JnlILLSBK VOI, XVIII COUNTY SUED FOR DAMAGES BY GRUSHE juje CiunplH'll (IranUand Sinus iciiipornry Injunction KIK.K CKtSIIIK NOW UVINU IM.I; IMniiilill. H. Dcllilcl. AlliKC Uvea l iimily arc Imperiled Washington County in involve fn a peculiar lawmut, 15. IMh i.,fs of Put ton Valley, having wicl trnt 'i injunction against llu- commonwealth ami Supervi sor H. HeiHchituiT. asking that the defendant pay him damujri'U, mill that the rook crusher mis neml operations at that jtoint. The county luw installed a crush eroii the Hnice Punly farm, ad iiiinmi! the )ethlefs place, am the pluintilT alleges that prior to this season rocks were thrown by Masts to the damage of his I-,, ,,l in I he Hum of Sot): (hiMiiiL't itiMi ... . . ..... r, this season to the extent of $100; asks $2." for time and ex'iisi' in int..rvii'wiiiu' the rotuitv court: ami $1.(HH for destroying the i t t e i . . i peace oi nnmi oi mis lamuy ih cause of the living rook and mis siles. Hethlefa HtateH in hi iMimnhiint that he has three chil dren, and that all are under four years of ac, and that the fami ly is in constant fear that Home nf them will he injured. Ihe work at tin? quarry wan stopped uH)ii the Binning of the injunction order, ami me ca.se will go to trial as noon as xnsi hle. The Histrict Attorney's of. lice hops to get to issue, with the mat ter this week some time, uml the road district is in hopes to ttvl the case disused of ho that the special tax can Ih used this year mi the roads. A Forest drove law firm has the case for Mr. Dethlefs, and Uistriet Attorney K. H, Tongue and his Deputy, Thus. II.. will apHar for the County of Vash ington and Supervisor Fleisch-auer. r.s - KOHINSON HILLSBORO, OREGON, JULY 20, 1911. iiaiiii I . . VIEWERS APPOINTED ON PROPOSED ROAD contractors Sinn ud for lirldire Work and Rock Hauling iru one Hamn im nf i. irr-l ;., ...i . 'V ia,. ft. Hhouhl oe Haved tiy i, i t the coming Rtreet fair thin n. I'jverv vi-iir ... i (UN frrun l..n I ... - . i it I II fin,, ..II . . . . ,, , " on ure UliaillUlOUH 111 Kavirur !!. U...,l. ku"i bounty has th,. "huk'e" on any conn v it. i "'oueuon. Asa rule there has oeen enoinli nf ..... ahead" for samples of what we Clm BAILtY OETS CRUSHER MONEV .in oo on the rarms and or- )v.i wi II I- llliriltF m,f 41.:.. I I..-.. U l. n . .. vear ue l l,i ...l ' """I"1- Clerk '"on ianr LI II M y Lilt I forelirk. and lilt tliili.ru ..II' 41 Takes in I4W.75 i .,, . ,,. K'1 "o me l ee . We s h:i .. c, . i air ihia year, and if the streets ( 'nmi.ssioncrs McClaran and Nv aie not m Hhape to us in tl,. hi-nr ..i.i tl i , hUHinesK Hecli n we sh-il tin 1 p ? "'ursuay anu some other-and perhaps . K 1 r"lay' aml ( ntrattor J" S-t'r-place. Hur Kave a Ix.nd to put in the tin it.. Ceo. M. w,.i. ;u. 1 "ndge for IGG5. and Wolf llarriman Lines, inin'thecoiintv " ,'"tt'rt'l into an agreement getting photographs of ttca to h rock for the North Hills farm productions, and also ,K,r macadam at the schedule of r.,K n-auuioniais jrom farm- prices su hm tte.l tk;u rs. relating why thev came to remain tiere. 