. E. S. 10 INSTALL OFFICERS 27TH Annual Ohwrvmuc l M. .Iclm, )y Mild Net I I urotlfiv ) ST, OlfDI.K TO IIWi: ItHt liv.i I crJ" Will Sc IK I J In I he I m nr. and i'mtfunU l'i uitii-r J Tin' oldfHt imIj.:i in liillhlxiro Tunlity lh'v A. I'. & A. M., iiimI itM Utuiliary, w ill hold joint installation ut tin' MaHoi.ic Hall mi tin' ovi'nink' (tf TurHday. ! ) ci'MiIhT 'J7. Olid a kimh pmrain will Ik' intt'nMT'l ululitf will, the induction into ol!ici Tin Masonic fraternity will install as follow: Dr. W. K. I'ltt.-m-.r. W. M.; Iru Itarrctt. S. W.;V. .1. (In'Kif. J W. ! .lurk, K iiiof di'iicon; TIioh. !aili-y, junior di-ii-con; lr. W. . S, secretary; r. r. A. Iwuley, treasurer; S. f. Killen, wiiior steward; Chester Alexander, junior steward; C. H Iviclmian. tyler. The ntlicers of the Ku.-ttrrn Star; V,rvw. W. M.; J. 1'. Mak'nulcr. V. 1; k Cave, luvsisiate; Mrs C. K. Deiehinan. secretary; iMrs. 0. K. Crandall, triiisurer; .Mrs. Minnie Karnes, condilctrcHS;.Mrs. JoseiiineCase, associate. ANNUM. MIJMIMi The memU'nt of the Ocrman Fire Insurance of Washington ljunty will hold their annual meeting at the Orange Mall, llillslsiro. on January U, l'Jll, at the hour of 1 1:110 in tlie morning'. M'i . r. i . -it i iiieomcere nay mere win in no assessment this meeting ns the Hoard of Directors have deter mined that there is sufficient means to carry the business on ward. Notice have Urn sent to thu entire rncniU-rshi). Frel lier'er and Krwin Kitter. Ith of iMhany, are president and secretary of the institution, re-sis-ctively. At CTION S M l! Uy rvler cf tlw County Court the undersigned will sell at the late residence of the late John Marsh, near Centerville, at 10 a. m.. on TUESDAY, JANUARY 3 KrKttlnril tuiftl nintr, lm.kr to n.lr i iln, mickliiK rult. J rr old suiirl nutr, w trm hiiir, net Kindle bi !-; Mud-Ikrr mukum. J',, in (xhI rriif; 3 high Kimlr Jrrwy ml k , J ftrth In IMirimy ami J firill In Mutch. J UtiUn, 1 yraia o il, unir with r.f, )ftlni h'llrn, hack, l"K'KV J lona ual i hop, oo lnuhr'i tmU, mlkt plow, Mi'CornUrk hliiilrr, anil hl( lulrtral In tome farm m trhlurry that III k wcllirl at mI. Terms of Sale -$10 and tinder, cash; over that huiii. D nionth,s' hankahle note, at 0 per cent in terest, Mrs. Frances Marsh, Administratrix of the Kstatc of John Marsh, DcceiLsed. (I. W. Marsh, Auctioneer. An tone Hermcns, Clerk. MRS. I W. NOKION Mrs. Kva Norton, wife of Frank W. Norton, tlied at the family home on Sixth Street, lietwcen Fir and llailroad, Tuesday. De remU'r 20. llHO. Mrs. Norton was Isirn OctoU-r 21. ISS2. in St. Lawrence Co., New York, and camo to Ort'Kon in 1KU2. After coming to Oregon, she was mar ried to F. W. Norton. Fch. 20, linn;, and they have been in this vicinity since last Spring. She leaves the husband and two children, Vance und (Hen. aired 1 ami 2 years. Of her immediate family the following survive: Her mother, Mrs. Marv K. Sabin, brothers, Claude and Kzra Sabin, Hi.sters, Mrs. Orabaws, of Darby, Mont., and Mrs. C.uy Wilson, of C'orvallis, Oregon. NOTICI- Any (logn caught trespassing or chasing sheen on either the J. A. lmbrie or the Mauzey farms will lw killed forthwith. Fred and L. J. Hamel. Dec. 6, 1910. 39-41 Argus and Oregonian, $2.25. Spencer Krown, who is engaged in 8awmilling in Portland, is on this week, spending the Holidays with his family. David Kuratli. denutv sherilT will be the cashier of the new HilUlioro National Kank, now wing constructed on the Weh rung corner. Ask for the Novelty knives and razors thfl best and the cheanuHt. Thv make dandy Xmas or New Year's gifts at Oorwin & Emrick's. If you see them you will buy. Ask for them. 41-2 G. Hairer. O. Yuntren. John Mertz and John Zurcher, of the Mountaindale-Helvetia Assocuv tion, are to answer circuit court a charuro of Belling liquor without a license. The boys al lege as a defense that they are a wuuand were within their rights masons ! William Cow aniah. W h) WftH in 117. :!ni at I-..,-, st Cn.v. I win l.rmiylii ui from Ixynjiil t lf Tllt-Hll lav vi-umjf, and varum. yrnt.