't r i 1 . . Mi rtibe r- e.( t H:UNt for I.. A I.')NO. Kdttnr r. unty Official I'aper -.:;oo: II-' Ir Annum. Hr? Thr1T -BT- 0G McKINKT A v ! -V i t "1 ( tTI " o o fr'TTi a t f,.r tho 1 .1.i.-5h r W-r.-.ar. tho !: a -" i .ar.I A. IL V...--I .. : .!- , ho h;i!! rtvoivo v , Cu.. . ' st u tv th;.t ,v , or-.. 1!: I . aw i i Uon : i - hn civ,--: : t v -. a rtv.: cr : '''. '.''. .. . ; ! , ; . ifooj.; tho 1: T0' tamix-rvd with n C v. j,. .. an avail against a-.y i- Y,' Mo-r, i',. :.;i:ation that may pa. a:-,j' tho 0'-,.-" K'. ; .;.,t like' v. howovor. that arul irto-uis to o -' ,"; t wi'.l N ma'lo to vi- o . ,v;th its ui-? rrovisior S i i i r sr was t-ioctod t-resi WAT EVERY WEEK No'sOll -ht tho IV. .-.f the s-r,aie. and Uusk ; o'-cted shaker of t"? j 'a"r lv:i:a;-c at vor.ier.ee. Mrs. F. Iv'n:- er. citv this af: is arrari -.n. of WiW :. Mrs lnvk- t- !'KiM' M ay. Those "'t'e-Lxhihit at tho com in iv;!try :.ro frier.ds of the direct ; show. -y. and are ardort State-) A. E. Ihii'oy. ; Or.e men - that is to say j of lurt-i. was K d I1, er. 1 viiove in the iw;'o ox- j their ch"ioe for L r.;tOi - senator, and the loris!a ratifyin. that choiee. Mr. nr. an was unfortunate in ir supiK'rt from tr.ose who the diroet primary' and x t .cctionof Lnitoii State son- as fallacies that have no in 'Organic law, and this ieprived that pentleman n i -uoeeodinvr himsi-lf as pro of the senate. A. K. says the i ma.io trau'l vtry in his section. carrier o;,t t i ; . , wat-" has .vrui". over llonu'iniir the daroe at V..i- af lav man Itao. vi eiaan'. tvonin?. Jan'.;ary 2. Ti'lio's orchestra. Tick-, ts. !. i:-.vl..dir,ij ?up;or. A!S are invited. A k-nirthy road art'c'.o from the ien of H. 1 arson, of Iowa Hill. wi':l api't-a-n a fwt-.ro .imbor. there lo ir..r t"i :ni.h. court matter to handle this wwk. pr -. West and State Treasurer . cave decided that the state - ;--ot need the assistance of I'iamondon as superintend the Pendleton asylum, at n per year, as it will le two .'s hofore a superintendent is f i. Plamondon was ap- 1 by Actinjr Governor r.r.an upon the alleped pur- (if securing Senator Bar ;'s vote to make Bowerman -lit of the senate. C. A. ; .. it and Plamondon both 'i from Athena, Umatilla t if, , S'O ! sh'.: Sei .. lies having no iopuIar elec- :.T'i now havinsr deadlocks in ' .-'Matures anent the quts- I election of U.S. senators of these days they will all t the Oregon plan, and thus " it the Kraft that jroeswith .'.rial fights. .0Ticn i.i ; ('": Li i ir ia; oa Co IS. Co i n v, died Wednesday morn i;,n. 18. 1911. at his lodir on Second Street. He wan r..n.i ....