The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 09, 1911, Image 1

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NO. 52
Trrm of Circuit Court Will Con
vene on March 20th
Twenly-Su are Farmcra; Two Mer
chant; 2 Contractor; Liveryman
Clerk John W. Bailey anil Slier
ill Georire G. Hancock, Monday
morning, drew tho March circuit
jurors, and they will convene in
llillsltoro, Monday, March 20.
The I tit; rase up for trial in the
Cornelius murder, when
Dclienedctto, an Italian, will be
tried for the murder of a country
man in a boxcar, in which Mh
were living. Debenedetto has
been acting queerly of late, ami
is under the consideration of
Twenty-six of the venire are
farmers, and there are two con
tractors, two merchants, and one
livervinan. The iianel selected:
Matthew I'atton Gaston
Olaf Nordlund Kcedville
Ge; J Jack : Keedville
Kd Krahtner itrnelius
John 1, Simoson Conu'lius
K L rarsons Dilley
Samuel Davis . . Beaverton
(Jeo W Baker West Butte
John 11 Cornelius, contractor...
John C Crocker. Columbia
G W Whitmore S Tualatin
John M Shearer Beaverton
Olaf Johnson Mountain
Joseph Vermilyea Dilley
Daniel Burk halter S Tualatin
Ira Bradley, contractor
S Forest Grove
DS Pierce S Forest Grove
John 1 Northrup N llillsboro
Newton W Chilcot S llillsboro
Thomas Thompson Beaverton
11 C Gustin West Butte
C B Buchanan Cornelius
Kd Boire S Tualatin
John C Bechen N llillsltoro
Wm Mays, merchant, Washington
John B McNew Keedville
Fred C Tik-IIo Washington
J A Messinger S Tualatin
Aimer Bnggs, merchant .- Dilley
Jake Wirtz. liveryman, S V Grove
John I'ape West Cedar
Chattel Mortgage Sale
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of a Chattel Mortgage
dated Uctolter KJ, l'JIU, made by
Teddy Schallberger. Joseph
Schallberger and Fred Ulrich in
favor of S. I Blum to secure the
payment of the sum of l-lfUM), uj
on which default has lieen mad
by Haiti mortgagors anil by vir
tue of a request of the mortga
gee S. P. Blum, I will, on Satur
day, the 18lh day of March, 1911.
at the hour of 10 o clock A. M.,
of said day at S. 1 Blum Kesi
denee, near the Town of Beaver
ton, in the County of Washing
ton, State of Oregon, sell at pub
lie auction to the highest bidder
for cash all of the following de
scribed personal property de
scribed in said mortgage, to-wit
One brown mure, 7 yrnr.4 ulil; one
roan mate, 6 yearn old; one iohii gray
home, 4 yean old; one roan gray )'r"r
ling; one gray mure mule, 9 years nli
one bay uinre unite, S jm old; our
black home 111 11 It; one buy home mule
cue brown urn re mule, one brown untie
mule; 1)4 win double team liartirss;
ett tingle harness; one 3 inch IlinUcll
wagon; one 3-inch Copper wngau; one
inch Fish Bros, wiignn; one iron
truck; one buggy; one spring wngmi
one Champion mower; one Oslxirn liny
rake; one disc plow; one King plow;
one 14. inch walking plow; one 11 inch
walking plow; one dine harrow; one
drag burrow; two cultivators; one IhiuI
roller; one hay carrier with rope itttach
uitnt; 2 black rowa; one black and
white cow, one black cow with while
(ace; one red anil white cow; ou Jersey
colored cow; 2 ibnk Jersey coloretfcows;
one rcaii cow, aix red cow; one black
heifer; one red and blnck' heifer; one
white and black heifer; one while lu-l
fer; two blnck and white heifers; two
black Heller; one how and live pigs;
one registered llolstein bull, black
smith's tools; pltchloik; shovels and
To satisfy the sum of $4100.00
with interest thereon from Oct.
