The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 24, 1911, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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tuu: two
1W ffgff
Kittrte4 atii Poet-ifflc si lUllabnro
iiji'Koi., as secoud-cla-ia mail luatlor
Everything in Season to Eat
Reserved Tables for Ladies
Private Boxes for Families
I.. A. l.tVt, Kiltliir
Oounty Official l'aper
Jutwriptiii: fl.50 per Annum.
Iaaae.1 Kvrrj Thurailay
The schedule rf departure and arrival
ol' Oregon Electric Cars for Portland
6 35 7 5 in
8 45 ni 9 25 a 111
10 50 a in 11 47 a in
1 5 P hi a J p m
3 4 p m 4 27 p ui
6 pm 710pm
S Jo p ni u j ; p m
10 oS p m 11 25 a ni
South of Post Office
A. C. Shute,
C. lack. Jr.. Cahitr
W. V. lkrKen.
Asst Cash.
H. V. Gates, Vice President
A. McGil',
The Aiuoricaii National Bank
The Shute Savings Bank
Successor to J. W. Shute, Banker,
at close of busine -s June 71b, 191 1 .
Loans and Discounts, including
U. S. Bonds and Warrants $436,526.88
Premium mi U. S. Bonds 656 24
B.mking House Furniture and Fixtures 28,297.50
Other Real Estate 4,000.00
Cash 011 hand and due from hanks 237,441.14
Checks and other Cash Items 69S.13
Redemption Fund with U. S. Treasurer . 2,500.00
Capital Stock $ 80,000.00
Surplus and Profits 5339 3
Circulating Notes 50,000.00
Dejmits 5 74,780.59
" Hillsboro, Oregon
Rv the limp trip rain hpo-in
Hillsboro will have laid two miles
of cement walk, installed a sani
tary sewer, a storm sewer, and
elevens blocks of bitulithie pave
ment. This is improvement by
wholesale, and marks the town
as progressive. Let the good
work continue. Over and above
all this North Hillsboro will have
laid over a mile of macadam.
nMz Runabout
at Hillsboro
Brief Sp-i-li'li-jtins: 1 2 hurseju.vier, 2 cylinder oppose. I motor, fiiciinn-ririve
tr.iu-niisiuii, 2 inch liv 3-i' rh clincher tins, quipped with top and slip
cover Bosh magneto, pas lauqw 1 nil irr iterator, 3 oil lamps, hom and tools
The Metz it an Ki Or tn Kvraiise it is lih!, minimum cost of
lire upkirp, it coiiMiiiies a until tn 11 tn uiiLiiut ol file!, it is free from compli
cations, low main'e mtce expense
The Mi-t l)u t the Huna'M.iit Hie Country It is light and durable; runs
fcUiO'jtlilv ami is cti-lly controlled
If you an- interesreii in .1 Car tn tiii.,ih.n: r in one thtt will take yon there and
hark ht low cos'. call 111:11 see tile Mi 1
Agent for
Washington County
Astoria Centennial
Astoria, Ore., Aug, 10 to Sept, 9
The Great Event of the Year
This Centennial c. leh:nte-, the first settlement in the Northwest, and the
attractions ih'oiiyh'.ut ihe month will lie worth the j;reat oci'nsioti cele
hrated. Histotic futs mid buildings will he leprodiiceJ, military and
uaval evolution", pyrotechnics, aeroplane flights conceits, nth etics and
the Paciri; Coast Regatta. Special folder on request.
Willamette Valley Day
$3 60 Round Trip to Astoria
via rouiantl ami "ilic .oith Bank Road."
$4.80 Round Trip to Clatsop Beach
I'oints. Astoria st p-overs. Tickets sold dai!y,
return limit nix months.
"XfV. 1-1. Coma ir
Gen. Freight and Passenger Agt.
S. Oooi)or
AKt. O. K. Ry., IJillsl oro, Ore.
Leaves for Portland
Forest Grove Loral 6 41 a. m,
Enters on Fourth St.
Sheridan Flyer. 8:33 a. m,
, Enters Union Depot vlaOswego
Forest Grove Local 3:02 p. m.