- i :.. i'-riwith rheumatism several "-urnias fnn-i oy,o. lie was oorn in Dodge A. farstor.s. of Hanks, was down to the city Monday, at tending the bcisiile ot the late K.igene Friday. Mrs. Theodore S. I.oiAis. form- ertv Miss tav i.eag:e. -,s r.-re from Seattle. th g -t of her aunt. Mrs. J. A. laihrie. J. A. ImLrie recent! v receh 'd a shipment of ger.aino old Ken tnckv cigars, sent l.v H,;-rh lU-h ne, w ho visiteil here a ear or so ago. IV. C. P. Brown and son emu out from Portland. Sunday, ir. the auto, and the Dr. says tin mads were pretty fair, as tl.e were trozen quite hard. We w ish to say that the caad the Arcade Theatre will give away Saturday is clean, fresh stock made in the New Year. "We make it."--Den of Sweets. Mrs. Edward Friday, of South ern Oregon, was in the city this Week. Bom. to William Boy and wife, of near Bethany, Jan. 17. a son. We Are Going To Mahe WEDNESDAY Your Day To Get -BARGAINS - On Every Wednesday We will have SPECIAL PRICES in Mme section of our DRY GOODS end GROCERY Departments ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25 We will give you Specials on our BEST DRESS GOODS All J i oo Wool lVess CkhhIs, jicryard S.'c All 6v Wool Dress Goods, per yard . XX: All 65c Wool Dress GixkIs, jer yard 17c First-Class Patterns aiul on Sale on Above Date Only We have a nice lot of Children, Hose, rcg.ul.ir price from 15c to 25c per pair, at the low price of 12' jc a pair. Iu Groceries for Wednesday ouly, wc will soli Shield Brand Pure Lard, 5 lb. puil 80c 25c oranges, 2oj per do. yx oranges, 25c per do. sUMUONH h, 1 I lrv..U ' ! "'' j f .r Wl' ! ' """'T ' 1 !,-,. I ilfl'tn. I'll"lll. ) i ,. Vtrl 1. i'(ll'llit t j.i 11 IVii-t". ! nH'l ! 1. I .hi , , i , ,1,, n. ... ,.l li, data -I O.-.n .u i ,,r l,ril' r,,o.l I.. ''' "' ,..i.i.l.l IOil I ,'., .1.1 l.n.1 .'Hit li'l '.! i ' I i,.. -WO. r..rtl.' "1 ' '"' i .!.'. Ill' .lt "f Oi IO. t ..lbl..l..ill 1.1 1 ii,:. Hiiiinii.'iia I., ail 0.1 ..fal-.iit t ti i II. .'Illi .! "f Krt i.ian lull. aI 1 ,., lali I.. ' li'f I'la'iilO' lt "aiil ; P,..l nil lk )u.lrn..i aiilit ( r ilr.tr ,(.Mi:IIlf ! lill.l "I ,, !,ni,.i ailli U laarn '" 1 in'. ! aii.l ll h .-Uf a.l futllial I .lit I -I, '"' ' " " " .-'- I.- r t t! VltM ll.aV (' nirr., c, .lil'. ! ) I ..ii, liul J 'in .'1111 111..IH l j nl. llil l' I'ulrl i.f Oi. Il.i.i.il.l'li. J W Vtrll. J.i,( i.Ui ( uit 1 uiiil'.l I'.. Mala . f Otr .11 for 0 n I ..nniT '' W a.lieni.'ti. ! ut.lrr nta-l .'at --I on II. l h .Ur .'I J. .. I 'll. I" Oia !.. U, ( ir. uu J.i lif" I" I" W a.i.inel.iu . ..11 ill T . aii-l .lata"! tl IOl tlti.a ii.ui.. tht itiiit..ui' m 1 imiUv I'- 1 an l ..I J u.i t. I 'II an. I llir .Ula ! Oiril J.ii'.'l.. all"!! .'I !!' ilitilliui.a la I ra.tav Oif - 'r.l .U .1 l.iIT, l"U ('!, ,, U . I. a.. I. n. .ll.n.I f..l 'ei l.!t. 1 I !iii.U-l .1 t man a, I'l'lOan l. I llrf.iil. No'lk'i: If thoro are tiny tin n, American Woman' . Wu'dnntun ('uintt, .. tieil w ltd any t'ha; .t. . ,t U- npiTfoiated if tf , . -Al tmco rt a.rt to Mr. II r i I ... o ..