ttJl lniiLLseaR VOL xvni HILLSBORO, OREGON, JULY 6, 1911. NO. 17 BB II IRQ ViUNDERUCH KILLED BY DYNAMITE Vh With Crowd at n Charivari, I'riduy NIkIU, at Cawrne Plate HMD BUT AN HOUR AND HALF Wait ConncloMit Allcr l:ploniun, and Ikilarcd he Would l ive I'M. Northrun and Horm nf Shady Brook, have the record for getting coyotes, having bagged Hix of till' varmintH thin Summer .... . . . . - mey caught u Icniale the other day which Northrup declares was larirer than a hound in height, and he Htates I hat hIu whilUM'd all the doira in t he hit. titm. Twoor three (if theyoung Htcrrt were ofTstiritu nf flu. old one, and the half dozen will de Mulate the sheep killers to a Kinall extent. Northrup Hays there are many of them in near the Jos. Council place. CATHERINE H E VERBOORI Mad Celebrated Her Golden Wed ding but Pew Day Prior LEAVES HUSBAND AND CHILDREN Settled in Vcrbourt, North ol Cornelius, in 1883 Bernard Wunderlich. aged aUnit l fc . I ft 17 mil o Mr. una mra. ,. i M. M. Mead, who has just fin ished two and one-half miles of Ji sou ol mi. u t'un. v. . " mo uiiii uiic-imii miii-n ui iniunm iieniieiin, uicu ov Winideilich. of near (Vnterville. Mountain road for Clatsop Coun- family home in Verboort, V skilled by the explosion of a y.'r Cannon heach, returned nesday afternoon. June 28, 1 was m ' ' to II illsboro l- nday, accompanied . . -L . . stick tf dynamite, near the j,y ,ljH HO)i , t,t, llt, l((tn just eleven days after celel t . I. J .t. ttj.k i.lfiiuk tw.llt I JttUV. .1.. ik r 1l it... .... 1 tmp Vw.i irAAtxn 1 1 in witl f osi pli ("awrse place, near b'isy .-mi.. I-Yidav evening. He and a .-..inimny of young t. the ("awrse home with the in tention of giving John Cawrsc and wife a charivari. Shortly after they reached the house, Jos. ('awrse told the young fel lows he would permit no dyna mite explosions on Hie premises, Rudolph iHchanz. o lie vetia , The Cardinals wentup to Haines was uown iu tne ciiy oaiuiuaj i . , . ; Sunday, with fire in their eyes, i,... r OIlVlJ and came back trimmed, the For- rn ii w N is en. est Grove Colts winning bv invimr a'vac'ation. score of six to three. The game r r. nf tt;nwl(. ua was ragged in spots, and yet full down to the county seat, Friday, of interest. Bettis pitched for Mlmv went with all the clams and fish one Li,t her She w Urn ;n and called on the Argus, the county sealers, re-inforced could want, and very few days ,. i.....: .,., qi c. II Jacobs, of the Garden the last inning by uilienwater. uit were ho stormy the men Amend in Tracts, was out from Portland, Martin twirled for the Colts. couUlnotwork lie w.ll godown " fjLmZllZ Sum,ay" IinR over the city. At the Cnd of the game Hillsbo- o Astona m a few .lays and et- 18A She wedded William Her and in- up wun me commissioners mens at uepere, Wisconsin, June . w "., i,l, ,.c vu.f,n,i ... r, . court and may then hn-ate hack lCl 1HG1. .nd in 1883 the family Llo tSt Forest Grove ' H'll-ro. mnv(tl, tA flniWin. ,w.ini, one of ".'i ,,W. r CUniy lost six and won three. Mrs. Catherine Hcrmens, wife of Williams Hermens, died at the Wed 1911, celebrat- j in.t nun, i i , in; iitui in til ' down there for 10 months, and ing her golden wedding, with all says he had a splendid Winter, her children and irrandchildren about her. She was born in HILLSBORO BEATEN BY GROKE G0L1S RaKKed (lame Results in Victory for the Grove Colts II ('.. Pearson, of Iowa Hill. was in the city Saturday. W Itfvnurd. of Laurel, was in the county seat the last of the week. Monmouth Butter at Emmott Bros. Trv it -it is . the real thing. I):in I-isv. of South Tualatin. was over to the metropolis, Sat- BANKS-CORNELIUS GAME CALLED urday. Fred Gordon, of near North hatter Plains, was a county seat visitor Saturday. 