The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 22, 1910, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Oiitl ill Scnttto. kVionlly, and
IVttth k'lxalK Initious liukknt
,S ON lUUKt. tih: uiwimmu.
The Finet P.ree of Hitchen Furniture
in the World for the Money.
- v -i i m m 1 1
Will Last you a life-time and
is the cheapest, considering ma
terial and convenience of con
struction. Call in at our stores,
and see one. We' carry them
with 19 x 21 oven.
Cornelius aiid Forest Grove
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby (tiven tht I, the umler
intvt, have !ii hT the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for Waliiiiirt'n Coun
ly, p in ted u ImiiiUtra'.or of lite KMair
il MittiMa (iustUlxoR, ilecea-'ett, anil have
qualified a. audi. All N.ra having
claim against nn'td estate are liereby ru
tiried to credent Ine nn to me, with
proptr 'oui'hern. at the law otlice of W. ,
'. Itarrrtt. in HilbU'ro, Oregnn, within
nix month from trim dale. ;
Dated this li-ceuilr ti. r10.
thwar UiiMafsoii. i
A1 in i nitra tor ot the Kstate of Manilla1
Gtis'afaon, lH-cea 1.
V. X. Uarrt'tt, Attorney lorsaiJ Kntatfl. i
" CHARTER NO. 8oj6
Notici of meeting tn vote ai! road 1
tax: We, the undersigned, comprising
10 per cei t. of the taxpayer of Road
listiict No. 11, Washington County,
Oregon, hereby (jive notice that a meet-(
ing will be held at old Union School
IIoue in said road district on the 2.1th
day of December, 1910, at the hour of 1
o'clock p. m., for the purposes of voting
an additional tax for road purposes, as ,
provided in Sec. 34, of 1909, page 1
Dated Dec. 5, 1910. (Signed) )
Fred Schulz, Andrew Kggiman, A L
Crotm.J J Muller, George Alienor rg, !
Hans Cornlis, Fred Stuck;, Nels Jnhn
acn, N Hansen, N Rasniusen, J A Nel
son, John Berge. Christ Zuercher, F L
Ijchty, O'.to Wismer, Lois Stteib.
The First National Bank
of forest grove, oregon.
Directors: L J. Corl, John Templeton. T. W. Sain, H.
J. Gokf. E. W. Haines, George Mizner. Levi Smith,
W. H. Mollis, W. K. Newell, H. T. Buxton.
Capital and Surplus will
be increased to
in January.
We appreciate your paronage and hope to merit a contin
uance of same.
Increase in Deposits 35 per cent.
ial . I
H I know what Tea want 1 hare what too
nad-tha best quality SASH AND
DOORS. Ikeep them in stock for quick
delivery. I have but one price and sell
for cash only. ! 1 have my own factory.
It Costa me much lean to make my coals
and less to sell them foeaijse I make and
apll in large quantiea. These prtrea ara
taken from my catak copy of which
I will rladly mail on request:
Front Doora.doubU thick f lass $2.25 up
Fancy Front Doors, stylish - $5.00 up
&ross psnsl Doors, for painting $1.25
5-cros pansl Doors, for staining $1.30
NewCraftsrnaa Door, for bungalows $1.60
2-ligkt Windows, chock rail 7Sc up
4-lixht Barn Sash 42c ap
Cupboard Doors, with plain glass $1.00
K.ll. lor trim 75c. K.U.Ss.a Krimcs 90c
I LK) not fail to send me your list of ma
tariala for price and frcigh charges,
J Ask for Catalog No.
Start the NEW YEAR by opening an
account with the
Hillsboro Commercial Bank
We do a general bauking business, and
the strength of our institution is un
questioned. Courteous treatment to all.
' ' Be One of Our Patrons
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of th State of Oro
gon lor Wailiinton County
In the matter of the estate of Marcus
Dunne Harvey, ileoeaHed.
Notice 1h Hereby (liven, that the un
derHigned ban linen duly appointed and
continued by the order of the County
Court of ihe (State of Oregon for Wash
ington County duly made mid entered,
KxHcutrix of the last Will and Testament
of MarRiiH Dunne Harvey, tleoeatied, and
has duly qualified us such.
Now Therefore, all jierHiiiH having
clainiH against said eHtate are hereby noli
lied and reijiur d to present the name to
the iindeixiKiied together with proper
voucher" therefor; at the law ollioe of
llagley b Hare in the Khute JiiiililiiiK in
Hillaboro, Oregon, within sii uiontliM
from the date of the lirst publication
Karali H. Harvey,
Kxecutrix of the ItiHt Will and Testa
inent of MaroiiM I'uaiie Harvey, deceaKod.
HHKley dr,Hare, attorneys for Kxecutrix.
The Hate of the lirMt publication Dec.
22nd, imu.
The date of the last puhllcation Jan
i!nh, mi.
Xmas dance at Hillsboro Hall,
Rat iirHn v pvpninir. Dec. 24. Toel-
le's orchertra. Be merry and at
tendfor they 11 all be there.