Enters on Fourth St.
Corvallis Overland 5:10 p. m
Enters on Fourth St.
Leaves Portland for Hillsboro
Corvallis Overland 6:55 a.m.
Leaves on Fourth fit.
Forest Grove Local ; 11:00 a. m.
Leaves on Fourth St.
Sheridan Flyer 4:00 p. m.
Leaves Union Depot, via Willsburg
Forest Grove Local 5:40 p. tn,
Lenves on Fouith St.
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25.
It might be well for hunters to
know that there is a trespass law,
which makes one liable for hunt
ing on other peoples' premises.
Complaints are coming in almost
every day and those who are
making a business of hunting on
lands not their own should be
careful, for arrests might make
Card ol Thanks
The undersigned desire to thank
the neighbors, mill crew, the tire
department, and those who re
sponded to the alarm of fire sent
in 1 rom our home.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Houston.
Hillsboro, Ore., Aug. 24, 1S11
best countv exhibit at Saiom,
and members ot the association
are asked to display birds.
Sealed bids will U received lor
the the furnishing of material
and the construction of a school
house for District No tiS. in
Washington County, to date of
August 26, and opened at 7:30
o'clock p. m. of that day and
contracts awarded. The board.
reserves the right to reject any
or all bids. Plans and sjH'citica
tions may lie seen at the resi
dence of J. Brunswick, or at
orlice of Supt. Case, Hillsboro, 1
Mrs. J. Brunswick. Clerk.
Address, Cornelius, Ore.. R. 1.
County Judge Stevenson and
the commissioners are planning
on a new regime for the care of
the county paupers at the poor
farm. They think that the
county should hire a superinten
dent, who with his wife, can look
after the care of the inmates,
and let the county buy the sup
plies. While this will cost more
they argue that it will be a
great deal more satisfactory. It
is agreed that no one can cive
much of a bill of fare for the
money it has cost the last twenty
years, but for that matter the
old inmates would complain no
matter what they were given.
The Countv board met the first
of the week and decided to erect
steel hrnlo-p nt Tualatin, a
quarter of a mile East of the vil
lage, across the lualatin Kiver.
Ihe suan will be ltlS feet and 6
inches in length, with a o0 foot
steel approach at one end, and
the entire structure will cost
$7,500 complete. As there is an
emergency the contractor prom
ises to have the structure ready
for acivntamv insidenf :?t) davs
but it will more ikel? be sixtv
ot them.
The thrp.islipr owned bv M H
. - -. - j . - -
Henderson, of Cornelius, caught
hre, yesterday, from a spark
from thp pno-inp nnd hpfnrp the
flames could be extinguished $25
damages was done to the new
teerter. ana $1U0 worth ot trrain
was burned. John Vanderwal
went out this morning and ad
justed ti e seperator loss. The
machine was working on the R.
bchwanke place near tenterville
ni ... "
A Swede by the name of Eric
Enckson was sent down from
Timber by Deputy II. S. Rogers.
Monday, and the derelict has
been sobering oil from a "toot
on Nehalem Citv booze. He is
coming out all right, although
he says he ate nothing for 16
days the Nehalem brand furn
ishing all the heat and strength
he wanted. He lost his under
clothes and was pacing un and
down the track when taken into
custody. Rogers and the Argus
reporter vistited hnekson Tues
day, and when the reporter ask
ed him "Haa du panga," he said
"femma chuga cent." When
asked if he had seen little green
suited Irishmen walking around
in the trees he paid an unde
served tribute to Nehalem City
fire-water by saying. "No, but
Ay tal you ay haa seen beeg
black lallars vid purty long tails
lak devils-man.
Lrickson isn't crazy he's
just recovering from too much
Nehalem joy-water and it must
be a pesky trade-mark.
Will of G W Marsh, decpaspd
admitted to probate; John Ira
Marsh confirmed as executor; B
Y ( -ornelius, L B Buchanan and
A Hermens. annraisers. Thp in
strument gives Dora Marsh, the
widow, all the personal property,
and a life interest in all the real
property, the same to descend
to John 1 Marsh, atter her death
At her decease, however, John '.