-.. . i n . .-Mi n iai) hi lira i iiiii.k . liiiMiro. uri'iro'i. I I III' Moninnuth B itd r i .. .. i lir. lry it it i thmtr. Inn mi Best Firo Insurat! A QUART BOTTLE, tl .ui Htrii!il aV.tnrk t W I.i.kn ai'.l Ua ai I f' l tlif tirat U-tn In j..ul li !.H riitlmu u i'j inr K.mr full 1011 WlltllT quatK llltlieiT M T (,. U.ll r.-nr full Tar!. fUriCTIOI JJ Vbrown MERCANTILE CO. POUT LAN O. OHtOON I L mm REPAIKI.Vj AM) Tl .MNtj Twenty-five year exju-ri-niv .! !ii..kirtj;. repairing anl tunine j-i ! is::::t,i.-!it s;i'arantfc lliat t!. 'iirp-r. c-'.r satisfy any mil all who wih tl'i-ir, iii struuifnti attt-mltil. I;.Ti.i:inifr:i U fr.im every firm lint lm .it- l in '..r: an.! fur the past jo yers, besnii-s l!;' i-..i-tci;. factonei f Kunf.all, l-.i.-v. Sram an'l other. Country wirk n'.av wi come. Iave or te'ijlionr o-!-rs t McCnrmick, or to the I'atter'on l-'n iu ' ure Store. A. V. VI-.NF.N, I'i,n- Uwt. of Hillslxiro are herebv "d that the ordinances of ( itv orohlblt Stiittintr on . i -.valft.-. halls, floors and steos of ; ,i.;icbuildinKs;fowls running r t ;;.:-xe, and the construction, r:i' i' . Lion and reoairof buildimrs v.i-l ;n the fire limits without a : rn.it and that hereafter these or "ounces will be strictlv en- forced. Attention is also called t o .: fact that dog licenses are dr." payable to the Recorder r ...ai-shal and unless paid by Feif.rarv 1. the Marshal will .ted to impound and kill in ;tC'.-'n lance with the ordinance. l i..r" unon which licenses have i "!' paid must bear collars and n4 disronntt t-ii ?7 i: r, ..r.ir-.ri . ...i ..-.i H. T. Eagley, Mayor, Ct'OENE FRIDAY REIHiRT Of th.? comlitk n of the Cri! c'-.'e Bank, t Cooie'ius, in the Stale of ( (rc-gon, at the close of hu itn -s Jan uary ;, 191 1. RF.sornci-s 12 .i Oterilrafu, Krcurnl ami in curei .... Ilon.ls. securi it s, etc. . Banking hr;use, furniture an 1 fixtures (,.)' Due from approved reserve Friday, who has been cliecks ot'"-'r C,M' iit'"1'' ,JS i 4i c i c... . 4 ICh on ham! c . .. Wisconsin. Aiiynst. k and came to Washington y 2S years ago, with the . They settled near Banks, ive resided there pe-r inro Hi n.yjier, Mrs. Fannie Friday, i-n : r.e loiiowing brothers and i-'-i'-' survive: Ed. Friday, of (.rj-iis Pass; Albert Friday, of U nviile; John and Hurt' Fri ca;.. l;anks;Mrs. A. C. Carstens, l:a-.!: -"Mrs. Howard Drorbaugh, l'oitiai.d, and Mrs. Otto Ga'lo wjiy, of Banks. Ihe funeral will take place M;;y forenocjn, and services v-r 1 1 oo held at the Banks M. E. C-horch at 11 o'clock, Bev. Cole nan to conduct the obsequies 1 -c ' - Tent, K. 0. T. M., of Greenville, will have charge of the funeral. Jacob Buchele, of Cornelius, and lh rman Seidler, of Center vi!!e, wore in the city Tuesday on legal business. Hi" It water is now expected a'ei'g Dairy and the Tualatin. Tiic n.ins since Tuesday have been -ery heavy. B. ('. Hollenbeck and wife have n to -ned from Clackamas, and are new living at their old home above .Mountaindale. Jehn Fisher, formerly of West Union, and lately departed for ciu'iiiany, writes bmil Kuratli Total ! ( 3 i MAMMTIFS I iKiO I L'li'iiviileil profi's, less ex;tcn.-s and taxen paid 2,7 rJ Dividends unpaid 40.. ixiividual deposit tiu'j.rt to T.chfCk . 47 !M.1' Tune certificates of deposit... . t.-r . Cashier's checks outMandin . 1,10.. Savings deposits 1 1 -i Total 1 13 ii.j i,2 State of Oregon, f ss Oninty of WashinjOon ) I, F. H. Sholes, Cashier of ihe al,..e named hank, do solemnly swe.tr ihat the ahove statement is true to the lies! of my knowledge and helji-f. 1;. II. Sho!e, Cashier. Subsrriled and Fwom (o hef, t this nth day o( January, e,i 1. Virgil II. Massr-y Notary I'nhiic C0RUF.CT-A(1et: Alh-rt Unmiini', A. S hhoies, Idrcctors. Notice to Creditors Ron lor Wasljinutoii (' innv NoOe.. in Imrehy (iiven, Unit the n,i,,.r signed liuu tcfi iiniu u..,...i..t...i 1. ... 1 firined ,y order of the I'ouiity Omrto iirniwi oy order 01 the Comity Omrt of -"iM', "y an onler iinwlo and mitered o of the Kute of Oregon )r H H-hii,uin t,"! 1!,tl' ,Ul "f January, lull, han at taillntvdlllv inu.l u.wl .... 1.... In.ililed VO.nrl'iu II... I..I. .!..... i.. ' County duly made and entered, HH Kxi ciiM.riiii.ne last Will and TeBtaniem 1 Amanda Holcumb, deeoaved, and that li has qualified as sin;h . iow I linrelore. all nerpons havim. claims against said estale are hareliy li. neu aim required 1,-j preNenL tin; same together witn the propei vouchers there' of, to the uiidernimied at. In e law otliee nf liaKley .V Hare in Ui hhuU) Kuildimr in HillHtoro, Oroifon, on or hel'ur.i "aix months from the date of the lirst j,uhli calion thereof. Ahraham h llolo.onil. .No. ''ti: Treasury Ie.aitnient otliee ol Comptroller of the Currency WAshiimtou, O. C. Janiiarr 9, 11 1 - h-r, tiv a!r.i -tory eTideuee pre smted t. the umleriifned. it (mm 111 ide to ai:tr that "Tim HllMx.ru .National lianW" in the City of HillnOoro in the Coniitv i,f Washington and .tatd ol ! Or.-iMn , has inn piusl ith all tha pro . si. ins id the Matllles of the I'lllled sftt!.-s, reipiired to itr compiled with 1 f..re a.i a- iali..i nliall tw autlioritHil Ui Coniinen'-e tile husine-H of rlaukiiii!, l..iv . therefore I, l.wienee O. Murray, l.'uinpiroller ot th eurrency, do herei.y i-erlilv lliat The IlilUlmro National Hank'' 111 th City ol tluNlmro in the County ol WanhiiiKtoii and Male of Oie X in. is ant liorizeil 1.1 rouiiiiericr Ihe hual tie-- of liankuu; as providel in Heelion I- m y one hum I re I and aixly nine of the Keviieil Slal.lles of the I'lllleil MlaU( !u l.liiiniiiv h hereof w ilntew my hand tml seal ui nitne hum ninth day of Jauu- a-V, Ijiwrenee (). Murray, (x-al) Coniplrulli'r uf the Currency. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TH STATE OP OREtJON FOR WASHINGTON C01 i NT Y. 1. run W. Mead, Plaintiff, I William Huuh.Mead, Iiefendant.) To 'A ill 1.1111 llui;h Mead Ilefendant a!i(ie fiamed. In the name of the Htate of Oregon, you a'e lierhy rupnred to api-ar and aimwer !!,. i-niiioiaint filed a-'auist vou in Oie atiove eniiileil unit on or hy the l.'llli day' of March il III One Thoiiaaiid Nine Hun- 1 dre. I and eleven, Inch said date is more than CO Hix weeks after the day of the l.rsi piililicaliou herein as ordered fcy the 1 court in ihe aliove entitled suit, anil if you fail to so anar and answer the com plaint filed herein in the ahove entitled ; suit on said date, plaintirl will apply to the court fur a reuef praved for In aaiil e uii.laint which "aid relief ti for a decree of the nun t forever dissolving and Met- : ting aside the marriage coutrai.'t herein-' lore and now emsting hetween plalntill and defendanl; for a further decree to chanu'e i.laintiiCs name to that of Grace ' W. Williams, and for such other and ! further relief an this Honorable court j may deem inwt with eouity. 1 Ins hij in mi .ns is initilishe l hy order of tin. Honoral.le Inhn II. Campbell, Judge of thealuve entitled court, and said order duly made and entered jn Haul Court on the loth day or January mil) One Thousand Nine Hundred and eleven. iM'e of first public itioii January 'l'MI; One Thousand Nine Hundreil ami Ki.'Ven. Hate of la.sl piibliealiou March 9 ,01111) ' O ie Tiiousand Nine Hundred and ' Kieen. j J. A. Strowbridge, ! Attorney for I'laintltf. miivx TOR " fwm -Tfl! I . eM a in -- - . V "- - Kinbahning. Modern conveniences. Chapel for services if wished. Hearse furnished. Independent Tel., o,. Pacific States, 36. Telephone calls answered day it night. W. O. DONELSON. Corner Third and Lincoln Atlministralrix Notice of Final Settle, ment iir- . . , , ,. ""y 01 January, r.di, 1 leu w in the (J erk In the County Court of the Slale of (ire- of the County Court of Wahhii.g?o,, IN1 THK COCNTY COURT OF THE f-TATK OF OIIEOO.N Fttlt WAKIIINO'loS COUNTY Notice Im Hereby (liven that tho under, signed, the duly appointed, oualified and acting Administratrix of the estate niC. A. Havmoinl, diweaHe), has on Oie Kith nay 01 January, i:il, tiled with the Clerk CIIAKTI-K NO htf, The First National Bank OF FOREST GROVE, OREGON. invites Your Patronage Directors: -L. J. Corl, John Tkmplkton, T. W Sain II J. Goff, K. W. Hainks, Gkoik;k Miznkr, Levi Smith' W H. Hollis, W. K. Newkll, II. T. Buxton, and Geo' G. Hancock. We appreciate yourpuronaKe and hope to merit a contin uance of same. anuillgllJM County, Oregon, her final aivmunt as auch liiiiiininiratrii 01 Hani Katate, and that the County Court of Maul County and 1, .i.-, y nn uruer inane anil entered on ta lli ed Monday, t ie I ill. ,.f - . -j . - . .... vu'uh- f my. lull, as the time, and the County " I i i 11 ""i''r, wasiiington - ...ii in v, wi'-iroii, bh iue piai ror tne hear- .y. iiwun mi nam uuai account, V v.i lio is now having a fine time ' Executor of the laat Will and fl'eHtui'neiit .. . - - ....... (.'i.,,ii in, and to ttie linal aettlement ol aaid eetate tlj""-'' l"'H '.'t'1 ay or January, A. 11. Ida J. Raymond, Administratrix of the Katalo of (J. A Kuyniond, deceased, K. B. Tongue, Attorney for Adminia t rati i x. KKl'frt Fonda, of Scholia was Blacksmithing, Morse Shoe ing and Woodworking Special attention given to Horse Shoeing and Plow Worh. Everything turned out with Neatness and Dispatch J. S. GU f TON & SON On Main Street Opposite Fanners' Feed Stable. AM rtoMi-r si 1 a j, wi.Nr .' i.t'NM , 1 j, JOHN VANDKKv, ACUt I.otldi'11 I,.ltll hllitC X'irc IllMlt.iu. r (. I'ai'llir Matra I'lionr n II" 1. NoliiC l Crrdifuri N..l.- l Urti t uni Uiv I , ..,;!irl, l.a.e I't O.r i . , , ll.ri .! I'lrfim, . W v, , It, k. ulcl a lil.ti.lt' ;j ,1 i i,: u 1 . 1.1 .i-i . 1. . j.iaUhr! mw Ii Al; 1. . . . 1 ..itli. mxi I r it r - , Hllc.l Ui I'rrarnl ! w. r - . v ((.ijl ...I. hrr. t tlin U. . . 9 S. lUirrlt I11 lli!,l ..,. 1 , p , l luullOia ri.MII till 't'n 1. Oil. K. rn,l-rl .. ; 1 A.tiiiiiilttt..r ..1 toe r.. i i .i'-'i, ll W N lrr.t Allainrl I I II CATAI.OCl lUUI I 1) SEED TV I.i ti. $mm4 CiSm al Ik. W IJk'.Id. V MM I I I . . J 1 H4 4 ! M. Wrti mn I. Ika C IIAAIL LILLY CO, ..,!,, w vmici: 1. If 4 "ir l .tl f..f (i!itif l.n i ..nt' tit Ui inllf A j'S't . iW-n it if.ii. Itfinv M..U -mi.. Wr 1 tllir Ui fitk HwiitY fI.-l( f t ii vrr ' iit'Trt.l r ifi ny iilimoi r.'ii.rtlif . .'r-li-- ti ittik limid t..t M I- ft (snk II-" ft Nil, .in, Ati. I thrt ftl.flriif Mf t ft!. 'i fMi ' V v .. i! 1!. At .mi aii1 AMrr ihn . Aif ( llir rnlr -f lll'i It .t ll. lit At t-f J-Ml.it ...'ll A til I l'ur I (1 I Ai j 1 1 -it I y I he j 1 fitk u( -aI i-t'tft !r- f !)( Ihrtif ui( 1. 