KrgOI, JniILLSB6R VOL. XVII HIIXSIJORO, OREGON, FEB. 2,1911. NO. 47 ENGINEER HOW ON I CiTflj SURVEYS I.. C. Kcliwy Send hit AlUnt to Take Charge of Work HAS STARTED CONTOUR SIKVKVS I, C. Buyill, AmIhUoI Hnilnccr, Ar rived la Clly Monday L ('. Boyutt, assistant engineer to L C Kt'lscy, arrived in llills lioro Monday morning, and look cd over the city preparatory to entering ujHin tt contour survey for municipal improvements. Mr. l!oyatt has had much execu tive fxiwricnce in city engineer ing, and he organized a corps, and now haa them busy at run- ninur linos. He will survey for sidewalks, Bcwage, drainage and for Htroot improvements. Ho anticipates no trouble what- t'vor in finding an outlet for m-wagc. Within a few week he will have a survey completed and furnish the Mayor and council with a man of the city, and then will U'gin the individual work of the engineers. It in expected that the new charter will be approved by the voteni bv the middle of April, and work will then begin in earnest TKACIIERS' l-XAMINATION It is reMrted that Chas. Krah- nter, or m-ar Blooming, nar rowly escaped drowning in the liialatin river, at the Dixon Bridge, the other day. It ia Haid that he and his two Hons, Fred and Albert, started to Forest drove in a new boat When they went under the bridge, the Mw i-uught and turned the boat over, l lie younger son, Alwrt. caught the bottom of the boat, while Mr. Krahmerand the elder son clung to the bridge. A vto- in. worth $:15 or $10: a 22-rifle. ami an overcoat and a coat to a good suit were hwt. The boys say that the water is rather cold. The crew Adolph and Fred Siegrist and Thos. Bailey ex pect to have the tax roll ready fort.lerk Bailey to turn it over to .Sheriff Hancock by the 12th inst. Tax money will then bo gin to roll in. It is, of course, H)sible that there might be a day or two of delay, but that is the date selected for completion of the figures and the proof of the roll. The roll is much larger than usual, owing to the many thousands of dollars levied for special mad taxes. Hon. W. N. Barrett has intro duced Mils in the senate as ioi- lows: A bill to raise the salary of district attorney of the Fifth Judicial District to $4,000 per year; a bill permitting cities to control their water supply where demand come from outride the SUED FOUCGIDENI Young Moulton Injured at Forest (Jrove Factory Last April ALLEGES NEGLIGENCE BY COMPANY Suci for (1,150 to Keep Cane in Local Circuit Court Dave Wenger, of Helvetia, was down to the city Monday. C. L. Benefiel, of above Banks, was down to the city Saturday; J. J. VanKleek, of Kinton, was a Hillsboro visitor Saturday. Horn, January 27, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bunsen, Hillsboro, t daughter. Nels Johnson, of the Cedar Mill section, wa3 a county Beat visitor Friday. Herman Bernards, of North Forest Grove, was in town Sat urday afternoon. Doc. Mendenhall, of above Buxton, was down to the city the last of the week. Miss Hope Emmott spent Sat urday and Sunday at Salem, the guest of Miss Rose Cave. Imperial Hard Wheat Flour, $1.45 per sack, at Connell & Co. hvery sack guaranteed. 37tf Hon. W. K. Newell, one of J. i). WILLIS AND WIFE DN ILL-FATED STEAMER Were Passengers on Cottage City When Vessel Struck Rock PASSENGERS AND CREW WERE SAVED Former Hillsboro Mao and Wife Have Narrow Escape ia Alaskaa Waters S. A. Moulton, the father of I)well Moulton, has sued the Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Company for $1,950 damages al leged to haVe been sustained by the boy about April 2. 1910, while working in the Forest Grove con denser. The father says that the boy was between thirteen and fourteen years of age when he was employed at the time of Oregon's fruit authorities, was the injury. The complaint states down from his home above Dil- that the boy was ordered to lev. Saturday. steady a load of cans which had Man's green bone-cutter, No. been placed on the elevator, and 7, for sale.-Geo. Zetzman, near that the cargo so crowded the Centerviile, Cornelius. Oregon, floor of the lift that there was It. 1. 