The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 04, 1911, Image 1

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NO. 8!
HxpcnNCS fur Running the County
of Washington, Oregon
Koid ind Hijhw) I he Large!
of nvpcitKc, Ever
"!Kl)r. Lowe will xi in
'iL. i 1 1-7
VEtxjro iway i.
John P. Stevens, Head of Hill
Lines, (iuest of Honor, Thursday
Fully Five Thousand People in
County Seat to See Equines
For tin months of January, Feb
ruary and March, and a few
items for April the county com
missioners' court audited expense
claims ngaitMt the county in the
Hiitnor $2l.DCK.04. The largest
item, as UHiial, was for roads,
$;),51H,81, exclusive of bridges,
which cost $1,019.2(1. For the
salary of commissioners, judge,
livery hire and incidental ex
penses, the total cost was $T7.1. -
fit). "Current expenses all of
fices," runs a little over a thou
sand do ars. ami tins covers
stationery, supplies, incidentals,
The receints of the clerk's and
recorder's olliees. however,
amount to several hundred dol
lars each month, ami this serfs'
to cut down the expense. The
various departments, according
to a statement made out by
Clerk Bailey, follows:
lioads& highways TJ.niX.HI
County court & comtnrs r7.?.K
Circuit court 2jmSH
Justice court W-&
Sherilfs ollice 1,112.20
Jail & Itoard of prisoners II'.W.lo
Assessment & coll'n tux l.lMl.K?
(!lerk'H ollice. 71S.!H
Recorder's ollice fH.(M)
Treasurer's ollice 15 1. (lit
Coroner's office SStt.
School Supt 412. V
Assessor s ofhee
Tax refund
Current exp all offices
Court house expenses.
Care of ioor, etc
Flection expenses
Fruit Inspector
Surveyor's office 7.1. 9
Scalp bounty
Health Officer ...
Judge Sewell ami the commis
sioners were over to the New berg
country, Friday, and say that
there is a wrong impression as
to the attitude of the Newberg
and inmhill County people criti
cizing Washington County for
the stretch of road between New
berg and Tigard. Theysav they
realize that Yamhill has many
miles of bad roads; but that they
want to raise money to Iix up
that particular stretch of roads
for auto purposes, and are willing w" Originally at the Head ol the Pana
to raise a big sum by levying a ma Canal Work
contribution on autos, both in
Ytimlwll t ri . I I ,,f l'i til uii ln.ii
l.llltllll uiit t l bluiiw, ow IIIVT If, ... , m ,
can have a good Wretch of road Jonn vens, aocr oi uig
between Newberg. McMinnville, things; in charge of the first
and Mulinomah County. They work inaugurated on the l'anama
averred they were going to do it, Canal, and later wi
J .... I It... lt 1 . ...i . 4.. 1
k,, uno me vasn.ngion i,ouniy y anj who j weH known to
f . tl I fl la'noii 4 It , .r li iiiiili.Mtlnml
'Will i, KtlW 1 1 Hill IU UIHHI.1UUIU I .i . m fir t , "i
thev would helna few hnn.lre.l -he people of Washington Coun
dollars worth, just to show them ty. was given a reception at the of jowa Hill, were in the city
they were glad to see the move- Portland Press Club quarters, Monday.
mi in nun u-u. ast lnursoav nnrnt. ana tne t r. tw , m busm some
.lad viga liloszyk. an aged event passes in the history of the good horses, by the way-was a splendid show and a revelation
mother, has filed suit through oriraniation as one of the heart- down to see the equine display, of what Washington County does
I I.. L'i I.,.. I iL. 1 : L.
W. II. Yost, of Ueedville, was
an Argus caller Saturday.
Charles George, near Scholls,
was an Argus caller Saturday afternoon.
