The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 22, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 41
QfllfiH H nfiORO ROAD:
fef Scilnl In (r link
We an
n p;ii
HI!'. PI
ll'MI hi',!
iihu h:r. .
How In !cr I 1:111 r-vi-r
M'I'ly ""trnihtdintTH.
fjpA Koid Work l Meld up fur al
l supply of lliMir
'''. . '.!4:i ami lini.-.hiny
i in furnish L'mul
- r. '
"i hort rnitiri-. We
;i kI tM'k (if nil
ktlnli i. tlilhllioli IhimImT. We
haw in .lin k all Mit-s of til- frcirn
! iiit li that arc lirvft (iiiulit v
Ml IllllI'llllK UIIH KH.
Not Have to Carrv Mail on
Christmas Day, at it is Sunday
M . i ! fit Another icar
K flint voter iim'I at tin
oUnkill. hint Sallirduy morning.
i..f tha immune of voting for or busy. In tin- pat we fiml that
ifMfiul road tax for th- il H l "' ':'." ,,f peop
'.. nf ruiilmiiiiiL' tne rok
'jatj''' which ww inaugurate.
l i..iii- Willi Holliel nnir like it
nil of macadam road. Frank
rtliy. ""oal HiUKTVi.-uir, pri-mileo.
nd 'there wu Koine ciijKtKitnm
4tjil'd t' t'11' 'lH"'i tax ho
a r at.i. ....
.ho. in .u. uwu uh- r ,,,,. x TraV(.lin,r
pe5M' levy a the mill lax was tu. St,,,,. ,,rv.i,,j, ,,,, 'r:m-l
ink' Libraries or the um of the
prtti k wars mist cakky prlslnts
VvttX Mail Currier is (he Real
Santa Claui These Day
:t I.
alio In irl
I ry our building blocks for your
fruit or juta!i house, or foiinda-
tiuii Inr your buildings better The
ami ci,.-:in f than brick or ron
tirii', I'artii-H wanting orders
.1 i. .. . I .. :n i ii . -i
mii.ii-ii ni un wen V) I'lari- .
(Jinstinas Day. 1'JlO. will not U
....... vtt, ,tl, ,1 1)1 v -
pm, ami our ti-amn arc not to a day of lalxir for the rural mail
carrier as it has heen for Hovcral
years for the day of Santa
Claim comes on Sunday this
year. The jiostoflice department
k'lves him no holiday, when
t i wait till the road are alnuiHt
iiniiassalilc, and then plarc th-ir
I' hvery, at a cost of
done for
orders fur
twiic what it can lx
w hih
(IronerA; Unwell Company
The Oregon Library Coininis-
hion ha ju:.t Kent to ( oniehus.
dti-lU'd hy tt vote of 2U t Z
Wm, Mctjuillan wan tlu tnn
lictlvtln defeatlinr w nieitsure,
iulf.! comiilnint wa that then
wAIKAirt as to what the cost
i,f itS work had Ihvii in the
iulL -Ouite a mimlH-r fnun over
(Hupli- tif dromon and they are
free t all. The library contains
intcivMintf Uniks on history,
travel, agriculture, cookinif, etc,
and tictioii for erown up people
and children. Kv rv citizen of
m tt Jjouth Tualatin jrtion of tm-K'on hltouM know ain.ul it ana
the diitriet votetl In the nejfa- ":uc ue oi mu ixN.hH. me
tivcj, IV n-Htilt rami' aj a Hur- l"oks are at the Arcadu h m
pnfl'it wu thought that the l"ise and may he U.rrowed on
i,li4U to more work in s-r- Saturday. lH-twtt-n the hours of
mnit4)U:hwnyii would meet of two and four,
with Very little tyitinthy. William Smith, of (Jreenville,
N0 BiHUro will meet i.r. WiH toWll Saturday, and visit-
Si don't forget, this year, Christmas comes on a week-day
our stiH-k is compete. i
sition of the rural carrier, Fred
Olscn leaves at the Arus otfice
the following from the U. F. 1).
The rrllv U) Io iIhIc SnliU CluUH ii
llir itiral firr itrlivr'v Irttrr canirr He
Fred (Joetze was in from near
lllooininj, Saturday.