47-9 uti e room, lhe boy. the com- . yirgil H. Massey, justice of plaint reads avers that his foot Cornelius precinct, was down to vuiu.iunnjr Bui pvu. a..u u aw the county seat Saturday, and uiincu wrvere lawntuuii 01 u' called Oil the ArgUS lft leir nv renmn nf its hpinirl r1 I ' w -..I- - f r' 1 it ' 1 . I,. i . voie, oi ijipoie, mis siae rti Out the Count j Kiitrrmtmdtnt t( Whlnitoit County will hultt the rrtfuUr ciultiliou lor ;pllcnti fur Stale ml County pujx'rf t Cuunty Court llouae In llliliboio, Mlowi: I'm HTATK rAHKM Cotnmrncltig Wr1iiely, Frlirnnry 8, 1911, at v o'clock a. in., anil continuum until hituiilay, February 11, 1911,8! 4 p, m. WrdumUy Pcnmanililp, History, KptMing, i'liyilcal Geography, Reading, I'avcholoKV. TbureUy-Written Arlthmrlic. The ory of TciictiitiK, Crarumar, Bookkeep ing, rbyili'i Civil t.ovfrntncnt. Friday Algebra, GeoKrapliy, Conio itlon, Vliyiiology, KnglUh Literature, School I tw. Saturilav Botany, Plane Geometry, utueral Iliitory, Vim cot'NTV PAPKHil Commencing WcdhietiUr, February 8, 1911, at 9 o'clock a. m., ami continuing until Friday, I'ebruaiy io, 191 1, at 4 p m. Wedneiday IVmnanahlp, History, Ortbography, Reading, Pbyiical Ucog ratiliy. Thuriday-Wrltteti Arithmetic, Theo ry of Teaching, Grammar, physiology Fiiday Geography, School Law, Civil government, Ktigllsb Literature. M, C. Case. County School Superintendent Mrs. Ryiil. of Hoy. was in town the last of the week, a guest of her Bister, Mrs. Humphreys. Married, at the Evangelical Parsonage, in Tigardville, Jan. 25, 1911, Kev. S. Conklin officiat ing, Walter It. VanKleek and Agnes Anderson. C. F, Hesse, of Scholia, and who for many years farmed one of the big ranches of that fertile section, was in town Saturday, shaking handa with his friends. W. H. Lyda, of near Forest Grove, and who has been in the logging and sawmill business for years, and now retired to a farm ing proposition, waa down to the city Saturday afternoon. Married, Jan. 25, 1911, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. ana Mrs. raul Landauer, near West Union, Rev. J. It. Welch officiating, Floy W. Westfall and miss ueceiia Landauer. , P. S. Malcolm, of this side of West Union, was in town Satur day. After years of life in Fort land, Mr. Malcolm is not regret ting that he has "taken up the simple life," as Roosevelt would say. Jos. Hickenbottom, of Shady Brook, was in the city Monday. fie reports his father, C. llicken Dottom, who is we along in years, as being ouite ill. and constantly under the care of a physician. . the electric light company lound i,t necessary to divert the drain in several daces, on Sec ond Street, wnere their poles, as surveyed, came square above the ditch. The water was conduited through a V section, and the polos win go on the survey. s Sheriff Hancock. Sunday, con ve'yed Harry Gardner and Earl Townsend. the voung lads sen tenced for incorrigibility, to the state Industrial School, beyond Salem. The two lads have been in several escapades, but promise that they will behave at the school, with high hopes of soon earning their freedom through city limits; and a bill to control .l" .-., fhaf Bimnnr ,W of Sherwood, on the Oregon sewage and condemn property aftn,i nf ,l Th Electric, was up to the county . Li v v. s 1 1 i ivrvi xj a liiu uv. wa t a 1 1 v. i - through which sewage must pass eevatorwa8 mng from the first seat Saturday morning, rAii'iiiiiiit ucrmiu uvj iiiu- , a,,., um, ..j ,. u r,r m rr T ni.. 1 . a J 1 ,L . I . , ... operated oy a minor, wnom me he ordinance urovidinir tor a J. T. Morrison, who raised a complaint says handled the ma- Light officer, on the grounds that fine lot of iwrfect vellow dent, chine poorly alter the accident, one is not needed at this time. ..... - - . - . - ,.::.,., Ninety asc season, --"'k k . W.'