1 hexe iv l..tw.. - in iivro I our ijnMluctivi uirM, u.;n i... , t Wit Tl HI lit, printed in a neatly bound work, ami distributed in th.. I not while renrod net ions nf tin. nlit,.u .hi . . .... '.i..wn will IM Kent to H l':mt,.cn iu.i.,iu nc (l the tirst (.tlicial photo- grapns taken was the 1.f,w.f .etcii l.roiiKht in hy Frank Wal ace, oi I'iiniiiiiL'tiin IC. (i. lirooks 111111 vi if.. f v lopkintan. la., arrived the lnt ot the week for :i viit iin, - " ' 'n flll.ll, Airs. I .rook H md her. M W lionham, and family. Thev . ' - . leave in a ew ( avs fur th.. last, via the Northern l'acilic. aild Will VlSlt t ie Ye owslnru- i'ark, enroti te. Mr. I'. rooks likiw the urcifoii country and :i4 Iwi ias heen out here a time or two ins aiieclion is ha e to so vmw that he may In-come "one of us" B ( has. Johnson nnd wife '.llsworth, Wis., accompaniet leir ilaiarhter. Miss Mrir:tret a teacher in the Chicago schools, were guests of the Johnson llrothers. of South Tualatin. Ih astof the week, returning Fast in tirst of the week, via Mon tana, where they will visit rela tives at Hamilton. Mr. Johnson is a younifer nroiher ot the late teo. Johnson. F. C. l'.urirhol.er. of Huxton. was down to the citv Monday. filing his official Ixmd in the sum of $1,000, as justice of the peace for his district. 1 he party elect- failed touualifv. movedawav. of something like that, and the ounty court apimintcd Mr. Jurgholzer to the isisition. Ceo. Raymond M. IVters and Miss Nellie M. liohinson, of Heaver tin, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents. Dr. and F. M. Robinson, July 11. lilll, Kev, Father Deeney cele hrating the ceremony. Both are jMipular youug people, and have a host of friends who wish them every happiness. Joseph Brandenbergwas in the city from Oreiico, Saturday. ' Herman Collier, of Seholl, was a city visitor Friday after noon. Harlan Kelly, of above Moun tiiindale, was over to the city Monday. John Brock, of South Tualatin, was in the city Friday, taking a little rest from haying, and get tiiiK ready for harvest. J. M. Jones, the Forest Grove monument man, was in the city rriday. calling on his customers, established and prospective. It's no disgrace if your fowls become lousy -hut it's a shame to let tbeni stay lousy. Conkey's bice I'owder does the work.-K. I. liartrampf. T. 11. Davis, of this side of North Plains, was in town Mon wy. He says that haying has Ih'cii in full blast for some time in his section. )'. Fleishauer, road supervisor ol District No. 4. near Gaston, was dwn to the city Monday, awompanied by Mr. Hoffman, of nw Chehalem Mountain. . V. Hale and wife and tw children, are up from South yi.CreKon, ffuests at the Alder mnm uahip of Mr. and Mrs. Unmn Halo. John V. is a loco motive engineer for the Southern. MM has a good run to the South Jlov. Mr. Heese will preach at W lpnrinffton M. E. Church, Ju .v at 8 in the evening, and uy fJ, morning and evening. u will deliver illustrated ser m("i.s, pleasing to children, and ne is an entertaining speaker well worth hearing. G- .W. Gelwicks of Portland, associated with Jos. Gaston and others, in the compilation of a nistory of Oregon, together with Jmirraphical sketches of promi n('"t citjzpna jg jn. a city, ac? wipamed by Mrs. Gelwicks, noy will remain here several aays taking orders for the work, Which u f i, i ' uc a cornprenenaive yyui. iu'i v" one of three volumes, or more. ! over town Saturday, given $100 on account of Forest Grove hauling, and Clerk Bailey was audited 11000 to disburse on the crusher work at Oswego. letltion VV Broaden efc nl rn vacate road in Bohart s sub-divi sion, granted. John I bach trranted Sim fnr itKit stnp to be used on fil contracted to M M Mead, near i.ariKS. l etltion Uub he ensement C. T. JJrown, read and continued to next term: same order an tn .1 Campbell et al road petition. Viewers annotated : IJnad Uor. nian Fngelbrechtet als-Jas Lov ing and hrnest Olsen to meet with