-nlav mi a chary,. .( insanity. I r. lami.-si.. mail'.- lilt V 1 . . I ."Mii.ui'in, ami ihc un- l'" t'ihat.- man wan H.-nt to Salt-rn y t. nlay nciiinj-, ( Waniah'n '" I'k t, wi ll known ha "Ii.mi.c" H.-nt t., i. asylum. Fri.luy !. Soiiu- y.-ars ao whi-n V.ilham wan ill U- l,-.(,-. th, far,,, ov. r to C. W., Hi.- l.rotlMT. wImi w:h il.-clan-il insan.' last wK. William recovered - he hi"! iii.:.!. ill" :u d Hie place Will tin Iran'. fee. the deed expecting to '. W. refused to deed h.'! '. although tiiere i ' h i id rat i in on the On Dec. 'J, C, V. sold tl p. .ire to one Kix-chli fi.r ..'J:hi, receiving JI.IHM) down and amortgae,. for$l,'J0(). U is ;iid I hid ('. W. then became in-;uh-ic.er the deal, and beat up William, finally U'corning so vio-I'-nt that he was committed. V ilium U inteti ,ey nervous ami may get on the road to recovery ! mmiii as he has some medical treatment at the Stni.. Il,i.;t..i . . . ' t. v . "iijlltui, Suiie legal action may Imj taken io gel I lie place on lU legal foot ing ho that the rights of William may U- protected in case he re covers. See our dishes for our custom ers. When voil exiterid SICK) with us you get a tine dining room set of dishes. Call for raids and have the amo.int of your purchases punched each time you buy. When you buy that amount you get the dishes, or you have a dandy game and fish set. Kmmott Kros. Coroner K. C. ISrnwn is in re. ceipt of a letter fnnn Kd. Nay- i ior, wruieii jrom one of the Portland Hospitals, stating that recovery is assured, and that getting out and around is now lilt a OUCKtum of lime Mr Nay lor has been wounded two week tomorrow eveninir. and the danger line has U-en tiassed several da vs. The annual mask hall will be given at llillsUiro Hall on the evening of Saturday, Dec. 31. he usual nnzes for the test waltzers ami I test sustained char acters will be given. There is much interest over the prize waltz alfair. as there will be con testants from all over Washing ton t-ounty. I oelle S orchestra. 40-2 I w ish to exchange part or all oi my addition to lliilsioro. lor a gisxl ranch. Would pay some cash difference, in a desirable trade. This urooertv is onlv three blocks from Klectric dejsit, court house, school, etc. Good drainage. Kvery house can have a well drained liascment. - in quire of F. M. Heidel. Hillslniro, Oregon. 4ltf Got fried Schlaetli. of alxive Mountaindale, was in the city Tuesday. He tells the Argus that Dlrich Uartschi. who left Mountaindale for Switzerland. last Summer, has returned to the United Stales, and is now in Kansas, visaing with friends and relatives. Ulrich will no doubt drift hack to old Washington County before he settles down to nisiness. Just ask Kmrick & Corwin to see one oi their new gopher trans. Gets them everv time- and there is no chance of shoot ing yourself or running a spear in your hand. The Oreiron Klectric Airent. Mr. Cooncr. has received a con signment of the Craig tickets- the simplest form of ticket now used by all big railway lines, and e can ticket anyone over any wail on the Hill lines in a very short time. He invites anyone going Kitst to call and see how easy it is to be "ticketed" to any part of the country with the new method. This is the season of the year when the rural mail carrier gets his hardships, what with bad roads and carrying of countless Christmas oackaees. The boys have been getting in rather late evenings, these days. Remember the masquerade lance at the W. 0. W. Hall, Glencoe, on Wednesday evening, December 28. Tickets, $1.25,, including supper. Spectators, 25 cents. Toelle 8 orchestra. Four prizes will be given, hvery body cordially invited. Chas. Hitchcock, of the Scholls section, was up Friday, alter medical attendance lor his little son. Read in December Sunset Magazine, San Francisco, The Fxplosive City, Superbly lllus i wi hid in four colors. Now on sale all new