The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 16, 1911, Image 1

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NO. 1
Fifty Cltiens Confer Together In
the Court llmne
To Report and Again Meet on Tumorruw
Nlghl, March 17th
Alxnit fifty citiy.cns convened in
the court house Friday evening
to talk over tin; proposition of
financing tin? proposed Coops
piaiiomanufaeturing plant, lion.
VV. II. YVYIirung wus elected to
the chair, and J. H. Wilkes was
cliosen secretary. Short talks
were indulged in by N. II. Alex
ander, VV. II. Wchrung, Mr.
Coops and J. I'. Taniie.'iic. Af
ter considerable discussion a
committee of L F. Fmmott. II.
V. Cates, Dr. J. 1'. Tamiesie. J.
R Trullingcr and Ceo. K. Bag
ley was apointed to go to 'l'aco
111 a and investigate the plant
there, and report back to the
next mass meeting, which was
voted to la held tomorrow eve
ning. Friday, March 17.
The committee was instructed
to go to Tacoma on Tuesday, ami
Dr. Tamiesie, J. VV. Council and
C. II. Jacobs olfered to contrib
ute to the expenses of the Itody
making the trip. It was also
voted that a delegate could ap
lMiint a person in his place, pro
viding be found it imKssible to
make the trip. Ibis committci
is to rettort on the standing and
financial backing of the (loops
The discussion waxed warm at
times and pyrotechnics were in
dulged in several instances. The
committee is expected to have a
rejMirt m full tomorrow night.
Ralph lmbrie was out from
Portland, the last of the week.
Mrs. M. L King and daughter,
of near Gaston, were in the city
r riday.
Mrs. A. G. Jenkins, of Heaver-
ton, was an Argus caller, the
last of the week.
Mrs. A. II. Spraner. of I'.ea-
verton, was in the city, rriday,
and called on the Argus.
J. II. Haase, of South Tuala
tin, was over to the city Monday
J. II. is getting into the dairy
business on the increase all tin
Anyone interested in instruc
tions on hand China painting
may inquire of Mrs. II. Bagley,
who will inform instructor.
Hoiisemover Hewitt has moved
the old Tongue building, which
since in the sixties has gracet:
the corner opposite the city hall,
to the Jacob VVhitmore lot, on
Baseline Street.
Jacob Dahinden, of alov
Bunks, was down to the county
seat" the first of trie week, pay
ing taxes. While down he made
a business trip to Portland.
Albert rriday and wile, o
near Banks, were in the city
Monday.. Mr. Friday was down
to pay his tax. Friday says th
roads were fine, and that Banks
is booming right along.
Judge J. U. Campbell came
out Monday morning on circiu
court business, making the tri
with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Run
yon, in their car. Mr. liunyon
says they had a line road all the
way out excepting on the Walkc
hill, where the frost irave them
a little trouble.
The house of Swan Nelson
near Beaverton, was enterei
Sunday, during his absence, an
a watch worth $25 was stolen
lhe officers are watching for th
culprit and they expect soon to
land him, and put a stop to th
numerous little burirlaries which
have been perpetrated in that
John J. Weik has placed the
imbrte frame in position on lhir
Street, south of the propose
new American National ban
building. The big frame will b
occupied by Blacksmith Kerr, on
the ground floor of course
they couldn't very well take the
equines upstairs- and the upper
story will be rented to house
According to Front street re
ports the first of the week .there
were but 25 cars of Oregon
onions yet unsold. Seventeen
cars were sold last week, and the
sales were as follows, by ear
lots: Beaverton, 2 cars; Sher
wood, 8 cars; Cedar Mill, 3 cars
Scholls, 1 car: Middleton, 3 cars
These were sold to Seattle, Spo
kane and San Francisco.
Agent S. Cooper, of the Ore
gon Meclric, has adopted a very
pleasing and (to the traveller)
cry appreciative plan. He has
ieen all over the Great Northern
nd North Pacific roads and is
uniliarwith all the scenery, and
to all who purchase tickets of
iin enronle Fast, he gives a
written description of the terri
tory through w hich the passen
ger will travel, giving the details
f lakes, mountain streams, old
Abandoned mines, Indian vil-
iges. Its just like havinga ter-
iii sitting beside you telling you
hich side to look out of the car,
tiid what you may next expect.
