The TU JnllLLSBR vol,, win HIIXSIiORO, ORI-GON, JUNK 15,1911. NO. 14 ElIILJ LAST OF MERGER E John Wilson. Seattle, Itrotlu-r of Sherburne W ilson, IlitlslMtro T A BUSY SESSION Thi' Iciiii' Italian prisoner in the county jail rnme near losing his supper I'ti.lay night. Deputy iacK, in turning oil the com in na tion to the safe, unaware of its little eccentricity, threw the tuinlilera tril e too far and wlun he tried to open it to Ret supper ,,undrl Dollars Helnir Turn to the prisoner he fount! that it ed Over for Special Road Work was necessary lo use the com- liiiiiit inn Au Hi.. ul,j,ifr i...... , ; i'.u ,i;.rv.. ' . 7., BBW1E AT SCOTCH CHURCH ACCEPTED i nn , m i uiij mniit; tall hustling. David Kuratli. former Win Married Before Carnu" ol Wivca deputy, located the combination Dr. W. D.Wood Appointed Health Of- SAIII D AK(!NI) HORN IN SIXTY-SIX Sailed I'rom East liter for County for two Yearn for liim and simper was served. This is the safe that refused to Unlock II vi'iir hp uii turn tvlw.n it contained sev..r:il f hmm.-m.l tni. Hie county court concluded a ars in checks and money orders, husy session the last of the week and it was found necessary to The following business was trans- John Wilson, who with his wife, was a passenger on the old ship, Continental, which left New York in lKOi;, with a cargo of sll'P t Portland to an expert. acted: ;t(KI women, for wives for Seattle and Tacoma hachelors, ilied .lune fi, and was Imried JuneS, in the afternoon. He w as a brother of Sherburne Wilson, who lived in Hillslxiro for many years, and who still retains his property in North llillslmro. The dead man was married It years before Hie Continental sailed out of New York, and the trip to Seattle was made through the Straits of Magellan. The cargo was the result of an expedition organized by A. S. Mercer, in 1KM. Mer cer was president of the Wash ington Territorial University, and lie conceived the idea of bringing out a lot of New Kniland school ma'ams to later become wives of Strawberries. Marshall, Oregon Ordered that special road tax and Maroon for sale. Will de- $2.37G. district No. 2 be drawn over, ii oruereii in sumc eni ....... niantities. Ceo. Ve.lder and C . ,avor 01 MUttlocK. superyis Kroifh. 11 miles north of Orenco. or: an(J BPcial tax district Mo, Call Ceo. Vedder, or (J. Krogh, 20 In? drawn in sum of $1019.58, I acilic States lelephone. Hills- favor J A .lohnsnn. sunervisor I i .... I I I ' . , . . , r Allowed: 1'etition Carl Soren I l i wi 1 11 ii. i.i-.j i . , , i . .. . -mi ui vuiaw: man in riuuuai'-. V A 'i ... I., 'ii. I i I . . . . . . n. I U I per illOIIIUed lO ( i.n M 1 Mr.I. a ttannta at the recent Supreme Court ex- "'at . ,n sub-d.v.s.on. j in i mil I.... M- 'I' I..,., I vii.miiviim, i Ulinil. nil. 1 Ulllft'l lliin IH71 II I ii .. i ii... . j .ii,,. i. i.,.., .. t i.:....:.. uruereu inai supervisor uis- niinitiiiK in" ii nil it ui. 1 1 1 1 ik III . ki r 1 or i e the business collet and also ,ct. N 'ave ,,er 7'nt ?l since he became secretary of the Portland Civil Service commis sion, lie is a son ol Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tupper, of Hillsboro. H I, I't-ikins, ri-ronU-r sal it txp. .217 65 l!C lirown, cm 1 tn j SUv Stujnr... 