The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 27, 1911, Image 2

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    V. H. VKHRrv., Dr. S. T. Lisklater, ruvi Ke
resident. lce President
"" " sgy a i , Hiixesoho amps jrtt r iu
I . ...Mlllf ! tt-
I Pllfrrl LV PlMUnWV .","Moll,':''nH ,,.
mir rmr i n i i u 11 n nut ir !iuii.. , 1 mm.-, i
II , I UIILLI1U uuim iiiii
diivc in nrw iprcq
I I llll hi I I t II II nUIILU iiump ami show M .
I I aviw
The Hillsboro National Bank
With Savings Department
Both under Government Supervision.
$60,000 Capital
Our entire capit ilization consists of Government
Bonds, deposited with the United States Treasurer
The Largest Capitalized Bank in the County
We Solicit a Share of Your Patronage
SnUrrt Mth. Poet-orHc at Hill.bero
OrrRon, m awxMHi-daMi mail uiattar.
I- A. liOU, K.I(or
Otunty Official I'aper
Subscription: 1.50 ,r Annum.
laaaed K?rrj Tharaday
4 m, emnt mld Tim, md,
A Modern Banking House with Fire
Proof Vaults and Burglar Proof Safe
Every Courtesy Extended to Our Customers
PIRECTOUSr-T C. Hue. E I. Kuratli, M. C. W.hrung H T
Bag'ry. J. C. Kutatli; G. A Wehrung.
Second and Main, Hillsboro, Oregon
A. C. Shut, H. V. Gates, Vice President C. luck Jr Cashier
President A. McGil iv ..' v-a'mer
n . . Kereo,
The American National Bank
The Shute Savings Bank
Successor to J. W. Shute, Banker,
at dose of bnsines June 7lh, 1911.
Loans and Discounts, including
U. S. Bonds and Warrant. " t7& cc
Piemium on U. S. Bonds f 6 f.
Banking House Furniture and Fixtures 28,297. So
Otner Real Estate j mAnn
l ut on hand and flue f mm huiks 2x7 441 ij
Checks and other Cash Items ... 6os'i?
Redemption Fund with U. S. Treasurer"" 2,5oo!oo
Capital Stock o
Surplus and Profits 9
Circulating Notes : SocoS
Deposits 50,000.00
: 4.7.50
Hillsboro, Oregon
Notice to the Public!
We are pleased to announce that
we are now in a position to fill
orders for Brick and Tile in any
quantity desired at our yards in
Forest Grove. We respectfully
solicit your patronage
Forest Grove Brick and Tile Co.
" UiM.UUiX -
Harvest is here .m.t VVfcimr
- ' V w I 1 I I I a,
ton County will have another of
11s good crops. Traveling men
iron, all over the state sav thnt
Washington County has them all
Beaten when it comes to yield,
Asrain tht rivt tvin.t
- - - . I V-..1, , u, ft
unuer way m ashington Coun
ty, and if the people want good
roads it will be well for them to
ote special taxps - .-in,r ot tuMy
- f V ,, V 1 11 111.
IV -li'fi'r... 1 1 . !
u.iiiiK ml wnil ISSUES -Hlil 1
popular vote for Sllfri
enees will mean del
the good work, with a
cul-ii year, ana it will not he I
long until we shall have decent
a-1 I
Nearly all ereat WUlatl.-m :
a compromise between Mnflir-t.
ing opinion, and the idealist rare
ly gets what he wishes. Th
reciprocity measure, passed by
a majority of the democrats,
with a minority of renuhliV
and having the sanction of a re
puoncan president, is more or
less a compromise-hut it U th
best that can h acivmmKch-i o
. .vinujUtiU cl L
1 T . .
uret-enr, u is a si.i nf Vfit;,moi
cohesion, and bids a brighter
day in American economies. It ;
ouc a question of time until the
people will come into their n-n
and it takes but a great nation
al election to point the way.
The election of a democratic
house of representatives last
Fall was the onlv r.v,-ir,r,i
-j . null IICTI i
"''- . v. v -
lprocuy oil cou d na
argument by the ultra-protec-
uonists was used to kill the
measure, but it fin.iik. imj
ooin nouseand Senate. anA K
comes taw. there are Amor!.
cans good and true, with
hops for a better
for years have earnestly fought
ior &ucn a measure, but it ever
nas been blocked by the special
Will make a cut of
25 per cent.
an all Men's Slimmer
Suits. - - - We will
make a great reduction
on all Summer Goods.