1 The Quality Drug Store Game Cancelled Because Wunderlich Death of had iitv i vi w v ' - For sale: Altman -Taylor. 1107 the first to make settlement in us he would not stand for having inch cylinder grain separator: the colony established by Father his windows smashed by the con- this thresher has been used last Verboort. thirteen children were Mission. There are cunllicting season tmly; weigher and blower born to Mrs. Hermens, nine of stories alout the case, some con- I'omplete go with it. Will take whom are living. Fifty-eight tending that at this time one of $XiO, cash; or one year bank able grandchildren bless her memory. .. . I . ,r ... I .... I I....... null, ut U imr c.tit A I. II. vl. 'I'lw. hnul.nnri who W!LS ;...,;i... i At iiiiv event vounif comb. Ilillsboro. Route 1. l'a- born in 1830. and who will be 81 was in from North ik.iiik ' . , . ... , , I , ; ... n.i e iu: i.i - 0.....-1... Wiindellich took the explosive cine Males leiepnone farmers years oi age in ucvooer oi una riains, oaiumuj, Ml. 10-s year, with the loi owing cniiurim, Money to loan on real estate Allien Asbahr. graduate of 0. f ' Bec" We sell farms. Try bloot lieany u)., mi prs Monday. Wonnml riicra for s.'de. F. M. Crabtree, one mile from Laurel. Independent phone, 25o9, Laurel line. 17-9 Lloyd Ingram, who is now 'grandpa" for the third time, lualatin in. i I still-ted out into the hiirhwuy accompanied by Frank Ueh Jr.. of (Vnterville. They went on ahead of the crowd several hun dred feet away from the build ings, and Wunderlich then Htop .....i uii.l miiilifd a match to one of the pieces. It is thought that lie had previously lighted one, for before he could light the sec ond stick an explosion took place. Wunderlich was thrown let the ground, a imrt of his clothing torn from him. and the concus sion shattered bis breast and ab domen. He stum commenced to vomit, and. retaining conscious A iKTt Asbahr, graduate oi u. V, :.. . "A" '"'' security, wi A. C.. is now in California, for 'TL'' us-The Wt an extended visit tocx,erimenta! ' well k"Z?nS Hillsbora. SKSiS Alec Gordo ;iiuMim .inn was in town The line-up: HILLSBORO AH r n Freeman. b 5 Smith, c f - 3 Betltft V, s R 4 l'lx lps, c 3 Wnlker, a b - 4 Williams, r f 4 Balcluliir, If 4 IMlis C, p 3 Moore, I b 3 Gillenwater, p I I o l o o o o o I o I 2 I 6 I o 3 2 7 o A 2 O o 3 2 O I 2 O O The place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Qual ity and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work Exclusive Agents for Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates and Candies 33 3 5 pov pst r.novtt Gordon, of near Glencoe, ab r h mious imrimnK gar- ... . :n...-o t lu, in tmvn Mnmlav. He savs ;...i. , . a . . ma ii i i iiMriiiHiiH iiiiiiiiiniviiic. ifiui. u - - iMvui., j ........ dens, lie returns to weoioru Verboorf Peter M. Her- that crops are good - but wcath- Kelly, r 8....... 4 sSitmwUh a it! S S,l Van- or bad for haying. llZl I n c hi ir of h ,rtieu ttir ai d l)yke, VertKKrt; Mrs. Pe ter Krie- Kip8Ulass driving horse for w kW t f. . . . . 4 in the uiair oi norucu iurt unu MeMinnville: and Sister i win nan .f.rb - Tnnnire iWas. c f. 4 r ......r II.. ... (w..u in N!in .lOttP I r. ' oaic, ci.vj ..v..... ......... v, - mi iiiiiik. ... . ,. I I 23 10 4 and writes his father. Julius As bahr, that he is having a pleasant trip. Good mare for salt;: Dapple ........ I . iL gray, ti years, l.suu pounds, w nn vrv. -r - , , ;,!,. Centleand sound. liess. dec aretl lomsnoi roi nn 11 ; . - . , , en r ends that he would live, ami line to vvt.rk. single or do -. 11 1 n 1 1. 1.. - Peter Jossv. Hi sboro. It. :..t. :.. 1 inlihiter wns 1. near McMinnville: and Sister Juliana, of St. Mary's, Beaverton. Mrs. Hermens was dearly De loved by a wide circle of friends in her community, and was a splendid type of motherhood. Her deat h has its uatheticside. for on June 17th all her children and irrandchildren, and many of O. G. Wilkes, at Wilkes Bros. Garage, Ilillsboro. 11-tf General Manager Lytic went over to Tillamook, Saturday, on a tour of inspection at the coast end of the P. K. & N. Fred Sc horn burg came in from o o I o I 2 I I o PO 3 t 3 io I I o 7 I "The Best Ever" Kaminsky's Make Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. . t neighbors and friends were at his Mountaindale ranch the last the Antone Hermens home at of the week, for a few days va- Wimt Union. Pacific .' ... . . . . . . . .'. i. . f . I . . . . . . ! 7 . . i !(.(., j T.. ..iihiine iMirmers iox ti. .... .ratmn nt tifr nirv vears nntion wit n nis : m v. sumnuine! ant reacneo me tin- ' ' 1 ,. o v . " - r..ri.i...i.i vomiLr man some mm- "'iu-tH. " oi wetnieu me. utes U-fore he passed away. Frank Ueh. who declares he was within ten feet of Wunder lich when the explosion came, was thrown to the ground, and today hears the marks of the powder, his face being badly siMitted, antl his eyes terribly bloodshot. Ueh states that he and Wunderlich were consider able in advance of the crowd. Fred Ueverman was not far from the explosion. Catcher Ilehrnian, of the Cor nelius ball nine, was present, and says that it was a miracle that young Ueh was not killed out right. After the explosion, Ken rushed back to the crowd, and told them that the giant bad ex nloiled mid knocked hintoiiewav. and Wunderlich the other. Ueh had a dozen sticks of giant in his hand when the concussion felled him PUBLIC SAL Paul Landauer and wife, of West Union, were in town Sat- 1.... M I ...,.iii,.r ri.eentlv purchased 20 acres from the ong- The undersigned will sell at pub mal Whitten place, paying $3,000 lie auction at their place, 3-4 therefor The Klectric survey, of a mile north of Elmonica. on Wallser, r i - 4 Oelter, c 4 Miutin, p 3 33 ii 27 n 5 Score bv innings: I-'orest Giove o o o o o o I 5 6 Ilillsboro a o o l 2 o o O 03 Summary: Base on balls. Bettis. 1; Martin. 2. Struck out, Bettis, 4; Mar tin, 6. Double plays, Kelly to Kopple. Hit by pitched lall, Moore, rassea oan, lietter. Wild pitch, Martin. ....... - The Rnnks-i ,orne uus came was Ar?!B. He states M crops are ----- , . ookinir fine out at lioy. r , c nJTi:., r-K,' Inereaiter uie uuienua vuuo home grounds will be at the nn K'll Ul LllL- IMJ ihT,tu.u 1 tllllSOOrO tIlit;tlC i. ell n, Uluiliuiiu, a.. iL., ii , All i- VJ.i, t. n.n nnil I ' . , , ihiilj r : rnnninir Iroin uretico 10 me me Aioen -nd remrts the vines dome nice- fit nf thp week. The so ation United, runs not far from the about 7 miles east of liillsboro, if the Haineg Rrounds did not tract, and it bids fair to lieeome at ten a. m.. on , ,,;: m,. m,i.0 for o-ood financial suDDort ii I ...ivltr Hlf V 1f I ltd M 'VPS. Ill V II UIIII a 1, ULt, I ioiuv : . even more valuable. bAlUKUAi, juli 10. en'erally put3 in some when the Cubs played any other ... t... ,...r,t in mure. Iioa each, 9 y' "Hr"u, V i ovnont Pnrpst Grove, and we nave vwiav j ' ......1. ........i ...i work haril worK on uie uoveuimcut .....v e- ------ . . vegetable plants - over IMJ tnolfc!i ,,,., canali near