Pays You 4 Per Cent Interest on
Savings and Time Deposits
lhn liuitJicJ Woiikh Sail. J Ground
Cape N" 'or Sfatilc
Sht rluinu- Wilson. wv liin: lv
low r.t;t crton. wntos tlio Artis.
oncKinn a flipping from aiu-ws-lapor
di'tailinc tlu dt-sttli of
sisUr in law. Mrs. ZflHirah Wil
son, 2Kod Si ycni's. at Soattlo.
Tito passing of Mrs. Wilson tv
calls tlu iiii'iilcnt of tho vt'SSfl
t'ontinontal. which loft Now
York in IStlt., with a oaiyo of
:'IK) women, for Soattlc. A. S.
Motwr, then pivsiilont of tin
Washinnton Territorial Universi
ty. ciMuvivetl the idea of having
New KiiK'atnl school ma'ams,
shippeil to Seattle to heeomc
wives of the cany set tiers. Gov.
Andrews, of Massachusetts, and
Kdward Lverett Hale emloi'setl
the idea, and the Continental
was chartered and sailed around
the horn with its oaryo of fem
ininity. Many were stranded
when they reached the coast,
and many failed to yet hushands,
Some of the marriayes, however,
were fruitful of happiness, and
some families, thus stranyely
united, liave raised children that
have Ihcomu' prominent in the
lKlitics ami social fahric of the
Mrs. Wilson was survived by
her husband, John Wilson, who
is now nyvd IHI years 11 years
older than his brother Sher
burne, of UillsUtro and one stn,
John II. Wilson.- Mrs. Wilson
was married to her surviving
hushand in 1S.VJ, and accom
panied the voyayeurs in ipiest of
health, as she had hemorrhages of
the lunys. She grew in strength
after reaching the tir-clad slopes
of the Sound. The despatch
toiadiing uim her death follows:
Seattle. Wn.. Pec. IS. Mrs.
ZeUtrah Wilson, Kl years old,
one of the :'.i women w ho came
around Cape Horn as the famous
"cargo of w ives" for Seattle set
tiers in l.S'K!, died at her home
here vesterday. The "cargo of
wives" w as organi.ed by A. S.
Mercer, then president of the
Washington Territorial Univer
sity. He advocated the imjiorta
tion of New Kngland schm
teachers to l'uyet Sound to make
wives for the settlers here. His
scheme wus einiorseii uy dov.
Andrews, of Massachusetts, Kd
ward Kverett Hale and others,
and resulted in the chartering of
the ship Continental, in which
the voyage was made. Shortly
In'fore sailing from New York,
Mrs. Wilson was married to John
Wilson, and the couple made the
vovage around the Horn, and
through Magellan, together."
V 1
i i era
Doar Frienda: I know you nrw all look
ing for Xuuto preoenU, niui tho problem i0
"what ohall I Kot'1 I'll k.Ivu you a
pointer. Try Balrd'o. I waa thoro lfiat
year and dlooovurod tho faot that ho
keepa ootaothlng for uvoryono, and they
are tho oort or fUfto that plt-fioo tho re
cipient.!. Below are a few of tho many
p.lfto found in hlo otoro.
Youra for a Merry Chriotmao,
belt Slipjcrs, Knit and Silk Scarfs,
Always the Latest in Neckwear,
Dainty Handkerchiefs,
Cloves, Umbrellas, Shirt Waists,
Sweaters, l'tirs.
Swcllcst Ties in Town,
Sweater Cults, Nobby Matr
All Kinds of Handkerchiefs,
1-elt aud Kid SIijjcrs, Silk Ssv
j-cuders, I-'ancy Cassimer Sox.
Caps and Toques for the 11 iris, l'uucy b'ur Slipjcr.s, Holly Stationer)-, LW
Tics aud Caps, (.iris' Kiblnins aud Combiuatiou Sweaters, Handkerchief.
Independent Phone. Our MOTTO $ for $
In the new He. del block, next door to the Odd Fellows.
Home of
When our ad
Says so,
notici- i o i ki 1 1 ikow i ks
Tsrnty-fic vr- . .) f u itre f.- niaV't'i!.
rr i ntt lit ' .1 In en i i ilin I ' ll
Unnfmilrr lint V lu-h tlf U iicr tit
uUly nil ,.ml .i hi mull ibru '
iruuiriiln h mlr 1 . K.i 'tliuu ils .1
fvnv linn ili't hsiwv ni 'I lii !' i
fur the t 1 1 rai li i i tti- hi.
f,irtnr il Kuiilfsll, I. '-. S riu .
am) iitlirm Country n U 1
come. l,r tr trli ili't v ,!rf ht
Mi t'oniii. k or tn thp I'. iii tM.ii I'ii i,i
ire Storr.
A 1'. Vl.NI'.V. 1'i.n . ft.: - f.