13, 1910, at the rate of (5 per
cent per annum, and the further
sum of $250.00 attorney's fees,
and the costs of taking, keening.
advertising and sellingsaid prop
erty hereinbefore mentioned.
Dated at llillsboro, Oregon, on
this 6th day of March, 11)11.
Geo. G. Hancock.
Sheriff of Washington County,
Bagley & Hare, Attorneys for
b. r. Blum, Mortgagee.
Earl Hollenbeck, of above
Mountaindale, was in the city
H. P. Downing, of the Beaver
ton section, was in the county
seat Saturday.
Miss Alice Kllerson, of l'ort-
and, and Mrs. J. II. bheldon.
ier HiHter, of St. Helens, were
in the city rriday. paying taxes
in the David Kllerson estate.
Their father was one of Oregon's
arly pioneers, and settled near
Beaverton. The hist remaining
section of the old home place will
to sold at administratrix sale
for cash, March 17.
Single ('omb Anconas, Kxhibi-
tiini and Utility. My birds win.
1st cock 1 cockerel, 1 hen, 1st,
2nd and !?rd pullet and 1st pen,
at the recent itoultry show in
lillshorn. Yours for the Itest
11. K Cameron. 51-10
Henry Wehrung was down
town Friday afternoon, for the
first time in many months. Mr.
Wehrung is one of the pioneers
of the city and county, ami for
nearly sixty years he was a
familiar figure on the streets of
tin; city, daily, excepting when
he. was spending a few weeks at
NewMirt in the Summer.
When the kitchen is properly
equipped there is sunshine in me
muse. Come in and see our
Champion and Charter Oak
ranges, lbey are the best.
Km rick & Corwm
Potatoes commenced rolling
into town the last of the week
from the hill section north and
south, and there will lie steady
receipts for some time yet. This
is perhaps the one country where
there is a Winter season where
tubers are not taken from the
ground until Spring opens.
New samples for men's suits
arriving every day at August
lews' tailor shop. Call in and
see them. They are the swoll
en t ever, and just what you
want. tltf
Lincoln Hill, of altove Gaston,
and whose lamer, me late
inoran Hill, settled in this coun
ty in 181:5, was down to the city
ndav afternoon. Link says
that Gaston is rapidly coming to
the front as a commercial center.
Wo have just received a dandy
ot of new rose bushes, and also
a fine assortment of .trees, liorry
vines, grapes, etc., for immediate
planting. A first class stock. -
Morton s Greenhouse.
A. G. Watson, of Forest Grove,
was down to the city the last of
tho week. "Bud" says he can
see the old county seat more
than getting to the front, and
smilingly says he believes some
day it will bo as good a town as
the college city.
Given awav, an enlarged pho
to, suitable for framing, of the
kind you order, with each cash
order amounting to ji.ou or
more, at Johnson's Studio, Main
St.. HillslMtro.
Kd Dixon, the Forest Grove
house-mover, was in town Satur
day, lie lias been up on the
Carlton railroad, building into
the mountains, and says there
was plenty of snow up there
when he left last week.
Now is the time to plant rose
bushes and other out-door plants
and shrubs. Have a fine variety
of roses and many other plants.
- Mrs. Agnes Campbell, Seventh
anil Fir street. 50tf
The bright, weather of the lat
ter part of February and the first
of March broke, Friday night,
about midnight, and the good,
gentle, old Oregon mist com
menced falling.
Mrs. Kd. Hen ton, of Bake
Oven, departed for home Satur
day, after a fortnight of visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Iwight Pomeroy, of near Leisy-
J. J. Mays, of Gloncoe, was in
the city Friday, before the coun
ty commissioners in the interests
of his proposed saloon at North
Plains, the new town on the
W. F. Johnson, ot Dilley, was
in town Saturday forenoon. He
raised 400 boxes of apples for
the market from his little or
chard this season.
