MIUMONO AROU9, DICJ1B. 1110 r L 1 500 Acres Added to Bca v e r to 1 1 -Ro ed v i 1 1 c Acream The lust trurt in thia locality now cut into ormi;e lot ami tlvicl f t iwlr. Rapid )evUnirut of entire community now asMiirtl. Select choice location in this tyt new a.Mition We hav solil mow than 2 xto acre .ljomint; this now tnltin,;. which It raui'lly developing iu ftuit ami lotrnstv lamiing. Only io mile out; Koo.l atrernn ami electric cr service; all com munity convenience established. Timbered land, with tutioini; water, $15 to $.00 per acre. All cleared land, ready for crop, fioo per acre and np. Some fact with home building aud tome with orchard. Small cash payment and balance to suit. Call at out office, 24 J S Stark street, arrange to c,o with us, with out eiprtse to you, aud verify the above. Shaw-Fear Company 102 Fourth Street Portland. Oregon r . .. 'V IV. a MONUMENTS Forest Grove Monumental WorKs can Save Money for You. Designs and'stock, none better. Quality and work manship unexcelled. Prices lowest on coast. All work guaranteed Orders and all communications promptly attended to. Will call and show designs any where in the county. It will be to your inter est to call and get our figures befoie making a selection. Main street, N. of P. O. Block. GEE & JONES Box 1343 Forest Grove, Orcg'on. If You are Going to Clean Out That Old Fence Row Call and Ash J. E. BORWICK For Prices on American Royal and Pittsburg Electric Fencing I am still selling Dough erty Fithian Shoe Co. Shoes. The BEST Of The GOOD ONES All kinds of Farm Machinery and Imple ments, of standard makes. We can sell you as cheap as in Portland, and you save the haul or the freight. J. E. BORWICK General Merchandise, Reedville, Oregon. I Moniuouth Butter at Kmmott liv. Try it-it is Hie real thins. Mr. and Mr. M. M. Harvey, of North Plains, wore in town Monday. John Broek and Dan Leisy i wore over from Suit h Tualatin. 1 Saturday. C A. llanloy ami wifo, of North Hillsboro, wort' in town Saturday. J. 0. Miller was in from the Atvado district, north of Glen coo, Saturday. i Herman Kohso, who runs the jl Kohso farm and hopyard at j Fanniiitfton, was in the county , scat Monday. Krncst Haas, who is in the id nip; business, with a brother, at Slieridan. writes for another l year of the Argus. Miss Jennie IVichman, who I has been attending school at I l'ollinpham, Wash., returned home the bust of the w eek. Keep your chickens enclosed! Just received --a large consign ment of poultry wire. Now is the time to buy.- hmenck & Corwin. 11. B. Goodin, of Salem, was in the city Friday, coming down w ith two guards, to assist in tak ing up the two insane patients sent from this county. George Guyton, of South Tua latin, was in town Monday, Mr, Guvton is one who believes in good roads, and hojn's stxm to see more permanent road wrk. George Hellaire, of Gleneoe, and who will soon bo living in the suburbs of North Plains, the.new city. U'ing established by the Kuth Trust Co., of Portland, vraa in town Saturday. The city was full of Christmas shoppers. Saturday, and the mer chants did a splendid business. As a rule buyers bought a good article and the crowd seemed to have planty of money. Al. McCumsey, the sawmill man. was in from near Mountain dale, the last of the week. He has Ixnight near the new citv of North Plains, and will build there in the not distant future. Choice rose plants, shrubbery of all kinds, lily bulbs, etc., for sale at the South Hillsboro Greenhouse. Now is the time to do the fall planting, so get your order in early. Mrs. Agnes ( ainpbell, Independent telephone West 151. 