Surveyor McCee. .lulu 94- i .... - . i roan pennon iNancy Cole eta s- iti-i t t luiieign itobinson and Joseph Byrom. to meet with f nr. July U8; road petition F W Schillincr et ala-ThoH ( of and Jas II Sewell to meet with by surveyor, July 20. Mrs t; L Marsha I trranted rio-ht to erect telephone poles on coun ty road, C L Johnson farm cor ner to her place. C B Buchanan & Co e-rjintpd warehouse license, at Cornelius. Recorder K C Perkins rertnrtod June collections of fees at 198.52. Clerk J W Bailey reiKirts June fees collected at $409.75. J 11 Hoffman Riitu.ryiunp Tliut 21. granted $743.80 from special tax, for work; and J;-8 ' from and to be reimbursed bv special tax fund when same is in treasury. K MurdtH'k. supervisor District No 2. irranted $1(10.04 out nf V. erta. Immigration 58 from county fund, same to be agent for the Great Northern Railway, was in Hillshoi-o. Sat urday, procuring samples of fruit for the big transportation com pany's display at 1'ortland, Seat lie ami Fasten) points. He will return here at the coming street Fair. Nox-i-cide disinfects and kills the irerms. Mixes with water and is cheap and elective. Use it now and prevent disease. For sale by R. C. liartrampf. Urley llaneyand Anieiaiueftic Donald were united in marnaire at Forest Grove, at the home of the ollieiatimr minister. Kev Stivers. July 12, 11)11. Taken up Dehorned cow.t'l'ob ably f rh in hill. Owner prove property and pay charges. J. A. Vandohev. Cornelius. H. 1, on Harrington place, 19-21 Henry 1 Hocking and Lota B, Lauurhlin were united in mar riage at Forest Grove, July 12, 1911, in the parlors of the officia ting minister, Uev. Stivers. Registered Berkshire pigs, four weeks old. for sale. Two male and five female. Choicest stock. reimbursed when special tax comes into treasury. B l'leischauer irranted warrant for $200, for work on Gaston fill Claims allowed: The Argun, supplies , , $53 oo Hoys . i. iris Ain society Oo oo lv H Iliiinl, c U I oo Kli A Hfm'lMer. fillil inin'rt inn . S nn llios C Mailt' y, wood for cli . 247 97 Itnrtliolil lisrg Co. sup ur othce... 9 90 Crescent Cliemicnl Co, c h 4 50 Josephine Cftse, exiiui bil S'.h grade 9 00 W () Douelson. relief 11 no (Hans it Prmllu mme Co, clerk of., ij 97 (,Usi & f ruilliomme, recoider of.. 75 00 IlUlsiioro l'uarmacy, rellel 1 05 lrwlu Hoilson Co, supplies ., 13 60 Circuit Court Jurors Geo ,! Jack fi6.- 40, J I Northrup 10 jo, I) IlurkUalter i5 90, John C Hechen 16 30, I-.1v Krau- itier 13, J B McNew b 40, G W Baker 5, ( Norilhiml 16 jo, D S Pierce d jo, Juke Wirt )6 jo, Joa Veiuiilyea (6 70. J II Cornelius 15 60, C. W VVhltmore 16 So, Olnf Johnson 19, E I. Parsous iq. V K Mays 7 so. Jury List J l', each received Ij I H Hays, Kuier Murdock and M f Buck. RomIs and liinliways Beach Mfi Co bo. A Amleraon 1 41, lieall K; Co 30.13 39, W I, Batchelder 29, D Pish & Suns 103 38, Dupont I'owder Co 89 36, J h. 1 use mil ok v.o 4 14, r iioiunnu 13 40, AiiKUft HoUnagel 34 35. ATTENTION, COMRADES! Eugene Dant, of lteedville, was in the city Monday. White Mountain Flour-$1.55 at r.mmott s. Jacob Schaer, of above Moun taindale, was a city visitor Fri day. Moretz Schmidt, of Ilel was a city visitor Friday after noon. r i si i , jonn tile er. rn tho fw,ir above Mountaindale, was down to the city Friday, on legal busi ness. Frank Holeomh nnd rinti Samuel, a son of the late Grant Holcomb. were in thecitv Vr'uinv .... i . . . . " ' anu caneu on tne Argus. For Sale: Fine, vountr rronflo Jersey cow, Iresh about Septem ber lo. A good milker. --Jos. urandenberg, Orenco. 