We are compelled to
sell all of our Summer
Goods to make room
for our Fall Stock
which will soon arrive
J. A. Madilincr AiaA of k.V 1
ci i ma nuiue
two mi es Weat nf u;ii.,i
July 26. 1911. Mr. Maddin ha.1
been in ill health for Several
venrs Ha n-n l,,. :
. UUIU Jn ueaar
LOUnt.V. MlSSOIlri Juno OR 10i:
- ... vuti, M f. IiVtil
and was married to Lucinaa
Moore in 1SJ TKn
. . " -"'j mine to
Oregon in 139S. and first settled
on the Cnlnmhia p;.-o n.
niiiri, 1 lie
next Vear thei m,ira l u:n
1 nTi "CU HJ I1U1S-
me wiaow and the
.owing children survive:
padding, of Hillsboro: Mrs
MS o
Everything- in Season to Eat
btz Hunabout ?g
BnVf Siv,-lfi..jK,ms. ,,, .. .
r DUm, magneto. g,s lafflps ,m, rnerat0, J 0; " 'T ' j "' .P
i mvtz is ;n K.-.,n...i,i,- a -Jr t,, ., ' "' wis
canons. low main e ;Ece ex pens- Irom comp"
T f .. lit : . t ......
Tne k'unj .ut for Hip r.,.,t-.. r. .... . ,
nio lhl and ,s ca.lJv coiuroiled " g and dural'Ie; runs
If yon jr.- int. rysh d in .. it ... .,
ck .t !ow cos.-cHi, a,d see 2 '' yU there and
. Rhoades
Arfont f
- -fc 1UI
Washing-ton County!
.- vi mnsuon
Mary Han nah, and Mrs,
I- . , . r t i . i
jeiij, oi Lsucada.
The funpral taL-ea r,lo
morrrrn- at 1 -1ft t n. i
w Hum me nouse,
and burial will be in the Odd Fel
lows' new cemetery.
A. R Pear u-V-v t,.Li. a .
: ---v, miuKiii tne
iirj piate a coupie ot years
ago, has sold the nine acre or-
tu ran arj.
derson, of Portland, for $4,500.
ub me mic ui $ow per
pmuauiy tne highest price
Daid for nnnle lanrl ; trL:
- -- i-i-i- ianu III iitiiimg-
ington County, as far out from
the county seat. The orchard is
a vonno' nno anri ,.-:n l
ullu oear
heat'ilir A il. ...
i Vu ; e pnce Paid 13
me forerunner of orchard
VallieC in tkia ri:!-.:!. IfF'.i
, ui3L,lcu itnm a
few years it is doubtful if $1,000
auC wuuiu get tne property.
H. W. Scott, of Forest Grove
was in rho rittr T,. . . i
... v.. vnj iucsuay, ana
says that the forest fires above
baston are as yet confined to the
"u.iil uisincis, ana that no mer
chantable timber has been de-
aiea. ine Blodgett Co. and
Hammond-Winton Timber Co
have-from 50 to 75 men up in
tne rnstript L-dmm u-. c.
...jiiiS uic llre
unuer control, and every effort
ueing-maae to keep the flames
ouiduniK to vamaoie tim
V L. j.
ifSLi-mav tt'hi a fH..;
..nut iijlllg 10
stop a team, which was starting
.u.i anaj w uri a oinoer, Kob
ert Jenne. working on the
. ..v.-., umi LillllUlllLa,
sustained a serious puncture of
one of his thighs, and severe in
ternal ini'iin',!!. ll'LM- i
.,,JU,,C3. unit; turning
OUt fnr nnnn nnA 1 l
- ullc , llle nurses
S inner! Kia U'JIk i .
--r;--. ...o uiuiic, anu startea to
nin Qiritf , . . : it. . . .
i-v n, : tdu;"g me accident.
i.uicaic atieiiueu tne injur
ed man.
Connnilman P.,cnn... ,.u:
....... oun, viiairrnan
of one of the citv council com-
mtttanc Un H r - r i
....vvo, nas 1Ui. x,eese, Dusiness
mnnaoror Cit.. r? : .
v.. VUJ, jnnieer ivei-
say working on a plan for a pub-
hf fnnnfnln I ...:n . fi .
.v. luuuiain. xi win most iiKely
be located at the intersection of
the two principal business streets.
Reserved Tables for Li
j Private Boxes for Families
A.H. HALSEY SF.f.nwn srnrr.
IToprielor Sou.h o7f . n'.
Oregon's PoouUr h.i. d
An ideal retreat for outdoor pastimes of all kinds Ht
ing, Tishing, Boating, Surf Bathintr Ridinu An
Canoeing, Dancing and Roller Skat Whi
jvatcr agates, moss agates, moonstones r d "
found on the beach. Pure mountain water and ",i,J t
of food at low prices. Fresh fish, dam CS a?S
ters, wnh abundance of vegetables rf'iui'nil.
