The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 22, 1911, Image 1

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    rjai;rf'ii Hi jtfclaw
NO. 15
J. P.
Jumped on by 1'rnctlou Horse,
pics lny l-ati'i. Nenr Quatnmn
Was Well known MHUboru Mi-thank
(or Many Var
.1. 1. Gardner, thewcll known
aged blacksmith, died Friday
evening, from injuries received
while attending a fractioiiH horse
in the barn of his son, lVrry,
near (Juatamn, Thursday after
iiimiii. Mr. Gardner had been
warned that the horne was
treacherous, but he wanted to
clean out the Htall. No one was
present when the accident hap
pened, and the aged man could
nut tell just how it occurred, but
it is supiMtscd that he went into
the stall to take the uiiimal out,
when it jumped on him. His
' 0
John Gibson, of the John Day.
ind a sale of ''8 Inmch-irrass
horses, last Saturday, and Auc
tioneer l orneliUH succeeded in
getting fair prices for all of
them much better than expect
ed. One man who bought bud
lots of trouble with his purchase,
and the animal finally killed it
self before the buyer was remlv
to take it away. Mr. Gibson
promptly gave him another to
replace the loss. Jack Robinson.
of Scholls, rode a couple of the
bronchs," and was the recipi
ent of one neat little tumble.
while olf his guard, ltobinson
attain mounted and rode the
nicker to a standstill. The bunch
County Sealers Connected
liut six Scattered Hits
Carnlenn, Bank Pitcher. Rounding Into I of the week
Good Form
Cheer up! Cherries are ripen
1). 15. I'urk halter was up from
f'armington. Monday morning.
ICarly hay is being laid in the
Monmouth Butter at L'mmott
Bros. Try it-it is the real
J. C. Clark, of Forest Grove.
was a Hillsboro visitor the first
Situated at Orenco, a Few Miles
East of Hillsboro
Advance of Realty Alone Would Make
Owners Very Rich
Kvery man but one on the Banks'
team hits the ball on the nose
was very quiet for the usual run for one or more hits at thr cramp
r i ... , - " r.
oi ouncn-Krassers. .... ,t,.. u.,ni.u' lniu c,m,itl
Mrawberries. Marshall. Oregon and as a result the county Beaters
tl . i I
iviagoon, lor sale. Will de-U,mi. tmm ,m
if ordered in sullicient
beaten by a score of seven to a
lltl.'llltltlett. (,() Viildir iirw) P.
K rogh. 1 miles north of Orenco. noreeconar. carstens was on
Call Ceo. Vedder, or (J. Krngh, the mound for Banks, and al- the week.
acme States lelcphone. Hills- though he struck out but five
Benj. Birdsell and daughter.
Mrs. John Dennis, are now visit-
! . I - 1 1 A.
ing in v,anaua, near ueiroit. fWnf tho hnantv Btaf WauV,.
V r w V UVUU ,J M V (A. J II
blight frosts were reported inyt)n Connt.v ia tho nrptmn
r i . .i " '
rom several minis, mccoun-u- Company's holdings at
ty. but there was no damage. ,w ... ' - ..,
Ivrivinu, wiitric uic ill ill UWII3
1 1 rUt f iha. fW.ct UnA fkt
was ii me city ue i ret oi me . -i , . , ,
weej ' ever laid under the rays of old
, . , . . bol. this land was purchased
ton. was in the city the first f m the main a few years ago, and
u me noiuers snouiu now sen
I 1L. .l iU I
AU.-.-i i.v...,i :,. ,i r me auviiiitt; uver ine ourcnase
,,i i,. I, r i- . ftiimii nmm is uown J ruin .
"'""'; ir?r ..." hatters, the hits he allowed were Umatilla fork short visit with Price alone Would mean a small
.cnnani. ua.ei uancii. i.s-o f(;w an(J far bt,twt.on and there his mother, Mrs. Alice Foord. fortune-and not so small, either.
