4 it M M K w m M M M M M Pi 4 Ml M I I ft N n. IV. fc- t 4 Pi? ft, tii 3 1 m Hiatav.' a K K. N. STAEHR THK HAZAAU," roUKST C.ROVK, OkK. PIANOS liny j'imio m-hmIiV na von would 11 111111111)1111. Vim iinliimllv buy i( wiiur linn win iv muni' hiiI ripiiintiuii gimiiii li-r tin- K"" " nhniilil Willi n pimiu. Wi ll 11 vr wilil over ,Vi put mm 111 IliU i'iiiiiuv. unit linve" I ! ill lilt" Imih lirm l) )i"ir. 1'n l It liiuir, w linvf iml 11 ill f ull.lird mntomir, In - ' i miic r know what hii m-IIiii, nml wr n'i-t uimlly giumtilce inili -inauo tlnil mi' ki ll We TlrTESE r 1 jri- 1 v n 11 rk 1i -i" i- i a; n il mi iuiy imyiiu iilH ninl would lr gd tu hIh.w ymi our line of IUHltliiiirnti, Mnging Ml purr In, ill $,v, t (,,,, iiml t ih In 'line y m I hi y or iltop 11 a lint- nml tuti ir.ii -,riillitivi- will m. We ills' 1 have new ninl u Tlitlil hunili'il orgHII li.im J s "ml up. Nt w 11ml wcuml I1.111.lnl nrwuiK limrliiiii'i (rum $111 mul "p, nil giiitiiiulcrd to give milmfiicllon. We have 11 lull h f I.IHSON phono- j i iplii fnini Jii y, to f 7S 0.) in llir itnir nml m II ilii iii lur f I per wvrk. We lmvc ii iniiili-lli il inn Kluir mill have n line lee I'i'l t'li.iii In mIii.Ii vim chii tit-nr all (lip ll'l-.l K, i.l.ls Mllln.nl L-ii.u .hul, I llli nu ll 4 iiiiiiutr t. Hill k your machine put II nil in n few llllhlilra and give m.ii Uir li-n f fc recoriU. '.'7'il I' " '" I.i'IimiIh I.M-Illlll'llt pill till 'virt1!,,,,! . Mill put h g a t s 1 t 1 1 I 1 1 t: it 1 1 1 1 1 1. I :'''' I n The Hantlsonu- Coac h Stullion W.'ivrlit, 1.'.HI; 11 yi:in 1.I1I. hlai'k-liniwn. tilH'ly Imilt. .lust the Imrsi- fur ,.(S maki' tin' most, scrvifcalilc horses lor farm ami ilri inj; iiirposes Will Stand tht? Season of 1911 at the Delsman Place Northwest llilishoro Terms: Single service, $."1; $ID for insur linee, iavalile when mare is known to he in foal; $12 roll to stand ami suck. Care to prevent, hut not resnisihle for acci ilents. Fanners shoiiM see this horse he fore breeding lb' h:i the proportions that will please f. v. i)i:lsma HILLSBORO, OHE. irif.iviVll1iIt(lvt- f li!w I t lwtHt. lllwlwlVI (!) ! ? fi . : as m a-) i K W IIAINKS, I'res. I. J ciilil., Vice I'res. A U I.KAHO, Cashier CM VKTI'.K NO s. iy, The First National Bank of forust grovii, oregon. Capital and Surplus $60,000. 4 per cent paid on Savin.i Deposits. 5i.i will open an account. Directors: CiKo. (',. Hancock. .Iohn Tkmi-i.I'.ton, T. W. Sain, H. .1. Cow, K. W. Hainks, Ci-okck Miznkr, Lkvi Smith, W. II. IIoi.i.im, W. K. Nkwki.i., II. T. Huxton. and Ii. J Cokl. We appreciate your patronage and hope for a eontinuanco of same. Make on" I'.ank your Hank. CHANCE TO START : The Pharmacy : I Reliable, Reasonable and J j fresh Drnqs Always I OUIl I'RKSCKll'TION DI'PAlirM I'NT in uiirxci'lliil fr purest ilriiRB unit HCClinilo (lin riisinn. Ourliln'(f DIUIC.C.ISTS' SUN PK I MS Hre III lull's! in tin' iiimkrl. lliuslu'S, flciil ifi ii-e (if all kimls, Iml wuter ImltleB, syriii);i'!4, in furl, evervtliiiiK fiuiinl in iiiL'lrnpnlilitti iliu si no. We run v Hn" l'AMOUS AIICII Rl'MMlUKS Guaniiileeil: No siii-cess. money refiinik'il 5 Reliable, Reasonable and t fresh Drugs Always 1 P. E. GARDNER, Prop. Hill l.lntt Snds out Circulars to Aicents on koads I'RIIIITABI.E INDUSTRY ENCOL'RAflliD A(inl Cuoptr Will Report Names of ThuKe Wanlinf lo Invest Ak'cnt C(Kiper has received a cir cular from the Hill management, asking that he take names and numbers wanted in case any Washington County farmers want to increase their herds of hogs. Fine, government in spected brood sows are being brought to the (Portland stock yards in carload lots, and the following letter accompanying Mr. Cooper's circular, tells its own story, and was written by the Portland Union Stock Yards Company: "In connectk n with our policy 'more and better hogs in the Northwest' we have brought from Nebraska several shipments of brood sows, which we have distributed at various points in Kastern Oregon and Washington. These hogs are strictly first-class, high-grade animals, and are bought at fat hog prices in Ne braska from territory certified to by Federal Inspectors, as entire ly free from disease. The hogs themselves are inspected by state authorities before being shipped. They are hauled in w agons direct to cleaned and dis infected cars, never being allow ed to go through a public stock yard, and are loaded in lots of about fifty to the car, with suffi cient feed and water to run them through to destination without unloading. The original cost of the hogs, plus salary and