Sec the fine stock of "back
tinbs," at Libby, the jcweler'B
lace. No back riumlK-rs all
new and l resn goods, direct i rum
u? factory; and Gee Whiz! see
tie fine cl;eks and jewelry of all
inds, which he is almost giving
wav g.f
D. C. Thomas, npecial agent
f the U. S. General Land Office,
is now engaged m investigating
Hid taking testimony in govern
ment cases against ten home-
leaders in the Gettysburg, S.
).. country. It appears, then.
uit Oregon and Washington are
not the only slates where the
lomestcad laws are laughed at.
Mr. Thomas is a Hillslioro boy.
nd is advancing rapidly in the
service ol the interior depart
Single Comb Anconas, Fxhibi-
ioii and Utility. My birds win.
t cock 1 cockerel. 1 hen, 1st.
2nd and 3rd pullet and 1st pen,
t the recent txmltrv show in
lillsUtro. Yours for the best.
I. F. Cameron. 51-10
Saturday was a big day in
IiIIsIhico, ami the streets were
rowded as though in a town of
ten thousand. I he most of the
cople were U-nt on taxpaying,
and this trick did not appear to
ireak them, as there was big
rade at all the stores. It was a
ice orderly crowd and not a
'stewed" party was seen on the
u'i,.. (i,.. i i,,,., ;.. ....,,.,,,..1., I
tv III II UK: IMlllliil in wjrvi Ijr I
equipped mere is sunshine in me
louse. Come in and see our
Champion and Charier Oak
anges. l hey arc
the best
Miinck iV Corwin
The business section of
ity is already improved by
w poles and wires installed by
the electric light and telephone
companies, and by the tune me
poles are all down the streets
will have an appearance that will
greet the eye with harmony.
We have just received a dandy
ot of new rose bushes, and also
i fine assortment of trees, berry
vines, grapes, etc., Tor immediate
ilanting. A class stock
lorton's Greenhouse.
N. P. Oakerman, of below
leaverton, was in town Friday,
and says that he is surprised at
the wav things are moving up
icre. 'I he old building moved
rom the corner of Third and
Main was built 31 years ago.
when Rir. uaKerman nrst came
lo this section.
M..l I J I Iwl I lllMt t,.l-lllf tVW41 I
1.-1 in. -1.11111 i" " '"-
itislies and other out-door plants
ami shitibs. Have a fine variety
f roses and many other plants.
Mrs. Agnes Campbell, Seventh
and Fir street 5t)tf
Fianklin Thatcher, of Thatch
er, was down to the city tatur-
day, anil called on the Argus,
His road district is going to ex
pend another five mill tax on
rock roads this Summer-and
Thatcher is to have paved streets.
as well as Hillslioro,
Given away, an enlarged pho-
to, suitaoie tor .lraming, oi me
i . it n n n i i
I I 1 l 1 . 1.
Kind you oruer, wun eacn casn
urtier amoimunu to ijn.uu in
1 ... J ' 4, . d J ti
niii-i .'it .liihnmin'a S 1 1 1 1 f i i M.-n'n
i II iiM:;;
,. ,, .. L . L. , 1
R. F. Peters, of Portland, and
wno was oorn in xiinsuoro, anu
i i iirn.i
went tnrougn me measles,
uliiuiiimi- pnnirli ninl nl linr ini'l.
dent maladies of childhood out
lli wav w.'ia out. Rim. :iv. 1. V.
umiu nliA-it-iwl in atut liiu nlrl hnmn
tmvn f.irtrin.r ni,o;l
nwi,u,i wmi. luJ2 tables, barrel churn, spring
eggs lor sale, betting, l.uu;
two for $1.75. Call at Bethany.
Eniil Stark, Portland, Oregon,
U. 2. 1-G
George Armentrout, of Forest
Grove, and
down many
day, was an
who has brought
a fine venison m his
Argus caller, Friday,
George says he wants one more
ii i ii . i-ii- i i -
gooa mini in me nuis, anu ne ex
pects to have it this year.
William Ridgely,' of Forest
Grove, and who is past his three
scorc-and-ten, was down to the
citv bright and early Monday
morning, and called in on the
I. H. Maxwell, of above Moun
taindale, was down to the city
Friday afternoon.