..wl. For Sale- Hercules stumo null- was in Monday, and took out a ine.nsi with 130 feet cable - corn sneuer io m runen neur p-"-. i"vni; when its. guarded, and that the injury was due to carelessness upon the part of the defendant company. Suit was filed under the $2,000 sum, it is thought, so that the case would have to be tried by the lo cal courts, and so that it would not be carried to the U. S. court were in town baturday. at Portland, as another case Herman Kamna Drought against me company, where over $2000 was asked. shape, rractically as good as new. B. J. Tucker, Beaverton, Ore., It. 3. 47-9 II. W. Miller, of Forest Grove, J. C. Miller, of beyond Glencoe, and Oscar Miller, of the McCum- sey mill, near Mountaindale, Farmington. on the Tualatin a a t t m I river, lie has made saie oi nis product, and it will be placed on the market for see J. Mr. P. P. Lorsung has sold his 40-acre farm, known as the J. J. Krebs farm, miles southeast of Hillsboro. to J. H. Bartlett. of Portland. Consideration $7000, including stock and implements. The sale was negotiated by Neal Brown. 709 Swetland Building, Portland. The P. It. & N. has had no trouble with the line between he has nuwr. v ...v ?v... ,..r. Mr. Iiughes, wno is to aeuyer come 4g7 the construction engines, further,. a f-. flfcomft "' to the front, however, has been .,.,, n,nj' p,,!,,,,;;,! hkt.rv Mrs. Sarah Martin, who moved snowed in for several days. special and a favorite study, and to Portland, after a residence i !,i.. tn n ia t Ho!"..fviv. ..tvrauvf. tn ' Henl near Witch Hazel, has been suf- ii uf.w.tmi tin onH ,uk tVia cnKivf in a larcr nnrl fennif irom a broken arm for ,v.r linn mu on milk route, wimnrehensive wav. The better several weeks, but is now rapid A Series of Lectures was in from north of town, Monday. He and his family have been having a siege of the la gripie, which has been epidemic in the community. TVin T nrlia Anviliatnr nf Vio Attention is called to tne course christian Woman's Board of 1 sarin it. Iiik WilllrnMttrl nn I... . -. .r. nml Timlwr nlthniiLrh there f1"1"" "V, . ' " Missions will meet at the Chns re and l imitr, aitnougn tnere Sunday nights at the First Con- tian church Tuesday February us been two or three feet of .P11,ational church in this citv 7 o n ' 1 ay Cl S03 tow at the latter nlace One of ff-.110"31 cnurcn in mis city. 7 at 2:30 p. m. Everybody wel iow at tnt aiur piute. newi M Hughes, who is to deliver come 4g.7 . . . 1 i 1 1.1 i : a. x- near 1 1 1 smi.-o. i-an tane pos- iniormea one is on ine nistory 01 session at once. Party having our common country, the better Koch a itlaee to rent can iret ten- nreuared one is. other things be ant hv m dressing lox mu. inns- tng euual. to ue an eincient ana Ixiro. Oregon. 4(-c5 cauable citizen, lhe theme ot The Steamer Cottage City, ply ing between Seattle and Alaskan port3, struck a rock in the straits ast Thursday night, and inside of fifty minutes sank to the bot tom of the Sound inlet The ves sel struck in the night, and the snowfall was so dense that the pilot was unable to see any dis tance ahead. Supper was over and the passengers were in the salon, where they were enjoying themselves with piano and song. Suddenly the vessel struck the submerged reef and trembled vio- ently. The captain ordered the boats out from the davits and the women and children were owered first, and then the men and the crew. All made shore inside of a few hours, as they were but four miles from a set tlement Although the sea was running high they had no serious trouble in landing. It was of interest to Hillsboro people for the reason that John R. Willis and wife, former Hills boro people, were on the vessel, enroute home from a trip to Washington. D. C. Mr. Willis was reared in this city, and his wife, who was Miss Erma La tham, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Latham, well known here, where she lived a number of years. The first dispatches told that one boat containing the crew and a few passengers, had not reached shore, and Friday was an anxious day among the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Willis, who awaited the coming of the evening papers to "find if, they were among the saved. High Q UALITY