The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 17, 1911, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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The Trout Season will soon
1 here, ami if you want the
Fishing TucKle
that will bring you luck, tall
aud sec our line stock.
Sec our
now line
of the Fumou
Standard Baseball Supplies We can out
sell them all wlu-u it mines to
bust-hull Supplies.
Curate, Third Street near new Hotel.
Notice to the Public!
We arc pleased to auuouuee that
vc are uow in a position to fill
orders for Brick ami Tile in any
quantity desired at our yards in
Forest Grove. We resjicetfully
solicit your patronage
Forest Grove Brick and Tile Co.
Willamette Valley and
Southern Oregon Day
Centennial Jubilee
Astoria - Oregon
THURSDAY, AIKi. 17, 1011
The Centennial celebrates the One-Hundredth Anni
versary of the first White Settlement in the Northwest
Spectacular Marine and Mtlltary Pageant
Program for the day will include Young Ameri
can's 1'aradc in the afternoon, drill in the evening,
Indian War Dances, Kite Flying Contests and
Concerts by Kllcry's Hand
The Greatest Aouatie Kvctit to be held in the West
Willamette Valley ami Southern OtiRou lav al the OHlcumal the
HOUTiimnN rAOino
will aril round trip lirkrta AiihI tMh from a'l points it
One Fare to Portland Plus $3.00 &
good for return up l l lm)liK J4t
l or further purliculata any H. I'. AKrnl or write to
Wm. IVIoIVIiirrny"
Cenrrnl I'lWseiiKi r A(( t". I'm timid, Oie.
mm m
Old Law lleuulrinir Advertise-
itit'nt of Delinquent l.lst Restored
1 1ST 01' 1,10 IS UNUSUALLY LAKIil":
Forest Grove Music Store
It. N.ST A EH R. Prop.
Forest Grove, Ore.
Very l ew Have Heavy Taxation, How
es cr Many Small Trail
Tli (lcliniui iit list of property
uxm which no taxes have as yet
1hi paid since the rolls opened
last Spring, apears in the Ar
Kirn ami Forest Grove News
Times, this week, and will run
for four weeks. There are about
WW tracts which went delinquent
April , 1911, and the county
charges 10 per cent, penalty and
one per cent, monthly, since de
linquency, and the owner must
also pay the costs of advertising.
Under the law the publication of
the list goes to the two official
papers of the county.
There are very few large
tracts, with heavy tax, in the
list, the great majority being
small tracts and lots in the towns
and cities, and a few lots in Beu
snnic and Hyde Park, down on
the Portland mountain.
It has U'cn several years since
there has been publication of the
delinquent list, and the new law
was passeil by the last, session of
the legislature.
That a party's name is on the
delinquent list, however, is no
sign that that particular person
is dt linqiient, for many of the
charges are where property has
changed hands prior to last tax-
paying time.
The oldnt awl most re
liable place ill WinhiiiK
tuii county to liny mimical
inMrunieuU from. Why?
HeraiiM- we uiulerHaml
the businma. When a
watchmaker, a grorery
Iiinn or a furniture dealer
all at once decided to
hmulle pinnoa or any
other musical imtiu
tnentn they have mme
thiiiK to lcirn, ami the
eapeilrnre imy be very
etpeutive to them a well
as to their customer. If
a dealer (loet not know
how to buy liKht, be can not tell right.
II he does not know a gooa idwiuuicui
from a bad one bit customer ia liable to
get the worat of the bargain. We aell
tiianoi from $175 00 and up and give our
customer! the benefit of our experience.
In no caw do we allow our talesmen or
rep esentativea to miaiepreaent anything
or to take in any of the worthies piano
checks or piano certificates the country
is 11 xded with. Our prices in pianos are
from $50.00 to $ 100.00 less than Portland
prices oweing to our expenses are so
much smaller. On organs and rewing
machines, of which we only handle the
standard makes, our prices range from
$IS 00 to ti!i.oo less. We handle Victor
and Kdtson's talking machines and rec
ords We have the largest line of sheet
music in the state outside of Portland.