Celilo, was an Argus they telt that a cBe 3 f kale plants; uiu.ouo cuoimK- C0W!1, 3 u,i 7 years, bout ".. caller. Friday rjt nix) tomato n anus, and (reab In October; 5 sheep, 0 uni ns, uioou S i kind o Jegetable w with 7 piTs cCicken Bi.dfaii Miss Bessie Durham, a niece " . '...,,. nd see for VOUr- wKO,.,3irh.bran..ew;2 atc.rnnge, of GeQ G Hancock, arrived plants, t ome and see lor your ck j,,.,,,,! I110wer, bay- Mnndnv morning from Californ a, self, at Morton's Greenhouse, rske; ,mrnlw, ,K cultivator, hayrack. mn3 i 1 1 luu,,,, 8-tf plow, (arm and wood tools, lot of house- for an extended lsit. tier home . - 1 i !....;.. tuii.oruior 7 cn iiiki to m i'iiirMi 1 i n. t 1 I UOHl IlirilHUIC. Vlni" mp"""1! JJ I Ii3 III i V"i iu( H l'lil'lVl 1 i 11... nH.uukanit' A 1 iviHj 1 fntmCUV nmCIHIlCry UCU UMl. uinfunw.i, . . : ' . : 1 :.. J. A. THORN'EURGH J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNEY President Vice-President Caahter A. L. Thonia?, As't Cashier H. E. Ferrin, Teller Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. statement nf Condition on Wednesday. June 7. 1911. Capital and Suf plus $5O0O0 Loans - $255,144.21 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bonds 38,185.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 131,893.12 Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 25,000.00 2,777.14 25,000.00 390,445.19 $408,222.33 $468,32333 rioHor-co 34 Por Ooat, DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailey J- W Tum Wilber W. McEldo-wney J. A. Thornburrf V" ,,, and who generally puts in some wnen me oui . Span itmrea. no3 each. 9 years old ' Government nine except Forest Grove, and brown .ml black,, ...d good work hard work on the j,oer nme ni mi t , beneficial from the gate-receipts standpoint CHICKENS FOR SALE Three dozen full blood Rhode . l c nnil fed hens, at y Deraozeu, stated Monday that it was not ; .. ii ii iirii. iiuiuuvivi at home, having gone elsewhere, in order to avoid the noisy demon stration, Younir Wunderlich was a broth er of John Wunderlich, who con ducts a furniture store at Hanks, and was also a brother of the Bunks baseball catcher. His family are grief-stricken over the tragedy. i I l.'r..l,o iti.iinrted for Milwaukee, representing tWO proUbly aevetal tons hay, oats in sack, i :.. i'if! anil 1 40111c wnrtti. mic 1 SWISS K-ieue. oik: v '"'' - ck; 8ni, nu,Ileros other articles ..... I ...... lit Sookane. WhenJa- ,.' ...... .., ....I, ...ill. ..I in lo Sookane there was a big delegation iron, tne 8 FURNITURE! is a safe proposition that we It Sell More Furniture I.unch at noon. Terms of Sale- -Under $10, t e eiration Irom me v nna ... . . nu- " .- .. i tn casn: iu anu over, unc j 1 be bride aU grtMim were mu SMikane organization i.-uj . l)ttnkauie note, at 8 per meet bun i.'..uiiu.iinil Yellowstone Nation al Bark round trip excursion fares are in effect June 12 to bept. u. You had better come in ana see Agent Cooper, of the Oregon Klectric and Hill lines, alxmt this trip and get literature giving -full i.,..,.H;.,t:..n ion UC.H.I l'li"". time. cent, interest. Schilling & I'rayter B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. MOKE HOLSTEINS perceptibly injured Jacob Schmidt and wife, of i Laurel. Massed through town Saturday, en route to Bethany, where they spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. John Marty. Bartlett LaRue, of Woodland, Wash., was here over the Fourth, the truest ot I). B. LmncK. W. J. Gregg, the hopgrower of T.eiawille. was in town Monday, and renorts the vines doing splendidly. Perd flrnner and wife in a few ill start. Fast on their tour. ... . and will use an automobile aiier thev arrive in the Mississippi EXECUTORS' SALE Notice is herebv iriven that the undersigned will, by authority ol an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wash- intrli.i. fount v mtli i Oil lilt iailh day J (M..,.w, f nhnvp fiaston. 