A. V. Bergen, of Garden Home,
and who is one of the progressive
I . . I 1 .11
dairymen oi nis section, as wei
as being a holder of valuable
realty, was up to the county seat
Ross Desmond, who formerly
worked over in South lualatin,
for the big Behrman dairy, was
down lrom Independence, r nday.
Elisha Henry Howell, for many
years a resident ot above Moun
taindale, died at his home Friday
March 3, 1911. He was born in
Canada, August 14, 1833. He
came to Oregon about .26 years
ago. Ho leaves a widow and
three sons, John and Eli, of
Mountaindale, and George, of
Donkey Cxplodcs Near Hslacnda,
Saturday, five Deaths Resulting
Brother of William Pitman, Whose Fam
ily Resides Here
James Pitman, well known here,
mt his life Saturday morning,
in a logging camp near Kstacada,
in a donkey engine explosion,
his body having been hurled
altout 100 feet. There was a new
fireman on the engine, and one
of the valves was not working
properly. William Pitman, who
was in charge of the logging
outfit, left a few minutes before
the explosion, and started for
Portland to procure a new valve,
and the crew was to get along as
Itest they could until he return
ed. The men had gathered
around the donkey to warm their
hands and await the time of com
mencing work. There was not
enough water in the engine Itoil
er, and suddenly the explosion
came. The four men killed were
hurled to the earth and Pitman
was instantly killed, l he holler
was found a quarter of a mile
away. One body was found sev
eral hundred feet away, mangled
beyond recognition. The fireman
James Pitman lived here for a
number of years, anil was a hap
py-go-lucky sort ot lellow- a
hard worker and generally well
William Pitman has lived in
HillsUtro for many years, and
his family liyeson Baseline Street.
The logging outfit had been
getting out logs for a big mill,
near the Sandy, and the Pitmans
had been connected with logging
operations for some time. Wil
liam Pitman was struck by a
huge hook last Fall, and came
near losing his life. Had he not
started to get a new valve for
the engine he too would have
been with the crew, and
than likely would have
numbered with the dead.
I will sell at public auction at the
hdward Constable donation land
claim, 5 miles northeast of llills
boro, and near Five Oak Farm,
at ten o'clock a. m., on
him n gray mares, 10 and 12 yrs, 1350
each; gray mare, 10 yrs, 1000; gray none
yis, Inoo; lay horse, 13 yrs, 1100, year
ni coll aired by Coach, cow, with calf
at side, two 2yr heifers, fresh soon
inn. plus, 6 do., hens, full blood Mack
Minorca and Rhode Island Red r.wstrrs,
good top Miggy, buggy pole, spring
wagon, o it mower, H in steel plow,
new; 16-in steel plow, 50-tootu lever bar
row, cultivator, liayes force pump, new
50 ft hose for pump, Jr. Planter and cul
ivator, new; new spring tooth 1 7 tooth
harrow, 2 tons oats, 200 lbs tare and
oals, lot gunny sacks, 4 work collars, 2
sets good woik haruefs, set t'bl bugg
harnesK, single buggy harness, baiack
pair t horse shafts, hall lttaring giind
stone, sled, wheel hnrrow, lady's ami
man's saddles, riding bridle, 2 pit
forko, scoop shovel, 3 barrels, i log
chains, 3 pair losing dogs, steel maul,
2 peavies, 2 pr. stretchers, lot double
tiees and single trees, sledges, wedges, 3
axes, man' ami lady's bicycles, 15 gal of
cnler vinegar, 5-gal boivl demnohn
Home Comfort range, small camp range,
a heaters, kitchen treasure, new n fl ex
nsion table, round table, stand, dining
chairs, mull chair, a child a rockers
wash machine, a wash tubs, 3 stone tars,
iron bedsteads, a bedsteads, a bed
springs, bureau, commode, cooking uten
sua arm oilier articles.
Terms of Sale-$10 and under,
cash; over $10, one year at 8 per
cent, bankable note.