Marsh is to pay the grandchil
dren, Fay, Geo. and Elmer Ray
mond. $1000: Arthur McConna
hay, $1000, gift to lapse in case
of his death; a daughter of Mr
Marsh. Gertrude Wilcox, $1000,
or her heirs; if death intervenes
the gift to lapse if she shall leave
no heirs; Kebecca Jansen, daugh
ter, $1000, same provision; Helen
A Marsh to have 35 acres, sub
ject to the life I ease of the wid
ow and John I Marsh has the
residue of the real estate, sub
ject to the above payments he
to serve without bonds as execu
tor. G W Shaver appointed admr
estate S N Shaver, deceased.
Guardian Geo and Harry Metz
ger authorized to sell real estate;
bond at $3000.
Guardian Walter J Mc.Phprsnn
authorized to sell realty for cash,
at private sale. Same order as
to realty in estate Mary Mayer,
The Washington County Poultry
and Pet Stock Association will
hold a meetinc at the office nf
Judge W. D. Smith, Hillsboro,
on the evening of August 25, at
7:30 o'clock, for the purpose of
arranging for a county poultry
exhibit at the coming State Fair.
There will be a $50 prize for the
aon jfqrivultantl
n;...;f im the Industtics
i -it in. , -r .
1 ... .1, .1... .HV Imiv
III. 11 win -. -
min ii
HIIM-t 111
i,etl.ell.du1t..e...dlor,v- A'';'"'! Mr. h.i.H 1
Auil.iiltnir. l iul niKiirr..K. ,..,. S .rii.r ml VI.
Fn,,.,ee..K. Minn Kn.inre.inK. H , Sr,rB..rr 2id.
Couimrice. 1' and Music, i he C ullt e
CtEf,KKt;.sT.aR. om-ooN ackici n km. co... f.
Coivalln, Oicgon.
Thi. is the title of a H P 'K' ,'""k; ,,1ll TV
will I t FKF.K Ihe ..... ol . he I M k ,,
i,e the and to rivr Al I. thr
.4. !
w in. in: riKsr
l "J
in iii .'Lin.., I , ,,,, t
ii. -ii"!.. fr W dud i.,. i
III II'.' III. Hi, ,,( i
. Ill V Hil (..I . ,
i. thiHM iiu tn ii
itl;tll . I. Ii I tuiti hi,,.
-i'k I'M'. ill. I
Tn II'" II t il.l,, i
e HI lie nf t ii . K"n
o.lil V .
Tin iin.l. I -.lK,,. ,
I. i ut ll ili , t',
nm int. i mot 1 1 , i it , a .
tnu m t.i'.iiiii i.r iii
'I pi hi' I. .iii'i i.
lIl-lllM lf 1 tli ll l . h
tll.lllt t- I'll., Hi ,, ,
I 1 1 lltil,i. II ilrl , I,,
I llll .. till. m ,,,
Ilietenf. lliilllil i . , i
nor it Ii ! 1
lit I'HIl' tl. "I'll Mllll II
mult 1 1 t In I, , . ,
lilli' Hull',ll III li.iii' i
W !'ilimlmi riiimt 1 1-, .
ul Ii 'in il I i A n, ,
1.110 rir.
Imt.'il Hili ' n,i ,
t SU iii-iI i t ,,,,
Kill. rtl H , '4,k ,
trtl-lll HI N II ii in i I
inn ii". i; I'mu. ii, in ,
I'm kiii" Iv S. M.f ... t
T 1' M. I.I", ii V. ,,t.,
i n Mi.-I'. i t i,-,, l , ,,
i. .'it. I. i;i.,'ii' .i .I ,, .
ni l. I t' f,i
tttiiM. t: I' ii tiii, ..