Will Attend State (irnnjre Con
vention at Corvallis
Attendance at firanre Hall Last
There was a county convention
of granges at Grange Hall in
this city last Saturday, and aside
from a big dinner, and discus-
sion on various subjects, there
waH an election of delegates to
aluml th h state
, ,. ,
of Granges which wi
ill convene
in Corvallis the second week in
May. I he delegates elected were:
C. A. Hanley and wife. Hills-
L J. Corl and wife, Forest
A. W. Pike and wife, Beaver
A. T. Buxton and wife, Forest
William Schulmerich and wife,
J. VV. Barnes and wife, Bea
The seventh silver medal contest
conducted by the Addie Curry
Munford Y. P. M. S. will be
held at Orenco Hall, Friday eve
ning. March 18. The following
will comiMise the class: Miss
Irene McCormick, Orenco; Miss
Gladys Smith, Hillslioro: Miss
)ella Steele. Mr. Kalph Reed
and Mr. snider, ot forest urove.
The five silver medalists who
will take part in the first gold
medal contest to be held at
Hillslioro in the United Fvangel-
i m......l I
vai II1UI I U Mil 1' I IUd), lliatV-.ll l.i ,
arc as follows: misses nuuy
Galloway, Carrie Lightfoot. Do-
cia Ballard, of Hillslwro; Misses
nez Miller and Margaret Mann,
of Cornelius, lhe United hvan
gelical, Methodist Episcopal and
Lutheran churches are repre-
sented, and the titles of the se-
lections to le rendered are:
"How Sarah was Took," "Cice
ro s Call, lhe liudhist Le
gend," "Maharami, a Young
Hindustan Girl, and "Is it
Worth While?'
The second irold medal contest
wi he lie ui at ijorne ms in me
. . .. . .1
m. E. church on Friday evening,
March ol.
, , . . . , 1
everyone is lnyucu to auenu
these contests.
Lf-ivri for rortlntul
Forest Grove Local .... 6:5i a. m.
Killers oil Fourth St.
RheriiUn Flyer 8:33 n. m,
haters Union Ik-pot vIhOrwck0
Forent Grove LockI 3:01 p. ni,
Kilters oil rourth St.
. -
corvnllis OverUml 5:10 p. ui,
F.nters ou Fourth ht.
LeRvea Portland for Hillslioro
Corvallis Overland 7:30 a. ni.
leaves on Fourth St.
Forest Grove Local 1 1 :oo a, ni.
Leavei on Fourth St.
SlierWan Flyer 4:00 p. ni.
Leaves I uiou Depot, via Willsliurn
Forest Grove Local 5:40 p.m.
Leaves on Fouith St.
I will sell at public auction at the
mays wos. oiore, uiencoe, at, i
1 .
o ciock p. m., on
t.Miixttnrot if Tii i 1tt
I t, i 1 1
P10 ar? ,uay m)rse'r, K0OU
i ivnpL' finimn a .ipi-qiv rnw i vi-
1 j -ii ' I u i i
good milker, and fresh; graded
ill n : ,:n,.
oersey tow, i m
grauea jersey neiier, c yrs.
I f anln'or-f tn nrinr snlp'l 2 sets
sinirle buirtrv harness: two-seat
snrrev: 31 wniron. in f a r shaue:
. .
siirino-tnnfh linrmw. nenrlv new;
emss-ent. 7-ftr. smv: 3 bedsteads:
. . ' '. . '
12 dozen fruit jars, telephone in-
strument with new batteries,
mouthpiece and receiver, and
various other articles.
Terms of Sale-Under $10.
cash; $10 and over, 6 'months'
time, bankable note, at 8 per
cent. Five per cent off for cash
over $10.
W. S. Fisk, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Loftis, Clerk.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank the people,
kind neighbors and friends, for
their great kindness shown us
during our sickness.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stark.
t ii n ii . i.ii"-"" - r
R. Oppliger, of Cornelius, was
down to the city Monday.
Samuel Joss, of near Bethany,
was in town Saturday.
Alsike clover seed for sale. J.
VV. Vandervelden, Roy, Ore.
A. N. Davies and wife, of
Kinton, were in the city Satur
Mrs. II. II. Cronise, of Albany,
was, in the city the iirst oi the
John G. Weiss, of near Tigard,
was up to the city Saturday af
Mrs. C. G. Koober and daugh
ter, of Scholls, were in the city
J. F. Peerenbwm. of near
Roy, was a county seat caller
l - 1
t, m to Geo P,;erSforf aml
wife. ()f near Ccnterville, March
9, 1911, a daughter,
Mrs. F. T. Kane.
of .Forest
friends in
Grove, visited with
the city Friday.
