-whcel 20-inch disc with truck; 14-inch John Deere ptow; a-section steel harrow; 3 section wooden harrow; Clipper fanning mill; hay fork, pulleys and ropes; 2 sets double harness, one as good as new; 2 sets buggy harness; 1 set T horse plow htrness; complete lot small (arming tools; one rauge, 2 beating stoves, beds, chairs, mattresses, 2 lounges and complete .house furnishings. Lunch at noon. Terms Sums under $10, cash; over $10, one year at 6 per cent, bankable note. F. Klatt, Owner, J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. Chas. 0. Roe & Co. Vs NEW LINE OF Porch and Lawn FURNITURE LATEST CREATIONS IN WALL PAPER AN EXCELLENT LINE OF ART SQUARES Call and Get Prices Seeing Is Believing Chas. 0. Roe & Co. Pioneer Furniture Dealers FOREST GROVE, ORE. r A MERE SPECTACLE VENDER George Hess and family, of Bethany, were in the city Fri day. A. W. Donelson departed Sat urday for the Nehalem, where he had purchased a ranch, near Vernoma. For sale: 7 yearling hogs; four shoats, 9 weeks old. Henry Otto, Laurel, Route 1, on Chehalem Mountain. 25-7 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stewart. of South Tualatin, spent the last of the week in Portland, the guests of their children. IS NO I AN OPTICIAN lie is a particularly dangerous quack; he should be eveu more shunned than the em piric in inediciuc. There is mauy a quack who may ease your rheumatism, but there is not one chauce in a hundred that spectacles bought from a peddler will help your eyesight; there are a hundred chances that they will hurt your eyes, hurt them seriously, too. It is very important that your glasses should be exactly correct. If You Are In Doubt about your eyes or glasses I will advise you, correctly and honestly. The hundreds of satisfied spectacle wear ers here is proof of the class and quality of my work Jeweler and Optician Hillsboro, Ore. Laurel M. Hoyt : I i 1 '1 -e 1!. ' 1 1 1 il".. 'l f rare t "Ui.- I '1 1 'ir I i - ir p 3(4 1