The InliLLSo VOL. XVIII HILLSBORO, OREGON, AUGUST 17, 1911. NO. 23 i HARVEST III FULL BUST IN COUNTY I liriHlurnun Kcport Oootl Yields on liarly l'H Urnln srVINU liKAIN IS N(T SO (NM.I) l illint Nol up Earlier Prup.. Owing lo Warm Wave Threshing in in full Mast in Washington county, and thresh r men are turning out a variety f yields. Whore wheat wart sown rally ""'l bMlt'd lH'fr' l'"' warm wave struck this region, it is yielding all tin' way from 2T to JO bushels per acre, and outs in tin' name condition art' going f mm W) to 70 bushels. Later sown Kali grain and the Spring sown, however, were just ut the point where the warm weather made a shortage in fill ing, anil the yields are not so heavy. Taken all in all. how ever, the harvest iH a god tine, and considering that the hay ..-..i. .'vtra heavv. and grain fully as Rood on the average as hist year, ami a little better in l.laees, there is no cause for complaint. The (Kitato crop I not going to he very heavy on the plains, hut up in the hills it is said the vines are looking up fine. A STATEMENT J. A. I'.rown. the Forest drove liveryman, was down to the citv M.....I.... ' mummy. SAW H1LLSBQRQ Flour PITCH AT LOUISVILLE White Mountain at Fmmotl's. J. ('.. ltefheii (if Went Union was out to the eonntv Heat Mori- Irvlnir Mlirzanbotham Is Making day morning. Theodore Vandehey, of Forest . i iirove, was in town mortuay, on some abstract business. Uood With the Louisville Team HUSTON TELLS OF EASTERN TRIP Horn. August 12, 1911. to John He and Family Saw Fine 0ame While Kucgy and wife', of Phillips, a .. 4. . r. .. MmL Imm iU flranil Cirf Hit son 111.. ...!. Ml I .!.. tvuiiieu; women ami Kinn. .. . , ,, ...,..i,.vm...,t ii. Hon. S. B. Huston, of Portland, Moore's laundrv. HillBlwro. Ore- was out to the city Friday, on gon. 18tf legal business, and says he thor J. (' Smith, of (Jreenville. ouhly enjoyed his FasU-rn trip. was in the city Monday. He re- from which he and his family norU threshing in full blast out recently returned. He saw the ms way State Veterinary Lytle was out from I'ortland, Friday last. J. Schmitke. of above Moun taindale, was in the city Satur day. F. E. and Bert Howell, of Scholls, were up to the city Saturday. .1 .1 VanKleek. of below Kin- ton, was up on circuit court busi ness Saturday afternoon. Born, to Wm. G. Hesse and wife, of Scholls, August 11, 1911, a son. J. A. Zimmerman, of Hoseland Farm, below Witch Hazel, was up to the city Saturday. Chas. Holcomb, of Bethany, NSTRUGTOR IE I RESIGNS FROM COLLEGE After 44 Years ol Active Service at Pacific University TURNS OVER KEY TO THE LIBRARY Prof. Jog. W. Marsh Completes Life Work at Forest Grove Professor Joseph W. Marsh, af ter spending 44 years at Pacific University, as the head of sever Unas, noicomu, ui uuji - , . . , was a county seat caller, Satur- al departments of learning, and The Quality Drug Store o Dr. wi he gust 2T), to 4 o'clock. drove, Aug. 21 day Frederick Johansen and son, .'.,:...., r.a.a ..lau t C.honm Oscar, were up irom rarmingum and win their game, and says Saturday. . . .... I T T i. AI nnl. nroA Antt in niusooro, u- uhflt Tinker, the o d-time wrs. rrnesi jveeiui ai.u UaU(..