The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 25, 1911, Image 1

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    mi tm
NO. 11
Itunnt-r Attendance Initiates n
Two Day I tic Doings
Cuinmlltcc Appointed niu! a "k'ouscr'
Im Now Assured
An enthusiastic crowd met at
the city hall, Friday evening. t
take up tin1 matter of a t wo days
celebration July and 4-and
Mayor II. T. l!a;Ky presided
with A. (!. Shute, secretary. Al
ter a decision for two days of
ci'U'lirution, w it h races and sports
on July 3 and 4, the following
committees were appointed:
Executive II. T. liagley. A.
0. Shute, Win. Nelson. VV. VV.
Moscow and Kd. Wann.
Arrangements - A. ('. Shute.
J. J. Krehs and W. W. !
Finance. Attractions and ("on
cessions VV. V. Wiley. .1. W.
Connell and Homer Kmmott.
SHirts and (lames W.
Wehrung. K L Moon-. C.
Koontz and ('. W. Kcdmond.
Parade Win. Nelson, N.
Alexander and li. L Sears.
Puhlicity-Zach Cragg. S.
Killen and L A. Iong.
It was decided to ask all lodge
fraternities to bring up theipies
tion of permitting inemhers of
various orders the right to use
the local lodge rooms as a mat
ter of comfort and convenience
during the celehration. Home
owners having rooms are request
ed to advise the various hotels,
so that all may he cared for, in
case there is a shortage of ac
commodations at the hotels.
John W. Conned will look into
the proiKsaI to have a flying ma
chine here for the Fourth of
July, and if this attraction can
be secured it will mean a big
feature. The usual balloon as
censions are to be scheduled
and there seems to le no ipies
tion but what we shall have a
treat celebration of our natal
A carload ot hastern Uregon
horses, gentle and well broke,
for Bale, at Farmers Feed Stable,
on Main St., liillsUro, on
between 10 o'clock a. in. and
p. m.
County court, with all members
of the lioard present, met Satur
dav, and ordered that a warrant
on special lload Fund, list. 2'.),
be drawn in favor of Clerk J. W.
Hailey, for expenses in said d
trict. road improvement.
Ordered that $1,0(10 be drawn
on the county road fund to re
place that amount drawn Ironi
Hoad Dist. No. 1 special fund to
pay expenses ot crusher at (mod
in spur.
Ordered that warrant issue to
T. W. Sain from Dist. 23 speeia
fund, rock work in Gaston sec
Continues Enterprising Policy by
Ordering More Ilitulithic
Kelso, Wash., May 24.- (Special)
this city will continue the pro
gressive policy adopted last year
in the matter of street pavement
the Council last night having
awarded the contracts for 25,000
yards of bitulithic.
This is considered a very strong
endorsement of the original poll
cy demanded by the people, lln
endorsement ot bitulithic is mac
in spite of the dill'erence of $20,
U0U in the cost of bitulithic am
concrete,-an action taken by
the Council only after a thorough
investigation, which resulted in
the unanimous decision that con
crete is a poor investment at any
Friday, Jacob Schneider,
of 1,1'isy ville, came near having
a fatal accident, ami it was the
sheerest rood luck that saved
this Ironi Pemga liiue'-al notice
instead of the narration of an
accident. He was blasting some
slumps, and had a number of
lots. Thinking all hail ex
ploded, he walked to a stump.
where the belated explosion took
place, lie was prostrated, but
t he goddess of luek was with him.
uid barring some bad scalp
wounds, He rale lies and bruises,
no further harm was done. The
concussion was something terri-
e for a w Idle, and Mr. Schnei-
er was nearly blinded. Dr. F.
A. Hailey worked a considerable
iiue getting his wounds cleaned.
md Jacob w ill he ready to blast
in a tew days but says the
sounii oi a tilasi sun makes inm
Mayor 11. T. I'.ae.lev. N. II.