.1. S. Writrht. the Forest Grove
horseman, was down to the hub
A. Ritrert. of Cooper Mountain,
was in Saturday, and called on Secretary Mails Cash Prizes to All Win
the ArgUS. B,r. First and Second
C. W. Moriran came down from
the Vineland hills, Saturday, to Fuy five thousand peopie at.
tw tin; nuiv.o. rpnrM tho Mnru Show hM Wp
Andrew Heckmann, road su-
KltX'fS'i" . Washing County Ite
I Iflt:II n AHMHTlSlLlUri. H.I111 W I LllCaaCU
Ilenrv 1 1 ogre fe, of beyond
Blaming, and Gerhardt Goetze f rQm draffc horgeg an(J
the trotting bred animals. Old
time horsemen agree that it was
Kaglcy & Hare, asking for deeds -mt jn iUj lliitory Mr Stevens
III ti l l. UII IUUT III llillMI'll IIUIIIIT, I . I 1" 1 , 1 a. I
now valuable, or a decree tiiat made a delightful guest, as he is
Khali be mete and just in lieu unassuming, approachable and
thereof. Some years ago she entertaining, minus that exclu-
and her husband deeded to An- siveness that at times marks
ton and Frank, their sons, the genius. Motion pictures of the
property in question with a writ- work, from the time of its incep-
ten agreement signed by the lion under Mr. Stevens regime,
bovs, that they were to care for up to within the last two weeks.
the two old people as became was one of the features of the
the mother now alleges that they during his incumbency he has
ived iii) to their agree- made many friends in the North-
im-iit. She also states that they west.
Saturday. in the way of producing horse-
Money to loan on real estate flesh. The Hiilsboro Band open-
security. We sell iarms. try ed the big show at 11:00 a. m.,
us.-1 he Webtoot lieauy and there wa3 a big parade at
linisooro. ii.i .hat Vinnr At. 2:00 n the after-
IMiis Sa;rt. of Tualatin, and noon there was another parade,
who isone of the rustling thresh- and it required two hours for the
ermen of that section, was in the judges, C. H. Sampson, Corval-
citv Saturday. lis. J. C. Beach, Glencoe, and J.
-f - I ,-..., . W , A t i
Twin.iu lifers IS. Wright, oi roresi urove, 10
irs ol
11. For lKth, m.
.-"unnni in hiv, nii; nu.v n iiwt iaiiiun.:iiw im, uwtno hm.iix vt'llrS OKI. iini? I rt'rill ilium t iuav i -T. , ,
,li,.,l nbout n ve.-.r :um :o.,l n.sine.l fmm the Hill lines, but n i.v. i.. .i i. tan w It Ynt visitors were present irom dll
Keedvtile, Ore. 8-10 . f 7 pftj
ve i oi vei up io ineir ujjree- u aue many ireuusio me inn ui- , . .. , f;i f,f l . , . i. o i
...... cn i.... .i... i AfJ..- a John Kamna and family, ot Saturdav nieht the Secretary of
iiii-iii. one ainii nitiii-n i-iiMt iiu v nt-ni,. nuii uiu cyiiiiiik viv.-iitu . . ,, L' n , ! 7. . m j u i-
will not allow her to take away Mr. Stevens was given the fol- rann.ngton, and Henry Kamna the organization mailed checks
her clothing and other neces- lowing tribute of his fellowship f Blooming, were in to the to every cash prize winner eith-
saries which belong to her. by a member of the club: hors; show' Saturday. er under the offenng of the As-
h'twi 1 1 an eo ot South 1 na atin. ain-'muun,
was in the city Saturday, seeing by Monday evening every winner
what the old county can do in had his money. Ihe prize win-
21 1.IWS
l,02t. IS
'IS. 10
Camp Meeting at the four cor
ners, four miles south of HillslKi
ro, beginning May 2S, l'Jll.
Meals at a reasonable figure.
Holiness, Uivinc Healing, Second
Coining of Christ, and Full and
"Goo.l Ilye! John P., Oooil-Byc!"
"G.xxl liye. ,inhn F.!" We'll hiImi your the way of horsellesh.
