The Slips. JnlILLSBR VOL. XVII IIII.LSBOkO, OKI-CON, JAN. VJ, 1011. NO. 45 NAMES SELECTED FOR CHOICE OF JURORS County CommUloncr' Court Draw J0 Name lr I'aiu-I Till! MUOWTV ARE 1'KOM I'AKMS Srictllon ure Made Irum I tcry iliul In Wlilnclua County I'rc- One of llu' Uks (if the county Umnl. ut t wumial county court HOrtsinn in January, is the selection of 'J" mimes, or more, (!fo, K relm, who owns a place at Helvetia, uml who in now con- dueling a dairy on the Suridy iiivcr, m ar (!leme, was over to Ilill!ilHiro tin- hint of the week, returning home Friday morning. (leo. recently received a carloail of rcgi ttred llolKtcin cows nrul heifer from tin Hunt, and in go ing into the dairy bumneHH good and proper, lit alno bought him a (sin registered Ilolstein to lead the herd, and he now hurt KiO heal of Htock on the ranch, which compline several hundred ai-reH. Weo. nay Uiai lie Hull think old Washington (bounty in (he place, however, and he hliHi no idea of letting go of tux hold ings here. MADE OFFICIAL PAPERS J. Hallow ay Appointed lo Suc ceed Self at fruit InNpcttor (1ATI.S AI.I.0WCD MM! I KANCMISI! Caa Conilriicl Pipe Line ( rum l'ortt Uruve lo HHUburo op Biclinc J. C. Smock and (I. A. J'licth apjKinted road viewers to meet t A If Jan. c ana view rojiri ax iter ( has. ( rocker. f Newton. waH jH-tition Meinzer eta I 'ft. .11:11.1 . Mi i ne unmooro Argus ani asn lliliinn Min i l iw.u i m wiijiik . ' . v i . , . . . nirton (oiintv Newn luivmir kiiI- wiiii lo-ju.j ' ....... jn(0 j i iiMro. Mr. Crocker court service. lhe:c wUflionx tiirtkM that a man hy the name are taken from the tax folk or of failing brought In the- first from the registration ttookH, lu high wheeled bicycle, railing i. ,i ;a ,, f M'l't a store tm Main, iM-tween from which the clerk and shcrilT i" town .Monday, and says that i; I ,..( i.nlh.ii-iml l He Ullllk Allicrl I oZHT I Wrong arc th the tedious hunleiiH f tlie Janti ury term, lie lore adjourning last Win k, the Uwird Selected the l'Jt I jury list, iw follow x: llr mlaiii I litia H hlti.l. f . V.ux Tlioiiiv.n. 1'lia Ihmotaii, Ji.hii tleilwr . kuliai.l M Kvlr, Au.ltr lifgluiau, J.'liii T Ct.K lil. t'ir.l lira. Juliit J Wl.inrl. Julitt ilrigrr. IU-amton il W Htllt.CVru. TliVi'K. Thomaa Tlniii.ii, Hiimicl !, Thuiii Allo, W J lluliirf, J. lot M Mirirf. I'nt.rjf ll.iacll, I'rlcr Calloi. Unit. .11 - Cli.A I'rlriMili. I ri l l.lin J,.lm H IUI ty, VUiM U IViklii., J'n-.l U Wolf, t'ltak l'tiilk. Wllrr 1 1 a t n a tl . !' on k iliiiKliottrr, CUi hlrjhfu., Julitt II l..hrr i'uiurllit -o I latum, John I. Hiiii.jii. t' II UuihaiMii J I. IUiitiuvr, jMr K licTvrt. Kl klalmtrr, J -lm II Coiiirtlu, V4IUr VaaUykv, J.lni V Mx.K, l tl krunrf. Columtii -l'li V t.miit'Ui. S A l M.Tk, .Sjiuurl J Klln. I'lanri I lul mri, Jaino C Cuiry, Jaiolj V Mllur, William Ja.k"'!), Julia C C(ukci, Ale l.oiikll. Illume Noll hi up lUuk I lent v C Cantcin. Nlbn I I'ruktll. Joa. Hcliullurilrh, IW-b iKM.Iry. Alla-ft 'lill , MililK, WlllUlii I hotnlwi h. Amour 1 1 r 1 ttir tl a, V llaui II t.vU, Maton Kdllni;. I'iilry -J W ltilj(llr. I'rUr J)rlhUI. Ahuri tliltCKi, William II I Ic talc r . I.ri r I I, l ata, in, l,auilrl (. Iioa liioy. Juarph