Alexander and Dr. J. '. Tamie-
went down to visit the Port-
on! council i riuav last, out me
United llailwavs petition to
rike from their franchise in
'ortland the matter of building
to llillsboro, was not brought Ik -
ire the Ixidv. The committee
in charge of the petition Mated
that they would notify llillsboro
people before it was acted upon.
t is now more than probable
that the city council here will
raft a revolution to the Port-
iml council, asHing. inasmuch as
it was largely throueh thcclforts
f llillsboro the permit was
granted to build ami operate.
that, the provisions therein af
fecting llillsboro be allowed to
Julius II. Cramer, of above
Mountaindale, was May 1!) ex-
imined by Dr. Tamiesie, and ad
judged insane by Judge Sewell.
Cramer is M years old, and was
Mini in Illinois, lie has been in
Oregon 22 years, and was sent
to the asylum in IMS'. I, and was
liseharged last March. Cramer
is fixed delusions of grandeur
uid live; constantly in the stars
and palaces of gold. Cramer
as no relatives here, but has a
brother, C. W. Cramer, at South
For sale Hay team, 1 years,
.fiOO, $K0; team of geldings. 4
ears, I'.liix). $425; team. 4 years,
2.400, $.'175; team, (i and 7 years
in good working order, $100;
team, I ami 5 years, I!. 200, $(i50,
tnd several ponies, cheap. Must
I at once. Will give guarantee
with each horse. Take Salem
ectne to ligard, and inquire
tt livery stable. Harry Kuehm
owner, f. ii., ngani, ur. y-u
Capture inme Sunday at Grove
(irounds, 7 to 4 Score
See Mr. Sparkman for a gen-
unine farm bargain, tnira si.
L. J. Francis, of Tualatin,
was in town Monday, on legal
.las. McCIaran. of Gales Creek.
i I I - - t 1J A - M
was down to the city Monday ""- msiory oi wun-
morning, ty Write on Examinations
Geo. W. Miller, of Cooper
. . . . . . . . , w I
Mountain, was in the city won- SIXTY-SIX PASSED CONDITIONALLY
day morning.
I nch Nine had 27 I'ut-Ouls, Wilh
Hatters at (he Plate
C. Walter, the Glencoe black
smith, was in the city Saturday,
greeting friends.
Postmaster W. li. Haines, of
Forest Grove, was down to the
county seat Monday.
Mr and Mm W f Dnviunn
score of seven to four- and there of Panks. were in the city Mon- County who wrote, but 1G3 were
was rejoicing in the county seat day, and called on the Argus. successful. Ninety-seven earn
bailiwick. It was thought that The largest assortment of ed diplomas and C6 passed condi
tio Colts were due to win the chinaware and silverware han- tionally. Those receiving diplo-
game, for they always play an died in Hillsboro is at Greer s,
llillsboro hiked to the Haines
station grounds, and victory,
Sunday, and came home with a
Hillsboro Turns out the Largest List of
In the 8th grade examination
held May 11 and 12, there were
194 applicants in Washington
All K II I'O A
Kaiili, .. 3 I o o l
SiimIIi, r f 43100
l'n nun. i 1 s 2 U I
Walker, 3 1 . . 5 3 I
Williams, 3 o t I 4
Willus, 3 I) J o 3 4 I
H:iU liciar, If 5 O 3 $ O
l'lii li s, r. 4 l o a 3
llolliimii, r f 4 J I o I
aggressive game but the for
tunes of baxeball W'ere against
them. Forest Grove captured 11
its to llillsboro's tern, but some
how the Colts fielding was not
up to par. Gillenwater pitched
for the Colts, and Williams went
on the hill for Hillsboro. Kvery
llillslmro player made hits ex
cept llaub, w ho seemed to have
;m oil' day. I recman, at lirst
base, was credited wilh 12 put-
outs, the greatest number in the ers. You
game. Hillsttoro was credited Greer's,
with bill three errors in the nine
innings, while tneeoits nan nut
six chalked against them. The
Jos. Klineman spent the week
with his sons north of town, and
returned to Portland Friday.
Beautiful C2-piece dinner sets
(genuine semi-porcelain) from
$7.75 to $13.50 at Greer's. 10-11
Gus Schroeder and family de-
mas were as follows:
Dist. 2 Minnie Hendricks, Frank
lieem, Iva Chnpman, John Goodin, Hazel
Trouton, Mljel Beers, Inez Geiger, Cor
Dist. 6 Minnie Berg, Tortensia Wis-
mer, Archie Owens, Kjmuel Iix, Carl,
Rulh anil Katie Kguinian, Portland. R.
