The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 27, 1911, Image 1

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1 1
NO. 7
Member Western IVderatlon Mi
ners round Dead on I'. R. & N.
Sends in Comprehensive Paper
on Future Improvements
Thought Fall may Have Paralyzed
and he faded Sutfcrinjt
William Ulomquist, a member of
the Western Federation of Mi
nora, was found doad under tho
Heidel Crook Bridge, on tho 1
H. & N above Timber, by a
workman, Thursday afternoon.
ItlumquiHt had Irm'ii (load two of
tliroo daya, and indicationa jioirit
od to a high fall hv tho minor.
He struck in five foot of packed
snow, und thoro must havo U-en
a vory aovoro impact. Ho evi
dently regained his foot and
walked aovoral foot, and then cut
hia throat. It ia possible that he
felt that ho wan fatally injured
and committed tho suicide to end
hia autFerintf.
Some ot hia ellYcts were hung
inr to the onda of tho sills on tho
structure. By hia aide vvua the
razor with which ho slashed hia
jugular, and also an open pocket
Hia membership look in tho
Federation of miners showed that
he had become affiliated with
that order in 11X10, and hia iron
candlestick wan evidence of the
fact that at some time he ha
been in mining regions.
Sheriff II anow k and Coroner
Brown, accompanied by Pr. J. ().
Kobb, went to tho scene and hold
an inquest. Friday. The jury
found death from suicide. De
ceased hail Homo cashtwo or
three dollars, and a silver watch.
The jury: GooC Hancock, (
R Quick, C B Johnson, Wm (Jul-
bert, I) VV Clark, Dr J U liobb
.1. M. (Jreearwill again lecome
a resident, of llill,s!oro. Ho has
sold bis IWO acre ranch at Sum
mit. Benton Co., to F. M. Ileidel,
eceiving property in Hillalxiro,
ami a cash coimiileration. Mr.
Ireoar returned to his oldtime
tome town, I' riday, and sava ho
xpecta to remain here all Sum
mer, lie acquired, in the deal.
block in lleidel'a Addition: half
f the Arcade Theatre realty:
and tho lot adjoining the Pythian
milding on the south, and on
which ho will huild in the vory
near future. Hia family will re
turn tn 1 1 ilk! mm in t he imme
diate future. 'be city council met last batur
h m ('. c.:,u ,,r r,,n,nr,. day night and adopted the report
(irovc, accompanied by hia son, uwa O. Kelsey, city engineer,
ohn II., was a Hillsboro visitor, covering surveys and plans for a
Saturday. Mr. (.aiilt Sr. was sewage gvstem. sanitarv and
i or years eiur oi ine inuepenu- Htorm am street paving His
remrt covers paving for the en
Last Friday the Hillsltoro com
mittee went to Portland to op
jh)so the Portland council's pro
posed action to strike from the
United Uailway'a franchise the
provision that the road must
build to Hillslioro. Kngineer
Wickersham was at the counci
chamber to see that the repeal
wasvto work through nicely, but
when he discovered that the
Hillsboro contingent was present
he called up (-has. H. Carey
counsel for the United, and that
gentleman immediately succeed
ed in getting a postponement un
til a week from tomorrow. I In
litlishoro committeemen win no
present at that particular session
to see what is to be done, am
they shall strenuously oppose
any obliteration of the proposa
It will be remembered that the
United had trouble in getting a
franchise, and that Hillsboro
spent time and money going
backward and forward to Port
land working for the franchise,
which was granted only altera
hard fight The United since
haa changed hands, and they
now want to get ns far away
from Hillsboro as possible. 1 ho
committee who went to attem
last Friday's session: Mayor H
T. Bagley, N. II. Alexander. VV.
0. Donelson, Hon. W. N. Barret t,
Hr. J. P. Tamiosie, Wm. Nelson,
W. II. Wehrung, John W. Con-
nel), K. B. Collins, J. H. Sewell
Adviea Prosecution of Work
the Summer Season
Ixiro in certain to have ft utlan ial
ml riijuil ilcvrlopiiient "ml with in
creased imputation aumted, it M wise
to plan for not only now Imt for the
future, although not all of the cost (
conHtrtiction nccil le met thin year.
Later, tthrn llirie lit nrinaml for ex
union of street paving and drainage,
these can 1 laid according to the plant
nd sjiecificiition submitted.
ftla, profile, cro!U-ection, specinca-
lonn, furms for cotifacl, bond, etc , and
tailed estimate for the construction of
the proposed improvements are herewith
Ixiui C. Kelsey,
City Engineer.
