lnllLLSB6R mQ0So HE VOL. XVIII HILLSBORO, ORKCON, APRIL 13. 1911. NO. 5 APPOINTS HELD IB Deputies Will Start Taklnic IVII Valuations at Once MORE TO BR APPOINTED I.ATIR Amor May Handle IlilUboru lory Ituiii 01 flee Tcrri- Assessor Max Crandall will soon supply Ms field deputies for tlie 1911 assessments, anl they will at once start taking the 11)11 valuations. He lias as yet niaile no apHintments for Hillslioro nnil vicinitv. and expects to do the greater part of the work himself. The field assessing will lie pushed as rapidly us Mssilile, so us to Ret the work finished reudv for copying into the rolls by July 1. II. A. Kuratli will assess the Bethany-Phillips section. Samuel Paisley will take care of the Buxton-Timber PHghlior liood. J. W. McRolierts will handle the dales Creek and vicinity part of the county. K. J. McAleer will assess North Forest Grove and the v- Imort settlement. 1). I). Hump will work in South Forest drove und territory to the south. W. II. llembree, Scholia am South Tualatin. - L.NLPook SherwcMKl, Middle t: the souvn i" Charles Tracy. of Portland, was given a divorce IromUara Iracv, in Portland. Friday. The hus band alleged that after two months of conjugal felicity, the wife went home to Forest drove, and would not return to him, and that he only kept her with him the two months she graced his fireside by buying her expensive presents. This being the case Mr. Tracy decided to hand her a lemon. Judge dantenlein gave lim his decree. See our dishes for our custom ers. When you expend $1U0 with us you get a fine dining room set of dishes. Call for cards and have the amount ot your purchases punched each time you buy. When you buy that amount you get the dishes, or you have a dandy game and fish set. lunmott P.ros. ('has. Pierce, associated, with Portland Paid Fire Department, was out the last of the week. Mr. Pierce is a former (ircen- villeite, ami is known to all the pioneers up there and the rising generation. While in the city he called on his annual pilgrimage to the Argus. William Stephens, of Forest drove, was in town Friday. He recently received word of the death of a cousin. Henry Steph ens. a pioneer of the California gold fields of IS IS. and who has lived fifty years over in the Wil- lipa Harbor country, Pacific Coun ty, Wash. See the fine stock of "back combs, at liiliby, the jewelers place. No back numbers all new and fresh goods, direct from the factory, and dee Whiz! see the fine clocks and jewelry of al kinds, which he is almost giving LOVEGREN RAILWAY STARTS TO CONDEMN riles Suits in Circuit Court Right of Way for TO BUILD INTO TIMBER BELT Expect to Found New Town Called Cherry Grove, Near Gaston The Willamette Valley & Coast llailroad Co., promoted by Au gust IiOvegren, has filed suit through Attorneys Bagley & Hare, asking for condemnation of right of way through three places, near Gaston, and between that point and Forest Grove The company expects to build a rail line into the Lovegren tim ber holdings, which are exten sive, and the line is to be a com mon carrier for both freight and passengers. A new town is to lie established, Cherry Grove, ami the promoters expect also to put in a big sawmill. This will mean a great deal to the section tapped. The company asks for condem nation through property as fol lows: David Story, .80 acres. K. W. Dethlefs and Fanny Davis, .1)11 acres. Vivian Pearl Tompkins. J. U. Tompkins and F. L Kenworthy, 4.21 acres. JAMHS DAkl.INU likllXJH CONTRACTS I.I: T The county court opened bids on the Tualatin Plains Church bridge and on the Dairy Creek span, last week and made awards. C. K. Potts was given the Tualatin Plains Church bridge at $1.4W.31 and Ray Reasoner was awarded the contract to build the span ncrosn the stream a mile west of Hillslioro, on Baseline. The bids were: TUALATIN I'LAINS WOKK c E Potu $U(m;.:u J S Ursung 1.4:11.00 Ray Reasoner 1.45H.CM) DAIRY CREEK SPAN Ray Reasoner $172.99 C K Potts 2f2.Gl J S I-orsung SK.00 Work will begin on the struc tures as soon as material can be delivered. CORNELIUS LI-ADS vm-i-z.:vu .''Vis? IhmlWste f-iurrv wl, n the city assisted in a surgical Iteration on Mrs. W. 11. Miller, I-orest drove, formerly of Shady Prook. Theoperalion was 'onsidercd by the surgeons as necessary II Mrs. miller was to ve. From 10 to 00 acres unim roved land in tracts to suit, within walking distance of Hills- Hiro. Price and terms reason- ble. Goo. C. Kngelke, at Iui Manning place, 11 miles north of illsboro, Oregon, on Route 1. No agents. 4-G Mrs. J. C. Clement, of San 'rancisco, is making an extended isif with her sister, Mrs. hmest eeiin. and oroiner, j. u. Schmidt, of Klmonica. Mrs. 