The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 10, 1911, Image 1

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NO. 22
Manual Training IVpartmvnt In
stalled; Inttlruclor Cnipluyctl
Miuiy ul I'rcwal Corpa Rclaincd
AukULmU (or Year
HillsUiru'H public schools will
opi'ii September IK, with new
.l..iinrtlll.-IltS. UIK 01)' Cr UlC'Ht' IS
tin' manual training BVKtem, in
stalled in the basement. C. H
Cati lu'll will have chaw of this
department, anil lu comes high
lv recommended an a training
i,.!uticr. iM'inir a gnuiuaie oi a
traih' KttHMil in the Kant II
will jfivi' hall ol ma linn' to uu
IlillsUiro hcIhmiI. and half to tin
L'.nvMt Grove bcIhmiI. Tin? work
! taki'ii up in tin
jilai'i'H has yit'li
ImihIh'Ih Id tin ,
Andrew Hainan, of near Ce
lar Mill, was in the fit v Monrbv
ami Bays that Sn Illl.'IV liiirht'u
Shower H-ttleil the
way. lie states that Al
Croeni is threshing with his new
out lit, ami that wheat in some
Ided as hiirli as 4.r
acre - a fine turn-
ut. This wasi'HiiiTialiv so with
the wheat that wan sown early,
ami hail neurlv filled In-fur., ih,.
hot wave. Oats arc turning out
line, also. Lehmans threshed
IMXH) bushels of iraiti in a day's
run. and hail a line yield. Mr.
Kggiman is at present engaged
in putting u) a new resilience
lor John ( roein, the first story
oi winch is to lie of concrete.
The Groner & Unwell Co. have
a large stock of drain tile, from
:i to 11 inch; also building blocks
ami i.nck. It will pay you to
place your orders with us, as
we burn our tile to a Ix-tter color
than our competitors, as our
wood only costs us a trifle. We
also have a good stock of rough
and dressed IiiidImt, which we
invite the public to inspect, Im-
Itrotheri Hauling in
forest drove Section
Appoint Vlewen lur Two New
Petitions Filed in Court
grade, ami cameil through
high school. Turning In
will be installed as soon as
dents me iM iiM
for tl
Ms Zulia Karle James w ill i
chaw of tiie domestic sci
and sewing, and is a gradual
the James Millikin Univcr
having considerable exM-rie
This year's work in done
science will be largely coo
and sanitation. Work will b
in the seventh grade. S
there are no laloratories the
ture plan will Is' inaugura
requiring the student to do
actual work at home, and rep
ing results to the instruc
Sewing will U'gin in the
grade, drafting and guru
making to follow as soon as
student becomes capable. !
James will instruct pupils ii
third and fourth grades in h
work each week, leading t
the manual training and se
later. The high schinil is
credited to the- State Univcr
Hint it offers a full four yi
course in Knglish, Uitin. mr...
matics and history.
The entire corps of teachers
H. W. Karnes. Superintendent.
(irauunar Sclusil Teachers
Mrs, M. G. Case, Miss Tennessee
Weathcrrcd; Miss A. llembree,
Laurel, It. 2; Misses Uuth Jones,
Kuth lleed. Cecelia Greer;, Alma i;ru, Marca.
v uriiMN. forest, uruvr; r.iinuu
Yard, Otta Maytield, Kmily
You ni?. Ora Walker, Mrs. Miner
va Brown.
High School Teachers Misses
Mia Buckingham, Portland; Dora
Huker and Sarah Bolderick. of
Forest (!rovo.
Special Teachers -C. H. (latch
dl. Manual Trainini?; Mrs. Zuba
tarle James, Domestic Science
uml Sewini?.