stands-15 cents. Chas. Matthes, of near Laurel, was over to the city Monday morning. F. W, Pribnow, of above Greenville, was in the city Satur day. Herman Huge, the Farmington rancher and horseman, was over to the city Monday. Ardeel Rene and Erma Van Metelbekc, united in marmge by Judge Goodin, December 22, 1910. Mrs. Mary Dailey went to Portland last week to spend the Winter with a brother. POULTRYMEN TO HAVE iBIGSHQW INH1LLSB0R0 I. liner hixon. of Oregon City, to Judge Itirds on Cxhihition I XIMXT A TMIfl E DAYS' EXHIBITION J. P. SaunJcri, of Bethany, will Super intend be Display of Bird The ollicers of the Ilillslxjro Poultry & Pet Stock Assn. met at the J. Murrow store, last eve ning and jx-rfected definite pirns for their first Poultry Show, which will Imj held in this city three days in the last week in January. They have engaged Judge Klmer Dixon, of Oregon City, to pass on the exhibits, and as he is one of the foremost judges on the coast, there is ev ery assurance that the Ix-st birds will win. J. F. Saunders was selected to Hujerintcnd the show and he will Im- assisted by Ray Reasoner. This will insure the U-st of care for the jsniltry entered. The committee out soliciting funds to promote the session have met with fine success, busi ness generally donating with a lilnTality. Those wishing entry blanks and permium lists may obtain same by dropping a post card toT. P. Goodin, Hillsboro, Ore. mi.i.sitouo nuiii school Christmas vacation is here, and all have left their studies for a short time to enjoy the festivi ties which this season of the year naturally brings in. The Literary Society had an interesting program Tuesday af ternoon, consisting of piano solos, songs and readings, all of which were well rendered. The quar tet. "Piccanny Lullaby" deserved particular mention, and theother numbers were very good. The Ciceronian Debating Soci ety held its first debate Tuesday, the question being "Resolved, that Intercollegiate Football Pro motes the Rest Interests of Col leges." The affirmative was de fended by Anernatha Hull and James Larsen, while the nega tive consisted of Zenas Olson and Harold Reed. The decision was unanimous for the negative. Af ter the debate. Miss Bolderick, the critic, and Prof. Barnes gave short talks on criticism. All of the grades held their Christmas exercises Tuesday af ternoon. All of the rooms were very prettily decorated with tis sue paper hangings and ever greens. Everywhere the Christ mas tree was in evidence. The first grades, under Mrs. Brown and Miss Yard, united for a few songs. These teachers have pre pared booklets containing the pupils work which they have given to each one as a souvenir. Miss Walker and Miss Curtis held their exercises together. Miss Young of the Third Grade had a neatly decorated room and a short program was given. In the united exercises of the Fourth Grades, Santa presided and all received presents. The snow storm effect in the Fifth Grade, under Miss Jones, and the numerous hangings and decora tions deserve special mention and show careful preparation. This Grade entertained the Fifth Grade, under Miss Norman. The Sixth Grade exchanged presents and gave a short program. 1 he feature of the 7th and 8th Grades program was the Indian song. The fireplace in the Eight Grade was also a novelty. This is one of the best Christ- mases Hillsboro has seen for some time and everyone entered heartily into the spirit of the season. If Judge Campbell, of this judicial district, thinks he has anything over one Daniel Cupid as an arbitrator of cases, he is much mistaken. About a year nirn one Alfred M. Kucrir es sued Mrs. Emily M. Bullock for $120 for services on a building at the Grove. The case has been hang ing for about a year and finally linn Cunid. attornev-extraordin- ary, got busy, and brought the suit to a close. I he sequel is here-Married, Dec. 22. 