'lenient thinks Oregon is an ideal place, and may eventually ake her home up here. (.ornelius is the third city in Washington County, according to the census returns. Friday evening's dispatches give the Washington County towns as follows: Hillslioro 2,01(5 Forest drove 1,772 Cornelius 451) Beaverton 3S( Sherwood llf it Lomelius keeps up her growth of the past yearil will be but a short time until the popu lation will crowd the 1,000 mark J. A. Krieger, of Verboort, was in town Saturday. G. W. Morgan, of Vinelands, was a county seat visitor Satur day. William Schulmerich and wife of Farmington, were in the city baturday. David Wood, who is farming over m the South Tualatin sec tion, was in the county seat Sat urday morning. Money to loan on real estate security. We sell farms. Try us. me Webfoot Realty Co. Hillsboro. 12tf Dr. Elmer Smith, of llillsboro. performed a Lorenz operation on a congenital hiD for Fred Sehroe- der, of Salem, aged 11 years, last IlVl.ln,. L inuajr. a n resei was uccom .l!..l 1 . pusneo. in uu minutes, and was entirely successful. rur suie: opan mares, weig ueiween auoo and 3300; aged jrcara; souna ana true, and we rnatched.-Geo. C. Engelke, at Vui Manning place. U mi e north of H illsboro, Oregon, on uouie i. 4.6 James Harper Sr., of Gaston Was in the rit.v Snhitvlnv Tl i health has not been the best for some time, and Jas. is now living in tne glories of the nast whe there was not a man in all Wash ington County who could beat him in a foot-race- but that was 11111 C. N. Rankin, of Portland, and who made u bunch of money landling Oregonians in East ortland and on hast Side Routes, in the early days, was in lown ''riday, accompanying the achi- tect on the American National iank building. Sabin Brothers are getting ilong finely with their 1500 cord wood contract lor wniniy uerK Jailey. The boys have estab ished a camp near the Woolley bridge, northwest of town, and ill t Oil lave a Home oi ineir own. Simile Comb Anconas, Exhibi tion ami Utility. My birds win 1st cock -1 cockerel, 1 hen, 1st, , i in i it i i .1 ind and .sni puuei ami isi pen at the recent poultry show in illsboro. Yours for the best. H. E. Cameron. 51-10 Reub Foster, of Tacoma, was in (he city Saturday, guest of II Bagley. Mr. roster was here in the early days of the P R. & N. const ruction, and was book keeper for the company. AwH! 7, " after a short inna rom heart disease. Mr. Darling was porn at Rochester, IN i., January 20, 1833. He grew to manhood there, and afterward moved to Marysville, Ma. com ing from thence seven years ago. March 9. Mr. Darling and his aged wife celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary with a ban quet dinner, at which were pre sent a large number of friends and relatives. Mr. Darling was a carjienter by trade, and was strong and active up to the time of his last illness. Besides his widow, Mr. Dar ling is survived by the following children: Mrs. Winnifred Aid- rich, Miss Belle Darling and Miss Dee Darling, all of Forest Grove. Funeral services were held Sunday, under the auspices of the Masonic lodge, with bur ial in Forest View cemetery. Charles Burr, of alove Banks, was in town Friday. Oral Gardner, of Mountain- dale, was in town the last of the week. Wrn. Iiusignont, of Gales City, was in the county seat I riday morning. John Hcisler, the Gales Creek pioneer, was a county seat visit or Friday. H. C. Pearson, of Iowa Hill, was a county seat visitor the last of the week. Mrs. Alice Sandford and son. Richard, were in the city from Glencoe, Friday. L. L. Crawford, of Crawford, alxve Banks, was down to the city the last of the week. For sale: Three sows; will lit ter May 1.- Geo. L. Tubbs, 2 miles east of Hillslioro, Oregon. Route 2. 4-6 L. 1. turner, the Laurel mer chant, was in the city Friday aftermxm. He retwrts Laurel going along nicely. H. P. Iiasmussen, near Cedar Mill, was in town Friday. He is lessee of the Forestal ranch, one of the best in that section. sam Moy. oi 1'orlland. was out to Hillslxiix), Friday, the guest of John Vanderwal. Mr. Stoy owns a place near Elmonica. Sales ladies wanted at the Boston Store, next door to the Home Style Restaurant. Inquire Friday, April 14, letween nine ami twelve. 5 J. A. Moore Jr. and Hugh Mxre, of the Verloort section, were in Monday, to visit their father, of East Hillslioro, who has been quite ill. L BE Celebrated Hardener Says Capable of Great Production BIQ RETURNS WITH PROPER WORK Eugene DuChesne, Frenchman, Over the Valley Looks PROCLAMATION many, many Jim. years ago,' says We have just received a dandy ot of new rose bushes, and also i line assortment of trees, berry vines, grapes, etc., lor immediate planting. A first class stock. Morton s Greenhouse. Can you imagine a Cornelius baseball team without Harry Cook playing? And this reminds one that many are wondering if the old veteran of the diamond will be in the game. J. G. Schmidt, associated with Mr. Kulisch in business at El monica, was in the city Friday. He says a great deal of real estate is changing hands down his way. For sale: Gray horse, weight 1200. sound and true. Also set of double work harness, almost as good as new. Both lor $150, -Neff Bros., Cornelius, Or. 5-7 Ed. Saxton, of below Newton, had his jaw fractured, Sunday, the