The county court adjourned Sat
unlay to a recess meeting, after
four days of session. K. D. Hite
was given a warrant from the
road fund for $107.47. to be re
placed by amount from specia
road tax, District 8, when co
leeted. Wm. McLeotl was given
tax clearance for 1903, upon pay
merit of $9.90. Wolf Bros., for
rock hauling near Forest Grove,
were given a warrant for $537,
r," t-m WO(i fn( same t0 )e
t o,
fe e
-i as
('rand Jury Witnesses
ohm keidiilto Mrrlo 3 60
LuiKt Ik'HK 4 00
miiri Andrews- a 00
illian Harding.. 6 00
K Kddy b 00
us Komi 4 00
olin Corrriti 4 0
ril. NuUky 4
)ave Kurntli 3 00
II KilhurK 6 00
John r.i'Kne 4 00
Job 11 Msnv;i 3 60
inrent Muriel 4 00
Vrcil Stmk 4 60
Itoljrrt Colfclt 6 00
I. Lilly 6 00
r V A Bailey 1 00
Wm Mcquillan.. 2 00
win laiiiKon. 2 co
Carl Ilcr 8 00
IiKpient ((.. W. Mamli)
C I'niwn, coroui-r 13 00
A I.011K, C I" Wuiiilerlich, Art
am Hrii, J II, Kraok
kcli.Smn Moon, jurors, $1 each
l)r C V. Walker, John Mh'hIi, (ieo
lie tl. Chaa Wunilrrhi h, C B
BuclianHti, Win Vanl.iiu., Hred
ktvcrmaii, wilnews, fi 50 each
I r J V Tauiiesie, jlijsician 10 00
Justice Court, llillsboro
State va Sahliatini I 60
W t) Smilli, iuslire fee 12 So
Win MiOuillan, eon'lable leei... n 80
Andrew llrKe, David Kevhitto,
.Ii Correiri. C Fiancechiot, Hoosi, Vicezo Mazio, wit
nesses, 50 each 21 00
W Sewell, Co iudue ialary . . . . 20 00
R I, Sean Auto Co, court Iioufc
nd poor farm 93 33
Connell : Co, r and h 2S 40
Benll Co, r and h 7 40
H l''lciw'hnucr, r and b Si 00
Jo S Miimk, interpreter, Ktate vs
.Salihatm 10 00
1, liarducr, r and h J 77
6 00
10 50
Was a Popular Young Man From
the (ilencoe District
Was Workinc at Lorrinr Yard Near
Buxton - Son ol Henry Johnson
1 The Quality Drug Store
J II Ilolliiinn, r ant b 6
I) B Keasnn-r, " 2" 94
(o G Hancock, board prisoners
and rxpeme 131
Hillnlioro I.uriiher Co, r and h... 47 '7
llillahoro l.ivei v Co, ' .... 1400
V () Moll, tax telund- 5 94
K M Drake " 10 75
M Sctinur " - 2 69
W II Taylor, c h 9 30
Connell it Co, r and h 1070
W l Smith, J P
Wm Mcyuillan, constable 24 So
Kalcib S Kotiinaon, r and h 5 60
Wilkes Auto & Cnrage Co, auto
hire for grand jury 3 00
IlillBboro I.uiutier Co, r and h 44 54
Wash Co Tel Co, c U telephones.. 12 20
S B Turk, circuit court I 50
Urines Brsi relic-f 14 6l
lustice Court Jurors State vs John
K B Collins, G J Palnmteer, A C
Sbute, I- I Kuratli, 1. K Sliute,
K L Abbott, each jl.oo 6 00
lieall & Co 7 20
Circuit Court Jurors
Walter Thompson 31 00
Thomas Johnson, the eldest son
of Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Johnson.
died Sunday night from injuries
sustained in a fall, while work
ing at the logpinj? yard for the
Hillsboro Lumber Company, near
Buxton. The young man was
fastening a block and tackle at a
height of from 30 to 40 feet, and
lost control of himself, striking
the ground with terrific force,
He was brought to Hillsboro
on a special train on the P. R. &
N.. and hastened to the hospital,
out nis internal injuries were
such that recovery was out of
the question.
He was born In Washington
county, August 27, 1889, and
was a steaay, industrious young
man. He had a wide circle of
friends in North Washington
County, and was very popular
with his immediate friends. Pri
or to going to work for the Hills
boro Lumber Co., he worked in
North Plains. The remains were
shipped out from Portland for
interment. The family has the
9 9" sympathy of their hundreds of
friends in their neighborhood
and Hillsboro.
The place where you are always getting
Drugs of absolute purity and High Qual
ity and com pounded by pharmacists who
take pride in the accuracy of their work
Exclusive Agents for Whitman's
Celebrated Chocolates
and Candies
"The Best Ever" Kaminsky's
Make Man Tablets and Dr. David
Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store
"The Oirl of the Oolden West"
Coming to Hillsboro
4 uU Ul
stall's, with Mr. and Mrs. Hus
ton, and Oliver is home on a va
cation from Yale.
i Grand Marca is the most
wholesome "two for a quarter
smoke on market made in Ore
gon, hy M. Schiller. When you
indulge in a good smoke luy a
John Shaffer departed for Ak-
ron, uiuo, ami v-nan. risnei u-n
for Hloornmg. III., brulay, being
ticketed Kast by Agent S. Coop
er, of the Oregon Electric and
Hill lines. Quite a number are
contemplating iumuk "-
mer excursions and are arrang
ing with Mr. Cooper for trans-
Krtation and reservations.