Mail orders for same promptly attended to. String instruments and
strings of all kinds. Sewiug machine needles for any machine made.
Send us the name of your mac hine and enclose 1$ centa in stamps, and
we will mail vou one dozen needles to fit your machines.
a: m M VBUtt
mmmmmm mm mmm a
V. Hit-
In till) Circuit I'oilit of O"' Hlale '
ii-kmii (ir WiiHhliiKtim Comity.
1 (irliiK K. Adams, iiitiitlff,
Bi'V u. Thome, (li'fciiilant.
Ti Ui-lney i). Tliorne, the above-
iiiiiiiimI tlifi. ml !i ti I .
In the nunie of the Stat" of Oreaoii:
Y1111 me hereby coinniaiiiliMl ami re-
iinlii il to he anil Bpier In the l""
entltleit cmiit ami answer the cimi-
In 1 ri t flleil khuiiihI yiiu ill Ihe above
eiiilileil rnuve on or before the expir
ation of nl weeks from the dale
the firm piihlliallim of this mitumoiia
In the HIIIhIioI'o Armm, the ilale of
the fli'Ht imhlliatloli thereof tielnK An
mint III, mil, mill the ilute of the IiihI
Mil.lleiitlon thereof belim September
it. 111, and answer the complaint
the plaintiff therein filed una'"1 'oU;
mill .
Vou will pleaae take notice that If
you full ho to appear and answer, the
Plaintiff will take Juilnment attalnst
you for the sum of 1 1 50 with Interest
thereon at the rate of B per cent pel
annum from the lat day of February,
Hold tipoli 'exeeutliin ami the proeeeds
thereof applied to the sat Isfuet Ion of
Ihe claim of the plaintiff hereinbefore
w( forth and for such other Judgment
ami order an may be necessary ami
proper, mid the costs anil ilishurse
meiils of Ods action.
ThN summons Is serveil upon you by
mil.tlcut In the lllllshrtro Aiku, by
order of the Honorable II. O. Stevenson,
1 t ilt- I lilt LTD III WashliiKton t'ounty,
llllll'J " .... I
...... .. mm illlieil .AUKiir.1 1, 1.'...
llAUI.liV 4i J 1. a nr.,
Attorneys for rialnliff.
I H i Ki'll.
tfrm,iiiia KutzkT. riaiiitiff,
... ... L-..,..i. Defiuidan
To Altrt KnUMy, defendant above
in the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear anil
answer the complaint filed against you
In tba above eiuuieu oouri. v-.. - .
Hill, the sumo being the reasi ran or i --ft 't18 expi,tloii of
value of the services 'J""' (b' If 'S, f " W ' '
Plaintiff for you In certain .,,, H If you fail to ap.inir
Circuit Court of the Htato of Oregon this " '", ulllilltill will applv to the
for Washington County, rendered . in. and ftX anded in said com-
performed for your benefit and with XloVwit: for decree of divorce
your knowleilire and nssent, anil tor plaini, ' ,i, h.imU of matruno.
the costs and disbursements 01 i"
'net Ion, and for a Judgment anu orum
that tho following described real prop
erty belonging to you, lying, be ng ncl
situate In Wuahlngton County, Oregon,
and particularly descrlbod as follows,
Helng ft part of block 7 of and In the
Town, now City, of Hlllshoro. AVnsli
Ington County. Oregon, particularly iie
Hcilhed as. beginning ut a point in
fect Bouth of the noithenst corner 01
1... c 1 rn.,, 1111 Hboro, ami
Ull 11, Ullll l I, 4 " " .
running theme south 32 lxh9.
west 80 feet; thence north u joii.
thence west II) feet; thence nortl i
feet; thence east 99 feet to the place
be. C'b. Sheriff of Wasb.ngton
County, Oregon, aa real proporiy
I. a n Hillt.UI BIlll UH
w H XIMIilllBLlf WO M --
fendant on the grounds of cruel and I'l",
awariled U cu-UhIj of the three minor
1 n tiWr, nlaintilf and defendant and
t,1.tTo"heW,furt.,er relief to the
court f"i(,hlu, onM . week
. TWiW 1111.. -i ; of tlie
'TT . t ampbeli; Judge of the
il ve entitled court dated Thurai ay.