Workmen are nearly throuuh nt ,.,w,,ri nn fi,Um n
nun uir in ii n auu luiitn t1
Do not forget to ask for a M- McDonald and A. F. McGill,
cries were heard in tne iiouse
and when assistance came he was
prostrate on the flixir. Medical
aid was summoned, but his in
juries were such that he imsse
away ubout six o clink the next
Mr. Cardner was horn in
Seneca County. New York, July
I I. 1S2S, and moved to Michigan
when a young man. He was
married to Sarah Allen Williams,
at Homer, Michigan, November
'2, lKTil. the wife dying in this
city, Dec. . 1!M1, shortly after
the couple had celebrated their
golden wedding.
Mr. Cardner came to Oregon
in 1888, and shortly afterward
opened a blacksmith shop In
Hillsboro, on Third Street. He
continued in business for many
years, but was finally forced to
lay olf his apron because of ad
vancing age. After the death
of his wife he made his home
with his son, Berry Cardner, the
well known young ranchman of
Fast Plains.
Mr. Cardner was, in his prime,
one of the best mechanics at the
trade, and he worked early and
late. He was energetic, and
even after he went out to the
ranch he worked a little at his
trade for the farmers in the vi
cinity. He is survived by the
following children:
Clark K.. Portland, with the
Southern Pacific as a mechanic;
Chas. J.. Fulton, in the black
smith business, und U. C. of
Hillsboro, the well known Third
Street blacksmith, and Perry, for
a number of years in the trans
fer business in Hillsboro, and
who has farmed east of this city
since in the nineties.
The funeral took place. Sun
day, West Union Church, and
interment was by the side of the
witein the West Union cemetery.
walls tor the dreear minding, on
Second, next door south from
the Pythian structure. The
doorway has been cut through
the wall from the landing at the
top of the stairs in the Pythian
building, and the occupants of
the upper story will use the
same entrance as the Pythians.
Sunset Mairazine for June:
In Apple Lmd by Walter V
Woehlke, beautifully illustrated
in four colors, The Biggest Job
in the World, by Frank Savile.
The present status of the Pana
ma Canal. The Spell by the
Williamsons. Ask your news
Fx-United States Senator Ceo.
W. McBride died in Portland,
Sunday, after an operation. He
was a brother of Hon. T. A. Mc
Bride, well known here for many
years as district attorney and
circuit judge, and who is now as
sociated judge on the bench of
the Oregon Supreme Court. The
dead Senator was 57 years of
age, ami was raised in Yamhill
Kasthoiind Yellowstone Nation
al Park round trip excursion fares I'Urips, c
nre in Hfect June 12 to Sent. 12. willmms, j
You had better come in and see
Agent Cooper, of the Oregon
.lectneand Hill lines, ammt this
tnii and get literature giving full
escription. lOtf
Miss llattie Nelson, daughter
nut a score. On the other hand. Schiller when you want a good tor years in the nursery business
the Banks' smashers smashed 10 cent smoke no cough dust at balem, are the principal hold
out 13 hits, and it was a romp, in the Schiller. 12tf ers of the company, and before
ianks played to but one error. n, r ;n,ut'a fom;i purchasing here came to the con-
while Hillsboro made but two the mountainSi Monday, above elusion that the site was ideal for
miscalculations, and these were fp n mr,in tneir business, iney not only
charged to one man. Williams, L.itimr ' found the ideal nursery site, but
who pitched for Hillsboro, struck they have seen values of land
out two. and allowed passes to . oabin brothers have been turn- advance two and three-fold, and
ing oui iocs oi coruwoou on me have built a little city, besides,
place recently nought irom Mr.
Milne by County Clerk Bailey.
Mrs. Belknap, wife of Bev. L.
F. Belknap, now located at Med
ford, is the guest of Hillsboro
tnends this week.
two. Carstens allowed no bases
on balls.
Banks played a shut-out game
with Forest Crove, two weeks
ago, with Carstens as pitcher.
