The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 24, 1911, Image 1

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    tt w
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k veil- xviii
NO. 21
! . .
AJmiUcd Tht he Mobbed llan
I). Koih. ( IWlow Stholl
Wilson U Tried (or Same
Alva liaison, of n,'nr Sherwood,
pli-ailiil K"ilty FriJuy to robbing
0IH, Hans I. Koch, of below
ln.lls, taking a gold-filled wutch
an, t. n dollars in gold. Judge
(amplll U-frrtti sentence, ami
therein vet another defendunt in
the cast Wm- Wilson, who has
,,,.ahl not guilty, uml expect
The Powell divorce case, of
Hanks, has I een dimnissed.
IMainttiT was grunted a decree
in the ease of Ihiyck versus Hill,
of uIkivc Mountaindiilo.
Annit' Connors, who married
paniil Connors, in Portland,
in IS.S',1, was given a decree of
divorce, and allowed $40 per
month alimony for the inaintain
jnKof herself and throe minor
children. She told the court that
Connors had lieen making good
wajft'f. hot that he HK-nt it all
for drink, ami that she wuh com
pelled to sniiH)rt herself ami
chililren. although the husband
mailt' Kood want's.
May Wanted
I am in the market for 1000 Urns
oat and vetch hay; also MO tons
clover and f0 tons cheat hay.
Call or address (J. W. Simpson.
341 Kast Washington Street,
Portland. Ore. 24-7
Card of Thanks
We desire to express our uppre
ciation mid thanks to those who
so kindly assisted us durinK our
recent iieivavement. the death
and oliseipiies of our hod, Thos.,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson. Ore., Auk. 18, 1911.
rum.ic sai.i:
The undersigned will Hell at puh
lic auction at her place first house
sotithof Kd Cook's, (!ook switch
on S. I'. It. U., Itenverton cut-off,
at ten a. in., on
Hay mare, D yearn, gray colt,
5 years; hay colt, 4 years; 3 two
year old heifers to be fresh in
January, 2 yearling heifers, 2
hojfs, :i and 1-4 narrow tire wag
on, 2 seat hack, buggy and har
ness, mower, rake, 2 plows, feed
cutter, cultivator. Borne chick ens.
household furniture and numer
ous other articles.
Terms of Sale $10 and under,
cash; Over $10, (5 months time,
hankalile note, at 8 per cent, interest.
Mrs. H. It. McKay, Owner.
J. I . t onielius, Auctioneer.
The editor of the Beaverton
Reporter was in the city Satur
, Dr. I). W. Ward, of Forest
(hove, was down to the city
ri'ioay alternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C Johnson.
of South Tualatin, wore Sunday
Kuests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Jack.
Henry Hamilton, the Forest
Grove capitalist, was a county
scut caller, rriday, being a wit
less in Lenneville case.
Mrs. J. c. Hare, of Portland,
well-known in this city, and
lauhter-in-law,Mrs. W. B.Hare,
are visiting with relatives over
in lintish Columbia.
Chief of VnWna Waaaf ami
Night Officer Brown have had hut
v'iy little to do in the way of
ai rests a rather unuaual thing
where so many laborers are at
The long drouth was broken
With a Venirpiipp louf Snfnfrlnv
about 1:30, when there was a
regular deluge for about five
minutes. Workmen on the sew
e' and pavinsr scamuored to cov
er. and the rainfall kept up for
iy an hour before the sky
Mrs. Aliiirnil Q n.,-tnn Into r
p - ... ,j, uui lull, late vri
Portland, died at the home of her
sister-in-law three miles north
of torest Grove, last week. She
wa aged 83 years, and was a
oauve oi wew York. She cross.
ea the plains in 1852. Mrs. Bur
ton is survived by two sons, Geo,
W. House had an iieeiil.-nt
i travels over to th Till-,.
k country, a week ago Mon
, aecordiiiL' to tin- Till:m,m,L-
raid. He was driving between
Iph and Helm, with his sister
Mr. ami Mrs. ). . Kmri.-k
n his car tipped over, spill
the tiuartet out. Tl II' tll!l.
ne was riirhted: no one w:w
ured. and aside fr
ry Hcare no one was the worse
ine event, the eninne went
id while the machine was go
: up a steep hill, and before
'. House could get the car un
r control it had bacWoil intn n
ank and turned turtle.