30tf Dr. S. T. Linklater. one of tfie pioneers here in the use of auto mobiles, says he exjiects to live long enough to use a flying ma chine in his practice but he wants to await the invention of a "bird" that will not fly too high. Persons living in the country and wishing to take the Daily and Sunday Oregonian for one year can, by paying a year in advance, get the Argus and an Oregonian map, or chart, for the one price. This otrer will not last long - so get in your order soon. A Polk County paper has an article telling about that section building the first circular barn in Oregon. But it isn't. The first big circular barn was built near Reedville, many, many, yeara ago. It is within plain sight of the Southern Pacific Railway track, to the left, going into Portland. Billy Wolf, of Beaverton, was able to give a bond the last of the week, and permitted to leave the county jail, where he was placed to answer the charge of not supporting his minor child. Ralph. G. W. Stitt and M. Gor, of Beaverton, went on the bond of $21)0 to insure his appearance at circuit court. John Bettis, who has farmed here several years, has arrived in Tennessee for a Winter's vis it. A letter from the section where he is visiting says that had weather there was so severe that a funeral was postponed for three days. A little bit of that and Bettis will be hiking back to Oregon where if thesun doesn't shine it is cloudy but where the blizzard prevaileth not. LIcGumsey Sawmill Dimension Lumber and Timbers Rough and Dressed Lum ber of all Kinds. Mill i miles from B. P. Cornelius' Place. Will Deliver. A. E. McCUMSEY Cornelius, Ore, Route I FOR DAIRYMI-N For sale: Fine full-blood Hoi stein bull calf. From fine milk ing strain. Registered stock A. Bendler, Cornelius, Route 1. Residu on North Plaias, be tween Dudley mill and Hillsboro, road MnrrriNa Notice of meeting to vote addi tional road tax: We. the under signed, comprising 10 per cent, of the taxpayers of Road District No. 34, Washington County, Ore gon, nereoy give nonce tnat a meetihg will be held at th Her School House in said road district on the 23rd day of December, 1910, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., for the purpose of voting an additional tax for road pur poses as provided in Sec. 34, Laws of 1JXJ9, page 295. Amdrose Schmidlin, Road Supervisor, and others. Dated this 5th day of Decem ber, 1910. 39-41 THE STORE OF QUALITY Hillsboro, Ore. Second St. Both Phones A beautiful Kali at last is here, Iu fact most Roue, and winter's near. Are you all prepared to face the gale, The suow, the rain, the sleet, the hail? We've slickers, umbrellas, ruhlwrs and Umts, lu the lcadiug brands the kiud that suits. Aud a warehouse full of tlour aud feed, Aud oil and salt and all kinds of seed. For produce, we pay the highest ptior, Iu cash or twaus, or suyar and rice. Or whatever you want we do uot care