The line-up:
C Wilson, 3 h 5
S(-lilr(rl, c f. 4
pcHilry, I 1 J
(lliHtii, a b 4
C CmsU'im. p i
mull-rile h, c 3
Vanlluuivliiiu, r f... 4
A Irrlaml, I i 4
Ii Wiltwii, 4
The last issue of the Northwest
Horticulturist ha. the following
to say of this Washington Coun
ty concern :
The Oregon Nursery Co , located at
Orenco, Oregon, is most cou.phte
plant in every way. I tie grounds con-
Walter Wood and Mvra l?p(.H sists of 1,100 acres of land, well suited
were united in marriatrp at the to mir8fry purjx. nearly all level,
wtrt umuu in mariiaKe ai me 1 ,Uh just enougi, roU for drainage, all
iiumu ui 1. iv. nui uci, o unc it, tillable. Jlie rotation is clove
1911, Bev. Horner ouiciating,
J. S. Watson, who recently
sold his place near Leisyville,
has gone back to Hurd, North
Dakota, to take up his residence.
Mrs. Peter Nelson, rlrurk out, Williams, a, Carstens, 5;
, has just completed '''''' I'''')'". lIey. unassisted; stolen
. if 1 , f bases, Walker, a; sactilice hits, Carstens,
lercial UIW toiirse ai Wuudcrlich; left on bases, Hillslioro, 3,
Mr. and
lull comme
St. Mary's, Portland, and is now hianks, s.
uialitied to do any kind of sten
tgraphv or book-keeping. Miss
Nelson is well known in the West
Union neighborhood, where she
was raised.
"he Grand Marca is the most
wholesome "two for a quarter
smoke on market made in Ore
gon, by K. Schiller. When you
iu nitre in a good smoke buy a
irand Marca. 12tf
W. Wilson, of near Kinton,
was in town Monday.
Miss Lela Patterson, of Port
land, was in town this week, the
guest 01 relatives.
This is the season for the har
vest of the crawfish fisherman,
and they are makintr bitr catc hesv
Jake Whitmore landed over lfifl
dozen Saturday and Sunday, af
ter the big ones had been sortei
out for shioment to Seattle,
They are especially fine eating
at this time of year, before the
water gets too warm.
Dr. F. A. Bailev and wife
leave the city in the morning for
a trip to Los Angeles, where the
National Medical Association is
about to convene. Some time
this Summer or Fall they wil
tane a trip to the East and
South, via the Yellowstone Na
tional Park. Dr. Bailey has
practiced medicine 45 vears in
Washington Countv. and exoects
to gradually cease practice after
mis year.
35 7 13 37
Smith, a I) 401330
Huyatt, r I . . 400 100
liunsrn, c f. 4 o o 3 10
Walkrr, 8 s 3 O I I o a
Ileitis W, 3 b 301 I a o
... 301 3 a o
...300 140
Hitlchi'hir, If 3 o a I I o
Moore, 1 b 3 o o 10 00
er two
years, second crop plowed under, then
111 trees for several years
l lietr plant this year is: 550,000 an
pie einfts, 300,000 cherry, 300,000 pear,
150,1x0 plum, and 4o acres of peach pits
were planted. Besides, tuey are growing
a large stock ot ornamentals and suade
BHiradier General Hovt. of the trees. Over 1,400 varieties of trees and
firwnn Hnifni-m IhinW K nf P Pla,lls are Pr'ua Hle,r grounds
The duality Drug Store
The place where you are always getting
Drugs of absolute purity and High Qual
ity and compounded by pharmacists who
take pride in the accuracy of their work
Exclusive Agents for Whitman's
Celebrated Chocolates
and Candies
"The Best Ever" Kaminsky's
Make Man Tablets and Dr. David
Roberta Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store
went to Astoria this week, to
attend the session of Grand
3 a
30 o 6 14
Score by Innings:
Hillsboro 1 0000000 00
hanks 1 o a o o o 1 3 7
Summary: liase on balls, Williams, a;
This requires the csre and work of iH$
men. J heir packing sued covers more
than one and a halt acres, being 26s by
315 feet and is ideal in every respect for
handling trees with rapidity and seen r a
G. W. Whitmore. of Chehalem " This part of the nursery is in charge
Mn,,nfn;. 4.L., -:.., IOI A. JMCUIll.
mum.uim, a.? uu u The gelling department is under the
Monday morning, and says that supervision and care of M. McDonald
a Slight irost Visited the hill, and requires the work of more than 100
car v MnnHav mnrnmir hands, including the ofcee force,
11 lie unices arc cuujuiuuiuuf, uchi anu
shows system of the most up-to date ap-
rptnrnPi S:itnnlav PVfninir from proved style. Every possible check to
(swnll. wrnMV l.hPV visitP.1 fW Prevent errors is employed and from all
C t 1 . 1 I TW, I appearances the whole plant comes pret
auu mic. i uirjr i c- ty uear being a "perlect machine.
lurnea oy auio, urotner ueo.
1 j 1
uringing inem up. SOME IRRIGATION
J. W. Thompson, who has
lived 18 years above Mountain- 7.; Wwl .Tr is nnw iirio-ntlno-
I. r. 1 III IK r. I K I ft I . H K A I I . H V W W UfWI IU1W V
J J MVlV4iV If A AJf 1
President Vice-Presiilent Cashier
A. L. Thomas, As't Cashier H. E. Ferrin, Teller
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Wednesday, June 7, 1911.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Undivided Profits
Loans - $255,144.21
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.XX).Q0
Other Bonds 38,185.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer . 131,893.12
Hosorvo 3 4 Por Ootit.
Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailey J. W. Fuqua
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburtf
Notice is hereby Kivon that the County
School HiiiicrmtemUtnt ol Wasiuii(U)ii
( 'nil nl v wil
vear. Iiih) -
WeilntiHiluy a. in AritluiiPtic,
B li..t. I .
... , . I uidiii II luiifc, iviiuiinii mi' mini".
Douglas LeiSy, raised ai l-.eiS.V- WliiiHiUy ii. m. -tleoKraphy, Oram
t In t hu i-itv euvm"il I mar. I'livslcs
nun w,, v ' v I Tl ,lwnw.Fa,.l, Tl,...
days the lirst ol the week. Lml .ra,.,rcB.'Hoo'kki.MiiiB.
A'isV is now connected With the 'rimrmtuv p. m.-Writing, rbyaloloRy,
ort and police lorce, and is tak
. ml it . a L
nir his vacation, wmie in me
city he was the guest ot Henry
First-class driving horse for
sale. Will also work.-Inquire
of 0. tl. Wilkes, at Wilkes Bros,
Garage, Uillnhoro. 11-tt
Thos. Henton was in from
lie swi e. Monday, and says
that crops are looking fine out
lis way. He reports p slight
natch frost out in his section,
Sunday night,
Money to
security. We
us The W
dale, was in the city Monday, about 150 acres of his bottom
Me states that his district has ianH. between the town and the
iuuot special tax tor road lm- Tualatin river, and he will ex
provement this season. neriment this season on another
Samuel B. Lawrence, a vouncr proposition, entirely, from that
bold tim reeniar oxamina- Fort and attorney, and graduate oi tne past, tie nas sown Ji,ng'
lion for KiipiiiiMiitH tor sue papors at Qc i)ac;e Universitv. was united lish rye grass, alsike, and timo-
rniiHi.nrti i iiiuiii ncnooi iiiiihiiiik, com-i . . : ... ; , tu.. i .,(.., u:
i wdnsd,.v. Juiih -it. at 9:1X1 1 in marriatre to Miss Vivian John- thy, and is pasturing his herd on
o'clock a. m., ami nnitimiiiij; until Satnr- S0I1 at the homeof W. B Carter the tract while he irrigates. He
!'ZZ'Zl Forest drove, June 15, 1911, Bev. wants to see what, can be done
II. lj. DilLt'S Ull LIULI1 U. lll,ii uuuiuiti initunuii an inv
r, . , .... dairy business, without the use
William C. Stewart and SMtssLr ;n tA Ja it u ot,oii
n ci i.u 'a i uiiii i ecu, auu. ii iv email utuyc
rern Smith were united in mar-L u r;n f;r ma
lit Will VUll lylll U- lilt.