The (Jroner & Rowell Co. have
large Ktock of drain tile, from
to 14 inch; also building blocks
id brick. It will pav vou to
ice your orders with us, as
bum our tile to a betti-r color
lan our competitors, as our
mm1 only costs us a trifle. We
so have a good stock of rough
nl dressed lumber, which we
vite the Diiblie to inmii.rt u.
ire purchasing elsewhere. Our
miring is made from red fir
miter and will wear much bet
r than (looi-iiiLr m:iih frnm tin.
soft yellow fir timber. 5tf
Helen M. Green Wilson, of
'orllaml tili'il Knit Ihti' thw
week, asking for divorce from F.
IC. Wilson. She alleges that
UlllllV illllTcll.'IIH'l'll ItKI'lll.'ltlll-V
-' " ' - J
embraces, ami that she was a
witness to exchange ol niieroli's
which put him in I tad with the
wife. She wants a divorce
instan ter.
Mr. and Mrs. ("has. H. Do
.aney. of Portland, were out to
tillshoro. Suiidav. miosis of Mr.
and Mrs. 1. A. bmg. Mr. He
Ijuiey is with Twohy Bros., the
big contractors who built the
Ilarrunan extension up in the
Madras country from The Italics.
Miss KUie Johnson, of Wil-
iumstown. Penn.. who has been
visiting at the homeof her uncle,
I'' .1 .liiliiriim ilt'iiaricil the last
of the week for California, Miss
l.ilinmm m teacher, and IS tour-
the West, while taking a year's
Chester Alexander and Fred
Siegrist departed Tuesday for
Newport, lor a two weeks vaca
tion. Fngineer 1'ollett has so
far recovered from his case of
irnken tinker that ho went on
the IlillslKM'o-Timber run, Mon-
Deputy Game Warden George
tnssell and Kov Bremer went
iver to rillamiKik last week,
making the trip in via the P. U.
& N. They went over to see if
there was any violation of game
laws over in the coast county.
For sale, reasonable-A half
d.x-k in North Hillslioro. on rock street. Will sell all or
any part, with six room house,
n good repair, v nil l trees, ner
ies; chicken house. John Hoo
ter. Hillsboro. Ore. lOtf
A viit to the Wm. Kagley Sr.
Iiopyard, Sunday, shows a splen
II. I eron. ami it will require some
i imn to iiiek the hundreu acres
.r vines Mr. Bag ev is now
busy getting his dry houses into
shape for the harvest.
k'.wh for cash rent -40 acres;
3.r under plow; house and barn;
minimi' streams; orcnara one
mih. west of Laurel. - James Pat
terson, Laurel", Oregon, Route
Ti, Ni.rih Plains Bank has its
stnev brick comoleted so tar
as the masonry is concerned, and
(lw. workmen exnect to get the
Mif finisheJ this wook some
Wm. llostetler. who is running
no.Hi i-e honvnrd. at Keedville,
nn the I. add & Reed property,
us in town Monday, wru says
he has nice crop prospecls.
vv W Childs. of Dillon,
Mont., and Miss May Braley, of
Lents, were married in tms city,
aig. 18. 1911, Judge Bowman
Mme Pnlver. of Portland, wil
be at Hotel Washington, Satur
day, August 2(ith, with a line oi
hair goods and toilet articles.
Born, to John Madding and
A It I. ll.tulr A IKV VII
wile, or near uaK ium,
1911, a daughter, weignt i
For Sale-Tent and fly. Tent
is 12x12, good as new. win se i
reasonable. Inquire or Kuratli
c H Smith and Ward
Downs returned Sunday from a
trip over to the TiliamooK secuon
Mrs. E. J. Johnson departed
Monday for a visit at rayeue.
Mrs. 0. G. Wilkes was a Sea
side visitor the past weeK.
S. F. Goodwin, of Oak Park,
Char(c Malice In Swearing to Com
plaint Before JuHlice Smith
ames Wilson, who married Vida
iewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jus Ix'wis, and who has had a
varied experience as the result
the matrimonial venture, has
sued the ex-father-in-law for
$10,000 damages, and the case
as filed by Bagley & Hare, in
ireuit court, Friday.