riuiiljrou,. Ch. tHUrrar, I kn hl. WiIIk .tt. I a.l Kutlr : Jtitttt M lf iho'jrr, C' I. Lrnly, ll. uiy W IlinUcf, rphru T Ulaik, Au.ltrw W oo.ll. . lh VL lK-rt, AoifU.I .Siilurv Mlllrf, I lia hchatuhutK, h lluutikrr. Kail Cr.Ur VVallr TI'Iiii.ii, J.1I10 t1 llrUIT, . T Col. l"ualiilturf, tiro KIliKaru. Killvil It KoMiltia, A H Mul lo, lico (ialhlfalll, K N .SUtra. Wallri Itraar. C.alri Cr. - M T Cpa.Cltailrf lUm fui.l, J I. Laving, John Kru kauii, K I A)rr, CS lUlcuiaa, l.innl Olrkun, J..lm MiA'ann, kMrll I; llullarlllol, J K llav.lrn, N C Lilly. ('..!, ii ; H J Waol, l!uiciir X llar.l Inic, WlllK-r K Nrrll, II I. I', U lrll Uallratill. Pmllry Wl i'o. Altlllll knot, J Wcttcutl, Harry KuihtII, Mallhrw rltin. M.MHila.ii - Ifo Si liaaiid. r, Th Muttihy, Mrlihrn S llulSriilnH k , 1I II kur, I llaf Juhii.oD. N(iitt) 1 1 1 1 l.l.oro t H .Sinclair Wm !: Mil'ouil, 1' c at 11 k 1 1 it I ti);lily, Julio I Urt'tirn, Jartili .Silinrlilrr, llcf In-tl Kaniiia, J ti It it t Nititlitup, llrtmat) I mm. I'laitk linuiir, W V Wiley. Notlll Hotrat drove Mill 11 Coir, William W Mi Khloaiiiry, Tliuraloll llm lot, Janira Clark, Ira llraillry, Jul. 11 Htytra, lr I'utiliii, llmry Pavhl, l.rii r.l krulrr, Cullii II l'aliiplll. Roht Mc Crmkrn, I' mu It Joliuaoit. krcclvihr; Joinr. II ImUy, (in) J Jnk, (. a.jTr krhill, John II McNrw lllol onlliiiiil, Julitt Ovrmxlrr, Juliu ", I; M.lirrmuyrr, K V ln William J Ingram, K.liirr Hcolt. nmmi Mill.i.oro Jttmr I t.uii. llmu Krliar, I' M Krlaay, V A I'ttinry. r II Mnipaiin, JmIIii Afwlir. I' J Uml i ll, Hr.l l itrr, ,in Woo I, Jr. I'rc.l k.MMl, Nrwloti W I'lillcoll. Smilh 1'iirrat Cruvr Jitinri lliittou (rl lliiituiin, Jake WliK, A II To.hl. oru Sloan. J W t'llnr. II S I'irrtf. Krank Millrr ,CO Ror.K II Sappii.Klon, Jtmn Scliollx lillO. 1. Hailry, I Smith Tiialiitln: Joarpll H KoliiiiMin, iirrinail Liilllrr, Halllcl HmklHiUrl, r, I Mulloy, (1 W Whiliuor. L.l IUiRr. J A Mrwlliurr, Clin I lllttllinck, llrlllV ll'K-k, JVter I l.lllrKaiil, Ju-ih MiCor mil . WahlnKton:-H M TutiMtnU. Th loiinrll, John II Dorlnml. I0I111 W Jack Second uinl Ihird. in the build- ink' now uxitl by Kerr, the blttck- Hinith. be new ( atholic church at I'.uvloti will U- blexxed by Mix ( trace. Arvhbixhoi) hnntie. on Wedn.-H.lav. Jan. Zk I'm. A inoht cordial invitation ix extern'- e.l to ail bv the Kev. I . J. Pauni, KtK-cial city an. who in in charge of the mtxxion. Laxex, ax votetl, The ceremony will tako place hliortlv after the arrival of thu m.irnimj train, which loavtr; IfillxUmi at D o'chx-k. (iux Moxier. a t imminent I'ort and attorney, xaid, Monday: "Well. I xee the old town IX K-t tuikT nht to the front with modern improvementx, and that Voii are to have paved Htreelx. a sewaee uml uramak'e xysiem, and that you are k'ettintf wnne nic buildiiu'1. You will have a nice little city inxide of 5 years." milted sworn Htatementx of cir culation in Washington County, were appoinU'd county ollicial papers for the year 11)11. S. J. (lalloway wa.x opjnilnted (!ounty Fruit Inspector for the year 1911. U succeed himxelf. (). II, (la ten k'ranted franchlxe to lay water piH-x alonjf county road, on Haxeline In-1 ween Millx Uiro and Korext drove. Ordered that nad district Kchool district e ex tended on the tax roll. Koad iu ier ix'tition S. (!. Ink- ley etal, (nlerel t'stablinlK'd. IVtltlon of VilKon& Holmes for li'iuor license at Hanks w ith- draw n. Ordered that county my trans portation of murdered Italian, Cornelius to Hillslxiro. Noted to allow $M.0D from I)istrict 11 to general fund. Ill Mid Hist, No. I!7 established out of Kirtions of IistricU5, t and 33, ax per petition. Sections 2y and 30 taken from mud IhxL 21 mid added to Dist. 31. l)istrict.x 5, 13 and XI ordered Karl V. House, a xai of I V Mouse, o( tins city, has a line ar tide in the Sunday Journal, de Hcribiuir the early ntnik'k'lex of chank'iit ax r itetition IVilic I niverxity. and xettimt iwuia k-uiioh i.iuik'ara eiai. forth the namex of thos' who ordered disallowed uiion advice anlentlv worked to found thu in- of district attorney. htilution of Icarnimr. The arti- Iload districts No. G ami 12 or cle is well written and is w orthy deretl changed ax per application. the pen of a veteran writer. Kov tleineck. Frank Hrown and W. N. Ilalhorn, of laurel, went to SVai'loHe, last week, nn.l bnnik'ht hack two rek'istered Holsteinx to head their dairy herds. Mr. Heineck and Mr. t (row ii UniK'ht ne jointly, and ! I allium tnirchased one for hi herd. Thix ix the way to build F K Atkins, Kxpressii .$ fninscripts of Comner F.. C, llmwn allowed, also transcripts of J. C. Snux k, justice of West Cetlar. ("lerk'x fiHs, I)eccmlier, ap- proved at $3Sl).30. Kecorilcr 8 December fees ap pmvinl at $115. S3. Claims Allowed 5.50 Dr. A 11 Hailey. servicex.. 25 00 I t i .id naiic), vai. onae . . . o o-i " . , , J C Huchanan K & 11. fw.. -1 (X) J C Huchanan. court juror 3 80 h M Huoll. U & H 31 ltrifrjrx Hnw. Helief 22 28 M K Ituck. relief ' (K) LSllonney. IU II .'159 00 Dr F A BaiW inq. Murikani 10 00 Connell & Co 4 (V 3 00 3 85 8 2T 1 87 K. A. Wolf, of near I'wdville, w ax up Vi the city Saturday. A. W. Walker, of South Tua latin, was over to the city Mon thly afternoon. I5en Ttiurriher, of near Illojm- imj.', wa.i flown uiwn Monday, reetm his friends. Autfiwt Wedekintr, of So hoi Is. and ('arl Wwlfklnjf. of Portland, THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS INVOLVED erv in wn; my DUtuniay. For Sale Keist-t J Poland China boar, yearliriir. Apply to John Vand'Twal, HilUboro. 42-1 STATE FILES ESCHEAT CASE, M7HJLTY ESTATE District Attorney U. (). Tongue and Jay H. Upton File Case Stale Clainn Tat Heira are Falsely Repreteatiaf Heirship wen up from Orenco. Monday. Ihstnct Attorney h. B. Tongue interested in a cae in circuit an1 Jay Upton, the latter c nirt. bcinjf anixjinted bv Acting Cov in d li'iA. who is in tho bonkmor Bowerman to asaisL have business Ix-Iow Newton, wm in hlel a BUit in circuit court. rW the city Saturday afternwn, on in the Judce to decree that the famous James McN'ultv estatp Mr. ami Mrs. John XI. Nal escheat to the StAt.P of ncn u.-.r..n p.. r.i i . : r x-ft... . v T Vua" u,;.UB, Si"t is directel against W. T. Finnitfan, administrator, and all claiming to bo heirs, to appear and show cause why the estate shall not be turned over to the State of Oregon until the true heirs shall be found and proven in court The complaint alletres nit i.' lo K.-e tliu famous actress. Maxine Kiliott. Th' is" Klectric Irons at G. It Stovers are k'oink'. and if you are think intr about ecttintr one. you had U-tter k'et your order in. I. II. Payne, who has been out on limit 1 for some time, has 1 a 2l0-acre stock ranch H11 tho8e cfaimintT heirship at .er at Harlan. I.ineoln (Vmntv P Peni ume are not neirs id w ill m, k-ave to Luke pos- ?n(1 JuLstlce w, nt be done High Q UALITY Drug S tore :illll U I m M iTI li'flVi A I'jLa t u ui wxsion of his new purcha.4e. allow the property to go to ... ,, ,, . , "lem. a mc suiie law sianas, W. I,. BoUCSCin WnteX from th nmnertv rtn Mf ,mtntU MoMntaindale that he is state as a gift at this time, but jK'iined in w ith the snow, and is merely held in trust until heir. l . II I I a 1 . . T . " inaiaxxi narK-nre wais jrei- ship shall be proven tmtf out to the county seat Judtre Cood Nothing but snow up here," cided that Kate McNirholas and sayx Houcein. WUrv Ma1,.0 d-..i vania, and James McNulty, of jration caiiie down from Salem Ireland, are the heirs, but subse- Thurs lay. and rested until Sun- quent to the decision another lay, to aw ait the appointments heirship filed an affidavit for re el committeemen bv the tjresi- openine the case. The claim- lent of the senate and the speak- however, seemed to be so remote. er of the house. that the claimant it is said, has w u ti..,. f.,. ..,.. settled his prospect . 11 ilUI, iVH U-flI3 a I 173 1" I nt . . , . dent nf llmiiiinm i ne scaie may now pe snut out hie rrom'rtv interest the., ia 01 me proceeainR, unless it shall over to llilixboro and vicinity for auPaie; a few weeks visit He now- re. . .Te backbone of the property Hi.ivs at MonU'.sano. Wash., and 13 tt u VTu nm oi, l.. I,., a very rich section of thecounty. some l'.hk1 timlM.r buvs Bag ey & Hare, who represent ' 1 - - - I a. L. l , . l . L : l. l i i ine neirsnip wnicn nas Deen ae- Ihox. lailKit, ot U)rnelius. was cided unon favnrahlv tliinlf tKv down to the city the last of the will have no trouble in meeting wee, vorneuus uiu noi jrrani the suit of the state, ti. it. u;ue:; a water franchise at The PI ace where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies. THE BEST EVER" ULaminshy's MaKe Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. A. THORNBURGH President . E. BAILEY Vice-Preiilent W. W. MCELDOWXKY Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANE y Y - FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday. Nov 10, 1910. i Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans - $253,892.01 Capital and surplus $50. ( 0 u. b. Bond (at par) .WW.OO Other Bond 38.&40.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 145,319.25 the lat session of the city coun cu. .Mr. i.aics. However, nas a franchise alonn the county road to Hillsboro, on the Baseline. from the drove, here. Rendering Account up dairy herds, The rural mail colli ume oi ll uu ui-si oi me week, as mercury was playinir tan with the bulb rrtday and Saturday. Handling mail matter at everv mailliox w hen it is bit terlv cold isn't the finest tiling in the world When the kitchen is properly J, Downs J 1' court juror.. i.t i . 