John Ojipenlander, of Corneli
us, was in tow n Friday.
Attorney HorTman was down
from Forest Grove, Monday.
(Jus Ilellebuyck, below Ixls,
was up to the city Saturday.
(). (j. Harlow was out from
Portland the last of the week.
I-o Schwander, of above Moun
taindale, was in the city Friday.
Robert Thompson, of Cedar
Mills, was a county seat visitor
I'ri d Iler-'erand Krwin Hitter.
of below Bethany, were in town
Ceo. Harmes. of near Moun-
taindale, was in the city Satur-
day atternoon.
Mis. I. Sinclair, of near Leisy-
31. af ifote
for or against a
H. bis. the lUaverton fruit
irruwer. writes the Ark'US tlu
follow injr letter:
Rrrltitl lllrnon. IHC. IJ-ll'ill
Im Aiui i Cunittirnllnif "ii our
liair.rnt viitl lair In uiriilum
Ibal fcimr u( our dull Kiowri t
Uilrt Hit illUitfi lltwfil l( Tllr, rr
ititt lh iiirnilam. Mr V K. Srrll.
I lliluk. irrrltrtt diur ,irrmliim, t.t
tour liumlili wftanl lit rlclil lou
tliirn rruitiU. 01 I lit r tl.ll
wiim. ninkuii; li'Ul uf rltUl inir. t
tuiri ii in mlvrr and loo lnoiir mrjalt
n4 ilniloinx, Thf Ulur r IMioiu ic m
on liiiliiiliiii l llir Mrlrr Ik I'mnk
mutt, ruitUiiil. No hl tmllirn inr
t. l. Ii ciillltril lu lhrr ixltrt, inv
rl( of llir MiII.Ikiio toarl of Trmlr
MjrfthllHl (on.l.irit uf JH lnri ul
. .i . ii . . ..i. ...
cii tne ,ri.riis. ue Kiaies uui
the nineteen ear old sun of J. J
Smith, of Ldianon. Martin by
name, died last week from an at
tack of tviihoid lever. the
vonmr man was well known in
II il l l;l 1 ll !' Ill ltl' llt tO
the bitnm Mint llir r ilnl'lrrii nil i.ver
llic tounliy. One cn r-lv iiimfitic
with hnl rngrfiimt Hint ilr ilit tin
vouiiK f.'lkr Im k fui 4nl I Ii i coining
on the mmt hull lav ul lilt' vrnr.
On a I oihrf ho !( llir ilrllvrtv fti-
vie IM rmal ill ilnrti is ni.lx-i.ilril, lull
tin I'hriatuiAi ll.iv. hv dtircivl onlrr ol
llir I'ihIoIIkt II ) irtiur lit. llif ranur i
oliliiinl lo make hit cuiluiimv round.
iiiuiiir rv iv i wrliinkr uu In (uutr. As
in;. v rll ht UIiIKinr I Ilia wanoil it Ii Iril
to ovciflontiiiif i'U J.rccU Containing
iif.a It la a mivlitv bin linv'i wcjik fur
him, mil he iiuv KtuinMe bi: nbont it,
but ll Ihr aim- ti enjoyi p'ayiiiu Snla
Claui. tY Iilraiwnt It U t UiMriUutf
the ilctiic IjmikIIh lll ne o nmnji
lupy, mill UK facr,
(rmatrtilr rr coiuuii lily locatcit ul
tome iliaunc fioiu llir main roa I amij;
Inch Ihr cairirr jwaura, inl ti it nftrn
hai'trna tuc camrr iuir'i in iui
Says That he Established Beyond
Doubt Did Not Know Naylor
None of His Family Knows the Forest
Grove Capitalist
Sheriff Geo. G. Hancock made a
trip to Yamhill, the last of the
week, and went out to the set
tlement where Lenocker lived to
ascertain whether or not the
dead man was acquainted with
Ed Naylor, the Forest? (-
High Q UALITY Drug S
lair, of near Leisy- ifnHat u.Vm w9 aW TT!
ville. was in town Monday, and! n...,i iV,
called on the Arus.