19-21 Mr. and Mrs. Harvev Miller. .J ur ii ii f 1 1 i . oi vyaiia waua. ana Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller, and Mrs John Miller, of Portland, were out over Sunday, guests of rela lives. Iieedville Blacksmith Khnn- General blacksmithinir: nrofas sional horse-shoer: machine and wagon work. All orders nrompt- -1'eter Christen. y executed. Peter Christen sen. 19-22 Chester Alexander is running the engine on the regular train between this noint and Huvtnn takimr Engineer FolletCa nlaeo at the throttle, while the veteran has been nursinir a hadlv injured nnger. Public dance. W. O. W. Rail Cedar Mill. Saturday niirht Julv 22. by LaFrance Circle, Women of Woodcraft. Tickets, including sunner. SI. Kspc cut miwicam orderly management 18-9 Peter Gotleih. of north of town was in Mondav. lavini? in havintr supplies. Peter says that this year swarm spell heats anything he has ever seen in Oreiron hot as there are no fatalities with the warm wave, he has no complaint. For sale at a harcrain 2A-horse power upright steam engine and 8 H. P. boiler.-Inquire H. J. Smith. Forest Grove. Ore.. Route 2. Pacific States phone. Forest Grove Central, 10x1. 17-9 Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Younir and laughter. Miss Elsie, went to Newport, Monday morning, for III II-" 1 V-IIIMI' I . . . . . Geo. Harrow, Ilillsboro K. 4, Th Washington County Veteran near Oak 1 ark. i--u Asso,.jatjon will assemble in Carl Ward, who recently Ilillsboro, August 5, 1911, at 10 bought part of the Frank Unger o'clock sharp. Good program, place, over in South Tualatin, good speaking, good musical was in the city I1 riuay, anu; can- renumons aim a K -wo, nine, ed on the Argus, Brjng your wife, w' iw,.rv of wwon1 Glen- Committee, 1 III. iKJI - I n , poo, was over to the city Satur- , f . dav. Wl saysme mos( uuoc op ; r VYC il "hiimmer" out his way. was n the city the first of the ,H a humrmr m nis way, a gmst of Mjgg Wilmuth Smokers want tho best - there- Jones, fore call for a Schiller or a Grand . t Denney and Mnrcn. when you want to see the iaruT ,t "7:"u Wue wreath cuil. nittm that the mosauitoea were Albert liartrampf, W. G. something bad many returning II tiro nnd Dr. W. E. Pittenger with welts as large as the pro- went to Sheridan, Saturday, on verbial walnut. Down on the business. plains, however, me mosquito Robt Thompson, of Cedar Mill, Pest subsided atter tne nrst tew ..ma in the citv Monaav aiier- Taken up; imy. 14. noon. taken uii; vmy, Mmumg, . . r, i I ni,nnt a nuaiM inn hMnnpii I nn Elmer Miller, o Shady W, w "7, toDla Julv IUu in tho citv tno nii oi me MB-' -T" ;. ' : " . VYU.3 i,i v.tj r;:r .11 111 iiman nHftVB mVinprnU week. I 1 : ..... '.'j j .:: n"' . nav ciiai'iea mm ttuvci i, sum. Christ Grand, of West Union, nnd tak same awav. H. M. waH a county seat visitor oaim- masf0rd, 1 mile jn. ot r &rm- dav. incton. Independent Phone I . . . v f TTM1 I Wm Mnhr. of Oak Tark, was Tvood Division, oto, ninsDoro, Route 2, an extended stay in the land of ams and uoriries. J. T. isniirs. ing a badly inllamed foot, and he says he must reduce the "gouty" tendencies betore Winter an- proaches. The Grand Marca is the most wholesome "two for a nuarter" smoke on market made in Ore gon, by E. Schiller. When you indulge in a good smoke buv a Grand Marca. 