Hut we might here suggust sonic wind underwear. Our assortment is large from w hich you can choose, Not only iu uudcrwear, but iu Bergman shoes. When you are ready to buy, remember the place, We might add mote, but we've tilled our sjuue. CITATION tit tlialVniuly (Vuil of Mi Hut. ul Or- full lu W aaltltiittun I mint Jf. In tli tnallf ul llilaiauf I .an Nail an. JkimiI. Tn Nala MnlMu, I'luUI Nlalaan, Mar. tM Nlrlaatt. Macula rtaiau., lH NIpIm.ii, Mailln ,NilMHt, Hall I K lalaatal. ii.I OH ii N rilw.il. liana at I ulMl.l tr NllMn. ilMwaMMl ami i uiii.1 wiaUi IiiIibII IU Mill Ut. lu lit Nam of lb Hlal ul Oivgmi, (Irvalingl Yum atiil 'li t tu haroliy rllvl anil lff,iilml l.i a-war lu Hi t'miiiir ' "Mil t.MliaHtai ul Ortfm d W aaliluabw IWtiljr, at III i-oii't HK'iii llirr. al MilLIi". Orrtfiil. In Ml.l Wliln(tiiii I'tiuulf , OrraOM ul Hturitar, Om ?MOi lav nl JauuaiV. A 0 , I 'll. Mia am t tttgf l .Tilt (mlli'lal ila ul Hi January Irtiu uf 1'uunly Cuuil. al In ',ml In Ilia Imatiwitt uf aalil ilay, ami than ami InM am w i-an", If any jruit liat, aliv au itlilnr uf Mill lyiull afioulil mil lw iiial aiillmtlaiiitf , IIiiiIii(, rut Miwfiiit ami ilirvtllna' Maria Nnilu, a .luiliit.UaliU uf ll ratal ul l-l .iil mm. iItmI, lu mII at iulala aln lm raalt lit baii.l ail uf Ilia hilUiaiu. tlimarili. ,l raal uniMirl)r lrlil. Il" ami aitualv In W a.iiliigiun t'uiiiar. tttaatuii, ami iar lleulacljr ilMi'rllJ a Mluaa. lu all, I lia iturthoaval quarlaf uf Id noil IimI narlaf uf avll.in , T. I. t. It. ) W. uf III Wlllamalla Mallilian. liliiil"( IU aw, a iral fur III Ilia h4IImmi uf Mill Maria NailMti, a. iiirh a.linliil lialiil. fur Ilia iuriaMul taalKlua fumU lu frmf ll liulllUiiM aaali.4 Mill ratal, anil Hi ita anil rliatgnauf a I niiiiMiatlun lliaivuf. i. . i.. ,i......i,i I w n.ulii. Jiulir ul III i'uuiilr l uuit u( Hi Hlal "I OiTfiin fur W aaluiitfton l uuiiljr nit lli aral ul Mill mull ill !, ml 1'iit 14 It ilay ul lin-amtMir. lulu Atlnl: J. V. Ilailcv. I'.ui .lr t'luW. IU K. I'. I. in. Infill lal)r A Kara, Allmimja fuf A-lililu- l.liallil. I Hm.lv uf Ilia Rial (ml H.all.iii U ! la, ', lal uf laal fuiuli alluu Jan l.'lli lull! Nalic of Final t'Olrmrnt Nullra la hvralir (lan. Dial Ilia tntilar aiBnl aio.-ul.il ul h lal a III ami lla maul uf Hiloy fata, ilwatwal, Kaa hl4 in lha ixiiittly riiuit uf Ilia rliata uf liiaajuii fuf Waaliuitutt i'uunir liH llual a. uiil lu lu mailer uf Mill aalala, an, I mi iiHirt haa UMiiftiaiail alumlay, Ilia Hilt day ul January, lull, al li)u ilia A. M , aa lha I ltta. anil Ilia enmiity riurt riMHU In Mtllataim, III. (nil aa Ilia l.la.a lul hoar ln( ul, Ja.ln.ua lu Mi'l Dual aw.inl ami for Hi dual aallluul uf al. Miala. Ialwl Ibla Inl ilat uf I wiauilwr, I'll'l, J W . I in, Ktaaiubir uf lha laat a ill ami baatamatil uf Kllry I , ila.aM.1 IUly ,t Mara, Allurnaya lur Rlavulul 80UTIIBHN r-AtMc fut I'n.ll...,! . Fuival (ilnvt ., , '' uii I-,,,,',,!, . , " . Hlivl.laa fltat.. Kutcta I'ni.Mi k,.,, . ... 41 . I'uital l.lliv .ura Klilriaui, I ,,,,,.,, . . 