2; Lolita Wisiner, Portland.
Dist. 7 Margaret and Charles Han-
parted Tuesday for Livingston, cock, Byron Garrett, Winnifred Pitman
Mont., over the O. L. and Hill Roy Schiedell, Klsie Kood, Klwin Willis,
jneg Arlhur Pope, Kmina Tupper, Alliert
Irtiiuiiiuurg, neien ivuien. neiu v.raniiau,
Raymond and Clifton Dodge, George
want tho host.. 1 hp best inc- iwumiey, nva ftieyer, jrank hchneuler,
,... if lit W I ,1UK" ' aruiiHm, fHeuie jacason, rrul.K
vu.i iv Rollins, Hillsboro.
LV-ll Dist. 10 Helen Meyers, Dilley
tni n e.n 3 r-" aici.raw, nanss.
and his deputies, Herb Mattieson Brown, E iith King, Arthur' Carlson,
and beo. w. Kusseil. were down teaverton, k. i
to the city Monday morning. L,1'!81- Lizzie rjreenhnre. Edward
I h.xt Mivus.ii iiuuui mi-bin, 1 ivinu ii"
gard, Bertha Schamlmrg, Mary Plielh,
millinprv hnsinMS at Am tv vrs- '"He Hurmker, Beaverton, R. I.
3H 7 10
All K II
27 3
Kiipp'c. 1 h
(V U -r, c
W Srluillz, 1 (.. ..
Si xl' 11, 3 t
Aiimtc, c 1
Nicliiils, s s
R Si liulu, 2 I). .
Wnltsir, r (
Gilk'iiwuler, v...
. 4
ited over Sunday with Miss Lulu
Donelson and other friends.
Dance at the Mountain Top
Hall, Saturday evening, June 3.
Good music. Everybody invited.
Tickets, 75 cents. 11-3
Dr. Geo. Merryman, Klamath
Falls, 13 now at Vienna, Austria,
taking iiost graduate work. He
was at Home a few days ago.
Dist. 26jt Maud Crider, Anna Geiber-
ger, Uiptia Alspaugli, Charles Green,
Dist. 27 Rulh Frost, Forest Grove, r I.
U:st. 29 Fanl Weidenheimer, Helen
Rasmussen, Reedville.
Dist. 30 Chas. Maiiland, Gales Creek
Dist. 31 Carl Brock, Hillsboro, R, 2.
Dist. 3S UU Nail!, Orenco.
Dist. 41 Arthur Monger. Wanda Raf-
fcty, Pearl Heynoldt, Mountaindale.
Dist. 44 hlmer hi-her. Banks, R. 2.
Dist. 4S Frank Kline, Amy Squires,
Koiann, tlaivey anil Kstuer Kuenzi, Mar
kVon vnnr- r-hir-kpnn -nnlnaoHT P"rel '""-n.iinryn iiwinger, Mary
Just received a large consign- Dist.s'oMarv Bennett. Rov laauith.
ment OI POUJtrV Wire. INOW IS Anna anil way Hansen, Laurel, K. 2.
the time to buy. Lmerick &
J. E. Reeves, of Cornelius,
was in town rriday. tie has
eight acres ot onions growing
marketward, and says they are
looking hne.
The duality Drug Store
The place where you are always getting
Drugs of absolute purity and High Qual
ity and compounded by pharmacists who
take pride in the accuracy of their work
Exclusive Agents for Whitman's
Celebrated Chocolates
and Candies
"The Best Ever" Kaminsky's
Make Man Tablets and Dr. David
Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store
J. A.
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Saturday, Jan. 7, 1911.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Victor Batchelar and Miss Ma
bel Fuller were united in mar
riage by County Judge Sewell,
May 20, 1911. The ceremony
was performed in the county
court room. .
Rev. S. Conklin. of
was in the city Monday the lirst
minister in the county to present
himself for registry at the coun
ty clerk's oflice. As Clerk I .al
ley has not received supplies and
instructions from the secretary
of state he failed of his mission.
Mrs. lr;i Klliolt. of Kiona,
Wash., was in (he city Monday,
icing culled to kinton, this coun-
tv. on account of the illness ot
icr mother. Mrs. Kindt, who has
teen very low for several days.