Dan Leisy, of South Tualatin,
was in town r riday.
out, and from here ho went to
( !nl t;iir, ( Irove tn I'linilnrt n tin-
r i I . . i ,. . . , , ,
r. He is now the oostmastcr ure ousmess uistrici, anu auvo-
at the town which yearned to be
thecoiinty seat of Nesmith Coun
ty the measure, however, fail-
. . J ... I fin l.ineftn Rir"ft firm Vilrifk rr
h:ivh he w mmwnli v Kiirnrmpil in '
see Hillsboro's growth. While moved from the purely business
in the. city ho wan a guest of the district,
eates li'JJ feet width of hard sur
face in the main business section,
and 2G feet width on First, and
G. H. Reisner, of North Hills- mother of the late Representa-
joro, was in town Saturday. live i nomas H. tongue, died at
John Goodin. of Montavilla, the family home, ten miles north-
was out Saturday, the guest of west of this city, Friday morn-
reiaiives. nlr. Anri 21. 1911. after an ill-
W. E. Smith, of South Tuala- Less of several weeks. She was
in, was a county seat visitor, born in Lincolnshire.
May 1. 1824. and wa3 wedded to
J. C. Miller, of the Arcade Anthnnv Tonmw. at : T.inr-nlnVir
section, beyond Glencoe, was in !n 1R4o n..t no . n
lotel Washington.
The alMilition of the $.'5 ttoll tax
means that entire Washington
county stands to lose from eight
to ten thousand dollars, annually,
that have heretofore gone on the
roads. Roaii supervisors have
always found the collection of
the tax a thorn in the flesh, but
enough was always drummed up
up to do considerable work on
tho highways.
See our dishes for our custom
era. When you expend iut
with us you get a fine dining
room set of dishes. Call for
earns ami nave uie amount oi estimates, provided the work is
your purchases punched each time prosecuted to completion before
you Puy. When you tiuy that the Fall rains arrive. The counci
amount you get the dishes, or met last eveninir and nassed a
you havo a dandy game and hsn resolution to make the improve
set. hminott Bros. menta covered bv Mr. Kelsev's
- w w
Geo. Schulmerich came Up report, which follows
iroin t rcswell, the last ot the April i. 1911
Week, after Spending a month on The Honorable Maior and City Council
lis ranches. e is as brown as a . ""I1"". Oregon:
The sewerage plan embraces
storm drainage on First, Second
and Third streets, and the main
sanitarv sewer calls for an 18-
inch artery which is to carry
sewage to a septic tank south of
the city, on the lowlands of the
Tualatin river.
Engineer Kelsey estimates the
total cost of city improvements
at S142.C03.ri5, divided as follows:
Street paving $59,355 75
Sanitary sewerage 4,.$2a 85
Storm sewerage 34,919 05
Engineer Kelsey advises imme
diate construction, and says the
city can easily keep within the
the city Saturday.
John M. Wall purchased a
Cadillac automobile last week,
and has joined the class of 1911.
to them, T. H. Tongue, who was
Representative to Congress from
the First district of Oregon in
1896, and wa3 returned every
Money to loan on real estate term until his death, January 11,
security. We sell farms. Try 1903.
us. Ihe Webfoot Realty Co.. Mr. and Mrs. Tongue and their
illsboro. 12tf son came to Oregon in 1859. Ore-
J. T. neither and wife. 0f gon was selected because of the
orest Grove, were in town Sat- Presence in this state of Mrs.
urdav afternoon. J. T. is one of Al"6 8 DWinV in iap AtIno?
the pioneer teachers of the coun- Otchm, an employe of the Hud
tu son Bay Company, who held a
t1f 1 j a' . l ni.
... , ,, targe aonauon ciaim near uien-
Keep your chickens enclosed! L, Shnrtlv after rhpir arrival
Just received -a large consign- thPV hnno-hf inn arrps npar the
ment of poultry wire Now is present town of North Plains,
the time to buy.-Emenck & an(i this estate has never passed
Corwin. from the fnmilv Mrs Tnnonm
Herman Rannow and wife, of residing there until the last
near Farmington, were in town Since the death of her husband
Saturday. Herman was taking on May 11, 1904, Mrs. iongue
full day's rest, after Spring managed her farm, and despite
repealed solicitations irom tne
family of her son, refused to
leave the place which had been
Modoc Indian, and says that the
simple life, back to tho soil,"
is just what ho has needed lor
years. He and Mrs, Schulmer-
1 . 1
ion return this week, and
will beat tho ranch del Schi'l-
merich all Summer.
Through tickets for Madras,
'end. Metoliua and other East
ern urogon points can tie pur
chased of Agent Cooper, of the
Oregon Electric, at Hillsboro.