- At Forest ..., , ,a n ,u ter. of Elmonica, were in town I onianu lavuiiic, moo un eatiirdav Mr. and Mrs. U.l?aldra expect w... Kv.. he .m, to A. 0. Johnson and no move back to llillshoro in the - " '. ' wife, ol Soutn luaiaun, Augusi nol distant future, after spend- went to see the national pame as u 19U a son inp the season at Orenco. played in the city of Mars w R irst-chiss, Kcntle, buckskin Henri" Watterson, and irvmj? Mny for sale, will drive uouoie; niKKanuoinam, uie luimci miio- horo my, was pucning iur home team. Hnjnantmham won all these vears librarian at the college, resigned his position last week, and will spend the re mainder of his life reading and enjoying the fruit of his labors. He retires at the age of 75 vears. and has instructed some ot the briehtest minds of the Northwest. The late Congress man T. H. Tongue was one of Ueedville, Auk'. 14. 1911. To the Editor of the Argus - Dear Sir: You will kindly give me space in your valuable palter to correct a statement made in the Oregonian. under the head of "A Cherry Appetite Curbed," dated August Jth. 1 will say a part, if not all; are absolutely falst. Mr. Hitchcock knew who owned the place, as he was so informed by the man on tne place, but he made free use of my berries and cherries at ilitTer- ent times, always when 1' had left the place, and the man on the land denies ever giving him i i 1 1 - permission as claimed. mr. Hitchcock was not satisfied with taking what fruit he could eat. but hi ought with him his wife and one or two men and a mar ket basket, in which they were putting the cherries. Some were in the tree picking at the same time, breaking otT the limbs and throwing them down for Mrs. Hitchcock to pick. The limbs 1 found scattered around the tree. I was informed by one of the party t hut the cherries were taken to Portland. 1 was in formed by the party who caught them in the orchard, that tiiey had gathered alniut half a bas ketful. Mr. Hitchcock has never oll'ered to pay for the fruit at any time, us 1 have never seen the man, and what he says in 'that respect is absolutely false, but I will sure make his acquain tance after threshing season is over. E. W. Dant. RllliA - IUUIU.OW Thos. Rhea iind Mrs. Lvdia J. Bigelow were united in marriage in I'ortland. Thursday, August 11, 1911, Uev. Canse, M. E. minister, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Rhea are resid ing in East llillshoro. and will be at home to their friends after September 1. The groom is the father ol Mrs. H. T. Bagley and the bride has been a resident of llillshoro several years. Geo. Vahdecoevering, of near Uoy, threshed 408 bushels of wheat from a ten acre field, and Theodore Vnnderzanden went this a trifle better, his harvest him 41. R bushels to the acre. Wheat raising pays this year in Washington County. For sale, reasonable A half block in North llillshoro. Oil rock macadam street. Will sell all or any part, with six room house, in o-ood rennir. Fruit trees, ber ries; chicken house. John Boe der, Hillsboro. Ore. 10tf Thos. Durham, of Portland, and formerly of Heppner, was out to Hillsboro, Monday, ac companied by J. E. McNamara, an oldr.imA enmnositor with the Argus, and now chief ad-man on the Portland Daily News. Wanto.l Psirtv to take charge of boarding house at hopyard near Laurel. Vegetables and fruit furnished free. For par ticulars telephone Laurel, Ind. 2559.-F. M. Crabtree. 22-4 Thos. Fowles, of above Moun taindale, was in the city Monday. is 1 years old; saddle, uriuie, minrs and "chaos" iro with DUr chase. W. F. Tews, North Hills- Intro. 