JnllLLSB VOL. XVIII HILLSI'.ORO, ORIvGON, MAY 11, 1911. NO. 9 SEVENTYFIVE SCHOOL OFFICERS IN MEETING Hillsboro VUltetl by Slate Supi-r-Intcndcnt of Public Instruction OR. CALVIN S.WIIITK MAM;S ADIIKI SS Dheclum and Clerk Ak Thai l and be Thrown to SthouU The m-hl olficerH' meeting here Saturday embruced an attend ance of 75 olerka and directors, and according to State Supt. Al ilormnn. was the third largest In i,j nit.-ndod in the state this 1 v Mr. Alderman addressed the assemblage on whool lt'urislation. I lir Calvin S. White, of tin State Hoard of Health, deliver a splendid lecture on matters of school house sanitation. ul .,.,,1 .iutrliKH school rooms, illv col t till t.'il hi Haul, a wavs left their impress niton the tifU r lives .,f hi Htudent boa v. ami lie nWded for warm, well ventilati itli sunitarv lava tories, septic tanks, and all that goos to mean healthful surround ings, i'i. neiige, oi neaver ton addressed the audience on Pnl.li.Mtv of School Kxpendi tures. and exhorted ollieers to .iicourawre taxpayers to take an ;t,t..nut in mcIumiI rcct'iiits am disbursements, and said that this could be done at school meetuur W Cumin iismtiir nf tlu ('ong. Church in llillslxiro sonic years aj.ro, was in the city Satur day, and called on ihe Argus. lie lias just returned from a trip to Southern ('aliforniu. ami was clear Id the Mexican Imnlcr He ciincluded that Oregon was the 1 1 1 : 1 1 - anil trekked hack, lie savs thai in all hist travels he found no place like the Willam ette Valley, and be is going to locate somewhere in the Western Oregon region, lie expressed ureal satisfaction over the way it'ti i i i .I . i - -i inusiMtro is smtKing ou me vil lage traditions and is getting in to the "city" class. RECORDER'S FEES LARGE FOR APRIL Damages (liven for l'ioeout'8 Ac cident Near l orcst drove W ENT THKOUdH A Dill 1XTIVT; BKIIHiE Itc-Mijcnalion ul County Surveyor Morrill In Accepted w v,. . w. ,.i nianc, now in dispute, and which Judge Wol verton recently decided was in United States title; and to give such lands as may be recovered from the Southern I'aeific Co. to the State of Oregon for the use of the public school fund; ami that a copy of these resolutions le sent to each of our Senators and Representatives. " lion. W. K. Newell Rave an interesting talk on country school economy, and was the mover of the resolution to throw reverted railroad lands into the school fund. Supt Case recommended that parents center more inter est in school matters, and en courage the discussion of current tnnicu nnil thnf rwikinu" dobs be formed for the girls, as well as encouragement m sewing and art work. Kor the Imys he ad vocated arts and the science of road buildings, etc. Mr. Kindt thought that much money was wasted in hiring incompetent teachers, and argued that this was a matter that required much attention, and that Normal grad uates should be procured where nnuuihhv Mr. Case also requested that school oiitcers make their tmuu ings and ground as sanitary as possible at the opening of the Siimmiir vnentinn Mr Alflnrmon oiiiriroatoil that ... . . l.tUVIIIIUII UUfVIIVVI. v - the ladies prepare a luncheon at the annual meeting, and endeavor to enlist interest in the session. Dr. Calvin White dwelt much on the need of vaccination, as re quired by law. Another resolution passed ask ing the county court to appoint a denntv school snriorint.endent. so that the ollice might be kept open every day ot the year, line other county offices. Dr. Tnmiesifi secured the lias- fiage of a resolution asking the county superintendent to get all possible data as to school heating and keep such data in his ollice i or reterence. R. X- llnrHinor aniuA nu secre tfirv nmt t ha mnntinir nil imirnoil with many expressions that it was me most productive session oi its Kind ever held in liinsuoro. Make selections in vour home, where accurate measurements can ha t.akon nnil vnn crer. a cov- . . ,j v - - - set to meet the requirements of - n - ri i - I - 1 your ngure. oenu postal caru, or phone call for appointment. Mrs. M. E. Caudle, Hillsboro, uregon, l'itth and Jackson bts lnd. phone. 