Drug tore The PI ace where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR "Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies. THE BEST EVER" ttaminshy's MaKe Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remed:e The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. A. THORXBURGH President J. E. BAILEY Vice-President W. W. MCELDOWNEY Cashier LAUREL LITERARY famil will receive $2,000 each. Herman Collier, of Scholls, nn.i who sti has atwut law :irks of onions for the market thinks that there will be no fall n the nresent urices. and rather thinks that they will raise higher in the near future. New samples for men's suits . . I A A 1 arriving every tiay at aukus T.w tin or shou. tan in ana .a fill iU., see them, iney are me weu est ever, and just what you want. 44 Washington county's popula tion, according -to race statistics, liri 'i . ill Jllll. is as loliows: The administrators of the three the lectures, which begin Sun Jreeks. who were killed at the , ei(1a Sin 5?" -n.ted Kiuway tunne. u ..Mayflower omeilUS I ass, wua ran, nave p1pim,Mt :i t F - ..Ho. SET1 lhNLa,Sath tadS'-FSSfe 'At ly recovering, When the kitchen is properly equipped there is sunshine in the house. Come in and see our Champion and Charter Oak ranges. They are the best Lmrick & Corwin H. Leis, of Beaverton, and The Laurel Literary Society held its regular debate last triday night, and the subject under de bate was "Resolved That the World is Growing Morally Bet ter.' The affirmative speakers were Roy Heineck, F. L. Brown and E. L Mapes, while the neg ative was handled by Mr. Rus sell, E. T. Turner, L. Moore and William Gaether. The affirma tive side was given the decision, Henry Matthes, Jesse Heitman and A. D. Hill, presiding as the judges. The speakers handled their subjects in a whole some and thorough manner, aad some of the arguments were a surprise to the audience, inas- Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Statement of Condition on Saturday, Jan. 7, 1911. Capital arid Surplus $50000 $256,378.21 Capital and surplus $50,0 X) Quakers" Ideal Force. Begin . , n -la. -1 ning next bunaay nignt ana continuing until the first Sunday in March, they are free, and all are invited to attend, lhe music will be led by a boys' chorus. P. I. Lilligard, of near Laurel, was in town the first of the week. who had uu boxes ot prize win- much there 'as considerable ning apples ana some prize win-r ;n delivery and all that ning prunes at tne rortiana Ap- to make a debate interest pie snow, last ran, was m town y Next Friday (tomorrow) a saturaay auernoon. entitled "The Corner F. L. Geiger, of Cornelius, and Store" will be presented, and ad- who is city recorder for the pros- mission of ten cents will charged, nerous little town, was down to the iuna to go to tne Denento the city Saturday. He says Cor- the organization, lhe public is nehus is to amend its charter at cordially invited to attend these Will Bellinger, of Forest Grove, was in town Friday and Satur day. the coming city election. For Sale Registered Holstein bull, coming 3 years. Excellent conformation. From a great milk strain. Geo. Zetzman, Cor nelius, Ore., R. 1, 5 mile3 north- meetings. Loans U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bond 37.140.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 134,369.01 Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits 0 2,6 !6. 9 25,0)0. 0 393,2 X).' 3 $470,887.22 Reserve 34 Per Oexxt. $470,887.22 DIRECTORS Thoa. G. Todd John E. BaiUy J. W. Tuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thoraburtf The percentage of the Hillsbo ro Eighth Grade pupils who pass ed at the recent state examina tion was very large as compared with the results of other schools over the state, outside of Wash in trton Countv. Albanv had but Jurors on the last case aerainst ton nor nont whn nnsaorl and as D. B. Burkhalter, of near Albert Snosito. and who broueht tho oYnminntirm was thp same as White, 21,439; ne- Farmington, was a Hillsboro vis- ui a verdict of simple assault triven all over the state. Hillsboro E. Demmin and D. Varner, of west of Hillsboro, near Center South Tualatin, were in town vine. 47-9 Saturday. r. if o. fiU:nn..A I I J 1. UAi.,uJA. nfryMAiM 1 . 