C. P. Berry, Owner,
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer,
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
Leaves for rortland
KoreBt Grove Local
6:5 1 a. m
Knters on Fourth
Hheridan Flyer 8:33 n,
hitters Union Depot vlauawego
Forest Grove Local 3:020,
Knters on Fourth St.
Corvnllis Overland Sdop. m
Knters on Fourth M.
Leave Portland for llillsboro
CorvnlliB Overland 7:20 a. m
Leaves on Fourth St.
Forest Grove Local n :oo a. m,
Leaves on Fourth St.
Sheridan Flyer 4:00 p. m
Leaves Union Depot, via Willsburg
Forest Grove Local 5:40 p.
Leaves on Fourth St.
See the fine stock of "back
combs," at Libby, the jeweler'
place. No back numbers -
new and fresh goods, direct from
the factory; and Gee Whiz! see
the fine clocks and jewelry of a
kinds, which he is almost giving
away. 38-tf
A. Gross was a Portland visit
or Saturday.
A. K. McGill, of Orenco, was
n town Friday.
L. C. Brown, of Cornelius, was
n the city Saturday.
C. G. Lindgren, of Buxton,
was in the city Friday.
Alsike clover seed for sale. J.
W. Vandervelden, Ilov, Ore.
Emil Ospelt, of Mountaindale,
was a county seat Friday.
G. Essner. of above Mountain-
ale, was in town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. L F. Carstens,
f Banks, were in the city Satur
J. S. Swalley, of Keedville, was
an Argus caller Saturday after
Jos. Brandonberg, of near
Orenco, was in the county seat
John Evers and John Vanlioo,
Vorboort, were Argus callers
Valentine Frank and wife, of
looming, were in the city the
ast of the week.
Gotfried Schlaefli, of above
Mountaindale, was a county seat
visitor, Friday.
Imperial Hard Wheat Flour.
HA- per sack, at Connell & Co.
iVery sack guaranteed. 37tf
W. A. Hermens and Frank
leesacker, of Verltoort, were in
the city the last of the week.
A. W. Crops, of near Forest
Grove, was a county seat visitor
nday, and called on the Argus,
Dr. F. M Uobinson, who has
practiced medicine at Beaverton
for many years, was up to the
lty Monday.
Mrs. W. H. Wehrung and
aughter, Miss Alice, were out
nday, guests at the Peter Bos-
cow home.
Money to loan on real estate
security. We sell farms. Try
us. The Webfoot Iiealty Co..
lillsboro. 12tf
Hugh Rogers, the "big fellow"
f Buxton, was in the city Thurs
ay evening, returning to his
home Saturday.
Michael llasmusen, of the Bea-
erton section, was in the county
seat Saturday, and paid the Ar
gus a short call.
Albert -Foord is home from
Umatilla, for a visit with his
mother and sister, Mrs. Alice
oord and Miss Ona.
Anyone interested in instruc
tions on hand China painting
may inquire of Mrs. H. Bagley,
who will inform instructor.
Hercules stumping powder, any
quantity, caps, fuse, etc. All
new stock at J. L. Berwick s,
ieedville. and at Orenco. 3Gtf
W. N. Haynam, one of the
arly settlers up altove Moun
taindale, and who lives on s
part of the Harrison donanion,
was 111 town f nday.
llolstein bull, registered, four
years old, tor sale. Also regis
tered bull calf, 2 months old,
nquire of Geo. K. Bagley, Hills-
toro. 4 HI
W. H. Bingle, formerly em
ployed in this city at the water
and light plant, is reported hope-
essly ill at his home in Forest
Plain Sewing I am now pre
pared to do all kinds of plain
sewing. Mrs. trances Glascoe,
Washington St., between Sixth
and Seventh.
