JSiilus. 1 - ; I NO. It j ME lniULLseeiR vol, xvni HILLSBORO, OREGON, JULY 13, 1911. GOUNTY JUDG E JOHN WELLINGTON SEWELL nt-lius. Three of these wen; K. of 1. ami all were Native Sons. The honorary nail Ix-arers were State Senators Hon. VV. N. Bar rett an.l Hon. W. I). Wood, K. C. Brown. Ed. Scliulmerich. W. (J. Hare and Chas. K. Deichman. Altiiukil Comity CoiihiiIssI.muiV Court on WiiIiumIhv I lirouirhnui ,ro,n l'hwnix Inltfe, No. 31, K. Lntire D.iy'n Session, l akes III Carly NcU MrniiiK Honorary pall In-arers, selected from county, judicial, and legis lative oflicerrt were: Hon. K. H. A Wi ll KNOWN I IRST UIIZIN, SI'I I NDII) M N ANI Miltl.l: CIIAKACTI:R I T;mfue. District Attorney, and his Deputy, 1. H. Tongue; Hon Inlirc L'iiiimI) l'itiilc Mimrn lor Mini Who Wan Hum and Kaihid Here, Honored lu I he llihi-s County l'usiii,,ii C. F. Titrard, Commissioners Representative; and I uuiiii mcviai an and jonn iNyoeor, uxinty uerK John VV Bailey, Sherilf Geo. (J. Haricot, Recorder K. L. .Per kins, Treasurer Jackson. Survev- i . . tt' .11 : i U 1 1 : . . i i 1 .... . i . . m i i i. mi. jonn M-iouKi'in is uioay inourneii oy over twenty ,,r "icuee, oupi. v ase, ana j. u. juck, oi the educational lManl, and Assessor Max Crandall thousand people in wasimiKlon i.uiinly. r.orn and raised in Wash ington County, honored ly the electorate for two terms as sherilf, ami elected last November to the Inchest ollice within the ejft of the coiunionwealth. his spirit lied Thursday evening, July 0, lull alter a day's illness. JmUre Sewell spent the Fourth of July at the celehration grounds, meeting the people whom he had know n since he was a hoy. He was in excellent spirits, and on Wednesday morning took his seat as chairman of the county commissioners' court, and put in an arduous day. Some time during the niht he was stricken, and he was found very ill hy Mrs. Sewell the next morning. He coiiiplained uImiiiI intense pum at tin' hack of his neck, and Dr. Fluid- II. Smith was sumiiinncl. Dr. I.inUaler was also called, and all that medical skill could accomplish was executed, hut death came ahout nine o'clock Thursday evening. There was evidence of acute indigestion, and uraemia. VI' Sl.tii i.ll ii'iii I In Witi'iiinl Uiin nf 1 1 , . 1 1 1 v S,.u',ll ii i ki, nut, it uf 1M and of Mary Ann C-msh Sewell, pioneer of IS 1 1. His Hlian Sii,t,'rs- Decree of Honor t..ilt,.. teutj ti ii'ttiv.1 itt Miurhntil 'lint liW ritn1liir u :ia luirn in A lu i.ivim i .. ...... ... iu j 1 1 I r Mi- Kewe was horn on t he ' ams. on t ho Sewe u :ici. h "w,al ' wt , t The Kniirhts of 1'vthias and Uniform Rank escort marched from the home to the grave, and it was an imMsing line. The music was under the di rection of Miss Mattie Wilson, and appropriate numbers were rendered at Imlh home and grave hy Mrs. K. B. Tongue. Miss Mary lleidel, Calvin Jack Jr., and N. II. Alexander, Miss Fay Corwin, organist Mr. Davis also sang a solo. The (loral tributes were the most beautiful ever witnessed in the city, emblematic pieces being tendered by the Pythians, By bauia. (range, etc., ami hundreds of in by ........ i. .. . ..iitMimiiuirit-tiiifi. rvi 1 1 1 r little over two miles northeast ol JlillsiH.ro, and has resided all his " ",v "" j life in Washington County, excepting a few months in the Golden dale section, when a young man. lu l'.HKI he was elected Sherilf of TRIIJUTH OP COMMISSIONERS Washington County, and was re-elected two years later, serving four years, and making an excellent olliccr. Fast November he was elected County Judge, and was rapidly endearing himself to the people by the splendid administration of which he was the chairman. lie was U.rn November lit, 1 ST;1, and at death was aged 57 years, 7 months and 'A days. He was wedded to Miss Fliza Jane Williams, a daughter