Campmg Grounds Convenient and Attractive With
Strict Sanitary Regulations
Low Round-Trip Season Tirkou
Fro. All Point, h Oregon, hittqlon Ih!
CoodCngSa.u.dayor SUnday and for Re,Uf, L!.,
o- vvcuu. or write in
"uu VlCgOU
i hen n .kit. i t.
, .t H im I.I Jllli.l
iiilniiL' Ihti.ii,.!. . "I;,"r
..!.., a .... A A I . ' I
u.m.i. j.iM jam- . (.m"
street t the lmmv.i H n tl.
dump antfldiow M ... ' '''
....... . nf
; HillslMiro, who rnak. , ..
Stvurr 1 met d-o l Milne Mill, j HrmH lie
West of l. N. Ir Uunrtrrs' wiM.I. l-mls nnd tml,, '
!it aid. Uiui niakfs a hi tt.'rT
Will BUID A UIMii: KH'AIK CKW h Vr:' with
Lumher AlrtiJ) Ordered lr ConMiiK
lino u( luildin(4
Kou in I Man's
lieu roa.i. on
Owner rait IIHV..H: "H1,"1
. irm
' I
- I
J. V. Sweeney, -f the Sweeney
& lilumauer t'onstrmtion ( o., j- "V i u :iM. ,,
iiii't'hase of "" ,s -i
u. i .
I IIMH'I IV Illlll I 111 V I 1. , r I .. ., "
: KKIatt. lWtlamlVW
2. residence m-iir !:, t :ilu ' T,'lt
has arranged for tin- pui
the J. W. Shute tract of about i. '!!,It.' AiiHTirati Nalt,.lia p
11 acres, north of the Southern ' " ! r"l'"y n.-ari,
.I'acihc track, and west ,.f thewi m, tho Htriit-iur.. r.",iv r
il'acitic Kail way & Navigation ;tH-nipnncy. Tlu v
jCo.'s lino, to the westward tif ; tlMr and rotiliim! are !
the Milne mill, and has ordcml ; 'la,, n"d theynr,- th,.f,Mt5
; " '-'. !';i!.i,rtnr'iw'i'tf
.stahlcs. and rca.r shops for the tm. Willamette Kiv,T.
1 construction out lit. .
I Mr. Sweeney will have "W.,n Ut i"'
sum in a short timo. iui.I will l.i,,.,l..sf ; .1.., lt
bring to his teams and' ... ... """''""Ii
fiiiictnii'f i,M iiiithf tli.i 111- t 1 . ' HUl
v ' i-nnii 10.,
tr fi till u 1 ii'L itti'ti vi' 1 1 1 hi 'r 1 it tit:
nut tlu h ir .mi tit int.t shjitit!4' Jutik'o IKan
I - "
soon as
.,...L- ,,,1 ..1 ...1 . ik) ufi 1 a irnct 1,, 1'.. .,
uivn-i imi, anil .iniriii i ti ivcii . -r.-.- ...... ...,n ii;ifi)
out llillslmroasone of the best . Home, and lias in.iv.-d lts f;,.. ,
? . . 1. ... ........... 1 .
ft! . 1.1 ... ' -''4?
The urice naid is in the neih-1 w ith Oregonians and
" . .. f I
oonicxHi ui f.itHi pir acre, uiul
the deal waselTected throuu'h N.
H. Alexander, of the linhrie
nut workinen will Iwgin to
the big outfit into shape as J1".1 I Van Kianehanl. ,
as it is hrought in from the , Rainier, for years i- ltv j'(lij,t
tains. The grading is prac- ,r l-unitt t'ounty. as in t".
y completed on the Tilla- !l'll' , 1 'day. The mdge K.
places to make a permanent i
headquarters for his outfit. I 'r- nlancbard ha atlitia:
wun uregonians ami h. 1US ft,
a few jHTHonal friends out tb
Hard T inii'M I lance at the Ik-th
any Crange Hall. Saturday w
ing. July 'Jl. Ticket
supiK-r, Jl.lKI. Kxrellent mi
! ha tM'en iriH'ured. a-.. I all ar.
The Kinton Sunday School picnic 'nv't,H'-
was a jrrvat success ami inanyj Assessor Max ('ran, I , Sh-
strangers were in attendance to! that his field deputies have h
swell the hig crowd ot local peo-lished the county out-ide
pie II here was a short program . rnent. and that by th- enj rf
m the foren.H.n. opened hy an in- the week there will I- httl,.
vix-ation , by l ev. t onklin. The1 to value, excepting
Mnton hand furnished a musical; which lie will ass,- . ill!lv .
pn.gram. and in the afternum. within the next week r n
young and old participated in the! ,, ... . .
liiirtj ,..,,1 '11 I II. HlLMI.'im ullil r U
turned from the Fast.
irom Montavilla. this week
sports and games. '1 he winners
ot the various events were:
Harold dates o s' race; Ha
zel Oanford. (h'rls' race; Fmerv
Vnnk'l.wL v. .. .. .