James Wilson and Vida Lewis
were married early in May, and
ie bride went to her home after
ie ceremony. She remained
lere, and Wilson was forbidden
ie Iiewis home. Later he was
arrested for assault and battery,
barged by Mr. Lewis -this was
ie tune that Wilson took his
oung wile into an auto and
went to the Thos. Bailey ranch,
near West Union, the couple
taying there two or throe days.
Wilson was tried and acquitted
iy a jury. Later the wife sued
or and was given a divorce.
When her complaint was filed
he procured an injunction for-
ddding Wilson from interfering
with her. One evening Wilson
met the wife on the street, al-
ging in court afterward that
the wife sent for him. Wilson
and a cousin of the ex-bride had
sin altercation, and Wilson was
rrested for contempt of court.
he circuit judge, Campbell,
nod him $25 for disobeying the
order of the court - and then fol-
ws Wilson's suit. The com-
aint sets forth:
"That on the 18th day of June,
911. at Washington County,
)regon. the above named defend
ant. Gus Iiewis. maliciously in-
nding to injure the plaintiff in
lis gcxKl reputation, before W,
). Smith, Justice of the Peace
:x Son-ln-ljiw Piles Suit in Cir
cuit Court (or Uig Damages
Washington County, Oregon,
as without any probable cause.
whatsoever, charged the plaintitl
lerein, before said Justice, with
wilfully and unlawfully assault-
ng one Vida Wilson, and malic
iously and without probable cause
irocurod said justice to grant a
warrant for the arrest of the
tilaintilf uoon said charge,
. .-. . . . . t ,
That said Justice issued saiu
warrant accordingly, and the
plaintiff herein was arrested and
mnrisoned under the same, anu
actually required to give bail to
gam his liberty.
That afterwards, on the
day of June, 1911, said charge of
assault was dismissed, and tne
aintitl" herein discharged, and
that since that time the defend
ant has not prosecuted said com-
daint. but has abandoned the
Wilson asks for $5,000 on each
of the above issues, and says that
because of the suits the newspa
ners gave circulation to the af
fair, and that his reputation was
damaged to the extent of the
sums asked
will sell thoroughbred Duroc
rsev hoirs. at mv farm. 1-2 mile
west of Beaverton, on the main
ennn rv road, at 1:00 a. m.. on
,r,.. -J ,
as follows: yearling sow, bred
n furrow in October: 10 gelds.
r months old: 13 vounjr boars. 5
months old -all in fine, thrifty
nndition. Pedigrees will be
urnished to buyers.
Terms of sale, cash.
S. H. Davis. Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John M. Wall and family were
down from Roderick Kails, Mon
day afternoon.
George Hellaire and wife, of
Glencoe, were city callers Mon
Henrv Johnson, of beyond
Glencoe, was an Argus caller
William Hathorn and wife, of
Laurel, were city visitors the
first of the week.
Lewis G. Merton and Josephine
ft Merton were united in mar
riage by Judge Stevenson, Au
gust 17. 1911.
County Clerk Bailey is finding
that he is keeping in close touch
with Washington. D. C. these
days. He must make a monthly
report on all naturalization nnngs,
onrl hoairtpa this must make a
semi-annual report covering tTife
same business.
M. II. Henderson, of Corne-
us, was in town this week. ;
S. H. Davis, of Beaverton. was
n the city Monday afternoon.
C. H. Malcomb. of near West
Union, was in town Monday
Herman Glaske. of West Union,
was over to the city the first of
ie week.
J. W. Jackson, of Glencoe,
transacted business in town the
first of the week.
J. W. Vandervelden, the Hoy
merchant, was in town Monday,
nroute to Portland.
Corns cured, moles and super-
uous hair removed. Ladies in-
ted to call. Hotel Washington,
August 20th.
John Booker has a handsome
new residence nearly completed
his tract a mile northwest of
he city.
Mrs. F. Bockmann, of Wheeler,
was in the city Monday, accom-
anied by her guest, Mrs. C.
Ockwig; of Portland.