of the late Samuel Williams and wife, October iw7u the u ife and two children surviviiiL'. viz: Fred J . Sewell. We, John McClaran and John Nyberg, County Commissioners, having met on this 7th day of July, 1911, for the transaction of County business, do now order that this Court adjourn in re sped to the memory of Hon. J W. Sewell. County Judge, who assistant cashier of the HillsUro Commercial bank and Miss Mary li(.part((1 thjs ife ,ast eveni r to Sewell. at home. A hrot her James 1 1 . Sewell and a sister. Mrs. our j(.t.p sorrow anj that of the Anna Faglcton. wife of Asa Faglclon, ol Portland, survive of his w1(,e t.omn,njt immediate fami V He was a member of the Ancient Order of United Work men; of the Kniirhts of Pythias, of the Uuiiorin Kank in the same order; a member of the Native Sons organization; Hillshoro Grange, Pa trons of Husbandry; and also a member of the Pythian Sisters and Degree of Honor. ' V few m,., ' . I r .. . T - i i itv, )mmumty It is further resolved and or dered that the court house be draped in appropriate mourning, and the tlag set at half-mast for a period ot thirty days, as an emblem of public mourning for our departed friend, fellow citi zen and presiding olliccr whose merits in all these capacities have made his loss to us and the public a grief and a misfortune We extend to the family and kindred our condolences, and be speak the sympathy of the en tire community in this hour of sorrow. It is ordered that these resolu tions be spread on the journal of this Court and be made a perma nent record thereof, as a tribute to the memory of Hon. John W. Sewell, who presided over this Court and conducted public busi ness in a genial and manly way for the best interests of all con cemed, and which has endeared him to all with whom he came in contact which makes our sorrow the harder to endure. John McClaran, County Commissioner. John Nyberg, County Commissioner. SEVERAL COUNTY CONTRACTS LET N. Itangs Given Pranchisc for Mains and Poles, at !imler The Southern Pacific passen ger train held up, down in the COuse Creek Canyon, Southern Oregon, last week, was in charge of William Johnson, well know n in Hillsboroin the early eighties. At that time he conducted a liv ery barn, in the building now occupied by the Main Street Liv ery, and he ran the barn prior to the occupancy of Ed. Lyons. From here he went to Portland, where he served on the oolice Court Adjourned Friday out ol Respect force, and finally went into the tv Laic Judge Sewell P- train service. Johnson sianeu up w tne engine when Commissioners' Court, U by the robbera. and told to McClaran and return or thev would blow the Johnson is ROCK It UI.IMi PROPOSALS IN COURT County Commissioners Nyberg present, adjourned court top of his head off. Friday, out of respect to the late known to "'Usboro old- Judge Sewell, to again convene timers. Indigestion and the resulting $385; Thursdnv. .Inlv 1I: j , .... ... l.tMi.Ufnrifnnivu.Mri,w. F00?1 ouoieare usually latai . ill unit uiv-rvt umuoo ii tot" o,,e,.eu a.m contracts awarueu on ment is ven without delay. bridges and tills as follows: Conkev's Cholera Kemedv should Ibach bridge -J S Ixrsung, be given before it is too late. Is l F lte:ioner SW-'t quick and positive, bold on a , ' t I u , , . . r'h.irl.ta !,M,.4U ni ..,-i moiiey-oucK Kuaraniee. ii. 7 ' " - - " -" Hartrampf. ed to I'nt ts Ibneh nil .1 S I.nre.,n,r ii.rj. ...Mrs. J. Kershaw, residing at m m iweau, w awarueu w Crest on her return from a trip iweau. to t'ort and. fe nut nf the ve. Steve Hollenbeck bridge and hide, while the horse was run- itii was given to wr. Ihompson. rung away, ana sustained a till to be IS feet on top. two teet broken rib and some bad bruises, alMve old bridge, and bridge to losing a portion oi the ear, tri be 12 feet