, ' "nn mens race.
Kuth t adwell. Young ladies' race; I
truest of bis daughters, thoil-
dames (Irak-I. of N'eAt.m a
South Tualatin. Mr. Ilinb
says he ran Hee that llillst.n
Anderson, Three-legged nee- moved ahead a lew f ?
Mrs. II. I,. Flint, Lemon race;;t,yt'ry time ,"" visit't the plwt
Clarence Sniil.p ..(.... !' 1....1. 1 .. , ...
it 1 1 1 t'i.mi iaei"; om.i him reail 1 lie MliU
narry biehards Sr.. fat mans Hand will rivt a dramatic ent.
r Yf . MiUonllainment. Hand (Wert ami b
tubs defeated the CM.perMoun-i cream mtrial. on Saturday
tain Wildcats in a live inning hall ing. August S. nt tl,.- Km:,?
fP. , r 'S7""1' 8 to 1 Thi' lScho01 ,,ouso- Kvi-n !!
Ji.t;; V.V","U wa; t'e men. nentv of ice
air V i, . ' rtM N anKU''k. w ho soft drinks for all. ma
struck out 10 of the l." men ui .. ..
bat. I ,m,nat A little daughter , Mr r
m i. .. ..i . .....
.'". naneH Aurcher. id llc.f
Argus and Oregonian ? "r, itl;'. f'l from a cherry tree,
J- A. KirkwiHnl, of Keedville
was in town yesterday.
Jacob I )mI,;,.. I.,..
...... HUH ,
of aUive
terday. and sustaineil a brokri
arm. )r. Tamiesie att ndil th
little sulTerer.
Hanks, was down tl the citv v n Cr " "awwm' 'T
terday morning ,n,ve u'u'r was down to tfcf
1'eti.r ii. ,r ., .. 'ril' the of the Week, on
- iiuiiii ;iii iiw. I'.,..,. l.t.o. . i .i
Sawmill r... i., .. ' . ...ininrns COnntTU'd wun IM" ; n -ter- coming veteran reunion.
' " OI liailll. TL I-... ...
HI ,,.i,, rir . ,, . ne iiiueon of Mr, and ilK
r. ii. hackey. of t.s I ,, ,, u-..u. .. . i i . ., i. ..,
afternoin C,ty Iu"H'lay ,,f 0,10 of V forearms. Sunday,
a i 11 , j fy a fall fL.411 a tree. Dr. Ta
w': i ' "f ,H'ar I"'l,lr,'l. U'HU' n'luced the fractures.
int UieC'ty "m.j . Mrs. (;,,, Him.rM anJ m
W. K. Smith c u - , JW'-r, of I.alJrande. arrived
tin ranchma llTl K w wit!l a!;J
Meeting will open at MoiTatSta-
m;..., t
i'lirtS . Mi) . , . ' huk 1 1 1 1)1 n 11 III. i i L ilU'
from an extended visit Z iluT I Al- and continue over
IHIli.,,,. .1 'VII I
v., ut liUfj ,ngeles.
J- P. ,.r .
rekwasan ArKu7alKfiy
He reports hur,,,,, V. jy-
withashortmenU" '"
lien Unl 1,1 a . . I
i .. oauoains. All are in v i leu. -
J. F. Uise, Pastor.
Smokers want the best there
fore call for a Schiller or alirand
Marca, when yon want to sec the
oiue wreath cur . 12tf
ne it d f i l'k, f C(Hlrt : 'arm
facin, ii ;, Z ' a,''5. (),''"n KWtric Kv.. and
facts or (hi , Chlce- Wc"s""
..umber of tnc.7 1 "p and hilve lW
W and o "l" " Cii;' " fr $325. $:,
2I,rce,:;:;(:r::;;:i,j t.iown.d
"'r re,rnn,1l;;f;r,'tv0 Pay nt wh('" you can make
terpays$1My(,arl r;j,!h::"":
a uatrh of rental re,...;, '""niiiK tosliow but
11 nu"Jts -hen the year is up.
Esther writo r- .
n.orcalor.u ,an88'er C
teL HilUboro Or T' Comwercial Ho-
Chapin & HerJow
332-338 Ch;AN' Sal Manager
,Jl commerce - n ,i 1
- - Port and
s 4