1 1.1 l. 4.1 i. 1.1 L. 1.1 I . . . . J, . , ,1 gro, i, inuian, o, vomicae, w, ,ior oaiuiuay anciuwu. staie mat tne report mat me should teel proud OI tne tnor- Japanese, za-maKing a vuuu ui p L. Brown, of Laurel, was Jy originawy stooo ten to two oughness of its schools, 01 r.'VJ I ' 1 'it. cii. 1.... f i. niTQinst thd rlpfpnrlnnt i nnt. thp. I over to tne city oaturuay aiier- - . " c.. n i r Cfn ...mi v. Annna ot tv,nl rai,ti niamoov frionHa case, out that the reverse was owtc mere wi - iw... ... ......j Ukf venson. of hrflst tirove. was Hnum irt ihamti, NatnwSav in thp February 11. Every- u..,j n: frt roiif. Elmer Mavs. for many vearsl i t t boayinviieu. nia last week, where he was call- ' ws uitauuic uu, exh bit at the poultry show, finp time. E. Demmm and L. I . v.. u of Glencoe. and whose firm will vnrner. manairers. -to, Aian soon ueirui uie ercLiuii oi a rreu ureetier. 01 uciuw jwuu , ur iicai lAro niiKcicp, " . . v,. . . n , m. t... ,annA An. . brick block m worth flains to Bridge, was in the city &atur- 10 juoaiivnc iuu?.,u i t t More ock. oi be ow Heav-k, M tka; u. ci, f o.an0i Uo a oii nn tno Armw , . x . I (uupy Viivrij wife oiiwviv i Liivini uajr( unu viiv,u vu .v in thfi onuntv I 13 NT ntHnw7anrion rt naait Rnv. was in town Fridav. and Oregon. W urdav afternoon. , c- .uavis 01 lsu.xwn a called on the Argus, uM l " 1 "r i i tin tn ti.Mf nAnrminrm i tm thn l .Tnhn Kamna. Of FarmingtQn, T..n., vrHn.,J ,l,llaJ""" """V'VV4"'."" wre A Tfnufman nf thp Rpavprtrm 1 .. ' .' . An ' .Ill tlUIIUO 1U1VI1B(.J.I, miu u iid- u rT nj ritTht OT WAV WH9 I "-. . Wk ritSptSv ffi down in the Tualatin down to the cty Monday He s,ectl0fn; was UP to the Cltv Satur -tltia sate to sav tha m mshoro i8' j day afternoon. not comeupw.u, urday, and dropped in on tne riffht ahead with building and M. Rahn, of the Phillips sec- FURNITURE! It is a safe proposition that we Sell More Furniture than any other store in Washing ton County. Why? Because our X 1 PRICES are LOWEST 1 i On the same quality of Goods. People from a distance are sur prised when they see that they can save 25 cents on the dollar by buying from us. Come to Forest Groveand see for yourself. C. O. ROE & CO. FOREST GROVE, OREGON. w nnn vpar nr Ioncer. on tR UAtttaT Forest Gpi S SWKK 8eat . . auto, Those Electric Irons at G, R. Argus for a few minutes. R. B. Porter, the hopgrower of improvements, and it does a f el- tion, was over to the city Friday low good to see the advance con- afternoon. llllUe. I Pilfl.r TtmA nt Vnvaat flwnra Louis Meyer, of near Laurel, was in town Friday, a visitor at Stovers are going, and 11 you near Foregt Grove, and who is are thinning auoui, kuhk wn, f the p oneers in that cul r r . r r ; ; : i,apTatinVtrppr -sover .t0 1 e 8.: e sh0W. Mrs. A. a. V lint, ox ocuoua, c... He and hl3 father and hl3 broth. T . Tucker, of near Conner was in the city baturday and Gragg & Williams have moved er Jesse, jointly have ahout 2,000 Mountain, was an Argus caller sunaay, me K"CBtul their saloon into the old court sacKs ox cnoice curoanKs ior tne Saturday. . ur niffnA nf L: Ufnl onrl a hanHanmp npw if tip pan wt. $1 lier hnnHrpri fnr e0- etzman, OI Venlerv"le W h n, on"o7t a ftAs the "old sirucre them that his average foT the was in the cty Saturday, hPttpr Datronage than they ex- that was built away back in the past few years will be ninety C. D. Banks, of Banks, was . i :. ...l. ...i.tAWno I npnta npp rwt. tipptpo ior ouemiiK yvccr. ivaiiv nxbico. i down to the city Friday. Waiting for YOU 1 We're always ready and will ing to play the Victor for you. You'd come in right now if you only realized what splendid music you can hear on the Victor. You owe it to yourself and family to find out. Why not come in today? There's a Victor for YOU-$10 to $250. Easy terms if desired. Jt Jo,jt t fMB"M',l-,,,",-lB' parole.