12tf C. E. Lytle, General Manager of the 1'. K. & N., came over from the coast the first of the week, after enjoying some of the Tillamook sea breezes. C. E. says that during the hot wave of last week it was necessary to wear overcoats in the evening, along the coast line. Tho Iieedville White Sox were defeated by the Peninsulars, one of Portland's strong young ama teur teams, Sunday, by a score of 6 to 4, in one of the fastest irames ot the Reedvi le sensnn Next Sunday, Iieedville will play the Portland Colts, game called at one o'clock. Everybody in vited to come out and see the White Sox put up a good game. Sheriff Hancock went out to the Lunow place, near North Plains, last Saturday, and brought away two children, off springs of the late Peter Asp, who recently suicided at Tilla mook. The little ones had been remanded to the Boys' & Girls' Aid Society, Portland, and their grandfather, Mr. Lunow, feeling that .blood was thicker than water, got possession of the youngsters and wanted to keep them. His affection was not al lowed to exert itself, however, and the strong arm of the State stepped in and delivered them to Gardner. Superintendent of the Society. Frank Wallace, of Farmington, broutrht in a bundle of vetch fnr exhibit at the Imbrie Land Co.'s display, the other day. and the "fodder" measured 10 feet to an inch and that is croimr some. even for Washington County, Herman Collitii.'. of Se'hnlls nlsn brought in something to enliven ii u:u: l: ..i .. . Viie exuioit ina uuering ueing alfalfa which was of the first eut. and three feet in heioht Farmers who have a fine stand of grain are requested to bring In full bundles to N. H. Alovnn. der, and he will send any sam ple o the Mill lines, or to the Harnman bureaus, ior Eastern exhibition, NO. 19 MAYOR ROUGH T PUTS A VETO ON ORDINANCE Refuses to Acquiesce in Releasing United Railways SAVS ORIGINAL FRANCHISE STANDS This Means, Unless Further Action, That Road Must Build Here Unless the United Ilailwavs shall build their line to ML Calvarv. and also extend their line to mil. i . .... uinsooro, tney will have no franchise' in Portland, according to the decision of Mayor Rush light, last Thursday, in vetoing the ordinance releasing the com pany from building to ML Cal vary. The ordinance was draft ed under the Simon administra tion, and the express purpose. as given out to the public, was tO allow the OrPtrnn V.fptria on United to use joint tracks, and permit a transfer of freight and nassentrer business from nno una to the other. On the other hand, contained in the ordinance, was a joker, re easinc thf TTmtori irom dui dine to Mt Pnlupr,, and also absolving the tTmr - - --- vi Ulll VVVJ trom putting the line into Hills- borO. MaVOr lllishlicrhtonva thot mc umiuiiise was Lnvpn. nnri made operative only, when the lines as above should hp cnn. Structed. He dnnhtpH tho rit iL. " . . . ui uie council io repeal the meas ure, and thprpfnro artAaA o addenda to tho nanprin thch of a veto. As the mnttpr nnw otoriflc! iUn . --. .ww j owilUiJ LUC Jnited reallv has no franch ion and can have none unless it shall build to the two points. The ordinance killed by Mayor Rush light would have passed and re ceived Mayor Simon's signature, in all probability, had it not been for Dr. Tamiesie, N. H. Alexan der and Mayor Hagley, all of whom went before the municipal body, to protest against the re lease ot the provisions. The orierinal franehi fused by Portland, the council leging that a Mr. Graydon. who was promoting the road, was simply asking for somethine which he would attempt to "ped dle. Ihe bodv was ohdnrntp and a delegation of Hillsboro's business men went to the me tropolis, and after much argu menL secured the provisional franchise, and to urotect both 'ortland and Hillshorn hnrl tVm measure inoperative, excent fnr city work, until the company should build and operate to the above points. Gravdon finallv sold his rights, , and ultimately me united was purchased by the Hill system. Hillsboro was ig nored. Hill also havintr secured the Oregon Electric, which built from Garden Home, thrnmrh illsboro, to the Grove. It 1. 