I'm kin i I. . I;, i i
Ii k.i.'i .. W .: ,i
.ii. W II U il. ,
W t'M.'tt It'll I' t I I, .1.1,
The Washington County court house ;
on the first block to be encircled by- a
paved street. Workmen begin grading
Mondav morning, and the contractors
will put down bitulithie. The entire
block was donated the county by Isaiah
J W Allen to P H Faulk. SO
a see 3D t 3 n r 2 w 15(H)
Sarah E Manning to Geo Kn- ;
gelke, 21 acres north of j Annate
Hillsboro U.S0
Portlantl Heights Realty to
Helen M Gavin, 3 lots
Portland Heights No. 2
Same to Anna J Gavin, 3 lots
same ad
J E Parmley to Edna E Kin
ton. fi'250 so feeL at Hanks
Mary Haynie to John F Hay
nie, tract east of F Grove
J C Kuratli et al to C C
Rushing, 1G lots Pineland
T R Davis to United Rail-
IN TIIK I'llti l IT IMITtT Ol'"
si'atk ui-' i ui it is. you
fill N I Y ul' U ASIIINilTUN.
S M Potter toChas H Chick,
14Masec 19 t 2 n r 4 w 1250
Portland Heights Realty to
Clara Lewitz, 4 lots Port
was in town Tuesday night, the
guest ot his uncle, S. J. Galloway,
He came through via Sheridan,
and brought back to civilization
Clifford Long. Frank Rollins and
Byron and Gerald Garrett, who
had just emerged from the wilds
of the Nestucca. The Iwys left
their bear over at Newskowin.
on a reel at a
All the sanitary sewer north
of Washington Street has been
accepted by the city excepting
the block between the Hotel
Washington and the Oregon
Electric depot. This is under
test this afternoon, and is ex
pected to make good. This leaves
a clear field for the paving to be
gin, and the court house square
will first be tackled.
J. E. Butler, wife and son
were in town this week, guests
of Mrs. Polly Butler. Mrs. But
ler and son will depart next week
for Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to visit
with Mrs. Butler's mother. Jas.
will follow later, and they will
remain during the Winter.
Geo. W. Ingram, a brother of
Lloyd Ingram, died at Oregon
City this week, and was brought
to Hillsboro for interment. He
leaves a widow and two children.
Deceased formerly lived in Wash
ington County. He was a native
of Linn County.
Thos. Guyton, who was injured
last week by a falling stub, over
in South Tualatin, is reported by
Dr. Robb as getting along nice
ly. The published reports at the
time named Geo. Guyton as the
injured party, which was error.
Two big loads of rye straw,
neatly bound in small bundles,
passed through the city Tuesday,
enroute for Portland, where the
cargoes were sold to manufactur
ers of horse collars.
D. L. Houston has sold his
Fair Acres ranch, south of the
city, to a Mr. Halvorsen, of Hood
River. D. L. is going to take a
vacation for a few weeks, as
soon as the city improvements
will permit him to get away.
Wanted: We want to rent a
farm near Hillsboro, or Corneli
us. Will pay cash rental. E. D.
Cockerell, Hillsboro, Ore., gener
al delivery. 23-5
Jos. Essner, of Mountaindale.
who has been a sufferer with
rheumatism for some time, de
land Heights No. 2 340
Wm Reidt to Gustav Nelson,
quitclaim 4 Its VV Portland
lights 1 !
Ruth Trust Co to J I) Fischer j
lot i hIL- if. Nrtrlh PI si inn A'K
moving picture C C Rushing et al to Elmer j
Kussell, Z lots I'ineland Tr 250
Wash Co Absttact, Title Ul Trust Co I
to C A 8heiburn, 4 lots Tualatin
Gardens, S
Western Oregon Trust Co to Glut
an extended stay at Collins
Springs, Wash.
For sale: A casolinp pno-ino
Fairbanks-Morse, 1J horse pow
er, in nne running condition
working every day
se finer nuttiner in an
motor. Inquire at Argus office
t rr i..t l i t-i
i. n. wur ami anri h ronL- .
Smith, of beyond Glencoe. were! 1 a.m "1 th? maFket for 1000 tons
in the city this morning. , , ""J'' aiso ouu tons
. . wvivi attu UVIJ
Born, to J. u. Trachsel and
IlllUrk, PUillllll, I
J.ilin lliiltat'lii I'ufrii.Unl. )
j To John II lilmrli, tliM alKiv iiaiiieil de
It- it .1 1. 1 1 1 .