Kli Howell, of Mountaindale,
was a county sear visitor
last of the week.
t.iii mI a hniiM mrrriv tlrfUtea tu ilrllOKIt
and arolitid (ileltcoe. hlH father the mail at Uu cutsveuieiitly placed
i.....:... .,-.1 iu,ri;,,n i,f b the roilnlc. I litc may, ImUnl, i
lttIIlk,, "Hin-'i 14 I " 'f ' I ' ,
r . . . . -i i il fi-ti nr nirtfi
t ornelius claim until a lew
weeks utf.
mocd to I.
sold out and
a iU irti or more mtn iixr ai a rriH.
road. reprtJralmi; a many different
hogarholila, lint oil Chtilill Iy the
rliihlteo thut tmtineu it u ordinarily
lo colled the mail from the boirs) au
to be on hand and wmtint; fui the
u rr
pin ka(je Ihey to conhdi-utly eect.
It lol ol lun. I lie currier, ioo, is 1101
w hen ti
Attorney John M. Wall was
laid up at his home the last of
. . I '.I. 1 . . II ....I
lie wees W ill 11 imiliv nwoiin .
o U. W(.K ii f llimif lornolltn on tin. ho i.lay occa
,l jaw, caused by thecloMnir oi a 4ion Nm(1v evyUlly teUltmir him
r salivary duct. John was horn
" id Mile agreeable ni' ubatutil man
tled With t ie Ix'liel lliai ne nun tier. I'm nr aiwaya n nlu"".
. i .i .m. .iIkiiW hkrj him. and uu (.lirii'.niH.s
conirac e u,e u - " i'e.,cUUy. in h capacity of SanU
Ul II i'ii ?n i.oi un.i.v. (ui he findi himsell Uelovt-a. one
I ln trouble. If.nnrr'a wife hasa peck of apple fur
ii n in 1,1 ,...,.1, dw him; anotlier. perlia. a coupic o
lt.ii-in.'in I ul Her1 last WiteK ills- , : ... i . .,, r ....
nrraliliHI totm.'ru ul i imiri ui ii l . , icnicaena.a iiiiiu, ii v.....-....
red the value 01 advertising. I . r,.llr(i a bushel of nolatoes. And so
I.,. , ...i m.. .i 1...1 ti ,i' f.n i- ii mi I a I, ....i ;.:..i,i,nif fur st man on n The chancrt ae lint at the end of
..I-. .j t. I , . I I - . ..i. 1 v.. t 1 1. .ID. .11 hlanarcelt delivered
Ins ranch lor uairy wo.k ' '"'ku iitwi!0-luiosl ai full ,s
t : ..nMtMatc fhitr nM" . w
nun mi uumi i V . wheo it iinrtca.
Liu !.... n Iiikv il:tV llIHl Illvrntl rum mrsl fr-li livrrv uiakt-9 Christ
fur i he faiuierand his family much
svi ht was ohliwcil. in order to
M IIV II - IU1 it.iv i .
I t i.. . ... .. . .-.I... ..b lu. rtntii
emi ni'ed there is sunsnine in uu- coueci any prr.u. u..
. ' " : I Aiir im lo hitch un and Oavel lo town
house, v ome in i. . , lriu for urlKse
,1 ,,.! I'nrter t lUK I . " .'. T. .:....! 'n
V IiailipH'll HUM V
ranges. 1 hey are tne oesu
Fmrick & Corwin
i:has. Tompkins, who has been
i. .i. .......
over in the lacoii. nwu., uhiu-
trv. in the hwnirC wikhis was in
town the last of the weeK, na-
iL.titD Til Ul ll'Tl 1 I III'
holidays with his relatives oe- peop e m V . "'; ;
I I M I "IOI me tiivciiui " ij -r
yondtilellKK. oroptiale to the seaion. AK"cultursl
Musouerade Hall at M..W. A y
s t ..ti i? Kle on evenimr ot hwyi j
i urn, w . - .
i i...- m loin Tickets, in
"V." i i'm. ,.nitors. thp CHRISTMAS TIDR
lltltmr Hill HUM . iT 1 . (ii'v v vv -w ,
iri cents; Toelle's orchestra. All
UK l I
tkitd't ular lii a.auit iS Iroira of applr
ad piua-a far r llilliituin putpr In
tom-lr utiili lloxl Klver and other
biil..l .....i.m .iiiinu .rftiilia
..... r, ....