U, lv 6 1 il. directing the pub Ilea on
' heL.f.' ' 'be date of the tlt pi.bllealion
lait publication Is Thursday, August 24,
lait p
Schnabel A LKoohe,
Attorneys for flalntifr.
Among the score of names
given farms around the country
side one of the best farms in
Washington County has a name
that is rather paradoxical. T.
W. Sain's line place, above Gas
ton, has Uh'ii given the appella
tion of ' Hardscrabble," but a
look at the place would convince
anyone that a person would not
have to scrabble very hard to
make a piece of money on the
See our dishes for our custom
.... 1 1AI1
ers. When you expenu $iuo
with us you get a tine dining
room set of dishes. Call for
1 1 1 L.. ..I (
carus ami nave ine ui
your purchases punched each time
you buy. When you buy that
amount you' get the dishes, or
you have a dandy game and fish
set.--Emmott Bros
Doutrlas Leisy, on the Portland
IHilice force, was out toHillsboro,
Tuesday, on his return from the
coast. Douglas is taking his va
cation, and reports for duty to
morrow morning, but says there
is such a shaking-up going on
down there these days that a
man never knows when his job
is safe
For Sale-Good five-year-old
black horse, 1100; pigs, all ages;
also brood sows, a tine boar,
heifers, and hne young Jersey
bull. Lots of laying hens, chicks,
ducks and turkeys. Independent
phone, 255; Gattis, QuatamaSta,
Forest Grove electric, 1 mile east
of Orenco. 21-3
John P. Hermsen and wife and
two sons, Frank and Joseph, of
Tacoma, where Mr. Hermsen is
a salesman, are over this week.
the guests of H. Vandyke, of
Verboort. Wm. Smith, of Center
ville. and Jos. A. Moore, of Koy.
The visitors and Mr. Dyke were
county seat callers Tuesday.
Mnnev to loan in any amount,
on real property security. Wash
ington County Abstract title &
Trust Co.. Shute Bldg., Hills-
boro, Ore. 4J-tt
J. T. McNamara was released
from custody, Tuesday, without
any hearing on the charge of
vagrancy. As to other alleged
charges, the officers had nothing
against "Bricktop." arid he was
allowed to go on his way rejoic
ing. J. E. McDonald, the insurance
man, well known in Washington
county, was out to nuisuoro,
Monday and Tuesday, greeting
friends and incidentally picking
up business for his company.
Dr. W. B. Cunningham, of
Orenco, was up to the county
seat Tuesday. He and Mrs.
Cunningham departed this morn
ing tor Astoria and Seaside for a
two weeks vacation.
Will Wohlschleirel. of Scholls,
who is making good in the dairy
hnsiness. was up to the city
Tuesday evening.
Wm. Josse, who owns one of
the nice farms out near West
Union, was in town Tuesday
Moretz Schmidt, of Helvetia,
was over to the county seat
Tuesday afternoon.
Herman Thurnher, of beyond
Blooming, was in the city Tues
day. transacting business.
Tho balance of the Jas. Bor
wick tract, between Reedville
and Orenco, has been sold.
Fred Goetze, of Iowa Hill, was
in town the first of the week.
Hoffman's Sawmill
is sawing 'from the best timber ia
. Washington county. The finest
Rough and Dressed Lumber
always on hand. Estimates on
Buildings, Flooring, Rustic, Ceil
ingsall kinds of finished lumber
for house material. We deliver.
Phone: Pac. States, Glencoe Central, 37
PETER HOFFMAN, Bacona, Oregon
d St.
Hillsboro, Ore.
Both Phones
Fruit Wanted !
We will pay you the highest market price for
Royal Ann, or any variety of cherries. Other
fruit wanted in season. Drop me a card. If quan
tity is sufficient will receive in Hillsboro or Forest
A. T. STRATTON, Cornelius, Oregon
Thlt la the tltl of a beautiful 64-pag book, which
win snow any Doy or girt Bow to SUCCEED. Drop
postal In tb mail TODAY and It wUl bo t.nt FEES.
Tho aim of tho Collego la to dlgnUy and popularity
toe Industries, and to lerv ALL tb peopl. Itoffora
courses in Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engin
eering, Forestry, Domestlo. Science and Art, Com
merce. Pharmacy and Music Tho College opens
September 22d. Catajog free.
COLLEQE, Corvallla, Oregon.
L J cortL, vice Pres.
A R leabo, cashier
The First National Bank
of forest grove, oregon.
Capital and Surplus $60,000.
4 per cent paid on Savings Deposits.
$1.00 will open an account.
Directors: -Geo. G. Hancock. John Templeton, T. W.
Sain, H. J. Goff, E..W. Haines, George Mizner, Levi
Smith, W. H. Mollis, W. K. Newell, H. T. Buxton, and
L. J Corl.
We appreciate your
patronage and hope for a continuance
of same.
Make on- Bank your Bank.
Through Tickets to Eastern Points
Baggage checked to destination and
sleeping car arrangements made
Oregon Electric Ry.
Through trains east from Portland
St. Taul
Kansas City
70 65
New York
Washington f
Baltimore i
Boston " 11065
St. Louis
Springs )
Tickets sold June 16, 17, 21, m, 23, 24, 28, 29. 30; July 1 to 6, 19, 20,
26, 27,2s; August 3, 4, 5, 14 to 17. 21 to 23, 28 to 30; September 1, a, 4 to 7.
Return limit October 31. Choice of toutes going and returning. Stop
overs allowed. "
Spend the Summer at Clatsop Beach
f4 80 Round Trip, daily, good all summer.
f3 So Round Trip, Saturday aud Sunday.
First-class hotels at Seaside and Gearhart.
Grafted Walnut Trees
As I have made a careful study of the Waluut In
dustry in California, Oregon and Washington for
the last six years and have great confidence in the
future of the industry, especially in the Willam
ette Valley, we are' planting 250 acres of our own.
As we are growiug and grafting the trees for
this tract to insure reliability and uniformity we
decided to graft some for sale of the same quality.
In offering these trees to the public we believe we
are offering the very best that can be produced at
any price Vrooman Frauquettes grafted on
Royal Hybrids aud California Black Root.
Washington" County has a bigger area of land
suitable for walnut culture than most any other
county in the valley, yet very few first-class trees
of the late-blooming varieties that are adapted to
our climatic conditions are being planted.
Order early, as our supply has never been
equal to the demand.
I will be glad to furnish all details regarding long
or short trips. R. Cooper, Agent Hillsboro, Ore.
W. E. Com an, General Freight and Passenger Agent.
Ferd Groner
E " OR
I Oregon's Popular Beach Resort
An ideal retreat for outdoor pastimes of all kinds. Hunt
ing, Fishing, Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Autoiug,
Canoeing, Dancing and Roller Skating. Where pretty
water agates, moss agates, moonstoues,carnelians can be
found ou the beach. Pure mountain water and the best
of food at low prices. Fresh fish, clams, crabs and oys
ters, with abundance of vegetables of all kinds daily
Camping Grounds Convenient and Attractive With
Strict Sanitary Regulations
Low Round-Trip Season Tickets
From All Points in Oregon, Washington and diho on sale daily
g-T3n.y gintxii-t Irty-IVTaiiclcvy Tloltotw
from Southern Pacific points Portland to Cottage Grove;
also from all C. cY E. stations Albany and west.
Good Going Saturday or Sunday and for Return Sunday or Monday
Monmouth Butter at timmott Imperial Hard Wheat Flour,
Bros. Try it it is the real $1.45 per sack, at Connell & Co.
thini?. Every sack guaranteed. 37tf
Call on any S. P. or C. & E. Agent for full particulars
as to fares, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of our
illustrated booklet, "Outings in Oregon," or write to
WM. McMURRAY. General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
J : I
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