1 "fH CortaIHa Ovrtlan,! I'lilrta un I-,,,,,!, v,,1 "t" Cmllla Ovrilan l Uavra iu -,,. . ir...vt i"...u. i i , . - ......v ai u , l.rawa uu l',,i,,i. v, Slirthlan t.rar I'uiun lir.,,, u.ii i Kuiaal C.iuir ba al . ' ' I .,,,, m ' Nilli III I lll.nl S, ,l(t Nu lid An Yours for a Q Deal always ROWELL BROS. & CO. SOHOLLS, OREGON, Phone Priv. Mx. No. 2. AN INDEX OF YOUR CITY IS YOUR LOCAL DANK Our Hanking House is one of the solid Institutions of Washington Couuty. Its management is of the safest. Give it your deposits. DanK at Home, where you can daily meet the guardian of your funds. Try our Savings Department aud see how it will make your dciKsit grow. CORNELIUS State BANK Cornelius, Oregon. New - Meat Market SECOND STREET Saelens & Spiesschaert, Preprlalora NOTHING BUT FIRST CLASS STOCK CARRIED. The management will be pleased to have old and new patrons call whether they buy or not. Market open for inspection at all times. We are here to stay. Highest price paid for lxec.f, pork, veal, hides aud pelts. DANK OF BEAVERTON Beaverton, Ore. CAPITAL STOCK $10,000 J. A. MOTT, Prest. W. E. PEGG,.Secy. J. T. WILLIAMS, Vice Pres. II. W. BOLGEH, Cashier r Transacts a General Banking Business. 4 Per Cent Interest on Time Deposits. Money to Loan on Good Security. Fire Insurance in the Best Comwmies. We are Insired ajrainst Burglary and Fin. Our Officers ar Bonded. Depositors are as well Pro tected as in the Largest Bank. ml a.l.iili.1...., , .'" "'. I.aa llama. . , ' . f in luiiniy c.,,,1 , ;,,"; o,r,.,.,iu, Wmih.,. .,, ; ;' ar.Miutil aa am b a.i,,,. .. i 1 "l liaa lltml at..ml. J., V" c"1 liuii.ul liiM.k , - . lilt Wti lltn it Hint t ...un . s,mi tHiun. a. II.. ,.!..v ,, . ) tu.ua lu ... , , , ..,, ,' lit llirul ul aa I i.l ,1. ' an llc. Un. N.t.i 11,1 r ,i ,, I'l 1. 1. u.., I ,..," A.liuiiilairaiui uf ii K.t ,,i , i am a. l.-r.l " Alul" 1 M. Wall. All , ' . iNolkc ul SaU- NulU t lo CftillltM 3 lu III Ciiunljr Curl uf lha Mala uf (lra fuo fur Walilii(lnn ruuiity In lb niallar uf Ilia taiala uf aiib tb'liltwllaar, ila.aaaa.1, Nulli'ala baral.y )ltan. Dial Iba 11U.I0I alana.1 liata la.ii duly ai.tKiliilnl ami auullruiaj ,y ,a dunly inurl uf lha niaiaoi iimtm fur nulunfiini I uuiuy. arulur uf lha laat Will ami Taa anianl uf Imnlal at. h mall ! ila-aaa I. au-l ha, a ilitly qitallniai aa .m b ami Dial 1-nttna rMlatumitary liaia baan laual lu Ilia in by lb I tor uf mi. I'uurl. Sua ibaiBfuta, all tMiiamia bating rial ma afaltiat aaiil aatala ara haiaby nu lillail au.l ra.iiilra.1 lu lu-naeiil Iba miii lu lb uu,loi ua.1, bi(a(lvl alib .n umliaia IbMnlur. al Ihn laa ultli-w HaaMoy ,t Hata III ilia (iliul. ItulUluig In IliUaU.ru, M aalilngl.iii l.iuuly, Uraami un u Iwfuia ait iinilitha fr.iiu lb uala uf Iba Ural iublli-alKin barauf Klinar K. ri. Iiinnllier, llanry 0. rthiiialiaar. KioiiluM uf iba tail Mill ami Tla maul ut allil hchliiallwr. ilaraiaaail. Ha(lay A llara, AlUiiuxya fuf Kiarubr I lia ilala uf lha Drat pnlilh aliun uf Ihl llullra la Ihurailay. Ir Mb. I'l In. an Ilia ilala uf Ilia laal .nhlu all.ui ul Ibia mith. la I hiir.lay, Jan. Mil, l. SIMMONS IN THK CllllTIT COt HT OK TIIK STATU uf nkur.os ink WAHIII.NOTON (t)l'NTV. Hum May nr. I'laibllft, lb ii Ilia iifa John Mnynr. tlafamlaul Tu Jiihll U a . nf lkf.,,,1.,,1 .l... ........I 111 Iba nam uf Iba Nlala uf Unymi, )m ara unrai.y iiutinml that llin riallitin tiara In haa IIW.I .i.,ii,i.I.i,i . I ..-t i alia autlllml I nun, ami ymi ara lu-rrhy iwiiiiru iu ai'iar ami anaaar Ml.l rum ilainluii or balura Iba laat ilay ul Ilia lima . . 