I Hil I RRflRfl PfflliFFR T m w w 1 1 V IVII I I BUniTH DEAD Gewrte Cr- Acm Piit Uit at Xrvat. Mu!M;i C . Cl fcrtiJ Vacation Days call for Vacation Outfits WE LEAD 23 tit Hardware Basise s acd die t Hi.lsi.-ro in InST. t-;---i a Uackssiti, i"ti d.-l a: Ar cata. H-aUvit Ox. Ca... J.y no exaggerated clain -hta e strife tie larzest stxk of li 1S-11. f.-.-r. a-at-i t: ;tr a.": -a a.:,..r ir-.-.:-.r. If iff ! All Kinds of Hardware ia Washisgtoa G ccty. EverytHzg you seel everything yoa wkzt in this lire. We lay ia large qnaati-t'-ts and outsell our competitors. If yoa izi bargains coaie and see car raaga:ceat stock Goff Bros. & Irmler Cornelius and Forest Grove bora Li LirjJ&iLIfv. Er.rli'i ! March 1. IKS, ar.i a: dra:s was Si years, i sr.hs a-.d 11 ia;. s. He eas to L. o:&st -a lib? Hors. oq the S:earr.sb:p J LIST YOUR PROPERTY G. M. Heater Realty &Ixan Co. 2orta Plains for quick returns G M HUNTIB Manager it. K h y. K;"ixi!. iirfio NOWVeVtTIME m fhm fmK fear wtMh ct n4 pisavad feme j&jkn vc& pr hi Cmpt m Jtrum, ' 15.CS Z3iknTM4.C0 Mffca 163 5.13 rxm 7.50 "f taw w4 Capital, Surplus, Profit $44,000 mm kwa. Pwmmmm AM rk tutor IMiuuri far Rftaaa fai Wise Dental Co.,i. Painless Dentists &. A. K w ( t. U. f ilui. ( H 1 Do a General Banhing' Busi ness, Loans. Money on Real Estate, Buys and Sells Mort gages. Pays 4 Interest per Annum on Saving's Deposits 3 Times a Year. Officers axi dibectors Edward Schulmerieh, Pres.. John W. Connell Pres.; Willis Ireland Cashier. Directors -EL Tongae. W. N. Barrett Go. Kirkwaxl, W. O. uoneison. Vice E. Hillsboro Commercial Bank Coizr-Aix and wrkeJ htre at his traie. k.i?..z a - or.. and ai5o was a drfoty sheri5. and at tiaes ss'it-j n the ev rctn of tac. H- e". IsHfi In the Cre-jvi rwn.'rwf.t d-r:-:- the Cr.il War. al as proroojed hi Sctf.t. ar. j was aethe during the Ir-da."3 Wars. He was f.r?t r-.arr:-! t Char ktte IMjra. in Ne Vc-rt. ir. lSi ar.4 tv this mife t c cr; -dren sanive: Mrs. E!:iav:h iKify. San Fra.nci?ox ar.d Mrs. ArT.ie Mocette, Lurvka. Cai March 12. lyi he was -i i-i to Miss Hannah S:!er. at H.ils bcj(. the tri-ie beicif a sister t.f ' Ak;2a and Jaases i?;e;-r. b:h rtsi iir ? hre at this uzm. Thr ii-arir.d the fo;!o ir?chi!drrr. ' sur.i.e: CLas. L. and .A.n Li- ard Crra drn. P.. I -s- 1'-, Mrs. J -ilia Martin. Eureka. Cal;: fc.u?r.f ar.d (jertridr Cn' den. t of Areata. LeeKar.i - i h-tTfiOrar)- rr-rr.i-r of th San ; Francisco Vol ar. tee r Rre teLart-1 ment; was a member of the G. 1 A. K.. under vtas aspkrs his, far, era t.:ck t.ace. i He was well known to the old I , fi:reers cl tLis cx.r.ty. a.nd Uitt the late Riley Cave the blacksaith tra-ie in this city in the early sixties. It is said that he i&s tailed the ; first feisi?r.ai at thr rf.trir.ee ofHa-TsboIdt Ear. Cai. and heiprj ed put in the first tar-i-?aw rr..i: in the redwood lumber distri-ct! or tte M arrjr..;.1t section Some of the Things Needed for Outing: Ilath;:. Sa:t Tracks Ca-.p h Corduri v I-iut OaiI'... M!i-kc! Khaks Skirts Tent Cars-.a ChildretiN' Dresses (Hciil,.. K..!j!crs ' Wah Suits i'.ta.h Hits l'itct.o t SjtiJals A!', kinds Children's Wearily Apjarel Telephone or write your orders in from camp and they will receive prompt attention A 2 E 9 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Cmwden made the first sti ) ce.S for Washiri?ton Cir.ty. ar,d the ca2e is till in use ir, the rear of tr.e county jail A GENUINE CASE SUMMONS. IS In Hi' !a;iff til Utt ".n5 ol Urrjr'. THE rifcCfiT COUBT OF THt STATE OF0EEGO5 IOE j AAtHlSoIOX COt'.STY Mi!ir, F i,, Frar.kiyn O. r. Sum ; Jmw Arii, f.mif Hirwhm. Kmlnkt B. Jiiy.ril tf.r "rjlirjf, 11 f-;r at Uir of Fa'n-li f'jiirt, Ji iwJ ;i lf? 