Chas. S. White, of Gaston, ac
companied by his father-in-law,
r. Hocking, was in the county
seat Monday morning.
Daniel Gregory, of Portland, is
n charge of the Mason & Coombs
ork on the sanitary sewer. Mr.
regory is an experienced sewer
Mr.' and Mrs. E. N. McKay, of
ook's Spur, were in the city
Saturday. Mrs. McKay is a
daughter of the late Wash. Jones,
f Glencoe.
Mme. Pulver can match any
n usual shade of hair and carries
the best goods at the lowest
prices. Hotel Washington, Sat-
rday, August 20.
Elmer Watson, working at the
McCumsey mill, near Mountain-
ale, was in the city Saturday,
nroute to Portland to visit his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K.
Money to loan on farm or oth
er property, on apr roved securi
ty. We also sell real estate.
uratli Brothers, Main Street,
between First and Second. 20tf
Wm. Tupper and family were
down the Columbia on a visit the
first of the week, and Mr. J. M.
Bridges took care of the court
house property during Mr. Tup
per's absence.
FTrst-class, gentle, buckskin
pony for sale. Will drive double;
is 4 years old; saddle, bridle,
spurs and "chaps" go with pur-
hjise.-W.F.Tews, North Hills
boro. ZZ-i
Judce Smith Decides Evidence is
Sufficient for Investigation
Private Kurtz Able to be at Hearing;
Bond at $500
Joseph Lenneville, the Forest
rove blacksmith, charged with
assaulting Priyat Kurtz, a sol
dier with the U. S. surveying
corps, at Forest Grove, a few
days ago, was held to answer to
he grand jury at the coming
session of circuit court, his hear
ing having been held last Friday
before Judge Smith. Two wit
nesses swore that when Kurtz
truck Lenneville's dog with a
small whip (Kurtz thought the
dog was his own) Lenneville
struck him a heavy blow, felling
the soldier. Kurtz was uncon
scious for a short time, and was
ater taken to the hospital.
Lenneville went on the stand
and said that he merely shoved
he private, in contradiction to
he evidence of the others.
Henry Hamilton swore that he
alked up the street behind the
soldiers just before they passed
he Lenneville shop, and that
from all indications the soldier
was not intoxicated. Hamilton
helped pick the young man up.
Hollis & Graham appeared for
enneville, while Deputy Dis
trict Attorney T. H. Tongue Jr.
prosecuted the case.
The lieutenant in charge of the
surveying corps went on the
stand and admitted that he had
told Lenneville that he would
give him a stipulated time to pay
he private S50, or the law would
be invoked. He stated that he
did this, however, on his own in
itiative, and Kurtz was not in a
condition to know that the offer
had been made.
C. R. Adams, of Scholls, and
who has lived in that place for a
number of years, was up to the
county seat Friday. He stil
lves in hopes of seeing rails
aid into Scholls some of these
Lost: Lady's purse contain-
ng sum of money. Purse was
in man s overcoat. Keward.
'Tnder deliver to undersigned,
or send to the Western Soda
Works, Portland, Ore.-Mrs. B.
leckman, Bethany.
Cornelius has a newspaper
the Cornelius lnbune, edited by
Virgil Massey. The publication
is being printed at forest Grove
at the Press ofHce, and creditably
reflects the industrial and social
ife of the city between Hills
boro and Forest Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Smith,
who have been at Pendleton for
several months, have arrived in
Hillsboro, and will locate here,
They are at present guests of
Mrs. Smith s parents, W. S. Til
ton and wife. Mrs. Louisa Gar
ble, of Salem, a cousin of Mr.
Tilton, departed the last of the
week for home, after a visit with
Mr. Tilton, whom she had not
seen for 35 years.
Some wag hanged a muskrat
to one of the trees in the court
yard, early last Saturday morn
ing, the water animal having
been caught near town. Sur
prising as it may seem there are
many or these little fellows with
in a half mile of the city limits,
and not more than two miles
from town there is a big colony of
beavers. These bigger chaps are
many times guilty of consider
able damages, but the law is so
strict that the farmers hesitate
to destroy them. For a com
munity which has been settled
for over (0 years Hillsboro s sub
urbs presents a strange anamoly
recently a stroller saw the fo
lowing wild fowl and anima!
within a mile and a quarter o
the city. Beaver, muskrat, mink
duck, pheasant, grouse, China
pheasant, quail, crane, heron
bear, coon, woodchuck, skunk
and if lie hadn't walked into too
close communication with the
latter, might have been seeing
things until now.