wide, and of cedar. day last. She was picked up un Pollock bridge - C E Potts, conscious and taken to her home $820.73; U F lieasoner, $712.42; in an auto. She was unconscious J S Ixirsung. $005 -contract for about two hours. Dr. Wood awarded to Lorsung. attended her injuries. Her horse Pids for rock hauling by Wolf became frightened and ran away Pros, for North Hillslxromacad: uumui,snm uie conveyance. am, 11 to 4.j cents, from 1st quar- For sale at a bargain 2 1-horse ter mile nam, to an quarter mile power upright steam engine and naui;u l, Aleacnam, et als, en- H H. P. bo er. Innu re H. .1. tered bid 12 to 45 cents, first to Smith, Forest Grove, Ore.. Pvoute seventh quarter mile haul; owing 2. Pacific States phone, Forest lo bins neiween nrst aimseventn quarter being so graduated by the two Puis as The Quality Drug StorT) Grove Central, 10x1. 17-9 J ns tn renins enm. V.""3' --w;xouu aou laiiiiijf aic i,iil.il ,.n in . ,.to.., ; ai vmwu, uciuvi notui id, nav uiu IJUUtllVfll IU UlLVl 11IMIL- VVIlllil .T . J . , ,y ... cheapest award was postponed dPfted from Iorest Grove this for time beiiur wef"k- Mr- Peterson is well It was ordered that $2,798.39, special tax district No. 9 be turned over to Supervisor G A Plieth. Koad petition A J Hess et als disallowed. Road petition F Lursmanetals, disallowed because of unfavora ble renort of viewers. N. Pangs was given a franchise Cedar Mill. Saturday night, July to lav water mains and electric 22. by LaFrance Circle, Women wires, at the new townsite of of Woodcraft. Tickets, including Timber and this would make it supper, $1. Excellent music and aimear that Timber, the new orderly management. 18-9 known down in Clatsop County, wnere ne was commissioner a number of years. Mrs. Peter son's family have been identified with the Clatsop County pioneer- age since coming to Oregon, and they are all at home down by the sea. Public dance, W. 0. W. Hall, town at the head of the Neha- lem, is to have water and light in the near future. Claims allowed M N Itmilmtii, (lep assessor J90 co J. ,1. Dingman, of Goklendale. The lute John W. Sewell. Counly Judge An escort of twenty Knights, headed by General Laurel M. llovt. of the Uregon nngaue, and under the command of Capt. McMinnville, J. W. Jackson and wife were in from Glencoe, Monday morn ing. Sam Tunstall, of Phillips, was in the city today on school board business. Joseph Brock, evangelist, is holding a revival meeting on Main street, between Third and Fourth. Smokers want the best- there fore call for a Schiller or a Grand Marca, when you want to see the blue wreath curl. 12tt Dr. Linklater. Dr. Tamiesie and Dr. F. A. Bailey attended the State Medical Association at Portland, the first of the week A. W. Smith, of Portland, was out to the city Monday, and call- Thos. Withycombe, a Portland real estate dealer, ana wno is well known over the state as a breeder of fine Jerseys at his farm near rarmington, was in 1 w naiu-v. cu-.u sal ,v i.n exr....uj m uie city monciay. mr. vvitny- M:iv Ciamiiiii, osK-ssor Rii & Lxp..io2 00 combe has a cow which has a T M Kimnons. arrest insane .. .. 1 50 breeder's value of nrnetienllv 1M....0 t. i,.,. u ,)-.... ri . " S .1 (ialloway, fruit inspector sal pUWl m expense 11-5 50 u.;i..,A nn.u; t I. V House, livery uheriir office.... 3 co " , "cl Kl lu"' 0 ti Hancock, sal nnd demitv , M etKs Ola, ior sale, two male c, o liimeoik, hoaid prisoners 3k 50 and five female. Choicest stock O It Hancock, state cases 7J o - Hen Hnrrnvv TfillKrrn t? .1 lliiiMxiro iiiiu-iieuiieiu. iiriuiuiL! I ,.. LnMlr 1 0 OA ..,,,.i,..o .a , iit-ar i hi rv. 10--U V M Jackson, salary 75 00 . " : : o ... ti:n.,i i. c f K I. Mccormick, supplies 4 05 was er ui iiiiimh'hi uie him ui i,eo Mcdee, Co surveyor 53 30 the week, attending the tuneral Iv .1 RlcAlear, held work assessor s 0f hJs hrother-ill-law. County ." i,..i.. 1 ii.a it T l'.,.t i.,o .1.. , ..,.1 , iiuunf oi'vtrn. lie Hiia iiwum Thos h Tonuue, dist atty cilice.... 