584. 50-y J. A. Hazlitt, of Hillside, was a Hillsboro visitor, Saturday. He settled up in that section about ten years ago. C. H. Herb, of near Banks, was a county seat visitor Friday For sale l!av team. 4 vears. 2..VX1, $4( HI; team of geldings, 4 vears. 2.IKHI. $4l!T: team. 4 vears. 2. KHI, $rj.r; team, ( and 7 years, in good working order. lxi; team. 4 and .r vears. It. 2(H). $(kr0. and several ponies, cheap. Must sell at once. Will give guarantee with each horse. Take Salem Klectric to Tigard. and inquire at liverv stable. Harry Kuehne, owner, V. ()., Tigard, Or. 1M1 Francis Marion Wright, aged 77 years, died in Scoggins Valley the last of the week, and the funeral was held at Forest drove, Saturday, lie had been a resi dent of Forest drove and dales Creek for 42 yearn, and spent the last few years near (Jaston. He is survived by three grown daughters. Mr. Wright was the father of the late Mrs. 10. H. Sappingtou. Sunset Magazine for May "Nile of the West." by S. Glen Andrus. Beautifully illustrated in four colors. "The Spell." a Western novel by the William sons. "Guests ol Greater Lhma Imi'ii" hv Charles K. Field. I Automobile Section. Now on 1 sale. IS cents. 7-9 Scott Wolf and J. II. Merrill. 7of Cornelius, were in town Mon day morning. I hey are going out of the livery business, and have a big auction sale set for the 27th nf Mav. Thcv will also sell a lot of work horses and roll ing stock. See their notice in another column. See our dishes for our custom ers. When you expend $1H) with us you get a fine dining A I I j V.ll i", - room set oi tiisnes. v.au ior cards and have the amount of your purchases punched each time von huv. When vou buy that amount you get the dishes, t or you have a dandy game and fish set. Kmmott Bros. R II. Flacc. formerly of Hills- iKiro, having edited the llil!sloro Independent and the old Demo crat, successively, has purchased a paper at Klgin. Rastern Ore gon, and assumed the editorial chair. I lis son, Geo., has taken over the St. Helens Mist, which is now "some paper." Through tickets for Madras, Uoml Metolius and other Rast ern Oregon points can be pur chased of Agent cooper, oi me Oregon Klectric, at lliilsitoro. It is not necessary to wait until vou get to Portland before buy. ing to points on the Oregon Trunk. J. B. Schaefer. of Linton, was up to the county seat Saturday. Mr Schaefer savs that his post- ollice business has grown to such proporiions that he was compel led to sell out his store in order to give the postal work all of his attention. See the fine stock of "back combs," at liibhv. the jeweler s place. No back numbers - all new and fresh goods, direct from the factory; and Gee wmzi-see ivwi finn ducks and iewelrv of all kinds, which he is almost giving away. 8"" tnihre .f. II. Oanmbell. of Ore gon City, was out Monday, pre siding at a session oi circuit court, lie is able to get around nicely, his injured leec being about recovered, Single Comb Anconas, Exhibi tion and Utility. My birds win. 1st cock - 1 cockerel, l nen, isi, I 3rd millet and 1st pen, at the recent poultry show in Hillsboro. Yours tor tne oesi. H. E. Cameron. 