22-4 Ueennler Benton Bowman re fills nearly all taking advantage of the tcn-vcar-navmcnt plan on the improvements, sewer and liivintr. and it has Keni him very iiisv nince the lien docket was closed. All applications for this manner ot payment must be tiled before August 25 Money to loan on farm or oth er property, on approved secun tv We a so sel real esiaie kuratli Brothers. Main Street, lu.iu.een First and Second. 20tf Kempfer was up from Witch Hazel. Monday. He re turned from the Allcrta and British Columbia country a few days ago, and has been laid up with his ayes. He says that in Mnu it was necessarv for a per fur coat while rid- nun " . inir horseback up in the North- ----- . Country. lst: Lady's purse contain ing unm of monev. Purse was ereoat. Reward u'in.h.r ,Uivr to undersigned. to the Western boda w.iu Portland. Ore. Mrs. B Ueckman, Bethany. W. E. Boucsein, ot aoove M0U, ' Uv Prof. Marsh graduated from county seat Saturday. . University Bof Vermont in Geo. Russell, deputy game 1057. anci iater attended the warden, of Gaston, was down to Union Theological Seminary. He the county seat Saturday morn- came Oregon in 1867 and ever The place where you are always sure of drugs of absolute purity and Highest Quality, prepared by competent pharma cists who take pride in the accuracy of their work his game in the box, and was ... a ft a. nailing wo. mr. uunuw oojo . L u :;fi .. . . i 11:11. . 1. ..,.:..:., 1 inu. 1 ssnice uas ucc-ii lucinuicu vvilii Uiai meoio.-iime iuhmiuimims .. . xnn:z iT;,if o ,fm now , ..... ?. Xj. naCnu, - f he hag worked a."u. ,1V "i," " 2! ' " ( ale' wa?"n t Ltr' get a Carnegie Library, and his cuy. e is majriuK . aay. ne naa uwu . . . rpnliH neyt conirary ui mc cpcvww prune uner iui scvnai jtmo. VPq- many who had nung u e Sign on the young cnap woe . ..r - ,f ' tn Hillshnro. hi fathpr hpincr Prpsident ,i,aa hara ami II avintf On OCa ll"CJi y o " .iv-.v-, I J - --7 In . j l f- harnm-lnF Kn 1 numwirir r,f J armnnt ami in tho tr -e tv eairiie. oaiuraay, counsel iui m uic uhmciohj , v....v..v, ""' . -. . nap : tu ynnn;nfnn !is0 onH hia (rroat.crranHfnrhpr was While in nttsuurgn, mv nuu ... - - - - r . nartmouth r, vtf a ohuror u.'nn n;is i j?t i v saw oiiutiiti ""v. A ivioore. 01 nuy. wiia uuwu nAirt(M piu-neu againsi n....u. u , - to the city Saturday, on prouaie nest)ite his years. Prof. Marsh lime-&ouinpaw, a ,u . busine8g. He has been appoint- ... stil,- nnite - tive and until is one oi me oest in me uiK . n,imin strator of the estate ot leagues, and Huston P.redicU h,R k.. .. ill 1 a tnn.nntfhor hp- ' -"c wuinj "."".v.. l.ldl UC will r , S,r. innfina fore another season rolls around. e n an . . nninmrl all I I . I . Nfi SOn. 01 DitCUl.a, naa . i iim v iHiiiii n v n iiu 1 1 iv t,v i - v n i - . . i . ". .v.. - II I uj ...i.ii,. Klnwn to the c tv Saturday, with to CONNECT OCl. l uvci ui- u-ov,., - u,.J-1J.t.i(,V.t nf u.' d Mhr.ntrh thP weatner nacK auuut a uuuui-unukii. i ;-- - hla.