20 col panieu oy his grana-oaughter. Martin ancleltey, co poor farm... 100 00 Uiss Amy llinmunn Wilkes Auto & OninL'eCo...'.'.'.'.'.""" 27 so V. V. Willis, who has lived in Wu. Tiippcr, c h janitor 60 00 Hillsboro several months, has V Ueasoner, cement Clilveit at rvrnvmi tr Pm-uar fli-nvp tn rnei,1t 9o and "was down to the county seat 12 00 Monday. xr, Til . ... , ' niKtn h 11 1 im 111 hin mmif n Q bO l v...-...... ... ,t.. ....... .....v.v, ' i . 1.1 a. . 1....4. -1 it. 7 co I Li il 10 rjiiuene, ine nisi ui tue 10s so veek, with a warrant for Wey 3' 45 rick, former v in the teed busi- ' J mice hnr 21 70 R Cornelius . O 1! Krans, teacher's exam boanl. loaephiiie Case, " " " ... M C Case, school snpt sal & c , M C Case, trav exp Wash (lo News-Times , W I) Wood, health olhcer Tualatin Mill Co, lumber A W Siearist, slier ollice W Smith, justice fees Win Mctjiilllaii, constable lees. . . . . 1, K fl It . : II. ., i,..,,V n. ....... .1, 11 i inn vi ii' 21, . .fill-, T . ivie.uu-, m , an the Artrua. He is now iromiue wic :.j u u;uu; ilerv ore- IiailUIIHK wusiuciouic iTciuiu nanied the pall residence to the cemetery, pre judge Sewell was a man of that order splendid character, and his great Dniformet tieartedness und generous sym- nngatiiei pathy won him a host of friends. ' He was possessed of a line sense of justice, with a finely balanced "lea of the law of averages, and ample discernment, and was well qualified (0 pass upon public af fairs. In his private life he was si faithful, loving husband and I sit her, ami as a neighbor there was none belter.' Charitable be yond nteasure. he was considered " of the first citizens of the community, and his personality made and held thousands of 1 fiends and admirers. The funeral was held Sunday siiternoon, at tho residence, Rev. '-'Van P. Hughes preaching luneral sermon. His effort a i-eview of the Ii fe of Mr, Sew- one o, tne u... . irr- w j Glencoe ! .an,,neuweltupon lusinteg-ia.ie w 7" -01.t eulogy Atrent Cooper reports that -y.nm iro:ul sympathies, ami "'teemed and Luite a number of laborers are SSa rA r taking the Oregon, Electric via tondoneT " inisboro since the obseq.nes, on. B. r. "Tu w of the Palouse. Big Bend and ' tne iate Congressman Tongue. weiirung, cai. VV Waiia Walla localities, where the Over one hundred Knights of .V. Wiley, Hillsboro and C B. "JSd immense, and Tv thias were in line and the bur-1 Buchanan, ex-wunty commit- im " was under tho auspices of sioner, and J. u. neeyes, 01 v-, MS Z SISSon of ' local ton county real estate. .m,i vwiiitur Kniehts. from For- A. U. Davis, who has been est drove, Hillsboro, Glencoe, employed in tha postoflice for C.iislon and North some months, went to St.' Johns, Yamhill. ' Chancellor Commander the first of the week, where he lohn Poekerledin the beauinui has accepted a similar position. ....emonies of the order at the Miss Agnes Harrington has taken grave, assisted by John M. his place in the local ottice. Hrown, as pre.au-. --- "; J. C. Smith, of Greenville, was Miltontierger, un v n. Vi The burial was the nrst in new Odd Fellows; cemetery, j he first in t e down town Monday, and says the tn st in me . .. . , , . I ll'l l"S 'a Mrs. smun were up m uiou the of the joining the Masonic ecmt on attl was the wes . Hon. W. N- a.rett, f J formeHy Sew- one ol the honorary pall borers Monmouth Butter at Emmott Bros. Try it it is the real thing. Fred Starks, of below Scholls, was in the city Monday. PUBLIC SALE Assessor's ollice S Paisley trS, C K Hedge TS, S N Poole 7S, II t; Vincent 90, 1 lie tollowinu jurors received fi each O J ralmateer, U C Hartrannl', Aniiust lews, I lv bhnte, John Dennis, George I'rost. Witnesses Esther Cameron f3, Leland klineinaii 3 so, R I. Senrs 3, Uarl More lock 1 5o, Cora H Smith 1 50, Harry KlL'L'lllS 1 qo. Rciief-BricBs liros i6 iq, Kimonica ine undersigned will sell at pub Mercantile Co 10, Hillsboro Pharmacy I lie auction at their lllace. 