If rc.ti hold our own Willi tuiMw Imi
i .i . i ... i - .
i mill a we nave acroiimiianru a iimi
tlftl-liut we dll bctler. Mr pMinra
ere in euninrtlllon w 111 llir Salrni and
Alhaiiv Pmit ('.rowera' t'nlona, coiueun
laal have Iliad II a lull to pal k
pftM- f,n ran Hut VVaaliingtun cuun
If it Ihrin all, and wr are yet In uur
addling rloihra. What w ill the futuie
wiliK ii. wlirn we ate grown up
If I ....I IhI....1ihii n. . aiiA.
ill iue yoti another Idler later on the
Btati.gmiriit of our tihlbit.
Vouia Verv Tiulv
road MUirriNd
ocker. who afterward comrmtted
suicide. Mr. Hancock says that
the Lenocker family did not
know any of the Naylors. and
Ceo. Iliersdorf and Geo. Zetz- that none oi tne iamny was ever.
... ..... Ii . i i il l
man. of North rlains, were coun- w ineir Knowieae. n roresi
ty seat visitors Saturday. Grove; nor was Ed. Naylor, or
Karl Doneison returned the any other Naylor, at the Unock-
last of the week from a short er piace. airs. wnocKer aiso
visit with friends at Elk City. stated to the sheriff that Len
. . . ocker had for years earned a
Money to loan on rea estate. revolver and although he was
Terms reasonable. Apply to Ku- not a drinking man, still he al
rath P.ros., Hillsboro. Or. 21tf ways a drink The official
The city council will have a learned that there had been do-
meotinir next Monday evening, mestic trouble In the Lenocker
and an interesting session is e- farculy, and that the dead man
(Mu ted. had gone East, last Fall, without
. i i,.f ,nI.i, WJ telling his family anything about
August lews last week re- . w hQ J d
ceived wordc.f the death of his 't'M9 famiiv Lr m of
mother, in Oormany. fcne was h, - the Union
past eighty years of age. . . Portland. and to tro
L f h.iljmnn i-Viri 1U Kit ifl 1 V U n.nlf nnf! Via
r, n, i .'uiiiiiiuiit " muiiu - Liicic cHii uiitu iic auivru,
intr tri h nnuwrtV in KorthwPSt A a Vic. enf nn Hato nf ariual thou
IX VO laV uv to tiu vawai v m. mi r Ml V
vinMiulwl tripv u-'finlrl nnt rriAot
' . ... i-... : u:,. 1 1
Ulinsunas uimier in ma new mm,
Will Darety was in tvom be-
lUiU J HIW fc.J4Al.Wl UUJ fcV
says that they expect big things xw0 insane patients were sent to
fif tlii'cilvnf North l'lain9 the tko Qfafa Hnonitol Priilav PVPn.
,J . . . . - - ' - - - - - - - I lilt. UWVV l.wllAtl,
luiiiniK icai, ling, iroril lius county, iuttnaci u.
ii.'i.!. r f (k! Rmwii. ap-pd 31. of Gaston, and
Hliam tm'iei jciKCii, wi mio "
i nr . i i! ,. i ...u .. nart nwnpr (if tnp Hinman n ace.
sine oi esi union, aim who uu- ; - -- - . r: - '
til the last few years lived where was examined by Drs. Lmklater
thev always had a "White Christ- ana oou. me young man
mas.' was in town Saturday.
John Wohlschlegel, of near
Reholls. and who is making a
success of the dairy business,
was in town Saturday. John
savs he will put ten acres more
under the plow this year,
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
ArVHitman's CelebrAtorl d-trtf nljat.
avnd Candies t'THF. RF.ST F.VFR"
Dr. David Roberts Vi!:rr f
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.l
r.., ihe Irce delivery mail nr
vice ha done an immense deal to put the
i tniii-h itli the outside world.