1. 1 i .1... ii i.. .1 , :.. :i l eiiuiiipeu uiere is unmne iu mc weiia uruirsiorv, jau unu c muse. Limit' In uml see our r.mriok .v t-orwin Champion and Charter Oak ranui'H. Tliey are the best. Kmrick & Urwin H. T. Kik'Iht is jrottinir aloiw . ... ... ........ r .. r niceiv wun nis reconsirucimn oi ii... w i.,,;i.i;.,., luMnrht a liu- tltllli'll i'iiiiuiii, irrahnv , , ., .. f i..... .....i i... . u,i,ib I lr A B Bailey M 111,.1 I'll" HHIVU I a . f I ...:n o.uUm,, .mi An.,n. nrvmr nor iv i ill r.i iii'.m'irM For sale: Baled hay, mixed kftmuel Craf. wmrt iumr . . over ami timothy, k'ood (luality. CIuhm & Prudhommn. sta'v On farm of T. H. Sims. Fanuinir- if ll r;m.P. J P court iurv ton, Ore. Independent phone, n (j Gardner. H & H 8 50 liermo Mfir C'-o 3 00 I o Oim.bill am w fe have liotl uros l uu u.,.",a,f n.m a farm near Ranch- Class & Prudhommo, print 52 (K) ... I . ..IC 1 f .ll,ik'.ir rtilll liioi'f IK lJ er, Rtonianii, anu expeci soon w v.n""j. n. m. v. i w leave for the state of mountains U'wis Hoiller 10 40 ,inii,1i.,;,w din) U Hancwk. short ti.. 16 80 ai llolstein bull, registered. for I 00 3 00 4 (X) Frini Creener, refund tax Grand Jury Witnesses: F.dith Honors Tallis Fort C H Blum 1)11 Moore 4 00 2 00 5 00 2 00 y a) 9 20 3 00 As one of the important public institutions and potent moral fnrrps nf the ritv nf Hilkhnrn Sleitfhinjr was of short dura- the crrowth and Drocress of the Hon the past week, A few far- First Confrresrational Church of miTs ripl any old kind of a this city is a matter of public bici nun c.une uiu) lown. rriuav hnterpst Kwrv ntP ront h o-h and Saturday the roads wore suf- minded citizen, apart from creed ticiently frozen to make fair sled- or no creed, will reioice in tbf. link'. 1 eler JiXSSV. Ot West unwanl movempnt of an institn Union, wa-s one ot the first to tion that makes for clean life. make the CUV With a Sled. oo riirhtoiiS5n0i anA maKIo Mrs. C,oi M. McDowell, of American citizenship. For this l'ortland. died the last of the reason the report of the years week. Sho was aired 35 ver work and accomplished results. and was the wife of the Oroiron ffven at the annual meeting and ctric Uiirht-of-Wav nunt re-union last Thursday night, is . . v , ' r. T. I r i wi ll Know n in Uillsuoro. and al tUU3C lorieuciuiuonanu congrai- Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits a-m r 25,( JO 403,279. 11 along the line of the hlectnc. The husband and two small chil dren survive. Skaimg was the order of the ay. Sunday, and Leverich Lake, Hoffman & Alien 23 GO I 0 O F hall, Banks rent . . i ... . j -r.i . . At.. "ii, AllrriMlui-rlH-r, .laHiK-rKrll-r. 1'itil yours Old, lor S1UO. Also regw i-ln O (0 i' T,n. tu t iui , I. ... ..... ! .... r n ..ii cieiuori 111 " i "iMnrr, i m. mi r.. mnj., teret ill Cull. Z monuis uiu, li a i .,f on iM lilim-r I, Miller. Wm J'uritv. J C Milli Writ llultc: Ailbur 11 i-Hut. 1 ouU M Ilrtw, Arthur N Cullliiij, KnlrUli Itoli- l"m, llrtijnmin It I'mion, tf V. Kowcll, " V l. u nun, A V Drnny, Naur S Moit ickk, i.po w linker, Jntiiri Mi-l.ownn. Went Criliir; lleoT llilckcll, Clurlm tuc, Juh ii Murrliaik, I'rtiliiinml iJiiigtr, Jr, Tlioi Mituhlrain, Kmrr Muriturk, Ira huiock, Juliu V Yuiiiik, i tiiim i,ul In, Juhu r)e : , . I, , . n:n. lu .ihmiv. uhuhvuuivi n.iuireoi i.eo. k. naiey, lndepemlont KltH:tricCo.. 