ex pense of our man in charge, de termines the price of the hogs to the buyers here in the West. ISAAC N. HARRIS Isaac N. Harris, aged 54 years, died at the home of his son, in North Ilillsboro, at 4 o'clock, Saturday evening, June 24, 1911, from an attack of heart failure. He recently came here from Walla Walla, and made his home with his son, William Harris, who works for the Washington Oregon Corporation - the local water and light system. The evening before his death, Mr. Harris has been to the drug store for medicine to quiet his nerves and it was at first thought he had taken an overdose. This, however, was not the case. The funeral took place Monday. His wife died many years ago. FOURTH OF JULY FARES (Via Oregon Electric Ry.) Round trip tickets will be sold to all points on the Oregon Electric Uy., minimum fare 32 cents, and to all points on The North Hank Road (Coble. Ore., and points east) where the one way fare is $(! or less, for one and one-third fare. Dates of sale July 1 to 4 inclusive, return limit July 5th. We have tahen the Agency of the Celebrated BUSH & LANE PIANO TERMS You are rcsj)ectfully invited to call in and examine them. For Purity of Tone, Heauty of Finish and all that goes for the best manufacture in the piano, the Bush & Lane leads. Sales room, Third Street, in the New Nelson Block W. H. TAYLOR Excursion Fares East 11)11 Ui During tho Months of May, Juuo, July, Auguat and September, on dates shown below, tho SOUTHERN PACIFIC will sell round trip tickets from HILLSEORO via PORTLAND at follows: T" FARES th,cK 73.io Council BiufTa... I Omaha I KamasCity I 60.60 St. Joseph I St. 1'aul J S Paul, via Council Bluffs 64.50 Minneapolis, direct 60.60 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs 64 50 St. Louis 70.60 Roston no.60 New York .109.10 Washington, 1). C .118.10 Atlantic City, N". J. 103.00 SALE DATES: May 16. '7. 18. 19, 22, 23, ?4. a5t 2?i 2Sand 29; June 5, 7. 9. 10. 12, 16, 17, 2, 22, 2 29 and 30; July 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27 and 28; AuRiist 3, 4. 5, 14, r5, 16, 17, 21. 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30; September I, 2, 4, 5. 6 and 7. Stop-overs within limits in either direction. Final re turn limit October 31st. For fares one way through California inquire of any Southern Pacific agent, or write to WM. McMURRAY. General Passenger Agt PORTLAND, OREGON Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the best timber in Washington county. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber always on hand. Estimates on Buildings, Flooring, Rustic, Ceil ingsall kinds of finished lumber for house material. We deliver. Phone: Pac. States, Glencoe Central, 37 PETER HOFFMAN, Bacona, Oregon Harlan Kelly, of beyond Glen coe, was in the city yesterday afternoon. John Berger, of near Bethany, was in yesterday. He says it is rather moist out his way. Peter Hermans, of near the Minter Bridge, was up to the city yesterday on a buggy buy mg expedition. Mrs. Sarah Harvey, of above Mountaindale, returned yester day from a visit. at Portland, and went out to her home on Dairy. J. S. Lorsung. of East Ilillsbo ro, has completed the 280 foot bridge between Dilleyand Forest drove, and the structure is now open to travel. The Oregon Electric, from all points on the line, will sell tick ets, round trip, to the Salem Cherry Fair, July 6, 7 and 8, at one and one-third fare. Why buy inferior Arsenate of Lead lor spraying when you can buy pure Sherwin & Williams Arsenate of Lead at a less price, Call and investigate. Remember it has an absolute guarantee. Connell & Co. On and after April 25, 1911, the Groner & Rowell Co. will have a stock of 3, 4, 5," 6, 10 and 12 inch drain tile, on hand; and on and after May 12, all sizes ud to 14 inch. Anyone wanting large size tile, please place your order before May 1, as we only make large sizes during the month of May. It will pay you to place your orders with us, as we burn our tile to a better color than our competitors, as our wood only costs us a trifle. We also have a good stock of rough and dressed lumber, which we invite the public to inspect, be fore purchasing elsewhere. Our flooring is made from red fir timber and will wear much bet ter than flooring made from the soft yellow fir timber. 