In llto name ut the sui ul iiircun
Vim rn li..rl. r..,ii. Ircl Ii. ni.iiMt Mil.
annnttr tlie ciittiiilaiul of Ilia nUlnttil In
I lie nl.uve eiililli.. ml on nr I lir
'.til day o( llelnlwr, I 'll and II vmi luil m
ai.tiear ami auir. Urn Uinlilt Mill
a)ily in tlie mutl ..r (lie relief ilt'iiiamln
In lull. I ioiiiiUlnl, to wit, lur a ilreire
: lllHMlll V lllrf tllM lnlll.1. Ill In Kl I lllilll. V link
eilillnif lit'lui'i.11 plaiiilil) anil ilelrmUiii
I huh aiijiinicina ami tiftcittimiK not iiit.un
to lw the ol ok Her ol all rlidtU under
I'tiUin I'niiirai't l"r .iirtliKe ul Ira
tour in Nitrlli H 1 1 1 (. . i At ri. Ornanli, i
ii .nit In Hie !..! it 1 1 It ' m t'iittiiliiiiii.
Tin Minimum In erved uihiii rou I
plitilit'all'tii by order ol tha lliiu.iraliln II
: O. Xieveiiwui, Ju.ln ul I lie t'oiiuiy Court
1 nf the .State ol liritini ..r W iliinnlni
t'lHin'y, wlilt'li order mi inadn ami rit
irri-i nit in UI.V oi A UK'llt. Illl I .
Oaleol Aral uulilltatloii AiiKUnt :i. lull
I IHI of I a it Ik lulu s lilt
Juliiimui . Altnrnitva lor i'Uiti
tlll.liOH'. nil . Hltlir., I'orllatid, Oittm.
fcxs. utor'i Noma.
j Niill-a la lleret.j Otven, tltat Ilia tinder
ntKiifti iiaa neen a.Niliiiei fcimtitiir
, llielaat Will and I enlainent of if W
i Marxli. dttceaieil. anil li .i. ...,n,,...
at audi by tlm t ouiily I onrl oftltaMuia
I "irnuu, n. r n anniiiKUiii count ami
j "'' " only ii.alilied mi. It Kieeu
i .
Now Tlirmfora all .i-m.iih l.avli
0,,ui,, .V.r. . vt" i. iii" " 1 . Hi" tanl .Miate. ant ,erl
-i iiirini,iic,.iiw iioiiiiati aim niin rn.t 1.. ... . n....
Richard Scheldeieiter to Frank t aald Kiiwtitur with n, ,,, i
. to
ai tint reNl.leiii'M ol t, HiBr,g,w,
liorlli ol CoriiHllita or .i tl... u. ...ii ...
Thin. H ToiiKiia, Jr , at II illl,rn, un.
k.iii, wiiiitii mi iiiontita from Una ,ut,
ii, i.inuti i . mil,
John Ira Murh
StVtf&Zlr ,a,,Lll,Jo.M..ler:K,w,
Tlio. II 'Ioiikuh, Jr,
Atturiiey for
l.ukes, tract in sec y I a s r t w... joo
Herman Bu-isman to C W Chase, 25
a Fee 1 t 3 s r 1 w 5275
A J Roy to Claience Yoiitig, 651180
feet bllt IS .Simmon ad 1
Jas S Gill to Chester Wright, tiart
in bllt 1 S P ad, F Grove 2500
Gi;o Fngelke to Frank At nock, 21 a
uorth of Hilliboro 2500
Frnnk Arnock to Geo C Fngelke, tr
in blk a South Coast ad 1500
Q Tuck'.-r to Dollie Tucker, lot 3 blk
15 F Grove icnn
Oavid L Brace lo Home Installment , The lindersitrni'd will Moll ..t ..,,1
Co, 1 1 lots in Geo Richa.dson die 10 1 ,: :' . lb, 1 " 111 H 11 at. I'11'''
Felix Verhoven rial to K. B Salfinj- ,.d.1 m'r l,!U'1" "rSt llOUSt
ton, a lots Kuob Hil .. Forest !SUU1 OI hd Cook s, ('(Mik switc
l'rove 400 : 0,1 H. K Beaverton cut-otV
- - - - 1
'" . n .