51-10 The county court settled tht claim of J. A. Fineout for $2.17.75 at $UM), at its session last week Mr. Fineout went through a bridge in the Cornelius-Forest Grove district. John Herb was instructed to repair the Kirts' bridge, near I Greenville. Ceo. McGee, as deputy county surveyor. Alec Todd and J. W Hughes, to view road per peti tion R. 0. Stevenson. Ue-survey and viewers' reiort old Dayton road, accepted and ordered established, John F. .Johnson appointed su pervisor District 21, vice Chas Stt.vcna rewkmod. Ordered that SIJIW.4G in hands of A. B. Todd be turned over to Hugh Smith, succeeding super viaif I t!ve in Road Districts 34, IW and 31 ordered turned over tn aiitinrviors: also $1.(HH). spec ial road tax. ordered turned over to J. M. Hiatt, for work; tax Dist. 8. turned over to h. V. lliie- hist. 31 to John Heaton, supervisor; 2T to John Zimmer mnn mm-. 20. to GuImj Esstier; onle'red that $a(H) be turned over to J. W. Bailey, special road tax Dist. 3, for rock crushing pur noses. tf..riW Perkins reporter large fees for April the receipts reaching $(!;. 84. Clerk Bailey reported April fees at HeKrt of Fruit Insiector Gal Iiiu'jiv niinroved. Put it inn of 0. R. Hedge for return of filing fee, petition of administration estate Fred Ma- ger, disallowed. Resignation of A. A. Morrill aa ennntv survevor. accepted. The following claims were allowed: x-iiili-nt 11 75. Iiiwst Ji.lin Ailrnn Wolf R C Ilrown coroiirr fn 5; jmo", fl mcli 1' O SkrcU, S W bct-lye. Auk WrrtekoiK, V K Unwell, C K Ailaniit, r M nnxins, wn $i 5.1 h J A Rowell, Frank G Miller; lonmii'i pliysician, ur a l i.nm- Inti-r. Iio. inuuinu unit rnllrrtinir P II Huolef 7o, W W lionrow 41. Frel I! Sii K"t 31, A W SirKriitt H7, C 1'. PUCHUibU 39. win ViiUniliKlum 27. IiiiU?(.t Win Itlomiaiist K C Brown coroner f 15 50; juror, fl ecli Oto O ItHnriK-k, C B Johnson, II W Clark, () R Uuick; Wm Cutlitjt-rt, witnens, $1 50; rororii-r s pliysiciati, or J u 1101111, o. .1 C Hrr. ritcuit rotirt - II 00 W l Kmitli, J 1 S'atc cases 5 " A M Collins, rens rrconlei s oi 05 Clias GrilwiKer, J I' fires 3 4'r ,W D hmitli, J list ire lees j "S I A Cull, u in, em 1 Tki Oio C. Ilaiirwk, witness 1 ! A Soliler, witness 3 5 Olefin Ik Wash Hewer I'ipe Co.... 36 40 Walunj;tn County Wews-nines rom pructetliiiK 7 5 S J Calloway, co fruit Insjiertor...- 92 30 WaHh-dre torjm, c n 111 s do llorinx Bros, livery hire, comrs ct 3 00 Wm Tupper, C 11 junitor 55 20 V. C Brown, coroner, inq 1' Reeves 6 10 Waih Co Tel Co, c h phones 13 65 Thos II Tongue, lint atty office...- 20 00 Mnrttu Vanilehey, leliel co iarm...i27 75 I, rrrkins, jecoMer s ollice Jio no W M .1 ui U uiti treas salarv SO 00 1) W Clark, watrhinu hocly - S 40 S N Boole, held ilr p aatessor 00 00 Hillslioro tiiilepenilent, stationery ami printing .. 7 " "HICKS AT COLLEGE" A BIG SUCCESS Students Give Play at Crescent to a Record Houe, FViday Hve ALL CARlf;D THEIR LINES WELL I Net Receipts Large - Directed by Migg Wilhelmina Heidcl MRS. J. M. PARRISH Mr. Anna Barrett Parrish, wife nf .1. M. I'arrish. of Wilbur. Wash., died at Hot Lake, Union Countv. the last of the week, and the remains were brought to this city for liurial. She was a daughter of the late W. U. Bar- rett. .md wife, o dtime residents of Greenville, and who died af ter moving to this city, mr husband was postmaster at Wil- . .1 11 t : bur, was in me mercantile ousi ness there for years, and is pres- ident ot the farmers uanK, oi th.it citv. She was born near Greenville, in 1809. and was a sister of Hon. W. N. Barrett, at whose home the funeral took place, Tuesday. Her husband and three children survive. Mrs C. F. Reel, and children, lnunnti Wnilnwa Countv. are 111 num. nil -..,. guests of Mrs. M. M. Pittenger and family, and will remain until after the Portland nose resuvai. Kouu inaf reppived a dandv VIC lot of new rose bushes, and also t nf troGs.' berrv vines, irraoes. etc., tor immediate planting. A nrst ciass stoi-iv. Morton's Greenhouse. C. V. Schnabel, of Portland, ,.,ra mi fr firenit. court. Monday. ii ;vWflria tn havp fi Summer home near Hillsboro, and will soon become a resident oi tne cuuni.y. it fnv snip First.