1910, Mi- Alfrpd Ku series and Mrs. Emily Bullock, Judge Goodin, of Hillsboro, officiating. Marriage license has been granted to Carl A. Hoffman, son nf .T N Hoffman. Forest Grove. and Miss Ara A. Heisler, daugh ter of John Heisler, Gales Creek. .vin.il R THrtlfinQnn and Nel taiuuvi i-. lie Randall were united in mar hv Judcre Goodin. December 18. 1910. at the county court parlors, fVin fl Vinepnl- and Ivv D nnraiinp were united in marriage at the home of Mrs. E. Vincent, near Middleton, Dec. 18, 1910, Rev. Staunand officating, Wm. Schmidt, of Bethany, was in the city Thursday, and called on the Argus. MIUSBGPO ARGUS. DEC SS 191" Whitman a are the best Get them at The Delta. 41-2 Fn d J laa.se. of South Tualatin, was in town yesterday. Whitman's chocolates you get them at The I'elta. 41-2 Jasper Kcffor, of near Glencoe, wail in tow n yesterday evening. Ira T. Mills, of Hanks, was in the city Monday. Dainty and wholesome means Whitman's chocolates. At The Delta. 41-2 W. F. Ilaase was in the city Tuesday, from South Tualatin. Fred 15. Clark, of below Farm ington, was in the city the first of the week. Walter ShalllK-rger, of near Celar Mill, was in town Tuesday afteniMn. Hoyt is going to give some one a Christmas present. Ask him who it w ill be? Every piece a masterpiece Whitman's chocolates and can dies. At The Delta. 41-2 Horn, to L. C. Garrigus and wife, of near Hanks, Dec. 19, l-Jiu, a daughter. S. Steinke, of Minter Bridge, was in the city the first of the week. John Iiftis. of the Arcade district, was in the county seat Monday. Philip Schneider, of near Cor nelius, was over to the countv seat Mondav. Peter Gotleib. of North Hills- Itorn, was in the city Friday eve ing. Walter Lynn came out from Portland, Monday, and went out to the Lynn ranch, near the Ar cade school, beyond Glencoe. A few nice Black Minorca cockerels for sale. Pure bred.-J. .. .Miller. City Route 4; one mile mile south of Oak Park station.3 Chris Johnson, of Made Hill. beyond Glencoe, was in the city Monday. Chris is still clearing and up in the settlement. J. W. Hughes, the South For est Grove rancher and dairyman and well known auctioneer of the west end of the county, was in town Tuesday. Found A parcel on Cedar Mill Portland Cornell road. Owner pay adv. and take same. F. Klatt, Bethany. Alex Gordon, of Glencoe. was in tow n yesterday. He and his family will spend Christmas with relatives in Portland. Found: Purse, on Washineton St,, containing small sum money. Owner pay adv. and get same. Inquire at Argus office. Today is supposed to have been the shortest day of the year, and trom now on the daylight period will increase right along. Herman Rannow, of below Newton, and John Boge, of Farm ington, were in town yesterday, getting Christmas supplies. S. J. ItatTetv, of Mountaindale, returned Tuesday from Portland with Mrs. Raffety, who has been a month in a Portland hospital. C. E. Hurst, running theraneh owned by Postmaster Cornelius, beyond Olencoe, was over to the city yesterday, and called on the Argus. The Christian Church Sunday School will have a Christmas tree and short program at the church, Saturday evening. Everybody invited. For sale: Team, weighing about 1(500 each. Inquire of John Simpson, 3 miles south of Reedville. P. O. address. Bea verton, R. 3. 40-2 Trojan powder, for blasting stumps, etc., at Emmotts, in any quantity. Try this stumping powder and you will have no other. No freezing and thawing, and no headache. Albert Running, of Cornelius, was in the city Saturday after noon. Thos. Talbot, one of the oldtimers of Cornelius, was in town Monday evening. Remember that when cleaning time is at hand 1 will be busy, Everybody wants a new carpet, Get yours made before the rush, I. l. Aims, carpet weaver, Banks, Ore., Route 2. 