' , ,
" ii 1
'ii.i ,.
1 1
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Smith, Jim jO.iiw 1
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ii-.'tar 1 1. 11. km. .1 i
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ii ... T M i Un h .
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1I1 t "it in-. I III ..Ii U . ,1.,, - ,,,
ihlv ttl K. tilt-tllt'ii I'll I ,t u. ,,
A M t.f :1. tljV. ,,, . ,,, ,
Kt'llie .i-tlll..i In IL. I ,,,1,1 1 '
lit.' "f llii'.J"li I n tl ....
ullt. ill I III! I..U .. ..,.,:,, ,
. Il I Int.- it Il.l . I' t' v n 1 ,,iii ,
II. I'litt.- nlutll ltit. .t 1 ,, ii,l...
i..ll. tut. tliltlnu itlni I ut. 1,, ,
llil.nii lln.itt-i ,111. 1 iu,.t Ii,. .
l.ll.. I i l-k I'l .-. . I U -.;
't'lllll. tll.', III lr - .j'.niliti.
1. lie K..II..II l"l il " 1 ., I ,.f ,,,
fl II. r .1 llf I'f tin- 1 .,. ,11. c
II. .!.!-. Hill-1. Hi In I,.
TUItlni' II'. Id. Tliulnt
I Hit t) IL"" Illl 'I It '
II Oil I V
Allnttnt'. r.
'"1 '.
1 it, nt -it
1 'i ..( n.
IVIill 1
Applitlliun liil I iqiiur
Same to Agnes Bell Watt, tra.-t in
lot 1 blk 37, Potest Grove 2100
V A Shaw etal to Catherine Cor-
bett I C S Ri.aiii.rlnn .l O 1
, - j - hiii. iirc.l- - . ' j
vll,e; 6om u years; bay colt, 4 years- 3 two
Hattie Lyon lo Mary J Laxley, lot I year old heifers tn 1 ti ,1
inDought.'ssubdiv. . 5oo at , .UItrs1' be Ireshin
Mary E Rogers to E G Heaton etal anuury. - Vearllllg heifers. 2
44 acres see at t a r a w ,0 "W ,J a"d 1-4 narrow tire watr-
Nettie M Booih to Ulrich Kampf, I Oil, 2-Seat hack, butfL'V itn.l Ini-
50 x m feet on O.k st.eel, east1..' 7oo TICSS, niOWer rake 2 hlttai f i
Nancy Clearwater lo J A, (.llf, ' 'd J'' 1 P , .S f(H',J
8o acres sec 4 t 2 n r 4 n moo ' " r.' V ll'Vator- H,,'-J chickens,
Ellen Kenwonhy to F M Bushy, i Household furniture and mimer-
lotinVallev View. Forest r.r,,.,. ,,r. ! OUS (it hoe .i.-t;,,l,.
lerms ot Sale $10 and under
A ?r ?10' 6 nth time!
G E VV. stinghouse to Otto Brose, lot
in iimutr townstte
M A Mi ody to Ge i Doughty, lot iii
Faitview ,0
D M Mclnnis to Alfred Bickiiell"
13.0a a Hazeldale I0
Alice Mckenzie to D M Holbrook,
'A interest iu n H5 a Elam Young
E J Ayers to F C Blackmail, 64
aens on Gales Creek 3C00
.1 B McNew to L S McNew to actes
t it merrill a 1 c...