Ueedville Blacksmith Shop-
General hlacksmithing; profes
sional horsu-shoor; machine and
wagon work. All orders prompt
ly executed. -Peter Christen-
' in '
Forest Grove is getting along
nicely with its paving improve
ment, and a visit to the college
town, Friday, discloses the iact
that the work will all be com
pleted by the time the good
weather merges into me wumj
S4 oo
7 50
iu 55
7 20
The great American drama, "The
Girl From the Golden West," an
all-star metropolitan cast thirty
people including Mr. C. A. Cur
F v. Unwell 5 oo tis' Solo Hand and Kov O. H.
Koi.t i hompson 26 70 Memmen's Symphony Orchestra.
C..vS; " traveling in their own Pullman
w.i Hutner . 14 40 car, "Caroline."
KWDant 400 "The Girl From the Golden
11 11 KeMoner 3 & West" had a run of seven hun
" ij M dred consecutive performances
w v Wiiev7... 777.7 . is 00 in New York and over five hun-
HcTnmn l'ruhi 27 8 dred in Chicago. The success of
,kiw liuiiiiiii 4 20 this drama has been so pro-
Kun'nT" 35 Enounced that this company will
,ioiiD Herner.-Z... ! .7 3060 play throughout the West for
"lienry David.. - 7 60 twenty weeks in their mammoth
Ernest Ueiiter 22 20 waterproof pavilion theater,
,iclusfc:::::::::-.::::::::: 3 Sapped with elevated stage
Louis M Hess .... 30 60 ana ten iuu sets 01 special
F H Simpson....- 4 4 scenery
J I, BarriKrover 2a 00
Win MillciilicrRer 15 00
......... ui'uukllll, I'jAMX,
rick, Sh(H'Uttom and Marsh.
Claims allowed:
Until A Co, rand h. f 13 75
l.incoln-McConi Co, assrssor'a of 13 50
Clam & I'ruiUiouiuie Co, supplies
ircordrr'sollic 71 00
Mr Franklin, r and h 7 00
Pave Wcnger, bridges 22 00
Cliarlrs I', l'olta, bridges 38 05
Chailrs K l'citta, lrilgrs 30 Jo
Krnrst I) Hlte, r and h 107 47
I 11 Heaauner, r and h 337 2
A Koatur, r and h 5 5
B l'lcischauer, r and h 143 55
U Fleihcliauer, f aud b 133 '
B Fleiachaucr. r ami b 2310 oS
J J Adkius, r and h 25 00
Max Crandall, assessor 101 55
Ir V A Bailev, relief stale cases S 50
W H Hembiee, deputy ansessor'a
Biishong & Co, recorder's ortiee
F K. llailrauipf, Co. poor (arm
Reall it Co, r and h
Ileall A Co. r and b
J S Guvtou & Hon, r and h 4 85
li.n ii,iw'co.'ri;ndh'.:...7..7.:. . is Galea Creek, were in the city
J W MoRoberts, deputy assessor 105 00 Friday
J. A.
H. E. Ferrin, Teller
A. L. Thomas, As't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Wednesday, June 7, 1911.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - $255,144.21
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bonds 38.185.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from.
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 131,893.12
Undivided Profits
Roeorvo 34 Per Ooxxt.
Thos. G. Todd John E. bailey J. W. Tuqua
"Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburtf
Sealed iiroptisals will be receiver
hy .1. W. Uevnnrd, School Clerk
of District No. 105, HillslMiro,
Oregon. Route 2. until Tuesday,
August 15. 1911. at six o'clock
in the evening, and then openei
for the construction of a school
building. Plans and specilica
turns may be seen at the home
of the above school clerk, on and rains,
after this date. The Inmrd re- ,,v.
serves the right to reject any or , t
Z !! White; line stock.
Mil UIU hill UU HI
ance ot the contract when con
tract is awarded.
.1. W. Heynard,
. t-U-rk of School District No.
105. llillsboro. Ore.. Route 2
VO oo
6o oo
F. J McAlear, deputy aasesior . , . . 33 oo
Glass A Prudhoninie, recorder's of 40 50
J W Bailey, clerk's sal, dep a exp 316 20
Martin Vandeliey, renei touniy
Poor Farm
Hattie Shannon, assessor's office
S ) Calloway, Co fruit inspector..