16 i5 1' H Sinilli, wit inii Siotmr 2 IVlrr KiM-kovitcli. wit 8tnar 2 o Mike Movicli, wit imj Stjmr 2 yO 1' .1 Hrxly, co fruit inspection j 75 Hli A liowln-er, " " " 41 5 S J C.Rlloway. lo 62 Wm Tupper, c h janitor 60 no Wash-Ore Corpointinn, 1 St w 13 ho W I) Smith, j f Stte vs S S Smith 14 ao Wm MtuilUn, c f Stale v Smith 13 30 I, (! Kort, wit fees Stale vs Smith.. 5 50 J M Millrr, cur court witness 6 00 A A Morrill, work on co map 7 50 Bormir Bros, co court, livery hue- 2 50 ieo G Hancock, exp sheriff office. 63 25 H II Bain) c h and jail 2 00 J W J!cKolrts, deputy assessor... 45 00 W ash Co News Times county court proceedings 7 50 Mux Cranilail, assessor's sa'ary 101 00 C C Store, c h.tjail I 00 llillslioro I111I, printing iV supplies 53 20 IlillslHiro riiarmacy, c h it j.'iil... 2 55 1 (1 Hancock, sherifl ll jinsoners 49 25 1 (1 Ilitiirnek, sherill' sal & dep.. ,225 00 Wash Co Tel Co, c h jihoues 1 j 00 I no NylM-ri;, co com Sal S: mileage S9 " J W Sewell, co judge sal & eip.....iiy 85 ubn McClarau, co comrs salary and mileage 84 30 S N I'oole, deputy assessor 78 00 the sitecial tax to be used south of Newman farm about $500. Special tax dist 11, A Heckmann supervisor, turned over to super visor in sum of $2,491.02. Warrant of $1,0X) drawn from general fund to pay expenses for Sunset Magazine for June:- ln Apple Land by Walter V theearlv settlers. Mrs. Wilson Woehlke. beautifully illustrated rock crushmj? at Oswego, had iieinorrhairea of the lunirs, in four colors. The Hiirnrest Job amounts to be paid from funds and the' Wilsons, husband and in the World, by Frank Savile. of the several districts using wife, took the trip in hopes of 1 he present status ot the rana- rook beneficial results. 111a Canal. The Spell by the Viewers appointed, road peti The wife died December 17. Williamsons. Ask vour news t"n 1" Lursman, et al: J A lm 1'JlO, lier health returning to her d after reaching the coast. The famous expedition had the support of (iov. Andrews, of Ma.ssachtisctts.and Ivlward Kver ett Hale endorsed the scheme. Nearly all the teachers married, and became mothers of men fa mous in Washington State his tory. John Wilson was Ihii-ii in Ver mont. Sept. 211. 1S20. Sherburne I i . . nni . s it 1 n . ler. one, inos Mtnnen ana surveyor r. and Mrs. Adolph Siegnst, ' ,1 v ai.--i Mr. and Mrs. t:. K. K.K.ntz. and L, I ni m ii ?' ."H Messrs. Fred Vruiman and Carl '"V S,Xtial road Ileidel were over to Vancouver, the last of the week, attending the wedding f Miss Laura L. igvts to Claud Crawford. Mrs. Siegrisl was matron of honor at the ceremony. Kastbound Yellowstone Nation- Wilson, the brolher, is the last al I'ai k round trip excursion fares survivor of his father s family, and he now resides at 821 l'atton Avenue, Portland. district 34 Ordered to build 102 feet bridges on Beaver road, Dist 31, to le paid when ttridges are completed. Warrant issued to A Schmid lin, $141. 25, account general road tax Dist 34. McKay creek bridge, Tualatin Plains Church, accepted, $1400. are in ell'ect June 12 to Sept. 12, 1011 had better come in and see 30 paid to C E Potts, contract Agent Cooper, of the Oregon price Fileetne and Hill lines, alxiut this Hoad petition F W Schilling et trip and get literature giving lull al, referred to district attorney. description. 