Mrs. Klluitt states that tin
weather has been very ury up in
the Kimia section, hut. that rain
las fallen since she came down
into Oregon.
l'he little two-vear old son of
Mr. and Mrs. (. W. Humphreys.
this city, inserted a shoe hut-
ton m his nose, and the harder
i . I'll -ill
one H ied to uisiouge u me more
particular it was nlnmt getting a
little farther up the nasal pas
sage. The child was finally taken
to Pr. V. A. Hailey, w ho removed
the intruder.
Mast hound Yellowstone Nat ion
al Park round t rip excursion fares
are in effect dune 12 to Sept. 12.
You had better come in ami see
Agent. Cooper, of the Oregon
Kiectric and Hill lines, about this
trip and get literature giving full
description. lOtf
Keinhard Undermach, who
neighbored with John Witt, over
on Lewis Uiver, Wash., over SO
years ago, was over to llillsboro
Monday, t he guest ol his oldtirne
friend, lle'lives near Uidgelield,
Wash., and says that everything
is timber and progress over that
See the fine stock of "hac
combs," at Libby, the jeweler's
place. No back numbers all
new and fresh goods, direct from
the factory: and woo Whizl sec
the fine clocks and jewelry of al
kinds, which he is almost giving
away. !S-tf
Mrs. Miltonhcrgor br. am
Mrs. .las. Miltenberger departw
Monday for Collins. Wash
whore the elder lady will remain
a few weeks for the benefit of
her health.
We have just received a dandy
lot of new rose bushes, and also
a fine assortment of trees, berry
vines, grapes, etc., for immediate
planting. A first class stock.-
Morton's Greenhouse.
Anton llormens, of - Center
ville, was in town Monday, and
says that (i. W.. Marsh, who is
in Portland taking medical treat
'ment, is improving rapidly.
.17 II U 9 6
Smrc liy innings:
llillslKiro2 o ijiooo 07
l-'mest C.hiK-l 0000300 c 4
Siiimii in : Two lime hits, Kopple,
Nichols. lira- on ImUs.ol! Gillenwnter,3,
St 1 111k out, Clllrnwater, 3; William, I,
I,fl on Ins s, 1 1 ills' oro. n; Kurest
. I...... 1 1. C.iil.
I'f.iniuii, 1ir.1r.11.1n, Se xton j. s.criitee Gates, of near Leisyville,
hi'S, Williams 2, I loll'iniiii, OeCer.
Next Smiitnv, May sS, Banks and
HiIMhuo will play on the llillsboro
gtoiuuls. will he calK-tl i,t 9:30
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at the Cornelius Liv-
ery Barn, Cornelius, Ore., at ten
a. m., on
Fifteen head work horses and
driving animals, weighing from
1,000 to 1, TOO lbs. Some of these
are fine work animals, and good
Dist. 47 Thomas Blakley, Sherwood 3.
Dist. 52 Lillie Goetze, Corneliut 2.
Dist. 54 Minnie Ciutachmiilt. Allen
Kennedy, llillsboro, II. 1.
Dist. 55 Ssusie Segnst, Matilda Gros-
sen, Hillsboro, R. 1.
Dist. 58 Mary Robinson, Hillsboro 1.
Dist. so Uiura Lynn, Laura Jones.
Cornelius, R. 1.
Dist. 72 Bessie Burt'bolzer. Lizzie
Mrs. Barbara Ann dates, who iiannau, Buxton.
has resided at the Grove for 77-ciaude G,etn, Cornelius 2.
many years, has taken up her Aw'Si Fwd
home With her Son, John W. Dist. 8S Otto Schaltenbrand. Iva Mor-
liaek, Anna Haugen, Sherwood.
t eopie wno nave IOIS in meier, Anna Grabhorn. Beaverton. R. t.
Tualatin Plains Pres. Cemetery Dist. 99 Tina Loynes, john4viiiiams,
are requested to join others in Forest Grove.
cleaning up and beautifying the Those who passed condition-
grounds, before the advent of ally were:
Dist. 2 Veda Thrapp, Mertro Hollin-
ger, Margaret MacKeetrs, Anita Steph-
Loans - $256,378.21
U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bond 37,140.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 134,369.01
Capital and surplus $50,000.00
Undivided Profits 2,626.29
Circulation 25,000.00
Deposits 393,260.93
Rosorro 3 4, Por Oorxt.
Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailey J. W. Tuqua
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornbur
Decoration Day.
For Sale: hois 3 and 4, High
land Add. Hillsboro; 112x186.
each. Well located, facing S. P.
track. Price, $600. T. H. Gard
ner, 566 E. Ash St., Portland,
Ore. Phone, East 2871. 11-3
enson, Albert Henderliug, Cornelius.
Dist. 4 ueori?e Bell, Albert fccnwall,
Beaverton, R. i.
Dist. 7-W'alter Gray, Milton Harvey,
Dist. 8-Dora Schneider. Minnie Gregg,
Hillsboro 3.
Dist. 9-Arthur Connell, Hillsboro I.
Dist. 10-Hallie Meyers, Arthur Broger-
sen, Koy ail, Dilley.
Dist. 13-Marton Hopkins, Ora oung,
Dist. 16-Harold Seiler. Willis Hall,
T ' n . j 1 1 .
i. iv. oimpson reiurneu ine
last of the week, after a six
weeks trip down to Vallejo, Cal.,
! 11 . .j 1 1 1 1 1 i : . . . .
driving norses: an are young auu wnere ne nas soiu uis uroperiy
sound. He says Oregon is the only place Fred Knox, Gaston, r i.
Akn nil l, iii(l5 11 f hunvv drivinir fnr rpidfnrf anil hp pvnpcts to Dist. 18-Cordie Smith, Beaverton I.
loultle and single harness; 3-seat again settle in this section of the - ajfc i TuaiaUn
Surrey, Zl-seat surrey. O-seai vaiiey. Dist 27-Harley LaMont, Mary Haz-
Stlldebaker hack, all rigs in good rv,,. colo I?oo-iotororl Hnlof ein z'"'d' Ijlara Knighten, Forest Grove i.
sluiiH'. 1 new top buggy. 2 top u..n i e L -J 9:Ve.,a. "bteto, Edith Hagg,
. " - - . - I II 1 I I II 1 . llllllll II. 1 I Ml. Ill I I lA.b lmrt ni,llA. Ua..I..,I1.
buuiuos, nosuly new. I runabout u0 miiiinrf cUn.n Pvf ,it., n v - t;
niggles, rubber tires; 4 buggies. fino .mn, , A Ha7,;H pnr I Gales Creek.
uisi. ja-icuua ptuuii, nri'uic ranker,
Dist4t-Warren Corey, Mountaindale.
Dist. 48-Alice Watts, Anna Peterson,
Lester Squires, Harry Barnes, Dorothy
Bennett, Beaverton.
Dist. 52-Alexander Eischen, Ray
Lynch, Cornelius 2.
Dist. 54-CIiarles Bauer, Henrv Kestek,
Dist. 55-Lonise Stable, Hillsboro 1
Dist I)8-Anna Reitzel, Horace Robin
son, tmisDoro, k, 2.
Dist. 63-Ina Dodson, Banks, Route 3.
Dist, 67jt-George Durig, Frank Miller,
Summer excursion rates will be Kda. 9lseD Ve.ter. Ji,ck90n GeorRe
rente!, rortiaim, uoiue 2.
Dist. 72-Delmer Davis, Buxtou
i 1 ,1 I I ... a! I- I-
01 inem ruuuer iiics; o smgie aat nrnvct Ormn InH r,hnn
,.inil,i A ,M,Min I lint r-K-vn fl HAtM n ' '
iu.ui vriai wokuiib, Farrner3 159, Hillside Div. 9-11 .
very heavy, for hauling, some
ighter, all in pretty fair shape; T. W. Sain was down from
1 1 1 Ml 1 n . 1 1
gravel wagon noxes; wina nun uaston, baturuay, ana carried
and pump, complete, buyer to back a $1,000 check for Gaston
dismantle; 2 binders, plows, har- road work in his road district.
rows, riding plow, 2 moving ma- T. W. says they are going to
chines, and numerous other arti- keep up special taxation there
cles. until they have the best boule-
TernisofSale: Under $10, cash; vards in the county.