39 00 loiU -' HilUboro ndenendent. . . . 10 50 Peter Nelson, of Portland, and R M Kyle, cir. court juror 5 20 for years owner of a big ranch Hilham Sta. and Print Co 18 50 out near Orenco, was oui 10 N u uiuuirse, reiiet i w HillslMiro Monday afternoon. Moore & Wtlhelmson, relief 7 05 A K McCumsey, K & II 88 40 1NOW on Mm- i,,.--i..., , . Mf. ,,, ool I .,.,.1 li; I I lii.rltiu I uuiiii ihu iuiuii, ivui a cm CMlillllHHI illiu f. u. , oft ..l,....a ., VVvMitt X, To S nrn rnr- VM nilin r. mi, " J".. - v' v., - . , XI. .1. . .. . .. o ...I i K:,. joiiii iMvoeiK. coma ui v. J. lirusler. of South Tuala- "' oeiwuu . 9A ,) tin, was in town Monday. ,J. 11. (Collier, who is very much hj l Perkins, Rec'ders' sup 04 92 . i. i . r : .. i . . . - H. C. 'I'oelle who nwim n nart ploaseit to see me price oi onions Shaw f ear Co. tax refund 74.80 of the Kli Duvin nlm-e bevond on the raise, was up i rom ocnous, yy I) Smith, selecting Hills- (ilcncoe. was in town Mondav Monday. . boro jury list 3 (X) ufternoon. Money to loan on real estate Schmit & Kulisch, relief . . 10 25 Kred Greener, of below Kind's, kcunty. We sell farms. Try Ihosam brulges ..... W , was in town Mondav. coniinir in urt.-ine vveuiooi iu-w v, r r-- - Fred says: "Fs Hillsboro. 12tf lalwr C H 5 93 L N TqmpHina. tax reftind 1'- 0t) with his sleiirh. gehts sure gude!" Mrs. H. MoIkmiow. of South Martin Vandeliey! relief . .112 00 r Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tualatin, was an ArKa caller Washington Co Telephone 10 95 Zilly. formerly of Hillslioro, now Saturday, Washington County News 7 50 of l'ortland, a fine baby hoy, n. H. Willers, of beyond Oak Dr W. D. Wood, Health 112 05 Jan. 12, 1911. This is their sec- pHrk. was in town Saturday Scott Wolf, U & H 123 0 Olid I'liil.l um flu lirut wnrt ll . rt.,..n,i I girl. The street between the w .. . . , , , , New samples for men s suits lrwin-Hodson Co. and the home , V, " i 'fJi ralie,! on the ?nr v in g every day tit August in't bu-,u i, an,,,!, fnr town Saturday, and called on the Tews tailor shop. Call in and Fred, these davs. he is that Arjriis. see them. They are the swell elated over the advent of the J. S. Steinke. of Minter Bridge, est ever, and just what you uiauon. Beginning the year with discouragement and de spondency, a very different end ing of the twelve months was witnessed last week. Every lapsed agency of the organiza $480,851.20 Iloscrvo 38 ror Coat, 80,8.51.20 Tho. C Todd Wilber W. D1RECTOBS John . Dilx Fuqua McEldo northwest of town, was i the tion ha3 established and scene of a merry crowd. Every Lio nn nriri K.e;0 ,. pair of skates in the town was h yVA I f I i j V4V IIVVU tlU J UVV 1 1 Ua3VI( lltC ...UK... ...ii, Bwi.r. anu ime Sunday School has made a 300 the ice could have been better, per cent new members it wtwgiKv enough. There were nave received every com- IIO HITHK-IUS. OIIOW COiniUenCea mr, nA an olmAnl, t ....... v..... K "" hope and expectancy has dis- this put an end to the gaiety. t u mth Anuf ill