Kinllr, mid lunrtv Mmke ol Imml
Ami lliinlc of days in Oregon, wlien you
were in the Wmil
Free Salvation for all will bo the To view iht- line, upoM John lhy, and
U1. 1. ;....( I.M.1..H W 1 k' i-L tin on uic .H-sL,iiimi-. uhj,
Total warrants issued $21,1M;S.0 1
John J. Wilkins, of Cornelius,
died Saturday, at his home, aged
84 years. He was lrn in New
Jersey, and when a young man
moved to Wisconsin, where he
enlisted in Co. H, Fifth Wiscon
sin Infantry, serving one year.
In 18155 he moved to Minnesota.
where he resided until seven
years ago, when he removed to
Washington conntv. lie was
wedded to Miss Cilpha Berst, in
Wisconsin, the wife dying live
years ago. The following chil
dren survive the aged veteran:
Frnest Wilkins, associated with
Mr. Challacombe in the mercan
tile business. Cornelius; Mrs. L
S. Foster. The Dalles; Charles
Wilkins. Portland. The funera
was held Mondav. under the
auspices of the Forest Grove G
A. It. Post, and interment was
in the Cornelius cemetery.
Miss Allen, the blind singer, will
be nt the meetings. Sunday
schools invited to grounds for
lesson study at 10 a. tn. Persons
from a distance wishing to be
met at the train bv conveyance
should notify two davs in ad
vance. Joseph Brock, Hiilsboro,
ioute 2.
lames Gibson, of Ueedville,
ipT'tn was up Saturday. Speaking of
1.,"Jl. I II I 4kl
scnooi nouses, ,j;iiiies ttiijs mm.
the first school house in lorest
Grove was built in ISIS, by W.
0. Gibson, his father, and him
self, at. a cost of 55 to the dis
trict. The walls were made of
small loirs, and there was one
And llit n bikeil back to "hnrry on" the
II. K. liiiililiug rri w
Ami llit-n vou'il torlie 'croa the stream
to view VMueouvet'i shore
To luttiK the in of "liallnsl up," tepent
eil o er and o er,
To uet 'he line from mountain' crest
clear tliioiu'h lo I'urtlnml town
Ai smooth h I'h-m Club cocklnila when
you stniliuK ilriolc them down!
"Oonl Rye, John F !" We grieve to see
you leave thin laud of bloom
"Go d Uye.John 1'.!" Why will you go
it ml leave u nil in gloom;
' G.mhI-Bye, John F.l" If yon must ro,
we unit from you with Hiuh,
Ilul know you will conic Imck BKi
"Good Bye, John Uoorl-uyet
If we had lungs like Oatun'a blast, and
ilcen nn tliuniler Tour.
Our joint acclaim would roll from here
down to lwllma s iiliore-
G. H. Wiggs. of Yamhill Coun
ty, and Ixmise King, of this coun
ty, were united in marriage,
April 21), 1911, Judge Newell oi-liciating.
Keep your chickens enclosed!
Just received a large consign
ment of poultry wire. Now is
the time to buy.
Best draft team in harness, n. D
Schmeltzer, Hiilsboro, $7; tecond best.
Hellebuyeke Bros., Hiilsboro, R.5, $2.50.
Best drivine horse in harness, Ward
Downs, Hiilsboro, AHolace Robe do
nated by Nelson Ha-dwareCo.. and whip
donation by A. M. fjariue s second
Street Harness Shop; second, Homer
KminoU, 2 casn
The Quality Drug Store
The place where you are always getting
Drugs of absolute purity and High Qual
ity and compounded by pharmacists who
take pride in the accuracy of their work
Exclusive Agents for Whitman's
Celebrated Chocolates
and Candies
"The Best Ever" Kaminsky's
Make Man Tablets and Dr. David
Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store
IWl litre,. var Mil draft nitnftl A 1
Emerick & fred Krickson, Mountaindale. $5; tecond
best. Robb Brothers, Forest Grove, R. 1,
fntttntl'iltft t? tn
Philip Bates, of the Pacific F. H. Simpson, South Tualatin, Cor-
NorthwCSt, and Mr. Dana, Of nelius, Ore., R. 2, test two year old draft
thp Oroimn .lonrnal. were in the colt- (SI F. H. Simpson, same owner,
,, r , i 'u . 1 ... iu second liest two year old, 12.50
city oaiuiuaji auu tain-u vn n.v.