It is a safe proposition that we
Sell More Furniture
than auy other store in Washing
ton County. Why? Because our
ty teacher, and is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Smith.
Summer Train Schedule, As
toria Division The most desir
able car leaving Hillsboro, to
I Ueuliiitv.
Kriiluv a. iu. U. S, History, Physical
uMBrliy, Holanv.
Friday p. in. School Law, Psycholo
uy, Ut'uniclry.
Saturday a. in. Reailini;, Algebr,. ,
(iniirr.u tilHinry.
Katnrday p. in, (HmipoNitioil, Anieri-
an l.ltcrnlnre, Hislory ol ruiucntlon
Kor State Primary ('urtillcatoH -
Wdilnowlay a. iii.-MethodH in Koadine, make ponneet ion with trains on
"wrri'.rr'r-Mh,,..- i. the Astoria division, for seaside
(iimKo, Methods in oooRraphy. points, is the 7:05 car. This car
andprnctice' m-oniMhy'rhmry connects with No. 23 leaving
Tiunwiay p. m.-writinR and PhyHioi- Portland at 9:20 in the morning.
oK.y. . . . Parlor cars and first class coaches
f r dBV a. in. l warn. Biioieois lor rim- ... , . , .. . . ,
Sh: Logons by storiw, u.iituaKc Work will be earned on all trains be
in Piimarv (iraib's. Number Work in t.wpfin Portland. . Astoria and
loan on real estate StepSiiS'o? Nature study"' Clatsop beach points.-Oregon
e Sell farms TrV I'rlmary Oraden, Phonics in Primary Electric. 13lf
ii- V l r, radH, Ohild Study. Applicant .liooaes
ebfoot Bealty Co., one 91ll;jecti ,r xhe best laid plans of men
He is now mi kinir
nnnnHa nf milW nor Hnv
. fill ( X 1IUU W 1111111 u.
reesy ouiciating. ihe bride is j :': rt fuQ 'a
a well known Washington Coun- the t whicn is k t
rii uii)iiur irin lti l niinirnrn nr - -. .
and tender by the constant ap-
riage at the bride's parents, in method
Banks, June 15, 1911. liev. Chas. j 9qq "
Creesy olliciating. The bride is 0'"j ,-a
plication of water. He keeps two
gasoline engines pumping the
water out of the'Tualatin river.
Friday D. in. Psychology.
i N.tiu iliiAwltiitiH on 'PliHorv anil Prnn.
suiiih tor I ri -
Very Truly.
M. O. ease.
County School Bunt.
Perry Watson, well known in tu-e, WritinK, Aruiimetio, pi
the Northwestern section of the " ' C V 'r r wo
. . .i a. . i J v -
county, was uown ui ineeuutiLy
seat Monday. Perry is now in
his 65th year but he still looks
like a youngster.
For Sale: Fine driving mare,
young, sound, gentle, at a bar
train if taken soon. Address Box
234, Hillsboro. 13-5
The county court will hereaf
Leaves for Portland
Forest Grove Local 6:5i a. ni.
Enters ou Fourth St.
Sheridan Flyer 8:33 a. m.
Enters Union Depot vlaOswego
Forest Grove Local 3:02 p. ni.
F.nters on Fourth bt.
Corvallis Overland 5:10 p. ni.
F.nters on Fourth bt.
Leaves Portland for Hillsboro
Corvallis Overland 7:20 a.!
Leaves 011 Fonrth St.