41-3 The Bethany Grange will give an entertainment ana shadow Social, at Grange Hall, Bethany, Saturday evening, January 14. Ladies will please bring luncheon for two. Program at 8:00. Games afterward. No dancing. S. C. Sherrill, who has been teaching over at Vernonia, came over the first of the week to spend the Holidays with his brother, W. E. Sherrill, and fam ily. He says that the walk from Vernonia to the railway is not a pleasant morning's trip these days. J. T. Powell, who is hostler and moves the engines in the Umatilla yards for the 0. R. & N., arrived the first of the week with his family, for a Holiday visit with the family of Mrs. Slattery. He says he likes the Umatilla country very well, and that it is always very lively up there for the train service men. IS TO HI l;xpett to lluild in Near future on ImNie Corner, Third & Main M0DF.RN STRUCTURE TO BE ERECTED The J. W. Shute Bank Will be Taken (her by New Organization Hillsboro will have two new banks in the future - the Ameri can National Bank, operatingun der the national banking system, and another, the Shute Savings Bank. Both institutions are now under process of organization by A. C. Shute, A. S. Sholes. Wil liam Mahon, H. V. Gates. M. McDonald, A. McGill, Dr. J. P Tamiesie, J. A. Imbrie. Geo. IL Bagley and W. G. Hare, incor porators, and the ntw banking houses are to succeed to the bus iness of J. W. Shute. Banker. who has successfully followed the banking business in this city for over twenty years. The incor porators above named will own both banking houses, and quar ters will be maintained at the present J. W. Shute Bank until a handsome building can be erected on the J. A. Imbrie Block, Third and Main. The new home is to be a modern structure, built especially for a modern banking house the two banks to occupy the lower floor. and law offices and an abstract company the entire upper floor. lhe new building will contain commodious vaults on both floors, and a large number of safety de posit boxes will be installed in a separate vault for the conveni ence of patrons and depositors. A. C. Shute, who has been identi fied with the J. W. Shute bank ing house and the old First Na tional, and who has had twenty years experience in the business, win have active management of the banks. The capital of the American National will be $50,000. and the capital of the Shute Savings Bank will be $30,000. With the wealth and ability of the stock holders as a criterion there can be no doubt of the future of the two banking establishments. It is the purpose of the American National to take care of the all commercial deposits and com mercial loans, while the Savings Bank will handle the savings features of the banking business. as well as the mortgage loans. W ith the banks now in existence. and under process of organiza tion, Hillsboro will be better than ever equipped to take care of the growing banking business of a large section of the West bide, and will have a bank stand ing second to none in the state according to population and busi ness. Mr. Sholes is the president and active manager of the Cornelius State Bank: Mr. Mahon has been in the banking business in Mich igan all his life; Mr. Gates has long been a business man in this city and has extensive interest- in the Northwest: Mr. McDonald and Mr. McGill are president and secretary, respectively, of the Oregon Nursery Co., of Orenco; Dr. J. P. Tamiesie is the well known Hillsboro physician who has just completed the new three story hotel on Third and Main; J. A. Imbrie, ex-county clerk, is well known all over the county as a substantial business man, and holder of business property in the city; while Geo. R. Bagley and W. G. Hare are the well known attorneys of the law firm of Bagley & Hare. With this financial strength, the future of the new banking houses is as sured, and they should expand at a rapid pace and in consonance with the growth of the commun ity. John Berger, of Bethany, was in the city Monday afternoon, Attorney Waldemar Seton, of Portland, was out Tuesday, on probate business. Mrs. Harvey, widow of the late Duane Harvey, was in the city from above Mountaindale, Mon day afternoon. Team, wagon and harness for sale at a bargain. Mare and horse, and weigh 1.000 1,100. Good all-round team for farm. Inquire at Jos. Connell farm, near Glencoe. 