10tf Old Dayton road ordered es- r vii.1,1 rn..w brmurht tablished as per recent survey -, lion.,..! I'm. ...w..... .. . .... ii 11 m 1: 1.. il... vr:i..., A'. It.. in. o IIm no uiimii . i.t 1,1'ii'U Winter vu MmiKJn iw uicvruouii iiu nair ui lin n iii-v iv i'i iiiii.ii in i lin ..i.,,.,.,i ... I..UV.I ...... . , 11 I 1. ,.,.,,,,, , bam corral, UillsU.m. Ore., at Oats, just going into head, which f "1C"UI I'Ultl.lC AUCTION The undersignetl will sell at pub- 10 a. 111.. on SATURDAY. JUNK 17 Thirty head id" broke and tin broke horses, raised in Kastern Oregon, and of hardy breed, ranging in ages from tour years to eight years, weighing from 800 to 1.2(H). Will halter every thing sold, free of charge. This bunch has some good work horses in it, and here is an opportunity to get an animal at a bargain. Absolutely bona title sale, with out reserve. Terms of sale: Bankable note, at 8 per cent, interest, one year. ' John (iibson, Owner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. Hess is i . 1 a 1 in (lui'miiiiin IttOllLUII'.wl tftltl tllilf flllil Hl'n rusii IIH il.Tlll l tl V M4H1 v' I f1y J x'i' T ;...,i,.,o ;. i,..;.ri,t 'I' ctniua lworoad petitions A J thu H't al, cont'd to July term , u-im,l nn some of Mr. Expenses burial Eli Smith, J B . I At I t I, .,.,, ' ),ul ol I. ,,..,,! in cum V ,, , 'a . .1 heut irrnnn. iiianmrna urai, auuncu in auni , . Ol ipiXI. Keliable Manutacturer ol hair Coroner's trnscriots Stev Sto- goons win oe ai ftirs. nain s par jeath, allowed every hatimiay. iummw on ms- Justice W 1) Smith's trans play. Orders can be lei t during cri,,t3 allowed: State vs Zim week. Ladies are invited to call, i,,.;,.!, V3 Kenninirton: Jesse The Nm th Plains bank has se- Beard; vs W Everest and Geo its furniture and fixtures. Deal. and thev w ill be shipped as soon Justice Cox, Gales Creek, State the huil.linir. which will be of vs Dell Bisbee, approved. brick, is erected. Bricks are Justice u ii pry. Beaverton. TI;ACHl:HS' l-XAMINATION State vs P C Sims and Christ Larsen, allowed Vacation as per petition A Johnson heirs, et al, disallowec and supervisor district No 22 ordered to open road. Dr W D Wood appointed coun Splendid Program Arranged for Ciraduation for the Week BACCALAUREATE SERMON O.N SUNDAY Opens With Conservatory Recital Marsh Hall, Fiiday Eve in Commencement week for Pacific University begins Friday eve ning. June 10, at 8:00 o'clock, with a conservatory recital at Marsh Hall, and from that time on until Wednesday evening, every day will be devoted to ex. ercises of. interest. President s Paisley, deputy 93 00 1 Ferrin will deliver the Baccalau- Juror's fees, Slate vs S S Smith O .1 reMt ermrin nn Surulnv nt 11-00 I'alniateer, I) 11 Hnirick, T C Iiailey, A J , . Koy, Andrew jack, a iirandaw, $; each. a. m., ana in tne evening ur. Roads nd liiijiiwayi lieaii & co Arthur Smith, of China, will de- $H4 21, Railway Ivpiipment Co " W. .j lecture bpforo the Chris tian Associations. The program for Commence ment follows: Friday. June 10-8:00 P. M. Marsh Hall. Conservatory Re cital. Saturday, June 17 -8:00 P. M. Marsh hall, conservatory recital. Sunday. June 18-11:00 A. M. Baccalaureate Sermon. President Ferrin. 8:00 P. M. Address be fore the Christian Associations, Dr. Arthur H. Smith, China. Monday. June 192:00 P. M. 