partition in the Structure; WOod Where first von organized the crew to
! r.ri.f.l.jc-0; that Miss tWt-Uood-
Tabitha ilrown. the hrst teacher, J hn K., Good Bye!"
lived in one end of the building
and taught school in the other
See our dishes for our custom
ers. lien you
with us you get
room set of dishes. Call
Argus reporter.
For sale, very cheap: Bain
wagon, 31; and light Bain wagon,
2. John l'eugh, Hiilsboro, or
see wagons at 1. 11. Maxwell
place, Mountaindale. 7-9
J. B. and 0. G. Wilkes return
ed from Eugene, Sunday, mak
ing the return trip in an automo
bile. They came through tne
Best brood mare, W. K. Smith, South
Tualatin, Cornelius, R. $5.
Best trotting bred horse, three years
and under. William McQuillan, Hiilsbo
ro, colt out of Hal I)., J4.
Horse owners owners of stallions
gave ca?h prizes for gets of their horses
as follows:
Boge & Smith, owners of Chabrol, Bel
gian tal!ion-'Best yearling, W. EI. Smith,
Cornelius, V . 2, $6; Hellebuyeke, second
lest yearling, $4; best suckling, H. A.
Shadden, Hiilsboro, R. 4, f5; second
best suckling, C. Schoenbechler, Farm
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition "on Saturday, Jan. 7, 1911.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - $25(1,378.21 Capital and surplus $50,000.00
U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bond 37,140.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 134,369.01
Undivided Profits
noaorvo 3 4 Por Ooiit.
inct frr n rhono-fl ineton, Sherwood, R. 4. $2.50
I iiuisooro rercneruu nunc .u.-uo-
01 Scenery. of nftci10i. Percheron stallion Eugene
Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailey J. W. Fuqua
"Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburg
d $ 00 Archbishop Alexander
'x tn l .i:! K of the Diocese of Or
a one unmix i,k..U !,l0if
fori TOUluimn ail iiiuukhii
We have just received a dandy Sorthrnp Hiilsboro, Ore r 3. best
I. . 11 1 -1 I cnMf litiu. sc Fmnlc Sell. Banks. K. J.
Christie, lot ot new rose ousnes. ana aiso 8c;oa sckUnRi $J .5'0.
egon, will a tine assortment 01 trees, berry Haillel & Hoicomb, owners of Lord
il find Vines, gl'UPOS, etc., IO!' immeaiate Kitchener, Standard Bred irouer al
ii unvi o l l.r Millpr Sliu.lo Rrnnk. Hiilsboro. li.
1. 1-..- m.-.,". nt ri mini r -sl qluviiv. 1 .
arils and have the amount ol T, t""' ""C v Morton's Greenhouse. X?r$?X i"aTC,'
I ..l,,l ,,1 irni Ot. mai jr a, uvi .v. . v . v.-.., wuuiey mill, ruirai uiui'i
(" , ' ,l i,, and it is expected that the school coromonies Saturdav. If Hiilsboro, best suckling, $5-
set. hnnnott l.ros. . , uh m students. AS u JiS0S woufd keVn UP Sat way A" W. Mills-owner of Couer de Lace
Joseph Mann, of South Hills- the niain building alone is to cost ,,dj ffSelr a fiSfttSft stalhon-Fred
boro. is the possessor of a big the auove 8um, it will be seen . "V MrtXe Ca-onen ol
It is a safe proposition that we
Sell More Furniture
than any other store in Washing
ton County. Why? Because our
White Leghorn egg which is the What with the land and all equip-
longest of any of
"i 1 1 1 . 1.
exiuiiiieii yci in
mammoth muscle
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25.