-class timo 4-U.T of mv farm, six mi es IN. Jti. of Hillsboro. J. C. Bechen. 9-11 Inn McClarn i. com sal & uilleRC..f63 S1' i,,t,n Nvln-rir . 79 4" John W Sewell, county jmlne io So M t! Case, co school supt sal S3 30 u r r. trnveliniz et) i.l 75 Max Criiiiilall, assessor al A exp..lot 05 A A Morrill, co surveyor .- 19 K II Hainl, c h ami jail 00 Jn Lorsumr. FXRUiine briiltre 2 50 f II Hainl. carbon naier I 75 ii r. ltunrnrk Fin sheriff office. .. I03 90 C, C. Hancock, sheriff sal 5 to r. 1; Hancock, tioanl ptisoners 60 75 .'limit Urns, iail 5 75 v.nli Metal Works 5 '5 C C Store, c h anil jail 1 So ii...il,..l.llt,.i t'o. mirvevor office.. 4 10 I'shion Stables, shirill's office... lo 00 1 Kuratli, tax refund 7 3 K.ffie (ioilntati, assessor office 00 00 wt 1 n. ...... u.tt alnl V4 Via 4 00 N B LaCourse, relief L C Lncksmi. 27 45 l)r A 11 Bailey, state cases 10 00 J W ffiilcy, refund tnx 3 9 Circuit court jurors (specinl)-A Jok, C Rehse, J VVhitmore, II W Kafer, J N Orahel. John W ilt, H'W M uuiuieri. u, m. ,.!,. I Pilfnnl. C, Rehse. H Kafer, n,iJr I W York. A K McCuinsey, T WWyntt, J B Trullinger, $9 each; O ut Nordlund 4 . Geo J J,lck 55 J. K l..i,..,, ii K I. Parsons 7. Samuel 11....U r p.-r. W Hker ii). lohn H Cornelius 39, O W Whitmore 56 4. Olaf Johnson 63. Joseph ermiiyea 53 40 , i c i;,... 1,, m Iii.niel Raker t, 70. lohn I Northrup 5'. Nd Boge 4 4, John C ltechm 54 60, W U Mays 3I 20, John B McNew 44, Jake Wiru id 00; " 1 1.... t m ur..rr I .1 Krebs. 27: I B Trul- linger, John Boeker, 24; J N Urabel, H t Ai.i.,.11 ma i. r. suuir. n u mv. Curtuirk, W A Hays, Geo Buckingham, ! O J Paliunteer, Chas lleim, L I' Km tnott, 11 Birdsell, 12; K S Geer, OSutidin, Ana Tews, Jno Yandetwal, A Clapshaw, W R Stephens, A Jack, Jos Downs, K H Greer, A 0 Donelson, R 0 Vaiiht, C V l.ibby I) W Bath. John Dennis, .1 W York, R Craunall, U v naves, nam 1 -ley, W R Stephens, C Hall, 11 Stowell 2. Heads and highways B I, Bunnell f4. ,-liUiiioni A. Rice & Phelan 59 57, G A Plcllh 283 35. Railway Jupupmeiit u 13 23, Beall ffi v.0 32, Kowen oron vo ,u i ivi..re,ni X' Son 2. J D Kelly it S n it's!), Gassuer Bros I J 75, Beali & Co 4 2ft, C h llinuian 95 bo, .lonn miitie 15, Uroner & Rowell Co 23 18, Clem Shaner ... r P k K I o re L' it 10, A v nris 2, K A Kddv 14 70, 0 V Larson 14 7o; J V Collins, E N Green, 4; M E Buck, N P Johnson, a; Thos Connt-u. u w warsn, r., Kvtmn 5 20. JnoCiuiino4 80. C L Uinmau It 12, E R Brandt 19 05, B U Reeves 27, F L Brown 2S 35. Re)iefV F Scl ultz $3 48. Briggs Bros 15, Hillsboro l'haimacy 9 20, Delta Drug Store 4, W f Jiesiuger 2 50, vi r A Bailey 78, Council & Co 35 55. Ye M-fumta A B Canlcs 14 52, N P Oakermau 6 79, Mary Clark Bai.e 7 08, Forest Grove Natl Batik. 15 7. Mercnani Investnient Co 16 39, U is t- K w if.mninnrt Winter Co 6t 94. K II & K J Northrup I3 65, Anna O Jacob9on .88, M M .1 'rnrupr ia n. iv in niaeura 7.f, T S McDaniel a 68, I J & Rose Squires 7 46, R D Morse 19 as, Aiuirew noos 6 96. . Circuit court witness, State vs Debene dctto Huege Rotuite, Pietro Romite, 79; Gaitano Jassanilla 6, Joe Morak In terpreter 30, Mike wanip.iniiia 13; nuiwn Johnson, Harry Challacombe, V H Mas ley, Chas Crance, a 60; Dr A B Bailey 4. Supplies -Irwin Hrdson Co $93. Glass & Prudhomtue 13s -5, llillsboio lude- Mr fir.nr Simons, of Ihe Dalles, is in the city. the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lsaeon. fnr s;ili-Cheat) horse. oywmI fnr farm work. -l,ouis Zue- trer, Hillsboro, Route 5,- near Newton. "J-H I? I. Gravbill and wife, of be low Reedville, were county seat visitors Saturday, and made tne otlice a call. Money to loan on real estate security. We sell farms, try us. The Webfoot Kealty bo., Hillsboro. 