L G McNew to J B McNew and wife
10 acres Chas G Merrill claim
P C Filbert to Hobt T Comelms, lot
in Henrv's ad. C
Sophia Jurgensen lo M CoiiziTmarin
at ten a. m.. on
t, narry Keelion, C .S Wilion, rm.'i t"
nay mare, 9 years, vnwi o,.it t-ki c w 1 .,,ni,u, .1 i- 1 1,. l n
CO'teU I. lit. r.rlt ... '.. . I... I..- li....l. lit ftl .J... . .. I I 111-1 i
111. lun iuhilh. m 11. .-. ii- 1 .1
II Slim Kreil M..I A ! UiHl! l.- l
Ml.u. u lt ........ c .... v.,.,, t'. P I'ui I
', !'' '", I'f. - -
James May, f i tit II11t1l1n.n1, .vliii'i
Wlllin I, hraley.J.ihii M tel. W M
ger, J Sihmiiae, J Mn.lis.,11, .h S,h,;
hie, M K VAiUoii. Wm VbiiI.uoii, M
Vattdeiilirook, H J Kill Iv .VV H
W S ll.iiiu U' , I S M''1
U M lt..,.,i I c r,,..,, 1.' I, I-. W ui'il. 1 1
lhiyck.n F Knits T HnuK' H I- H l'r'"
John Harms. Abe Sum. t: H Titlo'.1'
hert S nt. V W Wi Ittnti W Cl H",!
S W Kh'itie A T WilluiinvC 1. Schti:
ke A (1 llurk I i:..iti..iiL,- A .K hiissr I
fit. 1 . ' i.'cr u. 1.;. .11 .in. litmrOl
..n.n itinrilt, ill III! 11-iiti, 1 1
Santlford, II C Sahnotv, I'niini' 1""'
am. A G Boll H S K inn W F lr:: I
ll.'h. Victor frrtt, Adittll llt-ll. Willi!
Hermes, job 11 Slelerl, Paul PullfuW
III l'f.... mitt r...iii. W
j . mi I.1JIIII nullum .
VaiiGemv.en, George CiiiiiiiiiK'lll,,"',,i I
....I til 1. .. ... .. 11- l...l.n.illi II
iici 111 1 to II, l WZilll, II " " ,
f' m..,,, ,. i' ir t....... 1..I1 1 u.-hlion,
..i...,r, v. lit. vein, .if .
Iw.l..l..,r.i.. 1,1... M .n,,, 1. iiIdUikI
-. ,1, , in, in nt. .11111, 1 r , 1.
f1 t Ul 1 I,.. S A l'
i. riT-iv, -reil irri'ii - ..
Meek. R J Schwaiike, John MUW1'
II VanCleve. ,
llairlev .t Ham. AltoitintH fur A I'l'1'
J. T. Morrison, of Fn
r "iiiftl,UII,
Was in town tniHnu RQf.
. ThepQhinnr nnil tu: i..'
. ..v,u..iuv.u.ii tui cviiie utile, ue- v.oiiiufi anu inigaling JOS
parted the first of the week for says he has hardly time to Bleep
wife, of near Cedar Mill Anr
23, 1911, a daughter.
piirwum? nine, ai 8 per cent.
ici est.'
B P Vv B- kt.
. 1 . Cornelius, Auctioneer.
See our dishes for our ,.,,.....,
era. When you expend $100
with 1.3 you get a fine dining
.e... r ammirtt . ?, "y l"ai
r r C i . 1 w 14000 V J"'u gei trie dishes nr
C t Hmdiing to W A Berlu eit, a I you have a dandv trim,, n., I V i
lots Pineland Terrace loJspt I.W.;7 .y Kdrn! a'"l fish
E.nest Kcen'g to C J W James, do I """" i nros
sec 33 t 3 n r a w 1000 A. E. Pent whn -
the baltnll110 ha-H WJacted
landthtweek.mVlnr l Vwt'
The Groner & Howell (; haVp
ann t. ...... Wwk
than onr nn..i . .
WOOfl Onlv rnctc 1 88
vite the .uW to 'in", S
ftLan,? "hl wraeh bet.
Chester and Floyd Rafrety and
the Misses Reta and Wanda Raf
fety, of Mountaindale, start for
miamook tomorrow morning
Frank Waihpl
his mother, rptnmorl Uat- '.t.
mot, wcfrl
irom a trm tn tho t;ii 1.
v. coast, and they report a splendid
n time. Fmnlr id arrair. t.U.-J it
-..v..i,.vrii, - -- -...... uisoiti ucttiiiu me
Reason for block at the Emmott store.
electric "
nay Wanted
wil Pay you to
your orders with s
falfcfdteP-W. Sirnpsoni
wasmngton Street,
Portland, Ore. 24-7
Nulltr n ImtitliV Kivrn llui thr uj,.;,
I H 1 1 e . I Hill j..y Ii the I ..tiiii t ,ur,
W uililiiKlmi i utility fur I -.-n ii
ililiiliinii'. mail ami ton u 1 1 , u .' :
nitrliMl o tmn vnar Ir. m u- t ti .lit
Si.iti.iuiH r, ten n ,i.M k tn b
that will (.rennul Un. Iiiil .u tug in
In nat.l run 1 1 mi in tilt in t l V
her. It.ll at IU a ut ii. I- I ,i t.i
W. I. "ini
H.i.d a lie '.', fin
I' o tlm ll.iniiiiilili' r. unit);
ol n aMiiiiiHuii t tiniiiv
W' til tlll.-rlrfli'.'.'lil. 'i.l
iral voter of i tin tn Iti r. I'll' t ti. I it.
Illljlull I't lllltV,Stpill I lo ,-.ili.iinlif
rMiinrltull I.Ktlllno yutn It mi .uLU'
to Kraut to l r rmlt'iii kn -it nii.1
Sharp a lli"'iin lur I tin i.'i l nl "'i
Irulll lltr liny of fi'l'l. ttilwr. I'll
-ell aiilriluoliii, in ill ami viii .ik lit.
Iii Ini iintiilliir. than nii e til"" In i
tun n of Ninth I lain in iltuli. '
flin t. Waaliinut in 'oiinlv i-Mlf J ul
F A Hithlcr. Lmil MHI.r, l-llull
llit' ll. T
van, Carl Klinyn.-li, (. u .M i.t
Hi.chtr. K I-: Moritaii, I Mill'f , t.V
Mcljfoil.P (iili'1'nlirn..k Krvjstt.Air'
I IllliTtl urn A 11 ml rr I ii .... .IrllBia
Waller Xiiiii.iii G W Ifciarwi , In. In
K IliitchUou. 11. in v llmiii. t l) M1
son.Williniii Knlt l' C H il.l.. WmU
Ir Jr, lien Ihtrety, Aiik'ii.l Kili'f.Afl
Plarr. Aiitfiiit Wilhrlui . W I Wt,n
ter Vandetiltertr. II Kells .l V.i.'I-!k:
I 1' Krllv l- t.itik r.ii.uii'ii II K'l I
W S... i ill ll' A.I. HI..,, it II Katib .I'm
II Krllv. ilenrv 1 1 il trillion . 1 1 W Wil"
Harry Krrnon. C S Wilum, Foul I1'1
Notice to Creditors
I Inil
tl, Con"?
fi lice In limebv ulven
uuiv oi w Hsttiituioii i ,i. - -1
IniM nit....l 1 il 1... . 1 ....... f tin Mill!)1'1
... ,. . ,-,, ,K..
iritr.twir ol the eHliili) ol Jom'I"' " ""j-j
doeeaHDil. and thai lot haa ,liilV'l" '
saimli, ami all peraoiiM hiivliw.6'
HKHlnst hhiiI bhIu'o urn Imrt'liv "mL,
pre nt I limn tome wlili propiT vu"1' "'
at the law olllt.fl uf ilnnliin Hi "' ;,
HiliNlmr.i, urDiinn, wit'tln -"i
n in tint iliiitt of tlii i itulii"'.
I'atetl AitKiiHt 14, Pill. I,,,,
Josnph A Mourn, Ad'iilnM"11""!"
Bilalnof .lotinph A. Moore, l""',',l'e'1' i.
Illlllt.lll itnuilttun Allnrill'V llir Al111"
Carl Sorenson, of Reedvilla
was in the city Tuesday.
M. H. Stevenson and wife re
turned from their trip to SkaniJ
nia. Wash.. thP first of the wee ,
and M. II. is atrain in the ab
stract harness.
Monev to limn m miv aniu
on real property security. -f
lnuton (Countv Abstract Tit ?.,8
Trust Co., Shute Wdg.,
boro, Ore.