The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 02, 1911, Image 1

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    IIILLSnORO, OREGON, MAR. 2, 1911.
NO. 51
y. II. C. K
Score Again! Opponents, Snlur
day, by Mark of 42 to 35
Tli fourth silver medal con
test held Feb. 21, in the United
Ivuiitft'lical church, llilmhoro,
was a success. 1 lie younjr lames
in tho class, who were from For
est (irove, Cornelius and Hillsho-
ro, acquitted themselves in a
very creditable manner. The
judges were Rev. Blackwell, Mrs.
Walton, of HillsiMiro, and Mrs.
I lev wood, of Cornelius, who
awarded trie meual lo ino. z,
Judge Campbell Names Thos. II.
Tonirue to Mold McNulty Estate
M iuu I mi' M itlitr if i irrwmiu
ItonUun Win Mile Run (or the Mimecr whose selection was entitled I&M, Ihcre are no Lai
Premidini, ltev. Hlackwell an- Heirs la Sijcht
nouncintf me aecision ana pre-
1 . 41... R1 .m A..
iHi'iiLinif Lilt? iiii'iiiii. iiiian iiuiai . .. ..
Tin. u.r-find annua lldoor le c NIwmn of LWimt. f'.wiv.. Pmf. JUUK- J- u' v,amjjiu, uivuii.
aiul track meet between the and Mr. Davis Ban solos in a judKe, last week appointed Thou, winter Bridge, was over town
Alsike clover seed for sale. J.
W. Vandervelden, Ilov, Ore.
Julius Asbahr, of South Tuala
tin, was a Hillsboro visitor Monday.
Money to loan on real estate
security. We sell farms, iry
us. The Webfoot Realty Co.,
Hillsboro. 12tf "
G. A. Larsen and wife, of be
low Newton,. were in the city
Albert Spielings, of Green-
vine, was an Argus cauer Mon
Anton Pautmeier, of below
Send Hon. W. K. Newell and H.
C. Atwell to Represent Growers
Think That Such Exposition, With Rem
edy, Will aid Orchardislg
HI lull 1 11 v ifsv. .......-. " - r
Saturday U'Ht wi" take ,,lucu thiH weok ovtr frorn Finnigan,
nn-isium I't f'T J!arch..3, in f,he tor of the estate of
nnasium, m. K. church of Cornelius. Kv- .... . . ,
1 1 . .x. t V M i" A urn I'ihm fie (1C
A 11 VIUHU m 'S " " '
University was heh
night in the 1'. U. gymn
resulting in a score of 42 to 35 Lrybody welcome
in favor of Pacific, lhe meet
was not decided until the last
event, the relay, which was won
by Pacific by a close margin
The surprises of the evening
i r ft a a. . .
were when i. fli. u a. won
lx)th places in the oIe vault am
ightful manner. The 5th con- II. Tongue as receiver to take
James Mc
Nulty, deceased, all property
belonging to the estate, and to
the first of the week
Andrew Westberg, of near
Farmington, was up to the city
J. VV. Marsh, of Centerville,
lit uaic ju.n ituiiiu a ummj , , . ... U- -t .!..,.- ... -ii. i-J -c
lot of new rose bushes, and also " . u " c ' ' . waa an Artrus ea"Lr lwlld '
a fine assortment of trees. Ixrry wiiemer or noi mere are lemoon
vines, graes, etc., for immediate legal heirs to whom the property Ex. County Commissioner W.
Planting. A lirst class stock. U tn descend. The estate is J. liutner was up from near
Morton's Greenhouse. L,,.,.,,, ;n H i..-w,l flf Cedar Mill, Monday, paying tax
l nui ku in v. p 11 in sivrwv v
The Sunday Oregonian con- J in. 000. and three heirs have n,i tii'fuilit il ! nut nil tu ll .1 t .. I... 4 I llin W.infmi. U'lir, frit voora
... . . ... I ii"" fnviv, Miiioviavvu, MiH. UCLIIieU W 11U CIILIlt-'U IU t'U'v ,iv.iihvi, uu i.u.
I acitic U)tiiin the i Hi-yara (Uisii. from tu, 1)(.n ()f otm,r )aven- the property. This the State, has been road supervisor in the
racilic 8 learn was weaKenen uy iMrL the lamous cart(K)nist, and through Jav Unton. soec a coun- Helvetia country, was in town
the loss of several of her men, the storv told of Silverton pio- m.i il,.nii an.) the m.-itier must Mondav.
but made a creditable showing eer days. It contained a hu-Uo throuirh the mill. Attornevs it,..,,,. .ci,;
...III, ,..,l ..i.rl.t .mliHilnUL ..f II ., f! 7. , T ,," . i . ' . -,. t . "UUM .
vtivii 'inj ' "hut- vv.i....vitMi jniinma iiiiiiliwii ui iiviuy vi.
against the 12 of her opiwments. (Juild, who years ago ran the
For the i. M. C. A., rhne Silverton Appeal. He says that
was the individual point winner Henry took cordwood on suli-
with 15 to his credit and for Pa- scription, and that the rweipts
ciflc, Austin led with 10. rol- were so large that he was corn-
lowing are the events and results: tH-lled to open a woodyard
jo vbiiI iUh-loui!i. v M 0 A. nut; Other thinirs he said about
Mill.. I If. rcon.l; HUM-, 3 . "Il,.i,,e." which we who know
aio-yBKl iinpii til ymn, tin,
IttiuKlai, Y M C A, ttcoml; timr, 3) J
HHo ymil run Auiitlo, V V. fiut; llnrn
dollar. Y M C A, M-roiul: lliur, J 15 1 5
lliuh lump I'rrrln. I' I', lnt; uiullrv,
V M C A, rcuiul; IicIkIiI. 5 '?!. i"'lir.
IIikIi hurilUn-riiilf, Y M (; A, liut
Vrtrcn, I' U. trci-ml; limp. J 4 5 wcoiuU
440 ynl Uli Auitlu, I' I', lirnt; lit y
11I. T t). M-roml; timr. t:oi VS niomU
lll. .....It l'l.ifM V T 1' A li ! ' I ....-. 1 .0 "
Ditiilry, 1 M U A, accomi; ih-ikih, V
10 liichrt.
Mile ian lKtirlnon, I' I', fimt; Ruoi
Y M C A. urcoiul; timr. 4 mimitr
A S rcoutU.
Shot nut riiifr. Y M C A. hut : Mmv-
cr, r l' ccoiiu;iiiKtiiui-e, n itci 4 int ia-t
Krla; won by 1' U.
Stmtcr, rclrrsno.
liagley & Hare hold there will be done. -Mrs. Maria Fisher. Jack
no trouble to establish the heir- si, m-nr CirW Mill Hills.
ship 01 inose uecreeu 10 dc in nro, Oregon. 48-51
m wit 1 urr 11 iuin I
UI.1HIUU""". I , i, 1 1. n IX
ll.ii.innn t-u l'..t.inn- Tnmnn W. U liaVnCS ahO li. V. Ue-
ft. v iv 1 awi v wv 1 .ti'ii , iiutiuu 1 . . , . , .
,-a lnmnn- tfimt UnnU va ioru, oi above L,aurei, were in
.0. ......., ... t . '1. .... .. 11 1 a.
. Shnti" (.am 1 He vs ( ami), miwii munua, anu cant-u uii uic
bell-all decrees. Advance ArUh-
Thresher Co. vs. C. E. Heeman. J. P. Canlner. who conducted
him. are sausned are noi irue. judgment for 1348.50 and costs, a blacksmith shoo here for years,
Homer says that one of the Ap- Kenworthy vs. Slooman, de- was up from Quatama, the first
peai s aus. (lescniHHj a iosi norse, crwj ana $75 attorney lee of the week.
and then said mai anyone ue- allowed
scribing the horse, and paying
for the advertisement,
have the property.
See the fine stock of "back
at Libby, the jeweler's
No back numlK'rs -all
I will sell at public auction at the
Edward Constable donation land
elaim. 5 miles northeast of Hills-
new and iresn goods, direct irom iro, and near Five Oak Farm,
. S6 the inctory; and hi.!-see at ten o'clock a. m., on
Theodore and William Vander
zanden, of near lloy, were in the
city Mondav, and called on the
II H. Walker, one of the heavy
taxpayers of the county, was up
to the tax collection counter,
Monday afternoon
Jasper KefTer, of near Glencoe,
was in town Friday. Jasper is
an enthusiast over the luture
Lon Wilson, one ol uales
Creek's old timers, was in town
Monday evening.
Z. M. IjiUue. of Forest Crov
was down to the county seat better marketing of their prod
.if 11 1 I 4ll
he me ciocks ami jewelry 01 an THURSDAY, MARCH 16.
L'liwlu vi liirli lu w iilnifiet criyinir .
t 'fJif hJ'nn Kry marca. 10 and il yr, 1350
away, oo-ll trcb: vrutr mnrr. lovrs. ifioo: trmv hore
Fruit lns,ectorS. J. Galloway PlfSnSS ofNorlh Pla,ns'
. . . 1 1 IlliK VUll Dimi . unv vun. niivll ... .
was up the West bide last week, nt ,i,ie, u0 a yr heifeu, frrh on. 3 E. Murdock, 01 Sherwood, and
and stales that everywhere in s mo. puis, 6 iioi. bcu, fun bioai mack who hves in the extreme south
the tier of counties the fruit Minorca ami Rhode island Reil roosters, eastern part of the county, was
growers are getting U.gether n ,71-1 Tw" Argus caller Monday
-e, unions and associations, lor the new; l6. ,tcei piow, so-tooth levrr har- Hercule;
row, cultivator, li ayes force pump, new;
Monday, greeting friends.
The underaigned will sell at the
Palmateer Farm, 1-2 mile south
of Witch Hazel, at one p. m., on
Span horses, 11 years, 1100;
graded Jersey cow, 4 years, fresh
about March 15; 2 heifers, year
lings; 2 shoals, about 100 lbs.
each; 2 dozen white Minorca
chickens, new three-inch Stude
baker wagon, wide tire: buirirv.
set double work harness, almost an illness covering several wee
new; set single harness, 12-inch He was born in North Caroli
plow, 50-tooth harrow, spring-
tooth harrow, 12-inch plow, some
clover hay, Lave! cream sep
arator, some household goods
and furniture, and numerous
other articles.
Terms of Sale-Under $10.
cash; $10 and over, 8 months'
time, at 8 per cent., bankable
note. 2 per cent, oil" for cash
over $10.
Eric Sundukkg, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Peter Wolman, Clerk.
Hercules stumping powder, any
quantity, caps, fuse, etc. Al
new stock at J. L. Borwick s,
Reedville, and at Orenco. 3Ctf
John Ben Stewart, of South
Tualatin, was in Saturday, and
says that he sowed oats and tare
UCtS. and for the further purpose 50 ft hoae for pump. Jr. riunlermul cul-
of inere'isinir the interest in "vator, new; nt-w apring 100m 17100m
imitasiii int. inu rtbi harr0Wi , toB8 orUi Jo0 lbs tare ami
t-iiiiijmn "on I..U1HK mi nuii.on, oi Kunll sacks, 4 Work collars. 2
trees. 1 llts IS the way, and acta aood work harness, set dbl but'K
Wiisliino-tmi Cotintv is in the harness, single Ihibbv harness, ha tack,
vantni'ird pair 3 horse shafts, ball bearing gtind-
.inn. . . viiiipi nrrnw m v , .ii.ii.. . . r. .
When the kitchen is properly ' . r''''nK "riaie. i pitch Unday-the premier in bpnng
a.t t I fnrlrii mnnt nttiwt t hirrwlii 4 Inn
omimtHHi lucre w sunshine in tne rr .-, ? -
. irnninA. 1 tuiif mvuiiiv nous, sieei mum. 1 ........ . . 1
house, (ome in and see our I ".. 1... ,i..i.i. Holstein bull, registered, lour
Champion and Charter Oak 1 trees and sinKic trees, siedKes, wedges. 3 years old. for sale. Also regis
ranges. They are the best. """ ami imiy 's bicycles, 15 gai 01 tered bull call, z months old,
Emrick & Corwin V "" i S"K Tr """'""" Inquire ot Ceo. U. tsagley, nuis
j heaters, kitchen treasure, new 8 ft ex- mro-
i - .11. if . ii I t tirtti Initio run tut titlilf at ami itinilHi T If ..m . . . U 1 ,
ctH', died at M. V inceni s liospi- , . : , : dames mct.,iuruii, who nua nveu
tal. Fridav. Feb. 21. 1911. after Pi"" "X.. i r.,rs":' up on Gales Creek ever since the
ks. iron u-dsteads, a iiedsteads, 2 1h.i trout hrst iK'gan to run in those
na. apriiiKs, biiieau,coimuode, cookinij uten- waters, was down to the county
47 years ajro. and was one of the ,l18 oU",r arl,cle1'- , , seat Monday.
I ..I .1 111 ... ,int- riIlnmai,"J,'ka I ... . .
ear v sell ers on l ie ridge, lie ihtow oaie-fimmuiiu, y .n sewintr l nm now ore
eaves a brother, J. T. Rooks, cash; over $.iu, one year ai per l)arod to j0 a! 0f i,iain
sewing. Mrs. trances blascoe,
cent, bankable note.
0. P. Berry, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
Card of Thanks
licial county paper. His road
Joseph P. Essner died at his district will spend 10 mills of a
home above Mountaindale, lhurs- special tax on its roads this year.
day evening, February 23, 1011. 1 It will not be many years until
and interment was in the Ver- Gaston section will have rock
boort cemetery, Saturday. He roads everywhere.
. t. .. B fl 1 1 1.1 . I
was uorn in Marseilles, s ranee. Nl,w snrnillla fnP mPn'9 snits
residing in upper vineiands.
The funeral took place Sunday,
at the Arcade burial ground,
Rooks was a bachelor.
Gold Dollar strawberry plants
for sale, rmest lor table or
canning, anil very early. - K. r,
and D. B. Reasoner, near Oak The undersigned desire to thank
ark. Address Hillsboro, Ore., the many friends and neighbors
Route 4. 49-51 whoso kindly aided with help
Arthur Knox, of Scoggin Val- and sympathy during their re-
he Washington County Fruit
Growers' Union held an interest
ing meeting at the city hall, last
Saturday afternoon, with Presi
dent Sproat, of Reedville, in the
chair. A. E. Peat, secretary.
read the minutes of the last
meeting, and then the session
settled down to business. Hon
W. K. Newell, of Dilley, and
Homer C. Atwell, Forest Grove,
were elected delegates to attend
the Walla Walla meeting of
Northwest Fruit Growers.
Fruit Inspector S. J. Galloway
wa3 authorized to see what could
be done to procure a room where
in tree pests could be exhibited,
that orchardists might see the
different conditions of parasite
infested woods, and it is the in
tention of the Growers to have
pamphlets in the place for dis
tribution, telling how these con
ditions may be met, and how
remedies may be applied.
Secretary A. feat was re
quested to procure a statement
of the items of expense of the
exhibit at the Portland Apple
Show, last Fall, and have it for
the next session.
High Q
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
"Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies. 'THE BEST EVER"
Uarainshy's Mahe Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
ey, was in town Monday, paying cent bereavement, the illn
axes and renewing for the of- death and burial of the late .
eon r,
Mrs. J. P. Essner & Children.
February 27, 1911.
Sept. 14, 18U2, and emigrated to
California in 1849. He was mar
ried to Susan E. Divven, July 5,
18(58. They came to Oregon in
1885. Seven children were born
to the union. The widow and
four children survive: Joseph P,
Essner, u. P. Essner, Mountain
arriving every day at August
Tews tailor shop. Call m and
. i nil . I it
see mem. i ney are me sweu
est ever, and just what you
want. 44tf
A. J. Cook, of Forest Grove,
was down to the county seat,
Leaves for Tortland
Forest Grove Local
Killers on Fourth St
Sheridan Flyer 8:33 a. m.
Enters Union Pepot vlaUswego
Forest Grove Local 3:02 p. 111
Kilters on Fourth St.
Corvallis Overland 5-.I0 p. m
hnters on Fourth bt.
Leaves Portland for Hillsboro
1. rwmuii unf f Fridav. and milled a trim, unload
John W. Connell, Hillsboro, and ed, in one of the resorts in .town. Corvallis Overland ... ..... ?:o
E. F. Essner, of San Francisco, mo was arrested oy iviarsnai
Mr. Essner was a modest, un- Blaser and charged with carry-
assuming and upright man, and intf concealed weapons. Judge
had many friends in his section. Smith lined him $20, after he
pleaded guilty.
Imperial Hard Wheat Flour. Given away, an enlarged pho-
$1.45 per sack, at Connell & Co. to, suitable for framing, of the
Every sack guaranteed. 37tf kind you order, with each cash
Leaves on Fourth St.
Forest Grove Local it :oo a. m.
Leaves on Fourth St.
Sheridan Fiver 4:00 p. m
Leaves Union Depot, via wtllsburg
Forest Grove Local 5:40 p. in
Leaves on Fourth St.
William Ilobb, of near Center
ville, was over to tho city Mon
day al ternoon.
E. C. Mulloy and W. N. Ha
thorn, of Laurel, were in the
city Monday.
Washington St., between Sixth
and Seventh.
Mrs. Chas. S. Parker, wife of
the Third street confectioner,
has just left St. Vincent's Hos
pital, where she remained a week
under the care of a surgeon.
Eastern Oregon turned loose
in this section, bunaay. uusi
blinded the vision everywhere in
the streets all day long, and it
was certainly a "hummer." The
weather man ordered storm
warnings all along the Pacific
coast, northwest.
Single Comb Anconas, Exhibi
tion and Utility. My birds win.
1st cock 1 cockerel, 1 hen, 1st,
6:5i a. m. 2nd and 3rd pullet and 1st pen,
at the recent poultry show in
Hillsboro. Yours for the best.
H. E. Cameron. 51-10
William Kemper, of Verboort,
was in town Monday, accompan
ied by his son, Joseph, who is
farming near Carlton. Joseph is
down on a visit with relatives
While in the city they called on
the Argus, which has visited
them for many years.
Green Walker, of near Roy,
and who years ago never dream
ed railways would invade the
precincts of his neighborhood,
and who can now see two lines
running within a few rods of his
door, was in town the last of the
The undersigned will sell at pub
ic auction at his farm, 2 miles
east of Cedar Mill and 4 miles
west of Portland, between Barnes
and Cornell roads, at 10 o'clock
m., on
Dapple gray mare, 6 yrs, 1650;
bay horse, 7 yrs, 1550; sorrel
driving mare, 9 yrs, 1000; Ger
man Coach colt, 22 months; cow,
yrs, 2-yr-old heifer, 7-mo-old
heifer, brood sow, boar, 6 shoats,
some veiy fine White Plymouth
Rock chickens, 31 wagon, 3i
half truck wagon, set heavy team
harness, set driving harness, set
buggy harness, Empire 6 inch 12
disc drill, disc harrow, McCor-
mick mower and rake, No. 40
Oliver chill plow, 14-inch John
Deere plow, 3-shovel cultivator,
GO-tooth harrow, open buggy,
hay rack, stump jack, 30-gal ket
tie, slip scraper, lot small farm
ing tools, household furniture
such as stove and cooking ves
sels, dishes, chairs, tables, beds
and springs, dresser, washstands,
pictures, clocks, sewing machine,
2 couches. Lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale: $10 and under.