B. McNew, of below Reed-
ville, was over to the county seat
Herman Salzwedel, of Corne
als, was in town rriday, and
called on the Argus,
n the Argus.
W. II. Connell, of the Hoover
& Council firm, was in the city
Saturday, greeting friends.
Uncle Isaac Allen, of Reed-
ville, was up to the county seat
Imperial Hard Wheat Flour,
$1.45 per sack, at Connell & Co.
Every sack guaranteed. 37tf
VV. C. Darety, of Glencoe, was
over town Saturday, circulating
among his friends.
Oh, such bargains! -At A. H.
Spraner's Beaverton store in 5-
10-locent department. Justcall
and see. 1-2
Earl Towne, of south of Oak
Park, and who is running the
McCourt place, was over to the
citv Fridav morninir.
E. J. West, of near Greenville,
was a county seat visitor Friday,
and while in town called on the
Mrs. E. Curtis, of Lents, Ore.,
was in town the first of the
week, the guest of Mrs. D. C.
Money to loan on real estate
security. We sell farms, try
us. lhe Webfoot Realty Co
Hillslioro. 12tf
Michael Rahn and wife, of
near Phillips, were in the city
c.i j.... i nj tu;.
ouuuuaj, aim Luueu uu uie
Hercules stumninir riowder. anv
r ' : '
quantity, caps, fuse.' etc.-Al
new stockat J. . E. Borwick's,
Reedville. and at. Orenco.. 36tf
Geo. T. Ledford, who has been
a patron ot the Argus since it
first donned itsswaddling clothes,
called on the paper this week
and left his annual deposit.
Holstcin bull, registered, four
years old. for sale. Also regis
tered bull calf, 2 months old
Inquire of Geo. R. Bagley, Hills
Iwro. 44tf
T. G. Meacham, of Mountain
dale, was in town Saturday, and
brought in the banner load of
spuds, his net product being
3,480 pounds
For sale : Large 3-year-old sor
rel horse. Will make 1,600 or
1,700 with full growth. -Robb
Bros., near Ccnterville. Forest
Grove, Ore., Route 2. 1-3
Vinnl' Willinrvia "f rirv it f
Si i Pm k nnd who has hppn
iort.hnd for some time has
moved lurk to t he eonntv and is
I " . .
Wjirwf nn KYiiitP 1
Photograph gallery for sale
in.-.. . , . .
win sen pnotograpnic piant wun
- wWhniit hniUino- nn.i ibp
.v..v...v ..
the buildillg.-A. E. Gibson
Qrenc0 Qrei 1.3
. Henry Tober and Constantine
i ii'ii i ii i i
miner, oi ueiow luwa Dnuge,
Were in town the last of the
week. Mr. Tober has the ol
II l .l J ? i!ll piace, anu is sun raising
o. E. Elliott, of Clatskanie,
and wh0 has kwed in that sec
tion for years, is up for a few
davs. receivinir treatment for
hadlv inflamed eve. caused bv
small piece of steel,
, . p ,
J . J; Vu I ' i "
agent for the Astoria & South
Coast road, in. the days of Billy
Reid, and who bought nght-of
way right and left back in the
early nineties, was out from
Portland the first of the week
greeting oldtime friends. Park
er is one of the men who did not
lose on the road, for when the
crash came he said he was going
to Portland and get his money
or "get somebody's hide." He
' got the money.
Turn Out Shingles for Twenty
Years in Buxton Hills
Would Load Two Trains of Thirty
Freight Cars
red Greener, of below Rood
bridge, ha3 sold his shingle mill.
above Buxton, to L. N. Tomp-
ins, of this city. The mill is
ocated on the Greener place.
above Buxton, and for over 20
years Mr. Greener and his sons
have turned out the product that
heds the Oregon mist For
years and years they cut shingles
by hands in other words, turn
out the "shaved" shingle.
iy this method they turned out
,000 M., at an average price of
$2.00 per thousand, which netted
them $8,000. They finally were
forced to install a shingle mill.
and since installation they have
turned out 8,000 M., which has
also brought them $2 per thous
and. This makes a sum of $16,000,
and with those cut by hand total
the neat little sum of $24,000 re
ceived for shingle cutting. And
still, Fred looks as hearty as a
oung bridegroom and can still
tell a good anecdote.