Wilkes Auto K uaraRe to, v-u
Poor Farm
It It Baiid, court house
M C Case, traveling exp County
School Supt
R L l'erkins, recorder' office, sal
The Girl From the Golden
West," as everyone knows, is a
four-act western drama, thrill
ing, romantic, and full of clean
comedy, strong in dramatic situ
ations and climaxes. Don't class
this show in the same company
as the questionable "rly-by-
Attorney Jos. Long, of Port- night" aggregations. Seats for
Frank Rhea, of Centerville,
i 25 was in the city Friday afternoon.
B. F. and F. McNamer, of
land, was out to Hillsboro, Mon
day, on legal business.
If vou are thinking about or-
84 35 dering your wood for next Fall
I o.i.l Wintor ir rmo-lit ho tr vnnr
I . . 1 II IA Ci U
I SS I interest tu ee 11. u. otimiciiici,
Hillsboro. - 2tf
VV . ti. ouiuii aim n.. . tirv-
252 7$ er were over from bouth luala-
1800 people. One night only, at
Hillsboro, Saturday, August 12
Sale -Thirty-one pigs,
six weeks
old; Chester
ml pin
Ktta h Sctiultueiich, recorder's of 37 5 tin, Monday, on road business.
W m Tupper, court nouse jHumir.. ui 3u
W M Jacksou, treas, sal postage 1 5 50
Ind. Tel.. 52. Scholia line.
Dated July 27, 1911. 20-2
all taken at once. A. uornei 1,
on old Robinson place, J. C. Hare
Deputy County Clerk E. C.
,iwe. Cal Jack Jr. and sister,
Miss Hettie, and Mr. and Mrs. L.
A. Long went on me rress
Mi,i, friiwo trom I'oruanu to
A bargain if Thos H TotiKe, dist atty ofixe...
M" It . P Aiiiniiaairner
W. B. Dolan went over to
K. Pubols, of West Union, was
in the city Saturday afternoon,
Sam Tunstall, the Phillips old
timer, was in the city Monday,
John Kcisler, of Gales Creek,
was down to the county seat
Monday morning.
A. L. Stephens, of near Bux
John McClaran, Co commissioner
salary and mileage
R o Stevenson, Co judge's salary
John Nyherg, Co com aai a nine,.
Ceo Metier, 1.0 lurvryui, n...
R C Brown, coroner i,hUoeDouom
67 40
40 00
105 95
12 90
st)..'. 8 70 visit with
Newport, Saturday morning, to ton was in the city Mouday, and
join nis wire, wno is,ai tne called on tne Argus.
Oeacn. r i Vnnno- anA fnmilv Vinvo
returned from their Newport
parted Saturday for a tew weeks outing.
Bonneville and return, Sunday. Us h Sewell. r and h 5
1 1 Kmest Olcsou, r and h 4
Ranch for cash rent-40 acres
Willis Anderson, witness inquest
Geo McOee, Co surveyor, r aud h
Geo McOee, surveyor, r ana u....
P .1 .Inhnson. r aud h
,Ias II Sewell, i
Kmesl Olcsou,
o It Potts, r an
Chaa K Fotts, r aud h-
I 50
4 50
14 o
friends near McMinn
Money to loan on farm or oth
2 00 er property, on approved securi-
Girl From the Golden 36 umU r plow ; house and barn; iTZ. . '.Z ' T
he big New York sue- 2 running streams; orchard, one f aud h 4 60 p. M. Cra
...intifVii Zl thnt mile west of Laurel. -James Pat- 8 N p00ie, deputy assessor 7500 hopgrower, w
Laurel, Oregon.
u.nv r.le r and h
Wolf Bros, rock hauling, r and h 537 57
1 T r.,lo anil h 2 OO
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
Co 13
John Lippert, ot Buxton, is
building a residence on the
Boeker tract, north of town
Frank Williams, who has been
out on Route 1, was in the city
He is moving back to
the home place, beyond Glencoe.
Crabtree, the. Laurel r,a Hipwuior nf npar
as in the city bat- n , f; ,., , '
lay.' air I Saturday. looking: in on the vet-
eran reunion.
ty. We also sell
Kuratli Brothers,
real estate.
Main Street,
Chas. 0. Roc & Co.
Porch and Lawn
Call and Get Prices
Seeing Is Believing
o b Potts, r and u " IT"" wl '" i a. Z "a oa t Saturday
fair to begin a trifle early this
For sale:
Chas. 0. Roe & Co.