It is not necessary to wait until
vou got to Portland before buy
ing to points on the Urogon
J. T. ('row and wife, of
iomnrs, Iowa, arrived here last
week, and were guests 01 w. in.
lonham and wife. Mr. Crow is
lu accordance with vour authorizttion
I have made survey and oilier invetii;a
lions to determine the most feasible and
desirable plana for constructini; the pro-
pof.ri street pavement ami sanitary and
st nil tewerage nyalems for your city
and respectfully aulimit the following
report thereon.
I have prepared and submit herewith
complete plana, etc., for pavini; Main
Street fiom Ihe east line of North Range
Street to the west line of I-ourth Street;
Washington Street from the west line of
Second Street to the east line of Third
Street; Lincoln Street from the west line
of l'irst Street to the east hue of Second
Street: First Street from the south line
of Main Street to the north line of I,in
coin Street; Second Street from the south
line of Baseline Street to the north line
of Lincoln Street, and Third Street from
Ihe south line of Washington Street to
the north l;ne of I.incula-JierrT,'riivin(i
District ISo. 1. Jiitis takei in all of the
:i tmt hero Mrs. Hon ham. and mii"e 01 umsnoro.
1 I 'IHta nlatia ftill fer a i n .! at ra ai m JL
the visitors expect to remain on fcA To Vuiiii forthe harness d.strictmul
me coast an Mummer, tney say ,e feet in width ou Lincoln and First
tliev are fired of tho cold of lowa streets.
want to locate where the
imate is more congenial.
com ba, '
now an
10 fine stock of "back
at Eibby, the jeweler's
No back numbersall
fresh goods, direct from
the factory; and Gee Whiz! see
the fine clocks and jewelry of all
kinds, w hich he is almost giving
away. 38-tf
The plana also Call for hard-surface
pavement, which U the only pavement
that should be laid in the city, except on
uniuipoitaut atreets in the residence
The plans for your city's drainage sv
tern contemplate main lines on rirst
street and 'J bird street fioin Lincoln to
Fir, where they are consolidated at Sec
ond street ruder the Southern Pacific
railway tracks. Laterals are extended
to drain all Intersections not reached by
. . . 1 1 llic lll"iun umi me urtnani y iu uc uiniu
U retorson, a contractor, and ..t ptovisicn is also made for draining
hrother 01 UICKV JaCK t eter- Main street from Firt to Third, and Sec
an ivlm r:ii:nfl fln Sfonmsbin oud street from WashinRton to Lincoln
Elder from tho rocks near Goble. ,trc.e,s uy "r.a.,n loP m. ine
a tow years ago, wus in rown
last week, looking over the city
with a view of doing some con
tracting in the building line.
Mrs. II. B. Luce, of Forest
There will be a meeting of the
Washington County Fruit Grow
IT . ,1 tt 11 1
era- union, at the (Jity 1 lull, in
Hillsboro, Saturday, April 29, a
1:30 in the afternoon. All mem
bera are requested to be present
as the report of the delegates to
the Albany convention will be
read. All members are also not i
fied that Call No. 1 may be paid
the Secretary at this meeting.
A.E. Peat, Secretary.
Hillsboro, Ore., April 24, 1911.
sanitary sewers lor thote blocks.
The plan for the sanitary sewerage
system contemplates a main is-inch
sewer commencing iu Block 5, Highland
Park Addition, where the septic tank is
In he located, thence nlonp Second street
Gl'OVO, and Who recently return- to Fir street, where tbe different lines
ml fri-im f .n ifmm. alter a tnn diverge
tn tlw M.,r. wns in tnum the Iu the desiRn for thepropoSed ssnitary
vv niv u.m , . ... - I a-niTo aval f 111 ltr 1 litttript rn f
.1 1 1 i . p avniK .......... - . -.1.
ast Ot tlie WCCK. tne guest OI h.v manned tolnkecareof all future
her Son. E. C. Luce, deputy C0tin- growth within this district. The septic
clerk tu"'t w'" H,so talte CHie of ,lmt lt'8trict
1 ueiweea iisirici no. 1 mm 111c wcai cuy
Glenn E. Ebbert and LlSie Kay- limits as far north as Main street. It
mond were united in marnaire " "i" "
The above date has been set
apart by the people of California
in wnicn all are asked to join by
eating raisins in the form of
"raisin bread, " or in what ever
torm is desired.
Ihe object of this special day
is to create a wide-spread raisin
sentiment that will result in a
greater demand for that fruit.
and to direct the attention to all
good housewives to the excellence
of the raism as an article of food.
The good people of the North
west are invited by their neigh
bors to participate in the pleasant
custom and "break" raisin bread
on April 29th.