The Woodmen of the Worl
had a big session here Saturday
night, when 1 choppers came
out from Portland, reinforced by
25 Woodmen from Vancouver,
Members of the fraternity were
tlown from Gaston, Buxton
Banks, Forest Grove, Gales
Creek, Cedar Mill, and from al
points of the county, and it was
estimated that all together, there
were over 300 in attendance,
The All-Star team, of Portland
initiated eight or ten candidates,
The Cornelius uniform camp, un
dor Dr. Everest, were in the line
ot march, and presented a natty
appearance. When the Fortlan
contingent arrived they were met
at the Oregon Electric with the
llillsboro Band, headed by J. C
Lamkin, who carried the stars
and stripes. A son of Hal Tay
lor led a genuine goat in the
vanguard, and the bucking that
he subsequently did m the Har
trampf skating rink, where the
convention was held, was some
thing great. The big delegation
received a welcoming address by
the Argus reporter, and the re
sponse was made by City Auditor
Barbur, of Portland, lhe boy
from Portland returned about
one o'clock. Consul Commander
A. W. Marks and Manager Shir-
reff are much gratified with the
big success of the meeting.
Frederick Mayuer, of Near Bea
ver-ton, Perishes in House Fire
Has no Relatives in This Section of the
United Slates
rederick Mayger, an aged Ger
man, was burned to death in a
re which consumed his house.
wut a mile northeast of Bea
verton, rnday morning about
40. Neighbors reached the
house shortly after the blaze and
as soon as the ashes cooled suf
ficiently to make search found
the bones of the dead man.
Coroner E. C. Brown went down
Saturday, and swore a jury to
investigate the death. They
found that he had perished in
the fire, and the investigation of
)r. K M. Iiobinson showed that
here was no evidence of foul
play, as the skull had not been
crushed. The old man burned
is feet by an explosion of a lamp
some months ago, and was quite
feeble. He had 00 acres of land.
hich is worth all of $200 per
acre, and is supposed to have a
tank account in the Hibernia
ank, San Francisco. Coroner
'rown found about $20 which
had burned, and a committee of
H. Welch and N. I. Nelson.
Sunday found $400 in specie.
uned under the ashes. The
jury: u. k. Hedge, H. u. Vin
cent, A. L. Kessler, W. E. Pegg,
H. t ry and Chas. Johnson.
Mayger had been in that sec
tion for over 32 years, coming
rom California, where he had
been in the mines. He was born
Germany, May 4, 1830. and
came to the United States in the
early .day. He has no relatives
hat hi ' :"!V-j
Fred B Sicgrist, assessing and coLf 37 75
W bieimst " " " 75 00
W W Boscow " " " 4S 00
llillsboro Livery Co, livery hire... 3 00
M C Case, school supt traveling ex 21 5o
K L Perkins, recorder, sal and ex.lSi 35
O R Stover & Co, ct h snd jail 4 So
Wm Tupper, c h janitor- 54 00
llilisboro Independent, printing... 9 00
Hillsboro Independent, printing... 10 40
G W Wbitinore, bridges. 5 50
llillsboro Independent, printing... 3 30
Kobt Thompson, juror circ ct....... 10 00
M N Bunham, teachers' ex board- 5 00
Ralph Bellinger, wit circ ct 5 20
as II lack, teachers ex bd 20 00
Josephine Case, " " " 5 00
1 ictor M Vose, ' " 20 00
Schmidt it Kulisch, relief 10 75
Wash Co Tel Co, c h phones 1 2 00
Kuiniolt Bros, jail 6 30
Kmrick Corwin, jail 9 20
Win McyuiUan, slier 1 li s o(lice..., 4 bo
J A Imbrie, circ ct - 12 00
O W Barnes, J P fees. 4 60
G G Hancock, sheriff's sal 225 00
G G Hancock, expenses 77 95
GG Hancock, jail - 84 25
Itavid Kurntli, slier office 42 00
Wash Co News, printing - 15 30