Forest Grove Local 1 1 :oo a. 1
Leaves on Fourth St.
On the same quality of Goods.
People from a distance are sur
prised when they see that they
can save 25 cents on the dollar by
buying from us.
Come to Forest Grove and see for
PInost Stock of Wall Fapor Xxx Oouuty
G. O. ROE h CO.
President W. N. Ferrin preached to decay.
and mice aft gang aglee" is
best portrayed by a visit to the
ruiiiuua rente miiiiu, i uiiiiiui; i shcriilnn Fiver 4:00 rj.m.
along tne mountain irom HOI- Leaves Union Depot, via Willslnirg
brook tO the Last tork OI Dairy. Forest Grove Locah 5:40 p. ni.
Pence sunk sompthintr like $150.- Leaves on Fourth St.
- - . n ----- t 1
000 in the venture, and great as
pirations were fallen when the John H. Cornelius, of Come-
big waterway was allowed to go lius, was a city visitor Monday.
i "i-i i
rence was a L.oiorauo m-c cnM, r, r,t v.
the baccalaureate sermon to ; the man.andhad been in congress. He ,and ;,asf visiting friend3 in the
giamwunfe w.... i omtt i.. "'" nrst of the week
sit.v. in the Comrretrational Hume to hvdrauhc the hills of ... "
t r i i
ter put in concrete culverts in Church, Forest Grove, Sunday suburban Portland, and also saw . Mrs" a' w t u i ?i t
nlacea where there is any con- morning. The Misses Peterson where thousands of dollars could nave e?e up, ne. YnKlater
piaLta j rri j .i u j j .j i., caniD. above Mountainda e. for
SlderaUie Uiainage. unc was auu mcijcuu Bauj? uucv, auu ue iiiiiut iiiiatiiiK wuuu nuu iuui-i ,.
.,,,(; nrmflu nn t.hA rnorl nenrl Pnn hnp Mi ir I hanman sano- hpr down the tin me. l-snt. monpv ""'"'o'
theConnell place, a mile north- -'Gloria." The graduates: Mu- finally failed him and no one . Judge Campbell was out hold-
east of town. sic Lillian Belle Ldder; A. d. I would come through to put up " eircni, court uus wera, aim
,, . K. L. Abraham, Uora Lsther hnance to complete the gigantic ne sun naviKates wiut a nmp.
If vou want to sell your tarm 0i iu Hi iniured his foot several
list it with Mr. Sparkman, lhird Hollinger. W. E. Jensen, F. S. flume still lay, uncompleted, and months ago,
Street, independent lei. vvest Knight, A-A. Wagner. Margaret decaying, and the business of Clark Gardner, with the South
314. Whpnldon. Christine E. .Wilson, buildintr was wound ud with in- era Pacific, at Portland, was out
Chief of Police Blaser has had A. M. J. 0. Convil. solvency but not until after Sunday, attending the funeral of
all the planking taken up on ., many thousands had been spent his lather, the late J. r. uard-
Second and Mam. and all the , The Hillsboro ice uompany in the enterprise, ihe uuaran- ner. it has been, eight years
riphris on Second, between Lin will deliver ice at your door every tee Title and Trust Co., which since he visited Hillsboro, and
coin and Main, has been hauled day.' Pacific States Telephone, went to the wall, had many he was surprised at the many
away or burned.
I Main 173.
13-5 I thousand dollars in the project. I changes,
VERY man should
carry a reliable
watch. For trains must
be caught, engage
ments kept, and busi
ness attended to on
schedule time. Carry a
and be a schedule man. The Waltham is the most ac
curate and reliable uf time-pieces. It is the preferred
watch on all the crcat railroads.
"It's Time You Owned a Waltham'
We are headquarters for Waltham Watches. Com- V
plete assortments ill all grades and styles. See ua
about a Waltham, y
5 ;
1M 'V
h f
l! 5
f ;
i! I
i 1 '
s u
i f