'f)r rittjt. t!!.. 4Uiu. !n or intrm in r ti ita' Wr -i in (buirom- W-!KiiU. Jati Ajrn, Ka.il Hirwiirf . FrwirsU li. Judy. rsi tSte nrikiwan tiln t . ff Failrrk Ffir, , ' l lt tf. (Mit or ,srtim un k re. Kii. rUntiiie ai;j f:fht. t I f.U(r, , !. r ii.trr t in ti fai hhaus i"V:.na4 t in ii il. t ' ..f, .- "K ui on. ; . I t 'n, ' a a'l hen you come here to bay your lumber, Yoa need not stand around and wonder, For we furnish all house bills, From the shingles to the sills. Of 2x43 we have plenty, Lengths from 12 to 4 and 20, Also 2x6's, S's, id's 12's, and understand ."- , W e also handle cement, plaster, lime and sand. We have a fine large shed, which is holding Flooring, ceiling and all kind r.f And all other material we have,' Such as doors shingles, windows and lath. u;'uaf order " large and is to u hanIed very far - Alt have every convenience to ship by car. No order is too large or small for us to fill, For we can ship from the yard or direct from the mill. To ship you your order is not at a1l hard, For we have two railroads running through our yard, And if we cannot handle it with the teams, why then We ship by the Oregon Electric or the P. R. & X. Any building material we have not got W e will secure for you in small quantities or by car lot, And if you don't like it, don't kick up a muss, But kindly say nothing and ship back to us. As it costs you little to give us a trial, Why not come around this way once in a while, For the money you can save by buying from Fren tzel & Mac Will go a long ways towards building your shack. Frentzel & McFarlane Bros. Main Street BL P. R L N. "U hen I was a boy,"aid an oid and broker, down newspar r.ian. as he passed through lran thr other day, '"the hesi'hth of rr.v ambition was to edit a country newspaper. I did so, ar,d did fairly well. B-t after beir.z in the harness several years. I quit the dod-blamed business because it was nr-ST,!.;.-. 1 ; Every week when th!s.r;e eaaie ar..2 1 eenera.iv ra t sn 2!?vc-avera?e i-heet -tr aiir in j remarks about the little sheet jreariy drove me or! the mental balance. This injured mv feel- insrs dunne the hea srti ' more than in the cold weather. lliots. with no more brain tl-n a "cheese-cat." would d)Vr atA my hebdomidal erfort as the i jnmlit the corkscrew, 'I the l. etc., ana one alleged wit even west so far as totem it thp "MarMcw " TKj-... .v. , into was io ( iast stroke. 1 "catted tip the sup- py hocae and toJd them to come and get. their bally plant, on wincn w as owing only and then left for haunt nnifnr,... ! ,1 travel wherever I wish; have a: zM time; eat when I'm hungry, hxA no longer s-itfer the slinjrs! and arrows of nntracrM-.ns rv j r-., :ana am a man asrsm. p. f-n if r.r.k-1 ! to myself." And with this ebul-i llition. the kni?ht of the tt.a j , " ' " x- luaui passed on ud to W.rth V?mM!i ,- r .