1 ( III ' (. Al. fl I I'll 1 A Ii i I r i ..,t!fl Im Lbr Ili!'rifti j Anrj. -tir.A! t U iddi.1 i' ! t ..i(ft' tn Aiil ntff-l n I!; l I i'Hli I'll Jtiiiry I . fir F r( illm; l!,n. J if tint g in l'is ,( . I iiPi4l-rf ; Jin. i; l HI ai. I tt m, I'll. Alton I liffr 1 1 ti - (i) Ottt I t .f i t ( t -F j ftrl.fUA'V '!. 11 i - I it urn I Jip ill if J V , hr r j trie a1 t-f ii'l " nil a ' th. ItKti iIat cf ii(i-fj :. s. m Ait-i J W I'a r, -tti tlr t',rrk t Vt it ittit tar I iqiKir I.UctiM ! 'im; 1 ! vt v 1 'in;T ' r T' ' I W i. T 1 I . I o'S l - ii; M-"-INT Irs 1 m u. 1 -' . 1 i.f (i,r :iii ,. 1 -'I n 'S. m 1K tW4 'F IA Ml M lO R 1ft, MMM in f t f. m Itjr7, 1 Ka- Ih u j M 1 f 1 ! MkU 41 kANttf I I fcA Ar AMUAft I l - f f. A- I U Mil 1)4. Ir ! f.44 1 V rAl r 1 , t I illffJlr M ftrMM Im.WU Ik, k Um u n i I - Ik at IA fMVA. p,mtm4 1 &MA !. f M I 1 IAt IKmM.Im Imibmfw I I kakl .k-k t Tfc- 4 kkl Bm 4 llMfl Itwi, Mtk )! I t U Hm Ik I Ii V.ik l..!Af.t t ,.;. t amI t rKr Wi kr. t TT? J ? f fiHL't? I r Ii. ,, , .jLJ'liiMMMirp White Mountain Flour-$1.55 Try the Arjfus and Oregonian i!.ii 1 nr k';...ii in I. limle I'.n 1 irl 'I . ' ii,- ii-.i ,1.1, 1 1 ,,,(( .,f :h.-. siii,. ,.f i f , f ..ti r.r .fli;i..(tn 'I ll. 111,. I. f ,,!,. , (., ; ! ..,, J, g4j .lrii I ,-i (Inn, l'irr 11. i.W .li n'.mi '' . '! .' 1 1 . I'.l . l, -.'! il .l it g fl "!' ' "' 1 : .1 Li. ..f f.o I I" " ' ( .'! I' Il it rt. !'i il t. i I. ,! ' I i " - ii- : .11 I l..n ii 1? .1. 1 i.iii) ' ' - I' ! in . I j 1. . In. I I l.ii U i., '''il"' 'II I!' !', I n .10, I In. .l.llf, of liii,- .. Illii.ti ni l lh. .i.il, f h,. I'.lllis lh. r. ,r. r. -(.. , if 1M1 , i;!i,,n 1 I. 1, .1 .11,1. I....J) ui.,1 .uk O1.1l a ' '' 1 '" Il (.il !..ll. lll.lll tl Till !'" '"i" " I" ! - 'i.iiilllii II, ,11 11111- K-illmi, in I n! I'.iitln I'rrrim I. Vh ' : ' - " K-.i. !' k m. 'I ll.l twir I (,, .;illl ( l.'.frll noil (niljjr rhkr, f ir ui imr jrBf Ollnl (ln m iUv .( lirc .(i, II ll iinl.nl. A J U'a.lirr. V W Srll. I' I'mil, IV i r Siitiiii, Ailulj.li Mrmuli, Win I'rllrnlH-rK. II rftliirrk. I'M A Ti li min i. .1 Ui In, 11 Slinh a, ' I'.li.iiiliiiinii, W Wn.tin.il, K lliinikrf, I'.rit ll.iliiilliiu, Aim i'aitiriitri, yt.lrir Millrr, I' I' KiwilK. 1 I, lMvrr, Wui.l Miiiilrnrv, I. I' tin im k. V J M' (; S. lir. fl, I'ri.l Mrnk, M J KriiVt, l'in, K-nli-r, I' K (, In. A SilinhU, u y Mnvrr, I' k Minvi r, It I, N l , hu, V V Cinrlrr, ilnf UiiiHirnwMi, (i,- M n,fli I' livin, V Menu, n, J, ), kimUn.l I'lnl W liiilluii, I' I'rinik .1 J Y. m.t;, ll llriiiiim-l. 1.10 V Hi. mn, .; ',n ' i Sli inliull, K l-Unrr, J..I111 Ivlmi-r, .1,' ,n 0 Wtis., Jiiruli SwiiikIi, A II S,, Si limiioiii, (. !, M. i(,,-r, I A llolinrii H... ry IUr.lv, I' W S, h, i hU. Ilrlililrli Nliiiinlt. Crortp Si liiui.il, A Siilllrr A