result of being struck by a baseball. Dr. Elmer Smith at tended the injury. Anton Krieger, of Verboort, was in the city Saturday, trans acting business and greeting friends. WliProns, the city council of the city of Ooriixlum, I iiiinty ol ahliiiliii him NUUt of OrcL'on, by vlrtnn of rclcren 1 tt in ix-tition, lianxpil at a regular Mcsmou of mini city council, nil the Unit day of Keliruury, A. 1)., lull, a rnwilutloii, pro i laiiiiliiit Unit the mve-wihc.i of the city ol rornmiiM, waMmneion eoumv. Oregon rxiiulre that I lie hoiiI thereof xhall Hilopt a cliartor with provixiou necessary for the priMcnl anil future prosperity of the peo ple tttereu; ana Whereas, it wai ordered by aid reso lutiou. Unit n bill fur a proposed new charter, entitled: A Bill for An Act to iiicoipornte the city of Cornelius, rn t lie County of Washington, State of Oregon, ami to repeal all acts or part of acts in con llict therewith, be submitted to the people of said city for their approval or rejection at the annual election in said city to be held April 3rd, A. I)., iqii: Therefore to that end it is hereby de clared and made known that nt said election of the city of Cornelius, Wash ington County, Oregon, held on the 3rd day of April, A. I)., 191 1, theie were 70 votes Klvr for the adoption of said char ter and 17 voles auaiusl us adoption. Therefore 1, Heury Challacombe, I res ident of the cily council, for Cornelius Washington County, Oregon, proclaim that smil Act incorporating the city o Cornelius, shall be in full fjree and ef fect from the date cf the election wheie by it was ndoplcd by the people of the city of Cornelius, Washington County Oregon. lu witness wnereol I have hereunto set my official signatue at Cornelius Oregon, this 6th day of April, A D. 191 1 Henry Oliallacomhe, President of the City Council 1'. I.. Ueiger, City Recorder. prevailed Mbntfay mornfotfU-. must have been a nice gale off the Pacific Coast. For sale -A two-year old filly, out of the Carstens' I'ercheron lorse. - Oral Gardner. Cornelius. Ore., Route 1. Pacific States Glencoe. U7. 5-7 Judge Eakin came up from As toria b riday, to take up circuit court affairs in place of Judge Campbell, who was confined to his room through a troublesome 00 1. For Sale-Three H. P. Lilly Gasoline engine with pumping jack; also two horses, G and 7 ears, 1100 each. -John Hau- schel. Portland, Ii. 2, near Cedar Mill. 3-5 N. C. Lilly, of Gales Creek, was down to the city Monday. ft T'll I 1 .1 wr. liiuy nas neen in the mer cantile business in Gales City for number of years, and has a wide acquaintance in that section Eugene DuChesne, who' has been in the gardening business near Hoboken, N. J., and whose truck gardens daily ship fresh produce, the year around, into New York City, is touring the Pacific Coast, passed through Hillsboro the last 01 tne week, looking over the Tualatin Valley in an auto mobile. He was very much taken with Washington County, and says we are ideally located for intensive truck raising, and avers that within ten years Washing ton County alone could be bo cul tivated that it could supply Port land. Tacoma and Seattle with fresh vegetables and small ber ries, the year around. "You have the soil and the climate for gardening 12 months in the year with a little artificial aid. Your mild Winters make it possible to house vegetables and keep them growing under glass, and there is big money in it. The soil, under analysis, shows great capabilities of pro duction and after visiting the Sound and California, I doubled back to see what you have here. It is not outside the realm of possibilities that I shall locate tr""1" dose U Portland and High Q UALITY Drug S tore The Place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies. 'THE BEST EVER" ttaminshy's MaKe Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. J. A. The Beavers are fourth down from the top on percentage, and it looks as though they will have to climb some when they come North. There is some satisfac tion in the fact that they play better on the home grounds, and when they hit their pace they may make things look different, Inasmuch as Washington County now has a league, however, the center of baseballdom has been transferred to this section. The Pacific Railway & Naviga tion took out ll empties and loads, the other day, besides the three passenger coaches. This is but the primary indictation of what the road will do when it is built through to Tillamook, and sawmills are located all along the line. Three brakesmen were necessary to handle the train. ., . 