12tf .fnlin Pnwpll. who has been up in the Starbuek, Wash., country. in tram service, several montns, is here for a visit with his mother, Mrs. M. A. Powell. Fnr salo. verv cheao: Bain wiio-nn SI-and liirht Hainwairon. 2.J. John Peunh, Hillsboro, or see wajrons at 1. It. Maxwell place, Mountaindale. t-y Frank Miller, of near Beaver- ton, was in town Saturday, in pnmn:mv with .1. A. Johnson, the oldtime supervisor of his road district. Fnr snip- Twobrindle heifers. 2 years old; one fresh about May 14. tor both, ifw. vv. n. lost, Keedville, Ore. 8-iU T. R Pprkins. of Ruxton. was down to the city Monday enroute to Portland. Mr. i'erkins is go ing out of business at Buxton, and his sale will begin May io. k'ppn vour chickens enclosed! .Tnsr. received a larire consign ment of poultry wire. JNow is the time to buy. Emerick & Cor win. John Behrman. of near Bloom ing, was in Friday. He has sold his baling outfit and thresher to Ij. J. Holtz, who will make the run in that section this season. Fnr sale- Reonstered Holstein bull calf, one month. Out of heavy milking strain. Extra fine animal. J. A. Hazlitt, For est Grove, Oregon, lnd. phone, Farmers 152, Hillside Div. 9-11 Snmmpr pvpiirsinn rates will be established May 16. Agent Cooper, of the 0. E. & Hill Lines, would like to have you come in and arrange ior mat Eastern trip 15 days going transit, with stop-over privileges, returning on or any time before October 31. 9-12 The High School students gave a very successful rendition of "Hicks at College" at the Cres cent. Friday evening, under the direction of Miss Wilhelmina Heidel. to a capacity house, and the members of the cast excelled themselves in the art histrionic, The students did themselves proudly, and some of the lines were carried like the actors were in the professional class. Kings- ley Lytle made an excellent hero, and he was ably supported by pnris Olson and Donald Loner. while Miss Maud Griffiths, in a comedy part, was a scream lrom start, in finish. Zenas Olson, as the breakfast food manufacturer, was clever; Kintrslev I a tie. as the vounrr student about to graduate, and whn was wanted bv the break fast- fonrl man as an advertisins writer, made good, even after having two loye attairs on his Vmnrls at nnpp. anrl Iinc as the chum of Lytle, gave him a good clean support. Miss HeiHel is receiving much credit for the way she handled the cast and trained them in their lines and conception. N. H. Alexander sang a solo and responded to an encore, and was in good voice. Miss Smith, of the High School, accompanied on the piano. The chorus by the girls of the high school was well received and they were compelled to respond to an encore. Ward Wilkes, as the professor whn liepnmp mixed on his names. because of deafness, and worked a hardship on Jordan (Long) in etpnn' nf Hnrton (Lvtle) carried his part well; while Miss Alice Lund and Miss Helen Blackwell did exceedingly clever work. These were the parts that were in the foreground. The cast: Hiram Hicks, the Braino Man Zenas Olson Toni Morton, who writes advertisements Kir.(Mley Lytle Fritz j'oriiaii, Horlon's cluiin. who pWys basket hell ..lioimm umg, The duality Drug Store The place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Qual ity and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work Exclusive Agents for Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates and Candies "The Best Ever" Kaminsky's Make Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies t The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO. ORE. J. A. THORNBURGH President J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNEY Vice-Presiilent Cashier I Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE, Statement of Condition on Saturday, Jan. 7, 1911. Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans - $256,378.21 Capital and surplus $50,000.00 U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00 Undivided Profits 2,626.29 Other Bond 37,140.00 Circulation 25,000.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Deposits 393,260.93 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 134,369.01 lnnivi-v . --. .i ni.lin,ti Pri,r tn Northern iini vertiity '. Want Wilkes IH'Hii Sniiiey, Dean of College of Arts... (Jladwin Doughty Percy Robbius, a receut arrival tierald Bath Adoiiih Hopkins, a lazy boy h roil Barnes Hastian BriKKS, a dig Roy hch metier Josh Aiiiierson', basket ball enthusiast.. Klmer Wohler Charley"" Paiilet, repoiter for "Daily Shriek" 11''- Wilkes Peter, proprietor ot "The Pal" Chas Ueichiiian AVaiker! manager for Braino Man , Howard Bull T.V.a.'"i"l'a..t aam.tr null intArAHtad it1 Horton Alice Lund Polly Porter, June's chum, and interested in Jordan Helen Blackwell Cl:tlre Angeliue Jones, a aWpe-struck girl Betwie Simon Siisie SpriKRinB, a freshman.. Alice Smith Daisy Armstrong, an athletic Girl. .......... Zola Walch EM..,. El..loi. a fiwav Ofirl Blanche Bowman Flora Beile Delainaryte, waitress at "The p.i" Maude Griffiths m.. n..i.h h,wtmir at. "The Unar- tcrjj'l M18S Dimtll I in., .'n.'i.l al "Th Ouarters" Blanche Bowniau I FURNITURE! It is a safe proposition that we Sell More Furniture than any other store in Washing ton County. Why? Because our PUBLIC AUCTION John Pitman, recently return ed from California; was in town Sunday morning. While South he saw E. J. Lyons, at iunocK, and says that the former Hillsbo- roite has 80 acres in eameioupes. E. J. and Paul C. Long are hav ing a big time keeping bachelors' hall in Lyons' Turlock bungalow. Long is South for his health. Mr. Pitman is rpeoveriner from a se vere surgical operation, and is able to again attend to his worK. The undersigned will sell at pub lic auction at the Cornelius Liv ery Barn, Cornelius, Ore., at ten a. m., on SATURDAY, MAY 27 Fifrtxin head work horses and driving animals, weighing from 1,000 to 1,400 lbs. Some of these nrf finp work animals, and good driving horses; all are young and sound. . . nil Linda hpfluv. nrivine (tannic and sintrle harness: 3-seat sur-rev. 2-seat surrey. 3-seat Stnrlphakpr hack, all rie;s in good cVmrio 1 tihw ton hiurfiTV. 2 too buggies, nearly new; z runaooui huccripa. rnhhpr tires: 4 DUtreies. 9nf thpm mhher tires: 5 single road carts, several wagons, some very heavy, tor hauling, some lighter, all in pretty fair shape; gravel wagon boxes; wind mill and pump, complete, ouyer. to dismantle; 2 binders, plows, har rows, riding plow, 'L moving ma chines, and numerous otner articles. nfSalp- Under $10. cash: $10 and over, 6 months time, ap proved bankable note, at per cent, interest. 2 per cent, off, cash over $10. Merrill & Wolf, Owners. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. $470,887.22 $470,887.22 Rosorvo 3 4 rcr Ooxit. DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailer J- "W. Tuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburtf 1 PRICES are LOWEST L T On the same quality of Goods. People from a distance are sur prised when they see that they can save 25 cents on the dollar by buying from us. Come to Forest Grove and see for . yourself. Fluost Stools, of Wall rnper In County C. O. ROE & CO. FOREST GROVE, OREGON. John Koch, of beyond Bloom ing, was in the county seat Sat urday. DON'T WAIT TOO LONC Two years is a long time for a per son who uses his eyes constantly to wear the same lenses. I will except young folks, but middle-aged and old people will find that they do not see as clearly as they should. Come some time and see if a slight change in the lenses you wear does not prove beneficial. LAUREL M. HOYT Jeweler and Optician MAIN STREET, HILLSBORO i. . 1 3 ' " n fc-- ' 1 i I: