The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 09, 1911, Image 1

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NO. 48
County Commlaoncr Will Plate
Warrant on Roll. Tcbruary IJ
Payment Caa be Made al Any
Time Prior to Apill J
Sheriff Hancock i this wwk ad
vertising that taxes will Ik? col
lftill? for the 1910 roll, bcin
ninjr with Thursday. February
1C This will Kive twenty-nine
days wherein taxpayers can take
advantage of the law Kivinj?
them three per cent rebate, as
this holds kxm1 until March 15,
1911. Half tax can be paid at
any time prior to April 3, 1911,
and if no payment whatever is
made by that date. 10 per
cent. iK'nalty and a 10 ier cent,
interest charge monthly, will
The taxroll this year is very
extensive, owing to the many
road district special taxes, and it
is thought that tho sum total
will eclipse any former tax col
Notice U bvtctiy Riven llml the County
tiuprtlnlrndcnt of Washington County
ill bolil tht regular ri.mln.Hoo for
pplU-ant for State ami County papers
i County Cimrt House iu IlilUboto,
ConitiieiicInK Wednesday. February 8,
1911, al V o'clock a. m., ami coniluuiiiK
until Silurtlny, February 11, 4 p.
Weduesday Peumauabip, Iliatory,
Spelling, 1'hyilcal Geography, Reading,
Thursday-Written Arithmetic. The
ory of Teaching, Grammar, Boukkcrp
iiig. Physics Civil Government,
Friday Algebra, Geography, Compo
sition. Physiology, Roglish Literature,
Hcbool Iaw.
Saturday Botany, 1'lane Geometry,
(ieneral History.
van. cot'WTV fai'Kaa
Commeucing Wednesday, February 8.
1911, at 9 o'clock a. ui., anil continuing
mail Friday, February 10, 1911, at 4 p
Wednesday Penmauabio, History,
Orthograpby, Reading, 1'byaical Geog
raphy. Thursday Written Arltbttietlc, Theo
ry of Teaching, Grammar, physiology.
school Law, vivii
M. C. Caae.
County School Superintendent.
Friday Geography, Kcl
Government, Kugliab IJte
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction, on the old Kelsay
farm, i mile due south of New
ton Station, at 10 a. m., on
Span gray marcs, 9 years old.
weight 1350 each, one with foal;
7 head of , milk cows, 4 giving
milk, 3 will be fresh in March; 5
head of pigs, 3 weigh about lf0
lbs each, 2 weigh about 90 lbs
each; new 31 Winona wide tire
wagon, buggy, set of new dou
ble work harness, set of hack
harness, set of single harness,
new hay rake, Osborne mower,
hay rack, now 14-inch plow, new
cultivator, new Victor grindstone,
Western fan mill, and other ar
ticles too numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale All sums of $10
and under, cash; over $10, eight
months' time will be given on
approved notes bearing 8 per
cent interest. Two per cent dis
count on Bums of $10 and over.
Lunch at noon.
Mrs. H. Luscher, owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
W. B. Delsman. contracting in
Portland, was out the first of the
week, a guest of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Delsman.
Hercules stumping powder, any
quantity, caps, fuse, etc. All
new stock at J. E. Borwick's,
Keedville, and at Orenco. 3Gtf
ft. K. Simpson, of Valleio, Cal.,
arrived Monday, and will remain
here for a month or so. He is
well known here and at Reed
ville, where he owned property.
House cleaning or washing
done. Mrs. Maria Fisher, Jack
son Street, near Cider Mill, Hills
boro, Oregon. 48-51
Lagrippe has been epidemic in
the county for the past month,
and those who have been immune
from the attack are considered in
good luck.
See the fine stock of "back
combs," at Libby, the jeweler's
place. No back numbers all
new and fresh iroods. direct from
the factory; and Gee Whiz! see
the fine clocks and jewelry of all
kinds, which he is almost giving
way. 38-tf
The Orcgonian edition, cele
brating its 50th anniversary as
Oregon's pioneer daily, was is
sued February 4. and no paper
has ever equalled the production
in setting foith the great Oregon
country. Every county in the
state was given plenty of space
to set forth its relative claims of
merit and production. The ef
fort was a "marker" in Oregon
journalism that is appreciated by
every person loyal to the best
state in the Union. The pictorial
work was superb and the color
work was the Alpha and Omega
of art work.
For Sale Registered Holstein
jull, coming 3 years. Excellent
conformation. From a great
milk strain. Geo. Zetzman, Cor
nelius, Ore., R. 1, 5 miles north
west of HillslHjro, near Center
ville. 47-9
George Schulmerich and wife
will leave in a short time for
Lane County, where they will
spend the Summer on the Shoe
string Hunches, in which Mr.
Schulmerich is part owner. He
hits leased some of the proterty
and will go into stock raising.
He has resigned as cashier of the
Commercial Hank, and it is said
that Willis Ireland will succeed
urn to that lxisition. Mr. Schul
merich will depart about March
1, but Mrs. Schulmerich will re
main here until in May, perhaps.
New snmples for men's suits
arriving every day at August
lews tailor shop. Call in and
see them, Ihey are the swell
est ever, and just what you
want 44tf
Page Gardner, of Mountain-
dale, has purchased the Hillshn-
ro Pharmacy from J. M. and It
L Ureear, and has taken posses-
sion. Mr, daruner is a grauuaie
from the Oregon Agricultural
College Pharmacy Department
and is fully equipped to handle
the business. C. A. Lamkin,
who has been with the dispens
ing room of the Pharmacy for
many years, will remain with
the business.
There will be a dance at the
1). 15. Burkhalter Hall. Saturday
evening, February u. nverv-
body invited. Good music and a
line time. E. Demmin and I).
Varner, Managers.
Chester Alexander, fireman on
the construction train at the
front, above Buxton, was con
fined to his room the first of the
week, with an attack of la
grippe. There has been a great
deal of snow up in the moun
tains, and the bad weather in
cluded has laid up a number in
that section.
For sale: Eight Brahma eggs,
from thoroughbred fowls, took
first prize at recent Hillsboro
Show, $2.00 for setting of thir
teen. Sarah Ives, Fourth St.,
bet. Pacific and Iurst Ave., For
est Grove. 48-50
Ed. N. Cox. an employee of
the Oregon Nursery Co., severed
the left thumb at the first joint,
Sundav. while splitting kindling
at Orenco. He came up to the
city, and the wound was dressed
. . in it -s J I
by Dr. I'.lmor H. amun anu ur.
F. A. Bailey.
To I,oiin - One thousand dol
lars for one year or longer, on
good security. Eight per cent
-N. L. Atkins, Forest Grove,
Oregon. 4G-8
Dr. Elmer H. Smith has been
Admitted bv the State Board to
nractice medicine in Oregon. Dr,
Smith is the well known Osteo-
path, and has offices in the Link
later Brick.
For sale: Choice full blood
Berkshire brood sow with litter
nf small t)iirs at side. Also two
boar pigs, 10 weeks old. W. N,
Hathorn, Laurel, Ore. 48-50
W. N. Hathorn and wife, of
Laurel, went to Salem, Saturday
dvpn nir. beinir called mere Dy
the illness of Mr. Hathorn'a
Found: In the Emmott Mar
ket Saturday. Feb. 4. a purse;
contnininor sum of money. Own
er please call and prove property,
J. Millar, of Keedville, and
who a few vears ago was in the
mercantile business at that place,
was up to the county seat, &ai
Imperial Hard Wheat Flour,
$1.45 per sack, at Connell & Co.
Evefy sack guaranteed. ou
Geo. E. Harms, of near Moun
fainriile. and S. A. V. MeeK, o:
beyond Glencoe, were over
the city Friday afternoon.
lfnlatnin bull, registered, four
vears old. for sale. Also regis
tfrpt hull calf. 2 months old
Inauire of Geo. R. Bagley, Hills
boro. 44tf
Fred Mvers. of Shady Brook
urna in town Friday, and called
on the Argus.
County Hoard Finds That Local
Option Law Prevents License
Receipts for Feci In Clerk'a and
Recorder's Offices
The county commissioners met
ast week for the February term
and at adjournment voted to
again convene February 13, when
they will affix the warrant to the
tax roll for collection of the 1910
Ed. Col felt and Geo. Yenke,
who had asked for saloon license
in the town of Tigard, withdrew
their petition after finding that
the law would not permit grant
ing the right East Butte pre
cinct was placed in the dry
column two years ago. and
the last election did not take up
the vote, except as to state-wide
inhibition. As the precinct re
mained dry, A. F. Frewing et als
employed T. H. Tongue, deputy
district attorney, to present the
law to me ooaro, wnicn enaeo m
the applicants withdrawing their
H. P. Downing was appointed
road supervisor vice B. K. Den
ny, who declined to qualify.
I). B. Reasoner was paid for
putting in a piling bridge at the
.torwick place, across Rock
Creek, near Reedviile.
Edward Anderson, formerly
an inmate of the county farm,
was again admitted to the insti
tution. He had tried to make his
own way in the world but failed,
and again asked admission.
G. A. Plieth was ordered to re
pair bridges at uonita, and at
the Honzaiker place in his road
Clerk Bailey reported January
ees at $512.95, and Recorder
'erkins reported January collec
tions at $524.35.
The buildings at the poor farm
were insured in the sum of $2,000,
and John Vanderwal was given
the premium, the policy to cost
Road petition of Mary EngeU
brecht et als was referred to the
district attorney.
The bill of Daniel Parson, tor-
est Grove, for repairs to harness
and horse collars for A. L. Sex
ton, whose team went through a
bridge on Gales Creek, was dis
Ordered that a warrant for $28
issue to J. s. ujrsung, ior iour
No. 1 slip scrapers, upon delivery
at court house yard.
The following claims were al-
Roads and highways Ennis
.br Co $2 80. F M Kelsay 17 50.
A A Morrill 15 35, Geo Meinzer
2. G A Plieth 5 60, J C Smock
4 90, Wm Vanderzanden VI Kb,
Henry Walgraeve 2, F L West 2,
W Wolf 10 50 and 34, Edward
Krahmer 18 97.
The following circuit court
i jra 1 n i
jurors received eacn o j
Galloway. John Shafer, Frank
Kelsay, S C Wilson, Noah bhie-
del. Andrew Jack, C E Shorey.
C E Koontz, F W Lepschat. G O
Frost Clarence Barber, H I) Mc-
Entire. S C Wilson, A P Luther,
G M Hunter. C E Shorey. W W
Boscow, C Shaner, L Lmmott C
Hall. Wm Nelson, C Benefiel, C
Rhoades, Geo Schulmerich, Wm
Baclev. H W Miller, F Schom
burg, M Turner, Joe Hicken-
bottom. The following received
$6, eachG J Palmateer, Hugh
Smith. Fred tieywood, John
Boeker Jr, A Brandaw, G J Pal
mateer. C Rehse, A M Brown,
W York. J L Kerr, Noah Shiedel,
J Murrow. D W Bath, M Sus-
bauer, Wes Redmond, Chas John
in t m w ni
son. hi l rvuratn. J i xoung, iu
merSchmeltzer. Pieter Pyl. Fol-
lnwino- ree'd $9. each C Rehse.
E J Johnson, E L Abbott, C K
Bradley. Clarence Barber, F L
James. G M Hunter, A J Roy,
L E Shute $4, Peter Boscow 4,
A P Luther 12, T R Davis 8, R B
Coll ns 12.
Witnesses Circuit Court John
Hanev $3 20. Dr U FHeineck 16.
E G Hagey 14. C True 8, E C
Wetzel 8. Dr U F Heineck 8,
Martin Rhewalt 8, Robert Colfelt
8 80. Jud McGahey 2, Ed McGa
hey 2, Claude Meeks 10, William
Palmer 2. C Simpson 6, William
Hasfurther 12 80, Egbert Fonda
8, J Hess 6, A J Hess 10, William
Pa mcr 6. C U Lingren y m
Jacob Wirtz 7 20, F L Geiger
6 60. Wm R Ives 7 20, Mrs Mar
tha Miller 10. Guy Via 9 20. F H
Caldwell 10 60, Washington Co
News 7 50.
i Relief Dr S M Wendt $7, Mar
tin Vandehey 120 95, C F Miller
1 75, Julius Meyers 5, Moore &
Wilhelmson 2 55, N B LaCourse
17 50.
The Argui, com court, atat & c. ... 50
T C lUilev, ritemling tax roll 8j 00
liunliong He Co, stationery.. 4 75
Bunks Furniture Co, casket and
burial Ola Ih1i1 65 00
Bartholri I'.itrK Co. surveyor's olfice 8 10
A B l!ni!ry, iiui Kstallto Mauzarro 10 00
J W ltile , sal A exp 329 35
LS llonnty, bridges 17 04
I I) CunniiiKliam, court house sup 6 80
Jw bine Css. Hth grade ex bd. . 9 00
M C Cane, sal, expand (leouty.... 89 74
M C Case, school supt, trav exp.... 12 05
Max Cramlall, assessor's aalsry....ioo 00
L V C'arstens, asaeuiiiK A collect.. 6 00
I' 1) Cunningham & Co, suppliea
county o'Ticea..... 15 05
W Ihmelson, burial exp Kstallto
Maii.nrro 28 60
CK Iteirbman, circ ct bailiff (or
der of circuit court 4.') 00
Wilbelrniiia 1'ianU, 8tU grade ex
am boaid 9 00
S J Galloway, co inspector... 37 50
Hillsboro l'liarmacy, supplies c b
and off.res 2 6j
Nela llnntn, circ ct juror gd jury 4 20
Andrew f ltclc'"an, repair bridge. 93 81
K C Urown, coroner 11 6$
I' L Otiger, juror..... I 00
M II litnderfton, juror I 00
Henry Chal'aconilje, juror 100
J V Sonnen, juror I 00
Win Vanl.uin, juror 1 00
J R Iimltr, juror 1 00
V II Meuwey, witness. 1 50
(-'has Cranre. wit 1 50
Harry Challacombe, witness , 1 50
Frank Chsllnconibe, wit I 30
Willis Ireland, recorder'a fee 6 60
Hiilsboro Independent, tax recpUl7S 00
Independent Klctiic Co 36 ao
J A inibti, circuit court 42 00
James II Jack, 8 h grsde exain bd 9 00
W M Jackson, treasssl A exp.... 54 69
Johnson Lros, bridges 171 75
(I H Kiaus, 8th grade exam board 9 00
G A Morrill, surveyor's office 15 00
McNmiier it Wirtz, livery hire...,., 16 50
John McCtaran, com court is 30
J lin N)berg. com court 45 70
J no Olion, circ ct juror Jnly term 10 40
K I. I'erkins, recorder's sal & exp, 175 30
I'acific States Telephone Co 15 45
I) B Reasoner, bridges 144 40
Fred Sirgr st, extending tax roll... 85 50
A W " " " " ... 75 00
C M Stites, elections 5 10
J W Sewell, co judge sal & exp... 100 93
Sec Vault & Metnl Works 32 4o
" " 30 40
Wm Tupper, court house janitor.. '2 ao
T II Tongue, exp dist atty'a office, so 00
Jeffrey, of
to the city
Laurel, was
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25.
Chas. Casteel, of Tualatin, was
over to the county seat Monday.
Coroner E. C. Brown has been
on the sick list this week.
sDr. Lowe, the ootician. will
kC"be at Hotel Washington.
'"riday, to 4 o'clock.
Attorney J. A.
Jortland, was out
Monday afternoon.
E. F, Goetter. of
in town Monday morning,
called on the Argus.
For Sale -Hercules stump pull
er, with 130 feet cable in good
shape. Practically as good as
new. B. J. lucker, Beaverton,
Ore., R. 3. 47-9
Loui Haniel, on the Jas. Im-
bne iarm, west union, is re
covering from an attack of pneu
When the kitchen is properly
equipped there is sunshine in the
house. Come in and see our
Champion and Charter Oak
ranges. They are the best
Lmrick & Corwm
Masquerade ball at Laurel
Hall, February 22, 1911. Tick
ets. $1.00. There will be four
prizes for best sustained and
most comical characters, lady
and gentleman of each. You
are cordially invited. 48-9
Undersigned desires to rent a
dairy farm, all stocked up, and
not far out and on milk route,
near Hillsboro. Can take pos
session at once. Party having
such a place to rent can get ten
ant by addressing Box 540, Hills
boro, Oregon. 46-8
Soon we shall hear the com
plaint of heavy taxation but
what would you think if you
were paying taxes in Tillamook
county, where they have a tax
of $280, OIK), or an average of
about $15 for every man, woman
and child. 1 his is a pretty good
sized tax for a little over 6,000
people. Tillamook, however, has
lots of non-resident timber land
Erwin Ritter, of Bethany, was
in the last of the week, and de
posited $1112. 2b for two heirs o
the late Jacob Schaerer, the
Bethany blacksmith suicide. The
heirs can not be found, and Coun
ty Treasurer Jackson will hold
the money until they are located,
Four heirs have already received
their share of the money, but the
real estate still remains undiv
Theodore McNamer, of Alaska,
was in town the first of the
week, a guest of his sister, Mrs,
J. W. Goodin. T. C. was one o
the first to leave here for the
Klondike country, in 1897. and
was a passenger on the Elder,
that made the first trip out of
Portland to bkagway. He sti
has claims on Emma and McCov
Creek, and will return as soon as
Spring opens.
Death was Almost Instantaneous
Body Badly Mangled
Dead Man was Prominent Real Estate
Man of Forest Grove
Edward Seymour, of Forest
Grove, was crushed to death by
an electric car at Beaverton, Sat
urday afternoon, ' February 4,
911. He had been in Portland,
and with a six year old son, was
returning to his home in the
college city. The car which ar
rives here at 4:25 had just ar
rived at Beaverton, when Mr.
Seymour and his little son lump
ed off the car to get some article
at that station. He succeeded
in getting the little fellow on the
car, and dropping a box, tried to
pick it up. He failed in this,
and as the car had started he
rushed to the rear car to try to
board it He slipped and was
struck by the front of the third
car, and thrown under the
wheels. One of his legs was
severed from the body, and he
expired in a few minutes.
Seymour leaves a wife and sev
eral small children. He had re
sided at Forest Grove for several
years. He was a Knight Temp-
ar, and a Masonic delegation
went to Beaverton, Sunday, to
escort the remains to his home.
Coroner Brown went to Bea
verton Saturday evening, and
the inquest waa held. The jury
ound that his death was acci
dental and the railway company
was exonerated.
The jury: W.
E. Summers, E.
Summers, C.
H. Glaysier.
The tram was in charge
Conductor J. M. Bilbrey.
A. Williams, J.
D. Boring, H.
E. Hedges and
he undersigned will sell at pub
ic auction at his farm, a mile
and a half northeast of Orenco,
and 5 miles northeast of Hills
boro, at 10 o'clock a. m., on
Cray horse, to years, 1400, bav mare,
years, 1300, in foal to develop May 1;
black mare, 12 years, 1500, alao in foal,
both colts from registered stock; four
milk cows, two in milk; two three-year
olds, all six to be fresh in July; t i-year
old belters; 5 yearling calves; Jersey
bull; 11 head shoats, 11 suckling pies.
due to wean, 7 weeks old date of sale; 3
sows, boar, Ueenng binder, 7-u cnt; 5-ft
mower, to ft rake; Bain wagon, 31 inch.
with box; iron wheel wagon, buggy, Mo
line sulky plow, a walking plows, 2 vine
yard single plows, springtooth harrow.
pegtooth harrow, disc, spray pump with
tank, hayrack, work harness, set aingle
harness, grindstone, 5o-eal kettle, Her
cules hop stove, Jumbo grub machine
with 130-ft cable, 3 tons winter oats, 2
tons white oats, 6 tons hopwire, 2 stands
bees, No. 6 U. S separator, 23 head An
gora goats, horse power wood saw, 2 x
cut saws, sledges, wedges, horse clippers,
Hartford platform scales; a kiln cloths.
24x24; 2 10 g milk cans, 2 5-gal milk
cans, 50 hop baskets, 4 dozen chickens,
dbl disc Monitor grain drill, lot house
hold goods, and other articles.
Terms of Sale-Under $10,
cash; over $10, one year, banka
ble notes, at 8 per cent. Two
per cent off on cash, $10 and up,
Ralph Imbne, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
Return Home Through Sunny
When you arrange your eastern
trip be sure to include the Sunset
Route through New Orleans, L
Paso, Los Angeles and San Fran
cisco for return. It is a splendid
educational journey, and at this
time of the year especially de
lighttul because so warm and
comfortable. Every mile
through the sunny southland
the rice and cotton fields of Lou
isiana and Texas, the vast mir
age meses oi JNew Mexico and
Arizona, now spread with bright
green, the orange groves and
semi-tropic charm of California,
miles and miles along the ocean
shore, and several of the most
interesting cities on the conti
nent. Ask your local railroad
agent all about it
A son of John Magruder, re
siding at Elgin, Union County,
climbed a huge snag, several
feet in circumference, the other
day, and shot a bear which was
asleep down in the hollow of the
trunk. He discovered that the
bear was in the tree by the evi
dence of scratches around the
base. Bruin was fast asleep,
and six shots sent him to bear
Paradise. The young fellow is
nephew of Jas. Magruder, of the
Delta Drug store, of this place.
High Q
Drug S
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
"Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies. THE BEST EVER"
Itaminshy's MaKe Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary- Remedie
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, 0,
Vice-President Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Saturday, Jan. 1, 1911.
Capital and Surplus $50000
" Loans - $256,378.21
U. S. Bond (at par) 25.000.00
uther Bond
Banking House
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 134,369.01
Capital and surplus $50,000.
Undivided Profits 2.fi2; ' .)
37,140.00 Circulation 25,000. )
18,000.00 Deposits 393, 2 30. 'Jl
$470,887.22 $470,837.2
Roeorve 3 4 Por Ooxit.
TKoa. G. Todd John . Bailey J. W. Fuqua
Wilber W. McEIdowney J. A. Thornburtf
It is a safe proposition that we
Sell More Furniture
than any other store in Washing
ton County. Why? Because our
On the same quality of Goods.
People from a distance are sur
prised when they see that they
can save 25 cents on the dollar by
buying from us.
Come to Forest Grove'and see for
C. O. ROE & CO.
Waiting for YOU
We're always ready and will
ing: to play the Victor for you.
You'd come in right now if
you only realized what splendid
music you can hear on the
You owe it to yourself and family
to find out. Why not come in today?
There's a Victor for YOU-$10 to
$250. Easy, terms if desired.
Mau re I