1.1 t.u ... ...li,.,.. t ""i "j i'i'iii ui I'uunraiiuii iinriK .Mil I III lit lrf.fita ll.a 'rul ,L. ... 1 1 8-imibar, I ( I if; tun ara ftirtiiar noltftml that ii j 'mi iau iu aiiar aim anaaar Ilia enn I.IhI.11 l,f.l., ..a ... ..I .... . .. . ........ ...... ... ... ,urrfiil, rlaltlllff will rauaa vim, ilnfa..!, i.. 1 tarixl ami will ai.y lu Ilia t our! ala ...- .... . inii,i irayai ur i wnii,lallil brralll; that la lu My a ilm rorrvar ilaauyii lha lt.ni, la ( malrl Inonr Dial ma. ba a.at.l!nu li . .. I'l.,.. till ami I MirMit.ltti.i il.ai .1.. i . . . i ... - .-., .ii. in iituinu bi liar tiiaiilmi tiama, Kuaa Olarnnr, ami ui atiru lunar ruiitii aa in i.mrt may Iiin.1 mi. I I. .-I ' Tha ilala uf llmllral iilillrallun til I til. Illllllll.lt. U 'I'l. ,. I - , ..... . . " - y . um nru uay ui ri. vainlHir, IWIO, ami tbn data uf Ilia laat bill 1 1 .... 1 1 . .r i. wiiii uiaraui, i liuraiiay, lirafuulair UU". Ami Iba all ail ,,,, ,,, llllhlUlirMl ... ..1,1 't'l.....!. . wiwlt lor a rliKl of all wU lHr-ii Till ail inn. inn la ,illiH.I.. ,a oritur i I III! Hull. J . 1 1 'aim, I all I. ... -- - . . .,..n ui aaiil l inirl, mailn In rliamlitir In aalil ratine, uu iiwu urn nay in NOV., IMHI, rb:fiiittlm , l.all.M'lin, Aliuriiaya lur rialiilllf, MILLS & UKODIRICK General Bhukbinithin-K,', IIohsh Shokinc; a specialty baaalln St Cornol.ua, Or HILLSBORO MISIC SIIDIO Perry Burton Arant Nellie F. Wilcox Thorough and Byntematic train mjf ai a moderate cost. i'iiomki rrv hit ORI!(J0N 131.1'CTRIC Tlielifiliileofilt-wrliire nml arrival of Oregon Hleclrlc Curt fur 1'orllaii.l follow: laa I'uiil,,,,! (, it,-.. 'urauanl tu an ntlci I tbo filalr ul in.k. . lllamiM'l, ma.ln . l lamlral, liu. It, . . f Jaiiu.ll. I'M II llan "I lb I " ii Naa man a i lltale t.. i . , . , intaiaat ul i.,t un-, Ituiulwla.! tlil.r . ,i, Inll till) In lull.,.,!,. II HOk 1'DHTI.ANII VltOM IHIHTI.ANU 25'" Hoo.ii. " 55" Ml , a, , i. sum ' 35 P ui , 0pn ' P 3 o5 , , J ? I m 4 i5 m ' 2 P " 5 P m 3 45 P ni .. j ti 20 Zm II .Sunily only Kiuilny only Ieave your (irrlufu Ciw. 41.. daily Oregonian at McCormiek'a 1 Music Store. ' -lui'-t I'.M ' I'" H. I ',,11111. - ' ,. Hry 1 a!', r ti,. ;,B ir I, t.ij.uf.1 im, -.lain ,, sltj ' r' rl l a. il it 'I "rill. Illi, j t in a i, I,, M, I I t I I in W-tua I Vn. aiiya a. I Hi I Win nl ii;,iiMi. arttliati ami tlm Uml I... i .,t .. - 'tiift aaai ijtiailal ul tai l H..1..1, III it, ,4 l.,aii.iiit i.irtii 1. 1 Haimn, Willailiali Uvll.l'aii m i!,Mi .B,,. j W'aabitlRtuu an, I Hta'.r, ,,I llr,tf,,H Itt.laalll laiia.oi.r.1 I,, t, 4t ,(fi. of alllia'lia .l J.,hii,,, aU,,i.riin ., tlila'li... I ill lit I ., i . ..I t -ii . - - r . mi. Hilt. ami attai ul uir,.,, Ilr. t;i . KifTtt tiu.i l an i. ai'MaJ .SUM WON i in tiu t tin rir cui iir or tut HT ATK or uKr.c.ilX. i WAHIINOMS H't.MV I. A. l aiti.UII l Uinl It, , I M IjUIIS l'a"l larli. Iki(rl.lail I Ti t am. i an ' i'l. lha alaua Miaal itafal. 1.1,1 III lb i i n, life Hta!f uf OtrfV' Yua a' ltt !,i ui afurar a4 atiaanf hr riini.tMl h-tl aarainal (i i ala.l anl" 'mI mrt an,i , a-iaa nn at ' dua Tuoa.1 , Oio It, I .lay ul January, L It.. I'Ul.aai l ilala '"K nit ll.aa t aaoaa ftuut an. I tll.i th. .lata ,,( lUtm .u i.l la atlun ul Una .umiti 'ii. a. rija! uf i'uurl ami II J'"i lail a-ia ul atiawnr III rn..iai,.l hafa li. laial.l a III aiily I" Ota f.uil l"l lh illf pitf p.) ft.i lii bla miui'Un.l lu H tur lira tv ..