'oueliimnn l'ros V4 24, Inil'onl l'owiler -'c 93 3H, F L lirown 2.'7 60, Geo McOe Co surveyor 84 90, John S.ephensou Co 27 2H, J I) Wirtli 35 Ho, Thos Connell 39 So, Jas II Sewell 8, li KlinKer 83 14, Kay Winters 15, l;,ank Clark 19 so,(re- Kon-Wa.shiii);toii Sewer I'ipe Co 9.1 15, J A Imbrie 43 80, Security ault & Metal Works 253 9S, Roliert M Imhrie 2 40, A B Todd s . J W HuHics s 20. Wm (i 'echin 2, Iv mer Wiiehl 32, Hull. do Steam Roller Co (steam roller) 2S71;, It Flei- schauer 34 54, C Freeman 2 50, K Mur- Im k 111 50, John Ilerb 2,v 10. Scott K lorilon 1I1 putv co surveyor 6 80, () I' Kssner 4 90, Mho l.lir Co 2, 34, Zina Wooit Jr 25. G A I'lifth 132, Croner it Rowell 22 32, Connell X: Co 61 25. John I oh 11 son 137, Ambrose N-hinldlln 13 75, Knnes i ks 4 ., t w 13S 6, Senior Class-Day Exercises on nun man 19 99. UUmnna 5-nft P M I'lnol, Relief Martin andehey fl2.s 35, N : f if f ,l t, B I.aConrse 2; 71. S-l,t.,idl A ki.Hsrl, ic.nn3 .ntcoi, iu, l ie oupc 10 10, Hoffman iV Allen 5. Kiinmnca Cup. 8:00 B. M. lieaders Ke Merc Co 10. liiis liros us is, D. ita cital by the Public Speaking Class iruK .store 4 25. Tuesday. June 20-10:00 A. M. Bridges Charles K I'otts Ii4n6 3r, I) Annual Meetintr of Trustees wen(!er 49. ""e 45 2$ (Insino- Rvpreises nf the Aendp , - Tl , I hit n 1111 x i'cvianioiiivii vu c-nas. Aranmer, 01 near Diwim- tMt Afi,(oa v. av ln i ing, wasuon io ine cuy mon- lx)wden, lX jj 2:00 P. M. Be- uay. anu caiieu on me nrgus. ,miftM nc Philnmathean aietv Monmouth Butter at Kmmott Play. "Pygmalion and Galatea." Bros. Trv it it. is the real on College campus. 4:00 f. M thing. Philomathean Reception in Philo T, ,. ... . Man. :ou r. w. Anniversary i . 1. ivuiur was 01 toe county li'vom cuo nf tho ioan.iora A nm. - I.' ,i fl O..I ".11111- i viiv nuwii.1,1. iimiu nt-ai 11 inn 'otL uruve, miui- n j 1 . aaymoining. Wprinpsrlnv .Inne 91 1 0-flO A J. J. VanKleek. of below Kin- M. Graduating Exercises of Un i- ton. was up to the county seat versity. Conferring of Degrees Monday. Address by Kev. J. J. Staub. 12 M. Annual Business Meeting of Associate Alumni. 1:00 P. M. if l: o.nn Tl 11 1011 P.i,. ui..b 11 u:nt K,uiuuiaLiuii iiniiei. o.w r. m. itllli 1WI . mill. I 1 11, 111113LIU1 u, 1 4. ii A . ..ii-,. .:;,,,, CiOiuiiieiiceuieiii, voncei L, I'lllVIUVIII, Ned E. Rogers am The duality Drug Store The place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Qual ity and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work Exclusive Agents for Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates and Candies "The Best Ever" Kaminsky's Make Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug Store IIILLSBORO, ORE. Jesse Myers and Ethel Higgle were united in marriage, June 7, J. A. THORN BURGH President J. R. BAILEY W. V. Vice-Presiilent MCELDOWNEY Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Saturday, Jan. 7, 1911. Capital and Surplus $50000 $250,378.21 Capital and surplus $50,000.00 Loans U. S. Bond (at par) 25.000.00 Other Bond 37,140.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 134,309.01 Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits 2,626.29 25,000.00 393,260.93 $470,887.22 Rosorvo 34 Por Oont. $470,887.22 Hazel C Rogers, both of Hillsboro, were united in marriage, June 10, 1911, County Judge Sewell oflieiating. Honors For County Students DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailer J. W. Fuqu. Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburg' now being kilned for the walls. Money to loan on real estate security. We sell larms. Iry us. -The Webfoot Realty Co., Hiilshoro. 12tf Jos. F. Saunders, of Bethany, n.iii. is hrn-i.y Kiymi timt the ('( waH jn ln e cjty j.'riday, and call- ty health otlicer for ensuing two Nchnol HuiiiTiiiti'iKli'lit il huii,'Iiiii I , 11 i' vi,f I ('minlv Hill holil tht. nf(iilir (ixsmlim eil DO UieAlun. nr iimuikiii, "Hjruis. ti.m for .piunu tor jsin p.nrs t 0,lt. 0f the big eggs from one of Warrant ordered issued in sum his blooded and registered fowls, of $5(K), favor C F Casteel, sup and in itself it would have made dist No 1, out of district special a pretty fair meal. fund, for road work. i i ..... i Lvo..irt, o Ordered that telephone and young, soun.l, gentle, at a bar- fltric power lines remove rub eain if taken soon. Address Box biah from county .roads, and that o. ii:n..i.Mn . nr. newspapers ue given notice to i mat CllCJVI., Mrs. William bhuster and the The Five Oaks telenhnne fran- ... lit i r Misses Miaius, oi uoioenuaie, ,.1Se was granted Wash., were guests ot William Roads as uer netitions Jas H Tupper and wife and F. S. Olsen Sewell and Wm Courtney order- ami tamily, the lastoi tne weeK. ea established ii- .,f ....ii f,. I Surveyor McGee, John F Cars- 11 vuu want ui oi 1 1 vuui ictiiiii. i i i i i i i list it with Mr. Sparkman. Third ens a." Jon" .lieiana meei Street. Independent Tel. West Ju 30 and view road as per ltoad petition b W schilling et llillHlmro I'ulihci Si'liuiil IIiiiIiIiiik liiiini'liiti Wmliiimiliiv. Jiliitt l. i'l 11 ,j0 ii i liick h. in., anil i'oiiIOiiiIiik until Hulur- iluy, Ju nit :'l, HI r:IK p. in., a liill'iws l''ur Hliile t't'rtilli'utBS (niif yttar, livo VIIHI-. Illlll - Wilnimiliiv n. in Arilliniftii'. t'ivil (iDVHrniiixut, Knxllnll I.ll 'riiliiif Wtuliuwlny p. in. -(Ii'ogrsphy, (irsin nnir. I'll vnli'tt Thurstlity a. iii.-Orlh"KfShy. Thflory mid I'l'iii'liou. linok kiHtiilntr. Thurmlny p. m.-WillliiK. I'hyl(iliKy. (leoloirv. Kriilav a. iu.-U.S. IliNtory, 1''al it'imriinliv. Hutaiiv. Kritlny p. in, HcImmiI I.hw, I'sycholo ItV, Ol'lllllllll V. HatiinlHV a. ni. Knatlinir, Ali'flri Utmer.ll Mlnliirv. Kntiiriluv p. in,('oiiiiiNilliiii, Anierl can 1 .1 tt-i n t n i , lllitory ul' Kilui ullini . KorHlale I'rliuurv ('nrUlli'Blea - Wciliimday a. iii.-Mi'I IiiiiIn ill Iti'mllnir, 'M l VI ... ... 1 .11 t. I'l" "in Ii. Illlll II mill . WhiIiu'hcIhv n. in. MhIIiimIh In KiiuK'', MhiIiihIh In (ti'ii(.(nipliv. I .a ii F. L Brown, who has had Li continued. TIuiVhiIhv ii. in. Oi ilionnuiliv. Thoory I C harge of the rock work over at Geo McGee. surveyor. Jos Con- ami I'lttotiee, l.lio Krvilie Blirkhalter U ace. Was null nnH Wm Hntcnol.ip nnnnint. Ti.i.,H,iayp,,,,-writii,a,Mi hyM- jn the city Saturday, on business ed to view road petition J B I'rhiav m.-TiiesiN. biii.icih lor i in- at tne court nouse. Camobe et a . on June 20. nn nnr fn.wr. tn nsk for a Koad petition Herman Engel- riiniary (iiaili'H, ituHy Work in I'riiimry Ophiller when vou want a cood brecht et als continued. u.l)H,y'HHibili1 ,,f NannHHiuily in "lilu Ordered that countv will fur nish rock and road roller pro- iri.l.j.l lliaf V(l W. u inif outfit. ... i ... i , I Y IUI.U L-'lb I, M.J OUMV-I Win. win ley, wiin me oig mm- !an ...jii ,.lia j un. ni,u bermillat Timber, was down to and 'cut down the ml, near 0d liUlsuoro, over aunuay, visiung I Purdin place. Willi ma iaiiuij. W M larkson. treas sal .t exo .. 