It has greatly augmented the number ol
In. fiirndi, hringiug his more distant
ueighbora into closer relations wilb. hiui-M-tf
and fuuiilv. In consequence there
it more aocial life in the rural district.,
...,i ii r-li.m-e i felt U more than au
ordinary extent at Christmas time, when
. . . . it.. . i .. l
twpri enffprino' from homicidal
tendency for some time, and has
been more or less mentally dis
tnrdwid hv ronioiis drinkine.
v . . . - -.' I '
He has threatened the lives of
W. H. Hollis. Forest Grove, Dick
Rhodes. C. Westcott, and H. V.
WpiVimar of flaston. He has
Peter Herman, who came West been under treatment by Dr. An-
fnim Minripsnt.i some time aeo. drew C. Smith, of fortland.
has bought 20 acres from J. S. who had advised his relatives
Steinke, and will move from near to have him placed in an an asy
t;...,,..i ViIj nou) rimvri!o sVinrt. lnm Tbe vonnc man. when sane.
I litll VI IVl UIO IIV " ..v. w .. j c . - .
was a gooa manager ana was over
the average in intellect.
President Vice-President Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, Nov 10, 1910.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - $253,892.01 Capital and surplus $50,000.00
U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00 Undivided Profits 2,571.r5
Other Bond 38.640.00 Circulation 25,000.00
Banking House 18,000.00 Deposits 403,279.71
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 145,319.25
IVonorvo a Q Per Oout.
y after the first of the year.
Notice to farmers I will run a
chopper at Orenco every other
Saturday - commencing Decem
ber 17. Located at the old DiaeK
smith shop formerly run by J. P.
Gardner. E. E. Schmeltzer.
Thos. G. Todd John E. Dail.y J. W. Fuqu
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. TKornbur
26 I
We. the unilerHimu'd. comnrisinir
10 K r cent, of the taxpayers of
twin District Mo. zh, wasiun
ton t'ounty, Oregon, hereby jrivt'
null... (l, ....,..(;... ti'ill In'
"nvi- i-iiuv a niiri iiii " 1 1 'v
held at the Wnllnce SebiHil House
in Haid road district, on the iSJrd
day of DecemU'r, 1910, tit the
hour of one o'clock p. m., for the
puriHise of votitiL' an additional
tax for road ouruoses. as
rarelv interesting
lir 1. ..llir r1 ( V If nnil lnuiiiriTlLr 1 I'll ill Utlt'll vvi
and who was one of the pioneers Ueat Christian holiday areatloa
t,f the Vinclamls section, w e
i i . . .......I HAi1 U'liTlI II 'Miri'fl ll H t' LV. V 1 1 X 1 IVItA.T
Z Stho old nei,hl,rlHKd to Uht, Dec.. a ChnsUnas Can-
l i mr'i vi ill iiii".r ipv.. ii nuivu
UlllMIII II llilV KU I " '
1 ill SsiX'tiiil) ,t ljlW!l Oil
ia. Paw 295. t UI u ";,v u'.;"- ... iromm Sunday School, and
U K. Zimmerman, F. M. Wads- For , sale: Ivso hiRh J- Santa Claus will make his ap-
worth. H. Kwnijr, A. Honzon. Holstein heifer cahta ln m IK.aranco in due time, and from
A. L Nelson, H. W. Zi.n- sbn-k. rico. f-o tatri (jhri8tma9 Day-Sunday, the 25
merman, Carl Berirren, H. A. liendler, (.ornelius. Oron, of n & m a re?.
Henilri.hiii.ti t v 7imni.rni!in. Uonte 1. JJ-'- , ru,.:utmns l)av service will
J. allflll- l""" 1 "--- a iiiai V.'ll 1 1-" V
r.harles VV. Cowiniah. of near
Glencoe, and who was bom and
raised on the Cowiniah place,
was brought in by Kuratli, dep
uty sheriff, Friday, and examin-
A Kr Hi- T.inlrlntpr f!owiniah
1 KfJ . " - -
. in ii- ii ... r C.....I. t. . i i . i j i i i l
t. w. vaiKer, oi oouui ma- fiaa oeen annKing aicoooi.
latin, was In town Saturday. He was very violent, and was
H was accompanied by a Mr. running about disrobed at times.