$10 and over, 6 months time, ap-
proven Dan kauie note, at a per established May 16. Agent
cent, interest. 2 per cent, off, rwmpr. of the O. E. & Hill
It is a safe proposition that we
Sell More Furniture .
thau any other store in Washing
ton County. Why? Because our
r j
cash over $10.
Merrill .Vc Wolf, Owners.
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
M. C
Lincoln was over from
the lirst of the week.
L. U. Whitniore, publisher of
Dist. 7Q-Harry Saxton and Augusta
Bloom, Ilitlsboro, Route 2.
Dist. 81-Alice l-arsen, Hillsboro, R. 4.
Dist. 87-Cecil Lilly, Gales Creek.
Dist. 88-Bernice McConnell, Edward
Tetei-s, Sherwood.
Dist. 94-Susie Keinmer, Beaverton 3.
Dist. 95-Adolph Meyer, James Ed
ward, Hillsdale.
Dist. 97-Christina Vandervanden,
Lines, would like to have you
come in and arrange for that
Eastern trip 1 days going
transit, with stop-over privileges,
returning on or any time before
October 31. 9-12
The camp meeting beginning
i he ieaverton Keuorter. was in Mav 28. 4 mi es south of Hi sbo- Frances Bruckert, rorest Grove, R. 2.
the city Monday. ro. will commence on schedule
11 mam u;nr tr a,ii vnnr fnmtime. Evangelist W. P. Kirk, A Second Street businessman
, .w.. ...... v ,w ..v ,, jv.... , ... All. il. . I.U.. II 11.. .11 J .!
i;.,i if n il K m- c.,i.L-nion Ti,i,.,4 ana miss urace Alien, me ounu was me oiner uay uiiKing wun
llt IL 1111. .l(.l ntllUII, 1IUIU 0 T .1 1 1 11 I 1
Street. Independent Tel. West s,nKer of Portlan d, are engag ed some fellows who opposed pav-
14 ror me nrsi, ten uays. uome ing ana ne uroppea me aiscus-
1 1 i ml; 1 .n j i. . . a r . 1 . . r 1
. .. . ana gei your niae lannea sion, went, into nis piace 01 dusi
Dr. 1'. J. bailey and wite, ot rio-ht .Tnsetm Rrock.Evano-elist dpss. hroucrht out a nole and line
Portland, were guests at the Ur. - . . and cast the hook into a nool of
F. A. Dailey home the first of the The Artisans picnic at forest te between the broken olank-
wcek. uroye last featuraay waswllat- in His hearers soon denarted
1 tAMrlrtii n vi H Tfrlf f l- A tinriiMAH I .
For repairs of sewing ma- V?f'T'u " tk""i fi!? for another part of town
chines, bicycles, guns, etc., go Rnn(i wnr im tft Hiscnursp mnsin There is no Question about the
totnewiiKos auto anu uarage , rpnnrt, thft(. tripV werP rnvnl- quality of Diamond chick food
Company. rf-tt ltf pntp-fn.-np,- jtv Wpat was Its the real stuff. You can get
The Ne son Hardware Co. is nresent and V t--.,,of h s it in any uuanuiy ai in. k.
. . . . 1 r. . ... Ais4 . m -4
cmrairea in moving tneir stock characteristic " iyLa- iu-11
. -' J w m 1
. a vTt ( I'll
into iv 1 r. iNeison s new Duuaing a
on Third.
nnmlAi H
spent thfL. .ihe ctii
On the same quality of Goods.
People from a distance are sur
prised when they see that they
can save 25 cents on the dollar by
buying from us.
Come to Forest Grove and see for
riuost Stock, of Wall Paper In County
C. O. ROE & CO.
Ti-virnniinn ic! hntnr tbfiTi Puro
'ff Verboort, was
It's cheaper. It is possible where
cure, many times, is impossible.
Eye troubles may be avoided by
the timely use of glasses, which
are properly fitted, averting dis
comfort, suffering and permanent
impairment of sight. I am prop
erly equipped to fit any eye
that can be fitted and guarantee
Jeweler and Optician
I, ' v
m mini vaw