No. a and No. 3, one lying north and
weBt of District No. I with outlet to the
west, and the other lying to the east with
outlet about Seventh street.
The estimated cost of these improve
mpntft na uhnwn on Rrrnnmanvincr intins.
uray norse, weignt is as follows:
April 19, 1911, at the home of
the bride's mother, Mrs. Ida
Raymond, Gaston, Rev. II, G
Adams officiating.
For sale
1200. sound and true. Also set
double work harness, almost
as good as new. Both lor $150.
N e tl? B ros. , Corn el 1 us, Or. 5-7
Floyd Hall and Rosie McDonald
1 1 J 1 i - c 1 .1
were married at inenomeor r,
II. Meyers, Shady Brook, April
19, 1911. Rev. Stover officiating,
Ernest E. Pike and Diana M
Sane were married at Forest
Grove. April 16, 1911. Rev. Hi
ram Gould officiating.
' Restaurant and lunch counter,
with fixtures, for sale. A good
business. J
boro, Ore.
Street pavement - $59,355 7
Sanitary Sewerage System 4S,3iS 85
Storm Sewerage System 34,99 05
Passes Away at Home Bevond
(Ifencoe, Friday Morning
Came to Ore(on With Husband in 1857-
Was Sinter of Late Thos. Otchia
Mrs. Rebecca Lawson Tongue,
High Q
For sale, very cheap: Bain
wagon, 3 j; and light Bain wagon,
Zi, John rough, Hillsboro, or
see wagons at I. II. Maxwell
place, Mountaindale. 7-9
Mr. Hickman, who has been
operator at the S. 1 . for several
months, went to Beaverton Sat-
her home since coming to Oregon.
In early life she became a Meth
odist and was a devoted member
of that creed.
She was a woman of remark
able energy and character, and
at her extreme age was a reader
urday as station man to relieve of The Oregonian and Argus un
the incumbent a short time. til within a fortnight of her
a- If. . 1 1 . . - . j iicao uubii nitiiiii a itn uuui o jl
mi't'iniK mayor uaRiey auixjuiieu j tu
it ii u: .f -r ..i: J I I UCdiu.
vi u ra m 1 The only surviving relatives
Elmer H. Smith, Health Officer, u L Tv,
IHC L'l. n. Ll. UUIIV. V, I WlKHfU, I
Mrs. Edith Reams, wife of
We have iust received a dandv A. E. Reames, a prominent at-
ot of new rose bushes, and also torney of Medford;E. is. Iongue,
a fine assortment of trees, berry
vines, grapes, etc., for immediate
planting. A first class stock.
Morton's Greenhouse.
Hon. A. E. Reames and wife,
of Medford, were in Hillsboro
the last of the week, attending
the obsequies of the late Mrs. Re
becca Lawson Iongue, grand
mother of Mrs. Reames,
Jas. D. Harrington, of Wash
mgton State, was over the last
of the week, the guest of
nephew, L. A. Long, whom
since is&j. tie day, Irom the home of the de
for the Central ceased, and interment was in the
Tongue burial ground, Hillsboro,
Rev. C. E. Chne, a former pastor
of Mrs. Tongue, officiated at the
had not seen
eft Saturday
Oregon section.
Single Comb Anconas, Exhibi
tion and Utility. My birds win
1st cock 1 cockerel, 1 hen, 1st,
2nd and 3rd pullet and 1st pen,
at the recent poultry snow in
Hillsboro. Yours for the best
H. E. Cameron. 51-10
John White, of Blodgett, Ben
ton County, and formerly of
Shady Brook, came down Satur
day, tor a tew days stay in
Washington County. Mr
has 80 acres over in
District Attorney for the Fifth
Judicial district, Hillsboro; Mrs.
Mary Lombard, wife of Gay Lom
bard, Portland; Miss Bertha
Tongue, Hillsboro; Thomas H
Tongue, Deputy District Attor
ney for Washington County,
Hillsboro; Mrs. Elizabeth Free
man, Alexandra Court, Portland,
and Mrs. Florence Munger, wife
of H. M. Munger, Portland.
Mrs. Tongue leaves an estate
worth between $25,000 and
his $30,000.
he The funeral took place. Sun-
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies. 'THE BEST EVER"
Kaminshy's Mahe Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
President .
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Saturday, Jan. 7, 1911.
Capital and Surplus $5O0OO
Loans - $256,378.21
U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bond . 37,140.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 134,369.01
Capital and surplus $50,000.00
Undivided Profit3 2,626.29
Circulation 25,000.00
Deposits 393,260.93
Hosorvo a -4 Per Oont.