1 THORNBURGH President . E. BAILEY W. W. Vtte-President MCELDOWNEY Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. ..Statement of Condition on Saturday, Jan. 7, ldll. MUSIC LESSONS Thos. Fetch and wife, of Port and, were out Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lamkin and Mrs. Hunter and daughter, who are guests at the Lamkin home, Mr. Fetch is handling the Pack ard car for the Portland field. Judge Sewell Saturday appoint ed John Welch administrator of the estate of the late Frederick Mager, who burned in his house, near Heaverton, several weeks ago. There were two other ap plicants, or petitioners for the place. L. K. Adams, formerly con nected with Hon. W. N. Barrett in the law business in this city years ago, and now practicing in 'ortland, was out Monday, on egal business. Since his last trip to Hillsboro he finds many changes, and all for the better. '1 he draymen have hauled the foundation recently torn up in the court yard to the new Tam- iesie building, one door south of the Hotel Washington. The huge blocks of cement and gravel were very heavy, and the four horses were required to handle the heavy slabs. Articles of incorporation were filed Monday for the Harris Grimes Company, with a capital stock of $5,000. The stock will be divided into 50 shares at $100 par value each, and the company will deal in general merchandise. lumber, real estate, etc., and the business is to be located at North Plains. A young man from near Moun taindale was kicked by a horse some time ago. and as a result his teeth failed to articulate, One of his molars set too far up and he went to a doctor to have the tooth pulled. When the "big pull" came, however, three of the molars, and all as sound as a dollar, came out, with fraction of the jawbone attached He came into the county seat to have the jaw sprung into place, but could not stand the pressure, and will make another try at it. For the next 30 days the Pacific Conservatory of Music is offering their complete course of 52 les sons (for piano or organ) all in struction books, exercises, etc., and 30 copies of best grade mu sic, with an absolute guarantee of results or money refunded. This entire course may be taken up by anyone whose age is be tween 8 and 4d years old. Fifty dollars being the regular price for this complete course, we are offering the same for 122 for 30 days only. We will also allow four months time in which to pay for same. Or if you wish to pay cash it would be only $20, What is taught in this year s course is the fundamental pnnci pies of music, sight reading, ear training, time, rhythm, phrasing, pedaling, elementary harmony, major and minor scales, composi tion, modulation and theory, in fact, we will teach the pupil to play well, any kind of music on completion of this course, which the pupil has two years to com plete. You are sure of learning more out of one of our wntten essons than you would out of three lessons given by the aver age so-called music teacher, Our lessons are so arranged that time, touch, technic and expres sion being the easiest to master. Any pupil enrolling now under reduced prices may also have the privilege of coming into the con servatory on the completion of every tenth written lesson if they wish for a general review 01 all past lessdns, in which there will be no additional charge made. Remember this offer holds good only 30 days from this date. Make application today. Pacific Conservatory of Music, Portland, Oregon. Loans U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bond 37,140.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 134,369.01 4-r.r . - UndividedProwu Circulation Deposits 393.260.Wii $470,887.22 Hosorvo 34 For Oeut. $470,887.22 DIRECTORS Thos. C. Todd JoKn . Bailey Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. ). W. Fuqut Thornburg FURNITURE! It is a safe proposition that we Sell More Furniture than any other store in Washing ton County. Why? Because our L 1 PRICES are LOWEST T JB tools, of A'tvll Faper In County On the same quality of Goods. People from a distance are sur prised when they see that they can save 25 cents on the dollar by buying from us. Come to Forest Grove and see for yourself. C. O. ROE & CO. FOREST GROVE, OREGON. Al. Winney and wife, of be yond Glencoe, were in the city Monday. John Koch, of beyond Bloom ing, was in the county seat Sat urday. Jasper Keffer, of North Plains, was in the city the last ot tne week. George Sloan, of Forest Grove, was down to the county seat Monday. Mrs. Geo. W. Schulmerich went to Creswell, the last of the week, to remain over Sunday. John and Lloyd Tupper were out from Portland, Sunday.guests at the William Tupper home. C. L. Crocker, one of the old- timers of the Newton vicinity, was in the county seat Monday. Charles Bloom, of below Witch Hazel, and who is still in the hop business, was up to the city the first 01 the week. Restaurant and lunch counter, with fixtures, for sale. A good business. J. H. Williams, Hills boro, Ore. 5-7 WILL YOU RING THE BELL AT EASTER? Then here's hoping that Cupid will bless your proposal and I'll do the rest. I have a stock of Engagement Rings to fit the purse of every lover, my Diamonds and Rubies are as flawless as their affections. Your ring for her is here at whatever price you can afford to pay. LAUREL M.HOYT The Jeweler" ALWAYS YOUR MONEY'S WORTH 1 r