John Nyberg, county commis
sioner, was up irom luaiatin,
Jacob Dahinden. ot above
Banks, was a county seat visitor
and brain
builder is of weight lour ounces,
and all that it lacked was a big-
i i I. !i - .3
get calibre 10 niaie 11 a wouu
beater as a hen product-
Through tickets for Madras,
, 1-.... .. I -II...-
lend, Moiouus anu outer ijat-
ern uregon pom is can oc ijui
i chased of Agent Cooper, of the
Mentor. Beleian Stallion Alfred Erick-
the large eggs mont the cost of the school, site, I'or sale: liorse, l.duu; top solli yearling. $6; Geo. Tompkius,
is season. The an.i auxiliary buildings will run buggy and good narness; good ciencoe. second best yearling,
noise, uenue wnu tiuu.
i i
rvwUVirtda nf farm wrtrlf will Hf Outfit $130. Also fine
taught, and there will be ad- driving horse, 5 years o d.-A.
vanced courses in training in me- n. uaiuh, viuatanu oi., uitsuu
chanics and individual trades. Electric, beaverton, K. 4. 8
St.. Mary a already has an Pnnntv Treasurer Jackson last
academy and a home for found- month paid out over $89,000. In-
lings, with schooling facilities. eluded in this was half of the
The last will and testament of
the late Rebecca Tongue, mother
of the late Representative Ihos
H. Tongue, was hied the past
week in probate court. She gave
Oreuiin Eectrie. at
.1 f!. Smith, of firoenvi le. and n is not necessary to wait until whoin manv vears ot his hie has or
Emil Duyek, of Mountaindale, Von get to Portland before buy- som according to his statement, and county expenses
ate tax; the April school appor- h 160Facre farm to her two
pnment; special road taxes, tax p.ran(jso,1s Et B. and Thos. H.
: cities; special school taxes, . A sh!ire alike. and
were in the city Saturday.
J. J. VanKleek and Mr. Snider,
of Kinton. were up to the fruit
meeting Saturday afternoon
II. Halvorsen, of Farmington,
and who is making dairying pay,
was in the city Monday morning
John H. Duke and Ida Barkley
were married April 2!), 1911, at though notliing had happened
tne county court pariors, juohi-
John W. Sewell oiuciaung.
Mrs. J. W. Sewell and Mrs. E.
L. Moore will entertain the Cof
fee Club. Saturday afternoon, at
the home of Mrs. Sewell, on
Main street.
G. W. Beal. who settled in
Washington County in 1847, was
down from Seghers, Saturday
Ha crops to Tftcoma to visit a
daughter, in the near future.
An itinerant piano salesman, tionme
Jr., share and share alike; and
tn Mith T. Rpames. Bertha
mg to points on me vitK" n&u pianos, passea inrougn inns- s nine Comb Anconas. HiXhiui-1 Tonirue. Elizabeth f reeman ana
Trunk. boro Friday afternoon, after t;0n and Utility. My birds win. Florence Munger, the residue of
il... A .....
me niutinaii ownw, - ,, -- . - T
Ituildino- was struck on the head nanu. ne wua uiuhiubui, "' at tne receni pounry snow in snareaiiKe, aiier mary ijoiiioiiu,
l,v a ladder Monday forenoon, gusted, saying: i never Deiote Hiilsboro. Yours tor the best. wife of Gay Lombard, is paid $o,
On the same quality of Goods.
People from a distance are sur
prised when they see that they
can save 25 cents on the dollar by
buying from us.
Come to Forest Grove and see for
Finest Stools, of WaU Xni:oi- Ixi County
C. O. ROE & CO.
and rendered unconscious for a saw so many larm nomes possess
Short time. He was soon restored, ed of either a high grade organ
and went to work as or a goou piano, numi.1,.
every man wno is iinauciuuy tiuic,
nml tins a familv crowing up.