K H Baird, jail 2 50
Willis Ireland, recorder's office,... 21 75
Independent Klectric Co, c h- 29 35
Brills Bros, relief... . - 17 10
J W Bailey, clerk sal & exp 232 40
Max Cranilall, assessor sal ioo 00
J W Sewell, co judge sal & exp....ioi 4.5
Jno McClaran, com sal & mileage 4S 00
JnoNyberg, " " " 4130
Areus, stat printing & comrs ct.. 01 50
W I) Smith, J P fees - 4 25
W D Smith, " " " 6 95
Wm McQuillan, constable fees...-. 9 40
,Iud McGahey, witness - I 70
Kd McGahey, wit I 70
Wm McQuillan, wit , I 50
S Robinson, niror circ ct 4 20
A W Marks, table clerk's office-... 19 15
B W Barnes, teacher's ex board.... 5 00
Crescent Chemical Co, c h - 4 00
rrank Pauli, co poor farm 3 50
I) B Reasouer, bridges 274 55
Dr Linklater, coroner's physician 10 00
W M Jackson, co treasurer - 50 00
M C Case, school supt . 83 7o
K C Brown, death John Wagner... 12 00
S J Galloway, co fruit inspector.... 76 95
John vannerwal, ius poor bouse . 30 00
A A Mornll, surveyor's office 37 60
Martin Vandehey, relief 110 00
Mrs H Lusch -r, meals for jury 3 25
W U ltonelson, indigent - 22 00
F II Sholes, assessing & collecting 64 co
Thos H Tongue, dist atty's office... o 00
Witnesses circuit court Jas Thomas,
Cranston Thomas, Edw 1) Thomas, Mrs
Thomas, $5 20 each; Maud Thomas, S.
Inquest J S Me.chum E C Brown cor
oner, f 13 90; jurors: Wm Ray, i;VA
Clear, 1; Uhus bchmokel, 1 20; Wm anil
B Cimino, i each; John Gnthn, 5; wit
nesses: George Galbreath and John Sax,
50 each.
Inquest Edward Seymour E C Brown
coroner, $17 95; witnesses: Cathron and
Henry Dessinger, Walter Gardner, Robl
Hockens, L S Wolf, J B Phillips, P G
Kinzer, Myrtle Gaskill, 1 50 each; J M
Bilbury and M C Mathews, 4 70 each;
jurors: W A Williams, J K bummers, K
D Boring, II M bummers, C E Hedge, II
Glaysier, I each
Inquest Cha9 II Mitchell E C Brown
coroner, J13 20; witnesses: A C Alexan
der, A 1) Wagner, J (J Griffith, G C
Worthington, 1 50 each; jurors. J E
Adkins, Wm McQuillan, Thos Kmerick,
Andrew Jack, K K Colestock, Fred U
Heidel, 1 each.
Roads and highways Wash Co News,
$3; CoMzelman Bros, 6 75; Johnson Bros,
22 80; Rowell Bros & Co, 135 10; J F
McGill, 7; C L Hiuman, 10 92; John Ny
berg, 15; U G Garduer, 97; J W Wolf, 7;
A W Westberg, 2.
High Q
The PI ace where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies. THE BEST EVER"
ttaminshy s Make Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
J. A.
. E.
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Saturday, Jan. 7, 1911.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - ?2."G,378.21 Capital and surplus $50,000.00
U. S. liond (at par) 2,000.H)
Other Bond 37.1-10.00
Banking House ia.OW.00
0 . ... t f
Thos. G. Todd Jo
Wilber W. McEldown
It is a safe p
Sell Mor
thau any other
ton County.
rx 1 "
On the same quality of Goods.
People from a distance are sur
prised when they see that they
can save 25 cents on the dollar by
buying from us.
Come to Forest Grove and see for
A Most
To purchase Good Jewelry, is the place where you
know of whom you arc buying you have the assur
ance of a business reputation and guarantee that goes
with every sale. K very article purchased of Hoyt
proves its worth and the reliability of the store and the
customer always comes again.
"You have the most accommodating store, Mr
Hoyt," said a lady customer, the other day, "I always
feel satisfied with what I get here," she added.
Its our idea of storekeepiug to make people satis
fied; they come agaiu they send others we think it
pays. ; :
"The Jeweler"
Drug S
- President
Undivided Profits
& CO.