Slmvi-r, .Inn I'.Ikhu, 1'rittik. Ciililrr C,'V Slmvrr, A W Ibiihii, W,.i lliM,l,i,li 'r. Irr Kliuiiik, N Si-rlyp. NVI, m, I', triine, I' 0 Wright. J M.tl. Il.nl KiiiiIwiii, Al llnliiirn, J),n ' (), r O' Uv, H KrUIrr, .liiium .1 iry, J,,',,!, Siix, Cm I in M, A II Inroli, .I,,!,,, kmiiMlrlii. CcM tu lliimiiiin lii r C Sclilni. to-J-k. I. Sflil.iKlirrk. C I. Mm,,,,,, j Sr irrli ii, I.SIiiiiiun.C, A I'lli-lli, frl A Srliliii.lt, H Wlii iila,,, Chnrlm J , .....,n nr,,.,,,,,, A Kli w Kiiclirl, A I) ,mt, it Kmlnr, (. luir ii lliirnlinn, Arllnir Womllry Mikr IflMilir, A Co-liml, K li l,nU S lliK-l.,,hrf A II Slurp. 1'. W C,lm.,l,y lell.T,...., ( ulih-r, A .wirrr. V,n TunV I II 1 liilllr W m Ho-ii hrr, H I, Wjul, I v&M Wt'k' U 'I'" WIH.M it M. V I'u.M'KUN'; NOTK-K IH IIKUKIIV CIVKN, ,, I In- UtulrtlviiPil r-.tMiM of Kkbj i,tl. ''" "Ii.i l, W,l,, ,(..,, .', Vi , ,r. K..ii H -m Krl.Uy, tl,,- , ,liy f VtU' "!i.l i) uVlmk A. M f Mil , 1' County C,,rt f SiiiH Vasl,,,,,,,,,, (imil), )t K n. o, lio"'m". ....It :, vinoon , !' '""I l',.,ri, WitsliinVt," i r i , '7 j- ..oiiiii,', r,1,, 1,1,. f (f;,r" l"" yr fro... 1, .f,,,,e iHH,"""', "f Hwiiw KI'WAIMI CDl.VIM T C.KOKOK YKNKK,' ' AlMllll'lllllH. "AOI-MV & II A KM, An t'nfailitnf Sj.. :: I CATA AMI. IIAV IIV. AM II MA. tAM.Y C" MmrrioN. in ainit COI.D1 nl .11 III.AI). THUOAI. l.L'S nil iNsnmioR and qrrat 01 SI A KIMIOY Cun-H a hcailiu lii- m a miiiutrs, a fn-sh tui't in hour ami an onlin.n cr I'.'iiiiu.t la.-t on.' iiir:i.L ilisiirii.salili fur nilhi' ' anil nini'ors, TiV l' .nr: iitstn a lifi'tiinc, can I" rarf in tin vost (Mukft ami l" wuyn roaily for instant us trlooc. Whffl I It I'RIMVIS . . II l SuM nr. n rlm.liilr gnu 1' -Wliro Uril lnrrili'1- Wfllr f.ir full wit.t.lll a"') ,,0 - !( I'rrr I0IIN IGKU,Purtl..ml.0iP.,l1 Mature Cure .Su..li' I CI K CII MK Barber Parlor! Courteous Treatment Capable w, rkineu Ilaths in connection, a" 1'ine Shower Iiatli Newly Furnished SliP 11 1,1 JAMES ANDtHSO I'vthian llldir. li'1Isb' Notice ol Pinal Si ttlr""1" IN TIIK CnllNTV Col IIT Of HTATKOKl.KKdON. I,,llt WANIIIN0TON ColNl'V Null, In lifrnliy jrlvfn ! "f, ,l.ri.,,l ..i t lilt f" H-...., i..iiiii.in.i. ... - , . J.T. Klllnn, ili.r.miiNl. Imvi' J I'oimly Cimrl f u, MUM.. cift' WHHiniiKloii Comity, my lliiiiu."". , III.! HllllIlK , MHKl BOllIrl, HIM' uiuiiiy i ion ri n i , j inwllmul iiiiilny, Ki'lirimrV . ' On. hour of III A. M. i.r Mi'l ' j tliim mnl Hit. lioiinty Court n "L or,i, uriiKoii, tin tlx. il In.' " " J'H tlllllM U) Nlllll ni'lllllltlt tin'' 111 wttltiuiiiiil uf nniil iwtatH, I'BUKI III IN HrlCrlllllH.r 'it, II""' ,uf unito r., ui" j ror-.mrly Kuiw K. Klllno, .liliiii"1! ul tlin twiHte of J. T. Kllllii. 'ZT A