1 4 Mr Vetvmsin reeentlv re working for Hez Stott, was m turned from a trip to Wisconsin, c,,..,tnv Me states thatoni nw York, and while at Stott has just been discharged -rully, in the Empire State, Bend front a lengthy attendance at ier purchased 9 head of Holsteins, Fetleral Court, Portland, as a ranging from calves to two year uror. olds, all thoroughbred and regis- JU ' . ..,i.;ia Mr boutrht The Grand Marca is we ; - -v- . g Andrew Bendler, of beyond Leisy- Since his la,t tr ville, wasin the city Friday. He ne q for divorce F. W in tow A. L. Grebe . iieiiie u. loiiuuvi., r. Sagert, of Tualatin, was Giencoei has filed suit : n Saturday, a guest with ao;ainst Allen G. Ta jrebe, of Laurel. Mr. Sa- basis of her compli i r ,m' x : .v ,.r d ine UMl. sell at wholesome i ' . vin the Southern Pacific Tannock. the A. Ij. uicui.-, vji. ijuuivi. Ijasis 01 ner COUipiiiun, ucuik gert raises onions, and says that cmej treatment and refusal upon things are looking fine down his tne part 0f ner husband to per- wav. m;t ber tn visit or be visited by For sale at a bargain-2 i-horse her brothers. She asks for one- :.-t.. ..r.,1 UKivd .if the re.i tv and si. 500 al- oower uiuin'it' ii's'" Mi.uini.iM - ------ ' ... 8 11 r. boiler. inquire ti. J. imony wwaui ouwi t Forest Grove, Ore., Koute live minor cnuaren. iney weie Wiwst m timed in AUSTUSt. ltVO. One be surprised at ine i iiiiicur,u i - , 1Q . 17 g m her complaint that stein shipments, carloads leaving Grove Central, wxi. husband went to Scotland, Jo.. While there a n..ll 1a,.,o flm vnnnrrecr I. . 1 ii. v. ,!l,nt I" uaj. - ivussco mui n"" w- J I last jear, anu icil. iici niuwui , A IWnrann one OI 13UJI- wns SlUOUeCl OUl W uduaii, crm iienrieTrn ivioririlll. Uu nnra,a,, fnnrlt! for the ev- I , . iikvi-iv-.-i i ivi.v. " . . .low.. v-. -' - - . .' 1 LUC HctCOOtti j . . . v.-j " .. ..main town thelQ tn C.aU fomta. and Several fM f,.f.,n n eherrv tree in the (j. K foT.;i atiiimiv iinvH 10,11 ton s pioni-ir.o, "" . -f u ,c' " : .V" peraui ulc lo"'"" ir.iu. u..... i i. ..' uni i .o- Bailey wtie wi" . . su ?. f tu a . r , . .. . : cower nnd navement it misrht be im him; aorrei norne, in I i.',...t tlreener will, m primiclthe 1'iast exuioii uic uv wood attenoea me injury. . -17 . .::i f bav mare. 1Lr0; chestnut horse, ... ..r.aneritv and that the little " . ..... T well tor the mayor ana council u eoi ri. """r1 ,v . . . . i t "ho wns nncmn i,n niv Jiii it i oou; ii neaa imiik cows, y ti , .. ...ann n r.aston. cities are an ciean anu uiroiur i .rui lln utein 111 . cr H'll inin-o""i tliau atiy other store in Washing tou County. Why? Because our 1 I I . . : l-i vAIIT nAlrli I 1 1 " 1 I If iw ... I . -oin oay tu june, iiMi, c - ..,tt mnde in Ure- pea via uie . c ... prtQ i;mvp (r(. Route live mm public auction, to the highest snmke o, nu k t m adcn Uyou Sir. Bendler says tha flrstoft'lW married '"'K at &.i !ii .rnnil smoke buy a be surprised at the immenRO Hoi- p . , 1Q . 17.9 aiwes lllKll.-,' ' PRICES are LOWEST r I " On the same quality of Goods. People from a distance are sur prised when they see that they can save 25 ceuts on the dollar by buying from us. Come to Forest Grove and see for yourself. Finest StocUofWallPaper In. County C. O. ROE & CO, FOREST GROVE, OREGON. Titr: Anthony Placi Three miles west of Glencoe, at 10 a. m., on Saturday, July 8, 19U I Grand Marca. 