See the fine stock of back hias a g0od piano in his home.
combs," at Libby, the jeweler an travelled for two days in the
place. No back numbers an county and found that status al-
new and resn goous, uireci irom mot everywhere, ana 1 naven 1
the factory; and Gee Whiz! see made a single sale. From what
the fine clocks and jewelry 01 an ve seen and l ve been all over
kinds, which he is almost giving ujie Northwest-Washington do.
away. has more pianos 10 us popuia-
u w m Powotf nnH wife tion than any other district i ve
Hon. W. N. Barrett and wite so vears of Diano sell-
returned the last ot tne weeK 7, -v,, -f whlVh sonndfil.
H. E. Cameron. 51-10
Oscar Donelson and family re
turned Friday evening from an
extended stay in Nebraska. Os-
At , I 1 1 i.
car says tnat ne is giaa 10 get
,, , r .1... i me
rom 1101 ljaKe, u nun u.N, , . A
ih.w thev attended the bedside
Albert Tozier. of Dee, Oregon. Lf m. u.irrid t 's sister. Mrs. Mel- porter.
near the snow white base of Mt. v;n0 i'Uirish , ot Wilbur, Wash. va "AvpI" As nne of
Hood, was over to the old home Thoy report her case as hopeless. ouro)d pioneers would say -With
town, Saturday, Tfr, V k P, Oakerman. of Beaver- nice mild weather, .and every-
u, u. imp, u . oau u. , -... - - n. MnnHnv thine crow ng in the uregon
mhn hoj hnnrrhl- nP!ir 'ilirei e. lot . wan um m vii- -'-j j .. . i. f
country, wnat ao you ioiok. 01
two feet of snow in Dakota, and
who has bougnt near j'jugene, uu, yar, h , "
..j...:n i4.i 'i'iv or mnrnimr Mr. Oakerman ex-
aiiu win soon aettie tucic. , ,,,,,u
w,OQt oi thf. rvpssed himself as very much
was uui in tunc u mr" - r; --- , , . uiiioUrt
u tVin Vinrsfi n eased with the way Hiilsboro
uiu ati-iuain n u r- ,
a howling snow storm m
and Wisconsin.
The testator remarked in her
will that she had as much af
fection for Mrs. Lombard as for
any of her grandchildren, but
she felt that she was already
r.l.r well sunnlied with this world's
OaCK IO lie neaver suite, auu --- . . , j,,
that he will be contented to stop foods The request 1 atec .made
in the best section of the world, that the two grandsons look af ter
and provide for one James Som-
Thank Providence Hiilsboro is merville, a dependent, during his
not in the "23" class in the pop- natural life, and that they give
ulation of Oregon's towns. There him a decent burial at death,
nro inst exactlv 23 towns and Calvin Jack Jr. and S. A. D.
cities in the state that nave a Meek were witnesses to tne m-
larger population- Hiilsboro is strument, which was dated May
the 24th town in the Oregon em- 18, 1910.
pire. belah!
Sunset Magazine for May Jerome Palmateer, for the first
"Nile of the West," bv S. Glen time in 29 years long before he
Andrus. Beautifully illustrated left the Reedville ranch to reside
in fruit" pnlm-s. "fhe Soell." a in Hiilsboro is wearing a smooth
uMtom nnvdl hv the William- face, having parted himself from
sons ' 'Guests of Greater China- the brush on his upper lip. Like
tmxm" hv Charles K. Field, some of the "rest of us," Jer-
Automobile Section. Now on ome is trying to keep as young
sale, 15 cents. 7-9 I as possible.
Do You Know
That a twenty-five-year guaranteed"gold
filled case wears better than a solid gold
case? Do you know that it stands more
hard work and protects the movement
better in most cases? Gold-filled cases are
to-day made with a skill and perfection
that is marvelous. They wear as well as
gold as far as appearance goes and wear
much better in practical service. I have
a large variety of the best cases made and
they are protected by an iron-clad warrant
"The Jeweler"
Show. I 'S nnpiuvuiH.