7o kt Pii-sKnlnsa drivinor horse for Irwiu Hodson Co, supplies, survey- " " - r- . ,v aol Will n .i ivni-W Inon rA orBO?KC"- t 5" 1,1, iv a m.-'I'lieslM. BiiliinclH for The- tit the COlirt lOUSe, SIM! I.uhhiiiih hy HlorirtM, LanKliHL't' WnrK In I'liinary Um,h, Niiinlmr Work in l'llinarv (Irailes, I'lioniiiH in I'liinary 10 CCIll SITlOKe no naiiHH, t'liiiii Himiy. Appiiciini chooNim jn ,e Schiller. ihih nu nji'iti, fe'riiliiv ii in I'svoholoirv (NotH. giiflNtlmiH on Tlmory ami I'rao- ilre, Wrilinu, ArllliiiiulK', rnyHioioRy ami 1'svcholcu'V will lm thn minie lor I'll inary Ctrl iliciUm as tor ol her Orti Ileal es, v ery I ruiy, M. i ;e, County Hcliool Supt Miss Delia Mays, a freshman student in domestic science at F. M. Crabtree, the Laurel the Oregon Agricultural College, hop grower, was in town Satur- has just been honored by election day, his first trip to the county as second vice-president of the seat for weeks. He says crops Waldo Hall Club, the organiza- are looking line over his way. tion of the girls' dormitory resi- , T, i . i . dents, for-the coming year, lhe Merle Brainard and Laura A. L,,:, nntoii u,,,,. Hntia Barker, of near Laurel, were js to be ex.oir,cio chairman of all unuea in marriage, June iu, tv. ,,t;n- nnmmaaa mi. Rev. Blackwell, Hillsboro, iha nmor.nna i- fr.r.Hf,n nf ... . I HI. HUHIV 1 VUO I'V'V- 1M1 V1WV4V-'II-' OlllCiating. tVlc vonr tir trip fiormitorv Miss Henry Holland, of Polk countv, Mays' home is at Glencoe, Ore. and Hattie A. Curtis, of this James Linwood Batchelder, of county, were united in marriage, Hillsboro. received the degree of June 9, 1911, Rev. Hubert G. Bachelor of Science in agriculture Adams oflieiating. at the college commencement ex , ,t . J ercises, luesday, June 13, and ine uranu marca is me mosi nut aKqV, nf tha m nirv li ... a , 1 VI k-'V. I V A VOUUII I HIV HUIIIV V1V1 t wno esome two lor a quarter roce1ved a like degree, as does smoke on market made in Ore- Li r.,. d;0u f foni-a gon, by L. bchiller. When you Kdith Stanlev Brogden. of Hills- ' ri Vc a boro, is to be granted the degree Grand Marca. Utt L,f limAaiA,. nf s,,;, in Hnmoe. I V" L 1JUV11V1V1 VI IV. U VV Ul UUUIVU Cant. Olney. of the Steamer tic science and art. Anders M Hassalo, was out from Portland, Jeppesen, of Bacona, gets his de- Monday, attending circuit court, gree in mechanical engineering. He was accompanied by his wite and children. Their case against OLSON LEWIS Albert Sposito, action to dissolve - I - ..... ... 1' 1 . ' 1 . . X a .ease was conunueu uniu nexi, u quiet wedding was celebrated iuuiuaj, i.ii.miu aiicKiiin , t t hnmn nf Mr ami Mrs was not ready to go to trial, as ,.v.i nio tk;..,i ct0t h;iu! Attorney Jell reys could not be U &t June 9 19U when in oftoiiii'inim 1 . 