-i. 1,p rries. for wh ch he re- i nufu iu i HH 1 1 v la n.j naiiu u . exam- EXCLUS1VE AGENTS FOR Remedies Candies and Stationery Rexall The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. acclimated Oregonian. QRERN Fl-AQS 00 Thnt crrppn flairs, one at each i.h of the rear end of the last passenger coach on a train, have aupvpn ttipir nap on tne n Pacific and other Harjiman roads, and will no longer be seen on any napnirpr trains on these lines. ceived 12 J cents per pound, says they are very scarce season. this Tl . T . '.P. r-:i.... P. XTnir.r... ii ine ratine lutiiwajr ot, nonso- lie l.. r. f. km. A lion ijoinpiii.y cApctu. uj wave the track finished so that trains fan run hptwppn this citv and The Grand Marca is the most Tillamook, by October 1. This, wholesome "two for a quarter 0f course, will largely depend on mrio nn mark pt made in Ore- whether or not it rains any dur- irnn hv K. Schiller. When you incr SeDtember. If the weather in,.nl(.p in a trood smoke buy a shall remain fair, so that bridge ",V"'" " " .n. O 1 . . , 1 iL. r:nn Mama 1211 work can be Drosecuiea 10 me 1 m t. (Mober 1 wi crowd the timpof track connection between the two ends. Hillsboro and lu ll. A. Kuratli. of Phillips, was in thn fit v Saturday. He recent 111 HIV. , . ' ..... - - - - j. . . 1 !.. r.Hl. IX .1 F A uml-t Cl TI1P m 1 9 IV. r KH Slllllt Ptlll-Ul LP.i ivjo i i I 4.-. Um. n hirt ,lrtmw ' meiNon IJUlck and w e, oi i ine urat u. uua . - . .j, aimws are w uav. a uiS u.iuW .mi nun. fui-iv n.,,. oi r,f tha in iha ArmiQ and three readers . u St. Helens, arriveu in oum.uoj-.u. u r K.lvo tnWpn them ........nhi il; - -v -- kqhiiw' ii'4hhh.u' i.uiiiin ii i. in: rv I U-1 UUIV ,. -- and are out ai, auuiuc... . " r; ii n rt rivprtisp. i, ..fn, ..n .ia ami tarn- are now runmnir win. iu. an. u Vw J. A. THORN'BURGH President W. W. MCELDOWNEY Cashier H. E. Ferrin, Teller i ..ii . ii Aim t oi nn i ii i mariruru in iiint'rr ui liic iiujl., IU Uld III I It T mUUIIlomu.v ,inv.u ... , V ujr, in iL n J!..,,., hnen hnan iiqaH fnr . 1 . 1.'.. ...! 1F1 I llr I I iTMHII link. 3 IiaVC UVV 1 1 muv- ' ' ' .. 1 ' .i ,..,a ',. ia trior! vpara on the rear of trains CUV ftlOnuay UIIU auva m rs.-v. . j - . , uuw.l.1 home county seat to designate to trains in the op- l rtv u.v - - 1 i.: J .Ka i . i imwira nirH'i 11111 hi hi lu liic cuki going anea.l. r'"? l VV! Hicnlavincr the ..i 11....L ..f IwiUnl ueci UI Uic o mi .on vv. nu.i i. ii iuni" jointly, over at the Tillamook canitol. and a special excursion will be conducted to take Wash ino-ton county people over and return, the same day. J. W. SEWELL ESTATE E. BAILEY Vice-President A,L. Thomas, As't Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Statement of Condition on Wednesday. June 7. 1911. Capital and Surplus $50000 Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Loans - $255,144.21 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00 Other Bonds 38,185.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks aad U. S. Treasurer 131,893.12 Deposits $25,000.00 25,000.00 2,777.14 25,000.00 390,445.19 $468,222.33 Hoeorvo 3 4 Por Ooxxt. $468,222.33 Thos. G. Todd Wilber W DIRECTORS John . Bailey j. W. Tuqua McEldowney J. A. Thornbvir mi.u.ii i'" . v ,V Hag markers, mai me . intact This was nec I L I 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 Mini I lll VI I ...l-nB nil r T T r fir 1 1 1 I 1U Lliv V. I v T - rf - I J ""J ":.'.. thPt-nest ineay wi.c.. r . - f ih manv from down with F.J. Sewell appointed as the train was necessary in the cars in Ranch for cash rent 40 acres; 35 under plow; house and barn; 2 running streams; orchard; one mile west of Laurel. James Pat terson, Laurel, Oregon. Route one. Tne estate of the late County i Miiw of Seholls. was ud .Tiulcrp John W. Sewell was ad to the citv Saturday and he mitted to probate last Friday, ,,r h Imbnes. llehasjusire turned from a trip to Rochester, m V nn.l Wnshinurton. lh (j., l h i , tr in the Shriners' meeting. i On his return he stopped at the Yellowstone l'ark. 0. Johnson, of South luaia- Willi I ' oov vi v . ..