40-3 Carrier Tupper, on Route 2, brought in the following letter, addressed to Santa Claus, Tues day night: I want you to bring me a ball and a box of Deanuts. a box of candv. a doll. blocks, a little chair and a little horse. If that letter isn t ans wered there will be something doing along Route 2. Christmas cheer is the thing but you can t have a good Christ mas unless your culinary depart ment is fixed up right We have a fine lot of green goods, vegetables of all kinds, and every Christmas delicacy. We have the "turk," and the chick en. and all that goes with it Give us a call. Emmott Bros. A pleasant surprise birthday party gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Wadsworth. on the evening of Decemlxr 17, in honorof the host. Mr. Wads- worth was reading his newspa per when to his surprise his home was filled to overflowing with neighliors and friends from far and near. They at once took possession, and J. E. Zimmer man acted as master of ceremo nies. It was a jollv crowd nnd all seemed to enter into the spirit oi me evening. the party brought their music with them and dancing was the order of the evening, .Mr. and Mrs. Wads worth leading the cotillions a3 if they were back in their youth. The house was decorated with flowers. At midnight a splendid conation was served and after reireshments, dancing continued until the "wee sma" hours. The party departed in high glee at 3:00 a. m., leaving host and host ess feeling that the world is a pretty good old place in which to live-and "The Cedars," of be yond Glencoe, i3 located among mends. For sale: I will sell my regis tered bull, Holstein-Friesian, Sir Salma Alameda Dekol No. 48,064, or will trade for good work horse. Is gentle, quiet, and get3 70 per cent, guaranteed. Address L. C. Cooper, Cornelius. Ore., or call at ranch 3 miles south of Corne lius. 4o2 John Gardner, the 13 year old son of Perry Gardner, of Quata ma, while playing with some powder. Sunday, suffered some severe burns about the face and eyebrows through an explosion. He had a piece of burning paper on which he was pouring powder from an old powder flash, in or der to watch theexdosive itmitiv The flame followed rather rapid ly and reached the powder flask, and there was a dandy little ex plosion. Dr. Cunmneham was called from Orenco, and he patched up the youngster's wounds. He will not "monkev" with a powder can again. See the fine stock of "back combs," at Libby, the jeweler's place. No back numbers all new and fresh goods, direct from the factory: and Gee Whiz' see the fine clocks and jewelry of all Kinas, which, tie is almost giving away. 38-tf J. W. Cave wishes to state that the Industrial number of the Ore gonian will not be published until in February, which is the anniversary of the founding of the Oregonian as a newspaper. lie says that the office has noti fied him that this will be the fin est industrial paper ever issued in the Northwest and those who wish extra copies should leave their orders with him at McCor- mick s Music Store. tor sale: Six fine Rhode Island roosters, at $1 each. C, H. Mitchell, South Hillsboro. S:ni Stevens, of North Hills boro, went over to Tillamook last week to take Harry McLauch lar.'s engine until the latter re turns from his Holiday vacation ine scniuer a id cent cigar. and the Grand Marca, a two for a quarter cigar, are what you want when you buy a cigar, Kept at every bar in Hillsboro, Ask for them. Harry McLauchlan, engineer on the lillamookend of the P. R. & N., was a Hillsboro arrival the first of the week, and will spend the Holidays here and at Port land. Imperial Hard Wheat Flour. 11. 4d per sack, at Connell & Co. Every sack guaranteed. 