The duality Drug Store
The place where you are always sure of
drugs of absolute purity and Highest
Quality, prepared by competent pharma
cists who take pride in the accuracy of
their work
Candies and
The Delta Drug Store
he undersigned will sell at pub
ic auction, at the Adam Luch-
singer place, one-half mile east
of Bethany, and three miles
northwest of Cedar Mill, on the
ortland-Glencoe road, the fol
lowing personal property, begin
ning at 10 o'clock a. m., on
One bay horse, 6 years old, weight
1700; one bay horse, 5 years old, weight
1600; one brown mare, 8 years old,
weight 1550; one black horse, 5 years
old, weight 1600; one bay driving mare,
5 years old, weight 1050; one black Hoi-
stem cow, ireah; one short horn, fresh
soon; 'i Studebaker wagon; Racine tu
bular axle wagon, good as new; 3 seated
Kucme hack; open buggy; rubber tire
top buggy, good as new; McCormick 6-foot-cut
binder; McCormick 4,'4-foot-mower;
McCormick hayrake; 2 hayracks;
vliorsesha(t9;i2 hose Gunlarh dull, good
as new; 12-wheel 20-inch disc with truck;
14-mch John Deere plow; 2-section
steel harrow; 3 -section wooden harrow;
Clipper fanning mill; hay fork, pulleys
and ropes; 2 sets double harness, one as
good as new; 2 sets buggy harness; 1 set
3-horse plow harness; complete lot small
farming tools; one range, 2 Denting
stoves, beds, chairs, mattresses, 2
lounges and complete house furnishings.
Lunch at noon.
Terms Sums under $10, cash;
over $10, one year at 6 per cent,
bankable note.
F. Klatt, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
President Vice-President Cashier
A. L. Thomas, As't Cashier H. E. Ferrin, Teller
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Wednesday, June 7, 1911.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - $255,144.21
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bonds 38,185.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Undivided Profits
$4(38,222.33 $468,222.33
Rosorvo 3 4 Por Oont,
Thos. C. Todd John . Bailey J. W. Fuqua
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburtf
Joseph Meier, who first came
here in the seventies, and later
settled near Newton, departed
Monday morning to return to
Switzerland, where he will make
his home henceforward, with a
sister, in the Canton Zug. He
has disposed of his property here,
and expects neyer to return to
Oregon. Meier has made many
friends here by honest dealing,
and all regret to see him leave
He recently sold his interest in
the Meier farm to Clark Bros.,
and will have enough to keep
him in comfort in the i atherland.
He was back to Switzerland last
Spring, and returned only to dis
pose of his interests here.
Cotswold Bucks
Fine full-blooded Cotswold bucks,
from registered antecedents, for
sale by Jos. Cawrse, Cornelius,
11. 1; 5 miles northwest of Hills
boro. 24-31
M. M. Bridges and wife, o
Portland, were out to Hillsboro,
Sunday, guests at the home of J
M. Bridges and J. M. Greear.
Henry Wilkins, of Portland
and who formerly resided over
near Farmington, was a Hillsbo
ro caller Monday afternoon.
Chas. 0. Roe & Co.f
Porch and Lawn
Call and Get Prices
Seeing Is Believing
Chas. 0. Roe & Co.
Pioneer Furniture
If your wife or cliild were very sick, would
you employ a poor doctor instead of a good
doctor, simply because you could save 50 cents
on each visit?
You might "save the money"
but lose the loved one.
If your watch is ailiug, will it pay to "save"
50 cents by putting the delicate machine into
the hands of an unskilled Watch Doctor?
In Watch Repairing you
must thinh of the results
when you thinh of cost.
JUST RECEIVED a new lot of watches which
I will be pleased to show you.
Jeweler and Optician
Hillsboro, Ore.
Laurel I. Hoyt
r "
and Frank G., of Portland,
was in the city Saturday.