rliaAnni. Iiuv-w uv a u VI t V 4. MUlVtUI UIUVUVII agement of twelve months ago, said .1. C. Buchanan, the other This is good news, and here's lay, does not work like organiza- wishing a continuation of the tion of onion men. or wool men. prosperity and growth of last f unite a per cent, of hopgrow- year during 1911. Under the ers organize there are always a leadership of the old minister. ot who stay out. and they will Lvan f. Hughes, who can give sen at the nrst little raise, this oniya part oi nis time to the uis a tendency to keep the mar- work, there is promised a year ket down to a certain extent of sane, intelligent, balanced, en- and if those who organize hold terprising and enthusiastic min- out until toward Spring, then istrations in the higher levels of those in the organization have to human effort and activity. take lust what they can get Sure - I'll favor organization for Ervine Burkhalter and W. E. everybody else, and stay out of Smith, of South Tualatin, were it myself." And that is about in the city Friday morning, get- the way all prominent hopmen ting rea.qy for the cold snap. a . . I I .... 4 . a. I . I lfw'l UUOUl UrirUIUZailOIl. a fimunol r.t A,olo Jack WockI. who is conducting Holcomb took place at West hotel and rooming house on Union, Friday afternoon, the Fifth & Hurnside, was out to services being held at the West Hillsboro the last of the week. Union church. Rev, Blackwell, of Ho is entirely recovered from the Hillsboro M. E. church, om tho stalts given him by a 9alea- dating. Although it was very man. whom Jack was evicting cold, there were a number from from the house for disorderly Hillsboro in attendance at the conduct The knife blade punc- last rites of the splendid pioneer tured Mr. Wood in two places, woman, who had been in Wash and one thrust would have been ington County since 1847, and a very bad one had it not met who lived continuously at the with obstruction. The case of Holcomb home since 1850, except woods minting case watch me tew years spent m this city. caugnt tne point ot the knife Among those who were in at ;.. ii ?iii. I. i Ia.-.ji ., liiir in me miuuie, ana u maae a lenaance irom niiisDoro were: great dent in the lid. Had it J. A. Imbrie and wife. C. E. not been for the watch the blade Deichman and wife, Geo. Kirk- would have entered Wood s body wood, J. C. Lamkm and L. A. FURNITURE! It is a safe proposition that we Sell More Furniture than any other store in Washing ton County. Why? Because our I 1 PRICES are LOWEST 1 i On the same quality of Goods. People from a distance are sur prised when they see that they can save 25 cents on the dollar by buying from us. Come to Forest Grove'and see for yourself. C. O. ROE & CO. FOREST GROVE. OREGON. STOCK. REDUCING SALE Continuals WatcKes A complete stock to se lect from 20 to 2$ discount Silverware Largest stock in the count)' to choose from off ClocKs A very fine assortment H at 25 discount. Cut Glass very fine stock at M oft. EVERYTHING at Similar REDUCTIONS SALE CLOSES JAN. 31 Wtchmahr Graduate Optomvtriat Laurel M . Hoyt "Wl.r ft (- lual 1 TV 1 f U' I K il lit 1 1 foil nur Luns nn to the citv Saturday. IwanL 44tf to the. hilt, I Long.