II'.. . ..I ...... . . , -U nnmna III. I 1 n. Unf nn n
V HUM OU1 , 11U vuiiivo nviii nc IS llUIIIlllUai, OIIU IVCIJI, U(i a
Grant County, and who is spend- fusilade of talk about killing otf
inc- the Winter in the Willamette ".Tank .Tohn3on." the neerro du-
Valley. gilist He was in the asylum
Messrs. Gilford and Wann will about 16 years, ago, and was aisr
doubtless have the Hotel Wash- cnargea. n s Vrll
ington furnished and opened by wormy w -
the middle of January. The was a Kanaka. His brother,
furnishings will soon begin to William .Cowiniah is a very
a rive and installation will pro- en, an also i lives on
eeed as rapidly as possible. the old place. The patient is
(jft . immnrmiin
- -- 'iiiiiuv i iiiuii)
Dated this Nov. 21. 1910
M"rtin Smith, airtd 19 years,
...i ... ml- nf Mi. i . .i,,.,f,l iv-ith thp music
Minnvillo College, is spending breathing forth the joy and good
Holiday week with her parents. of "t'eaceon r.ari.n, uoou
Mr and Mrs. Ku f us Waggener, Will t0 Men," and the pastor de-
r v. i;oinir o sermon on ine mice
oi iNewpoii.. iiiuii" ------ -
. .. . . .. r. ,iW Wise Men." In the evening,
n.i .. ...I";.' ,"1. "..C ". The best lime to miu - Ullirhna wm VP!U that
non oi j. j. Dnnui, ioiiiii i- inL.f'n ilav s between ou, mi.hum " vr ,
lyof North Plains, died at the to. on a wmUrj day. i of Dr. Van Dykes,
fcn-e of hisparents at Lebanon. m. J pbce. .'The OOier Wise Man
'ecerniier lo, lylO, from tvpnoui inis cnurcu, mum io v.,-
fvcr. J. C. Smith, of Green- w0ndell Davis is down in joyintf a period of growth and
ville. an unelp. who attended the o,.n,..,. t'nlifornia. having been ,)ro9Uerity, cordially invites the
funeral, returned Monday. L.a0( there owing to bad health citizen9 0f Hillsboro to any or v..- n..u.. I .. ai . Umil'Ithiiii nliunru.
0f his mother, mrs. l auou. all 0i mese v,ov..
Cleorire Schneider, of Cornelius, i. M.. o.Ton John lances.
-lata.. Monday. . ""-J S 1v?"l. taB.a
Chn iiAimi. nf itj.thnnv. :.." wntt &. Co. Store, cor- for bPtciAu iaa
Wa in IU fiuf Af IlieT .. ci. ........ .1 nnrt Mjiin.
' ... ill n il L lu I lau v. v..fciv... .-i -I ill ul u .. - .
Wt'l'lt iri-oi.ti.1.. falumlu - i ...:r. t,o. MMlwof meetinir to voteadititional road
--, p . inraen anil wue, v y w- ..Tideraiirne.!. couiprisinK
- i lip 1 b'wn. IBIi "-i r. . .
to per cent, of the taxpayers oi iuu
Dialrict No. I, Washiiigton County, Ore-
em (W ;;;T ,d hnm the r; : C.,f ,liiv. Uon, hereby Kiveot. tlut . .nee .
lu y i " " ' uuii kiiimi-v 1 will be uem t lolls Hail, luamun, vr.,
last of the week. l0 ioan 0n real estate , r08t, district, on the 26th iy of
ii,.. 1 t 2 .... . 1 nr 11 tnimu 1 v 1 iiamnniikor. ium. ni 1 111. huh w
" W00I Urowera COnvenuon socunty. We uu .. "fcr ,Pirpo.e of voting n addt-
wdl meet at Portland, January u3The Webfoot Kealty La, fm.. J provided
4-(. and quite a number who unisboro. uu in Sec. 34. Law iw, pRe w
use uaa baa will attend trom r Crocker, of this side ol 1 .
county. nHin. was n Saturday, YVj v. n Robbins. I R Hal
Harold Halvorsen.of near Far- ookinjf after Christmas supplies. withi c t Tenney.T c whe.m.A b
m no-tA l Mrmilnv. ' " . ,...i.- Mulloy, J L Byiom, K A K.Uly, J B
u-hii, naa 11 wnu - ., , iv.ln anchC. Ot L-enier- ,,. ,, Wm C uiino, lleo uainreaui, j
He has just tinished a fine new ..'red U liantnt, , unuo w Ille. Ue0 hMt,v
nome to replace the old one de- ville, was m uj - 1 walgravV, Robert Hie, Jos Gaibreatu.
stroyed by tire some months ago. 1 ternoon.
A. L. Holcomb. of West Union,
was in town Monday. A. L.
thinks -he has the only recipe
. I. i-Unt Jo. "irr.fK
ior saner Maui tuai, ia nuim
while " and he always remem- Young Taylor and Bellinger were
ber a few of his close friends not indicted by the grand jury
about this time of the year. for robbing the Buxton store, as
x 1 . incorrectly stated in last week s
Oregon Electric conductors ftgy were indicted for
unanimously say that Hillsboro J n d laborer
gives the line more passenger thl laborer himself, is in the
tmilie than anv other town on "u . c . im.. ;
v.....- " . . . ... I PAIlTiTl 1H11
the West Side line, or tor that jir"
rSaTVHHavaM MMaMaMMaT 1iaaaaaaalaaSBaa
It is a safe proposition that we
Sell More Furniture
than any other store in Washing
ton County. Why? Because our
The statement is
Side line, or tor that the man who charges
matter, more than any, otner h ith robbe ry was drunk at
point on the road outside of m u y
Salem and Portland
The January meeting of coun
ty court will install John W.
Sewell as county judge, and the
session will have much to accom
plish. The tax levy tor the year
will hn one of the important con
siderations, and besides this the
iurv list must also be drawn.
r... . ... r 1
This will mean selections
from the tax roll.
Th Hillsboro Band has con
L 1 1 V ,.iiiv iv .. 1
that he also offered to jump the
country for a consideration.
On the same quality of Goods.
People from a distance are sur
prised when they see that they
can save 25 cents on the dollar by
buying from us.
Come to Forest Grove and see for
C. O. ROE & CO.
Notice of mretinif lo vote rddilional
road tai: We, the uudersignel, com
prising 10 ptr cent of the taxpayers of
Road District No 5, Washington County,
Oreeon. hetebv giv notice that a tueet-
ing will be new ai torneuus noici, u
nelius, Ore., In said road district, on the
mi la nf Dpcember. 1010. at the hour
I no rtllisooro nunu n wu- Vo;clock P. M.. for the purpose of
tracted to retain Chas. b. Parker yoliDg tn a(iditlonai Ux for road pnr.
for another year in the capacity poses, as provided in Sec. 34, Uwsof
of band leader and instructor. 1909. p-ge 29s: trrXu,tr
HTh Pnvl-oi id ft thorough in- FDShepard, Jacob Hergert, H Thurn
Mr. laiker 13 a lrO"kn in llergert, H W Stauffer. H F
structor, and under his tutelage, j B-he,; H Seidier, A Benson,
the organization has maae spien- j p Sormen, J Voelker, J E Beeves. Ed
did wrocreSS. C. S. "knOWS ward Krahmer, R Bowlby, J M Loudon,
how." and he made a revolution mn- a . g
in the Selection Of band num- wm Hamflrnann Adam Hergert jr, L J
bers. It is doubtful if, today, Hoi,z Phillip Hergert, H Unhmann,
there is a band in any city in the Geo F Hams.
Willamette Valley of double
Hillsboro's population, that can C. W. Barnes, of Beaverton,
beat it for a first-class band. was in the city Friday evening.
"Easy Payments" is the modern way
of doing business.
Many people amply able to pay cash,
prefer to avail themselves of the easy
payment plan. I am glad to sell you a
VICTOR in thatwav.
Come and sec me. about it today.
Laurel ML lloyt
yi. 1a
i tlia