37tf Services at the United Evan- gelical Church Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. ; Christmas program at 11:00 a. m.; C. & at 6:30 p, m., and preaching at 7:30 p. m, Girl wanted for general work. Inquire at City Restaurant, Sea ond Street Hillsboro, Ore. Mrs. James Gibson, of Reed- ville, was up to the city yester day, getting Christmas gifts for the mayor of Reedville Jas. Gibson. Postmaster Cornelius has re ceived a lot of lock boxes, which will be installed in place of the call boxes on the left side of the distribution case. Mrs. M. Ryan, whose son, Jno. Ryan, carries the mail on Route 3, was in the city from Helvetia, yesterday. Perry Gardner and W. J. Lich- ty, of below Quatama, were in town yesterday. J. W. Cave was confined to his room the first of the week with a severe case of congestion of the lungs. Those Electric Irons at G. R. Stovers are going, and if you are thinking about getting one, you had better get your order in. Mrs. M. M. Hughes, of Port land, was the guest of Miss Lu cile Imbrie, Sunday. E. Wenstrom and wife, of the Scholls-Laurel section, were in the city Monday morning. W. N. Hathorn and wife, of Laurel, were in the city Tuesday afternoon. To the readers of this, the Den of Sweets wishes a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. PRornsioirAU F. A. BAILEY, M. I). Fhynlrlan and Narrcci Omofr-Bailty-Mcrgan bloot. u-lr Roonu U, 13 and IX KnMnm- south wmii mmr BaMltn and bw-oi.d .xtrmta. twrth 'Pbonca. S. T. LINKLATER, II. B. C. M., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offl uiwulrt over Tba Delia pr tUuia RMldane lul of Oonrl Htum, la lb corner of the block. JAHrS FH1LUFK TiVlEMf., M. I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 8ur(on Southern Paotfla Kllr!l Co. and alo of th; Oregon Electric Kxilroad. Coimnlutlon In French or KnglUh. . upaUtira, in the Cemont Block UUig, north aida of Main 8U, HUlaboto, Or. A.B. BAILEY, M.D..D.D.S. Physician ana Surgeon. Office Rooms 7, 8 and 9, iJauey-Morgan Block. Both Pbonea. TTnickv, fW DR. ELMER H. SMITH Osteopathic Ptiysici.ia OFFICE HOURS Monday. Wedoeadaya and Fri J tya 9 to 11; I to 4; 7 to 8. Tutsdaya, Thurailaya and Saturday 7 to 8 p. m. Unklater Bldg over Delta, Beth I'Uooea DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist Rooma 10 and 11 Morgan-Bai ay Tllook. atrceU Orer Dennia Btore. HILLSBORO ------ Oc EGON BAQLEY at HAJiC ATTORHBYS-AT-U Koomi 1 and S Shite Bn !T ag HILLSBORO. . . OESUOS. wwwwwwwwwv vw E. B. TONGUE ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Rooma j, 4, ft 3, if organ Blk. Ulllatx ro rWrWrrrrrWWWyvyy V JOHN M. WALL ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Office rjpataira. Bailey JUrg! Bloc k Rooma, 1 and 1. HILL6BORO. - 0RJ3C i. W. N. BARRETT ATTORNBY-AT-LAV r Omea: Main 8treet, opp. Coxut f:oune. HILLSBORO tRiviOl THOS. H. TONGUE, J R. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Morgan Blk, Opatalre, Rooma 3, 1 and 3 Hillsboro, - - Oregon Dr. S. M. REAGAN VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND 8URGBON The only graduated and licensed Veter inary in Hillsboro. Sixteen yeaia prac tical experience. OFFICE, HILLSBORO LIVESY CO.8 STABLE No. 1 Office phonea: PaciHo SUtea 501; IuJ. 213 Residence phones; Independent 243; Pa cific States 481. DR. J.R. MARSHALL, DENTIST I am Prepared to do High Class ,' Dental Work. A New OnW with Modern Equipment Trmieaie Bldg. HILLS Bl) 10, OKE. Main and Tbird. MODERN WOODMEN Silver Leaf Camp No. 8I93, Modern Woodman of America, meets .very iirst and third Saturdays in each m iuu at their Hall in Reedville, Oregon. Vi' it ing and sojourning Neighbors kk cordial ly invited to attend camp meetings. S. G. Rhodes, Coniul. R. E. Haldhrman, Clerk. mm. mmmmmmmm. : k 1 1 J. S. LOUSING I Contractor .and (Builder I Large Barns a Specialty Hillsboro, Ore., R. F. D.5 mmmmn mm. Dr. W. B. CUNINGHAM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Calls Answered Day or Night Independent Phone ORENCO, - - OREGON DR. J. B. NORMAN Phyakiaa art Sttrgeo Office in TAMIESIE BUILDING Calls promptly Answered