5tf 11 4r n 4 THE STORE OF QUALITY Second St. Hillsboro, Ore. Both Phones SIRES AND SONS. Rppresontatlve (Inrdnor of Massa chusetts U uu expert on the fishery (llt'Stlllll. Kx-Si'iintor Henry M. Teller of Colo rado wn formerly a si uooltenclier lu New York mate. William II. Crocker, leading banker of San I'runclseo, owns the must ex tensive collection of posture stamps In the world. Senator William Alden Smith of Michigan was u newsboy and tele graph messenger tu tirand Uaplds for many years. Sir Joseph Hooker, the botanist of England, and John Higelow, historian of New York, are the two oldest living celebrities. They have each reached the age of ulnety-four. Senor M. Teixeira Homes, the new Portuguese minister to London, Is u great traveler, an author of repute, it ml is recognized ns one of the most accomplished art critics in Portugal. He has often visited England. Ills grandfather campaigned with Napo leon in Russia and was in one of tho French squadrons at Waterloo. Aviation. The British government 1ms only ten war neroplnues standing to its credit, but negotiations are in progress for several others. Shells with a detonating force ruIH- cient to wreck any aeroplane within a hundred yards of where they explode, huve been Invented for the Cienuan army. In France the operators of nero planes are held responsible for dam age done to persons or property when coming to the earth. In two cases such operators have been found guilty of homicide and punished, although the punishment was not ns great as that for other forms of the same crime. CONGO NO. 4719 Pure American Bred Belgian - A Bright Bay with small Strip in Face Sire, Volnay No. 2503 Dam, Melba No. 344 Congo was bred and raised close to Portland, so does not have to be acclimated. Broad drafty type with splendid action The tire and dam were per sonal 'y eelected by II. C. Campbell in Belgium and were prize winners at Alarka-Yuki n Pacific Exposition. Congo won the silver cup at the A. Y. P. KxpoMtion as the best American-Rred Belgian any ige. Weighs 1S50 pounds. Foaled Aptil, 19C.S. Terms Twenty dollars lor the season with the return pri vilege neit year if mare is not in foal. Congo will make the season at Campbell's Ranch, formerly the T. E. Rowell Ranch at Scholls. No business on Sundays. L. R. CAMPBELL, Manager. Dress Hints. Always shrink a new braid before sewing to skirt; otherwise the bottom of the skirt will become puckered the first time of wearing in a shower of raiu. Always begin at the shoulders in fitting a blouse. If tho shoulders are fitted lu the proper manner you need have no fear about the rest of the bodice. To clean white plumes make a thin paste from gasoline and Hour. Dip plumes and cover with paste. Lay aside to dry, then shake well, aud plumes will come out clean aud Huffy. Train and Track. The government of Jamaica now op erates 184 miles of railway. Of these 120 miles were built by American syn dicates. More than one-third of a billion pas sengers carried lu eighteen years aud a half and not one killed us the result of a train accident Is the claim made by the Long Island railroad. One hundred aud fifty-two miles of the government railway linos In Victo ria, Australia, have been relald during the past three years with American rails, U2 miles of eighty pound rails and ten miles of hundred pound rails. Contracting Get my Figures on Painting your residence and out-buildings aud I will save jou money. Can esti mate work, or work and painting material. See me A. C. WINNEY, North Plains, Ore. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for-any debts contracted by my wife, Henna Bronson, she having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation. All persons are there fore notified to give her no ciedit charged to my account. Arrie Bronson. Bacona, Ore., June 19, 191 1. This week's Argus is the largest paper ever issued from a Hillsboro press, occasioned by the publication of nearly two pages of street paving and sewer assessments. The copy reached the printer at midnight, Monday, and through the kindness of the Oregonian, with its big battery of machines, the 200 pounds or more of linotype was ready for the press by ten o'clock Tuesday night and the darned thing didn't seem to interfere with the big daily going to press, either! The newsboys were calling their papers shortly after daylight Wednesday morning, just the same as usual, b'gosh! t la a grave emergency, telephone service t is indispensable. Just step to your Bell Telephone, call up the $ J doctor or druggist, state the case, and act on the advice f t i'v wmcn you receive. Should you need something which is not in the local . .1 1 V' A J Ht- Will laVU uuj wwj - J f place at any hour of the day or night. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. 4 9 m ml