-..-., - " I W1LU , Ann I J .-! J-- TUa a f An aafo t n . i rnnr u".iv u mm ivmh iiui. a vv iliill)-, i hmiiiiimm i ni.wi . i iiv ul hi viv.i automatic air Drakes. ome- T' " 1W on the Ken- ?nrth a nrohahle valuation of "u l nin nington case, on trial in V " , " ...i i .... PAiirt would break ana a car wouiu oe - !,,. K.k!nrl Therp was no wav I Wo hnup what vou want in for the engineer to tell whether vegetable plants over 200.000 or not he had all of his cars with kale plants; 100,000 cabbage him unless he could look out of plants; 50,000 tomato plants, and i 1 1 ...... i U craan flair 1 inrl nf VPCTptahlp nlS CaD nllU ue- nit gin.ii f man ony nuiu v. u,ovinff from the last coach. All nlants. Come and see for your- Thp nnHprsicmpd will sell at mib- nf thpcarsof the Southern ra- Se f. at Mortons ureennouse, .. annt.ion. at the Adam Luch- tin, is trying a departure for this section of the state. The other i ... i... i,,riit n purli.Hil of Idaho i.,..,iw9r,i in nnmber-and had nf the cars of the Southern ra- them' shipped out to feed for 90 cjf,c Company are now equipped ........ t,w thp Port land market. u;ith th automatic air brakes, He is going to make a try of it, and so the green flag is unneces- and thinks he can make a lew dollars on the deal. He will i.wi .i..m hav and Brain, and ,nu .. L. f give them an iney wm i. circuit Rfi in rpaltv and $12,000 ner sonal property, inewiaowana son. F. J.. and daughter, Mary, are the heirs. AUCTION SALE sary. f AMP DODERICK I 'in,,,,,.-.,.-nf rlnllors will hp ;nc hi-i i . i xiiuusauuo -i v...... ..... - The Groner & Rowel 1 Co. have . . t th Summer camp of spent on the project to have the a large siock oi " ".",cv . " Attorney John Jvl. wan ana iam- v -" .n U neh: a so PUUUing uiockb ... . . nu va nn (Ja es iravei. im lu ---- , I I I V Ml. IIUUL 1 IV I nd brick. It will pay you io . Gale3 ?e&v Q . . I 1 1 Vr MUV.HWl' V"- i Hillsboro. -" singer place, one-half mile east f if winA ArntaA fnr T aUp nf Rpthanv. and three miles T vHp thia wpek to tro to work northwest of Cedar Mill, on the i ' nf r.oriinr fnv thp Portland-fllencoe road, the fol on a cunuutt ui nivinf. company that owns the beach lowing personal property, begin A v.,orvvt at that nlaee. nini? at 10 O Clock a. m., on Bite auu usuii. v r- - f:..---..,, . tz-ittc-ti rvrv i .s at. a huai :y. n,n Imv horse. 6 vears old. weight 1700; one bay horse, 5 years old. weight 1600: one brown mare, 8 years old, u-pioht io: one black horse, 5 years old, weight 1600; one bay driving mare, Chas. 0. Roe & Co. NEW LINE OF Porch and Lawn FURNITURE LATEST CREATIONS IN WALL PAPER AN EXCELLENT LINE OF ART SQUARES 'Call and Get Prices Seeing Is Believing Chas. 0. Roe & Co. Pioneer Furniture Dealers FOREST GROVE, ORE. la beautirui cascaue ui waLci, with a fall of nearly aw teet within a distance of an eighth of hv iumDinc pah nf a locomotive at the Uma tilla Yards, where he is hostler, and resulting in a severe strain. aUn have a cood stock of rough .i .i-oau-ui nmhpr. wmcn wt mm uitw"' . :.,;.. th Tin hi. c to lnsneci. ue- IIIVII.G Hi" " ..- -- - .i.- tinr'.'hnsinir e sewnere. v.ui IVI v. . 