Pioneer Furniture
"The G
West," th
cess, a beautiful hww stnrv that mile
thrills the audience and plays on terson
we heart striniru with a nuialpr s one,
1.. I, .. . . 1 I . . A I
n:il. I Plirr inromat rnna hnni t nmnainir rnWHt nuuiuiuu- 'tcnc icicuuuu - B--r- .. o ii r r t
:.. i. , it in i..uu.b - - , . iS2o m . t i O. n. uavis, oi Deaveriuu,
"i iiiinu with the heat enmedv. i,iia Ar ve nto the city anu get . -u ......... . uov sale: lwo oroou sows . - -f Mja qj
Jiml , .. 7l . " nnr. James i.ovii.B,.u.... ; ; I ,a ,;ffll of aiAa wao up wiuciaj '"T"
- ivia uigeiner a ueauiuui "maroonea on unc u , E. nest Keiim.r ana n - auupina, " r ,1 ca led on the Argus. He says a
uruma iruo t.n ifo ' rho afifnat D thnv hnvp to oe oacKeu r..,iru i.ow. rauau nnii soon 10 nuer. rutii . i 4.1. iL
i i . . : 1 " iifio, w . ; , v; t ii I,, ri.. nice siiuwei sv;Ll,lcu inc uusi ui
"i nosr. thontr unmnnnv nf ha mn. ot sewer cxch- ti., rnnneii. r ana n o uu h nnri i)uroc-jersevs.--r. yv. ueiss- , o..j..
vIVtWlU. -VI I , I ' J I 111,1 (I, 1,11 hhuv i. ,u. - . ..I-'" v iniU UlN'l 1.111 illllMV HUHI I 1
r.fn ucuee. i " - i mnn Mnrr.n n uisiiiii 11.,
VUU0I19. ,,,. , .nd h a oo " 7oi.fnl imnrmumanr ia ho.
Wanted-Party to take charge Kmri k & Corwin, c h nd ; 13 50 J. F. Sonnen, of . Corndius, made in the Beaverton-Reed-
of boarding house at W " hM CZ' i ; i aS 00 a coumy seat visitor x vme section, on the Shaw-Fear
near Laurel. Vegetables anu n I4 a5 at ernoon. ne nas oeen w,r- tractS) and new home3 are being
fruit furnished tree, rot iy Wash Co News-Tiines, vo court peu oHl Vc1-"u 5 " built every few days. When
ticulars telephone Laurel, inu. proceetimw v ' 5- UKes wasningion coumy uue. the g p eiectrifies its line there
playing under canvas on the road
today. Everything as bright
Jid new us the noonday sun.
thirty people, special cars, big
mammoth waterproof tent- a
seating capacity of 18(H) people.
y. Curtis Concert Hand, ai
urchestra. Big free street pa
rat e at noon . One night only, at
HillshorQ, Saturday, August 12.
The weather all last week was
w line to admit of much of an
exodus to the coast.
..Wanted: Women and Kirls.
ltady employment. , Inquire at
Mwe.s laundry, Hillsboro, Ore-
niia Druff Store, relief..
A Bcimrolir, bridges.,
2559.-F. M. Crabtree. 22-4
i7he SX iw, cam. mt tfMST
un.ian.i Sun, nv evening, ana r , o,,, x, c,0. c u and jaiL...
remained over night, a guest at p neimdaie, meals for juror
the J M. Brown home. Circuit Court Grand Jurors-
i: J C Schulmericli
OUr. Lowe, the optician, c clark
w:ii ne in Hillsboro, All- Kluier Miller
Grove, Aug. 24. K C BuriihoUer
I Argu8 and Oregonian, $2.25. n cn
4 70
9a 3
59 8
3 '5
32 80
ao 40
31 60
aa 00
23 00
39 40
20 20
Carl Heidel went to Summit, will be a great rush out that
Benton county, Saturday, and way for suburban homes,
will spend a week on the ranch,
and then take in the Newport
beach for a few days.
First-class, gentle, buckskin
pony for sale. Will drive double;
is 4 years old; saddle, bridle,
spurs and "chaps" go with pur
chase. W. F. Tews, North Hills
boro. 22-4
Miss Wilma Waggener will
soon start for Berlin, to take an
other post graduate course in
music from one of the best in
structors in the German center
of music. Miss Waggener has
been in charge of the musical in
struction at McMinnville College
for two years.
are the fad of the time. Although the dia
mond is the talismanic stone for April, you
need have no fear that it is not a favorite all
the time. . If you wish to give a diamond
ring for a birthday gift, better make your
selection early. I have a fine assortment of
high-class diamonds that I bought before the
raise in price which has just been made and
which I sell at the old price as long as they
last. . I also have all manner of birthday
stone rings at surprisingly low prices, which
I will be pleased to show to you.
Laurel M. Hoyt
Jeweler and Optician
Hillsboro, Ore.
1 1
I '