TKos. G. Todd
Wilber W.
John E. Bailey J. W, Fuqua
McEldowney J. A. THornburtf
Total $142,603 65
These estimate! ate nuiple, nud the
work can be contracted for within these
limits, provided that the sewerage sys
tems are put in at a time of year when
the contractor would not be bothered
with ground water.
By constructini; the street pavementa
and seweiage systems accotdiug to the
plaus and speculations herewith sub
mitted, and which are recommended for
approval by your honorable body, the
City ol Hillsboro will Havens satistactory
paved streets and as etf.cient sanitary
and storm sewerage systems ss it is pos-
H. Williams, Hills- "We t .construct, bncu sewerage sys-
C rt I Will wn w um wuij H4. (jk-ovuv
c I Kunntrantaiita nf vnur IMTW III it Ys tio r v,
county, and is running a dairy.
Sunset Magazine for May
"Nile of the West," by S. Glen
Andrus. Beautifully illustrated
in four colors. "The Spell," a
Western novel by the William
sons. "Guestsof GreaterChina'
town" by Charles K. Field
Automobile section. Mow on
sale, 15 cents. 7-9
H. L. Merritt, of the Dexter
Horton National Bank, of Seattle,
was in town Saturday, calling on
the Hillsboro National Bank. Mr,
Merritt is well acquainted with
Jas. Spangler, who resided here
years ago, when his lather occu
pied the M. E. pulpit. Mr,
Spangler, he says, has made
good in the banking business,
and is now Cashier of the Seattle
National Bank.
II. h. Davis, owner of a part
01 the Lmmott place, South Tua
latin, was in Friday, and exhibit
ea cherry Doughs which con
clusively snow that there were
still plenty of cherries left, even
after so heavy a frost. Mr. Da
vis will soon set out three acres
of Lamberts, and says that there Benson
The Women of Woodcraft of
Cornelius will give an entertain
ment at Alpha Hall, on Saturday
evening, April 29, consisting of
duets, solos, music, recitations.
White and tableaux, and a presentation
the coast of a comedy, "Miss Fearless and
A A PhilHnq nf P.nmntj Wn tension of laterals as desired, the future
A. A. 1 niuips, 01 manias, mi., . - i( in hp.H ..itin.
where he is in the confectionery CfeueC8 in size a p0pU,ation
business, was Over bunday, guest in common with other cities and
of his mother, on First Street. I towns in the pacific Northwest, Hiiis-
Company. The ladies state
that this will be the best enter
tainment ever given in Cornelius,
and a splendid program has been
Music (instrumental). .-Lester Mooberry
Tableaux woodcraft
Duet Alta Wolfe and Stella Neep
Music (instrumental) Inez Miller
"Miss Fearless and Company"
Act I
Scene: A room in Miss Henley's coun
try house.
Recitation Inez Miller
Act II
Cottage at Spook Isjaud
Music (instrumental). ....Lester Mooberry
One week later at Spook Island
Solo ....Lina Hancock
Music Inez Miller
Cast of Characters
Margaret Henley, an heiress
..Liua tiauccck
Miss Euphemia Addison,
chaperone Stella Neep
Miss baraa Jane uiveloy,
from the Lost Nation... .Ellen Tickers
Katie O'Connor, Miss Hen
ley's servant Cora Willis
(Barbara Livingstone, Bettie Cameron
Marion Reynolds) Guests of Miss Hen
ley Etta Peterson, Alta Wolfe, Anns
It is a safe proposition that we
Sell More Furniture
is no better cherry in the world.
He has sold 40 acres of the Em-
mott tract to Philip Jones, Port
land, and this necessitates Mr.
Davis building a new home.
Just Lizzie," the ghost Wilma Bailey
Miss AUas;Mtss Abut, 'Ihe bilent Sisters
Forest Grove beat Cornelius at
baseball, Sunday.
than auy other store in Washing
ton County. Why?. Because our
On the same quality of Goods.
People from a distance are sur
prised when they see that they
can save 25 cents on the dollar by
buying from us.
Come to Forest Grove and see for ,
Finest Stools, of Wall Faper In Oouuty
C. O. ROE & CO.
First Aid to Weak Eyes
Glasses, if worn when first needed, will
save a great deal of trouble. You may
put it off; if the eyes need glasses, the
sooner you know it the better for both
your eyes and your pocketbook. That
which helps you to accomplish more, is
an investment not an expense. It will
require an investment here of $1 up, de
pending on your individual requirements,
selection of frames and mountings, to fit
you with glasses. The first cost is the
least cost there's nothing gained by de
lay. Thind this over carefully see me
right away.
"The Optician"
Always Your Money's Worth