111 L HVIIUUI1VV, fUniM A I ' OfV I Ol H U'QO Summer Train Schedule, As- united in marriage to Miss Nora torn Division lhe most desir- Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, able car leaving Hillsboro, to Lewis, of Baseline street. Hon. make connection with trains on J. W. Sewell, county judge, per- the Astoria division, for seaside formed the ceremony in the pres points, is the 7:05 car. Ihis ear enee of relatives and a few in connects with No. 23 leaving vited friends. The groom has Portland at 9:20 in the morning, spent his life in this county, and Parlor cars and first class coaches his family is well known here FURNITURE! It is a safe proposition that we Sell More Furniture than auy other store in Washing ton Couuty. Why? Because our 1 I PRICES are LOWEST l On the same quality of Goods. People from a distance are sur prised when they see that they can save 25 cents on the dollar by buyiug from us. Come to Forest Grove and see for yourself. Pinoet Stools, of "VA7"ivll Paper In County C. O. ROE k CO. FOREST GROVE, OREGON. August Boge, of South Tuala tin, was in towtintjtiV'iHy. The Hillsboro Ice Company ii v. i.... 11. ... ...,i: of 0. G. Wilkes, at Wilkes BroS. rw0 " ! x 7o Garage, Hillaboro. 11-tf Fashion Stables, livery cor office. , ji 05 ., ... . . ., , . al t Case, scnool supi sal fit exp... US 86 Alex Beimrohr, the Gales Creek M c cttSe. traveiiue exoense s jC will deliver ice at your door every sawmill man, was down to the Oscar m Johnson, for exp cinthing day. Pacific States Telephone, county seat on business, Friday E;jyjSr; 4 S Main 173. 13-5 aiternoon. , w Bttile co clerki ga, Jextxaaexo0, C Ponrann nf Town Hill I W H Morton, c h grounds 3 so theZeBaliodsof the wlnthed county, was in from this side of trom a visit to the celebrated t Emmons, constable, state cases.. 250 West Union. Monday torenoon. Kose t estivai. 'Busbong sup recomet Bot... aj will be carried on all trains be tween Portland. Astoria and Clatsop beach points. Oregon Electric. 13tf The Corvallis Gazette has the following to say of the class ora tion of A. A. Asbahr, son of Juli us Asbahr and wife, at the re cent 0. A. C: "The Senior's Suggestion," by A. A. Asbahr, was full oi ripe thought and was delivered with the eloquence and flow of the modern, accomplish ed speaker. The orator of the Senior class handled himself per fectly, spoke forcibly and con vincingly, but not antagomsticly, and in every particular, did cred it to the class of Ml." Asbahr graduated with high honors. and at Scholls, his father having carried the mail on Route 4 for a number of years. The happy husband is at present in the em ploy of Emmott Bros., where he has a responsible position, lhe bride came here from Tennessee, with her parents, some months ago. They will take up house keeping in the city. John Koch, road supervisor of the district above Blooming, was in the city Monday, conferring with the county court. J. P. Shipley, of Multnomah county, and Anna S. Rogers, of Washington county, were united in marriage, June 8, 1911, Coun ty Judge Sewell officiating. )ON'T buy a watch by the case. The movement is the im portant thing. We sell the most reliable move ments in the world--namely, the Waltham. We carry the WALTHAM WATCH in all grades each grade the best possible time-piece at its price. You cannot make a mistake if you buy a Waltham. "It's Time Vou Owned a Waltham" See our complete display of Adjusted WalthanM of the Colonial Series. Made as thm as Jt U safe to make a reliable watch. LAUREL M. HO YT JEWELER AND OPTICIAN r-. At V k