1 . H I I r. 13 IWVUIVU at. 11V VAWV - vw "- flooring is made trom rea nr walk ffm the Wall bunga- m two or three weeks, timber anu w . ,0W( and uales reaK is nut a nan , . Drarou who 1 i t ii n r nniiiM iiitiii i 1 1. 1 t . I iinM - n -n r ini.a . ter man hw.iw hour 3 waiK. oumcui iiimc uoj- sof t yellow fir timber. oti be a resort worth while. , . it rr: mnn nf Spnttle. M Wall makps the tHD back It. II. IlClllcii""'. Uv-...-, , --- I mi fv.o namonnt. from Urri ffirth tothecountv seat with anu iv. , -V,rtl J A.i,nvvi 4 h ( Hiarcinpp Portland, bunaay, auer anauui,uwrciv i n unnnnun iii-i.w nn nfiiir ill run, iic.ti l j ... irroom-eieci, nau icicfi;wi"; r, . " A. ' "iu. i .. ..l. in HAmoin in t.iih i i nH .rpvpnsiiii s laiiiuua ii r. cuuuijf viv-. !:,. In i U ; mot ok rnga thp mt in nrnei iu u-u ..-...- h.ui - - and were married by Rev. Val- valley from Roderick falls. ported Uttle hope for his recov land cham. Aiier len. ne riuea in a..u r erv. .. jl .i i.Attm tvin i .:! Ik nil nita wnn unn i-iui-i - . hadcancelleaanout-yi-iu.""'' wiui 4r." Arthur R. F int. of Scholls. to accommodate the sighing dren have been earning toe e - & . swain, the groom laid down six 8everat :Trn. His threshing outfit Wlt.iin a ui-auvv. y. -... -.. ouu iw..,., . , H8iiew:i2-wli.elJo-incnaiscwiiniriicK; '"r I o miip located in a three min- He exnects to leave for his work , .,,,' .ln,, r,ei,re olow: a-sectiou nrl , n r.-v-w 4-lt WI o 1 1 KiiniYQ-I ! -m K -- maala I ... i I......--... - . - wruvlpti liorrnw ,IIrtK0j Clipper fanning mill; hay fork, pulleys WOrKeu ,. o o-io Hnnhlc- harness, one as Virp q fpw milps past, of Hills- CT.A-.1 MB 2 wis buccv harness: I set boro' a few years ago, lost an 3-l.orse plow lumens; complete lot small o.m'nnrl hnrl thrPP rihs broken farmitiK tools; one ranRe, a heating a-m and had three rips uroiveu, . . ..,attresse8i . the result of being drawn into iounRe8 and cmpiete house furnishings a epnaratnr rvlindpr. in the Wal-1 1 i.iw h At norm. la Walla country, last week. He Terms Sums under $10, cash; was taken to the nospuai ai over $1U, one year at 0 per cent, Walla Walla, and sunreons re- hankahle note. F. Klatt, Owner. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. Headache Mrs. R. Hoffman, of Helvetia, dollars to be divided between tne thereuntil the nrstoi memunu.. hag out several days and wa3 in the city Monday morning. SntTh"et'tr 2 Sto peter Grossen, of Phillips, was "gf -eldflf 'wS r W.nted-An experienced girl v,ia'niintial ceremony, tmd gave . Pn,intv seat visitor Saturday. ,. ' f a his nuptial ceremony, md gave county seat visitor Saturday. . t g hio.h 05 bush- no courtesy to Clerk Bailey ior Brothers are hauling rock els to the acre. He thinks that the loss of his trip out of ' town. Wolf pothers ar g h&ve yM I The tightness ot tne groom occ- . ::rC7aa; nr ' thp oitv much heavier but for the warm clerk ana munsici. for ceneral housework. Inauire at City Restaurant, Second Street. 22-3 R. E. Schmeltzer threshed over 8.000 bushels of grain for Wm. Chalmers, last week. r 1 1 Many a head ache comes from the slight but constant strain of im perfect eyes. Wrong glasses will in crease the strain; right glasses will relieve it. If you are in doubt about your glasses, it will cost you nothing to Know, and it is your duty to your eyes Laurel M. Hoyt Jeweler and Optician Hillsboro, Ore. .3 5 t t i ' it r I 1 - ' 1 t " c . - r r;. it it i h 4