-.iwnj. irtna inus was another Horace noun tjokk jureeiey nippeo ny the frost of noious ana nnaia wit. r t It's Beaver State Flour . t .... tee man is delivering. It's a pleasure to the grocer to sc.i our Hour because he knows it never disappoints. It s a pleasure to th ki.r. wiie to bake wiih it she is sure of that delicate, delicioos, nutty navor to her bread and the light cakes and pastrv that ,. Can't vet frr.m r.,. ' r: - v-uuiUlOU our. Hundreds of hon. wives swear by Beaver State nonr and will use no other nil irm uimiaxiiii lnrr -- -- m ft? s Late Additions to our Stock of Goods for men KOBE" SILKS for women BAREFOOT SANDALS for children EDISON GRAPHOPHONES for men. women and children : , ':';Vour3 for a f deal ," . Rowell Bros. & Co. SCHOLLS. OREGON Phone Priv. Kx. No. 2 wwwwvtiwUWl Vl.ii fail 0 l auin f and ai:t-r ni Tour riirhl il.at th i.Ki.ii.lf will i K th c,urt for Ibf- rli-l vrnxni for and 'innrfrd in bin euipiaiit. u- it: l-r a !f-r-lt.ul he is iboui!fr in f - i .1, oi f , Of rml property hf rf itil- for 1s-! Tiri(, ibat jim aiii e-li f yiu have 110 ' intr(t . ntflit or title K, or cUm. or-' ! ujn Ifie rel tui:jy l(-ri-uArf,,TKi lc xijU(. aful that J'HI aii'l -li of roil i lir f'i(rr tjarred aiul pwlu'le fr..in I climii,(f r ail.ptiiit; u rlaim. a-xrt- i (in: of a!tfintiiiK Ij a-jwrt, any intTe-a j In. i IjI .r tit! , nrf lairti or !-) m. f ti p ff .l proj-rly In rinlfore lci -nuirDT prt or ar"l tlrror ami fr !. ! fXh.r .rifj furttier ilf-eier an my I . ji. - ary and pruir u, the vmnitn. i lii! iiiiioiorra 19 vHtve.l i,tJ! you It I rMnili,i in tt Millxlioro' Argua hr ' tJ , wr of Honor 4biJ.r.rnihHi.Ju gts Hercules stumping powder, any , Do not forget to ask for .l it, afe--- .n.ixiwi conn, made and Quantity Carm fnao A l Ol. -n ""Kci. 10 asK ior i.irl rti, 1. .11 quuiuiv, caps, IUSe, etC. A Scmllpr u hpn vnn uonf . b-v, a Ham, . new stock-at J E. Berwick's, j 10 cent smoke-no "cough dust' i.o.. fibula. 1 Iiefedviije. and at Or.r.fn r-ff --..w. wbj. lii Liic a. ii: ill 1 11-r a good 12tf Mrs. Pulver. a Portisr, lr. . - 1.011 ; dresser, the last of the week : swore out a warrant for the i mother of a young lady who has a iiuir uresin panor at rorest urove. inenano-htpr k ot worked for Mrs. Pulver, in Port- iana, ana the proprietress misse.1 some articles, and went to the ! rorest jrove place to see if thev 1 were there. She found the mother of the eirl unA u I Pulver was attacked, according j to theston'of the prosecuting 1 witness, and spvfw.lv hwj,.A iby the maternal ancestor. She alleges that the mother locked the door so Mrs. Pulver could not escape, and then proceeded : to scratch and pull hair to her : content Mrs. Pulver wa ,.n. iable tO Tj1l!vpr-i7A Vicrar.f and therefore brontrit t iintO Justice Smith's ermrt , the mother of the girl put up C3ii oan 10 appear later. : A. C. Winney has traded his house and three lots at North Plains for a 100-acre ranch near Corvallis Lincoln County, and he expeTt3 to move there with his family, some time during October. HONEST ft (.air ' TH0S. H. BROWN i Contraaor Farniera' phone 7i r i PLASTER, BRICK AND CEMENT I HILLSDOBO. ORE. Jas. Flinoen. nf Rnvt city visitor yesterd mor buSir.; : irasacting, oa dttemoon. Mr. anH M 1 Dm-. no (ir,S', "ere county. xHioue A Forest- C. the name nf nR 'au D Hnmct ".."T3. "reuner, Sudden illness and ailments -in4preni:brerKenCy' telephne en",rt J."''"?'" )Mr Bo Telephone, call ,..!,. -LVJl UI (IT l,m,.. ... . si, Mate the case, and act on the advice rill rn.bi... Should druggist wallet I . alf 1 - V uruist, tance of is fw ... ! ns-i? 01 her teband brnkM.. f.", aV the dav or ;.!,, i nks nf f '"r ; , "inning r-,V dows.0f W,g out of the win-. J leleqraph Co. 5 a i n V A ii ' SB .;.