( ,,,"l.i litat't '! K.I, In tba bumla ..f n.at'liii.u.y liaratulura at.alili lta-tilha alaiol-l ami dafntiilaiil an I I au. Ii .su a"4 (uttliar lallrl aa I . lha r. ut l.) aaai Ural ai. titllalil Tllla aillllllinin II ...l.llall l " lllllal-nu Ar.ta. a n.a.l l-nalai l.uhh.hr.l ami liavm a (mirral ttlralr Hon In WMbthgluii ...Hiiy. (iff aitaiit bi an iinlr.r nl lha MnirlJ. lb. .lm. I'uunly Ju l " W"'(0 o.uinly.lH'yuti. .Inly ma-la '"? un iba li'lar .' '-'. atul Iba tlaba uf Ihr nr.! .u'.IKlata fiuyrmlaif iTtb. I 'I '. Ulflaaliy Vuiintf, All..may f. f f 1U I'MOCI .A.MAI UN Whra. un Hi rli '!!"' IWIO, an Hiltialita niiti"" Hi llantmlar ul i' t tir tU" Z Wa.bli.Kb.it t'.i.u.lr. ''''f'V'.CTlJ an anirii.lint.nl l" " nurinralli.ti lb. I'll,,,! H.ll-l-.r. it.au.n fuiiuly. Him-"', " ln of II,. M-.-rri.rr uf fiat.. '"''u7. a amat.ar.1 by an A. I a..mv"l '" ii. IW, ami aa liirlh.-r ainrml" hf a,,r.r..val r..br..ary H, !' ",' .Inrmlrtl by ... a" m-l Iba h r.l..y uf hhil-.n. 1""t ?" '2 ....I., f.irtl.rra 1-1 b III Hr.ai.iUr i. . "'' '".V). ama.ulnl At.Kuat Hi, P". 1 ttimii ru,--r..i.y , ;; f,tbar..nr1..lr.l l"tLJ amriiilliirnt .fiiHml H"f,'T1 AW.arr...l. ,.m,-Tl loaiiiaiui rr..uu..n..i u.r. l";,r..,.,r,.ra. Act ln.Hiri.urlliif aahl '" " . I,y rbaiiKliiK ll.a l-mmUi JJ tMl.ili.rlti.lt. nun mrmirala limit of "! 1 "1 "Vi ,,J Wl.r-raM. Mbl "l , M'1 rmtulml a.ltl .f , r , Olf f HlllalHir... lr..f..... f;-r 'VCa l" jrcll.lil.l ll.a....m.l f ' w J, in MKl ni on M""y. IUIO! Attn, W hnrntta, , I ... .... ,v,,l allii""1"" w hnrntta, anui i -i hi i'f aalil tin liirtti, tv '! fiilUIW". .1 -r. of ti.r ..! "ty ;; r..n ....Iwm. I.Hy I.IW'""' of tb Irifl vtitrra ul III" 1 OrrtKon.al U. l""1 r , , n and ll Mbfruy on ibiiii-' ; ';.',;,,,) Ml.l yuta It.ylnn I"'"" '7, ami arllll.l, ami ll , ..iijgihtiir i,r..,ar.l aiittiililinfhl r,;""v''.' . tA U allva yotna ami W miU 'j Utl.l llllllllM-r ul ViH- rl ,l wl" Wnnm' T !UW Now. Ilirieloie, i .'. . ii-..hiit(f M.yoi.fl.-Clly..flllli - Km Uouiity, Oi-i'', 111 '""'. ,g,oriif ly '". 0 ."".r: linger. of fJ vratea in nic ny . . .. inn Clly, tlo lirrrl.y m- '" W. ol lliltat tiro, Wn.lilMKO'" 'li.friliit ml .lo liruLy ii".;.i" V"'. ' Lj .n ' Mill clmrlrr aniriiilih"" "i.'.lve volf f......t,. ..nihil in if H ,BC... r..l fit Mbi1 elrcllo... .... .nicn.linrlit ilmll ' . 1. hei J-..II ...t frillll UII HIlr' ill i ium ilny nl )rcrtiilnT, lo'o. le It. llillalH.10. OH'K"11' 1,1 ccmiter 6, iV.o. 1 . u-fnriKi' Atlei: Ik-liton llovriiiaibj- No.lc. ofFin'Ml'll,,tBl Notice l tifrcl.y ?lvc l''1 ' l,(uie of alKhcl Ailliiinfitr.lor of . , lit Vetal Clliilno, ili'waw.l. wy'Bn,t counly couit of tt.c Hlnle p Wa.hiiiKton Comity, my l'' hi iurb ..riiiinlHlnilur, n.l B" '..I M u ......I ... Iuihiiiiv 14, IV" .:,nr. act pniuiuaj, v- I hour of 10 o'clock A M . xmVt4 rniirt room m, .t,,-! nun nut mm"; , . Iu u v Oregon,., the VUn ( tlnn to iM .oooll.il ." ll" " ment of laltl ettr. IWIeil UII. oricuii... ' 0 Attniiniritr.tor oi i Clliilno, ilrce.M'il. ruilile"1"" W. N. Iltirrf tt, Aiiorin y Argua and Oregonian,