12tf MaKe The Boy Glad riU, Wnrtl.5i-.rrf n Pniinfu T.nnHl .1.1 . j U 1 n..infJ nre all clean and we kept. ""k . thinic 01 mat oiu anu aumiuca SSlS i gradually get- Co. has an unique display m its watering trough, and replace it Mr. Btnuiei ia hittuuttiT ohnu, W ndoW in the Hotel Wash- ...ui, o f.mta n nt tKe ntersec- 1. tt va uj w... 1 . . 1 11. i- 11 .11 n;ii mi iiiiiuiivj; uiouiut i"-" 1 um tnni n rr Triiiitrit 111111 1 i-'i 11 ;i t 1 mui, 1 mwinvv v: . Mr Kenri er is graauauy gei- x"- - lL . .,, ,.,!, vikih.r vu,,.., ..r head calves 34 sheeD 11 pigs, was ilown to the city IUI7: (i Jfwher . fine henl of Hoi- ahw winraT, n H,e .nuiV "T 8 fountain at the intersec a au ia vis, &i si tip, a i u... iuinn nne of the active ting together a ""e''V" Jwton Ru d ntr. showing theL;f, nt Moin and Second. V 7 miuiTuitd hull. ItP 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 I 1 I 1 1 HUH Wv 11 - - . , rn.A hl Tninifva . HV ill 3 I "-' . 1 ' 1 1 LI" 1 1 vX. Uengle top buggy& n, pair scales, fanning null, son administration. y Gmden iracts aaaiuon 10 me and Lunch at noon. TERMS OP SALE nm i i 1 1 1 in v. v 1 - all sales must be for cash in hand. K. B. Tongue, Thos. H. Tongue Jr., Executors of the last Will and Testament of Rebecca Tongue, Deceased. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. ion of Main and Second. A fund in the Native Sons, amount- inn- tn nerhans $17F. COU d dOUDt he nrocured for the Diirnose. Ihief of Police Blaser directed and there is a small sum in the soldiers monument binder. 2 mowers, hayrake, drill, Herb has been one ... .. . . . ..... 1 ..... ...nM.Lina nniii roiling wagon, pair scales, lannuiK son uuun ---- 4 milk cans, farm implements, K your chickens enclosed!- fl Rieben, of Banks, June Clty larm tools, household furniture, jus ri,ce ived-a large consign- ;due of the Oregon Agricul- Chi :iiiii oiiioH imr miito a.- .,.n 1 rir"ir m ii r. iiwn , 11 n a. i vMttnnia niuiu 1 1 1 11 11 iiiiii lvj iiii viii v a iuu i a hihi-k""" w.u oumra. meni 01 uuuiny p. f.irn uoueee, 01 wnmoi j .. ,,..if, ... .-.u:u ;Uf nianKa loari ... - 1 . fvfit . 1 VH - . - . ... A" i 1 .-. mKnih iif no nuur 11 1 iu 1 111111 w 1 11 11 initiiL aiou ii oiuvvu the tune to nuy.- R? Sf S th Easter BatchelaV barn?on Main Street in the -pot." provided its mark I.Corwin. I Horticulturist at tne ijasierr o"e'". Ti.eonimd -ero left on the fount. With a lohn Pierson, former y 0 0regon Expenment sw the citv. and p.:e v ile, and now residing at Union. Mr. Kieoen .K" r. "l wtlnnd wasout to the : county with high honors, ana was very a m . wr r-" . . 1 " . , . 1 no a.i nn tne .t the scnooi. ror a nine whcu puy nf ve7rs he was one of A revolver shot ended the place could he hunt, tses cies, 11 number of years ne was one 01 a oi T. u;ns . nPppRsit.v. C erk J. W. Bai- K K00l woTrnyit assik in raising a little nt of the monev. and manv others notable victories jvnen ne wa8 o will doubtless fall into line. 1 the pitcninK w"i. .f.-t- S'SuSr.nd called on the Argus. Smokers want the beat there fore Sffo?a Schiller or a Grand Marca, when you want to see the blue wreath curl. lM1 with a watch and start him on the way to manliness. A watch is a real missionary, teaching responsi bility - to the boy who carries it. I have given much thought to watches for boys and have the best selection in town from $1.00 up . . selection in town trom i.oo Laurel M. Hoyt I Jeweler and Optician, Hillsboro, Ore. I r i' i s 1 1 c Try the Argus for a year.