3-4 3 80, n HUConrse it 35, Delta imR 0f a mile north of Elmonica, on Olorc5 45. ..Q 4 1, f l.'.l, ,,n,.a iiiuiKCH it 1 i'.smkt iWi" i,t n ,;i., 4- f Lr:ni man Bros A Hx. Charles Ii l'otts contract """" ' miico caat iu inusuuiu, 19S 71, J S I,orsniit ,r)07. put ten a. 111., on Roads and liiehways-W L Batchel- SATURDAY. JULY 15. tier ,ios oniieu 2y, nuisooro i.um- s.,fll. mnr. ,103 eliei, veBrs o1l1 iKr co 119 jo, it 1. 11a 1 13, uuo iieim. ,)rown atui black BOUml aU(, a work ' , r V nnitnais; one lias colt a inontcs old; 3 wyoerR I" is.niRsiey i.y e w 40, u COWSi 3 BIul ? yenrs both in milk an(, U Reasoner 50 30. Ore .V Wash Sewer fresU in Octol)er; 5 sheep, 6 ImhI.s, brood J'lpe-o4. lib Re8oner5T 15, bee 80W with 7 piKs; 7, ci.ickeus, BinUall Vault sV Metal Uo.ks 99 20 Herder! WnKon, 3 inch, bran'iiew.J-seat carriaRe, Bros 3r Mark ltnt cr 1 50, (,eo imiiier- hsl.k Ullcki McConnick mower, hay man 10, narry .iiiiiueinian it, v W rke. harrow, disc, cultivator. ImvraeW. l.tycr more 32 37, inos council 13 00 .1 p0W( fHrm nmi won,i looa ot of ,,onse. A lmbneia 60, (,eo Mct.ee J7 So John ho,a furnitnre, cream separator; 350 lbs l- Carstens s 50, John Ireland 6, Oc 11 ranacitv: machinerv used hut one .So.i- I... U C I I) I'm.... .n 11 .4 1. U I 1 . . ' - . nun 3u, j "'"i-v" (, u i iii-iii "d- tirobahlv several tons hav. oats n sct. some wheat; tare and oats, mixed, in sack; anil numerous ether articles Lunch at noon. Terms of Sale Under $10. mi . 1 i li l i i ni ii i . t r i . inree uozen xuii uiooa nnoae casn jiu ana over, one vear s Island Red hens, at $9 per dozen; time, bankable note, at 8 uer also l dozen wmte Leghorn cock- cent, interest, erels, lull blood, at 50 cents each. Schilling & Prayter. A tew broilers, also. Mrs. (J. H. B. Y. Cornelius, Auctioneer. Mitchell, Hillsboro. 17-20 John Vanderwal, Clerk CHICKENS f:OR SALH The place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Qual ity and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work Exclusive Agents for Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates and Candies "The Best Ever" Kaminsky's Make Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. J. A. THORN BURGH J. K. P.AILEY President Vice President A. L. Thomas. As't Cashier W. W. MCELDOWNEY Cashier II. E. Ferrin, Teller Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Wednesday, June 7. 1911 Capital and Surplus $5O0OO Loans - $255,144.21 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bonds 38,185.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 131,893.12- Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $408,222.33 Rosorvo 34 Por Oont. DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailey J. W. Tuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburrf $25,000.00 25,000.00 2,777.14 25,000.00 390,445.19 $468,222.33 Chas. 0. Roc & Co. NEW LINE OF Porch and Lawn FURNITURE LATEST CREATIONS WALL PAPER AN EXCELLENT LINE OF ART SQUARES Call and Get Prices Seeing' Is Believing Chas. 0, Roe & Co. Pioneer Furniture Dealers FOREST GROVE, ORE. A Pointer If you waut perfect vision you should have your eyes examined often. A slight correction promptly attended to may insure you perfect eyes to the end of your life. I will examine your eyes over come the defects and insure you uost satisfactory vision. Laurel M. Hoyt Jeweler and Optician, Hillsboro, Ore. I i 0 t r K r" . ) I .: It I - JC , I ' f s,r j t, . ti , 'it : , 1 1; I St. , - - t I. 1 Ml 'V r -S 'f - i j . i 111 Hi i 1 1:1 ii