Laurel Store
Having Purchased the Store at
I am Prepared to meet the de
mands of the Laurel section in
all kinds of
If We have not got what you want
we can get it for you. We can supply
you in all lines
E. T. TURNER, Laurel, Oregon.
There will ho a moi'tink' of the
Fruit (Irowers of Washington
County in Hillsljoro, Ore., at the
City Hall, Dec. 111. Saturday af
ternoon, at 1:151) o clock, to form
a I nut wrowers union, l his
section needs a thorough organi
zation in ordor to properly mar
ket the fruit product. A I'm
will perfect a reat deal through
agitation of hotter care for fruit
trees and all that tfoes for
more perfect production. If you
are interested in any decree you
are cordially invited to he in at
tendance. Remember the date.
15. N. Sproat, Sec.
Forty acres close to (llencot
some clear; some in irood timher.
Apily to Kuratli l5ros., Hills
Ikji'o, Oregon. 41-4
Manager Word, of the I'acific
States 'l'elephono HyHtem, hrokt
one of his liriKers one day the
last of the week, catching th
dit?it between a hutfc stick of
wood and the stove door, while
throwing the fuel into the fire.
Dr. Linklater attended the fin
Kcr and some one else will build
fires for awhile.
Henry Hutchinson and brother
and Arthur May, of Vinclands,
were in town Monday, Ketting
Christmas supplies, llenry has
quit hopfarmintr up in the Yam
hill section, where he was lo
cated for several years.
John W. I'ernard, of near Roy,
was in the city Tuesday. He
will soon have the choice of two
railways on which to travel -and
can drive in if he feels too inde
pendent to take the railway for
Lost: Buckskin filly, three
year old; star in forehead; weitrhs
about l.OW. Strayed from Walk
er pasture, near Cedar Mill.
Walter SehallberKer, HeavertonJ
Ore. Jtoute2. Reward. 41-3
U 1. Wuriucmcri, ot near
Centerville, was in the city Mon
day evening.
Whitman's candies at The
Delta. 41-2
. 1 iim l ill' u s i), joint uuiiris.-,, i '
Wrtltri s, S M Tuusi.ill ft and 1 511 liv. i
The Last Call of the
Did you see this leautifiil
article picturinK' Oregon in 1
colors in the November
$2T),()(H) is being spent by
Sunset Magazine on a series
of articles superbly illustrated
in four colors picturing and
describing the attractions and
resources of the
WONDKItl.AND Of tilt l'ACIl'IC
We will send you the next
three issues of Sunset com
mencing with the special De
cember in which begins the
best serial novel of the year
'The Spell," by C. N. & A.
M. Williamson and a superbly
illustrated article in four col
ors on "San Francisco --The
Exposition City; and in addi
tion we will include a copy of
the November issue contain
ing the beautifully illustrated
article on Oregon.
ALL FOK 25c, ((.lamps or
SUNSET Magazine
Weill I'h-ko nid. Portland, Ore,
When a man fools the necessity of belagi
two places at tho same time, he goes to us
nearest telophono and sends his vo:W-
it tot Ki-clly thn ri c thing, hut whnn mn ''i'.V','
i f iiUhh In m. poult diction- from thn Bu TeWf"1
il i t nli tut a Ruod.
I tt. dail v uh of ih tnlri.h'in mmi lrvttl H ow ' 1
t Im i mm! .) v to irivelillo
Ntklti and it)nr utalMthy iukhh of th univerl UnDI 1
l'M HjKtrlll,
Ihe Pacific Iclephono ind ce' ffl
nriioh Co.
7 V
tCvnry lu ll Trlnplioiin I- the nuil.T f Hi )',u,w
1 1
Notice to Creditors
Nutli In Imri'hy iflviin Hint I. Ilia umliir.
hIkiiimI, Imvfl Iiwim by Hit) County Court of
tlm Mlttto of UrKKou, fur WknIiIukIimi
county, Hiipoliitnd KdmlnlNlratris of tlm
KKtato of Joliu M truli. iIwwimmI. mill Imvn
(iimlllleil tut micli. All ijithoiim hiivlnii
cliunm hkhIiihI miiil entnln urn linnili mi
tlllml to irimniit tint mhiiki to uib, wit Ii
iiroimr vour.lmrH, t tlm hw ollliio of W.
N. iliirri'tt, in ilillHlxirn, Orn(oii, within
Mil iiiontlm from HiIm iliitii
DhIuiI tills l)i)i'inlir II, 11110.
. Frniiiwn K. MhtmIi,
AtliiiliiiHtrHlrix ol tlm KhIhU ot John
MiithIi, DtiouaMt'd.
W. N. liarrntt, Attorney for mhIiI KnIhUi,
Fresh crop walnuts at Kmmott
SURE Then bring us
your umbrella. We will re-
ti'iir !f rnficnnablc.
The evenings are long. Wc
will sell you electric lifibt iu
candescent lamps. The 1 uug
stcn and other standard lamps .
and save you money.
While ducks are here get your
Ammunition from us. We
beat them all.
Garage, Third Street near new
15ros., 20 cents per lb.