The entire product would fill
sixty freight cars, and would
make two train loads of thirty
cars each.
Chattel Mortgage Sale
Notice is hereby given that by
irtue of a Chattel Mortgage
dated October 13, 1910, made by
teddy Schallberger, Joseph
Schallberger and Fred Ulrich in
favor of S. P. Blum to secure the
payment of the sum of $4500, up
on which default has been made
by said mortgagors and by vir
tue of a request of the mortga
gee S. P. Blum, I will, on Satur
day, the 18th day of March, 1911,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.,
of said day at S. P. Blum Resi
dence, near the Town of Beaver
ton, in the County of Washing
ton, State of Oregon, sell at pub
ic auction to the highest bidder
for cash all of the following de
scribed personal property de
scribed in said mortgage, to-wit:
One brown ware, 7 years old; one
roan mate, 6 years old; one roan gray
horse, 4 years old; one roan gray year
ling; one gray mare mule, 9 years old;
one bay mare mule, S years old; one
black horse mule; one bay horse mule;
one brown mare mule, one biown mare
mule; sets double team harness; 4
sell single harness; one 3 inch BmUell
wagon; one 3-inch Copper wagon; one
men t'lsli liros. wagon; one iron
truck; one buggy; one spring wagon
one Champion mower; one tlsboru hay
rake; one disc plow; one King plow;
one 14-inch walking plow; one 12 iuch
walking plow; one dic barrow; one
drag harrow; two cultivators; one land
roller; one hay carrier with rope attach
ment; Mack cows; one black and
white cow, one black cow with white
face; one red and white cow; one Terscy
colored cow; 2 dark Jersey colored cows;
one rcan cow, six red cows; one black
heifer; one red and black heifer; one
white and black heifer; one white hei
fer; two black and white heifers; two
black heifers; one sow and five pigs
one registered Holstcin bull, black
smith's tools; pitchloik; shovels and
To satisfy the sum of $4100.00
with interest thereon from Oct.
13, lyio, at the rate ot b per
cent per annum, and the further
sum of $250.00 attorney s fees,
and the costs of taking, keeping.
advertising and selling said prop
erty hereinbefore mentioned.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, on
this 6th day of March, 1911.
Geo. G. Hancock,
Sheriff of Washington County
Bagley & Hare, Attorneys for
S. P. Blum, Mortgagee.
P. Levy, of Levy Bros., prom
inent dairymen of Hillsdale, was
in the county seat lhursday eve
W. 0. Hocken, of Beaverton
and who has resided in that
thrifty section for over 40 years
was up to the city, Friday, and
called on the Argus.
William Conley, who has been
with the Timber mill since the
first hole was made in the tim
ber-wall, was down the last
the week, visiting his family.
New departure at Beaverton
A. H. bpraner has added a 5-10
15 cent department to his big
stock of groceries, meats and
general store. It will pay you
to trade at home. 1-2
Claus Jesse, of near Banks,
was in the city Monday, paying
High Q
The Place where j-oti
arc always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies. "THE BEST EVER"
ttaminshy's Make Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Saturday, Jan. 7, 1911.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - $255,378.21
U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bond 37,140.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 134,369.01
noHorvo 34 Por Oont.
Thos. G. Toad John E. Bailey J. "W. Tuqua
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburff
It is a safe proposition that we
Sell More Furniture
than any other store in Washing
ton County. Why? Because our
Fiuont Stock of Woll Pnpor III
On the same quality of Goods.
People from a distance are sur
prised when they see that they
can save 25 cents on the dollar by
buying from us.
Come to Forest Grove and see for
C. O. ROE h CO.
Give The Boy A
On His Birthday
Ten to one he'd name a Watch above everything else
if he had the choosing. It will give him even greater
pleasure than his first pair of suspenders. Besidce, a
Watch is a true missionery. It teaches re
sponsibility and inspires ambition towards
manly character.
I have a good stock of Boys' Watches from which to
make your selection. They range from $1 00 to $7 00.
For the older boy who has his first watch and knows
how to take care of a better one, get one of
these beautiful Gold Filled watches, $1000 up.
Do make the boy happy on his Birthday!
"The Jeweler"
Drug S
Capital and surplus $50,000.00
Undivided Profits 2,626.29
Circulation 25,000.00
Deposits 393,260.93