1 ! 1 i nusnugni avers that the re lease could not be effected with out publication in a newspaper and there was no ordinance so published. Ilillsboro stems to have a "friend at court." CHICKENS FOR SALE Three dozen full blood Rhode Island Red hens, at $9 per dozen; also 2 dozen White Leghorn cock erels, full blood, at 50 cents each. A few broilers, also. Mrs. 0. H. Mitchell, Hillsboro, 17-20 Mr. and Mrs. Emmott Sr. de parted Saturday for Shelton, and other Washington points, Wanted: Women and girls. Steady employment. Inquire at Moore's laundry, Hillsboro, Ore gon. I8tf Mrs. Margaget McKinney, of Seaside. Ore., was in tlm Saturday, a guest of relatives. We have what you want in vegetable nlants ovpr 9nn nnn kale plants; 100,000 cabbage plants; 50,000 tomato plants, and most any kind of VPirptnlilo plants. Come and see for your self, at Morton's Greenhouse Hillsboro. s.tf The Christian Church lvwivni meetinirs are draw in or nr.rw-1 crowds, notwithstanding the warm weather. The singing is very good, and the evangelist is a rare good talker. The mppt- ina's are held in a hiV tpnt with plenty of ventilation, and there 10 iiu uiawuuuu io auuiiors. Eastboiind VftllnwarnraMotinn al Park round trip excursion fares are m eiiecc June 12 to Sept. 12. You had better enmp in anil ana Agent Cooper, of the Oregon Electric and Hill lines, about this trio and cet. lite rtltlll-p (ri.rirw A, 11 description. iotf The Quality Drug Store The place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Qual ity and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work Exclusive Agents for Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates and Candies "The Best Ever" Kaminsky's Make Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug Store mL-UsBOKO, ORE. J. A. THORN'BURGH T. E. BATT.Pv w w Present ' Vice-PresTt A. L. Thonm,, A.'t Cashier H. E. Ferrin, Teller Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Statement of Condition on Wednesday, June 7, 1911 Capital and Surplus $50000 Bonds (parflSS ffis ffifjg Other Bonds 38.185.00 Undivided Profits 2,mu SSduelron, 18'00-00 SrCUl?t,0n oSw Banhksaand U. S m" Treasurer 131,893.12 $468,222.33 Roeorvo 34 Per Oont. $468,222.33 DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailey j. W Tuqua Wilber W. McEldowney j. A. Thornburg" V Chas. 0. Roe & Co. NEW LINE OF Porch and Lawn FURNITURE LATEST CREATIONS IN WALL PAPER AN EXCELLENT LINE OF ART SQUARES Call and Get Prices Seeing' Is Believing Chas. 0. Roe & Co. Pioneer Furniture Dealers FOREST GROVE, ORE. When you start for the Coast or the Mountains Don't forget that your outfit is not complete unless you have a pair of good Field Glasses. One half the pleasure of the seashore. is in watching the ships go by and viewing scenery up and down the coast. I have a fine assortment of Field and Marine Glasses at prices that will suit any purse. Call and see them before you start LAUREL M. HOYT Jeweler and Optician Hillsboro - Oregon I Si ' 1 1 f ' r I 11 ,r- 14 f J'-', I'll tfc en i V 3