cash; over $10, six months at 7
per cent, bankable note; 2 per
cent, discount for cash over $10,
Joseph Duerst, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
E. Shute, Clerk.
V. V. Willis and wife, who
order amounting to $4.00 or have been teaching at Kinton,
more, at Johnson's Studio, Main have moved to Hillsboro for res- wee
St. Hillsboro, idence. temnorarilv.
' 1 ' 1 i 1 i . 11 .
Thos. Hyland, who has lived James Adamson, who recently Lf tu Hntpi" Wnvino-tnn last
34 years down in the Beaverton bought the I. R. Payne place, ,.,!, fll Arm, .lnnuj
neighborhood, was up to the north of the city a couple of stati ' who did the mason ry and
CUV jxionuuy. paying laxes, anu mues, was in me city rnuav mffa uQ kiba
II. W. Scott, the Forest Grove while in town called on his morning. k;u: vt w totrha anA
i , hnil , I 4 I I tll WWUk) 111 I VA
umoer aea er was aown 10 we im annual inp 10 me Argus. w a Jackson of Glencoe, was Grant Landess and Harvey Batch
Cliy tne Iirsi OI ine weeK. lO.rvino Hnrkhnlfpr. nf Smith in fh pnnnt.v apnt Fridav. and plnr marlA trip opmpnt. hlonka nnd
H. C. Atwell was down from Tualatin, was in the city Mon- says that la grippe has claimed erected the masonry , for the
Forest Grove. Saturday, attend- day, getting things in shape for many victims out his way, and building. Their work was with
ing the fruit growers meeting. I Spring work. 1 states that it is unusually severe. I out Haw, and speaks for itself.
Notice is hereby given that the
910 tax-roll for Washington
County, Oregon, will be open for
collection and payment of taxes
on Thursday, r ebruary 16, 1911,
and all who make full payment
of their tax before March 15,
911, will receive a rebate of
three per centum. Half pay
ments can be made by the first
Monday in April without interest
charge, or penalty, and the re
maining half can be paid at any
time prior to the first Monday in
October, 1911. Where no pay
ment is made by the first Mon
day in April, 1911, the tax be
comes delinquent and the statute
requires from that date a penal
ty of ten per cent, per month on
said tax until it is paid, in addi
tion to 10 per cent penalty.
Geo. G. Hancock,
Sheriff and ex-officio tax col
lector for Washington County,
Dated at Hillsboro, this Febru
ary 9. 1911.
Card ot Thanks
The undersigned desire to thank
all who tendered aid and sym
pathy during our recent bereave
ment, the death and obsequies
of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Dayis.
T. R. Davis and Family.
Hillsboro, Ore., March 1, 1911.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Altman
departed for Klamath Falls the
last of the week.
J. B. Imlay. of Reedville, was
in the county seat Monday morn
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Saturday, Jan. 7, 1911.
Capital and Surplus $50000
$256,378.21 Capital and surplus $50,000.00
U. S. Bond (at par) 25.000.00
Other Bond 37.140.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 134,369.01
Undivided Profits
rioeorvo 3 4 For Oont.
Thos. C. Todd JoKn . Bailey J. W. Fuqua
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburrf
It is a safe proposition that we
Sell More Furniture
than any other store in Washing
ton County. Why? Because our
r j
On the same quality of Goods.
People from a distance are sur
prised when they see that they
can save 25 cents on the dollar by
buying from us.
Come to Forest Grove and see for
C. O. ROE & CO.
Will Add to Your Appearance
For business or evening wear, an endless
variety here, including the newest cre
ations in Gold, Filled and Silk, in
all the latest finishes, as low as a dollar
and up to the very finest.
I would be delighted to have you come
in and look them over.
Laurel M. Hoyt